One day on this most recent trip I was at the mercy of a well-intentioned driver. I was staying out in the countryside with some friends. To get anywhere, we had to rent a taxi. I needed to go into the city to run some errands so I called a cab. On the 40 minute ride into the city, my friend who more or less spoke the native language (expat from home, but of the same ethnicity) translated to me that the driver wanted the return fare, so offered to just drive us from place to place. I was fine with that and we went about our business, eating, shopping, and picking up stuff for the next few days. We told the cab driver to be on a look out for an ATM for my bank -- an international bank with many ATMs in the center of the city, but not out where we were staying. The reason I was so determined to go to my ATM was I had a special account that didn't charge me any foreign fees at all if I used their ATMs, whereas another ATM would charge me their fee plus my bank's fee, plus an additional 3% to my bank and I wanted to take out a large sum of money.
I needed to get money that trip because I needed local currency to pay the cab driver. He knew as much from my friend explaining that to him. We never passed an ATM during our errands, but we did pass by one on a side street just as we were leaving downtown. We told our cab driver to turn left, but he hesitated too long, then thought it too difficult, and continued driving, assuring us that there were plenty of my bank's ATMs on the route home that would be on the right side of the street -- we wouldn't have to go out of our way and could keep the fare down. We showed him the logo on my bank card just to be sure he understood and he said that he was 100% certain that there would be an ATM for my bank on the way home. I didn't insist on going back to the ATM because I wanted to believe him, and I didn't want to insult my friend, who the previous evening had been deriding all of the other expats who treat the natives as second class citizens in their own country.
My friend trusted the cab driver because he was so good-intentioned (had "helped" us "not get ripped off" before with a local tradesman earlier in the day), and continued to relay messages to me about how we were "certain" to find an ATM, until suddenly the cab driver wasn't certain at all.
My friend trusted the cab driver because he was so good-intentioned (had "helped" us "not get ripped off" before with a local tradesman earlier in the day), and continued to relay messages to me about how we were "certain" to find an ATM, until suddenly the cab driver wasn't certain at all.
After about 20 minutes of driving when we were about to leave the outskirts of the city, the cab driver started trying to get me to use any ATM we passed. I hated him by then. He apparently knew by that time that he had made a mistake and didn't want to bear the consequences of it by not being paid in his preferred form of local currency. I insisted that we keep trying to find my bank. I was angry, I told my friend to tell him that while he was "saving" us a pittance with the local tradesman, he was costing me roughly the cost of that long cab ride or more in fees. Plus I was "certain" that there was an ATM right by my friend's house, something the cab driver vehemently denied, although I turned out to be right.
It wasn't the money, of course. If we had never seen that ATM from my bank on the way out, I would have gladly paid the additional fees for the convenience of using another ATM. I was mainly angry because I had trusted the cab driver in a half-heated attempt to be agreeable.
I should have realized that the cab driver's "helping" us meant that he was a well-intentioned person. I would have preferred a neutral cab driver, or even a crooked one over this guy -- someone whose self-interest would have made him go back to that first ATM so he would be sure he would get paid. Instead I got someone who presumed to know better than I did what was best for me. It's that presumption that I hate most. The good-intentioned think that they are being a sort of saint, when really they are just arrogant meddlers.
See also imperialism.
See also imperialism.
Isn't the difference between being a meddler and being efficient or doing "good", simply being right?
ReplyDeleteIf there HAD been another one just down the road, wouldn't there not have been any problems?
Especially on imperialism. What if the influence of the larger country actually vastly improves the standard of life for those who have been conquered/colonized?
Oh dear! Why is M.E. trying to appear naive? This had nothing to do with 'good intentions.'
ReplyDeleteSurely she asked the cab fare and negotiated it *fairly* up front first!
This is the oldest trick in the let's-fleece-travellers or let's-fleece-anyone-in-a-London-minicab book.
Whenever I encounter drivers taking the long-route or giving me the runaround abroad, or at home, I kick up a *major* fuss – and if they've borrowed their mate's cab too lookout!
It's amazing how quickly they then 'find' what you're looking for and get you to where you’re going near enough to the price they quoted or for free.
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ReplyDeleteWhy is M.E. trying to appear naive?
ReplyDeleteTouche! Surely she realises that every driver, and tout, in the world is a sociopath? Has she not seen Taxi Driver?
r u talkin 2 me r u talkin 2 me who teh fuck do u think ur talkin 2
ReplyDeleteErin, ME rarely addresses anyone in the comment section, just fyi. If you see someone using the ME name, it is almost always an impostor.
ReplyDeleteYou want to understand Sociopathy? It is not such a complicated matter, but perhaps it is 'deceptively simple' (in both connotations of the phrase.
Everyone is your competition in everything. Even the people on your side, whether they are friends, co-workers, family, or some other type of person that should be seen as a safe ally.
To the Sociopath, Life is a game that needs to be won, by any means necessary. There are no boundaries that can't be crossed, nothing and no one is sacred, and all that matters is enjoying life, whether that is attaining wealth, power, infamy, social control, or any other facet of life which one values. That's probably because there is so little in life that we do value, so when we find something that strikes true for us, we attack it no holds barred to make sure we rob every last morsel. And why not?
In our minds, we're the greatest, smartest, craftiest and most capable people we know. Why shouldn't we get everything in life we want? What could we possibly not deserve? And to hell with anyone that thinks otherwise.
"Touche! Surely she realises that every driver, and tout, in the world is a sociopath? Has she not seen Taxi Driver?"
ReplyDeleteThat is a schizotypal, not a sociopath.
Psychopaths live in their ego's.
ReplyDeletewhy does sociapaths try to convince peeple they r mental
ReplyDeleteME doesn't seem like a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteI think you mean "WHEN DO sociopaths try to convince people that they're mental", dear.
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ReplyDeleteME is really off in interpreting what happened. To relate what happened to a flaw in good intentioned people? Give me a f'ing break, you could have done better than that. Just look at the missionaries who destroyed many cultures by giving handouts and trying to domesticate them.
ReplyDeleteWhat ME had was a simple unfortunate situation, she trying to minimize what she sees as unnecessary fees, the guy spending her day driving these gringos around and finally needing his money to go back home to. His big mistake? Not being sure about where a very particular ATM is. If ME is so efficient she should have first secured having money before stepping out. And, what with the expat, she could not have that much money on her to give ME time? What I see is more the psycho distance between ME and her friend.
One more observation, ME sure spent a lot of words to tell this story... Stupid always takes more time.
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ReplyDeleteErin, you are right in your observation that there are shades of gray in the definition of sociopathy. When I first heard about it I ran across the TV series Dexter. People here have heard enough of Dexter but maybe you never saw that show. You can get the back series, start from Season 1. By the end of watching Season 1 you'll have learned a lot.
ReplyDeleteTNP above described himself, as you see he has a lot of the narcissistic personality disorder in him. Remember the list someone asked which disorder s/he would assume that day? Sociopaths can indeed have any of the added disorders or may have very well-defined codes/moral rules to be unique.
I am comfortable with calling anyone who enjoys lying for the sake of lying as sociopath. Then it becomes a matter of understanding how deep and in which direction.
What you seem to need is gain self-control. You need to come to a point where you realize you gave because it was in your best interest. But, now you just can't give as much anymore and that actually could be what is bothering you. As we get older our energies go down and our desire and capability to give goes down. THat is fine. You don't need to rationalize this saying I was giving because I did not love myself. You gave because you loved yourself, because you felt giving would be the best way for you to get what you craved. Now, it is not as easy to give, because the characters in your story don't need much of what you have to offer. Watch what will happen once someone gets sick. You'll resurface as the hero again and keep giving and love every minute of it, because giving care is something you can do.
Actually your example could fit well with what ME is trying to say today.
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ReplyDeleteI enjoy being brainwashed VERY much. Thank you for coercing me
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ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Erin. Hope you're not feeling too, oh you know, vulnerable, being a little ill and all :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know your age, but typically starting from 32 on we start running into occasional set backs, losses (could be separation, loved one, financial, status, health, whatever). In that dire unhappiness of loss some strange effort starts shaping. Subconsciously we're looking for some devil and for what's wrong with us.
ReplyDeleteTypically parents are the first alternatives for the devil. And, of course every parent did something that just was not right (all shades of wrong here).
But, the real solution to all of this is to regain happiness and stop the blame game in yourself and anyone else. Ask yourself what made you happy before 6, before 14. See if you can reengineer yourself at the age you are.
Typically sick and complaining mothers may be influential in creating care giving daughters, especially if the child is not independently happy, say in school. Such a mother would keep giving the advice of 'don't be unhappy, you'll do better later, come let me hug you.' These are the demanding, manipulative mothers with whatever disorder they might have. And, trust me the least common people is normal, because normal is a state very easy to fall off due to external and internal challenges in life.
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ReplyDeleteOh my, Care Giving, you put me to shame.
ReplyDeleteErin, dear, how wonderful you are. Do go on.
ReplyDeleteCare giving, kind, smiling people are socio and needy magnets because they are already preconditioned towards caring and giving, which are significant sources of narcissistic supply and happiness. Just give a small gift to a child and watch his happiness. That makes a non-socio very happy, playing the giving God.
ReplyDeleteSocio plays the God in charge, or tries. God in charge who can play with people, hurt or delight them, fuck and kill them..
If you thought my reply was narcissistic, you were too foolish to decipher the self-reflective satire that was plainly and obviously displayed, and therefore you have no right in giving anyone any advice to begin with. I know I'm not the smartest, craftiest and most capable person that I know, but I feel that way, because it's part of my pathology! And you're going to find the same case with any true sociopath, and probably psychopath too.
ReplyDeleteErin, what does it matter if you're a sociopath? How do you know you don't have RAD or BPD? Or NPD, for that matter? Or Malignant Narcissism? Or perhaps a mild case of ASPD or potentially Aspbergers?
There are so many sociopathic behavior sets out there, that knowing what exactly you are, in the clinical sense, is rarely something that an individual can decipher, it usually takes a balance of clinical screening and self-reflection, something you clearly lack (or you wouldn't be here asking).
You want to know what you are? Get ready to drop a hundreds to thousands of dollars in psychological screening and testing, and even then, you're at the mercy of someone who may not specialize in that which you seek.
In the end, it doesn't matter if you're a sociopath. All that matters is how you truly see yourself. If you can't identify that, then how the fuck is anyone else?
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ReplyDeleteYou're one of us, Erin!
ReplyDeleteWatch your back, bitch!
ReplyDelete*throws you soft, warm, gossamer child's rug and makes you a cup of milky sweet tea*
ReplyDeleteLaughter has healing virtue while it lasts, not steady source when coming from a socio...
ReplyDeleteA socio is more entertaining because it (sorry, Freudian slip, vagina's) does not focus on sadness and weakness when in person (here they may occasionally share how depressed they are, sometimes between the lines, like the one yesterday who was watching porn and trying to entertain himself but he sure was not sounding very happy, he was all alone and depressed to death).
Like TNP, he is depressed 30% of the time, hyped up 30% of the time and trying to decide which one 40% of the time.
Ya can keep ya...milky sweet tea XD
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ReplyDeleteDexter isn't a very good example of sociopathy. He actually displays more characteristics of schizoid PD.
ReplyDelete@Care giving
You were depressed watching porn . I'd better want to rescue poor you from fapping,and crying RIGHT now
Psychopathy IS an attatchment disorder.
ReplyDeleteErin, you're funny. I think you just want to HTFU, harden the fuck up and learn to say no better. That does not make you a socio. What you can learn from socios is how to do that internally while still appearing the old self with all the good intentions. No need to make any external changes, but yes internally learn to manipulate towards your newly defined interests.
ReplyDeleteI noticed some vagina used my name above, I trust that you could tell. I am heading out and disappearing for now.
Love to all, even the vagina's, put a little pat on it.
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ReplyDeleteI'm SUCH a GOOD brainwasher .
ReplyDeletenobody cares why you're here erin. alot the regulars find your pain amusing.
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ReplyDeleteSociopaths only like people that kiss up to them.
ReplyDeleteI find my desperate manouvering funny to .
why has this blog gotten so boring?
ReplyDeletewhy is sociapaths so boring
ReplyDeleteSociopaths don't have cold spots. We have to look around to see if we even have warm spots.
ReplyDeleteBeing cold, mean, or angry is not sociopathic. That's a mixture of being emotional and detached. That's a reaction, not a state of being. Two very different things.
In regards to depression and sociopathy, I don't think P/S types taste the full flavor of depression, as most of us can't feel sadness, not as a response at least. Just isolation and boredom. Lots of both of them. Being a sociopath in unto itself is a form of isolation, because you have an overwhelming sense that you can never truly show anyone what you really are, and if you did, they wouldn't believe you anyway because it is so far from what is considered normal and acceptable that to accept such a deviation would probably never happen.
Sociopaths don't all have a sense of humor, but they're all flaw-finding, cutting individuals, and the easiest way to do so in an acceptable manner is sarcasm/humiliation. And if you're constantly working with one facet of humor, even if the purpose is not primarily for humor, developing a broader sense of humor is inevitable.
"Being cold, mean, or angry is not sociopathic"
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? psychopaths are distainful of most people, especially the weak. Ask the hundreds of women who have been married to abusive psychopaths if they were cold and mean.
I think sociopaths mirror behavior of people they admire, other powerful people.
ReplyDeleteThey could copy their phrases or even body language.
what is wrong with u r u artistic
ReplyDeleteI'll be anything you want me to be, baby ;)
ReplyDeleteDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
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ReplyDeleteI decided to read all the comments left by others on here, before leaving my own opinion on the subject matter.
ReplyDeleteBut after doing so, I've now forgotten what the subject matter was in the first place.
Narcissists are mesmerizing. Like a laser light is to a cat.
Now I must go back, and read this effing blog over again!
Note to self: Stay away from the laser!
hi hi,, please to can i give U a test,, a psycholology test,, please to can i give U a test now
ReplyDeletesplat it was bout m.e. gettin ripped off like a sociapath
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ReplyDeleteI am absolutely serious. I have never known (on a personal level) any person that was not at one point mean, angry or cold. Therefore, although it may be a norm within the realms of sociopathy, it is not sociopathic, it is simply human, though far more prevalent in a sociopathic human.
ReplyDeleteI mean really, how can you not know this? Do you live under a rock?
You can say Sadism is sociopathic, because not everyone is sadistic but all sociopaths are sadistic, and even labeling sadism as sociopathic is debatable, because sadism is not rare at all, whereas sociopathy is. Many people do encompass schadenfreude -- but only because of bitterness, repressed anger, and envy.
The difference between something being sociopathic and something being normal, when it comes to things such as being cruel, or cold, is not its existence, for many people experience most emotional facets of life and one point or another. No, it is the prevalence and frequency, and also to some extent, the embracing of these antisocial traits that can make it sociopathic.
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ReplyDeletei known this lady and she is sooo biter anger and jealous she live undur a bridge an make coments bout how fugly evryone is an i throw rocks at her an ask her what the ridle to cros the brdige is
ReplyDeleteErin, you need to look into what Note is saying since there is only information in his words, no manipulation.
ReplyDeleteTrue socio's have a differently formed brain, so what you discribe for yourself doesn't fit. Maybe just wishful thinking to explain something you want.
They are like someone eatting that have NO tastebuds. They aren't there. So to enjoy the food, they go to extremes or focus on something partof eatting they enjoy.(and no I'm not sayiny socio's do not have tastebuds).
You can create walls and protection and self worth for your inner strenght but that will never equal a sociopath.
Erin you sound fat are you artistic?
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ReplyDelete@Erin I commend you on your quest.
ReplyDeleteI respect those people who are will to pull out their guts and examine them thoroughly.
Most people will just trust that Doctor knows best.
I don't trust doctors. Especially those of the Western variety, because they rely on the grey areas to keep people in the dark about their afflictions, so they can continue to profit off the illness. Illness is a source of repeat business. So why would you want to be a healer?
Why would you want anyone to understand how the body works, that it is able to heal without medicine, once you know its full potential and how to unleash it.
What I'm curious to know in regards to your search is: Why this need to fix yourself with a label in order to bring this grey matter to color?
AND: Why is it not enough to understand yourself the way you do Now? Mysteries are exciting! They bring dead things back to life, and give them a variety of possible histories.
Some will never be solved. I'm okay with that.
I like the possibilities, not the facts.
It is human nature to want to fill all the gaps in with facts, and certainty.
Let go. Leave the grey where it is, and let us fill the gaps with fiction.
If you were able to see without filters, you would come to know that essentially; there is no difference between the two.
why is sociapaths good cop retarted
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ReplyDeletePlease don't bastardise me, Erin.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't addressing you, Erin, you histrionic attention whore. You're not a psychic, you were never diddled by your mother, and you're not a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteThat's the thing about people who have been abused and find themselves in an anonymous online setting. They're usually dying to tell people what happened to them, because they feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and fragility, and see the confession as a type of relief, or growth.
All you do is talk... talk... talk... You insufferable question box. Not only are you emotionally retarded, you're incapable of critical thinking, which makes you incapable of existing outside the safety cushion of civilization. You're nothing more than the poster boy for justifying Social Darwinism. It's a shame your so-called socio didn't crush you into soul-annihilating despair. It would have saved us the trouble, as well as the poor and unfortunate people who actually deal with you in real life, the horrible and irritating excuse of an existence that you portray.
I hope you find your cold spot and choke on it, you wannabe, worthless waste of space.
ReplyDeleteBravo, TNP! Poster boy indeed.
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ReplyDeletewhy does sociapaths think peeple r atached to them
ReplyDeleteI have no idea, Anon, it baffles me too.
ReplyDeletelomao! It wasn't magic Erin. He's been kicking you in the face the whole time! You're just so dense, that he had to use a more force to wake you out of your trance!
ReplyDeletewhy does sociapaths think peeple r atached to them
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ReplyDeleteI did it for the reasons I stated, you fucking moron. But not to much of any surprise, you had an emotional reaction as opposed to reading it and understanding what I was saying. Even more proof you're not remotely sociopathic, you pathetic perpetual victim.
ReplyDeleteYou can go ahead and tell us all of your dirty little secrets and naughty deeds, but you're not one of us, will never be one of us, and the worst possible thing you could do is try to be one of us.
You're nothing more than a sheep playing with wolves, hoping that none of them notice. We noticed as soon as you came here, and you sure as hell aren't the first one, too.
You'll receive words of support and encouragement from some of them, and harsh truths and slanders from others, but the intent is still the same. You're our entertainment and break from the boredom. So be a good little doggy, stand on your hind legs, and beg for a treat, because it's the most you can ever hope for.
You're our entertainment and break from the boredom.
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ReplyDeleteBecause Erin thats what they do!
ReplyDeleteFind your weakness, pull you in, then attack and destroy.
You layed yourself open, wide. This in it's self is totally not sociopathic. YOU are not one.
Your seeking attention, disguied in looking for information. Your fooling yourself and no one else. I'm saying this because instead of getting any knowledge from their answers that pertain solely to sociopathy you keep turn the focus back on yourself.
You were tricked by your bf, he used you for his own entertainment. Of course you don't understand it, your not that way, your NOT a socio.
Everytime you fix yourself or relax with someone enough to enjoy a relationship and bask in the love you feel they then break your heart with their human nature.
It's never fair.
You want to trust but your expectations are to high maybe because you give 100%. But this is attracting the users. They only give to get. And worse this is a pattern started by the ones that we suppose to love and prtect you unconditionally at a young and formative time.
Your inviting them in. Not giving yourself any time to heal because you don't learn or let go of the past. Just keep holding onto all of it and it keeps swrilling aroud in your mind like a worlpool.
You need help. It's not going to change till you do.
why is sociapaths fake anger so borning
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ReplyDeletei dont know anon
ReplyDeleteits SO boring
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ReplyDeleteYou get no knowledge from random answers? You need to put your pattern goggles on, Tik!
ReplyDeletewhy does sociapaths not undastand pattern goggles
ReplyDeleteNo. You were the only person she despised. Everyone else, she truly loved.
ReplyDeletePatterns are my love, darling, not you. And you and your little friends give great patterns.
ReplyDeleteif i make my self into a horible patern will it brake u she
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ReplyDelete"And you and your little friends give great patterns."
ReplyDeleteThat's what She said.
Councelor's cannot help themselves.
ReplyDeleteThey can help other's but not themselves because they always think it's different for them always compare.
You need to talk to a councelor.
Have you ever read "The Shack" by William P. Young.
Please if you haven't I promise this would be a wonderful book to get. Starts with a tragety but then becomes the most wonderful of experiences. Maybe it was written just for you.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with ME here. People in other countries are so stupid. I hate any non-american being.
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ReplyDeleteOh, by the by, it all started with a man I met who didn't make sense...
ReplyDeleteI don't see this taxi driver as a well-intentioned person. He did his job like a good little work horse. He secured your business with only himself, and told you he was certain of the path he chose because HE chose it.
Blame him for being average or below average, as a sales person, but well-intentioned? I think not.
You want to know what just happened?
ReplyDeleteI pulled your head out of the bile to let you know you were drowning in a pool of your own bullshit.
It's pathetic and intolerable to witness, let alone live with, and you deserve so much worse. The things I wish I could do to you...
Then you would have real stories of real abuse, real scars and real worries. You wouldn't be playing Insanity Roulette in your spare time, you would be playing with the seams holding the cushions together in your padded room, waiting for the nice men to bring you your pills and applesauce.
You're the perfect victim, someone who is already broken and begging to be beaten again, wishing to hide in plain sight and failing miserably, and wanting to become that which destroyed you in the first place, because it's the only type of power you can relate to, even if you were on the ass-end of it.
You need validation that you aren't the worthless piece of scum that your mother and boyfriend told you that you were, so you hide behind fake sexual abuse and use your intelligence and intuition to play the psychic card. You're nothing more than a charlatan whose biggest con is fooling yourself.
It's hilarious, but tragic, and all too common. That's all you are, a common victim.
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ReplyDeleteWell, it was his imaginary girlfriend, funnily enough...
ReplyDeleteI told you, manipulated you into thinking he was understanding (used you) then attacked you where you were weak and ripped you open.
ReplyDeleteLike a wolf smelling a bunny, then when it rolls over because it never felt the threat, The wolf rips into it's exposed belly and shakes it to death.
It's their nature.
You have to stop thinking they think like you. They are more like wild animals. If you read more instead of directing the conversation back to your problem you would get it.
It's not all the colors that their like, it's more like color blindness and their eager to see a color explosion.
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ReplyDeleteGive it up TNP. She thinks you are speaking in some kind of special code.
ReplyDeleteIt's disturbing how oblivious she is to what seems so obvious to everyone else.
How can you be SO psychic and SO oblivious at the same time?!
Not possible.
insanity roulette lol TNP u remind of a guy who hides in plain sight limping round someone elses stomping ground doing evil shit in plain sight and then bitches and moans when they see u when u could have stayed the fuck away and they never wuld have seen shit get over it or fuck off
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ReplyDeleteDid you're mother have a sense of humor? By Your standards, only socios can have one.
ReplyDeleteI think she did. How can an Un-funny person produce such pathetic offspring?
psychic lol TNP no fraid not patterns duh
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ReplyDeleteIt's not obvious to her because she's blinded by emotional wounds and scars that blurs her intellect, logic, and reasoning. You can't reason with totaled car, you sell it to the junkyard to be scrapped, where it belongs.
ReplyDeleteShe's nothing more than broken, human trash, trying so desperately to become that which she admires the most, the creatures that destroyed her from the inside out. It's completely laughable and I'm enjoying every minute of it. What it must be like to feel all the things these people feel... it must be terrible. I don't envy what I lack one bit. What kind of horrible and pathetic existence would that be? I'd probably have to kill myself if I was in her shoes.
It has to be a tough pill to swallow to realize you are nothing more than insufferable, naive and broken company, and that the only people who had the balls to tell you just how fucking worthless you were just happened to be the two people you would expect to love and understand you the most.
It must be so disappointing to have a mentally incompetent child. I probably would have mercy-killed a child like Erin to save the world the trouble of dealing with their baggage, that or shipped her off to a relative so I could use the excuse that someone else raised them.
Was your mother a sociopath? Yes. She was. She doesn't love you, didn't love you, and never will love you. You were her greatest disappointment, and she reminded you whenever your idiocy provoked her through doing exactly what I, and your boyfriend did. It's our little way of saying, "WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SEE WHAT YOU ARE."
Too bad it doesn't work with idiots like you most of the time. I guess we can only hope that Fate kills you off before you cause the world any more grief than you already have.
"A hole Vagina's" ??
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you don't have a penis.
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ReplyDeleteIt's not obvious to him because he's blinded by control that blurs his intellect, logic, and reasoning. You can't reason with a wild animal, you send it to the taxidermist to be stuffed, where it belongs.
He's nothing more than broken, human trash, trying so desperately to become that which he admires the most, the innocent creatures that give him a power-thrill from the inside out. It's completely laughable and I'm enjoying every minute of it. What it must be like to feel all the things these people feel... it must be terrible. I don't envy what I lack one bit. What kind of horrible and pathetic existence would that be? I'd probably have to kill myself if I was in his shoes.
It has to be a tough pill to swallow to realize you are nothing more than insufferable, arrogant and broken company, and that the only people who had the balls to tell you just how fucking worthless you were just happened to be the two people you would expect to love and understand you the most.
It must be so disappointing to have a psychopathic child. I probably would have mercy-killed a child like TNP to save the world the trouble of dealing with their baggage, that or shipped him off to a relative so I could use the excuse that someone else raised them.
Was your mother a sociopath? No. She wasn't. She didn't love you enough, didn't love you enough, and never will love you enough. You were her greatest disappointment, and she reminded you whenever your idiocy provoked her through doing exactly what I, did. It's our little way of saying, "WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FIX YOUR LEAKY MASKS."
Too bad it doesn't work with idiots like you most of the time. I guess we can only hope that Fate kills you off before you cause the world any more grief than you already have.
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ReplyDeleteOh, you're a clever little anon ;)
ReplyDeleteToo bad all you did was boost my ego even more. Is that irony? I'm pretty sure that's irony.
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ReplyDeleteWhen I want understanding and love, I go to SociopathWorld. I stink up every blog with my needing and bleeding.
ReplyDeleteI get so much understanding and love from SociopatheWorld.
How come everyone isn't as smart as me?
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ReplyDeleteNo one is irreplaceable and no one is sacred. And that's real talk.
ReplyDeleteOne in the same? You stupid cunt, there's a reason it's called a fucking pathology and has common pervasive traits.
It's like tik said, we're different, we think different, we are different, and thank God you aren't one of us, talk about the neighborhood going to hell in a hand basket...
I could be just like your boyfriend? Who is to say I'm not your boyfriend? And if not yours, you're just another victim that crossed a sociopath's prey-dar and sent off a loud blip. You can never get rid of your baggage. All you can do is learn to live with it. So far you're failing, spectacularly I might add.
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ReplyDeleteWhen I bleed on SociopathWorld, I expect the wolves to control their appetites.
ReplyDeleteI expect my blood to evoke only love in SociopathWorld.
Why can't everyone bleed like me? Isn't that what a Vagina is for?
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ReplyDeleteOh MAN you are one stupid bitch!
ReplyDeleteHere's an answer with a question...
Can You represent ALL Empaths??
What makes you think he can speak for ALL Socios??
When I bleed on SociopathWorld, I expect the wolves to control their appetites.
ReplyDeleteI expect my blood to evoke only love in SociopathWorld.
Why can't everyone bleed like me? Isn't that what a Vagina is for?
FAIL. My, your assumptions about empath women are warped - Erin's proof enough of that though.
Erin, are you trolling?
ReplyDeleteErin said...
ReplyDeleteLater I will share some experiences of why I think I am "sociopathic".
I am not up for it now cuz I know I will get the Roach Gang nipping at my bread crumbs :)
July 16, 2011 7:35 AM
It must be *so* much fun stirring your little friends to hate on others by manipulating them through Erin.
ReplyDeletewv: connit
Erin, no you can't touch a socio in their conscience, no no no. They don't have one, thats what makes them different. What they are.
ReplyDeleteThey only can feel loss. And thats only if you were actually worth something to them. Useally no one is worth something to them.
It doesn't mean you don't have worth, only not to them.
Best thing is that you thrive without them and have a life of fun with people they can't get close to.
I think he played with you because While he did he could also get at the group you talked about that rejected him. Two birds with one stone.
He lives very well with the destruction laying behind him kind of like trophies. Don't be one of them. Your brokeness is a testament to his power to destroy.
Stop playing his game and get strong and find fun. Show him up. He will try to come back and destroy you when he see's you've moved on. Your only payback will be to ignor him. He will never change, only find another willing victum.
And I'm sorry for your loss but you can turn it into strenght, like working out at a gym, use the mussels that mentally stenghten you against people like that. Their only power is in THE ATTENTION YOU GIVE THEM.
Going to the gym, catch you later.
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ReplyDeleteWell intentioned is meaningless. there is no good and evil there is only good and bad.
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ReplyDeleteTheNotablePath said...
ReplyDeleteI did it for the reasons I stated, you fucking moron.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNo. You were the only person she despised. Everyone else, she truly loved.
July 16, 2011 8:13 AM
Erin said...
ReplyDeletePlease--TNP---answer me something.
Was my mother a Sociopath?
July 16, 2011 8:37 AM
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ReplyDeleteThank you (((Dick)))
ReplyDeleteYou can tell I am not trolling. No troll is gonna make up my kind of story with the overblown angst which is behind it for anyone without an ounce of a conscience and a hatred of women to believe.
Some people here dont' have that--even the ones who try to show it VERY shallowly <3
Erin said...
ReplyDelete--tell me what just happened?
July 16, 2011 8:18 AM
Touche! Any moron can tell that Erin's not a woman.
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ReplyDeleteErin said...
ReplyDeleteNo Zoe
What is trolling? Trying to be an AH ?
something like that.
you needle everyone with your questions but don't seem to take in the answers.
are you struggling to put it all into perspective? or did you make it all up and sit laughing as you read the replies? tnp's comments seem to bounce right off you. i don't agree with him about the emotion though. i don't pick up any real emotion in your words. there is not much depth there, not much delving. hard to tell if it's because you're struggling, or playing. you could be a sociopath
or you could be someone who was too busy raising a family to afford to delve too deeply. you can't assign some evil intent to every act. not everything is or was about you. maybe you just got in the way sometimes? if your mother were to answer your questions maybe she would reply: why do you care?
your "crumbs" serve to offend the intelligence of people who take the trouble to answer your questions.
what have you learned so far?
I will just say that you are 100% right about the community and the Socio.
ReplyDeleteHe wants to take it down .
Did I ever say that? No, I did not. I said if you want to walk down the street with a schoolbag wearing a fucked up disguise, in my neighbourhood, don't bitch and moan when I see you walking down the street with a schoolbag wearing a fucked up disguise.
But carry on, "Erin", no doubt your little friends will enjoy hating because of the shit you spin.
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ReplyDeleteOver and out "Erin". Incite your little friends against me at your peril.
ReplyDeleteSW, let's speculate for a second. Assume Erin was a true weakling off medication, or on some sort of mood enhancing drugs. There was enough evidence she was psychologically weak and TNP went really hard on her after all that evidence. His remarks were so clear on the bullying side that an unstable person could potentially hurt herself. If something liked that happened it would not take long for the cops to identify each and everyone at SW along with their contributions. Not to mention ME and her providing an environment to facilitate or at least her inability to stop such vicious attacks.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I am very happy that Erin is strong enough to not hurt herself based on your reactions (no speculation on the possibilities of her trolling, being an emotionless person, etc.) Do remember the case where one of the regular beepers were out of medication.
I'd say ease up.
When I want to make warped assumptions about Empath women, I go to SociopathWorld.
ReplyDeleteI love to have people assume things about me on SociopathWorld.
I love to have warped empath women eat my face on SociopathWorld.
Why can't everyone disunderstand me like they do?
Who needs fake IP addresses?
ReplyDeleteTHere is no fake ip addresses. We are all easy to find.
ReplyDeleteWe are all easy to find.
ReplyDeleteYes, you were. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Simples.
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ReplyDeletethese people are not morons.
ReplyDeletethey just don't give a shit about whether you find yourself or not.
you seem to think you're important here.
that's funny.
TheNotablePath said...
ReplyDeleteI wasn't addressing you, Erin, you histrionic attention whore. You're not a psychic, you were never diddled by your mother, and you're not a sociopath.
That's the thing about people who have been abused and find themselves in an anonymous online setting. They're usually dying to tell people what happened to them, because they feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and fragility, and see the confession as a type of relief, or growth.
All you do is talk... talk... talk... You insufferable question box. Not only are you emotionally retarded, you're incapable of critical thinking, which makes you incapable of existing outside the safety cushion of civilization. You're nothing more than the poster boy for justifying Social Darwinism. It's a shame your so-called socio didn't crush you into soul-annihilating despair. It would have saved us the trouble, as well as the poor and unfortunate people who actually deal with you in real life, the horrible and irritating excuse of an existence that you portray.
I hope you find your cold spot and choke on it, you wannabe, worthless waste of space.
July 16, 2011 7:41 AM
TheNotablePath said...
I did it for the reasons I stated, you fucking moron. But not to much of any surprise, you had an emotional reaction as opposed to reading it and understanding what I was saying. Even more proof you're not remotely sociopathic, you pathetic perpetual victim.
You can go ahead and tell us all of your dirty little secrets and naughty deeds, but you're not one of us, will never be one of us, and the worst possible thing you could do is try to be one of us.
You're nothing more than a sheep playing with wolves, hoping that none of them notice. We noticed as soon as you came here, and you sure as hell aren't the first one, too.
You'll receive words of support and encouragement from some of them, and harsh truths and slanders from others, but the intent is still the same. You're our entertainment and break from the boredom. So be a good little doggy, stand on your hind legs, and beg for a treat, because it's the most you can ever hope for.
July 16, 2011 7:58 AM
TheNotablePath said...
You want to know what just happened?
I pulled your head out of the bile to let you know you were drowning in a pool of your own bullshit.
It's pathetic and intolerable to witness, let alone live with, and you deserve so much worse. The things I wish I could do to you...
Then you would have real stories of real abuse, real scars and real worries. You wouldn't be playing Insanity Roulette in your spare time, you would be playing with the seams holding the cushions together in your padded room, waiting for the nice men to bring you your pills and applesauce.
You're the perfect victim, someone who is already broken and begging to be beaten again, wishing to hide in plain sight and failing miserably, and wanting to become that which destroyed you in the first place, because it's the only type of power you can relate to, even if you were on the ass-end of it.
You need validation that you aren't the worthless piece of scum that your mother and boyfriend told you that you were, so you hide behind fake sexual abuse and use your intelligence and intuition to play the psychic card. You're nothing more than a charlatan whose biggest con is fooling yourself.
It's hilarious, but tragic, and all too common. That's all you are, a common victim.
July 16, 2011 8:27 AM
ReplyDeleteTheNotablePath said...
It's not obvious to her because she's blinded by emotional wounds and scars that blurs her intellect, logic, and reasoning. You can't reason with totaled car, you sell it to the junkyard to be scrapped, where it belongs.
She's nothing more than broken, human trash, trying so desperately to become that which she admires the most, the creatures that destroyed her from the inside out. It's completely laughable and I'm enjoying every minute of it. What it must be like to feel all the things these people feel... it must be terrible. I don't envy what I lack one bit. What kind of horrible and pathetic existence would that be? I'd probably have to kill myself if I was in her shoes.
It has to be a tough pill to swallow to realize you are nothing more than insufferable, naive and broken company, and that the only people who had the balls to tell you just how fucking worthless you were just happened to be the two people you would expect to love and understand you the most.
It must be so disappointing to have a mentally incompetent child. I probably would have mercy-killed a child like Erin to save the world the trouble of dealing with their baggage, that or shipped her off to a relative so I could use the excuse that someone else raised them.
Was your mother a sociopath? Yes. She was. She doesn't love you, didn't love you, and never will love you. You were her greatest disappointment, and she reminded you whenever your idiocy provoked her through doing exactly what I, and your boyfriend did. It's our little way of saying, "WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SEE WHAT YOU ARE."
Too bad it doesn't work with idiots like you most of the time. I guess we can only hope that Fate kills you off before you cause the world any more grief than you already have.
July 16, 2011 8:50 AM
TheNotablePath said...
No one is irreplaceable and no one is sacred. And that's real talk.
One in the same? You stupid cunt, there's a reason it's called a fucking pathology and has common pervasive traits.
It's like tik said, we're different, we think different, we are different, and thank God you aren't one of us, talk about the neighborhood going to hell in a hand basket...
I could be just like your boyfriend? Who is to say I'm not your boyfriend? And if not yours, you're just another victim that crossed a sociopath's prey-dar and sent off a loud blip. You can never get rid of your baggage. All you can do is learn to live with it. So far you're failing, spectacularly I might add.
July 16, 2011 9:21 AM
Erin sounds like my... hmm...
ReplyDeleteShe annoying, an introvert emotional manipulator caught in her own web(started to manipulate self), i did that too but learned to control it.
Cant make decisions on her own, always needs someone else's opinion, spends most time worrying about pleasing me, in other words what not to do, to not piss me off.
Oh Erin...
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ReplyDeleteErin said...
ReplyDeleteWell Zoe
If I was sick enough to go to all that trouble, I would be worse than a simple troll,believe me.
I need to sit with all that happened.
I am very intelligent but emotionally I am dumb,I think.
not dumb, but emotionally naive maybe? if you're not playing around, then weight the replies here carefully. you are asking alleged sociopaths to reply truthfully about aspects of your life that they know nothing about. doesn't that strike you as an odd? if not, it really should.
experiences with your ex may have contributed to making you realize that someone else can't fix you, and triggered the need to delve inside yourself. so in this way he may have been a good thing that happened to you. but given all that, maybe this isn't the place for you at this time?
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ReplyDeleteErin said...
TNP did something out of love.Laugh at me all you want Vagina's.
He did something out of pure motives to help someone else.
Better him here than my B/f raping and/or killing me.
Thank you TNP
July 16, 2011 10:38 AM
Yes, i will Erin, you know that i know what you want, i can give it to you Erin, you just have be good to me.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, do you remember the first time we saw each other? Everything was so different back then.
I see you stopped blaming yourself, that's progress, good job.
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ReplyDeletewhen I want people to help me understand myself, who don't understand me, I go to SociopathWorld.
ReplyDeleteI expect everyone to listen and give me excellent advise like Zoe, who I'm not really absorbing, on SociopathWorld.
When people answer my questions with logic, I pretend I don't understand them because I'm emotionally retarded, on SociopathWorld.
Why can't everyone be as self indulgent there, as me?
If you have nothing but good intentions, you have nothing!
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ReplyDeletewhy does sociapaths always poor and camt b rich tho?
ReplyDeleteErin submits herself to abuse to just get over with it, she's kind and all, so naive, i know the type.
ReplyDeleteI know you Erin.
:) Welcome, you silly goose. You do remind me of Notme.
ReplyDeletepoor poor sociopaths
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ReplyDeleteHere's a handy little dossier of all my comments today...
Oh dear! Why is M.E. trying to appear naive? This had nothing to do with 'good intentions.'
Surely she asked the cab fare and negotiated it *fairly* up front first!
This is the oldest trick in the let's-fleece-travellers or let's-fleece-anyone-in-a-London-minicab book.
Whenever I encounter drivers taking the long-route or giving me the runaround abroad, or at home, I kick up a *major* fuss – and if they've borrowed their mate's cab too lookout!
It's amazing how quickly they then 'find' what you're looking for and get you to where you’re going near enough to the price they quoted or for free.
Why is M.E. trying to appear naive?
Touche! Surely she realises that every driver, and tout, in the world is a sociopath? Has she not seen Taxi Driver?
r u talkin 2 me r u talkin 2 me who teh fuck do u think ur talkin 2
why does sociapaths try to convince peeple they r mental
I think you mean "WHEN DO sociopaths try to convince people that they're mental", dear.
You're welcome, Erin. Hope you're not feeling too, oh you know, vulnerable, being a little ill and all :)
SW is sesame street
ReplyDeleteOh my, Care Giving, you put me to shame.
Erin, dear, how wonderful you are. Do go on.
You're one of us, Erin!
Watch your back, bitch!
*throws you soft, warm, gossamer child's rug and makes you a cup of milky sweet tea*
Ya can keep ya...milky sweet tea XD
@Care giving
You were depressed watching porn . I'd better want to rescue poor you from fapping,and crying RIGHT now
I'm SUCH a GOOD brainwasher .
I find my desperate manouvering funny to .
ReplyDeletewhy is sociapaths so boring
what is wrong with u r u artistic
I'll be anything you want me to be, baby ;)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
hi hi,, please to can i give U a test,, a psycholology test,, please to can i give U a test now
splat it was bout m.e. gettin ripped off like a sociapath
i known this lady and she is sooo biter anger and jealous she live undur a bridge an make coments bout how fugly evryone is an i throw rocks at her an ask her what the ridle to cros the brdige is
Erin you sound fat are you artistic?
why is sociapaths good cop retarted
Please don't bastardise me, Erin.
Bravo, TNP! Poster boy indeed.
why does sociapaths think peeple r atached to them
I have no idea, Anon, it baffles me too.
why does sociapaths think peeple r atached to them
You're our entertainment and break from the boredom.
why is sociapaths fake anger so borning
You get no knowledge from random answers? You need to put your pattern goggles on, Tik!
why does sociapaths not undastand pattern goggles
Patterns are my love, darling, not you. And you and your little friends give great patterns.
if i make my self into a horible patern will it brake u she
Oh, by the by, it all started with a man I met who didn't make sense...
Well, it was his imaginary girlfriend, funnily enough...
insanity roulette lol TNP u remind of a guy who hides in plain sight limping round someone elses stomping ground doing evil shit in plain sight and then bitches and moans when they see u when u could have stayed the fuck away and they never wuld have seen shit get over it or fuck off
psychic lol TNP no fraid not patterns duh
ReplyDeleteIt's not obvious to him because he's blinded by control that blurs his intellect, logic, and reasoning. You can't reason with a wild animal, you send it to the taxidermist to be stuffed, where it belongs.
He's nothing more than broken, human trash, trying so desperately to become that which he admires the most, the innocent creatures that give him a power-thrill from the inside out. It's completely laughable and I'm enjoying every minute of it. What it must be like to feel all the things these people feel... it must be terrible. I don't envy what I lack one bit. What kind of horrible and pathetic existence would that be? I'd probably have to kill myself if I was in his shoes.
It has to be a tough pill to swallow to realize you are nothing more than insufferable, arrogant and broken company, and that the only people who had the balls to tell you just how fucking worthless you were just happened to be the two people you would expect to love and understand you the most.
It must be so disappointing to have a psychopathic child. I probably would have mercy-killed a child like TNP to save the world the trouble of dealing with their baggage, that or shipped him off to a relative so I could use the excuse that someone else raised them.
Was your mother a sociopath? No. She wasn't. She didn't love you enough, didn't love you enough, and never will love you enough. You were her greatest disappointment, and she reminded you whenever your idiocy provoked her through doing exactly what I, did. It's our little way of saying, "WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FIX YOUR LEAKY MASKS."
Too bad it doesn't work with idiots like you most of the time. I guess we can only hope that Fate kills you off before you cause the world any more grief than you already have.
You're welcome!
FAIL. My, your assumptions about empath women are warped - Erin's proof enough of that though.
It must be *so* much fun stirring your little friends to hate on others by manipulating them through Erin.
wv: connit
Touche! Any moron can tell that Erin's not a woman.
Did I ever say that? No, I did not. I said if you want to walk down the street with a schoolbag wearing a fucked up disguise, in my neighbourhood, don't bitch and moan when I see you walking down the street with a schoolbag wearing a fucked up disguise.
But carry on, "Erin", no doubt your little friends will enjoy hating because of the shit you spin.
Over and out "Erin". Incite your little friends against me at your peril.
Who needs fake IP addresses?
Yes, you were. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Simples.
Quick... change back into your sheep costumes before she comes back!
ReplyDeleteOmg this website is so cool, hmm i think erin need a psychiatrist, are you guys like psychologists? what's wrong with being social?
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Erin said...
ReplyDeleteWell Zoe
I am a person who wants to face herself.
I am doing it thanks to the help of good intentioned,bad intentioned and medium intentioned people.
The glitch is I,often, can't tell which is which ;)
the intentions don't really matter if the information is useful. tnp made some good points but the method of delivery served to entertain. could be a bitter pill to swallow for the emotionally frail.
no one is the master of you Erin. no one knows what's good for you better than you. if you want to fix yourself, start with something you like about yourself and build on that.
therapy focuses on problems, on what we don't like and "builds" on that. that's like endlessly poking at a wound so that the wound can never heal. why, why, why? who really has an answer? what's there to understand? there is no logic to bullying or to being abused. it's about filling a need, about hunger. "know" your weaknesses, work on your strengths.
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ReplyDeleteLoving the pre-emptive strikes. Keep going, asshole.
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Was here.
well Erin, there will always be another socio guy around the corner but there is only one of you :)
ReplyDeleteHow many socio guys are there around the corner? I've seen so many of them coming and going from that house.
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ReplyDelete@ Zoe
ReplyDeleteErin has convinced herself that TNP was going out of his way to HELP her, and that he did this out of LOVE.
Before that, she acted like she couldn't understand why TNP acted the way he did towards her, and latched on to him like a baby to the tit.
She keeps saying she has other things to do, that she's going away, but can't seem to do it.
Zoe: Do you really think you're giving advise to someone worth trying to help, who is clear headed enough to take what you say at face value, and not turn it into some kind of BS fantasy to serve her own delusions, and keep them alive??
just cause i wanted to masturbate before class doesn't mean i'm depressed and lonely.. LOL. People always seem to do that... attribute some ridiculous emotions to the actions of others. And i only said it cause the conversation was getting very boring and i thought it would be nice to share :)..
ReplyDeleteCan we all agree to start ignoring everything erin says??
It was so adorable of you to point the house out to me a couple of years ago GJD. You shouldn't have.