“I am convinced we have a degree of delight, and that no small one, in the real misfortunes and pains of others; for let the affection be what it will in appearance, if it does not make us shun such objects, if on the contrary it induces us to approach them, if it makes us dwell upon them, in this case I conceive we must have a delight or pleasure of some species or other in contemplating objects of this kind”
-- Edmund Burke
The human heart is wicked above all things.Who can know it?
ReplyDeleteThe Bible
The more I learn about the 'compassionate' people the more I realize it's their callousness and lack of empathy that allows them to not only function around people who are in misery but also to seek them because that's where their greatest narcissistic supply is. Does this take away from the fact that these people are useful? Not as long as they don't want to keep you in misery to prolong their self-satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteAngus, the empath, would leave you in misery and get out of there asap for I can't take that much pain and function with it.
Brutus, the sociopath, would leave misery alone unless it is tied to inheritance or something.
Not sure who to ask for when in misery and old age...
Soulful, do you feel covered because you have children?
sadism is warped empathy.
ReplyDeleteStirred, we feel responsibility and loyalty to those that are in our life. Thats not narcissistic in my opinion. You may see it that way, but you have you have the not being able to take that much pain and funtion with it right.
ReplyDeletetik, could you please rewrite your last sentence, I could not follow it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you in that helping who is in your family and also who is right in front of you is not narcissistic. I was referring to people who indulge in others' misery in the name of compassion.
Sorry, I see I didn't understand completly what you said.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on narc getting involed with other's pain to gain that feeling of satisfaction in being the shining example to all watching. Oh how self sacrificing they are (humph)
I think you example of Empath and Socio was dead on.
My dad turns 97 on Sat. and has cancer. Out of love for him I will be whatever he needs me to be.
And their is no inheritance, it all gets divided between his grandchildren. 31 of them.
I feel some empathy going on in this place. And not the warped kind.
tik, I am sorry, I am yet to go through the difficulties of caring for dying parents, I can only try to imagine how tough it is to say bye whether the parent was your favorite or not. I just read an article i which a sick mom (former writer and a kick ass lady) decides to commit suicide by stopping all food and water and asks her daughters to help in the process by simply helping her stick to her decision and not offer her any food, not bring any food near her, and simply administer pain killers when necessary intravenously. It takes 12 days. 12 days of torture for all involved. y dad is her kind of person, meaning would not seek medical help if it is a serious garbage. He'd rather end it himself. I will be there if he needs me for this sort of somewhat passive euthanasia support, but I sure wish not to be in that position.
ReplyDeleteneo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeleteStirred, I had a sister-in-law die that way at 37, it was horrible.
ReplyDeleteMy dad stopped eating and drinking due to his pain patch fell off and he didn't tell anyone. He starting to go thru withdrawals and didn't and decided he just wanted to die.
I didn't know the cause for his change in attitude. But I feel I have to respect his wishes. Well the pain patch is back on and he's himself again.
Back to narc, it's really all about how they want people to see them. I know one that has to top everyone else, their sicker or richer or poorer. What ever the circumstance they can't let it be about someone else and this has cause everyone to block them out and their making things up to get the attention back. As an empath I find them pathetic. And their getting what they deserve.
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ReplyDeleteyesterday's link to narcs (psychologytoday.com) was a really good reading. I was raised by two parents who literally divided the family into sharp (and opposite two) in terms of who they praised excessively and who they put down. We (siblings) all have narc traits as a result, and also suffer from generalized anxiety, feelings of shame when not on top of things, and feeling slighted easily.
ReplyDeleteHalf of us push for beauty like mom and the other for brains like dad.
I look at the ones pushing for beauty to be cured over time when beauty goes away and all efforts in trying to hang on to it come across as pathetic.
The brainy ones have a choice to change themselves, but not easy, requires a lot of hard work not to put yourself out there when you feel they all are stupid compared to you. Dad looks pathetic with his all knowing way of talking at 75 when he is so obviously more talk than walk.
Stirred, we are all tied to our genetic umbilical cord whether through our parents, relatives or in our children and that bond is beyond empathy, it's a link which trumps all others and carries a security, yes.
ReplyDeleteI have sat with hospice nurses. They love their work. It's not that they are delighted in the pain as much as they are excited to be in the presence of an event which strips away the bullshit. Pain carries that purpose which is why there is a strong mindset correlation between anger at hypocrisy, exposing the weak and seeing reality as it is. The danger in being dominated by this way of thinking is a sense of meaninglessness. Best to have a balance.
Hospice nurses are a breed apart. They would guide you. The morphine lifts the pain and allows nature's course. And because of today's hospice organization no one dies alone or in extreme pain. You will be fine and the ordeal will ground you. Service has that kind of magic.
Would be funny if you were the first to start the change Reform, and showed that you had more going for you then they do.
ReplyDeleteI find that people who lack empathy are much more desirable.
ReplyDeletePsychopaths were brilliant children that were wronged.
ReplyDelete"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind." Mahatma Gandhi
ReplyDeleteErin you fucking bitch I hope you rot on your wedding day.
ReplyDelete"You can wrong me, you can torture me as a child, you can even administer the psychopath test on me, but you can never imprison my charm."
ReplyDelete"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind." Mahatma Gandhi
ReplyDeleteIn other words: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
Real wise ass that Mahatma
neo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeletelol oh yeah!!!
"Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized."
ReplyDeleteAdolf Hitler
Soulful, thank you. I was indeed once under the care of a wonderful nurse. You reminded me of her as you mentioned the attitude of the hospice workers.
ReplyDeleteThe media mostly reports the meanies, I'll stick to the positive expectations and not worry about the older years.
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ReplyDeletestupid fucks.
ReplyDeleteactually it is really amazing to watch. The ones who seeked the elitist beauty started seeing me as a loser as I let go of undue concern about beauty. The ones who seeked brain power also started seeing me as a loser as I let go of saying the last word and simply started listening to them more.
I actually allowed a year of abuse in the sense that I simply listened and observed and stuck to withdrawing my narcissistic presentations.
By the end of the year their narcissistic traits were so aggressive (now that I was no more trying to dominate the scene) that it became quite obvious that the entire family had significant narcissistic traits. I then chose to let everyone know that I would attack openly and clearly if there were any aggressive effort towards dominating the scene. I pretty much focused on eliminating my need to be the knowing or the right or the best dressed and kept a very pleasant front (thanks to SW I learned to mask without feeling guilty) and stopped all roles where I was the hero in the family. Feels really good. All released to God as religious folks would say. I'll be there if they get sick or something and ask for my help, but I am no more there for anyone's narcissistic needs, including my own.
uncomfortable to stick to my traditional ways of
@reforming narcissist. do you think you have narcissistic tendencies, or full blown npd? because people with npd would never admit that they have a problem.
ReplyDeleteI pretty much focused on eliminating my need to be the knowing or the right or the best dressed and kept a very pleasant front (thanks to SW I learned to mask without feeling guilty)
ReplyDeleteI don't have a full blown NPD, to me that includes the ability to hurt others for your personal gain in an indiscriminate fashion. I do have substantial fear in me to not do that, meaning I never would create enemies knowingly.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that I have very strong narcissistic traits. I even believe that my reforming effort is even tied into that. I am constantly trying to be the best person I want to be, and am very hard on myself when the progress is slow or when I slip and show a narcissistic trait (as in mention some significant past achievement when no one asked about it).
I used to be so tempted to talk about all the goodies in my life if the other side played me right even s/he was not telling much about herself. Huge weakness, only because of that stupid narcissistic trait. Now, I stop after two sentences and make sure the other says something or I just stick to silence and let them get uncomfortable with it. In the past it was as if my God given responsibility to fill in their blanks. No more.
You can chain me, throw sticks, you can paint my sky green and sterilize me, you can even try to destroy Erin, but you will never imprison my narcissistic sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteNeo-Mahatma Gandhi Nazi eliminator
neo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeletefuck u. ugly shit.
ReplyDeleteneo gandhi feels more like neoErin?
ReplyDeletesuck this dick u dumb faggots.
Not only would an npd not admit they have a problem; because that would be admitting a flaw, but they wouldn't think they need to conform to any certain way of thinking, or masking.
ReplyDeleteNor would they feel guilty, because the very nature of an npd is that there is NO mask. They are the best, at everything, and are entitled to having everyone acknowledge this, and bow to it.
If a doctor told said npd that they were in fact, NOT this superior being, and were in fact an npd, they would believe the doctor to be envious of the specialness the npd has, which the doctor can never have.
Please learn your disorders, before trying to pass as one!
shut up you slut. he just said he didn't have npd.
ReplyDeleteI'm back! Miss me? I know you did.
ReplyDelete:) Missing the point some?
ReplyDeleteOh, let me put on my mask: Thank you for sharing that.
Kesu, I really missed you...
ReplyDeleteWho gives a fuck then! Basically he's saying he's like any average person!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Sceli. How you been?
ReplyDelete"I just stick to silence and let them get uncomfortable with it. "
ReplyDeleteI just started to shut my mouth with people, too. I don't necessarily equate my past impulses to talk and talk with my narcissism because I'm not exactly sure how much mine applies here. I actually think I've been keeping quiet so I don't screw up in some way.
But now I feel people may feel manipulated by my silence.
This is a very new experience I'm not used to. There seems to be power in silence.
I can have new legs.
I've been good, I've been places, Kesu. If not already, browse through July 15-17, was unusual around here to say the least.
ReplyDelete'I can have new legs'
ReplyDeleteWhat does that mean?
Hi Kesu :)
ReplyDeleteAhhh. I just got back from Vegas. So I missed it huh? O well I had tons of fun like a fat girl. MMMMMmmmmmm mania delicious.
ReplyDelete@Anon 8:50
ReplyDeleteThere is a power to silence. You learn more.
Fun like a fat girl? meaning you had fun like fat girls would have in front of a delicious and inexpensive buffet or you had fun like riding a fat girl?
ReplyDeleteNo Tons of fun like a fat girl... Fat = tons girls = fun get it? Fucken shit. Stick with me people if you are getting lost at this point your going to really confused later on. Pick up the mental pace.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Kesu. I missed your diabolical wit and charm. Vegas, baby.
ReplyDeleteSorry, we had adjusted the pace a little slower. lol...
ReplyDeleteI hear Vegas is not as cheap as it used to be. Did you see any $2 breakfast buffets?
Make any money?
Got lucky in any other way?
fuck you. stupid faggots.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've missed your rosy glasses, soul.
ReplyDeleteThe rose device allows me to see you more clearly, my dear.
ReplyDeletewhy do beepers tend to have tons of tattoos and piercings? is it because they enjoy any sort of pain? next time a see a chick with a sleeve i'm going to con her.
ReplyDeleteKesu, I speak for all the anons when I say this. Missed you Tonz.
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself.
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT! I just noticed you all had a comment board go to over 500! How the fuck did I miss that?
ReplyDeletekesu = faggot
ReplyDeletePsychopaths are narcissists with ill intent.
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ReplyDeletepsychopaths are retarded narcissists.
ReplyDeleteThat's bullshit Erin. They tested narcissists to see if they really had low self esteem, and were just hiding it, and all the npds tested very high in self esteem!
ReplyDeleteWake the fuck up stupid bitch. You seem to be convinced that everyone is like you, but secretly! Get over it!!!
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ReplyDeleteSo I guess this is why my sociopath SO doesn't help me when I'm on the receiving end of one of our son's violent bipolar rage episodes and I call him for help ~ he ENJOYS my pain... what a sick fuck!
ReplyDeleteWould still rather be me than him ANYDAY!!!
How wonderful a community SW has become. Open the gates, welcome the visitors to the -sociopath's- -world-.
ReplyDeleteHow many visitors... wary and ordinary, broken and stiffened, vengeful and codependant. How many trolls! How many marvelous trolls, with their masks of sin over sad beholds. How many masks flip and turn and waltz and burn in this virtual corner of the world.
The weak wear pride; they carry fangs so fit that they can on the lion's den. The strong wear tears and give silver logic to wicked yearns.
'The ball is a banquet, you see?', I hear call the blind man. For he cares not for the flesh, knowing not of aesthetics' reign. The hum of the soul is not the call of the syren.
Sounded the bugle and gathered the peoples all from the lands. ME is the jester, serving the show; making laughter and hate, purpose and fate of the sociopath's toll. Gathered the mud and painted it white - no one sees it's in fact a false knight. Entranced by fireworks and walls of smoke, walking the room of mirrors lovefraud's fans we took, the freshlings will dance on a different note.
Seeing the blind man is now. 'Welcome, welcome!' they say, to the party around. 'We are not evil, we are not sin', spin them out, 'it's humanity in the whole who are in our place!'. And so heeds the jester ME and bows the entire herd, unaware that half the ball's invited guests are arguments made of straws and falsehood.
Takes off his mask the jester does, alone in his own where one can't be heard. A king's face the mirror holds, with ears of nurse, with lips of gold, hands of pupetteer and a heart ever cold.
Marvelled at his work, the jester beholds: a blog it is not for ME and the sociopaths in its world - a secret from the naive, broken, curious and bold, a source of muppets and infinite herd.
hmmm I was under the impression that Nars didnt think that they had any flaws
ReplyDeleteShit. I'm a poet after all.
I was about to think you're soulful.
ReplyDeletefuck u. dumbshit. heres a poem u faggot.
ReplyDeletefuck u.
What the fuck are you going on about Bling? This isn't some renaissance fair.
ReplyDeleteheres another.
ReplyDeletefuck u.
the end.
"fuck u.
ReplyDeletethe end"
beautiful, anon, that moved me deeply.
pretty pretty yum yum!
ReplyDeleteSo you didn't like how I used the word muppet?
It was just a bunch of garble!
ReplyDeleteWhen did Ukan break down and actually register a name? Man so much happened while I was gone.
ReplyDelete"How wonderful a community SW has become. Open the gates, welcome the visitors to the -sociopath's- -world-.
How many visitors..."
Told you. Going to be a long summer. Lots of 14 year olds. O why o why do we give kids a summer vacation? What the hell do they really need a vacation from? Instead let us take a page from the Omish. You get to be a kid for 11 years. No responsibility just free time and school. Then when you turn 12(or the grade corresponding) no more vacation. You get to start learning to be an adult.
Oh good! The stupidity continues. But now it's so cleverly disguised as...
ReplyDeleteOh wait!!!
ukan's had an account since before you even arrived.
ReplyDeletekesu, you strike me as being very young.
ReplyDeleteAnd they say sociopaths are not insane, obliviously they have not visited this site...
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ReplyDelete"ukan's had an account since before you even arrived."
ReplyDeleteDid he really?
"kesu, you strike me as being very young."
Not really young not really old.
ReplyDeleteYour "poem" sounds an awful lot like an excerpts from Charlie Mason's scary parole board speeches… FYI, he is still rotting in prison. Food for thought!
Hmm i don't think the kid is a sociopath. He obviously has mental retardation, or a death wish, but he is a cold blooded retard lol.
ReplyDeleteI crown AMoralBing a true poet and troubadour among courtiers and thieves.;-).
ReplyDeleteEmpaths want others to see them as selfless and nice, sociopaths and narcissists want people to see them as an asshole.
ReplyDeleteOh, boy... The kid did a job and even partied on it. In his mind these two parents (47 and 54) sure must have been monsters... This is going to be interesting to learn about.
ReplyDeleteSW, what is your take on Latin America? What do you think is going on there? Anyone from Latin America here?
That kid isn't even worth mentioning, he is a moron.
ReplyDeleteAny fool could know that the only person you should murder is a complete stranger.
Casey anthony is also a huge idiot.
ReplyDeleteI have always had a account. I just don't use it, because
ReplyDeletethen i cant play games with you.
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:48
ReplyDeleteCasey anthony might be a huge idiot, But shes a huge idiot who got away with it.
And I am all about the games
ReplyDeleteWhat?! Erin is UKan????? LoL!
ReplyDelete"Casey anthony might be a huge idiot, But shes a huge idiot who got away with it."
ReplyDeletePredictable comment, i don't care if she got away with it. It takes a stupid person to murder their own daughter, unless you are some tyranical queen of some third world country, then it would be swept under the rug. People call her evil, i call her stupid.
"Hmm i don't think the kid is a sociopath. He obviously has mental retardation, or a death wish, but he is a cold blooded retard lol."
ReplyDeleteTrue. The retard buried his parents in their bed under a whole bunch of stuff. What an idiot...
"What?! Erin is UKan????? LoL!"
ReplyDeleteno, you fool.
Took you long enough,
Who else was I?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:55
ReplyDeleteI wasn't disagreeing with you, no need to get defensive.
ReplyDeleteIM BACK!!! your not going to ignore me right?
so you've spent this long talking to yourself, ukan?
ReplyDeleteWas I soulful? Was I medusa? Was I Not Able? Was I peter pan? Was I notme? Was I kesu? Was I zawq? Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteFor all you know this entire blog could be me talking to myself.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe not. Maybe I'm really Erin and me and ukan are in cohoots.
ReplyDeleteSarah Pallin should pick Casey Anthony as her running mate for the publicity. Any political strategist would think it a brilliant move.
ReplyDeletewhy bother, ukan? if erin was you, then you must spend most of your life blogging, no?
ReplyDeleteShutup erin
ReplyDeleteYour not me. I'm not me. That's not me.
ReplyDeleteUKan, this was lame. You shouldn't have come out with being the fake Erin (without the blog logo), that was ousted really quickly already... Man, you sure lose some credibility in my eyes. Working too hard..
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ReplyDeleteWhat credibility?
ReplyDeletesooo, is the whole story, with the club and the wife fake, ukan?
ReplyDeleteFake Erin and Fake Ukan are all Adam.
ReplyDeleteUKan must really be threatened by TNP. I don't even like TNP but I have to say, to hit TNP=narcissist with the blog logo free fake Erin was really lame...
ReplyDeleteLion to monkey fast track... Loco mono Ukan,
UKan must have been really jealous of the attention Erin got. The same with TNP. Talk about an attention whore.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it always those who have it who project it on others?
Loco Mono UKan???
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ReplyDeleteIts not me
ReplyDeleteI meant Ukan jealous of the attention TNP gets once in a while
ReplyDeleteSo, UKan, just tell us what's bothering you, what's pressing you, we'll be interested, promise...
ReplyDeleteIs it down there, or up there, your pain that is?
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ReplyDeleteWow Spit. Its funny how you've never been on here till just now. Its just like you to as usual create your own audience. I like how people create their own cheerleaders. Not Able.
ReplyDeleteThe retarded part about it is they all appeared within days of each other. You talk of credibilty? You've tried to create your own credibility in here you cheeseball. How come every person who has said anything good about TheNotablePath turned out to be a fake person? I expose and that is my function here. You charlatans beware.
ReplyDeleteThe blog account of UKan is fake. Ive been on the site for months and I know when its really him because the way he writes turns me on.
ReplyDeleteso you are erin, ukan?
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ReplyDeleteYou knew I wasn't Erin idiot because you were. You exposed your own hand. That's why I was erin. The hand that dipped in after mine is the one who betrayed me.
ReplyDeleteWho am I then?
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ReplyDeleteprove your erin, ukan. write something that only you could say, using the erin account with the blogger symbol.
ReplyDeleteYou fucking muppet shut up and listen to me.
ReplyDeleteukan = misanthrope?
ReplyDeleteukan = adam?
If Erin was real I would molest her to remind her of her childhood years with mommy. Maybe then she will stfu about a supposedly socio that won't even fuck her.
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ReplyDeleteI'm Erin.
ReplyDeleteYes. I do this from a smartphone as I'm stirring up shit out here. I cant get enough chaos. The future holds much for sociopaths stimulation.
ReplyDelete'You fucking muppet shut up and listen to me.'
ReplyDeletewhat do you mean? what are you even trying to say, ukan?
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ReplyDeleteOh, boy... The place sure lost its rugged socio self and became a monkey land.
ReplyDeleteI am no socio, and was taking these jokers a bit seriously..
Erin, I thought you had been funny, these guys are really hilarious now. We thought you were naive and stupid. They are aggressive and stupid.. Very stupid...
So, what you can learn is give yourself more credit looking at how happy they are with their total loser selves and learn to be happy with yourself and stop asking them for directions or stop beating yourself up. These are just losers with small amygdala. Put a Gemini curse on this shit...
@Erin your ex wasn't a socio he was just disgusted by you plain and simple. Your mother wasn't a socio either she was just disappointed she gave birth to you. Now let's meet up I have something I bought and want to show you.
ReplyDeleteTNP come back and save us!
ReplyDeleteSee, that's real Erin. See how funny she is... lmao
ReplyDelete'They are aggressive and stupid'
ReplyDeletemore like they're blinded by their aggression.
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ReplyDeleteYour a sucker spit
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ReplyDelete@Erin Im going to be nice now I think you should call him. Im sure he misses you. Get back with him you seem to not be over him. I understand where you're coming from. You won't regret it. You'll never be bored.
ReplyDeleteHow many people do you need to be, in order to boost your image here, Erin?
ReplyDeleteYou should have checked your self esteem at the door!
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ReplyDelete@Erin I suggest you just fuck him. That is the only way he will love you.
ReplyDeletefuck u. ur all faggots. this 1ns 4 all u stupid fucks.
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ReplyDeleteHis socio semen will give you super powers Erin.
ReplyDeleteukan created a link which lead to erins profile.
Your grandmother doesn't know what she's talking about. Listen to me. I've been in your position. If you give it up he'll respect you and make you his only woman. Believe me, that's what happened with my socio and we're happy. he proposed to me the next day.
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ReplyDeleteYes our sex is amazing. Every day is something new and exciting. Honestly the best decision I could of made. Hes my adrenaline shot every morning. He is everything I want him to be.
ReplyDeleteall M.E. has to do is reaveal the unique ISP address for each computer that shows up under blogger when somebody comments. if SW ever gets out of hand, not that it already hasn't, i'm sure M.E will start putting people on blast. until then, anyone can be who they want to be on the world, wide, web which is why you believe half the B.S. and don't give detailed advice.
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ReplyDeletewho do you 'like' on this blog, ukan?
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ReplyDeletethe smartest guy i've ever seen on this blog was daniel birdick.
ReplyDeleteCome back post modern pedo!
>.> Jesus. So many active people. They are putting you to shame soul. Some one please hurry and give me some meaningless poetic drivel.
ReplyDeletekesu is a cunt
ReplyDeletekesu is a cunt
kesu is a cunt
kesu is a fucking cunt!
Roses are red, violets are blue, fuck this romantic shit I'm just gonna rape you.
ReplyDeletedo you like it, kesu?
I do. But I gotta say. Sure smells like same fa.... wait a minute what site is this?
ReplyDeleteI had reached the end of the universe after travelling unfathomable distances, and as I stared out into the darkness of the abyss, I suddenly realised that..... I'd left the stove on.
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ReplyDeletecheck out Murdoch's socio Chinese wife. When the comedian hit him on the face with a pie, the wife pie gets up and does one of her past volleyball open hand shots straight unto the comedians' face (watch you tube video for that one, she sure is a tigress). In the wiki report below you'll see how she manipulated older men and got to where she is.
Do we have any real old geezers with power at SW to invite her as a guest?
Once, I made a tigers head explode through sheer force of will. Then I went and blew up an orphanage, and decimated an entire faction of highly trained navy SEALs when they attempted to get in my way, using only a toothbrush filed down to a sharp point.
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ReplyDelete@Erin come over so I can show you a few tricks on being sexy.
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ReplyDelete'paths = fag gits
ReplyDeleteall 'paths would murder for cash:
enter the black room, we tell them press this red button and someone will die, of course you will be paid 1 trillion each time you press it.
we close the door, and not but a fraction of second later the 'path is frantically pressing the red button.
there we go, time delay, we hear the rapid report and the 'path is wasted, by the hidden muzzle in the back wall.
stupid fuckin' 'path.
that is how neo-hitler rolls.
neo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeleteseeing you dead son hunting you
ReplyDelete@neo-hitler guy. That made me laugh so hard I almost cried.
ReplyDeleteHow do i join neo-hitler?
ReplyDeletethis site has turned into comedy gold. this is freaking hilarious!!
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ReplyDeleteHere Erin,
ReplyDeleteThis is a site that will help you better understand you're retarded self!
Enter the black room. Badass rips your head off and dashes it on the wall, then does an triple backflip to the back wall and rips the gun out. Badass goes on a roaring rampage of revenge, decimating every member of the neo hitler movement, and blows up your base after mutilating the corpses that he's left in his wake, until they are beyond recognition to their own mothers. Badass goes to a strip club and kicks back, untill the urge to fuck everyone up hits him again.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you fuck with Badass.
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ReplyDelete"after mutilating the corpses that he's left in his wake, until they are beyond recognition to their own mothers."
"Badass goes to a strip club and kicks back, untill the urge to fuck everyone up hits him again."
yeah. aren't you glad you made it into pd club?
ReplyDeleteyou're like the worst kind too! i'd take an npd any day of the week over your kind, and a million more times on sunday!!!
"then does an triple backflip to the back wall"
ReplyDeleteyou must be gay.
dumb faggot