Sociopaths seem to be exceptionally good at compartmentalizing, which would explain why it is possible for him both to have cared (and perhaps still care) for you very much but seem to not be at all interested in you now. A good way for normal people to understand the extent to which this works is to think of a vivid dream, perhaps an anxiety dream in which you dream of things that need to happen, projects that need to get done, problems that need to get solved. During the dream you get very caught up in the urgency of things, whatever it is that you are dreaming about becomes very important to you, you can't imagine a world in which this was not a primary concern for you. When you wake up from the dream there are still lingering feelings of the dream. Perhaps you just have the feeling that you need to do something, or maybe you actually remember specifics of what you supposedly "need" to do. Within the first fifteen minutes or so of wakefulness, however, you eventually realize that it was just a dream, that you really don't have to worry about those things at all, and so you continue living this other life and quickly forget about the dream life. That is how much sociopaths can compartmentalize. The dream world never fully goes away, maybe they remember some of it, or something will remind them of it, but for the most part it and the feelings felt are a faint memory. Those feelings associated were "real" in that they reflect how the sociopath would feel under the circumstances of the dream, but those circumstances just turned out not to be true.
I wonder whether the mechanism of compartmentalizing for the sociopath is the same as the mechanism that allows people with multiple personality disorder to have separate personalities each living essentially independent lives, sometimes unaware of each other.
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ReplyDeleteThe reason why sociopaths can treat you like dirt one minute and switch to being friendly the next is because they lack empathy, in other words they don't respect you, you are an object. Sociopaths do feel anger but unlike most people, they don't do stupid things when they are angry, they are still in control.
ReplyDeleteSam vaknin went over this in one of his videos.
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ReplyDeleteIf a sociopath assaulted another individual, physically, a few moments later they could turn the whole thing into a joke and minimize it down to a misunderstanding, without even apologizing. (Sociopaths never say sorry)
ReplyDeleteThey can't understand that the other person is in a fit of rage caused by the sociopaths actions, he is denying the person any right to be upset with him.
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ReplyDeletedo socio's compartmentalize automatically?
ReplyDeletei like the dream metaphor. it made the whole concept easily understandable.
ReplyDeleteI think most socio's are intensely goal oriented but have a short attention span. They found that angry outbursts manipulate faster to achieve what they want.
ReplyDeleteSame goal just get bored so they swicth quickly to another gear to speed things up.
They don't take time to repair damage when it happens until it really gets in their way.
And the smart ones know that a well placed "sorry" goes a long way. They don't mean it, but it works.
It's not MPD anymore, it's Dissociative Identity Disorder.
ReplyDeleteThis compartmentalization does sound like a form of dissociation (something I deal with on a daily basis). However for DID there is a complete break from reality, or fugue state, where the person is conscious, but also not conscious of their current state. They are functioning but if an alter is the prominent personality at the time, the main personality will not necessarily remember or have any knowledge of what the alter is doing. It's a complete break, not a vague sense. Likewise, the alters are not normally aware of what the main personality is doing. They're a defense mechanism that kick in when situations become too stressful for a person to deal with normally.
ReplyDeleteI used to consider empathy to be the normal and the deep end shades of sociopathy the disease.
I started to see more and more that deep end shades of empathy is also a disease where people seem to have a really strong need for charts, religion, ideology--just something systematic and organized that will make them feel part of a union bigger than themselves because they just can't stand up on their own legs, they just can't love their own self.
EPD can have very strong comorbidity of all the PDs that socios may have. Their narcissism certainly shows not in a healthy confidence way but more like talking about how OTHERS love them.
Is there any test for deep end empathy? Is it even defined?
Could it be fair to say deep end empathy is where the self does not get any but the rest of the world gets excessive empathy?
Or, this is really not about an empathy classification but a classification of people who are masochistic, in need of sadness, and/or in need of fear to guide their lives.
And, yes, watching Erin, Tik, Zoe chat last night definitely contributed to this post. I thank them for that, I hope they don't take my question as disrespect.
I considered calling this Empathetic Personality Disorder, but that would have been too funny to deal with and take away from all seriousness of my question, yet I can't resist sharing that with you since that one bit is perfect for most of SW.
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ReplyDeleteThe neo-gandhi kid...
ReplyDeleteYou seem to like to play by yourself even on a site like this. Here are some guidelines on how to play well with others. If you can learn it here then you can apply it in your own world and watch the difference that takes place in how others are relating to you.
1. Read what ME wrote and what has been said today so far.
2. Find a post in there that has something interesting for you. If not, stop the urge to scream out loud with profanity, simply go do something else.
3. Repeat Step 2 till you find something interesting that you would like to read one more time, think about it, and try to say something that either
-builds on that (move with a yes), or
-questions that (move with a no).
If after three days you find yourself still have not found anything to build on or question go to Step 4, otherwise stay on this Step, practice here, and apply elsewhere.
4. If you can't find anything interesting after three days you have to accept one or more of three possibilities:
a) SW is not an interesting place for you, why spend your time with folks who are not interesting.
b) This is not the first time, nobody is interesting to you, so at least here you can curse and feel you are contributing due to expectations of sociopathic behavior.
c) You have no ability to interpret and apply yourself.
Now, if b or c is correct, this is your chance to practice and improve. Go back to Step 3, read what ME said, as many times as necessary till you develop an opinion and share that with SW. The chances are someone will address your post, then follow up with that, without anger outbursts but with an effort to stay in the discussion.
Charts to me are a way to create nice surprises with no basis on reality. It's better to get out there and give chance to creation of some real surprises.
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ReplyDeleteME's post made me think the following:
ReplyDeleteIndeed I can separate the dream world from my conscious world. So, I am able to compartmentalize.
That suggests I have the ability to compartmentalize and should be able to use it as it serves my needs better.
Compartmentalization is a really good thing.
I should be able to understand my dreams in terms of their chance of becoming a reality along with potential payoffs and then decide how much time to spend in each direction and accordingly allow different dreams to be pursued in just the right time span. I could also create different personalities if there are serious conflicts in these dreams, or let go of some of the dreams because their realization could potentially eliminate all of the other dreams (say killing your mom or dad or both was a dream and you got caught like the Florida boy).
Sounds like this process really requires high level functioning. Hard to manage for deep end sociopaths and empaths.
neo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeleteneo-gandhi fights for peace, through war. neo-gandhi fights for justice for all. neo-gandhi is not malicious in any way, shape or form. neo-gandhi's sole purpose is to send the evil and malicious villains of the world back to the hell from which they spawned. neo-gandhi chooses targets and attacks with precision and control. neo-gandhi has targeted the neo-hitler movement.
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ReplyDeleteNe-gandhi creator:
ReplyDeleteIn SW everybody understood what you said already, and no one is reacting in any way. Do you think repeating it will make a difference?
I bet there is a teen magazine who could even publish your story, you should seek it.
It is hard to sell mirrors to the blind or CDs to the deaf. Do you understand what that means?
neo-gandhi is a movement created to combat the neo-hitler movement. neo-gandhi has reached the conclusion that neo-hitlers continuous efforts to waste those deemed as malicious has, in itself, become malicious, and therefore the neo-hitler movement must be layed to waste.
ReplyDeleteneo-gandhi fights for peace, through war. neo-gandhi fights for justice for all. neo-gandhi is not malicious in any way, shape or form. neo-gandhi's sole purpose is to send the evil and malicious villains of the world back to the hell from which they spawned. neo-gandhi chooses targets and attacks with precision and control. neo-gandhi has targeted the neo-hitler movement.
The first thing to learn is how to say no to people in a fashion that they think you gave them the key to haven.
ReplyDeleteHow do we do that? With a kind smile and no sense of guilt while saying no, with only the right dose of reasoning.
You can also buy time and say, let me think about that and I'll get back to you and then formulate how to create a beautiful no.
stupid fucks.
ReplyDeleteYou can also drop the ball and not address the person at all once you realize s/he has no redeeming value. The key is to do this as quickly as possible. Sociopaths will be very quick with this because the definition of value is very limited for them, if there is nothing in it for their personal gain then there is no redeeming value. The deep end empath will stay the long course because s/he keeps seeing potential ways of contributing to the other person and keeps wanting to do that (ouch, pretty sad, no?)
ReplyDeleteLike watch how neo-gandhi kid will get no attention anymore, and can keep repeating himself to death. He is a lost case.
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ReplyDeleteYes EPD, you really did hit on something.
ReplyDeleteEmpathic people do have levels, you can google it.
But they don't take the time to look at it. Kind of just crash thru life because everything is connected to emotions that over take them it's not easily controled.
Maybe because they can't be controled (emotions)that would put them in the catagory of PD.
I'm an intuative empath and can feel other peoples pain and happines. Physical pain can hits me when I see it happen to others.
I feel emotional pain in others also. It's just they way I'm made.
I can also feel love and very strongly and can be loyal to people that everyone else has given up on.
I'm not easily fooled so I haven't gotten myself in any situation's that are worthless.
I do hold in my beliefs the self is primarily multiple. And an aspect of compartmentalization is very healthy and useful. If you understand its workings you can consciously move about multiple compartments with purpose.
ReplyDeleteI find it much more problematic and dogmatic to think of myself or another as 'ONE' self. I have loving kind aspects and treacherous protective aspects. And brilliant parts and short sighted stuck ones. If I identify too much with one compartment because society says you are to be a certain way then you are kinda stuck or if the primary self structure is getting you in all sorts of stupid trouble then its not a good end game.
The promise land is a house with many flexible doors and shining illustrious door handles.
I didn't know you needed a key for haven. She seems such an open book.
ReplyDeleteSocios are definitely helpful for deep end empaths in that some of the stuff deep ends need to learn are totally natural to the socios.
ReplyDeleteIt helps people to see how it is done, to be able to say I can do it too. SW is particularly useful for this because you are not emotionally mingled with these socios. In other words, make sure not to be emotionally needy of a socio, but stick around. Al you really need to do is kick yourself off the deep end, no need to overdo it.
I don't agree that socios have humor and deep end empaths don't. Humor is about picking on subtle realities and saying the truth in a fashion it triggers a laughter. Some deep end empaths will go so deep that the only way for them to stay alive is to find humor, and they do. All they have to do is look around, see how others are laughing and they learn to laugh at themselves too.
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ReplyDeleteEPD not getting an attention...
ReplyDeleteBecause EPD, if anyone, is only killing himself/herself. Everybody around is eager to suck EPD's energy in some fashion. WHo is there to give freely? ANother EPD? But the other EPD is busy answering the babies who cry and demand, no one is out there but EPD herself (mostly women since women are the giving types).
EPD's life could improve not only by stopping giving but also figuring out giving what gives the best return.
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ReplyDeleteI don't think the regular's are having a greatsence of humor about this.
ReplyDeleteBut it's good to hear that there's caring people on here, thank you.
I'm off to the beach to love me some self. <3
There is burden to giving. EPD will not understand when the burden is slowly setting in. Instead of retreating and reenergizing s/he will seek comfort in further giving because that made her/him happy in the past. This will create further burden, further discomfort, the hole will get bigger and bigger not only for the EPD but also for the person who is soaked in what is not even asked. EPD will actually create a bigger socio or sadist in the process because now s/he is really pissing the other party off, especially when all the other party wants is a healthy space around him/her.
ReplyDeleteI will write more when it fits the discussions in an organic fashion in the future. This is more than enough for today. See if you can apply if and what you liked hearing,
I wil end with a question though. These 5 rules that I listed are not at all problems for sociopaths. I am curious what sociopaths would suggest to other sociopaths. I don't remember a single psycho saying 'hey guys, you gotta kill more.' But, having said that there are tidbits on how to mask better, etc. But those are very operational, not exactly tactical or strategic. What are the strategic do's and don'ts of sociopathy?
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ReplyDelete-_- There are too many fucking flowers again. Starting to piss me off. You want to know if you have too much empathy? Then go see someone in pain. If you experience it like it was happening to you than you got to much. If it just makes you cringe and rub the spot where the steel spike is being driven through you have a normal amount. If you can watch it without feeling so much as a tingle or so little that it doesn't affect you, you are on the low side.
ReplyDeleteOn compartmentalization everyone does it. You have to. It is the degree that socios do it that it is different. Example. I moved at a point in time away from my original home of the south. I had friends there that I had had for years. When I moved I never missed them. They were simply people who I knew at one time. I didn't take their phone calls anymore or contact them. To me they were people in my past and had no bearing on my present. However, when I go back to my old stomping grounds I always call a couple of them to go out. Because at the point when I am there they have meaning and purpose to me.
On the subject of cold anger and impulsive anger. Socios still have impulsive rage. It is simply that they can have cold anger if something snaps them out of it. They can also do violence without being angry. For just purpose suited means. All must keep in mine that sometimes one causes pain to just cause pain.
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
Your logo.... I like the socio green eye and the overbearing empath hand reaching deep into it.
I have the feeling that is not what you saw as you chose it. What did you see?
Are the earlier posts answering your signature question 'why do you help others?'
As a huge compartmentalizer and a person who insists on finding humor in almost anything in order to (or as a habit---don't know why I do this actually. I'm thinking to avoid pain and decision-making, negative feelings in general, intimacy, and what not...) I put myself literally on "pause" and try very hard to decide what it is I want from a situation/person/activity. This is a challenge. But if I try really hard, and listen to my all of my "selves" in my head, and if I "stay with" and can have patience with myself ("stay with" you ask? Oh, this is another Bellaism. I have plenty) I CAN find the answer, and not get frustrated, bored, majorly confused, throw my hands up to the imaginary gods, and make a decision that is fair to my SELF first, and that will satisfy the moment/person, what have you.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't too many flowers on here, there's only one, playing the part of many.
Split Personality, party of one... We have your banquet table ready for you! How many seats did you say you needed? Like, 12?!!!
Beautiful and wise advice "How to Love Self 1-5"
ReplyDeleteLove is like money as it is an energy, as is anger. Love management is like money management. Impoverishment and hoarding rules apply. That is why power games are fought on the battle grounds around money and relationships in the modes of love and anger.
Everyone needs and wants to give and receive love as love is an elemental aspect of being human. Yet it can turn into the addictive carrot on the end of the stick one chases. The ironic thing is the chase most times ends up life changing and transformational if the feelings or needs evoked are strong. It is hard to compartmentalize something as necessary as water for survival.
Perhaps besides Math and English in high school, perhaps there should be courses on the nature of energy exchange. An accounting class on love, money and rage?
Naw, I changed my mind, too much rational control of the soul's irrational process of seeking an unfolding mystery.
Like if that was the case Kesu needed you to tell him. Duhhhh...
Anons=nothing you never count anons as people. Cause they aren't they are fodder that grow the post number.
My flower is in capitals.
Compartmentalization works well for lying and playing roles if you think about it. You shut off one version of reality and one version of who you really are and creat a new one for a little while that works better for you at the time. Other versions wont interfere because they're completely separate and have nothing to do with each other. When I lie it doesn't even feel like I'm lying. It feels more like I've created another version of the truth. Like a new truth. I agree with what kesu said. I've left lots of people behind before and I don't think twice about them. They're in the past and I'm in the present. That's that.
ReplyDeleteOH NO, Rips back, guys. HIDE!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are the queen flower soul. You deserve caps. Plus something has to be said about you having seniority.
ReplyDeleteThe flowery types are the easiest people to fuck with on this site. You just have to create a character with a sob story, that pulls out their empathy and then you can do what you like. I'm shocked by how gullible some of these people are as well.
ReplyDeleteKesu has just described me and Im not a sociio.
ReplyDeleteNarcissists have a hyper active fight or flight response as do individuals with borderline personality disorder.
ReplyDeletePsychopaths have a higher chance of being killed in a road accident. This is because their brains are not fully awake all the time, sometimes psychopaths may have slower reactions to let's say a truck moving towards them at 60 mph, they will probably look at the truck for like 3 seconds before their brain gets a jolt.
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of compartmentalization:
ReplyDeleteI theorize that socios do it more then most, but there are still those times when they cannot do it.
I know that with all the people you guys screw over,laugh at, and forget about, there are those select few who were your favorites. Those people who gave you so much pleasure when you played with them.
Not really, i can't remember all the people i beat up and stole from. I was a big part of their life and they were a very small part of mine.
ReplyDeleteCompartmentalizing is very good means for survival. Everyone does it. Some are more efficient at it than others. I agree with Mis, in that I don't consider myself a liar per say, I feel like I'm just opening up another side to myself, and telling another version of the truth. I can't say I'm as efficient as I'd like to be, but I have a good memory and if I happens to slip, I don't really care. Most people don't know shit about me anyways. I throw them a bone here and there, make them think I've shared an intimate moment. For the few who get really close; they just believe I'm so passionate about everything, that they just can't pen me down!
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ReplyDeleteShould we send Erin to a Love Fraud prison camp?
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:55
ReplyDeleteJust give me a permanent chastity belt.
@Erin How about I impregnate you then give you a back alley abortion instead.
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ReplyDeleteA women hasn't met more to me then I expressed.
You don't even seem like a women to me to be honest, just some bored college/High school dude having fun.
ReplyDeleteEveryone things I am young.I wonder why?
Domestic violence is cool
ReplyDeleteIt's simple really. You don't put much thought into what your type, and that type of behavior shows that you are not really sincere.
Not to mention you came here saying you were a psychic that was molested by her mother.
ReplyDeleteyour life story sounds like something I would think up for a prank call.
I now love Jason
ReplyDeleteRape is acceptable
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ReplyDeleteSo because I made you look like a tard you write me off as a 'kid'?
You can't even hold your own against the stupidest anons, forget about the most erudite members of SW.
ReplyDeleteYou also deleted both of your posts hoping me or nobody else would see them.
I would like to see you stand your own against me without trying to back-paddle and edit your shit.
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ReplyDeleteerin was exposed as an idiot already. look at the july 17 comment section and the stop conversing with her.
ReplyDeleteMan, you guys argue way too much. Why do you care?
ReplyDelete@Erin I personally have a high degree of attachment to 2-3 people at a time, where I would be very upset if something bad were to happen to them. My definitions of bad and theirs are different, though. They can be completely unhappy and I won't care if I think the reason is stupid.
@The Blog
Yep. Sounds almost exactly like me. I begin to think more and more that if I'm not a sociopath, I have very similar characteristics in a lot of ways, such that I can learn about myself from them.
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ReplyDeleteThere is nothing I would like more than to draw your intestines out through your mouth Erin. That way you could get a taste of the shit that you constantly spew.
ReplyDeleteTry standing your own against Kesu.
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ReplyDeletePage 1.
The real party begins now. The one I've been waiting for.
ReplyDeleteYou can stick whatever you please in whatever orifice you choose. You can't stand up to me. The best you can do is get on your knees. Be happy I allow you that.
ReplyDeleteObviously you ex didn't kick the shit out of you. He should have. He did everyone else a disservice by not beating you until you couldn't raise your head to make eye contact. I wouldn't make that mistake. You mouthy ignorant child.
Im so glad Kesu is back
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ReplyDeleteI could finish the job your b/f started. I hate when people do things half-assed. It causes pathetic mistakes like you.
ReplyDeleteSo sure I'll be your friend right after I file down your finger tips to the second knuckle. Now shut up. I'm tired of you.
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ReplyDeleteSo much for standing up.
You just agreed to kneel down.
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ReplyDeletemy compartments are all over the place. I need to organize so i can live the way i want.... or more exactly the way i want than i am right now. my laziness and disorganization seem to be my greatest enemies. hehe. anyone?
ReplyDeleteon seeing others in pain... It's either pathetic or funny. I prefer to locate the humor though, cause i feel that if i don't laugh at other's misfortunes then i'd be taking my own fortunes for granted.. no?
I mean shit. so long as it isn't happening to me.. i BETTER get a good chuckle out of it
Posts like these are my favorites. You can talk about not having empathy until the eagles choke (not sure if that means anything) but posts describing traits like this, including examples etcetera, are a hundred times more recognizable. To me at least. 'Cause, of course, you cannot recognize what you don't have.
ReplyDeleteRupert murdoch is the king spat.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about the topic of compartmentalizing most of this year. I compartmentalize every social group Im involved with including this one. I realized it at my last birthday party a few years ago. I brought in all these people from totally different backrounds. From drug runners to mortgage brokers. It was a pretty big party between two houses side by side. As I would traverse between houses I would listen to conversations people had about me, because I started getting paranoid. I didn't want one hand telling the other hand about my other characters. However, I wanted a big party so I went ahead and took the risk.
ReplyDeletePeople were surprised that they were talking about the same person. With my childhood friends they had this picture painted of a person who terrorized the community. With my business associates I used to have they had a professional salesmen image. I took this one with me to school which I decided to go to recently. Within the upper levels of my current business I'm shrew, serious, and mild mannered. I use this for my family and wife too. That's just a few examples.
The problem for me is consitency. When I get angry the entire role I'm playing falls completely apart. I become a monster and those who endear my good half are completely surprised at my reaction to situations. Where they thought something would roll off my back I turn into a vendetta. I'm very vindictive. Where they thought what I said was a matter of opinion becomes rule of law. Slowly but surely there is a transformation before their very eyes of a easy going laid back individual, to a vindictive controlling iron fisted madman on a quest for power over the group. As soon as I get my way I'm back to normal.
This is why I like my partners in crime. I don't like admitting it, but I am who I really am around them.
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ReplyDeleteUkan do you have a hard time figuring out what other people think of you? I heard that sociopaths have difficulty with that.
ReplyDeleteErin, I do love my wife. She understands every aspect of me and its refreshing. She used to ride with me through the worse areas in the city to do some very risky things. My love is possessive. She is codependent so she excuses everything I do.
ReplyDeleteWhich is the answer to the next question from anonymous. I guess I don't know. I thought I did. The more I get to know who I am, the more I understand how people percieve me. This compartmentalizing is something I did subconsciously. I told my wife a month ago that she was brave and I admired her for going with me to work. However she told me that she didn't even know the dangers at the time and that she was completely naive. The only reason she would go with me is because she couldn't stand being away from me. She had come to believe that I knew that and I was putting her through it purposely to toughen her up.
On the other side I got surprising feedback from someone I've been tutoring in this business for a few years. She was a screw up when I met her and I hired her because if I didn't she would inadvertently screw up my business, sorry to be vague. This year people tell me she's really changed. They call her a miniture version of me. In the past few months her production has sky rocketed. On Sunday she sent me a text saying "thanks for the iron fist, you are like a father to me and I appreciate all your help". Coming from someone who calls me a tyrant it was surprising.
My ex business partner who I forced out of the game told me in feburary that he always saw me as a mentor, and he had no clue why I did what I did to him. I thought he was going against me, but he swears that any impact he had on me was inadvertant.
Anytime people do something that hinders me I feel like they are doing it on purpose.
stupid fucks. id take any 1 of u dumb faggots in a knife fight.
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ReplyDeleteUKan I find it very hard to believe that you haven't devalued your wife yet, don't all sociopaths do that? Value someone one minute then see them as an object the next?
ReplyDeleteUkan be mild mannered? That is hard to imagine for some reason to me ukan. I always imagine you as a shortish fiery Caucasian.
ReplyDeleteAlso, come out and say it. You fucked the girl who could have ruined your business. That I guess would also Erins question. BTW Ukan hasn't been married that long.
In other words, is she good looking, has a nice house? You are a superficial person, as are all sociopaths, you aren't looking for personality are you???
ReplyDeleteKesu are you an idiot? You should know that the mask gets dropped on here!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteI would like to think so, but my wife is bisexual and likes threesomes. I don't know if that is applicable in your situation. Its important to understand that though traits in sociopaths are similiar, the people and situations vary significiantly.
ReplyDelete-laughs- The mask is never completely dropped. You may get to see a part of the face underneath but it never completely comes off. So much of it isn't conscious. So many lies are told on simple compulsion. So many things are never said just in case. The mask never fully comes off.
ReplyDeletewhat do you guys look like?
ReplyDeleteHad I been working around UKan I would be acting very respectable and complimentary while thinking inside 'what a shit head' this one is when I think of the possibility that he goes around and shares with others that I told him 'you've been like a father to me."
ReplyDeleteThe idiot thinks he is the only liar on the block.
Had I been around Kesu, I'd do everything to impress him and get him curious about me, because I would want to get to know him better in person, in my home.
ReplyDeleteHad I been around TNP, I'd have shaken my head with disbelief each time I walked by him and pay no attention to the fact that he can see me doing that.
ReplyDeleteNo I'm tall and polite. I use my fire to get what I want. You see me as you do because on here there are many lies to sift through, and sometimes to get a jewel you have to crack open some rocks. If you ran into me on the street as a stranger I would call you sir or miss. The only people who see my demons are people who stick around me long enough.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people believe everything they read?
ReplyDeleteHuh... I swore one time you said you were like 5'7... As for the rest. I can say the same.
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem. Once you make a reputation as a liar, there is no going back. Nothing you say matters. You gotta change ship, move to another town and hope that no one recognizes you.
ReplyDeleteFor all we know Kesu could be 4'11". Living his tall Second World here.
ReplyDeleteJust a guess
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ReplyDeleteActually anon I'm 4'4 and bite peoples knees for a living.
ReplyDeleteThe internet filters out lies anon. Didn't anybody tell you?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many ugly people post on here. If people start uploading their real pictures Im sure it would be very interesting
ReplyDeletestupid bitch!
ReplyDeletei'm awsome!!!
ReplyDeleteno you're not dude don't lie
i'm awsome!!!
i'm drivin around in my mom's ride
i'm awsome!!!
a quarter of my life gone by and
i met all my friends online
i'm awsome!!!
i will run away from a brawl
i'm awsome!!!
there's no voice mail nobody called
i'm awsome!!!
i can't afford to buy eight ball
and i talk to myself
on my facebook wall
somebody should do an sw gansta rap that includes all the zany characters here.
ReplyDeleteI'm six foot. Ive never said five seven I don't know where you pulled that out of because I've said my height on here several times. Why would you lie about your height? In my boxing class the shorter ones hit the hardest. Anon you are nothing but a heckler trying to sow doubts. Your a typical person with low self esteem who figures everyone is lying about superficial things like their height or looks because that something you would do. It woukdnt matter if I was a midget, my gift is in talkig to people and if I wanted to impress people here all I have to do is hit send when I'm done typing.
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ReplyDeletehad i been around misanthrope, i would constantly ask about that strange smell emanating from underneath his floorboards.
ReplyDeleteAnother codependent hooked on sociopathworld. I wonder if you guys understand the pattern yet. The verbal abuse that is thrust onto every codependent that comes in, the aftermath of being charming to them when they stick around, and the several months of them being hooked on this site. M.E. you will owe me royalty checks if we make this big.
ReplyDeleteI think you are confusing being featured on M.E.'s twitter feed as being of importance.
You are just as codependent as Erin, you need M.E. and his blog to feel like you are truly valued.
Nobody in the real world values you besides those stupid things called 'masks' you wear or whatever the fuck they are.
ReplyDeleteI hold you in lower regard for not realizing that Erin is a troll.
Perhaps you don't want to realize this and want to use her as an opportunity to boost your SW cred.
When I was very young, maybe eight or so, I looked at the world around me and thought: I am the only one here with a soul. Everyone else is a shell. I must hide my soul, and pretend to be one of them, or risk being be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteI was paranoid that I would eventually do something to expose myself. So I started mixing my thoughts up. Paranoid that one of the others would eventually be able to read my mind.
It became this compulsion... moving thoughts around, or cutting them up into smaller fragments.
I lied often, or would not respond to questions, even if it meant I had to take a beating. I would never let my guard down. I would never betray myself for any reason.
It was hard work when I was young. Keeping the truth from myself, so I could lie better. Once I was convinced though, it became second nature. Years went by, and there was nothing to it.
My subconscious be my guide. It knows what path is more natural for me, and the rules that humans make with the filtered versions of themselves, can not penetrate this perfect natural place, where I keep my soul. It can never be charted, weighed, or felt.
lolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeleteJason your opinion is worthless to me. You hang around here confused not knowing who you. In reality your still wet behind the ears, beig a eighteen year old kid. You latch onto anyone who has the least bit of charisma which makes your admiration worthless. It took several months of the sociopaths in here verbally abusing you for you to finally speak up for yourself. Before that you would still come back and lick our hands just for a taste of masculinity. The masculinity you took from yourself because you couldn't face your fears. Your respect is worthless you worm, because ypu don even have respect for yourself. Now shutup and sit back down. You might learn how to make your life into something above mediocre.
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeletelolhaha jason is a buttmonkey faggot to ukan and misanthrope and he thinks hes a bigman coz he screwed with erin lol stfu biyatch
ReplyDeleteI'm actually curious about MEs post. Has anyone actually given note to the concept of compartmentalization? Is this how S/Ps operate or do you think it's more of a dissociative feature? If it's a dissociative feature it makes me wonder just how ingrained dissociation is in the presence of PDs.
ReplyDelete@UKan Bam
ReplyDeleteAnd this is the guy who needs people to worship him so much that he has to create fictitious accounts of exposing and running people off of SW.
Almost all of the people you supposedly ran off here are still here posting on a regular basis, the few ones who left did so for other reasons.
You are still codependent.You need to lie to the anons here so they fear you.
Thats lame. Go out in the real world and become politician. Oh you cant. You have a criminal record because you were stupid enough to get caught in your antisocial acts.
Give it up, you are just as amazing of a sociopath as the joe in jail for petty theft.
Angry in here tonight. I have a theory that trolls + heat = shorter tempers than usual.
ReplyDeleteDo people worship me here? Well, Jason, thank you for giving me such credibility. Even I wouldn't have bestowed that upon myself. If I can get people to 'worship' me on here imagine what I can do outside of here.
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ReplyDeleteNah Im just going to turn the tables.
Btw, have you tried circuit training? I am going to do it with bodyweight starting tommorrow. I f'king hate weights, I seem to see better results with interval training with cardio.
Haha, alright. I have done circuit training. It's a good way to go. I need to get a trainer again, just to mix up my routine. I'm in kind of a rut. I always work better when I'm pushed. I don't mind free weights though. Better than machines anyways. Machines are next to useless.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever done stability with a Bosu? It's really good for strengthening your core.
Right now the stress in my life is kicking my ass and stripping my energy. Need some way to really relieve that first. THen I'll be in a better mindset to function properly.
ReplyDeleteI said a 'need' to be worshiped.
And getting anons on a blog to worship you isn't all that hard.
In the real world you are a narcissistic wannabe sociopath who lucked himself out of jail and with a slut he calls a wife.
Imagine what you could do if you weren't so incompetent?
ReplyDeleteAnd if you were doing so much in the real world, why do you need to come home and post on an internet blog.
Don't you have some fortune 500 company to run or some shit?
I bet your business is near bankrupt.
@haven Compartmentalization and disassociation are two very different things. I say this knowing you know that. What I mean is that both can be present but they are separate.
ReplyDeleteHere is how compartmentalization works for me more or less. Lets say I play baseball with group A and I watch movies with group B. I would never try to mix the groups. They both have activities a signed to them and those are the only activities I can do with them. I wouldn't call either group friends really. Instead I think of them as activity buddies. So I might say something about them like "my movie watching friends..." cause that is all they are to me.
I would sooner disassociate from an action than from people.
ReplyDeleteI havent done stability with a bosu. I will look into it.
@Kesu. Interesting. I see what you mean and I compartmentalize in that way too. Does the thought of trying to integrate parallel groups ever cause you anxiety? Once I put people in their respective groups I want to keep them there, even if the opportunity to integrate them presents itself.
ReplyDeleteI'm the opposite with my dissociation though. Activities if they're paced fast enough connect me. It's people that cause me to dissociate more than anything else short of work stress.
"Does the thought of trying to integrate parallel groups ever cause you anxiety?"
ReplyDeleteNo because honestly I don't think about those people other than in relation to the activity. Actually I kinda think of them as the activity.
I mean as far as the disassociation I would think that I honestly didn't do something. Like the only reason I did that was because Billy-Bob dared me to. It is his fault not mine. To me that is legitimate. It really isn't my fault it is Billy-Bobs.
haven.... do some yoga. not even kidding. Calms you down AND gives you tons of energy... Energy that you can focus on whatever you want i might add.
ReplyDeleteI think you are incorrect.
The billy-bob thing seems to stem from the fact that you cannot accept responsibility for your actions.
I think disassociation would be saying you didnt do what billy-bob dared you to do at all, and that anyone who hinted at your involvement is absolutely insane.
"Actually I kinda think of them as the activity."
ReplyDeleteHahah, nice. How very socio of you =)
So basically all actions are associated with the original thought. Had the seed not been planted by someone else the kid never would have climbed the tree and broke their leg once they fell off. It must be nice to live with zero accountability. I feign accountability because it suits my purposes to take responsibility for things whether I care or not.
@Imitation.. Thanks, I'll look into it. I think there are some classes at my gym.
ReplyDelete@Jason. You could be right. I was trying to think how I dis and it affects me in real life. Kinda hard because when I think about it other than the states I don't think I really get it. I mean all I do could be extreme compartmentalization. Hard to say.
ReplyDeleteHey guys.
ReplyDeleteNotice how Ukan conveniently left in the middle of my pounding.
If Ukan doesn't show up within 24 hours then that means he is scared of me.
Jason stfu. You are a pathetic shit with low self-esteem. So stop trying to act tough. Fat fuck.
ReplyDeleteI know I am so easy to trample over since I lick off of everyone's masculinity.
Yet Ukan still hasn't come up with a suitable rebuttal to either of my posts.
I guess we know who the real man is here. Its me.
And if he comes with some balsy crap like I am a worm not worth his time then I know he is scared.
jason you are beyond pathetic, do you seriously think anyone here is on your side?
ReplyDeleteNow now boys. Play nice. Or it's spankings all around and straight to your room ::grins::.
ReplyDeleteDon't think you can leave your way out of this mess.
I will get you.
@Anon 8:56
ReplyDeleteYes Ukan I know that is you.
Do you seriously think I don't know your pathetic games by now?
On the difference between a Socio and a Narcissist: "A Sociopath has no need to be validated by others. Unlike a Narcissist, a Sociopath has no underlying neediness for others approval. His remorseless behavior does not stem from a deep insecurity, like a Narcissist. Instead, he desires to exploit others simply for his entertainment and amusement."
ReplyDeleteJason, you are a turnip. Pathetic and white. When was the last time you made a score in anything.
ReplyDelete@Anon 9:12
ReplyDeleteheh I am bored so I will humor you.
You need something more thought out then an insult to win.
Lets see if you can actually think of something that would make an impact of me tonight.
Ukan must be a sore thumb if he thinks he can run away from Jason.
ReplyDeleteThe turnip balls of steel is bored.
ReplyDeletejason suckz balls.
ReplyDeleteJason and Ukan need some time alone to compartmentalize their emotions, before they really fight.
ReplyDeleteActually jason I was out having a life. Buying things you probably could never afford. The fact I wasn't here and you were didn't validate anything but the fact your a loser. I use a droid x to post on this site not a computer. The fact that you assumed I was using one tells me you are on computer yourself. Tell me, what do on your computer in between waiting to be verbally abused here?
ReplyDeleteWhered everybody go.
ReplyDeleteI dun 'no' did you scare em off
I don' 'no' maybe.
I see Ukan but where's everyone else. Itz okay imma nice guy
ReplyDeleteEvery days imma fromma anotha cuntry
ReplyDeleteHey Jason
ReplyDeleteI create a fake names and make up people but that's cuz no one 'iIll take to me =(
Sei un stronzo e molto annoiato
ReplyDeleteNon essere triste essere felici
ReplyDeleteall 'paths would murder for cash, if the price is right?
ReplyDeleteam i right?
anon 9:39... spot on.
ReplyDeletea lot of prick waving going on here...
"i guess we know who the real man here is. its me"
"buying things you could probably never afford"
fuckin' priceless...
you couldn't make this shit up.
...unless you guys are making this shit up.... in which case i got to hand it to both of you for being comic geniuses. :)
nighty night
Oh, UKan, you silly boy, er, man.
ReplyDeleteThreatening to embarrass me, are you? Do please dig up the archives and post links to fictitious Anons trying to use my name to try and slander me. The regulars here know I only use my blogger account. Your tactic didn't work then (except on Medusa, apparently) and it sure as hell won't work now.
You don't know my age, my ethnicity, or how to actually push my buttons. Even if you did, you could never embarrass me. No one's pulled it off before (embarrassing me or making me feel shame), and there isn't a chance in hell some lanky UK drug dealing troll is going to pull it off with another one of his laughable stabs in the dark.
Feel free, make well with your threat, go and get all the links that make you giddy that supposedly make me squirm. I'm sure you have them book-marked, you pathetic man-child.
When and if you do, all of your imaginary leverage will be gone, and you'll look like an old granny digging up dirt about her neighbors stealing the Times back in '83. No one gives a shit.
On Topic:
ReplyDeleteCompartmentalizing and being called out on it is something I deal with, chronically. Who I am to someone, and who I turn out to be, or decide to treat them in the long run, those persona often clash or are completely skewed. This causes paranoia in some people, but usually just total confusion and anger with the average friend/acquaintance.
I've gotten better about it over the years, but the issue isn't the inability to hide the shifts in character when they happen, the issue is NOT wanting to hide them. If I was interested about helping someone/thing out, and then I decided I had my fill of the situation and they come back for more scraps, I WANT them to fucking know that I am no longer a source for counsel, support, or anything pertaining to the issue at hand, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm no longer part of it, and its existence means virtually nil.
There are more subtle ways to do it, but when it comes to people hounding me for shit, or asking where the original TNP poofed to and who is this now, I want them to know right away so I can uproot the problem before it gets out of hand.
How bout when you touted around like a leader and then admitted you followed in a beating of some black kid which you later 'regretted'. Oh your first embarrassing moment. I still remember all the back pedaling you did till Nikita named you Not Able. Remember? Or how Postmodern pulled your covers and exposed you making a fake name to cheerlead yourself and draw attention to your stupid blog that's garbage at best. That's when we called you a Narcissist. That's what pushed your buttons. Yes, Not Able. That's where I learned that term really got under your skin.
ReplyDeleteIt amuses me when guests come in here and call you narcissistic. You get really angry with them. The funny thing is a lot of them just meant that you have it as a trait not a personality disorder yet you get angry anyway because it hits so close to home.
You fucking fake. We can check the archives. You came on here talking like robot with all of your psycho hyper intellectual rubbish. Its still on your blog I'm sure. Watch the change in tone as you try to imitate me. You tried to go from a princeton graduate to a street thug in a matter of months. Believe me Not Able I am the master of disguise and I know when someone changes before my eyes.
You see Not Able, I am the obstacle when it comes to compartmentalization. I real bring you constantly back to the day you stand naked before me with all of your lies uncovered and all your insecurities brought to bare. I may forget your name, but I will never forget your weaknesses.
You either have a bad memory, are lying for effect, or actually believe your own bullshit.
ReplyDeleteThe post about me beating some black kid (ethnicity identified) was not done by me, I never said the person's ethnicity, nor mine. In fact, since it was an anonymous poster, the comment can't be deleted, so even if you link to it, you're simply proving what I'm saying.
As far as PMS goes, nothing was ever exposed because I don't use any identity other than my own, unlike some people *cough*.
And as for your attempt to get my to check the archives to save you hours of work to defend myself, wow, really UKan, you thought I was that stupid? Jeesh, you really do think you're smarter than me. That's just sad.
You're not a master of disguise, you're just a bored druggy trying to push buttons that aren't there.
I would say nice try, but it really wasn't. You just made yourself look that much more obvious.
Today has been fun. I hope tomorrow will be fun too.
ReplyDeleteOu I forgot you deleted them after I put links to it last time ha ha ha. Thank you for reminding us. How pathetic of you. Nobody pretended to be you, how would they? You can't delete messages when you dont use accounts. Are you telling me someone hacked your account, posted messages defending you, and then deleted them when someone tried to embarrass you? Is Rupert Murdoch your invisible guardian of public relations? What motive would someone have to impersonate you and try to defend your reputation? Oh I see because you failed it wasn't you. Isn't that one of your traits? You can't see your shortcomings blaring at you in the face. You fucking farce.
ReplyDeleteI can see you all as clear as day. Everything you say is lines on my map of you until one day I find your treasure. I'm exposing you because you lie to yourselves. You lie because you don't want to feel your anguish. Come, I will bring you to your anguish. I will show you who you really are.
And you're trying again to try and get me to defend myself with those links? You really are(n't) incredible!
ReplyDeleteYou can't see me clear as day. You don't know the first thing about me, yet we know about your actual past, your actual present, the business you're in now, the business you're planning to go in, what club you're the president of (supposedly, probably BS though) and the fact that Mr. Master of Disguise and Deception had a monkey wrench thrown in his business because so-called polite and civil UKan bitch-slapped a rival's boyfriend in his club.
You're an angry, jaded man who beats his wife when she doesn't make him a sandwich at five in the morning.
As if scum like you could ever put a dent in my ego, let alone shame me. If you weren't mental, I'd question your audacity to even try.
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ReplyDeleteShit for brains!
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ReplyDeletewell then you're doing it wrong. you've failed. AGAIN
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ReplyDeleteCan a socio compartmentalize his "love" for his 6 year old son? He says and shows that he loves him dearly when he's with him, but forgets him very quickly when he's off to his next housing provider.
ReplyDeleteAnother name for EPD would be codependency??? Not healthy at all!
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ReplyDeletehi Rip :)
ReplyDeleteErin said...
ReplyDeleteYou know,I feel I am doing something very wrong by loving and respecting myself.
this will sound crazy, Erin, but if you really want to know why you don't deserve empathy, just ask yourself. Don't think, just go with whatever thought pops up first in your head.
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ReplyDeleteum i'll try. i meant treat the negative thoughts or feelings the way you would as if they were coming from someone else. just ask yourself a question and go with the first thought or feeling that replies. if the reply is "because i'm/you're no good" ask why. keep asking.
ReplyDeletei think i free associate in my head until i figure out where the thoughts or feelings are coming from
ReplyDeletewhen did that fight switch to notable and Ukan I thought it was jason and Ukan.
ReplyDeleteHi Zoe
I liked the " so-and-so is acceptable/cool guy"
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ReplyDeleteSkimmed through comments, so maybe this was already touched on but...
ReplyDelete1) Compartmentalizing is a useful skill to have in certain high stress professions. I think it's one of the biggest reasons you see a higher percentage of sociopaths in law enforcement, emergency/trauma medicine, the military, the upper echelons of the corporate world, etc. (beyond the theory that these professions afford legitimate power).
2) A lot of emphasis here on "I am this," You are that," "You sound like a _______ , not a _________" ...
Why such emphasis on discrete diagnoses? Whatever happened to comorbidities? Too many people checking off boxes in the DSM. Remember, those lists were created by (mostly) outsiders looking in, trying to figure it out. Will I be pegged as a hippy too for suggesting we spend less time trying to define ourselves and others and more time exploring the intricacies of our own individual amalgamations? Labels like "sociopath" are to me only helpful in a vague semantic sense, a tool for Googling perhaps. After that, it all goes out the window...