
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Can sociopaths date other sociopaths?

A reader asks:
I have thought for a long time that I am probably a sociopath. I am good at picking up on what people want from me and becoming that person, which makes me very popular. I have mastered the art of being liked. I'm a pretty girl and have always easily found men, been married twice, and left both husbands after a few years because I was bored. Although I'm good at painting myself as the sympathetic party. The ironic thing is that I'm a social worker, and work with distressed families, people always ask me if it breaks my heart, or assume that I love "helping people", and I usually go with this. I actually enjoy the fact more that my job takes me into scary situations, threatened violence or poverty-stricken crime-filled areas, and allows me to intimidate people. Sometimes people suggest that I should be able to carry a weapon, and I always say it is not necessary and make up some liberal bullshit about not wanting to carry a weapon (the truth is I love to shoot). I don't feel like I need a weapon ever, I feel totally confident in my ability to control almost any situation. Whew. It's nice to be so honest with someone. I probably sound like a narcissist, but I'm just trying to tell you the truth about who I am and my situation as quickly as possible.

All of this to say, that within the last year I met a man who I'm positive is a Sociopath too. In fact we talked about it once, and he admitted to me that he wonders if he is. (I of course did not admit anything to him! The part I play with him is the slightly dumb but intensely caring and unable to lie enabler.) He did say that he has never had anyone see through him like that. I have never had any legal trouble, and he has been caught several times, for stealing essentially. It kind of makes me think I'm smarter than him. BUT I really do like this person, and not in the half-hearted way I liked my husbands. I am sure that it is his manipulation of me that has caught my interest, and an intense desire to WIN him. He has a girlfriend, in fact, now a fiance. He has been cheating on her the entire time he was been with her, with me. He lies to her about all kinds of things constantly because he wants to preserve her image of him as more normal than he is. (He told me he feels like if anyone knew the real him they would think he was a monster) I became OBSESSED with him. Although at times where I felt like he was into me not as much so. But the moment he pulls away I want to devour him and possess his soul.

Is it possible, do you think, for two sociopaths to have a relationship? Or will it be this constant fight for control? I feel in many ways like a relationship with him might become the most honest relationship I've ever had with someone, I've told him this, but he doesn't know what I am so he doesn't understand it. Or maybe doesn't want it. Do I really have feelings for him do you think? Or is this something that would disappear if I ever won him? I feel like he is the only man I've ever met who may hold my interest because of his own fearlessness and risk taking behavior. Wow. I'm sorry to ramble on like this, but I'm very interested in your perception of the situation. What do you think, is it possible for two sociopaths to find love with each other? Or will we just ruin each other in the end?
I actually have no clue. I've never been in a relationship with another sociopath. Anyone else have any insight?


  1. Openly date, where's the fun in that? Between me and mine we ruin twice as many people- nearly a decade so far without being caught and we both know exactly what we are, makes for better planning over a spliff and some wine. It might help if one is more dominant though...

  2. Oh, come now.

    Everyone knows that female 'paths don't exist.

    Violent women are, and always have been, victims of madness and men.

    That we express our will to power through the cultural prestige of motherhood, or mothering as a profession, is lost on a culture that cannot conceive of female brutality.

    We carry life, we're celebrated; we parade newborns, we're elevated; we neglect or smother them, we're protected; we poison patients, we're overlooked; we prey on the young, the elderly, the weak, the lonely...

    No, of course we don't - biologically, oops I mean culturally, we women just can't WANT to do that.

    1. Female Sociopaths are the most dangerous and very much so exist. Prey you don't have one close to you.

    2. Ever met a CPS worker? A lot of them are sociopaths. Ronda Waring, Jamie Jones, Luz Campas...the last one is really dumb, though...

    3. hey how do you know those 3 women are sociopaths?and why did you post them in a group together?I know of them,just curious please repost anymore info on these three ty


    5. .... Person.... female sociopaths are the strong of the genders..... men are much more easily to manipulate, and they can go farther.

    6. At first I thought you might be retarded, then when reading on I realized you just spurt beautiful sarcasm. Well done(:

    7. Haha! Proving the intelligence of females! Didn't even consider it being sarcasm until the end! Yeah, I definetely do believe that so many men are really stupid. But it's not that they are easier to manipulate genetically, it is simply that men will do anything for a girlfriend in the first place, so lying to them to become theirs is just so much easier!

  3. Countess Elizabeth BathoryJune 13, 2011 at 3:22 AM

    I know, right? *twirls hair and pops gum*

  4. Oh em gee! I can't believe Jack's a brand and I'm not! *stamps foot and pouts*

  5. I really enjoyed it at first but it didn't end very well :(

  6. The chances of two sociopaths meeting to begin with is very rare, considering less than 1% are true sociopaths. Sociopaths would end up by killing one another, a sociopath will always find a codependent.

    1. 4% of the world our sociopaths. That is 1-25 people are sociopaths. there is no such thing as a true sociopath. You are or you aren't. There are other common disorders that are similar to anti social disorder.

  7. How does shooting guns and acting make you a sociopath? you could have a hundred other things.

  8. Touche, Aspie.

    I myself do not shoot guns but do suffer from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.

    Oh dear, I lied - I don't suffer but my darling children do.

    It's so much more socially acceptable than psychopathy in much the same way that SIDS is so much more socially acceptable than infanticide.

  9. pls stfu aspie u r just encuraging the borderline looser chicks to unleash there repulsave self pity on us when what they need is a razablade at leest they are easy an its fun to make them cry when they cum

    1. I feel like global rule number one of trolling chat forums is learning to spell...

    2. careful now anon jc seems to have psychopathic tendencies :o

    3. You can't spell. Also, you're stupid. That is all.

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  11. It might work if they can focus on a big project as a team.

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  13. sparkle bug.

    Rockefeller and his wife seems to have it fine.

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  15. "Business is business."

    That was a sociopathic thing to say.

  16. Relationships require some kind of polarity to create a spark and then sustain. Your mask of caring enabler might not be a strong enough polarity as with his fiance to be his primary. I get the obsession for a fascinating object of love. It's a beautiful delicious torture which brings out your own soul and game. I wish he was more fully available to you. Or perhaps that is what fuels your passion to win?

    And anything is possible in the arena of human relations, even happiness.

  17. why does sociapaths try to read minds an guess what people think when they suck so very bad at it

  18. Sparklebug

    How does it feel to be just one generation away from white trash?

  19. @7:03
    I would imagine they are testing and guessing, when they try to read minds. They abandon the "reads" till they find the right one and then exploit the favored read til it's exhausted. Then they start over the process regarding another subject. It is a puzzle, and it's fun for them. Omg, my ex would beam like crazy when he finally hit on something. It's like a hobby.

  20. "Relationships require some kind of polarity to create a spark and then sustain."

    I believe this. I've had a fair share of 'healthy' relationships but lacked any spark so I was very bored and just walked away. When I date people that are in almost complete opposition to me, or to certain traits I have, and there's a spark, a conflict, a something... that's when things ignite and the really fun {disaster} begins.

    I can't see two essentially emotionless people being romantically interested in each other for long. Games wouldnt' work well on each other. They have to pair up and focus those games outwards, but then they could just as easily continue their games alone. Masks would slip, sure, there'd be no point for them, but then there is also no tension from maintaining that mask either. I don't see it being very interesting for very long.

    1. I was in a relationship with someone else with ASPD for two years and it worked very well for a while. We smoked together every day, did drugs together, talked about all of our friends and what we thought would happen between them, etc. We got into physical fights several times, and I remember one time when he pinned me down we were both so turned on that we forgot what we were fighting about and fucked.

      It can be very exciting, but I don't think this kind of relationship can last. It was a never-ending power struggle. It's a shame, though. Something he told me recently sums up our relationship well: "You're the only person I can tell anything and everything to. But you're also the only person who makes me fucking crazy."

      It's refreshing being honest with someone. But neither one of us was willing to relinquish control and submit to the other. It was explosive.

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  23. Sparklebug

    I like your sense of humor. I don't mean any harm. Just that you are not the typical reader.

  24. Does anybody around here know their IQ?

    If so please tell :P

  25. Shy motherfuckers! Mine is 137. Top that.

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  27. sparkle bug

    Whats with the unicorn names?

  28. 2 sociopaths dating. I've dated another. It was only in retrospect that I realized that she was what she was. She did everything that I did in a relationship. She even caught me in a particularly weak state. I was just coming off a major ego blow. I was in a destructive mode and she endorsed it.

    She laughed at the things I laughed at. She was the best crier I have ever met. Whether it was fake or not doesn't matter. She was so good at it that it damn well brought me near to climax.

    She knew exactly the things to say. She was gorgeous to me beyond words. I could see myself in her. She was this perfect trophy to me and that is the way I thought about her. I wanted to lock her away in a case so that only I could enjoy looking at her wavy black hair, pouty red lips, alabaster skin, and perfect curves.

    In the end though we were both the same thing to each other, trophy's. As is the case of trophy's you don't want just one. She struck the first blow and I was already setting up my next target. I've never been so angry in my life. Either way it went back and forth. We would attack each other and attack the person who they were with. Even after we broke up we did this. It was fun but nothing hurts like being denied what you can touch.

    The sex was better when she was with someone else. I think she felt the same towards me. Overall though I feel like I lost. Which is hard for me to swallow and I don't want to admit it. She got closer to me than I did to her. She spent more money on me and I for sure put her through more physical pain then she did to me but she won. She was slightly better at manipulation then me. She was a better liar. There are a 1000 reasons that run through my head why I let her in closer to me than I to her. They make me want to snap that perfectly slender neck of hers.

    1. The same exact thing happened to me, I wonder if it was the same girl. I didn't know until after it was over and I was outraged. In some ways I felt like I was the loser since I got closer to her than she did to me, but I don't think she knew I was manipulating her the entire time so I could get laid each night.

    2. Ha ha I have been in almost the exact same situation. The bottom line is this. Never in all my time manipulating, lying and all round game playing have I become so hooked then when I found myself involved with another sociopath. Normal people with normal human emotions are easy pickings and run of the mill targets. Choose a mark, step in and make them love you, then your free to do as you please, it is that simple.
      However sociopath vs sociopath is one of the most entertaining and highly destructive games I have ever known. It is pure carnage and madness and it's absolute professional best.
      Imagine this if you would.
      I met her at her uncles funeral, a month earlier her long term partner and father to her 2 children had hung and killed himself in prison. She was sitting there alone people all around her, tears running down her face. The sympathy she was collecting from other mourners was fantastic, she was stunningly beautiful also 25 years old at the time. I was 23. So there she was this girl who had almost every person attending the wake in the palm of her hand. I however did not realise at this point what she was, silly i know but at 23 I actually believed I was the only person of my kind who was not a mass murderer. I was naive and thought she was just a normal human exerting normal human behaviour. To me at that exact moment in time she was nothing less then an easy target whom I could pretend to sympathise for, attend to her open wounds and get her completely dependant on my very being and existence, until the time came when I would toss her to the sidewalk in a worse state then I found her like the pathetic emotional wreck that she was in my minds eye.
      Boy was I caught off guard by pure co incidence and so was she. There we was 2 dangerous people going about our luring in very different ways with the sole intention of dominating a normal being. Yet we ended up attracting each other.
      The devastation and carnage that followed was tremendous, fantastic to watch and thrilling to be a part off. While family's were ripped apart by our antics, including our own, friends were used and roped into our vicious game. If I had the patience to sit and explain the entire story then I would. But I am now not as enthuisiastic as I was at the time I started writing. And quite frankly I believe I have entertained you enough. Moral of the story is, if There are other sociopaths reading this which from reading many of the posts it is clear that many of these people on here are silly fantasist types who may have researched sociopathy and are now trying to imitate on a forum for reasons only known to themselves. My educated guess is because they think they sound cool or clever, but fuck that, to the minute few of you out there I LAY DOWN A CHALLENGE WHICH IS THIS find yourself a sociopath of the opposite sex, he or she has to be on the same intellectual level as your self to make sure it stays compelling. Then IF YOU CAN engage in a relationship with this person using all your skills, and all your tricks and underhand tactics. Watch what happens.... I promise you will thank me. And smile knowing that somewhere, someone has read this and followed it through. So I once again revel in the fact that I have engaged another into this fantastic and newly found game.

    3. She knew who you were and what you were-you under estimated her. She understood you better than you did, and she probably pretended that she had no idea but gave you just enough to dangle you from her hook. You totally took the bait because come on lets face it, it would have been more interesting than any other sexual interest of the time. The games only good when you're playing it, and believe me the funnest part is denying you of what you can touch. That's how she wins because at the end of the day she knows the novelty will wear off soon, so she may as well end it first and come out on top. You probably did get close to her-but she'd never let you know that.

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  30. Strong callous women do it for me.

  31. Why are sociopaths the nuttiest people on the planet, yet they seem the most normal.

    1. The sociopath works hard at being a good actor, perfecting their craft, to dupe their unsuspecting victims! Until the victim wises up, and/or refuses to tolerate the abuse! Then the sociopath doesn't want or need the victim, anymore. Often, the sociopath moves onto to a new victim(s), who unknowingly puts up with their evil BS!

  32. The hallmark of sociopathy is inability to feel guilt and shame. If you are able to feel those things then you are not a sociopath, at most you have sociopathic tendencies.

    As for the relationship, I think it's as possible as many 'regular' ones.
    In fiction sociopathic couples work, but real life is something else. All in all, there's only one way to find out, and it's not like you were gonna give up, whatever the advices you had gotten here...

  33. Frank said...

    Does anybody around here know their IQ?

    If so please tell :P

    160. My mother was the same. Test by the military.

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  35. Hey guys. I couldn't help but notice that you started a conversation about iq's. I just took one yesterday. I got 134. Can you tell me if it is for real?


  36. Love. Possibly. Obsession. Definitely. As for reconnecting I have in a rare occasion. There is nothing there.

    I have to say this strangely feels like scratching at an old wound.

  37. Online IQ tests are not real. You have to go to a place that gives them. The Church of Scientology gives them out a long with their emotional IQ tests. You just have to be willing to spend your entire day there while they yap about thetans and whatever other nonsense they want to tell you.

  38. Wow. Love this place. I am from Ireland and am proud to find out that I am a sociopath... But does that mean I will never have that lasting relationship that I am looking for... constantly lokking for even when I am in one?farni

    1. You are not a sociopath. Key words being you "LOVE this place" and are "PROUD"
      Reading a couple of comments in a forum makes you no more of a sociopath then standing in a garage makes you a CAR.
      Your move!!!!
      (author of above sociopath vs sociopath)

    2. But if indeed he is a sociopath he would be able to mask it just fine. By covering it up with normal words like LOVE and PROUD. There is no way to know for sure who is because those who are have mastered their skills.


  39. @anon9:21 can you actually feel a connection to people?

  40. I admire the Scientologists discipline of mind and pursuit of mental and emotional regulation. Yet is is a cult power structure with its own shadow of dominance, obedience and tribal clan rule.

    I do not have a formal IQ score, yet I was placed into a mentally gifted minors classroom as a child. My oldest son was tested at 140.

    IQ is not the complete barometer. EQ is just as important such as in hard work, passion, the ability to create meaning and social grace.

  41. Mr. Ireland, welcome, take a risk get a name. And promise not to drive out Medusa's snakes.

  42. @soulfulpath I find that in truth IQ isn't as important as people try to make it. Yes it is like having a really good engine in a car but without direction, drive, and control you end up going in circles at a very fast pace or just crashing.

    Most things that IQ help with can be over come with just hard work. However, there does seem to be a sweet spot for IQ. 160. A lot of notable people hit it exactly. Einstein, Hawking, Gates, just to name a few.

  43. IMO the female socio's seem to be able to maintain a relationship better then the males. That might have to do with normal male not needing so much attention and are expected to give in the way of pay for dates and such.

  44. Kesu's new nickname "sweet spot."

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  46. Tik -Females are more manipulative and cunning in a different way. And we are also built to nurture and be devotional. Poor men.

    Example of today's post. He is her mirror. She is afraid to be honest with him, fears his rejection. She is manipulating the power dance like a drug. Heroin will destroy eventually.

    Solution. Honesty and releasing the desire to win and own him. Enemy or ally, he is your kind. Love yourself. Be kind to him.

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  48. Sparkle bug you are an elemental force of lightning.;-)

    You are probably a NFJ

    Add "I" if you are introverted and "E" if xtroverted.

    Introvert/Extrovert is dependent on where one restores. If you are completely exhausted . . . do you read a book in the bath or go to a club or crowded restaurant.

  49. All sociopaths I have known were exroverted, yet reserved. They weren't as boisterous as some of the other guys.

  50. "I have a question. What is the most typical, if any, Meyers-Briggs profile for sociopaths and other pesonality disorders?"

    I was INTJ. An extremely rare type.

    "I thought Hawking and Einstein were up at 180."

    Well he never actually took the test(s). It was just estimated at 160. Hawking was the same and even said that people who boast about their IQ's are idiots.

    "Kesu? I was going to call him Cthulhu Boy."

    Cthulhu is the high priest to the Great Old Ones. It also is one of the central figures of the Lovecraft Mythos. It is often cited for the extreme descriptions given of its hideous appearance, its gargantuan size, and the abject terror that it evokes.

    Works for me.

  51. Obviously you can't ask a sociopath for his IQ, he will always give outlandish answers, the newish serial killer Rodney alcala claimed his IQ was 165.

  52. Sociopaths aren't book smart, they are very cunning and devious.

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  54. Haven't read any of his work.

  55. Myer-Briggs always amuses me. Not once have I ever gotten an 'F' despite the obvious assumption that I should. I'm so far into my own head I always come up with 'T's.

    INTJ to be specific. I think once or twice I've gotten INTP.

  56. I agree with the debate the other day that not all serial killers are psychopaths but the vast majority are psychopaths. Here are some that I wouldn't consider having psychopathy.

    Borderline Pd/other:
    Jeffrey dahmer
    Danny rolling
    Aileen wuarnos
    Albert fish
    John wayne gacy
    Carl panzram
    David berkowitz

    Dennis rader (btk)
    Gary ridgeway
    William bonin
    Rodney james alcala
    Richard ramirez
    Carl eugene watts
    Ted bundy
    Peter sutcliffe
    Paul bernardo
    Kenneth bianchi
    Ivan milat
    Pedro alonso lopez
    Randy kraft

  57. It has been a while since i read Carl Jung. from what i recall introverted vs extroverted is based on the source of gratification. If it outside the self u r extra and vice versa. Based on this most Sociopaths should be extroverts. Many books support this idea.

    for example

    50 psychology classics: who we are, how we think, what we do.

    Mealey, L. (1995). The sociobiology of sociopathy: An integrated evolutionary model. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3): 523-599.

    I know of one study that shows this to be false. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol 19(1), 1963, 96-97.

    Personally i think the E and I does not apply to me. Not sure about you guys but i gain gratification when i accomplish my goals which are "outside of the self" however i do not enjoy social conversations just for social reasons. I find them boring and meaningless. Making business connections a whole other topic.
    If the social interaction is only for social reasons and does not assist me to accomplish my goal, it feels the same as sitting at home alone.

  58. Oh and lawrence bittaker is another psychopath. He was even diagnosed.

    He was arrested again when he stabbed a supermarket employee in the parking lot of the business. Bittaker had stuffed a steak down his pants and the employee had followed him outside and tried to stop him. The man survived, and Bittaker was convicted of attempted murder. He met Norris while in prison at the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo.

    In 1976 Bittaker was hired as the manager for the Holiday Theater in the Reseda area of the San Fernando Valley.

    He was given another psychiatric evaluation, which rejected the borderline psychotic finding, saying instead that he was a classic sociopath. Another psychiatrist called Bittaker a sophisticated psychopath. Despite the psychiatrists' warnings, he was released in November 1978 and moved to Los Angeles.

  59. Why does america have so many serial murderers?

  60. Wet, gratification is another word for restoration or feeding. Does one nourish off the energy of others or derive regeneration through introspection. Everyone contains an element of both. A true extrovert never wants to be alone. Much of our makeup is a blend.

    INFP (humanitarian)

  61. I regenerate by sleeping. According to the test I am ENTJ. BTW its morning here.

  62. A true extrovert is always happy!

  63. Reader,

    You want advice, and that's all fine. But perhaps you ought to get a few facts straight so you know what you're asking about.

    If you are a sociopath and he is a sociopath, you could be a match made in heaven, so to speak.
    But if you're both psychopaths, it won't work.

    Once you figure each other out the thrill will be gone, and you'll tire of each others. You'll most likely feel contempt for each other as well. One of you may be the stronger, and the other will resent the fact and maybe plot for revenge.

    Find out which it is, or take your chances. I sense you'll do what you want either way.

    As a woman you have some advantages which I can see you've used well.

    However, you also have some serious gaps in your knowledge and understanding.

    To think you're smarter than him merely because he's been living the way he has only tells me you've probably lived a spoiled life during your upbringing.

    Of course that won't help you the day you get shot because you think you're invincible and don't carry a gun even though you love to shoot.

    Personally I love to work gals like you. And I always win! Because I'm smarter, even though I've been doing plenty of time. If that doesn't tell you something about you having misunderstood a few things, I rest my case.

    You're not making trouble, honey! You're asking for trouble, and that's very different.

    All in all, you're really not very intelligent.


    I've left a reply to you under the 'Magic Flute' debate. :)

  64. If I recall correctly, I'm INT(P/J).

    Dangerous Liasons is a good example of two sociopaths working together with a romantic element. Although it turned out that Malkovich wasn't a real one, just severely repressed and jaded.

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  66. the association's definition of 'pathy is more or less:

    behavior consistently violates others maliciously.

    but it seem up in this blog, the definition of 'pathy is somewhat different:

    feels is completely "above" all of society and smashes all of it's rules, but stops short of violating others maliciously.

    seems there are "good" 'paths, right?

  67. I had a couple of relationships with sociopath birds. I would never do it again. One wanted me to fuck her sister in front of her. She was a school teacher. She ended up trying to get me to kill her fiance for her while she was fucking him. She had a whole scenario set up. She said the sex was going to be the distraction. I told her I thought it was a excuse to be sleeping with someone while they were being killed, and she was a nutter. She ended up telling her fiance about me to pit us against each other to see who would win. Crazy bitch. I ended up running into her fiance and turned him against her. He's in jail right now for attempted murder on her. She's still lurking around.
    This other bird I dated that was a sociopath I had to lay some fucking ground rules. No fucking sisters. No killing fiances. No real names. We met at some party in a stuffy dirty wharehouse. She told me her name was one thing, then changed it every month. She had a girlfriend, so she didnt want anything getting to her. She was a freaky girl. She always told me she lived in different cities and she would have me drop her off there. She lied about everything and admitted to it. Which was fine because I lied about everything to her too. One day we just called each others bullshit and laughed about it. After that we made up new bullshit backrounds.
    You can't have two sociopaths in a relationship it's a power struggle. The only way you can have a relationship is if it's just sexual.

  68. "The hallmark of sociopathy is inability to feel guilt and shame."

    shame and guilt is only a product of not doing/being according to society.

    are you saying that if a 'path were to keeping looking to the left because they were to lazy to look right, and broadsiding someone's car and killing them......they wouldn't feel any guilt at all?......

    are all 'paths like this?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Oh damn, I meant 'empathy and remorse'. I don't know why the f*** I used the words 'guilt and shame' instead. Thanks for picking up on my comment. I wouldn't have reread to notice it otherwise.

    And I agree with your remarks. I feel guiltless and shameless about lots of things I know I'm not "suppose to"(meaning, some people would frown on me if they knew how I feel about it) and I'm no sociopath.

  71. I find it interesting that most people on here are single

  72. I find it interesting that you find this interesting...
    Either you don't quite know where you are or you don't mean what you say(that is, you're only saying this in order to elicit responses)

  73. I make people feel guilty about what I did to them. I flip the situation around and put them on the defensive. By the time I'm done they tell me they are sorry and it was their fault that I fucked with them. I don't feel guilt, I pass it to someone else. I'm not here to pitty people, I'm here to do what I want. In the meantime I got to keep my image looking clean.
    I like to break down strong willed people. Slowly but surely everyone warms up to me. I'm so cocky I even joke about their future of being manipulated to their face.
    Why should I feel shame or guilt when other people already feel enough for me. People pleasers apolagize for everything. They are always in the wrong.

  74. UKan say you didn't watch out...because you just didnt feel like it, and you were careless....and because of that someone died....would you feel guilt?

    yes or no?

    what about the others on here?

  75. can you really know for sure unless it happens?

  76. just what is your first answer?

    yes or no.

  77. sayin' without doubt u were definitely reckless, and evn knew what might happen.....

    lets say you drove totally wasted......and while drunk killed a carload of children....

    yes or no?

    1. I would feel that it is unfortunate for them that they died due to my carelessness. But THEY aren't really suffering, now are they? Their families are suffering. And not out of empathy for the kids, who after all aren't suffering, but out of a selfish desire to have their kids present. Really, they are the only ones responsible for that.

      Besides, I don't drive, I get rides from girlfriend/friends so I CAN be stoned off my ass and have no responsibility. And because when I drive, I always worry about how the other incompetant fools on the road could kill me with a moments stupidity and I'd be powerless to stop it, and for some irrational reason this doesn't bother me when someone else is driving

  78. i would feel guilt if i thought i did something wrong and kept it a secret.

    if i admitted to doing it, i wouldn't feel guilt, but remorse or regret. if i believed it was an accident and not my fault (say the other car was driving recklessly or my car had a mechanical issue), i wouldn't feel guilt even if i kept it a secret. though i might feel guilt over keeping it a secret.

  79. ok, so you would feel "something" though....some kind of "sorrow"?


  80. UKan say you didn't watch out...because you just didnt feel like it, and you were careless....and because of that someone died....would you feel guilt?

    yes or no?

    what about the others on here?

    Obviously no. In truth I'd probably laugh about it.

  81. so you would laugh that you killed someone?


  82. Kesu, I would like to say something about my ex and me. (I was a bit sociopathic with him)

    We had a lot in common and did not support one another. We would both wake up depressed in the am. The depression, imo, clouded us from being able to give more to one another. He regretted not amounting to a more prestigious position, as do I. We did not take the time to lean on one another (as I see some of the people here do for each other.) It is so important to be sweet to someone who suffers the same afflictions. The fear of being too close to someone who has the power to hurt you is excruciating and ruinous. I wish that when he said he wished ---- had happened for him, that i turned to him and held him. But I didn't. I would be crying about my own failure at the same time, but I quickly wiped my tears away and played tough. I thought he would probably reject any kind overture offered. He was so rejecting of my affection most of the time, and I wanted to be what I thought he wanted -cold. So I did nothing. I was cold. I won't ever know if it was possible to get over fearing one another. I wonder how cold he thinks I am.

  83. Kesu:
    I actually TOLD my ex that I was a better liar than he, and that he would never ever know if I had lied to him. So cruel. But he was lying to me. -I could not resist intimidating him. That was is a very very cruel game. He was tortured and I didn't even do anything. -Waste of time when we could have been loving one another.

  84. I was awful. Told him in the end i was very sorry for flirting with his best friend. -It never happened. He asked for that, though. He did.

  85. is this a bad soap opera or sw world

  86. He won me like a trophy, and lost me in the blink of an eye. And he doesn't care. I am one in a hundred women he won.

  87. It ain't no soap opera, it's nuthin but the truth so help me god.

  88. you would laugh, if you had been knowingly reckless, and ended up killing a carload of children....

    ok, what is your reasoning behind laughing about it?

    1. What is YOUR reasoning behind crying over spilled milk? Do your tears contain some mystical power of Resurrection?

  89. And I'm incredibly feminine. Why do any of you think he may have brought out the man in me?

  90. I'm an INTJ, and I certainly have anti-social and narcissistic tendencies. I dated someone similar, who was also much more of a manipulator and mask wearer than I.

    It was the most honest and most interesting relationship I've ever been in, and it was volatile and painful the whole time. I'd say you CAN have a rewarding relationship with him, AND it will always be a power struggle, AND one of you will eventually get bored and leave.

  91. Sometimes people laugh because it is a nervous reflex. I wouldn't be surprised if criminals laughed their asses off while cops are being serious. The crime (bad action) is done and over with. You say to yourself that you wished it didn't happen. But it is also in the past.

    And that Casey Anthony had a laughing fit in court today...anyone catch that ?

  92. Thorne (Not Imposter Thorne)June 13, 2011 at 9:15 PM

    How could you not be a doll with a name like Bella, dear?

    Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

  93. Where is the link to that personality test, RR?

  94. why does some people find it funny when a sociapath stare at them

  95. Do they know it's a sociopath staring at them? Maybe they just think the sociopath is funny.. lol

  96. what is wrong with you lj are u artistic

  97. I used to get made fun of in school bec i stared at the popular kids. I couldn't help myself. they told secrets about me in front of me.

  98. artistic or autistic? lol I'm drunk right now, I better quit the internet and go do something better, see ya folks.

  99. Does the sociopath know what the person staring at them is? Maybe they just they think the person is smitten.. lol

  100. artistic lj u retard

  101. lj likes to write dumb for attention

  102. Bella you sound like two broken people living a pathetic life.

  103. "She ended up telling her fiance about me to pit us against each other to see who would win. Crazy bitch"

    I want to know more about this from a woman's point of view.

  104. "Sometimes people laugh because it is a nervous reflex."

    of course, but aside from nervous laughter, would you laugh in joy of having wiped out a carload of children?

  105. Histrionics are ESFJs. I am ESFJ.

    Where is Notable?

  106. I like, but there are a lot of tests to see where you fall on the Meyers-Briggs scale.

  107. you would laugh, if you had been knowingly reckless, and ended up killing a carload of children....

    ok, what is your reasoning behind laughing about it?

    Because it is funny... Why do you laugh at someone tripping? It didn't happen to me and as long as there isn't any recourse to my actions why would I care.

    @bella He wanted you to be cold? I never want people to be cold to me. In truth I want endless affection thrown at me. I want to be endlessly praised worshiped and loved without conditions. I just don't want to have to give it back.

  108. In truth I want endless affection thrown at me. I want to be endlessly praised worshipped and loved without conditions. I just don't want to have to give it back.

    Me too! *snatches toys and tantrums*

  109. 9:54

    I know of a guy who had an affair, and the woman invited him to a dinner, and the hubby was there! he said she was sort of making gestures like: "see him? i may even tell him about us." My friend was scared shit. i'm pretty sure it is bec my friend wasn't into her and she was offended. It's def crazy. but i think i can relate. It's like saying: hey if you don't want me (ME THE GODDESS) This other asshole will fuck me -right in front of you.....are you MAN enough to take him down for me? No? No? you won't fight for me? I guess you are a pussy and I don't want you if you are a pussy boy, and THIS PROVES you're a pussy boy. na na nena na. ( It's bs, bec the guy doesn't want you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he did, he would find a way to get you. )

  110. Kesu

    no, i though that he wanted me to be cold. I thought he didn't want affection. i tried it many times, and he turned away. I put on a sexy nighty and one day he liked it. then he shut down, so i packed it but didn't wear it. that was the night he told me "it's that damned antisocial stuff". I didn't know what it was, He said one other night he had intimacy problems, he said another night he had a problems with me having had a longterm relationship before him. i think he had a Madonna/whore complex. I tried not touching him to see if he'd go for me, I said he must b fing someone else if not me,and he said how could i think that. I pretty sure he was cheating, but not sure if he just got bored with me. i pulled away when he started withdawing affection. But I was acting out too--AFTER he started in. He started this shit in the beginning.

  111. i was bucking his system. I wanted independence,and "absence makes the heart grow fonder" stuff,and he wanted to gobble me up the"keep" me without fing me. He didn't respect my boundaries. I wanted LESS time with him. He wanted more and then was a cold meannie

  112. Cuckhold Cocktail PartyJune 14, 2011 at 12:20 AM

    Husband: Is that my wife?

    Wife: Ohhh, fancy meeting you here dear?

    Husband: Who is this fool?

    Wife: He goes by the name Notable.

    Husband: Just call me pussy boy!

  113. AND he was also paranoid as hell. At the end, he started thinking I was gaming him big time -bec i started to not care what he thought. i said in the end, (after he called me "nefarious") that now he was talkig about "style?" He laughed and said nothing.I'm telling you he was totally testing me.

  114. that is what notable's wife did?

  115. Notable is here. Just look for the dumbest one in the room.

  116. Why do some sociopaths murder people for fun if they don't feel strong emotions UKan? Do they feel rage strongly? Is it because they get so bored with life that they start randomly owning certain people?

  117. Or is it a deep seated hidden defect? Hmm.

  118. dont dish it out if u cant take it back loosers

  119. i think notable is smart

  120. "Is it possible for two sociopaths to find love with each other? Or will we just ruin each other in the end?"

    Yes and Yes, it's just rare that you'll find love and rare that you'll refrain from ruining each other, and by the way you'll ruin each other in the middle, not the end lol. Nice try @ optimism though.

    "Why do some sociopaths murder people for fun if they don't feel strong emotions UKan? Do they feel rage strongly? Is it because they get so bored with life that they start randomly owning certain people?"

    The myth that a psychopath is incapable of feeling emotion is a surefire way to figure out who's who on this blog (overly confused with the ability to blend in and be angry about it doesn't make one a psychopath). Psychopaths can feel just as much as you do, or more depending on how you look at it! The difference is triggers and interpretations. Of course if you're the psychopath your interpretation of emotion might justify your professing: "I feel no feelings, look at me I'm a sociopath". The problem is that fact has little to do with murdering people for fun. A "normal" person could partake in the murdering of people for fun. The key difference (for example) could be the normal person throwing up afterwards, or crying, or killing themselves, or some stupid shit.

    1. IMO the only characteristic that matters is whether you feel GUILT. This does lead to certain other emotions being suppressed or interpreted differently. For example, sociopaths process empathy when they behave sadistically; it is an indisputable fact that sociopaths still have active mirror neurons. An understanding of someone else's pain on an emotional level is VITAL for sadism. Normal people feel sadism too, the difference is that to a sociopathic brain sharing someone's joy is not "better" or "more acceptable" than feeding off their pain.

      Sociopaths can even feel love, by which I mean it is an indisputable neurological fact that they form oxytocin bonds. However, it inspires different behavior, and when in love a sociopath tends to be possessive and controlling, perhaps even seeking worship from a lover.

      Basically, any emotion except conventional guilt, though experienced differently is fair game.

      However, it is likely that they feel them significantly less. In my experience, the behavior of a normal person when they are mentally incapacitated or even claim to have a physical reaction to an emotional state is foreign to a sociopath.

  121. Hmmm these comments have been interesting to say the least. My path crossed with a sociopath a few years ago and lets just say I saw right through his lies and manipulation. You sociopaths are so arrogant and think us normal people are putty in your hands....well that might work on the weak minded fools of the world. To make a long story short I exposed this person to everyone, got his a*s kicked, and he was fired from his job. He was able to cause a lot of heartache and trauma to people until he met me....his maker *evil laugh* normal people-1 sociopath-0 Bwahahahahahaha!!!!

    1. "YES! RELEASE YOUR ANGER!" -Emperor Palpatine

  122. "Psychopaths can feel just as much as you do, or more depending on how you look at it!"

    I agree with you partially, psychopaths many times experience emotions, but only very shallow ones, imho you're deconstructing what "feeling" is. A psychopath may even have an uncanny ability to interpret emotional situations(that is, understanding through ways other than empathizing). But I wouldn't quite call this feeling them.
    If one doesn't have empathy I don't think one can substitute it for thinking without losing something, or rationalize that the only difference from a psychopath to a neurotypical is that while the neurotypical can suppress his consciousness every now and then, a psycho just suppress his longer(that is, all the time).
    Imo if one hasn't experienced something, his idea about it will always be a construction, and probably an abstraction.

    People killing each other was something much more common in the past, but ofc not in just any situation. It was more socially acceptable, more justifiable two.
    So I think people were more able to get over the possible guilt/remorse of taking someone else's life.
    I for one in my mind don't think I'd ever be a killer, not today, not in 18th century, not in 200. A.D.
    But what if I had born a spartan soldier or something. Then my life would be warring. I think I would be someone else then, someone unimaginable to myself.

  123. God knows if it is possible for two sociopaths to have a relationship. Probably not. Because the thought of two extremely smug people getting it together is probably too much for the planet to take and it will implode or something.
    Smuggery is the defining factor of sociopathic types, I find, but, as an aside, remember this: just you're all heartless, does NOT mean to say that there are empaths (or indeed other sociopaths) who are not meaner, smarter and nastier than you'll ever be and that a tsunami does not distinguish between the sociopaths and normal people in its path.
    Sociopathy= is just another word for smug, know-it-all creeps. (I will be affronted if this is not put up here, simply because you sociopathic smugsters aren't supposed to take offence, are you?)
    Anyway, to answer the question:
    You can't love, dear, you haven't got it in you. Vanity, though, is the one quality that sociopaths have in abundance.
    Why don't you just admit that you are incapable of love and concentrate on being bad? Y'know like screwing this guy and his girlfriend and getting a kick out of it. The stuff you excel at. Honestly, you're behaving like a soccer mom who insists on gatecrashing her teenage daughter's party, you're just making an idiot of yourself with all this 'love' talk!

    1. B.S. Being psychologically different from you does not make you automatically evil any more than being an empath (which you aren't, people overuse this term that does not mean normal, pathological empathy is crippling and DOES make it very difficult to be "mean", though not necessarily to be evil) makes you automatically good. It's all about how you, as a rational individual, choose to apply your gifts. Giving someone something that makes them as happy as the giftwrapped head of their severed pet would make them miserable takes more creativity, but it is more socially acceptable, and just as satisfying in terms of power and control to manipulate another's emotions. And preventing victimization doesn't require that I empathize with the victim or even care at all about them, only that I feel contempt for the victimizer (as choosing a weak target makes you a pathetic underachiever) and would enjoy ruining him or her.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. One thing I find that sociopaths have is zero sense of irony. To have this, you have to be a lowly empath. The evil-minded smugsters take themselves ever so seriously to poke fun at themselves.
    I mean, I doubt the person who posted this question has little idea of how absurd they sound. It's like:

    'I am a nasty, scheming individual who gives not a f*ck for other human beings and, frankly, do not give a shit if the rest of the human race dies out tomorrow. Nevertheless, do you guys think I am capable of running through a few corn fields looking adoringly into the eyes of another whilst being overcome by passion and loving feelings?'

    Er, no, I don't. Get back to the cauldron, honey. Time to brew up some trouble and the frogs getting cold...

    1. You know, if you stereotyped any other psychological disorder this way, you'd be considered an @$$hole. But since you've home-diagnosed an ex boyfriend with sociopathy, they're all evil.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. anon 12:41

    are you addressing me?

  128. "But they demand to be loved."

  129. project much?

    your opinion of me is that i cannot love?

    1. Please pick a less pathetic psuedonym. If that is your real name, you should think about changing it.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Of course a sociopath cannot love. What drivel that they can! How can a person who claims to have no feelings, concern for others, completely calculating and cold love another human being?
    It is illogical!
    My 'soccer mom' analogy was a bit poor, but it is a bit like that: an annoyance caused by people trying to get something that they cannot understand. Like a 50-year-old dad trying to get down with the kids.

    I would honestly prefer a person who GENUINELY is honest about not giving a shit for others. All this posturing by self-proclaimed sociopaths gets on my nerves.

    Grow up and accept that if you are totally emotionless beings then you cannot experience emotions such as love.
    Just say to yourselves: 'I am a cold, heartless bitch/bastard who does not give a f*ck for anybody else. Therefore I logically cannot love as love means caring for others'.
    There is a well-known psychopath who openly and honestly admits that the death of others mean nothing to him. Fair play to him- at least he is not full of shit.

    1. "if you are totally emotionless beings then you cannot experience emotions such as love."

      It's a good thing sociopaths aren't the way they are depicted in Dexter, and have plenty of emotions, just not guilt.

      Ever think maybe whatever "sociopath" gave you enough of a complex to troll their boards just couldn't love YOU? You seem pretty unlovable.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Sparkebug. Again, enjoy your spunk. People forget they are love. The living life force itself is pure creative impulse. Agreed, every time one gives of themselves is confirmation of such an exchange. I feel at this point the problem in this forum is "not feeling love" its understanding how pervasive its impact. I feel many here are wrestling with this like a beast; an honorable pursuit.

    Life also has a destructive side and I do believe its a trap to focus only in that direction. (Ego's short well)

    Maturity is the magic card between a narrow perception and actually embracing the mystery of it all. Life is hard. And luck plays a card. So sparkle, with great powers of observation come great responsibility. I continue to expect great things from you.

    I am at present a real life soccer mom. I love the sport.

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Jealously or ignorance or maybe just boredom and a desire of elevate oneself above a stereotype.

    Perhaps there is a secret sadist within you waiting to spring forth. You do quite enjoy putting people in their place. And it's in your bloodline.

    The world owes us everything as we owe our gifts to the world.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Sparkle Bug . . . you are so busted. You wrote:

    I only like to see unrepentant assholes suffer

    I have always formulated my own code

    It has taught me to compartmentalize my emotions

    Why are people so stupid?

    I don't feel guilty

    You have the same wiring, honey. You are just on the side of the Creative and the Life-affirming Maternal. God gave you an open heart with a warrioress mission. I am there with you. You go girl!

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. I never called you sociopathic. I just said you have "the wiring."

  140. "I actually enjoy the fact more that my job takes me into scary situations, threatened violence or poverty-stricken crime-filled areas, and allows me to intimidate people."

    Also, Author, it sounds like it won't be a play for power. You already own him. You see him and he doesn't see you. You will most likely get bored once you win him and tire of his no longer being a challenge.

    As for the IQ question, I have only taken standard IQ tests (Wechler and Woodcock-Johnson*), which are only valid one standard deviation from average, so <80, 80, 81, 82,..., 118, 119, 120, or >120. These are not calibrated for outside that range. My overall score was 159, but because of the lack of calibration up there, someone scoring 130 could be more intelligent and someone scoring 170 could be less. *shrug* I guess >120 is the best I've got. As a note: Online tests are false tests. I've topped out before, being given a 170 or 180, simply because I got all the questions right. That isn't how IQ is measured.

    The Mormons are better than Scientologists as cults go. They usually have better food, too. This is especially true the first Sunday of every month.

    I, too, am an INTJ, though my I and J scores were both near the center line.

    Ukan said, "I find it interesting that most people on here are single"
    Those of us keeping up a marriage character on top of our professional, friendly, family, and community ones tend to be a bit busy to go poking around the back ally's of the internet on a regular basis. :)

    Wet said, "introverted vs extroverted is based on the source of gratification"
    Actually, as Soulful Path pointed out earlier, it is more a question of what state you recharge best in.

    *This is an actual IQ Test name, I assure you.

  141. @Soulfulpath

    I emailed this to M.E. (granted a lot of things were incorrect in the post he posted) and I saw some of the comments you posted on here. I'd really like to email further with you. My email is

  142. This is a response to the author.

    To ask the question, can two sociopaths have a relationship is the same as asking can two people have a relationship. No two sociopaths are exactly the same. There are degrees to everything. Not to mention, what OTHER issues you and this man may have besides sociopathy.

    So that said; I'm a sociopath and my spouse is a sociopath. We have been officially together now for four years. And were best friends five years prior. We are extremely possessive of each other. Our 'spark' hasn't gone out. We play 'games' on each other and with each other. Everyday it's a challenge, who will come out dominate. And I say this in a good way, it's a fun game we play. We actually work very good together. We are something of a team when dealing with others.

    Since we can't empathize with each others anger or sadness. We can interject logic before ether of us does something stupid. We act as mirrors for each other. Both of us projecting what the other wants. We love each other in a very possessive manner. Perhaps it is not a conventional love, but it works for us.

    We don't fight. We are both extremely logical. If we disagree on something, we discus it until a logical understanding is reached. Are discussions may be passionate, but never an ounce of malice.

    We don't play the overly aggressive games with each other. That is off limits. We both know we work better as a team than against each other. We save those games for those outside out relationship.

    So finally, yes. It can work. But that depends on the two of you. The odds of success drop substantially if nether of you see a benefit of being together. The odds are also not good if ether of you are an addict. That is said from experience. I had a short lived relationship with an addict sociopath. In the end we worked against each other, to destroy.

  143. To Anonymous said on June 14, 2011 about how you saw through the person who was a sociopath. Good. I know a woman who I think is a sociopath or something like that who is extremely abusive to her son and I really can't stand her. You can tell she could care less and just uses him I don't know what she uses him for but she must get something out of the relationship somehow because it must make her look good to other people somehow or some bs. I know the way she is She doesn't look good trust me He'll be going to school soon Child protective services sucks The police are weird as can be The landlord and his wife are dumber than a box of rocks and a relative It runs in the family Sociopaths are not smart people They're manipulative Being manipulative does not make you a very smart person But people think it does People who get taken advantage of and the people that have front lobal neurological brain damage and abnormal brain activity and function It's not smart It's weird and stupid and evil The devil demons evil spirits exist and so does sin and you better f'n believe so does hell When that's where you go after you die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you . . . . . aren't . . . . . . . . smart, trust me. They think they're "fooling" people. The devil demons and evil spirits and other sociopaths and atheists and misguided religious people are the ones pulling the wool over their eyes. Good luck. 'Cause you're (the sociopaths) so stupid most of you can't even figure out what I'm saying. When you die you'll know. You'll be feeling all kinds of things and having all kinds of emotions and it won't be "bordeom" either. And it will be physical and spiritual. You're really stupid. Such dementia to think that you're better than other people. You're already in the beginning of hell

    1. Really? Then hell is AWESOME! Because I'm one of the only people I know who isn't depressed. Stop pushing your cult as if it was psychology and go bust demon- induced chemtrails with David Icke.

  144. I don´t give a damn about your concern cause psychopaths don´t care about others, btw you are pathetic hahahahaha

  145. if you happen to remove my comment then there is no doubt your WEAK HAHAHA

    1. What a pathetic way to attempt to preserve your useless trolling!

      They would only be weak for removing your comment if it actually contributed knowledge to the conversation. Which it doesn't. If I were her I'd pull your garbage just to show you who's house you're posting in, brat. If you're a psychopath, I'm a gumball machine. I think you're confusing psychopathy with another mental issue (down syndrome)

  146. poor litle fucktard social worker socioshit fell in love lolololololol come on delete my comment so i get proof that you are a COWARD THAT HIDES INSIDE THEIR POOR VULNERABLE EGO

  147. you love to shoot? i see someone having fun chooting you in the future...maybe the very man you are in "LOVE" (SIC) with :D you have no remorse? neither do i ..neither does him ... get it?

  148. Being a borderline, I can say the only men who peak my interest are either borderlines or sociopaths. I eat everyone else for breakfast. I'm working on this though...I am trying to learn how to feel and empathize. It's my life's goal to be normal. I read everything I can and use every situation as a "workout" situation. I'm recognizing how I hurt others and trying to stop that. I am on a mission to break through this catatonic wall and actually FEEL something for someone, or anything. I believe it can be done!

  149. Erin r u the originator of this feed?

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  151. LOL. Pretending to be normal is not going to make you normal.

  152. This guy keeps saying he wants to fuck my ass till I cry..?

  153. I absolutely think so. After a plethora of failed relationships, and a long string of broken hearts that I left dangling in the balance (All the while, of course, making myself out to be the victim)... I found the man who made me realize I was probably a sociopath in the first place.
    He became my mirror, so to speak. We both have sociopathic tendencies to different degrees and in different dynamics, but we work very well together... Despite the fact that we may be a volatile mixture of loose-cannon personalities, that like to run over everything in our path and then laugh about it... He really is the first person I think I've genuinely loved, and the one I don't feel the need to manipulate (he'd see through it, anyway; takes one to know one).

    The beginning of our relationship was a giant mess of each of us failing miserably at manipulating the other, and I think that's what drew us in. Once we realized that whatever wired our brains was virtually the same, I think an almost perfection set into our relationship. I married him immediately, despite the fact that I'd previously sworn I'd never marry.

    So yes, I believe that two sociopaths are more than capable of forming a relationship that isn't based on one person manipulating the other. I actually think that a sociopath's most successful relationships can be with other sociopaths.

  154. All of you are trying too hard. Go fuck yourselves.

  155. Can 2 Sociopath's be in a relationship? Absolutely! I know them..not only are they dangerous to normal people but even more dangerous to eachother! When they argue the police get called and one of them always gets arrested. They lie/cheat/steal and set up people for trouble so they get arrested. Everyone is afraid of them. Sadly they have a five year old. He has been taken away and put in foster care. Dcf says stay away from eachother and u will get the boy back and share custody. .but they can't stay apart. They are addicted to eachother. The child is afraid of the police. .and it amazes me how he blocks them outand occupies himself. They fool dcf and say they don't live together but they do. I won't tell dcf because as bad as they are. .he is happy and comfortable. Hes adapted. I know this may sound weird but I was thete when he came home from foster care and he was traumatized. I won't ever tell for that reason. He is not neglected or abused physically in any way. But he is used as a pawn in thete vicious games and plots against eachother. He is so young he doesn't know. He goes to pre school and has a few social problems but he is Amazing and resilient. He will probably as he gets older pick up on the sociopath tendencies. .his father is a product of 2 sociopaths. .yet His sister is normal. .I don't know but I do know it's inherited. I pray night and day for this boyand I make sure he's checked on periodicly.the father will eventually go to jail because she will throw herself down a flight of stairs and tell police ge pushed her. He Always takes her back because she cheats so much. .he cant Stand to loose. Why she wants him in jail. .ikk? He's an excellent provider to her and the boy. .he does love this boy. .its the only person i've ever seen him love. He has another son with a different mom..who he could give 2 shits about. He told me I worry about this one cuz his mother sucks. .my other kid has a good mother. .I never worry about him.the boy Will be heartbroken when his father eventually ends up in jail by the hand of his mother but she needs a new quest. .he's gotta go. Has No reguard for the boy. At thst point. I will tell. .

  156. I want to apologize for the many misspellings. .its Not my style. I am typing on a small screen phone. .when I saw this post I was So Compelled to Say " Yes"! This happens. Again its inherited. .sometimes. The dad is a product of 2 vicious sociopaths. He is actually not as bad as them or his girlfriend. But DON'T get me wrong. .he is Evil to everyone but that 2 boy. He fits every characteristic in Hare's list. .and She is worse. If he goes to jail. .I will tell dcf. She dosent love that boy and will hook up with God knows who.

  157. Sociopaths can be in a relationship but sociopaths can never love (empathy is created in a part of the brain that doesn't function in sociopaths). Sociopaths also do not ask for "advice". If a sociopath wants your opinion it is merely a manipulation designed to harm you. The wolf does not ask the deer the best way to cook it in the same way the motives of a sociopath are as equally transparent. Sociopaths aren't a particularly self-aware lot. If they were they'd have killed themselves outright rather than harm other human beings. A self-aware sociopath would see their behavior as socially wrong (morally "evil") and realize their complete lack of control over it. This does not happen because a person knowingly aware of their despicable acts that would do them without justification is the work of fiction.

  158. I have recently dated a sociopath. They lack empathy which makes them evil, however they put up a facade and come off as extremely likeable. They usually pick their victims of people who are successful happy vulnerable and trusting. They have the need to be in control. They lie to gain trust. They are extremely manipulating. They learn your weaknesses and use it against you. They will try n take you down. The best way to handle one is ignore and run for the hills. Once they have been exposed they will become very volatile. It's not worth fighting for them because their brain does not have the ability to work normal. They can do good things for people but only for self gain and if you cross one or date one they are pure evil and have no remorse and will ruin your life. BEWARE proceed with caution.


    Perhaps only a female sociopath is capable of truthfully admitting what turns on women.

    "It’s is one of the most honest bits of writing from a woman regarding relationships that I’ve read; it is far more believable and entertaining than anything Cathedral-approved."


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