
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sociopath quote: Calculating machine

"Bear in mind that my brain works like a calculating machine. Each person who makes a presesntation to me introduces into this calculating machine a small wheel of information. There forms a certain picture, or a number on each wheel. I press a button and there flashes into my mind the sum of all this information."

--Adolf Hitler


  1. Why did Hitler commit suicide?

    He got the gas bill.

  2. What's a Jew's ultimate dilemma?

    Free pork.

    1. I'm a sadist and psychopath. I had a sales job.

      I kid you not: I used to offer people cooking for Jews and Muslims bacon at cut-rate prices. Typically it would be a Christian spouse of a Muslim, but other times it was a nominally religious Jew who fancied himself a good cook.

      I liked seeing them conflicted. E.g. the Christian wife knew that her husband loved the sauce with her "secret ingredient", but that if he found out it was pig, he'd be bothered.

      It was fun to watch the Jews squirm: they really wanted the stuff, and really wanted the discount, but felt bad about it.

      I knew that they might feel conflicted by buying or using the stuff - and I relished that possibility.

      A bit like the Joker in Dark Knight, I wanted to see them follow their self-serving impulses (and throw their "holy" principles under the bus).

      I suspect this is what M.E. means by ruining people. I think of it as "playing with people" - but I guess I'm kidding myself.

      I've been getting thrills this way for decades.

      Only recently did I realize that others don't like it when I tempt people. Rather than thanking me for giving them choices, they blame me for the discomfort they suffer. The fact that I enjoy their discomfort and see it as a game to win is something that angers and disgusts them - it leads to moral outrage. Which is the prelude to kicking the sociopath's ass.

    2. Oh come on, how many North American Jews these days actually adhere to Levitican principles, let alone the holy 613? And they're gonna shop in your non-kosher food mart? Unlikely. So yeah, implausible story, but at least your intentions in telling it were pure! :^}

    3. I find the pork taboo amusing - many religious principles and edicts were simply a way to teach hygiene. Washing of the feet, the hands up to the elbows, clothing, sexually transmitted disease. Pork was dangerous, undercooked it could be poisonous. Not so, anymore, but religious rule prevails

    4. I sell meat too. Could sell roadkill if I would get a bonus for it... I admit, the selling/manipulating customers had become a sport to me.

      But no, most Jews, at least in North America, are secular and a lot will intentionally buy pork because... They don't give a damn, viewing themselves as Jews ethnically rather than religiously. A lot of those who avoid pork do so as a kind of reflex. A good lot of them will gladly gobble up seafood (which is also forbidden for Jews), but cringe at bacon. It's become an automatic response, often accompanied by a profound expression of disgust, when a simple refusal would be sufficient. "Oh noes! Pig!". I guess it's a kind of fake "holier than thou" thing.

      One such elderly Jewish man bought pork from me, and he asked me "You probably wonder why a "(put degrading term to "Jew" here)" like me buys pork?" (Obviously, I didn't care and he did use some kind of degrading term to "Jew", just can't recall which), so he shown me the number tattooed on his arm saying "Because I learned there's no God and if there is one then screw him!". I simply replied with "Yeah, what kind of awful deity would deny a man this porky goodness?!". He was amused by that actually. I enjoy cynics.

  3. I'm stealing the first one on you, anyone asks i made it up myself. :D

  4. It's weird because I never thought being a "Calculating machine" meant that you were a sociopath.

    I know empaths who are "calculating machines" as well.

    1. many symptoms of a sociopath, an aspie, or ADHD, are common, not mutually exclusive.
      Who we are is a fluid state, and we all exist on a spectrum. A homophobe who turns out to be gay, may eventually accept this, happily thrive in the gay community, and end up a heterophobe.

  5. If you want to see a real psychopath in action, play GTA 4. Niko Bellic(the games protagonist) is the kind of person who will murder his best friends brother, and then turn up to the funeral and pretend to grieve with the family. He's the type of person who will pretend to show interest in persuing a career as a lawyer, just to get close enough to the head of a lawyers firm in order to murder him with a knife, for 3000 dollers! He's the type of person who will run an innocent bystander over, and then yell 'I hope you had health insurance!'. He's the type of person who will rob a bank, and then kill about fifty cops while making his escape, etc etc.

    1. You are writing admirational text about a fictional character. You seriously should stop playing video games. Reminds me of a former friend I had who thought you could actually do all the stuff you do in GTA just as easily, like robbing a Apache helicopter. He claimed at president Bush's arrival in England that there was no point in all that ground security, because you could just steal any aircraft and ram it into the president. His idea inspired by GTA. Everything is possible, but you don't have the chance to save and load as many times as you want in real life. Your chances suck. You should rather be reading and writing about Colombian drug lords, then GTA. At least they are real.

  6. is he also flat headed? does a flat brain in a flat head work faster or slower?

    Nearly 20 years ago, the chief activity in a baby's life — sleeping — got a radical makeover. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) launched its “Back to Sleep” campaign in 1992, urging parents and caregivers to put sleepy infants on their backs rather than on their stomachs, as had been the norm.
    Researchers had learned that back-sleeping cuts the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS; the rate of SIDS has been halved since the campaign's inception. But back-sleeping appeared to simultaneously increase the likelihood that babies might wind up with a flat head, a condition known as plagiocephaly, which means “oblique head” in Greek. Instead of a sweet, round orb, an infant might find himself — as mine did — with a lopsided noggin.

    Read more:

  7. Hitler's genius:
    why were there 11 holes in the shower heads in the concentration camps?

  8. @Jason... I don't think being a 'calculating machine' is in itself enough to get you qualified, but it most certainly can be present. Maybe required. I wonder if it's something that is cultivated or just incidental to the characterological disposition?

    I've also known plenty of empaths that were cold and calculating. Even I've had the occasion for it.

  9. Hitler has been diagnosed as having "malignant narcissism" by various psychologists, his background is the classic breeding ground for such a disorder, Stalin was the same. It is an extreme form of NPD. These individuals have sadistic, antisocial and paranoid traits to the extent of other personality disorders.

  10. He wasn't overly calculated, he wouldn't listen to his Generals and the penalty was that he lost the war, narcissists are irrational.

  11. hitler lost because russian pwn everyone.

  12. Think now... Why 11 holes?


    "the inverted saint"

    Awesome name.

  14. Blogger Jason said...

    It's weird because I never thought being a "Calculating machine" meant that you were a sociopath.

    I know empaths who are "calculating machines" as well.

    April 6, 2011 5:00 AM

    Although the blog assumes anything not socio/psycho/aspie/autie/BPD = Empath, and does so incorrectly, this statement can be correct. What you will consider here "uber" Empath is actually THE Empath and they are calculating. I've taken some great advice from a certain few I've been rather close to.

  15. @Anon... small correction. BPD is probably empath magnified x a million. We're like the opposite end of the emoting spectrum here.

    But otherwise I agree. Empaths can definitely be calculating machines.

  16. @SickJokeGuy

    The next time you want to copy and paste a joke, make sure it's not in the google directory,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d8193e5b46b6707

  17. lol@jason. nobody cares! take the rod out of your ass already.

  18. @Haven I often wonder what it feels like to be on the opposite side. I also wonder what I'm missing out on just because of my detachment.

  19. Blogger Haven said...

    @Anon... small correction. BPD is probably empath magnified x a million. We're like the opposite end of the emoting spectrum here.

    But otherwise I agree. Empaths can definitely be calculating machines.

    April 6, 2011 7:20 AM

    This is not a correction. You should re-read some of the blog and look at the distinguishing between all mentioned above, including BPD and Empath. I stated the blog's conversation(s) containing an over-use of the term empath. More often than not you will be able to find the term empath is used to decribe anyone who we lazily let fall into the term "normal", which we recognize doesn't exist anyway, as opposed to anything accurate in terms of psychology. Empaths are NOT normal at any rate.

    Many here can be quoted "using" an empath. In other words, if you use someone and they are susceptible to be of use they are now an empath because nobody otherwise would fall for such trickery. Your average Joe = empath on this blog.

    Furthermore, I did not intend on assaulting the intellectual capacity of the blog today. It is what it is.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Kesu... Heh, I'd aim for a more middle spectrum vantage point. All the way to the left is intense, and not always good.

    When things are good they're VERY good, but when things are bad they're tragic. The very good is awesome. The fall that inevitably comes after, not so much.

    From a BPD perspective I'd say you're probably better off not knowing. I can see how normal emotions would be good to experience though. I assume.

    I have dissociative issues too so I know the emotional detachment as well, and that's just, existing. Not happy, not unhappy; not crazy but thre's not really anything to look forward to. I don't really like this either.

    I'd like to have more rational emotional thoughts and responses. I think rational emotional is an oxymoron though.

  22. This quote is typical for Hitler. He did exaggerate a lot.

    However, there's some truth to the statement, of course. Though I can't say if this isn't something normal people can do too. It seems to be a matter of how much and how little, balance, if you will.

    Ps. Today's article at my blog has the form of a reply to a post addressed to me. Mentioning this as I promised to do. ;)

  23. I am Bi-polar on top of everything else so I understand the when it is good it is good etc. My manias can be like a cocaine type high. My depressions seem to come in multiple sorts. One makes me insanely cruel. All my negative impulses to berate, belittle, and utterly just hurt everyone around me gets amplified. Another one makes a slide show in my head of all the injustices I've suffered from my childhood. This one particularly makes me want to crawl into a corner and curl up in the fetal position. It isn't that I'm sensitive to those memories but rather my body feels the stress of it and gives me massive headaches. I also can't concentrate in those states.

  24. Kesu yikes. I have a lot of Bi-polar people in my life. Do certain things trigger your ups and downs or are they primarily biologically driven?

    With me everything is pretty dependent on my relationships with people and my perceptions of them; which are entirely unstable, or at least changeable. Shit triggers me and I have no preparation for it. I don't get that 'very up' unless my attachment to someone is particularly good, and just about everything can crash me down (major depressive is my default state). I relive all the negative emotions inflicted on me; I can completely lose a sense of self, my attachment to everything, withdraw internally, lash out. I definitely understand the amplification of negative impulses. I feel guilty for thinking this way though and tend to suppress because if I don't I'll lose people =/

    Mental stress often translates to physical stress so that makes complete sense.

    I wonder what it would be like to have a normal emotional state.

  25. I tend to have very good will power and an understanding of stress management. Those are things I required to maintain myself to at least a functional condition. When I don't have time to de-stress it will usually trigger a rampant bi-polar episode. I also tend to rapid cycle, switching between the two states at a maddening pace. One second I'll hate and want to destroy everything around me the next I'm manically racing around enjoying everything and being extremely social. Of course these rapid cycles occur within my larger cycles. I'm usually on the depressed side. I prefer this side as long as it isn't too deep. It makes focusing easier. I am calmer more calculating. Luckily I was blessed, or maybe it was a trained trait, with large amounts of will power. Even in the worst of states if I have to do something I can force myself. However on the occasions where I have had to phone this in it always come with a robust backlash. Chaos streams through my head. To answer your question directly my episodes are generally stressed induced. I wonder what it would be like if I didn't have to give away such large portions of my willpower to self observation and constraint. The things I could achieve if I didn't require such huge amounts of stress relief would be aw inspiring.

  26. Will power is a wonderful thing.

    Mine used to be much better, or it is, until things start getting to me. I can be completely irreversibly resolved to something one minute and the next I can no longer resist.

    I shift rapidly through different personality states. Not the same thing as your rapid cycling swings but I have an idea of the chaotic feel.

    I'm high functioning so I can always force myself to do the things I need to. If I don't or even consider not doing something, I feel various kinds of guilt, failure, disappointment in myself if I don't measure up to my own standards.

    So the question is, if you didn't need such stess relief, what things /would/ you do? haha


  28. "Will power is a wonderful thing.

    Mine used to be much better, or it is, until things start getting to me. I can be completely irreversibly resolved to something one minute and the next I can no longer resist.

    I shift rapidly through different personality states. Not the same thing as your rapid cycling swings but I have an idea of the chaotic feel.

    I'm high functioning so I can always force myself to do the things I need to. If I don't or even consider not doing something, I feel various kinds of guilt, failure, disappointment in myself if I don't measure up to my own standards.

    So the question is, if you didn't need such stess relief, what things /would/ you do? haha "

    If you REALLY want your prime willpower back, you can meditate.

  29. Hmmmmmmm. That is the question. There have only ever been 2 real answers to me. I usually play them off as a joke but they are there as real as any objective I've ever had maybe even more so. The first is one everyone on here wants. I truly deeply want to rule the world. I don't mind burning in the process but if I can't rule the world and have to burn then the second one comes into play. I'd wipe this planet clean.

    As strange as this next part sounds this particular Achilles Heel of mine is one that I've always felt was imposed on me by something larger then myself. Kind of like a chain around the neck of a demon set there by some deity afraid of it consuming everything. It is as if this affliction was some kind of safeguard for the world against me. I'm no theist and I certainly don't believe in any higher powers but none of that has stopped the impression that I get that there is some invisible force actively trying to resist. It is infuriating beyond words. There is more but I'll have to stop here for the moment.

    1. Question about ruling the world - is this about the process or the product. If you had a doomsday button, and you'd be the only one left standing, would you still push it? Seems like it'd be awfully boring existence.
      If you could rule the world, as a king, or as a god, what would you do with it?
      One of my takes on life is that, among all the pressures, needs and desires, existence boils down to one thing. Do you want to create something or destroy something?

  30. Kesu,
    How can you have so much insight and then so much delusion and bull shit of wanting to either rule or destroy the planet? Are you speaking metaphorically or are you indeed far off gone when not behind a mask?

  31. eleven holes in the shower head to prevent ten fingers from blocking gas coming in

  32. Kesu, your not the only one who has brought up having a deamon. Several have. And everytime it gets dead silent on here.

    It has no power that you don't give it.

    And I'm amazed (that the only answer is rejected) but then it has that power too.

  33. tik,
    what did you just say exactly?

    1. He said that the power over yourself is greater than any power you can exert over others.

  34. i'm in a depressive mood and coming here helps the most, believe it or not. reading some of what kesu and have said (as opposed to far out crazy stuff they also say) really helps me feel less guilty that I snapped at a person who just was not doing what needs to be done, and pissing me off. I did attack her in very subtle and very intellectual ways and am now so glad that I felt the need to do that. It is impossible to get anything done with this woman. I am under stress, shit needs to get done, yet a mediocre dimwit is partially in charge. I'd be glad if she resigned, she has no business working, she seems way more depressed and lost than I am.

    1. At work? I just discredit these people and make their incompetence more visible - then the superiors snap at them and I can lay back and watch them get fired. *snicker*
      Try it sometimes. And why feel guilty? It's a goddamned job, it needs to be done, be professional. If you can't/won't get it done - piss off. A workplace is no soup kitchen, no one has to tolerate anyone's shit.

  35. @ressib

    There is medication for that.

  36. In other words, I believe Kesu

  37. jason, i don't do meds, or alcohol, or any other hide-behind solution. will power, and good old stress avoidance, and cognitive/biblio therapy. read and learn. let others swallow what they need to.

    what medication are you selling/taking?

  38. tik, i believe kesu too. but what with the need to rule or clean the planet, man? SOmebody has to first come down to earth from whichever planet he is on at part of the time. or, is it drugs talking when he is above earth?

  39. When you believe something it makes it your reality. When it's something that has the potential to take control over you, you can fight it or find out how to get rid of it.

    It's the answer of how, that is rejected more then the problem.

    The problem seems to be excepted the solution rejected.

    And Kesu is not the only one that has brought out the idea of a deamon whether he ment to name it that or not.

  40. We were looking at two different things Cesila.

    Neither are healthy.

  41. maybe I'm missing on the terminology here. do you mean that 'deamon is the desire' to want to rule or destroy the earth? Hmmm. That sounds more like a far fetched fantasy than deamon. But, I guess it is alright to call a destructive fantasy deamon. Maybe I never learned what the hell deamon really means. Any definitions?

  42. @Jason.... Oddly you're not the only one that has mentioned meditation to me in the past few days. I do meditate occasionally. I used to go to Zen meditation weekly. It only helps in the short term, for a couple hours, but then again I haven't been able to stick with it for long periods of time. Which would probably help.

    The only thing that really helps me is strenuous exercise. Especially running. Unfortunately my PD has my emotions and my willpower all over the place, and often there is just no controlling it.

  43. it's not even spelled that. based on below demon or daemon sounds like an entity or an act, not thought or fantasy

    demon 1 |ˈdēmən|
    1 an evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
    • a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing : I was a little demon, I can tell you.
    • [often as adj. ] a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity : a friend of mine is a demon cook | a demon for work.
    • reckless mischief; devilry : his eyes are bursting with pure demon.
    2 another term for daemon 1 (sense 1).
    like a demon in a very forceful, fierce, or skillful way : he worked like a demon.
    ORIGIN Middle English : from medieval Latin, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimōn ‘deity, genius’ ; in sense 1 also from Latin daemonium ‘lesser or evil spirit,’ from Greek daemonion,

  44. haven,
    did you have your thyroid, blood glucose, and blood pressure checked?

  45. @ressib... Sometimes you just have to take control of a situation like that. If you're too nice, and don't speak up, especially in situations where things need to get done, /nothing/ gets done and that's even more detrimental than getting a little mean.

    I've had to do that before at one of my previous jobs. I probably would have gotten into trouble because he was my boss with a lot of seniority over me. I had the advantage of being completely right though and got the job done properly. Cheers.

    I do want to come down on the pro-meds argument, but so far they're not doing a whole lot for me. I don't think they're a hide behind because the alternative {for some, not all} is a life of misery and anything to live in a better way is worth the try at least. They were a last resort decision for me after everything else wasn't working. If it's not for you, it's not for though.

  46. @Anon. Yes, yes, and yes. I'm strict vegetarian and exercise daily. Low end of normal blood pressure, good glucose levels and no thyroid issues. I just had blood work done about 3 weeks ago so I'm sure this is not the problem.

  47. Cesila I have a hard time connecting with wanting to rule the world, I have a hard enough time seeing it as anything logical too.

    But the deamon part I could relate to (wish I didn't)

    I was hopeing he would explain more about what he said.

  48. i'm sorry if i sounded completely against medications. i do think though they should be last resort, mostly because i don't rust their side effects. only once i took zoloft and within half a day of that I did three strange things in a row (little mental mistakes) that I had never done. those were enough for me to stop the med. last week i took one anti-anxiety pill before going to bed (recommended dose was three times a day two pills each time, so mine was 1/6 of that) and I had far too many strange dreams all night long and cut that out too. i did take st john's wart in the past (again 1/6 of the recommended dose) and that somewhat helped.

    anyone else with st john's wart experience? i hear it is more commonly used in Europe than in US.

  49. ressib it's funny that you mentioned Zoloft because that was the medication I had just started when I got sent to the ER last year. I was warned it might make my mood more unstable at first, but was told to ride it out a few weeks to let it start working.

  50. cesila/ressib/whateverApril 6, 2011 at 5:55 PM

    Your question "I wonder what it would be like if I didn't have to give away such large portions of my willpower to self observation and constraint. The things I could achieve if I didn't require such huge amounts of stress relief would be aw inspiring."
    It is possible that you'd be locked up if you did not use all your resources to keep the mask of sanity on. Forget about the opportunity cost of your potential achievements so that you don't further stress yourself and worry too much about world domination. You need to have all cognitive tools in place before you get too old, because old age is not for sissies and you'll have a harder time controlling yourself as you get older and daily stresses start magnifying themselves, not to mention diminished seeing/hearing/etc.

  51. yeah, they said the same to me. that sounded very fishy to me, that sounded like major stupification of my mental capacities. not for me.

  52. so, what happened, haven, did it work for you? are you still taking it?

  53. I took Zoloft for 5 months and remember my first clear thought 2 weeks after I stopped taking it.

    That was along time ago.

  54. in the us a lot of people are on prozac. you an tell who these are because out of the blue in the middle of a conversation, when nothing is funny they threw a big psycho laughter. scary... i never took prozac... the kodak moment medication...

    oh, goodness, tik. glad you got off that thing after 5 mos.

  55. Haven, why are you a vegetarian?

  56. my preferred medication is evil level sudoku. that gets me into the flow, takes my mind away, gives me a concrete problem as opposed to the made-up one in my head, and gives me a false sense of short term achievement while exercising my brain muscles. i d feel guilty even doing that, but gotta do something to calm down the beast.

  57. @ressib... They upped my Zoloft dose 3 times. It took away my anxiety but did nothing for my depression. Fail. I didn't have any cognitive issues though, just did nothing for my mood. I've been on a bunch of other medications since. None of them have worked for me so far. The only thing that's done me any good are benzos and I can only use those situationally, not all the time.

  58. @i love tn... when I was 12 I went to England. There was an open meat truck out on the street, dripping carcasses everywhere... what did me in was the swarms of insects crawling all over everything. For a while I had animal rights issues. Mostly now it's for health reasons. My family has a history of medical stuff that maintaining a veg diet + exercise can prevent. So I do. If I have to be here, I'm not gonna be sickly.

  59. @Haven

    Do you think going vegen would help with the mood?

  60. Good good. I don't particularly enjoy pointing out the complete idiocy and inefficacy of moral vegetarianism, it always reminds me how moronic people are.
    Glad to hear you're not one of them my dear.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Jason, I was vegan for 6 years in college and just after. I can't say as it helped my moods. My entire body felt cleaner and I had a ton of energy, but I still had some of the worst down swings I can remember and my anxiety was off the charts.

    I've seriously tried everything I can think of.

  63. Hey. I couldn't get away with a veggy diet even if i wanted to. I'm very prone to getting anaemia. I need as much iron as i can get, and animals are the richest source of it. I'll eat my greens and veggy stuff too to get other types of iron. (apparently there are different types). But i still eat at least three large portions of minced beef. Best source of iron? liver. Ever tried it? Don't. Probably the most unpleasant tasting thing i've had. (Even after trying to extinguish any taste of it with about 200 cloves of garlic which i love).

    But i do appreciate my meat. It really helps my iron levels. I love that.

  64. i guess with the little sample of experiences here the conclusion is zoloft no good.

    i went vegen for three years, during which time my consumption of desert went really high and i gained some weight. then i started long distance running and within few months my body started craving for bloody red meat like hell and i started eating my medium rare filet mignons at least once a weak.

    that dripping carcass view sure is not appetizing, but if we are to work on accepting who we are no reason to say no to some blood once in a while.

  65. birth control pills are the best way to keep the iron in and mood swings and sperms out.

    fried liver and onion work very well for me.

  66. I am mildly, mildly anemic, but I take an iron supplement and that goes away.

    I can't say I've ever had cravings for meat though. It's been 18 years. I don't even know what meat tastes like. It doesn't even register as food to me, haha.

    Animals no. Blood? Well, people don't count.

  67. Ok. I see I have a lot of questions to answers. I will answer them but I am currently out with friends and am checking from my phone. So if you really want answer check back tomorrow.

  68. anaemia = sucks.
    It actually physically hurts to be so tired. You can't do anything.

  69. Sounds like you people need to adjust your diets.

    Good morning notme, you still have a penchant for being awake all hours of the night eh? Or have you switched countries?

  70. morning? is it morning? can't tell, i'm a damn feral cat, i have no concept of human times. hey tn. :)

    Um, birth control, yes Anon. I can't tell you how much i agree with that. It made me almost normal with my moods. It killed that testosterony agitation i normally have.

    Though came off it now though.

  71. Hmm, well I'm sure it's a perfectly reasonable time to be awake... Somewhere. :)

  72. hey you can't talk missy. :P
    Just don't go wondering around outside at this hour talking to strangers. you'll get deaded. :(

  73. I know I know, but hey, I might be doing some serious work, that has to be in on a strict deadline.
    I'm not... But I could've been.
    Maybe, or maybe I'd find someone as interesting and delightful as me... Ah, I see. Yeah, I'd probably get deaded. :)

  74. But strangers have the best candy.

  75. If we only talked about attributes here that were unique to Sociopathy, there's no way in hell this would be a daily blog.

    Any person has the capacity to act a certain way. Having it as a pathology is a very different story. As in, yes, people lie often (usually small things, like omissions or embellishments) but that doesn't make them a pathological liar.

    There's also routine vs. pathology, as some types of business require certain mindsets and skills that could be considered inhuman or offbeat.

    And when you get to a position like Hitler, where everyone is your asset, how can you not have that kind of mindset? I think that's the better question.

  76. Without that mindset his assets would quickly run him over with their own agendas. Politics are almost secondary to power. Placing your people in useful positions that also keep them from turning on you requires an inordinate amount of mental manipulation. Especially when you have so many pawns to play with.

  77. if we were to remove all psychopaths and narcissists from the world, the world would flourish, it would be a great place to live.

  78. Let's get rid of the retarded, the bi-polar, the schizophrenic, the down syndrome, and the deformed. You know what, for good measure let's get rid of those with BPD as well, oh, and the paranoids as well, god they're neurotic. Speaking of neurotic, lets throw the Jews in as well, I'm sure they're ready for round two. Better late than never, eh?

    Purging what you're too lazy to fix. At least it's efficient, eh?

    A good way to end a Hitler post.



  80. Its election time in my li'l ol state! The mother of all Socio tests. For the first time, all and anything is being said because of blogs! Our own little wikileak. Yay!

  81. >"Kesu,
    How can you have so much insight and then so much delusion..."

    Simple. I realize it is delusional but it doesn't stop it from
    being very very real to me.

    >"Are you speaking metaphorically or are you indeed far off gone
    when not behind a mask?"

    Yes I mean it very literally. If I can't rule the world then I'll
    end it easily. The world is either shaped by my hand or cleansed
    by my fire.

    >"Kesu, your not the only one who has brought up having a deamon.
    Several have. And everytime it gets dead silent on here.
    It has no power that you don't give it."

    I don't know about the others but mine... My demon isn't me. It is
    its own entity. I have no control over it. The best I can do is
    lock it in a cage and watch as it takes swipes at me. It is as real
    as it is in my head. It is alien to me. It wants nothing more then
    to destroy everything. Including me. It almost has before.

    @ressib If coming here and looking at the socios makes you feel
    better about the "mean" things you do then you are an idiot. That is
    like looking at someone with down syndrome and feeling smart.

    >"tik, i believe kesu too. but what with the need to rule or clean
    the planet, man? SOmebody has to first come down to earth from
    whichever planet he is on at part of the time. or, is it drugs
    talking when he is above earth?"

    If I clean the planet then obviously I'll be swept out with the rest.
    If I have to die then I want to drag every last person down with me.

  82. Hitler's mind, in fact, DID work like a calculating machine.
    He had a phtographic memory, and no doubt, a very high I.Q.
    Hitler's problem was that his marvelous mind was inflexable, and
    this sealed his ultimate doom.

    1. Master IQ that declared war on russia without having ANY IDEA what forces he faced? And then did the same with the US, on a crazed whim? A "dim lightbulb" masochist that wanted to be punished..


  83. I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my wife return back to me,

    An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me,my name is Robert Buyback,i live in Maryland/USA,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {3}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit this great man called Dr.Brave,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again. {} Thanks...

  84. "Pocket calculator"-personalities is said to walk the earth. Some call them Virgoans. Analyze is what they do. Their mind is cool and so is their bloodstream. Their style of revenge is often served cold..

  85. I'm cannibal. My lunch will be a seven years old girl.

    1. I want Bobby's cockage. ...Mmmmmmmm. That's my lunch.

  86. Hitler had a great mind at first. But he got addicted to shooting meth and began to go insane, Started complaining about demons and weird sorts of other-wordly stuff. Plus he was married to a Jew (Eva Braun DNA sample reveals).

  87. Its so dead! What happened?

  88. Random Internet StrangerMay 29, 2014 at 9:16 AM

    Internet apocalypse

  89. Not doing a great job at improving sociopaths' standing here M.E., likening them (yourself?) to Hitler. Or is that the joke?

  90. Kesu's comments strike me as odd. I get it, though I'm not a sociopath.

    A child may scream and cry at something they can't have, they may thrash and crash and yet when suddenly this thing is recieved, they're confused.
    You may very well rule the world, but what next? Power gained is nice, .. but that elation wears off.
    Many studies have shown that an overwhelming amount of people who are 'have-nots' because there is much to gain and little to lose.

    We imagine God, benevolent or otherwise, but all powerful, in the image of man. What would a person do if they truly were granted that power? Evan Almighty is a comedy, but is he a God who can truly see the forest for the trees, all creation, and all power - that end state seems awfully boring.

    Really, a conversations on any godly all-seeing end state are ultimately boring. World Peace? Never Ending Life?... what then? Scatter the pieces and do it all again?
    My biggest question here, is that as a sociopath, or any sociopath, unbound by morality and the preservation of community.. have you actually considered what comes next, after all is said and done.. does the void hold any promise of piece or dread?

    Strangely enough, my personal view as someone who is very empathic, very strong in my values, comfortable with the void, as well as the coldness of a sociopathic mind. I don't believe in afterlives, and my only regret of a finite life is that I don't get to watch afterwards. I want to see what happens next. I do feel as if I could turn off the emotional tap, but it only seems boring, simply an emotional tool to use as a means to an end.

    1. Simply put, if you ruled the world, what would you do with it?

    2. As infinite as space is, there has to be other forms of extraterrestrials lives out there. That would be one of my regret in this finite life... to not get to see it.


  91. My name is Blanca Payne . To cut a long story short I tried about 3 different spell casters over a period of 3 months and all they wanted was more & more money and kept coming up with excuses as to why the spell wasn’t working. Just when I was about to give up I came across several good testimonies of Dr. Oyinbo over the internet. I contacted him and he promised to restore my faith back into spell casters, that they are real and love spells do actually work. I was very sceptical after several scam spell casters. Mine wasn’t a simple spell but Dr. Oyinbo went above & beyond his way to look for extra money when extra work was required. Always called & txt on time. Replied to emails on time. Only asked for half the spell money as initial payment. My partner had walked out on me one day with no explanation …. I was devastated. When I was about to give up hope, Dr. Oyinbo words guided and encouraged me, and then he was back 3 days after the spell was cast. I recommend Dr. Oyinbo extremely highly. Dr.oyinbo you are a gifted man and I will not stop recommending him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster, Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. You can contact him on ( or or call him +2348074066640. He is the best caster that can help you with your problems. He restored my faith and I AM FINALLY HAPPY.


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