
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sociopaths = scary?

Sociopaths are scary? From Quick Meme under the heading, "Next Time Someone Tells You To Be Afraid Of Sharks, Show Them This..."


  1. How many people do sociopaths kill annually, as a point of comparison?

    1. Now that would be impossible to calculate, but a fun thought.

      Had a good laugh at autoerotic asphyxiation. Seriously, 600? Is it really that good?

    2. That would be hard to figure out Bob as there is no sociopath diagnosis. Technically the answer would be zero. Even if you asked "How many people with a personality disorder kill annually" it would be hard to answer because I'm not sure mental health status is always documented. I think it should be noted though, that several of the mass shooting that have occurred where by people who were schizophrenic, which is not a personality disorder.

      I've said it before and I'll say it again, people with schizophrenia can be very dangerous, much more so than someone with a personality disorder. I wonder if most people make the distinction?


    3. As a psychologist, I do like you Melissa :) You seem very bright and perceptive. I won't touch paranoid schizophrenia with a ten foot pole.

    4. Does replying to your own posts qualify you as being schizophrenic?


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Try addressing from the other direction - how many people with ASPD have killed annually, instead of how many people killed other people who were diagnosed with ASPD after-the-fact? In otherwords, from a known before-effect.

    7. Bob, please help your socio brothers. They stew in their own juice. The complacency in this blog you can find in all associations of expellees. Help them to reduce their false sence of superiority and they will make some progress.

    8. Can you clarify your request? What do you mean by complacency?

    9. Already noted below in another thread, without thoroughly comprehensive data on the population, we could potentially take advantage of statistical analysis using a much smaller representative sample.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. It might be more accurate to average out the multiplier, to take into account higher functioning sociopaths (both criminal and non-criminal) who don't commit murder (either no violence or a granular level of violence that comes before killing). Generally speaking, using ballpark theory, the multiplier could be reduce to 7x, give or take? What do you think?

    12. The other mitigating factor would be the number of deaths due to war, since some can be attributed to the death being attributed to a non-sociopath.

    13. 'Bob', you wouldn't happen to be a member of the Sociopath/Jewish Internet Defense Force, would you?

    14. "Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism and Terrorism on the Web.

      Coordinating Concerned Citizens Around the Globe. Promoting Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity.

      Israel advocacy"

    15. No, I don't understand the relevance. Or how that is even an insult. We're computing a theoretical number to see where sociopaths would be placed in the blog post's hierarchy of deaths.

    16. Admit it you fucking kike.

      You post here all fucking day, I'm sure that you're getting paid to do it.

    17. Or maybe I am not working today?

      You are a little more one-dimensional than the usual humiliators.

    18. Working for the JIDF is an insult, because you'd be getting paid to lie.

    19. Also, you post here all the time.

      I knew it.

    20. Nice try Anon 7:00.


    21. Nothing I can say will humiliate you.

      Vermin, scum of the earth... you're beneath that. The only thing that can get to you is truth.

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. Of course, hence the ballpark theory. However, with that in mind, it does give a vague number to form a point of basis.

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. Erik, you crack me up
      Sociopaths: twice as scary as hamburgers :)

      Fun exercise, but it would be impossible to calculate.
      What about missing persons? Some of them surely got killed.
      Suicides as a result of being really ruined?
      Deaths ruled as suicides/accidents that were actually murders?
      Not really a sociopath, but Machiavellian, narcissist or beeper did it...
      The list goes on.

      On an unrelated note, since I am not exactly good with computers... everything was working well last night, but this morning my computer and phone will not show SW at all.
      My friend's phone shows up fine. And when I switched ip on my phone to say I'm in Europe, it started working beautifully again. Anyone know wtf is up with that?


    26. Yes, though to get an accurate weight out of the first proportion it should be based on premeditated murder cases (since accidental and crimes of passion are not typically sociopathically based). From that, we can weigh the proportion of premeditated sociopathic murderers to all sociopaths in the general population. That should eliminate the non-applicable sociopaths from the final number.

    27. These are more "off the napkin" ballpark numbers for entertainment and curiousity sake. The final number, while inaccurate, can still give a general idea of where it fits on the scale.

    28. I saw ME's tweet. I almost think she's mocking some of the comments on here sometimes. Most murderers have ASPD?? What about crimes of passion??What about borderlines that kill?? What about paranoid schizos that go on killing sprees?? I mean come on..

    29. As noted previously, this exercise is for entertainment and curiosity sake only.

  2. Poor sharkys!!!!!

  3. Well it goes back to the old saying that newspaperman
    Sinclar Lewis (?) said: "When dog bites man, the story is of
    no interest. When man bites dog, that's an important story."
    As a society, we are oblivious to the SLOW SUCIDE taking place
    everyday. When a sociopath commits a rare, unpresidented act,
    the media plays it up especially if it is a celeberity, sexual, or
    racist white on black crime.
    The satanic media has it's own agenda, so if the victim of a crime
    is white, the crime is ALL RIGHT.
    Take the case of Mass. math teacher Colleen Ritzer. How many
    people outside of Mass. know the story? I assure you if the
    assilent was white and the victim was black, the media drumbeat
    would never cease from October of last year (When the atroicity
    occurred) up to the present moment.

  4. The non psychopath partner, of every couple that stayed together, has died of a chronic illness before the age of sixty. If you have any years on you take a look at the couples you have known and you will find this to be a fact.

    1. OMG
      You are right!

    2. yep,have some years on me and I've seen it. passive killing through extreme distress that is difficult for others to understand or see?

    3. It is a false premise to use absence of facts, as facts. In statistics, there is fallacy which is commonly adopted by people. Correlation does not equal causation. In this case, you are seeing a negative correlation between sociopathy and age of death, and attributing it as cause. What you will need to do is is look at other factors to support the claim.

  5. Just because someone isn't scary doesn't mean they are pleasant to be around.


    1. Using a sphere of experience everyone has in common here, do you find the sociopaths you have encountered on the site as unpleasant?

    2. I can't really answer that Bob. We are all just words on a screen. For good or bad, people can be much different in real life than online. Also, there is no way to determine if someone who identifies themself as a socio on this blog really is. For that matter, you might not be male and I might not be female.


    3. I can add that the people I've encountered with ASPD can actually be quite stable in some aspects. They can be quite reliable; if they tell you that are going to meet you at 2:00 they will definitely be there (you will hear about it if you're the one late!). They can be very independent in doing things themselves to the point where they are very uncomfortable asking for help. And they can be very meticulous in recordkeeping and this like paying their bills on time. They can do things in a very exacting way and/or be perfectionist is some aspects of their lives. These aren't very bad traits at all to have imo.


    4. problem is you never know when their going to explode.

    5. Anon 8:18, explode is not the word I'd use; take action would be more accurate.


    6. Melissa, that's a very interesting observation because I have also noticed rigidity in this regard in sociopaths.

    7. It depends on the individual I think. James Fallon noted having obsessive-compulsive traits. Don't know if ME does. I have a little, but not much. I can't say anecdotally if that is consistently true, but I suppose it is possible depending on the person.

      There is a propensity for rational thinking, which might explain your observations of rigidity. However the rigidity would be selective in this case.

    8. Bob, I can't recall...did you say you are a sociopath?

  6. omg I laughed so hard at this post

    1. Did you not see the humor in it?

    2. The autoerotic asphyxiation figure in it, with the disassociated picture, was funny. I didn't find the rest hilarious. The baby hippo was quaint, but adult hippos are extremely dangerous. As for being crushed by vending machines, why anyone would tip one over seems stupid - the vandalism to get access to a bag of chips is ridiculous. I will say though, that 100 deaths by icicles in Russia is interesting. It makes sense when you think about all of the ice that forms.

  7. Sociopaths do not scare me. Borderlines can be nasty little fucks. And have mob mentality if they don't like you anymore. Lol. All the splitting.... triggers - and valueing you, and then devaluing you as soon as you don't meet up to their perfect standards. Huh. Give me a sociopath in my life anyday. A borderline can be your good friend for years and ditch you in a flash as soon as you make a mistake. And they can't see there own mistakes. But deflect shit back on you and treat you like trash.They are double standard a lot. And rangaholics. And yes I'm a borderline. I'm just being brutally honest of their negative standards. There is a lot of positive to them also. But that's a whole other story.

    1. Sociopaths can impose a double-standard if it suits them. Usually as a form of taking an advantage in a given situation. Though in this case, I suppose the borderline does not see it, while the sociopath does.

    2. Very true Bob.

      For me: The sociopath who's in my life -- we've known eachother for 30 + years, ever since kindergarten. Yes, we've run into very minor minor conflict when teens, but he manages to make things right, (right) and work things out, always. Never has ditched me to the curb. Thats trophy value to me. He's not emotionally driven and has stayed consistent in my life. consistency is very huge for me, where as the borderline is emotionally unstable and in-consistant a lot of the times. There are negatives im sure to aspd (as any personality disorder), but in my experience the borderline is more damaging because of the intense rage emotions of splitting.

    3. Again Bob, when there in the active throws of borderline, they have the fog glasses on and choose not to see their bad behaviour. But a recovered borderline -- or at least on the road to recovery can see this. {the emotional choatic-abuse of the borderline}. Most active borderlines cant see this, thus repeating the vicious cycle over and over. (They'd rather blame everyone else around them.). And ive seen borderlines shame people - just like mob mentality. Im very careful now. You'll think there the nicest sweetest as pie full of compassion, then you'll become an enemy at any given moment when they choose to split into black and white thinking.

    4. This makes sense. That is an incompatible way of thinking for a sociopath. Perceptions change, but the object being perceived never did.

      This actually explains a few interactions I have had with borderlines. I'll have to consider potential spontaneous duality - despite its unpredictable occurrence - when interacting with them in the future. Thank you for the insight.

    5. :-) thank you for yr insight also Bob. don't mean to sound like im putting down borderlines, they do have many many positives about them. Id just rather interact with a sociopath, even a narc now -- then a full blown splitting borderline. i joined a non-borderline group years ago, and some of the victims have endured drastic abuse time and time again. Tell that to a borderline, they get all defensive and even can threaten all self-harm. O and your the one they blame for their problems too (deflection). Because you said this and this wrong. your walking on eggshells. depending on their mood, which drastically changes within an hour, lol.
      The problem is them, not others most of the time. But that takes responsibility to admit -- and knocking down the individuals pride for help.
      I was there Bob. Not too extreme and fullblown, milder end spectrum. But i did anything to get help for myself. Ive been hurt by borderlines. endless cycle. When they're recovered, or even on the road to recovery -- there beautiful individuals to be around.

    6. In my experience Borderline people can be quite unstable, or at the least have a lot of drama in their lives. My analogy is that they are like Pigpen from the Peanuts; they constantly have this cloud of debris flying around them and if you get just a little too close you can get sucked right in to that cloud.


    7. Very true Melissa, couldn't have said it any better.

  8. The zodiac sign Scorpio is scary. They come from The Land of the Dead were they are royalty, according to legend. Psychopaths appear far more human, the really "unsane" ones often give an impression of being dullards, slightly retarded or weird. They sure can be scary when one realizes there are no moral brakes, but compared to Big Bad Scorpy most psychopaths seem tiny & trite..

  9. What scares in sociopathy is the tight hard grip they have on their reality (and the reality of those around them). Its the high dominanance that scares others. Some clinical distinctions need to be made between Adam Lanza types and your Ted Bundy characters-and what of the armed forces? They indulge in creating a state of occupational psychopathy so their recruits acan kill with a degree of impugnity-should we count them as well?

    1. In that case, it would be more beneficial - and representative of a sample - to count those disgnosed pre-event to see the statistical significance properly weighted.

    2. Maybe we need to envision a time when we are all under constant scrutiny-a form of psycho social diagnosis that is not that far away from the way the education system already functions. Maybe its niaeve to assume such characters are not already being flagged upo, and if not now maybe sometime in the near future?

    3. Are you referring to a lack of pre-diagnosed sociopaths? While there are probably many, I would assume there are enough for a statistically significant measurement. Of course practical identification and gathering of the data from a largely confidential population would be extraordinarily difficult. I wonder if a sufficiently representative sample could be obtained by the non-murdering prison population? I am not sure how representative it would be, but it would give at least some insight as to the ratios

    4. Correction: Pre-event diagnosed sociopaths.

    5. I think most teachers off the record would be able to point out with some degree of accuracy those with the relevant traits, but there is a reluctance on the part of psychologists to label kids as sociopathic. So I doubt it could be that difficult, a little training and learning the right diagnostic jargon and teachers, being at the rock face of personality and character development could help identify possible sociopaths.Prison seems to just feature very specific types of sociopathy-the iceberg tip I suggest, there are many others who function in the grey areas of human potential, and for the most part evade scrutiny as adults.

    6. Using the pre-adult population would not be properly representative, because most sociopathy does not typically fully develop until adulthood. Teachers are also not ideal, because observations are too dependent on passionately subjective perceptions. Even then, multiple observed traits can be explained due to adolescent development/behavior, or sometimes a non-evolving form of conduct disorder. Simply put, you can not accurately diagnose children until their mental age reaches maturity.

    Corey Feldmen Says: #1 Problem With Hollywood is Child Sex Abuse feldman-pedophilia-problem-child-actors contributed-demise/story? id=14256781#.UYNTM8rtvHR

  11. Judge Who Sold Children to Private Detention

    Vicki Polin -- Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse

    1. Not the Satanic bogeyman again-thought that shit had been blown out of the water-but clearly there is still some fundeMENTAL types holding onto this crap!

    2. Go and Jew somewhere else, faggot.

  12. The impression when meeting someone (suspected/obviously) sociopathic is often more of a "repellant" experience than a scary one, like spending time with folks that lean too close with bad breath or eat/talk at the same time. Slimy "airy" people (similar to what "air people" means in the zodiac universe: detached)

    1. What happens if I was born in betweens? Im Libra-scorpio, what is your thought?

    2. I also experiment intense fascination at the moon, its my guide and my only God through the world, if I am lost I will try to put the balance back with moon staring. it soothes me and appease my thirst(btw I never considered astrology useful, but maybe I could enhance my thought process)

    3. Librans & virgoans do not exist, they are all Scorpio creatures according to original zodiac.

  13. Sharky the sharkasaurus!


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