
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


An empath reader sent this (accurate?) video on how people are manipulated, particularly en masse:


  1. you can become slave to the system (sheep)
    you can go outside the system (heretics, outcasts etc)
    and you can make the system work for you ( manipulation, controle, ...)

    good vid and ....

  2. According to the video people can be controlled by exploiting their fears and threating them. To be truly free is to have no governments. And capitalism is bad?

  3. Robert Caldini's book "Influence," is the only book you need to
    read on the subject. That is why, in some locals inmates are actually
    running prisons. The female correctional officers are literally providing
    the convicts with sex and gifts all based on the techiques taught in
    that book.

  4. "I prefer my child WITH A SOUL, rather than without. If there was a test for sociopathy, I would terminate."
    a soul you can sell to the devil

    1. Oh please, their is some goodness in the world, your minds are so twisted.
      Do you believe in human growth and people learning? and improving their lives and others? Or is everything a nightmare to you?

    2. A soul may merely be sleeping. One may be reunited with one's soul.

  5. Good video, the idea of freedom is very profitable.

  6. time to start a cult / religion

  7. Ho ahaim dr ginger. I understamd plausible deniability and how it relates to invalidating amd diswualifying. Apparently discussed in marsha linehans dialectocal behaviour analysis . Om sorry I cannot link to the article I found. But now I understamd. THNNK YOU!

    I also foumd a teaching of the torah on "lashon hora "bout gossip and dysfunctional families.

    ME this is why you like the 3 person dialog. Its incidious and disturbingly a narcissist's weapon..

    1. Also I am sorry to be an energizer bunny here. Really, it is wnnoying even to myself. Ty for malkng me see it.

    2. @ anon 7:47: There is something seriously wrong with you dude. I recommend you call your psychiatrist. You won’t get much help here. If you are already institutionalized, then keep reading the torah, it will calm you down. Also, check to see if there is any halakha on posting non-sense stuff online.

    3. Ho ahaim dr ginger. No these are not non-sense. These are “Specific Keywords” with embedded functionality. I use them strategically!

    4. I happen to see lots of things all at one esp when I am a bit hypomanic. I like to run things by smart people because they help me stick to the suject matter at hand MME likes religion. So did Monica there is apparently some bible anon here, andother dude who talks about how her/she would like to view the way GOD thinks.

      Im actually agnostic. Man created the bible, ya know? AND although Jesus was a pawn he did have some great ideas how to rein in human foibles.

      Yeah, I happen to think pds actions are destructiv3 to harmony, and I like it when things are harmonious.

      And I really like the way the rabbis interpret the torah. Them joos is smart. Yaknow?

      This ho add and sometimes bipolar mind works. We make associations with everything at once . It is maddening!

    5. Maddening mind? In that case,

      Welcome to sociopathworld, anon!

  8. Interesting video, though judging by the number of YouTube views only 500-odd people (or is that 500 odd-people?) have seen the farm and left it.

  9. That video speaks about terrorism, not manipulation.


  10. The comment count quacks me up. bloody blood. lusty lust. Oh. where art thou? my sucky suck? eye sea u !

    1. I told you sw, them white people is crazy

  11. It would have been much more entertaining if the bird was shot dead at the end :>

  12. we can only be 'manipulated' to do something that on some level we already want to do anyway.

    1. See, now that I understand. I agree at first read

      However, it does not hold up. I am sorry, carlos murphy, but when you are in the hands of a good manipulator, it doesnt cross your mind whether you wanted to do sthg or not. You just do what they want. Your self is hijacked. Its almost painless, like subliminal advertizing.

      Some people are more suggestible than others, and that is the differentiation.

    2. Your self is hijacked because you choose to trust them and put the decision making in their hands. Its of your own choice.

    3. I have some really good manipulator friends. Best to work together, not to fight. And then for some reason in the end one person feels 'manipulated' and 'used' and blames the other. No, this person needs to be responsible for their own decision making. I decide to trust certain 'manipulators' because they really just want to have a good time and I'd like to have a good time with them.

  13. Ah, she resorts to the insult. I'm enjoying watching your website go down in a ball
    of flames! Have you checked out 'sociopaths suck' they have a BIG

    1. What, you mean that shitty facebook page? 3000 likes is NOT a big following. Having just had a little read, it seems to be sustained by pure hatred and fear: not a great combination.

    2. Much prefer SOCIOPATHS ROCK, much more coherent and less neurotic.

  14. Work with the current system. Fighting against things (whether its the government, or cancer) sets up a natural resistance. Best to understand that everything going on is a behavior that needs to be worked with, not against.

  15. Aaaaaaaaand this is socialist propaganda at its finest.


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