
Sunday, December 15, 2013

If murder were legal

A reader sent me this clip. I thought it was a refreshingly candid take on the importance of context in people's assessment of morality and how both extremes of morality are looked down upon.

Favorite quote: "The law against murder is the number one thing preventing murder."


  1. And the caveman's life expectancy was 33....

    1. Which was due to death at childbirth.

    2. AND the fact they beat eachother to death for any reason, AND the fact they had no healthcare system so they dies of all kinds of injuries and diseases, AND the fact that theyr women died in labour trying to give birth to caveman children, AND the fact that life was damn hard possibly ending it all in starving to death, AND the fact that the earth at that time was FILLED with wildlife - some of it could kill you, AND the fact that accidents happen and those cavemen didn't have any health insurance OR a medical degree OR anything else then witchdoctors and herbs, AND the fact that they hunted theyr food - which could kill them (no hunting not as in going to mcdonalds and buying a burger) AND so on, AND so on AND so on AND so on.. feel free to ill inn! We die easily. We have spent thousands of years trying find ways to prevent it. They weren't as good at it in the stone age yet..

  2. Murder IS legal. It just depends on the type your talking about.
    Societal murder? The self and other destructive falsehoods we
    are raised with.
    The murder of children? Continuing with the status quo of a self
    harming society with lies like class, religious and nationalistic idenity.
    Emotional murder? Allowing hatred of others influence our decisions
    and well being.
    Self murder? Piling crap into our bodies and destroying our health
    long term to evade emotional pain.

  3. Murder is subjective to the justification it falls under, shows how flexible morality and empathy really are.

  4. Am i the only sociopath here that when read "Favorite quote: "The law against murder is the number one thing preventing murder." " said: so what could be more?
    then i realized that normal people have other reasons...

  5. I believe am an empath, and i want to murder people quite frequently. Most of the time I feel impulses to just beat opponents to a bloodshed, but occaionally in bigger conflicts I feel a desire to kill. I guess I would need to do it more then once to get a hang on it, so there is a slight barrier there. Also I wouldn't want to kill innocent people, unless they are related to and loved by my hate objects - in wich case I would like to kill them in front these objects eyes. I could tell you socio's a story about that lust coming from an empath sometime when I take the time to do so.

    I have for a long time believed that under the right circumstances, any mans brain can block empathy. That is especially true in a state of aggression, fear, danger or when social rules dictate murder or violence as the right rules. Men are more aggressive them female, thus also more inclined to such behaviour. Socio or not.

    1. You're going to post on a lawyer's blog that men are more aggressive than women?? hahahahahah

    2. What do they call it when UberEmpaths want to murder? Gender is irrelevant. Just wondering what category it would fall under. We know empaths esp UberEmpaths have high empathizing abilities.

      Poster above may think men are more aggressive, however are they not familiar with mama bear tactics? It may depend on the circumstances in point.

    3. Most devoted mothers would have no problem killing a predator who threatened her child, esp if it was an in the moment response. It would be as automatic as jumping in front of a train to save your child.

    4. Maybe I am wrong in assuming that men are on average more aggressive then women? If you think otherwise, then please explain your point. M.E. : You should keep a notice or something on your blog that guides or teaches in good discussion techniques. I don't find the level of the replies from certain repliers here very high. Not trying to disrespect, I just think it could be bettered.

      I will explain how I come to my point of view:
      Who display aggression in kindergarden: boys
      Who mainly form gangs to comit criminal activites: boys and men
      Who have the largest interest in combating sports, war, hunting, survivalist themes and risk seeking activity: men

      All this are signs of aggression. It is a commom misconception to think that aggression is always expressed as an animal grinning its teeths. Humans are more complex then that. Why is the male prison population that high? Do you think men are dumber then women, more unlawful? No. they are more aggressive and thus they are inclined to such behaviour.

      Women might show aggression, they might plot, be assholes, even hit theyr husbands, but theyr aggression level is omn average alot lower then men's. What happens when you give women normal dosages of testosterone of that an average male has? They transform into men. They start to think like men. The feel and act like men. There have actually been studies on this, for instance why some women look more like men, act more like them and think more like them. Very often the answer is an higher production of the male hormone testosterone, which is not only produced in the testicles. Certain conditions in the body may lead to higher testosterone levels then normal in women as well.

      Remember one thing when you reply to a post anywhere; be educated and reflect upon what seems impossible at the moment. If you do not, you may come across as slow or uneducated.

      Machavellianempath: this is not aimed at you. You seem for the most upwards going.

      Also, I don't think M.E. would procecute me, or any other lawyer for thinking about murder. Thinking is legal, doing is not.

    5. Females are more adept at emotional violence, physical bruises heal, emotional trauma stays-so to my mind women can be more destructive and lethal-maybe to cover them for the vulnerability of child bearing(?).

  6. I had to think about this one. If murder were legal would I actually kill people? I think I'm a sociopath but a high functioning one. All of my decisions and how I live my day to life and interact with people is based more on a stream of logic based decisions versus any moral compunctions. I really don't have any moral compunctions at all but I base the decisions on well I like having this person around so I am going to treat them this way to maintain this relationship because I know that they like this. So when the question of murdering people comes up I really thought about that one would I just go around murdering people and if someone pissed me off would I murder them. And I have to say no. well I might murder someone just to do it I'm sure that I would exercise that right at least once but probably no one that mattered to me. I think it would go through my mind that you know this person could be useful at some point. I don't know in this moment but one day. Maybe I would murder a real idiot like it would dawn on me that the world real doesn't need this person taking up space. He makes no contributions to society... I have to say this was one of the more thought provoking posts.


  8. If you were a serial killer who would you be?

  9. lmao, he's a dam funny comedian. i gotta look up more of his stand up performances.

  10. I think if murder were legal, it would happen equally as often.

  11. If murder were legal, people were MUCH NICER to each other-they had to.

  12. I kind of agree with his point of view. Believe me, some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them... I even so, sometimes I wonder if I should really walk away.

  13. No, empathy and self preservation are the biggest factors curtailing murder surly?


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