
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Book appendix (part 2)

From an interview with an in-law:

The first thing that I find unusual about you is that you’re very anxious to give us, your family, whatever we want.  I see this as a sign that you love us because from what I have heard about how you act around other people, that is not at all how you act, but rather trying to get what you want through manipulation or whatever.  That’s one of the things I would say to sum you up is that you are one of the most generous people I have met.  You’re always so willing to give time, money—anything. 

I think it’s funny, I’m more guarded around you because sometimes I throw out ideas or desires to you even if I don’t really want them.  But I’m more careful what I say around you because you’re likely to make it actually happen. You’re just big on having people do what they want to do, so I think that if I said I wanted to go to a certain place, you’d say “let’s do it.”  I would give my reasons why I wasn’t going to, and you’d give your reasons why it would be good and just push for it.  Or it’s funny, when I tell you things like “I like those slippers,” and you say, “you can have them.”  I never know what you mean by that, if it means “I don’t really like them” or if it means that you do like that thing, but if you hear someone say that they really like it, you want to give someone what they really like because you think it’s better for the economy of the family to give someone what they really like rather than have you keep something that you just kind of like.

But, at the end of vacation time spent with family when you get cranky. It’s almost as if you’re too tired to do it anymore. 

But I think it is the most humorous with the children, because you are equally as anxious to give them whatever they want.  Maybe even more anxious.  It’s very interesting to watch because no other normal adults I have met are willing to give children whatever they want.  And children are subject to so many whims.  But you take them all seriously.  “Do you want to play the piano?”  “Would you like to dance?”  And so the children love you so much.  And I think it’s ironic that you think that you won’t connect with your own children, should you have any, because that is a very strong connection to children.  However there are those moments when you say “That baby is driving me crazy,” and few other human beings say that as well.  “Man, Charlie is being so rotten right now.”  Or “So and so is so cute.”  Or when you ask my children “Which of your brothers do you like better?” 

With the older kids, sometimes you bother me because you’re trying to figure out if they’re like you so you ask them questions, leading questions, like “which person do you like more?”  And sometimes, like the other night, when you tried to trick Alan into thinking that Byron said he liked Charlie better, that is where I draw the line.  I intercede in those moments to tell him “No, he did not say that.” 

I thought it was interesting when you said that you have a hard time connecting with my children, because you said you don’t understand them?  I define them as being perfectly normal children.  You don’t understand them because they’re compassionate? Is that it?  Or is it because they’re more emotionally driven and they let their emotions dictate their behavior?  It’s more primal in children, it seems easy to understand to me. 

You’re very good at giving the children gifts.  They are very age appropriate.  Most people find that to be difficult.  I think parents are much better than grandparents, but in some ways you’re even better than parents because you remove the selfish component of gift giving. I think sometimes parents don’t want to give certain presents to children because they’re too loud, messy, take up too much space, or because they want something for their children rather than thinking what the children really want.  And grandparents probably just want what is easier to find. 

Maybe your ability has something to do with your ability to process what they enjoy.  Maybe it’s because you’re always keyed into making other people happy, so you’ve been even trying to make the little people happy and thinking in those moments, “what would make them happy right now?” So it’s easier for you to think—what gift would make them happy.

The children are always so excited to see you.  You are their favorite aunt or uncle. 


  1. Very interesting. How does this relate to M.E. being sociopathic?

    It sounds like many people.

  2. Is it wrong to put your family above strangers?

    I ma not talking about the manipulation part, but they preference of family.

  3. "But, at the end of vacation time spent with family when you get cranky. It’s almost as if you’re too tired to do it anymore."

    I totally get this and I'm an empath.

    1. You are a fellow Empath too?!?!?!? Wow I didn't think there were many of us here ;)

    2. I am sorry for my ignorance; what is an Empath?

    3. I think they refer to a person with emotions and empathy but in more 'supernatural' circles, an empath is a person who genuinely feel other's emotions.

    4. thanks for answering my question

  4. dam you ME
    i caved in and ordered your book
    now her's a game to everyone here (inclueding ME)
    i'm gonna put the book online (the hole thing)
    and if she's a loyer she will sue me
    in doing so i will try to get informationon here real identity
    what is the right thing to do
    sue and risk exposure
    not sue and risk loosing a lot of money (and looking weak)

    1. Stupid. Be patient. All will be revealed with a lot less effort in a very short time:)

    2. "she" is a "he" duh

    3. According to the Dr. Phil interview today, the autor of this book is very much a woman.

  5. Learn to spell Anonymous. You sound like a redneck who is incapable of putting anything online let alone defending a lawsuit.

    1. i am and my sister is my mother

    2. second coming of Bundy

  6. Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!

    Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday, I went to my Xanax and temazepam doctor and got a little tipsy on the prescriptions, I took #3 2mg Xanax and #6 30mg Temazepams with 2 16oz Mikes harder Lemonade (It's 8% alcohol and since it was the morning I didn't feel like drinking my regular 8.1% alcohol beer) and when I got home I had a bud light....... I was kinda out of it! lol

    Iam very happy for M.E. and I cant wait to read the book! Please don't give any spoilers out here people or at least use the warning SPOILER ALERT if you do! lol :)

    1. Hey Rich,
      you seem pretty famous around here. I've had friends telling me I'm an empath since I was in high school!
      I didn't know about this site until I watched Dr. Phil on my DVR last night. Just wanted to say hi.
      I prefer Mike's Limeade myself.

  7. Aww, M.E.'s married, adores children, dotes on her family, and goes to the internet to pretend to be a mean 'ole sociopath. We have so much in common <3

    1. i like children...
      with ketchup

  8. Hi Rich
    Missed you yesterday.
    I love this excerpt. ME is a an amazing writer. I feel like I am reading Catcher in the Rye, one of my favorite books!


      Feb 25, 2013 Monika rated it 3 of 5 stars
      Shelves: memoirs, non-fiction

      Confessions of a Sociopath was a difficult read, in a way. It wasn't the content or the writing style as much as the tone, which felt a little odd, and at times, disconcerting. It was often cold and very pretentious. After a while, it really grated on my nerves. By the final few chapters, I would catch myself skimming the text and have to reread large portions. I think it would have been wiser of me to take the book in smaller doses, to break it up a bit.

      But... the content itself was pretty fasc...more Confessions of a Sociopath was a difficult read, in a way. It wasn't the content or the writing style as much as the tone, which felt a little odd, and at times, disconcerting. It was often cold and very pretentious. After a while, it really grated on my nerves. By the final few chapters, I would catch myself skimming the text and have to reread large portions. I think it would have been wiser of me to take the book in smaller doses, to break it up a bit.

      But... the content itself was pretty fascinating. It's easy to dismiss psychopaths as "evil" (especially thanks to Hollywood and the media) and not think about them with any more depth than that, but there's actually a pretty wide spectrum. I learned a lot reading this book. I didn't realize there were non-criminal sociopaths, nor did I know they could be as high-functioning as the author.

      There were some aspects of her story that were hard to believe. I couldn't tell if she was contradicting herself, if she was embellishing things, or if I just wasn't understanding her. Then came the epilogue, and everything that didn't make sense to me before sort of fell into place. I think the parts I had trouble believing were due to differences between how we (author and reader) view the world, not because of an intent to deceive.

      Confessions of a Sociopath by M.E. Thomas was an eye-opening book. I wouldn't place it on my favorites list, but I did come away with more knowledge and understanding about a personality disorder I knew little to nothing about; I appreciate that.

      I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. I did not receive any other compensation for this review.

    2. Thanks Monica!!!! I was just too out of it to even type yesterday! lol

      How are you today?

  9. Courtesy and consideration. How much of this do you give to others? Why and/or why not?

    1. Courtesy is easy, and I practice it almost universally. Everyone gets consideration, but some people are so far beneath me that they'll never get anything more than courtesy. The interesting ones, though, are interesting! They get attention, focus, and effort. More consideration, you could say.

    2. It seems as though people these days have NO consideration for others at all. Or perhaps it's they have no consideration for me. I have been told I am the most selfish and inconsiderate person everyone around me knows, but I hold the door open for ladies, I consciously decide to pull out into traffic at this most opprotune time so as to ensure the flowing traffic is not disrupted, I don't park in "no parking" zones. If I am the most selfish person, what are all these other peoples who are so much more inconsiderate than I?

      Courtesy I give at the on set of every encounter but is a luxury which will quickly degredate with a lack of reciprocation.

    3. I was lucky enough to have someone be direct with me about how I bothered them. I was invading the privacy of other peoples' workspace, and I acted like I knew more than other people, even though they had greater experience and aptitude than me. Have you gotten any specific criticism? One person probably saved my career, and if I hadn't listened I surely would have failed. Mirrors, mirrors everywhere. Use them, adapt, survive, and thrive!

    4. Thank you. Very good point and observation. I have been told I carry too much of the conversation, at times too much of the relationship. I have also been told my tolerance for how I think others should act (being considerate and courteous) is non existent. I hadn't seen these as reasons people close to me might think me selfish. Focusing on all the courtesy I show to strangers I could care less about and the consideration I give to people I will never see again seemed to me as if I were not so selfish. How can somebody be selfish and considerate of others at the same time?

    5. If you want people to like you, be considerate. It's still selfish because it means you get what you want.

    6. I see this.

      How do you tend to react when you feel you are not given the same level of consideration you afford others? How about your reactions towards rude behavior?

    7. I act towards rude people like I do stupid people, I ignore them. The two are hard to distinguish, actually, but neither are worth my time.


    Apr 23, 2013 Stacie rated it 1 of 5 stars
    Shelves: gave-up, netgalley

    I made it about 34% in when I just decided I didn't care enough to even attempt to finish this book. All I heard in my head while reading was blah blah blah blah blah.

  11. I have not gotten my copy yet, so that person "Monika" is not me. You are always gonna get some jerk who rates Shakespeare with a bad rating. That is the sucky nature of people.

    1. I haven't gotten it yet, maybe this weekend. People will make fun of you for comparing M.E. to Shakespeare, though. She may cringe herself.

    2. Shakespeare? You put your work on the level of Shakespeare?
      Jo didn't think so:

      May 01, 2013 Jo Lewin rated it 2 of 5 stars

      I hated every second of this book but couldn't put it down. Badly written, rambling and uncohesive. But like a train wreck I couldn't look away from this woman's disgusting personality.

  12. “In a world filled with gloomy, mediocre nothings populating a go-nowhere rat race,” Thomas writes, “people are attracted to the sociopath’s exceptionalism like moths to a flame.”

    If the book only contained this one quote and all the rest would be blank pages it would still be worth buying it and giving it a special place on the shelf.

    1. Hi David. :)

    2. As exceptional as vultures circling a rotting carcass.

    3. To answer your question, as a woman, I don't think you're more attractive than him. You've got a weak chin that's ruining your entire face as well as a huge forehead, a tiny mouth and signs of baldness.

    4. Haha! Thank you for that, Anon 602. That one always cracks me up. Got any others of his?
      I kept hearing about all these hilarious videos and pictures that he posted to impress UKan, but nobody seems to have saved any.

  13. This book was a good read, but as suggested by some readers M.E. Thomas is most likely a man who presented himself as a female as part of trying to stay anonymous.

    1. Good Girl, ME. Keep muddying the waters. We know who you are. We the legion. Your legion.

    2. That would be devastating she is the star of my lesbian fantasies

  14. "They enjoy playing with people's heads much the same way an individual who is gifted in math enjoys playing with numbers."

    Yes. Yes I do.

    1. Who gives a shit about what you do?

    2. I guess just you. Nobody else had anything to say about my post.
      Thanks for caring about what I do.
      I will sleep well tonight knowing I am of your concern.

  15. when you put others first and are selfish how can that be? Selfish is such an interesting concept takem different depending on one's personality.

    Bill CLinton said his MO is selfishness in doing his altruism . WIll someonbe explain , if you know,what he meant by that? I am very interested in what daniel birdick as to say. I saw post where once someone insisted he does srvice and i thought he was a sociopath, until recenrly when he claimed he was cerebral narcissist.

    DOes DB relate to Bill CLinton's take?

  16. Here is our little princess

    Not so well mannered but i suppose she wants to go all out on this

    1. Cute reptile eyes

    2. I was expecting her to look more cultured, intellectual - less plastic. She looks as if she might work on the costmetics counter at Macys.

    3. That's quite unexpected.

      I'd never have imagined her to be so... nice tan!

    4. Everything makes sense now...

  17. “In a world filled with gloomy, mediocre nothings populating a go-nowhere rat race,” Thomas writes, “people are attracted to the sociopath’s exceptionalism like moths to a flame.”

    Weird, the psychopaths I have known were not exceptional, unless you count exceptionally self-absorbed. Dilettantes one and all. Parasities who contributed nothing.

    1. What is it they are supposed to contribute to?

    2. Life, love, work, collective joy... I dunno. Bake a cake, soothe a child, the usual stuff. All they do in my experience is TAKE.

    3. The vast majority of people, psychopaths included, are stupid. The smart ones tend to be good at what they do, and you'll never know who they are unless they want you to.

    4. Psychopaths, even the incredibly stupid ones, think they are smart.

    5. And so they end up in prison. I took a little IQ test and am in the 99.8th percentile for general intelligence. Not quite a genius, but not incredibly stupid.

    6. Everyone, even the incredibly stupid ones, think they are smart

    7. "Life, love, work, collective joy... I dunno. Bake a cake, soothe a child, the usual stuff. All they do in my experience is TAKE."

      Baked a cake last week. Comforted a small child who got hit in the eye two days ago. Gave good loving to a great woman this past weekend. More than a few paintings I have done that people display on their walls adding to their lives. Stole money from a non-profit organization, beat the shit out of a homeless dude when he asked for some money and then gave him a ten, and I'm already looking for another woman to give my love to. How about you go make like David Carradine? We give a lot. We take a lot too. Wish you could?

    8. That wasn't 'good loving' you gave to that woman last weekend, get a grip.

  18. "Are you working a scam now?"

    Yes, Dr Phil, you are.

    So ME is not that bothered about protecting her identity afterall.

    1. She is in disguise, Dr.Phil said she dosent look like that everyday.

    2. Oh come on, even if she's wearing a wig her identity will be obvious to those who know her. Voice, mannerisms, these are not things you can easily disguise. She wants to come out as a psychopath for reasons best known to herself.

    3. She wants to "come out" because she's a fucking narcissist.

    4. But,if M.E. looks anything like that in real life without disguise, SHE IS A HOTTIE!!!!!!!

      I kinda have a crush in M.E. now.......


    5. Anon @ 1:42 I agree, at the beginning of the interview she said she dosent know if she may get noticed in real life so she knows the risk she is putting out by doing this.......

    6. How can we see it, Rich? I don't know how to work my TV. Can you link it?

    7. Hey Monica its not online yet because they just aired it today.....

      You can go to and see clips of it but they don't have full shows...... There is this one guy/lady on youtube who posts like EVERY new Dr.Phil show so Iam sure it will be on youtube soon.

      Iam a member of dr.Phils site so I can make comments (pathetic I know) but people there are saying they don't think she is a sociopath. They are saying things from "She is crazy" to "She is a narcissist" and that she may have "Aspergers"!!!! LOL

      Go to and check it out Monica!!!!!

    8. WOW Just saw it. M.E is gorgeous! Those teeth are always what she says they are! xx

    9. There is this one guy/lady on youtube who posts like EVERY new Dr.Phil show

      Would you mind sending me the name of the channel, please?

  19. A book? Oh my. Based on the reviews, it appears I was right about you, all those years ago when you so abruptly stopped replying to a certain email chain. That makes me happy in a sick sort of way.

    1. Oh Peter, you sick, obsessed little puppy you...

    2. a book comes out and fuckers from eons ago come back. suckers.

    3. Guilty on all counts, Mr. Birdick. Except the part about being a dog.

    4. As much as you got on my nerves way back when, I kinda missed you. Nobody challenged me quite like you did.

      Carry on then Peter Pan, stalker extraordinaire. I gotta go. No rest for the wicked and all that good shit.

    5. Well well well pan. Ha ha ha. Fancy seeing you here


      I deleted all of my comments in this post a long time ago, because I decided things would be better if I kept my mouth shut. But if you look at the people replying to me, you'll see a bit of talk about fictional story involving a certain Mormon lawyer who happens to be real.

      Anyone want to guess who I was referring to?

      Stalker extraordinaire? Damn right I am.

  20. Iam watching Dr.Phil right now waiting for M.E.'s segment!!!!! Will report back after I see it :)


    Replied By: s_hundley on May 15, 2013, 1:24PM
    Is M.E. really a sociopath? She seems more narcissistic,


    Non-impressive interview
    Replied By: swhrn1960 on May 15, 2013, 1:25PM
    I wasn't too impressed with this interview of this young woman who kidnapped a baby to trick her boyfriend. Truly a stupid thing to do! I think she got that but I guess what was less impressive was how Dr. Phil seem to berate her during the initial part of the interview. Clearly I think she was trying to express that her thinking then was non-existing, however, what I thought would have been more successful is to attempt to address the impact that the kidnapping had on the parents of the child and her own family members. Also, trying to get her to realize whether she was given 10 years or a hundred year sentence it wasn't going to wipe away the pain and fear she caused for the parents as well as potentially putting the baby's safety in jeopardy.

  23. ME is the new soccer ball!

  24. “You said one of the reasons that you wanted to maintain some anonymity is that there are people whom you have ruined or hurt in the past that, given these confessions that you’re making, might go, 'Now that she’s made that confession, I might use that against her to get some type of retribution legally or otherwise,’” Dr. Phil says to M.E.

    “My primary reason for staying anonymous is that I have a family, and little relatives — nieces and nephews — who have done nothing to bring any sort of notoriety to themselves,” she says. “I care about them in particular ways. I feel love for them.”

    What a fucking joke.

  25. This in-law sounds more like a sociopath than ME.

    The only sociopathic thing I saw on ME's side is her baiting who likes who more. Other than that everyone loves to give gifts that mean something to an individual unless the controlling parents like the in-law (clearly female) in the write-up.

    ME has studied utility functions, she knows everyone has a different one and it's that one should maximize in gift-giving, not one's own.

  26. I read the comments from Dr. Phil's show. Very interesting about the knives. Since I was a teenager, I've always seen knives for their potential, I could so easily stab a family member with one, and it always filled me with a heady sense of fear and dread.

    The consensus appears to be that M.E. is a decent, successful person, which the general public cannot synonimize with sociopath. Sociopaths must be awful heartless villains, and if you are not then they'll simply redefine you.

    If we can't be sociopaths, then can we be highly intelligent individuals with questionable morals? That's a banner I could rally behind!

    1. Sociopath's are heartless villains. Sociopath's who try to tell you they aren't heartless villains are either playing you, or are deluded narcissist. Take your pick. ME is a deluded narcissist.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jesus, Quasi. You're still clinging to that delusion for dear life and trying to convince people you're a sociopath?

      No, not all sociopaths are heartless villains, but there are traits that if severe enough and taken together would define someone as a sociopath. Otherwise why the fuck not just call every guy who dumped a woman, or tried to guilt trip a bitchy waitress by giving her a large tip, a sociopath?

    4. Ha, I'm no sociopath. There's no pathology! Dr. Phil would merely give me a disappointed look as he moved onto bigger, more interesting fish to fry.

      Your cunning, though, that's something I'd like a slice of. So, the more I pretend, the more I can get into the heads of people like you. I'm not there yet, not by far! You're exceptional though, so you understand the thrill of facing a true challenge.

      I wonder if I could write the book that people want to read. A falsehood, sure, but pushed ever forward by a cunning villain with no redeeming qualities. People want something, someone, to hate. They need it, and where there's a need, there's money to be made.

      You are my favorite green eyes <3

    5. Nice try, Quasi :)
      Flattery doesn't do much for me. Although you've got the false humility thing going well.

      I said that you're clinging to the delusion because you are doing everything to paint yourself as a sociopath on here.

      You won't really get into my head or most of those like me. In big part because we don't fall for that sort of flattery/charm and will mostly lie to you anyway. Say whatever it takes to convince you that we identify with you, trust you and are impressed that you were clever enough to figure us out.

      Show people what they want to see and it's amazing how much other bullshit you can dish out that they will eagerly swallow.

      Why would you really want to be more sociopathic?

    6. I'm not so stupid that I'd work so hard to convince you. We all have our secrets, and I keep mine so well-hidden that even I forget them sometimes! No, I haven't killed anyone, so don't worry. Being bad, really bad, feels so good. I could become addicted to it.

      But really, don't worry! I repress everything, I'm totally harmless :)

  27. Oh, boy. That Dr Phil interview shows a half-way red neck, not a sophisticated law professor. Look at her face, she was not very happy when treated as she is not the expert on sociopathy and was not given any narcissistic supply by Dr Phil.

    She would have sold more in the long run if she stayed anon. With all that narrow jaw and long teeth and the question selections of Dr Phil she did not come across as a brainy sociopath at all. Plus the woman on the phone, the friend who is saying she is never like that, what's the point of having that on the show, what does that add to her being sociopath, is she in dire need of a 'good girl you socio?'

    I can see Rich or UKan finding her attractive because she is a sexy blonde, but how about Birdick or Post? I really am curious if those see her attractive, too. If I were a man I'd think she looks attractive but not very brainy, maybe she perfected the dumb blonde vibe as her mask.

    1. I bet Monica would love to be friends with ME. They would look good together going shopping.

    2. I don't like blondes, i don't like wigs. the book and interview were retarded.

      M.E. i thought you would learn better how to act like a sociopath being on here so long with us destroying people just like you left and right. Moral codes, cutting yourself? ha ha ha. you are a joke. no wonder you didn't come down here and let us have at you.

    3. Man, give that thing a broom and the outfit is complete.

      She might even take off right there and then.

  28. Yeah, I think M.E is a male dressed female on today's show.

    If Monica has been claiming M.E. is female - then he's male.

    1. no its her. i know what she looks like.

    2. But so out of character from her posts. Someone else writing her posts? WTF

    3. If ME is a male dressed as a female, how does he have a female voice?

      How do you know what ME Looks like UKan?

    4. I slept with her.

    5. Yea, Right. How did that happen?

    6. M.E. You are truly beautiful and I've been thinking about you for years to this day. You are my sunshine, I love you.

    7. Where did her/his adam's apple go?

  29. I think the main issue is that people, Dr. Phil included, were expecting to see the monster, and M.E. showed them the mouse. Come on, girl, you're smart, can't you at least pretend to be a monster?

    It's hard though, isn't it? Separating what you can do here, spill your guts so to speak, from what you do in front of people, which is put on the friendly face. It threw you off, didn't it? You should have practiced!

  30. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    mustang7 on May 15, 2013, 3:36PM
    I don't know where that woman did her research but it was all BS. I've never see anyone work so hard at trying to be a sociopath on purpose. Totally full of herself.

    1. M.E's totally made a fool of herself this time.

      That was just silly.

      Really, either she's a brilliant con artist if that was all part of her 'disguise', or seriously, what the hell was she thinking.

      Maybe that's the twist, it's just completely unexpected.

    2. Yeah, I'm sure she decided to play the retarded on purpose. Sounds brilliant......

  31. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    allgoodhere on May 15, 2013, 3:35PM

    I get it! The girl that took the baby has all the signs of a sociopath. The girl the wrote the book is not. That's why Dr. Phil didn't ask her many questions, she wasn't worth it. Maybe he had her on so no one would waste their money buying a fake book. He could see right through her, just doing it for the money.

  32. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:06 PM

    owizegoddess on May 15, 2013, 3:31PM - In reply to olivia1122

    That was a 20 minute book promotion. What a waste. What is fortunate she came across as fake. I wouldn't waste a dime on her book. In fact if it ever shows up as a free download, I wouldn't waste my time.

  33. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    Replied By: nanatraci on May 15, 2013, 3:23PM

    As it is quite apparent to even us "non" trained mental health professionals, that this girl is a complete fake. However, I was very disappointed that you did not tell us what her issue is. There certainly is a psychology here and I do believe you know what that was, without those observations.....there is little to no point to that woman being on your show. The point is to learn and to help each other, if someone knows a person like offered no professional advice or information. Are you just pushing her book? It is not a good thing to use your significant clout to promote ideas or books that are harmful to others. That is my opinion.

  34. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    mrssparks on May 15, 2013, 3:14PM

    THe first lady she till needs alot of help she did not get the gravity o the situation. The second WoW! She was a nut job. To acually come n television and spew all those lies and to write a book about you lies. Dr. Phil was right she is a con artist and she found the ultimate con the American people.
    View Replies

  35. Reactions from Dr Phils ShowMay 15, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    hercoflex on May 15, 2013, 3:10PM - In reply to nursenx

    Ms. Wannabe Sociopath harbors too much malevolence to be on the higher functioning autism spectrum. Asperger's individuals primarily lack the ability to "read" people, to recognize subtle bodily cues, and to manifest basic social skills. There are other traits, but it's the social awkwardness that predominates. Were "M.E" an Aperger's sufferer, she might be shy, fearful, or plain annoying--but not blatantly self-absorbed as this confused woman.

    1. There, there M.E.

      We still think that you're the badest sociopath ever.

  36. I watched the two episodes on Dr Phil's site again. When ME's friend is talking look at ME's eyes. Her mouth appears to be smiling but not her eyes.

    WHen I watched it with enlarged screen at several points she looked very masculine, maybe what she means by having developed an accent is having learned to sound like a woman. She could easily be a man based on her looks, but I always thought she was a she based on her writings.

    UKan, what do you know that you are not telling?

    1. she has a cock.

    2. i like shemales
      they don't make me look like a fag

  37. ?

    1. something tells me that's not here and that's a game just for me
      i'm special)

  38. It's all good, it doesn't matter whether ME is a psychopath or not. What matters is that psychopaths are on the public radar as never before. Previously unsuspecting people are onto these liars at last. That's going to cramp their style.

    1. the sheep will carry on just as before. they may catch a whiff of the wolf that stalks them but will soon return to their placid, stupid existence. such is the nature of prey

    2. That is just your skewed perspective - the view from the void. That 'placid, stupid existence' you imagine has more meaning in five minutes than you have experienced in a lifetime. Deep down you know it, hence the hatred.

    3. The fact that the psychos are nearly impossible to tell apart from the righteous and lovely 95% that make up the planet should tell you that all this crap really isn't a big deal. Everybody's conscience can be manipulated or neutered. "Empaths" are capable of committing every atrocity possible and this happens on a constant basis. Okay the guy who cheated on you is a psychopath but Hitler wasn't, so what fucking difference does this make? Who cares who has a conscience when it can be molded to digest anything? The good guys start with a blank slate that is able to be planted throughout life with a righteous feeling of morality about anything good or bad, that's worse than not having a slate at all.

  39. As Dr Phil said about psychopaths: "They don't know what they don't know, and don't know what they're missing". In a nutshell.

  40. reaction to dr phil interviewMay 16, 2013 at 3:38 AM

    ME, has a mouth in a smile while talking about herself and the book but the smile goes down when Dr Phil is an a-hole to her. By the end of interview the light goes out in her excitement telling her truth.

    Your disguise made you look kinda crazy bimbo, with the heavy make up and porn star wig, ME. Your mouth is beautiful, but the gloss was too shiny, and with the hair you looked like a blow updoll. This hurt you. When you do make up on a pretty girl, you have to accentuate EITHER the eyes or lips but not both, and so there was too much focus on your physicality. I did not know where to look, the eyes lips or hair and i was distracted. I hope that you do more promotions with a less shiny facade, because it took something away.

    On the other hand, i did notice the voice was not melodic and your presentation was not showy. It is a good thing that your personality did not match the disguise.

    Dont touch the knives again on camera. Talk about them was enough, Re-enactments done by the self are ridiculous looking. Just don't do another video montage unless you are getting groceries at the market or sthg.

    I hate Dr Phil. He looks and talks like a retarded person and he makes fun of people, and looks at the audience like "get a load of this one." He tried to invalidate your list of traits as sociopathic. He should have been prepared and at least read Martha Stout if he wanted to debate you. And this hurt him :). He could not resist subtlety putting you down just enough for him to get his little puff of ego. But he showed empathy for you at the very end talking about 3 year limit and that was good.

    I wonder what you thought of your interview and how you felt with Dr Phil and what kind of mental preparation you gave yourself to deal with him because i am sure you were aware he is a dick. Did you do depersonalization exercise in your head to ignore him, or do you rely on your personality off the cuff to be able to stay on your goal. You did not seem rattled, however your eyes lost light somewhere, and i wonder if that was you shutting down from participating enthusiastically because he tried to dismiss you. I was wondering if you were ignoring bloodlust thoughts.

    You took a risk going on there.Congratulations, ME.

  41. I think ME tried to charm Dr Phil and it came across as a little desperate. My ex used to do the same thing and I used to cringe on his behalf but most people didn't even notice.

    I'd be amazed if ME's identity has not been revealed by evening - or maybe America just doesn't care.

    1. nerves will make you do things, but does ME get nervous? Her smile was nervous energy to me, but maybe i project too much.

    2. ME could do reality show now, not that that would be good for reputation. she/he might as well do one now. Unfortunately, America WOULD tune in, whether public believed fake sociopath or not. THey might not care, but they'll tune in.

    3. She's on a winner so. Well done ME I suppose. That's showbiz.

  42. Oh boy, I pictured me as a tiny brunette with a classic beauty. This is so weird.
    Are yo back Rich? Whatever happened to you?


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