
Sunday, March 31, 2013

How to seduce a sociopath

I've address this topic before, but never to my satisfaction. I've never had a good answer, always thinking that people were incapable of doing it -- that if they had it in them to do it, they would have just done it. But one of my friends wanted to seduce someone they believe is sociopathic. And because I know her a little better and the nature of her strengths and weaknesses, I thought that maybe I had a better chance of coming up with something than I have before. And here's what I told her:

I've been thinking about the best tactic for you to seduce your maybe sociopath boss. I was thinking that sociopaths are intrigued when people they know change, like not just an off day sort of temporary change, but start acting differently pretty consistently. That should renew their interest in you, because they thought they had you pegged but you turn out to be more dynamic than they had considered. And I think they are also intrigued when people share their same traits, because they are, after all, narcissists. So I was thinking that maybe you could work on one particular trait that is similar to a sociopath and really make it a daily focus for the next few weeks and see how that works.

The thing that I think will be most helpful for you, and in a Karate Kid paint the fence sort of way improve your manipulation skills, is to focus on exploring every aspect of yourself. You know how sometimes they tell golfers to focus on what their pinky toe feels like in the moment that they start their swing? Always be thinking of yourself. When you talk to people, think of what your upper right prefrontal cortex must feel like. When you are eating, be aware of the size and shape of your tongue. Think about things you have not thought about yourself in years, if ever. Feel the bottom of your lungs, the roots in your teeth. Become aware of your eyes in their socket. When you shower, truly regard yourself in a frank fashion. You are a marvel, a wonder of engineering. You are a god. Your body is amazing and your brain is unfathomable.  Explore the spectrum of your feelings. Can you think yourself to tears? To bliss? Explore every single inch of your physical, emotional, and mental self with the sort of curiosity that a walking miracle such as yourself deserves. And you control this thing. Let yourself become heady with the thought of your power over this awesome thing that is you. 

This is the sort of self regard that sociopaths have about themselves. If you do this you will act differently, and he will notice. He will also recognize, and admire, that you two now share this trait.

I think this will at least renew his interest in you. Once that happens, maybe we think about you trying some more advanced things to get him to understand the nature of your desire.


  1. I dont have that kind of regard over my body at all and dont understand how it could possibly overlap with the fact that ME has stated she essentially sees no reflection in the mirror. Which i did relate to.

    1. i see a hollow shell in the mirror i need someone to pirror and make them beleive i'm real
      try it with an aspie or an other sociopath it's funny

    2. The only thing I see in the mirror is my external appearance

    3. Are you supposed to see something else?

    4. i mirror need wants and emotions it's impossible with a sociopath or an aspie

    5. same thing with schizophrenics

    6. you're all a bunch of freaks sounding like circus clowns. please do make a show at the circus talking about your hollow shell in the mirror and seeing no reflection in the mirror and whatnot. people would give a lot of money for that kind of laugh

    7. Then what do you see in the mirror, Anon 8:39?

    8. a circus clown.

  2. This is my all time favorite SW article, bar none. I am off to make myself a god.

    1. you can start by sucking me off

    2. Monica, if your brain isn't wired to regard yourself in this way, there is no way for it to be anything of permanence if you do happen to achieve it

    3. and don't get in the way of my d3 game or i'll choke you
      now let's see your gag reflex

    4. Hmm, Good idea Anon.
      I haven't played Diablo 3 for a while, i should do that.

  3. I have the hardest time facing my dark impulses. I recoil from them. This is my single hardest struggle.

    1. just give in
      you'll get the everlasting grinn and the 1000mile stare that sets apart the winners from the losers

    2. or was it the narcs from the regular ppl

  4. Monica, what kinds of dark impulses?

  5. Well, M Brig, down deep I am super selfish. It shocks me to see HOW selfish and self centered I am. I recoil from it.

    1. no one cares for you it's only logical that you do it yourself

    2. why do you think a sociopaths manipulates and has hgih npd?

    3. Why wouldn't you want to be selfish? Shouldn't a persons goal in life be to serve themselves and do what they desire?

    4. @M.Brig (Monica)
      "Shouldn't a persons goal in life be to serve themselves and do what they desire?"

      It shows on you - your words reek with the above selfishness. Just saying.........

    5. @M Brig
      They think I am you. You and I, together, would be a hunk of burning flesh.

    6. I am not Monica for gods sake

    7. And Monica, a hunk of burning love? What the fuck does that mean

    8. monica 12:30
      "They" think I am you.

      "They?" There may be many of YOU but only one core personality here!

    9. ^ Freudian slip

    10. @M Brig
      A hunk of burning love means that if you and I were one person, we would be freaking fantabulous.

    11. I am "freaking fantabulous" all on my own, thanks

    12. M. Brig (monica) 4:48
      And quite feminine, too.........

  6. The first para is really true, I indeed become interested in a person if he or she starts acting differently and/or in a weird manner. I wouldn't want my future partner to be too aware of himself though, I need him to pay attention to my needs and desires.

  7. I honestly think a real requirement to be turned on by someone, for myself, is if they stimulate my curiosity to the point of leaving me in awe. This has the person be stuck on my mind, like unraveling a good "Who Done It?" mystery novel, which, if the person has attractive features, already means this individual is swimming around in my imagination.

    It's no mystery why they suddenly seem attractive, but of course, if they stop seeming interesting, the interest in them is gone as quickly as it came. It can come back, when the person undergoes some sort of notable shift, or becomes a little more like myself (relatable), but other than that, the other major turn on is simply someone who can display power with confidence, subtle, implied, noted by the expression and comfort in his/her face, instead of the impatience of a child and the inclination to whine and pout when things don't go his/her way. Such power is simply... delicious, and through controlling this individual subtly, the power can feel like it's mine, if not like a complex game of chess between two individuals instead of just a life of "going through the motions".

    1. Such power is simply... delicious, and through controlling this individual subtly, the power can feel like it's mine, if not like a complex game of chess between two individuals instead of just a life of "going through the motions".

      I found this both interesting and insightful.


    2. " It's no mystery why they suddenly seem attractive, but of course, if they stop seeming interesting, the interest in them is gone as quickly as it came."

      That ^ is the most fucking depressing thing.

      One clears this up with healing?

    3. It's why I follow the idea that I should only date those I am very good friends with. If the attraction is gone, I still have someone I can socialize with in a fashion I'd prefer, and if there's a breakup, it doesn't mean a complete severing of ties. I am still friends with all of my exes as a result.

      It also helps that I'd typically someone with strange, deviant traits, which can mean far more common yields of intrigue. Plus, sex can still be enjoyed if on the down of peaks and valleys that is my ability to feel attraction.

    4. ...add a "be with" between the typically and someone of the second paragraph.

      The inability to edit these things sometimes I swear.

  8. if that's how to seduce a sociopath, i 'm FUCKED!

  9. Seduce a sociopath? Gross, unless you're into necrophilia.

  10. I think this technique works, but it is quite short lived. I have had a previous lover try a similar thing and after a few months she grew tired of her new face.

  11. In my experience, turning the mask around on them creates anger, mimicking the mask can create either a new found way to play another game, or a distant and wary silence as they size up your newfound persona, or both. All of which leaves the seducer in a position for being psychologically tortured, used and/or abused. And then discarded.

    Fuel for the fire.

    Don't cry when you get burned.

  12. Good tips but i'd like to know how it could be possible to seduce a psychpath ex if he lives overseas and cut all ties!

  13. Where can I find a female sociopath?

  14. Finally something useful.
    All I can ever find online is how to leave a sociopath. I want one back. The challenge and all the sex is just too much fun to get over.
    Life is just dull now without the games.


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