
Thursday, January 17, 2013


A reader recently asked me if a sociopath could be socialized not to act like one. I responded:

Maybe this analogy will help you understand what he probably means by being socialized. He is like a wild animal that just happens to have been tamed. I have an aunt who loves having wild animals as pets. Currently it's wolves. She fancies herself a bit of an animal trainer and it's true that the wolf essentially acts just like a dog would. I don't know anything about wolves, but I do know that it is illegal to have a wolf as a pet where she lives, presumably because there is something different about the vis a vis dogs, e.g. they are less domesticated and more dangerous because although they're behavior in that moment is socialized, there's still a greater likelihood that they will act like the wild animal that they are. One of my friends said that being in any sort of relationship with a sociopath is like having a wild, exotic pet. If stories like the lady getting her face chewed off by a chimpanzee or the entertainer who was attacked by his own white lion disturb you or make you think--that person was an idiot to ever trust that animal--maybe being in a relationship with a sociopath is not for you.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol I think this little piece of writing is so on point

  2. SOfa, I have been thinking about your 1st or 2nd person thing. You asked Ellicit but i dk if she responded. I am going to give 2 cents.

    Think of who you are telling this story to.

    If main character is a mother telling their young child how her past was, and wants desperately to give child a sense of who she is/was/

    or if it is a suicide note, and is intended for people to read after protagonist is dead, will be different.

    If it is for your mother on her death bed about how you saw your childhood it will be different.

    Your narrator can be the voice of the lover of this character, someone who has held this little person in his arms, has known her, has empathy for her, will always treasure her. This will put a whole other spin.

    Me, I have pictures in my mind when i write and i see things in movie form.

    You can have a screenplay and put the heavy descriptions in the camera lens, not in the dialog. You can do a voice-over like the tree with the roots and the bending. That is gorgeous, memorable writing a person may not say aloud to another

    I do like it when you write 1st person because it gives you strength. But it is because I know you that I feel this way :)

    1. Sofa, I think you should go with whichever feels right or just comes out as you write it at the time. Maybe later you can rewrite it to sound more pleasing to yourself or what you want to convey, but it might hinder your flow if you try to impose a particular style and stick with it.

    2. Thank you, Ellicit. That feels right.

    3. Yes, what Ellicit says. I am the long-winded 247

  3. Thank you so much for writing that. I wonder if you are my friend who brought me to SW. I have been thinking about you a lot, lately. That, usually, happens when the person is going to come back into your life( in some way, even by this post)
    But, whether you are or not, thank you for the advice. I notice I can write in 1st person when I have accepted whatever it is I am writing about. When it is still too painful to be taken in deeply, I write in the 3rd person.

  4. :) Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!

    I saw everybodies posts from yesterday, now I see that you werent asking me if I was asexual Sceli, you were asking Monica lol.

    Ukan also grilled me a little bit but I kinda like him, he can be cruel but I cant help but respect his upfrontness and not caring about anybody else.....

  5. After what many may consider being an unusually wasteful amount of time spent here at SociopathWorld a revelation occurred to me I wish to share. There are no sociopaths. Anyone at anytime may act in a way that is sociopathic in nature and some people may be more inclined to do so, persons such as those afflicted with ASD. If there were true sociopaths the psychology community as a whole would or will establish this as a distinct disorder. They have not.

    Yesterday, I received a preliminary diagnoses involving Asperger’s Syndrome. I wasn’t surprised but after so much time spent here I was saddened. My doctor and I spoke about this and I mentioned this site, it wouldn’t shock me either if he visits you all soon. My obsessive nature is what motivated me to put so much time into personality disorders and SociopathWorld. This is a note to say good bye. It is an anonymous note, but some will figure who I am out as my absence will be noted eventually. It has been fun, and for the few who I consider online friends I will miss you, but this is an unhealthy place the majority of the time and with new revelations about myself I do believe I should go.

    Good luck to all in whatever journey you may be on.

    1. I think it is Sceli. When you say SW was a waste, it helped you to get to this point. You have embraced a part of yourself. I don't think you should go, but I bet you will be back. Honesty is a rare thing in this messed up world xx

    2. I think Frosty recently mentioned being about to talk to a doctor.

    3. Fat chance, Monica. I am not diagnosed as aspie but even if I were I'd stay here. I am not sure why this aspie thinks this is an unhealthy place for her/him. I'd only leave if I'm bored here, but it's hard to be bored here. I leave only when I get too busy with work or travel.

    4. Monica, just a quick observation. You like being the one to say the last word and lasting the longest, aren't you? I wish you were younger, don't ask me why.

    5. Aspie, now that you are diagnosed you have so much to tell us and that you are leaving? Boy, you sure don't care to help others, do you?

      I mean, so what, what does the doctor say, what was your problem that took you to him in the first place, were you depressed.

      You realized you have the potential to go sociopathic if you wish to. Do you have a guilty conscience? Please tell us more.

    6. I have no recollection of a frosty. SOmeone from the forum? I only read here, and not everyday.

    7. Sceli you can be a bit cold.

      Do you work in the mental health field?

      I picture you as a librarian in the psychiatry library of university, getting post grad degree and grooming for being diagnostician of the crazies.

    8. Ding...or ?
      If there are no sociopaths, could there be those that lack empathy? Yes.

      And visiting this blog I was reminded of the basic dynamic force between all human activity --- striving from a feeling of inferiority to one of superiority.

      I am starting to believe that inferior feelings are the source of all human striving. All individual progress, growth and development result from the attempt to compensate for one's inferiorities, be they or real.

      So everyone is trying to overcome something that is hampering them from becoming what they want to become.

      Good luck on your journey, also.

    9. Ding...or ?
      If there are no sociopaths, could there be those that lack empathy? Yes

      ? here, and yes there are those that lack empathy. Ding said some were more prevelent to act in a sociopathic way. People like ASD and other of that spectrum. Axis II B cluster and lack of empathy are very much tied however there isn't a "scoiopath" per se.

      I hope you come back Ding. Your last post was nice and even if this crew were to kick you around because your an Aspie I think you could share greatly.

    10. I did not want to throw stones at ASD as I know nothing about it. But I do believe there are those with sociopathic disorders.

    11. Now Iam REALL wondering who Ding is!!!!!

      I have noticed there arent many "regulars" here that are sociopaths, some are but most have other personality disorders, dissociation (that one's for you Monica ;)), neurotypicals who think they are Personality Disordered, and Uber Empaths (That one is for me :))

      Actually now that I think about it, for this place being called "Sociopathworld" there is a suprisingly little number of sociopaths....... I notice mostly other personality disorders here, but thats okay, I still love this place and love the regulars :)

    12. Monica is a sociopath.

    13. Who do you think is a sociopath, Rich the Uber Empath?

    14. Do YOU think he is an empath?

    15. Fuck. I don't know. What do you are about what I think anyway? You're an empath for sure.

    16. The 3 surefire sociopaths are Rembrandt, Virus (but he will never get diagnosed), and Ukan. I used to think TNP was one but he said he wasnt.

    17. Some people think iam not an empath, I think I am but I could be wrong?

    18. What about those three makes you think they are sociopaths? Are there similarities between them or do you see different things that make each of them a sociopath in your book?

    19. Well Ukan has asmitted it, and look at his cruel,callous, unemotional,unempathic, conscienceless behavior, he is a TRUE psychopath.

      Rembrandt hasnt fully come out and said it, and he isint as hard/tough as Ukan, but he is callous, lacks a sense of humor (most sociopaths do), has no empathy, finds people to be weak just because they show normal emotion and arent sociopathic themselves.

      Virus is different, he is cool, nice, personable, and he said he MAY be a sociopath, he said he would never get a diagnosis but he thinks he may be, but out of the 3 of them, Virus is definatly the most nice and the most human.

    20. We got one real doctor around here. You should be paid, Rich. You're so good, so very powerful.

    21. LOL Well Thank you Anon!!!! That is very nice of you to say :)

      I kinda do want to be a Doctor........ I think that would be really great for me, plus I would be nice as hell to my patients :)

      The Anons are being so nice and kind to me today! Makes me feel all good inside :)

    22. I see. And for the most part I agree. I believe UKan is someone's troll side and not that callous in real life, but even "acting" that way puts him in a category of having something fucked up with him.

      Rembrant I haven't got my finger on yet. He seems to try too hard, that is my take.

      Virus is something special. One fucking nutter if there ever was one. Any man that brings his wife to this place to be humiliated for whatever reason is not wrapped too tight.

      Sociopaths? I think they are all just assholes, MHO.

    23. Okay, I'll be nice now. Why do you ignore me? You're annoying me.

    24. You won again, I'll give you that. Good game.

    25. Anon @ 1:32,- Well, I guess there is a very fine line between sociopaths and run-of-the-mill assholes. I admit it can be very hard to tell sometimes......

      I definatly agree with your assessment of Ukan, even if he isint that way IRL, there is something wrong with him for acting that way here.

      Rembrandt does try a little too hard, and that makes him look a little suspect, I totally agree with that.... Maybe he is like Ukan in alot of ways just not as intense and insulting lol

      I do think Virus is a special type too, but I find him to be the most fascinating out of the 3 of them, his life and his career in the marines may have hardened him up alot as well.

      Anon @ 1:34- Are ya talking to me? If you are Iam not ignoring ya.

      Anon @ 1:43- Thank you if you are talking to me.

      PS- What are you guys and everybody elses opinions on these 3 people? Also, who else do you think is a real sociopath on SW?

    26. UKan: Fucking hot!

      Rembrant: Fucking douche.

      Tom: Fucking pussy.

  6. This post made me feel much better about chewing faces off, so to speak. I'm not perfectly sociopathic, as i sometimes care, but the idea that it's the animal collector's fault for getting in my exotic space really resonates.

  7. Hmm... States finally adopting legislation to block the federal government's bullshit. This has the potential to get interesting :) any thoughts?

  8. I talked to that girl that I thought was a sociopath a few days ago. I am not so sure she is one anymore. She allowed her sister to intervene in her life destructively and she just sat and took it. I am not sure if she really cared about the destruction, but the only case in which what happened would be alright would be that in which she asked her sister to intervene but she didn't cause she seemed pretty down cause of what happened. I went on and checked her sister's fb profile and honestly she seems more like the sociopath than her older sister. She even has that look in her eyes and her attitude is way sharper than the older sister's is. She's really young and doesn't act her age at all. The older sister even admited that she has a sort of obsession with power play and mindgames. I am sorry, but that's what a sociopath is, not beauty contests and petty seduction which any other girl can do given her means. I now think that she is just really confused tending towards narcissism.

    1. Could be BPD too. Younger girl story aligns well with BPDs (which to me is someone who can move between a sociopath and a histrionic loser in an instant and can carry on back and forth...

      I hope someone refines this definition, maybe Haven.

    2. BPD as in bipolar or borderline?

      I don't know, the whole thing struck me because I don't get what the fuck that girl is thinking making statements like that and then getting owned by her little sister. Fucking ruining everything for all of us. Get the fuck out you weak bitch.

      You know why she thinks she's a sociopath? Because she has sex with a lot of guys. She goes and tries to seduce guys she likes. She tried it on me but received no response because she couldn't trigger one.

      Fucking, she makes me sick, honestly. So weak.

      I feel indignation for talking to her, for enabling her. I want to just fucking bash her head in. xd

    3. Rembrant
      I can't follow it. Who was the one you liked? The younger one? HOW did you enable her?

    4. Nawh Monica, I just saw the younger one in passing. I talked mostly with the older one. The older one is the one who hit on me. The younger one is the one that intervened in the older one's life. The older one is the one who claimed to be a sociopath.

    5. "BPDs (which to me is someone who can move between a sociopath and a histrionic loser in an instant and can carry on back and forth..."

      FOr me, that is what it feels like. I get high and will not shut up, then I plummet and feel terrible about this section of "me", when I was yakking and being narcissistic. It is always, always shredding that part of who I am.

      I have Haven say she does not have narcissistic qualities on her blog. I hope she comes on to say how it is when she is "up" and what she feels about herself after.

      Me, I am always feeling like an idiot. I know exactly how i come across when i am in both states. I have to monitor at all times.

      I am curious and hope haven will come on and contribute, too.

    6. Remmy If you like to play with a borderline irl, make her feel bad, confuse, and take pleasure in it, he/she may know and not say anything, but then just flip into witch mode. (And you won't necessarily be able to diagnose, irl. THe cross overs, hiding, fluid personality is deceptive.)

      Remmy. If you choose to mess with BPD irl, be prepared for ocd-like, thorough quality backlash carefully planned for maximum effect.

      Sociopath is not an occasional witch.

    7. also, Sceli, i do not think "sociopathic" and histrionic

      I think removed, dissociated, unemotional, intellectualizing emotion of self and others is just sectioning off part of the self. Is not sociopath.

      For the love of god, will people stop saying bpd are sociopaths.

    8. I think she's normal emotionally but stupid. Something is wrong with her but I don't know what. She keeps saying there is but doesn't pinpoint it. She didn't actually say that she is a sociopath. She said that she doesn't have any feelings, that she's empty. She wouldn't power play just for the fuck of it like I would've expected. I would've expected her to fucking revel in the possibilities we would've had, the mindgames we could've played. Man... But she didn't, she was focused on making ends meet. Plus she has a lot of interest in stuff that's related to this world. She went to a beauty contest. She lost and I basked in it. I asked her why, she said that she feels the need for this kind of stuff. She has an emotional attachment to this world. She cares about stuff. She gets something out of what people think of her, she actually has relationships with people. She told me that when we talk we form a world of our own.

      I don't know. Right now I think she's just crazy, and that's why I fucking loathe myself for indulging.

      The reason for which I talked to her in the first place was because while sitting around she told me "I think you're a wolf and you came here and you have to deal with these sheep and you don't like it because you don't want them to know you're a wolf."

      And I was like "WTF? How does she fucking know this stuff? Does she know anything?"

      I didn't say anything at first, but she got me interested. I asked for her contact. We talked and first I tried to make sure I could say anything compromising. She seemed to play along and I didn't care if it was true or not because I would only say that I am like her so whatever I said was ok cause she was the same.

    9. Ask and you shall receive. Ta da!

      Hey there Sceli and Rembrandt,

      (BPD here usually means Borderline Personality Disorder)

      I don’t know the background story of this girl. From this paragraph which is all I’ve read on this scenario it sounds like she’s just a typical girl. Her sister may be sociopathically inclined, but the other girl doesn’t have to be Borderline to be self-centered or emotional. Girls/people do that all on their own without any PD at all. More info on what would lead you to think she’s BPD?

      As far as people with BPD moving between sociopathy and histrionics… well, I agree and I disagree. The motivations and causes that underlie our behaviors tend to come from very different places. So the intents, motivations, and causes are different. The behaviors on the other hand, can often be quite similar. As we all should know though, personality disorders are more than just outward displaying behaviors.

    10. To Anon 8:52

      “I have Haven say she does not have narcissistic qualities on her blog. I hope she comes on to say how it is when she is "up" and what she feels about herself after.”

      There’s a difference between what I consider Borderline Narcissism with is the emotional self-centered behavior we display when we’re exceptionally emotionally volatile… and then there’s the traditional sense of narcissism that is the grandiose sense of self and the qualities that come along with that. I don’t believe I have the 2nd more traditional type of narcissism, though in the past I have often been quite self-centered due to my emotional states.

      I love the “highs”. It’s like a manic upswing in all the best ways. Everything moves fast, everything feels amazing, and nothing can go wrong, nothing can bring me down… of course once it does I’m usually kind of embarrassed. I start over thinking and over analyzing my behavior and worrying about how I acted. I feel like I may have been ‘too much’ and maybe made a fool of myself, even though no one else seems to think so.

    11. Just read your last post in this threat Rem.

      Sounds like she's observant but typically human. Do you equate being emotional, having attachments, and enjoying relationships to being stupid?

      You may simply be more transparent than you thought you were in this situation and she was astute enough to pick up on it. Could you be angry at yourself for allowing this, and that why you're so angry at the situation of her noticing? You feel having these emotional aspects is a weakness and you don't like that you're associating with that.

      Just thoughts.

    12. Yeah, Haven, I thought of that as well. It might just be the case. :)

      Yeah, I am angry at myself for not getting involved.


    13. for getting involved *

      Also, the thing is that I know it's my fault I just blame her for it. You'll see if you try to notice from now on that sociopaths don't feel they are responsible for anything. Instead the ones next on the ladder are. i.e. my situation ...

    14. Oh trust me, I've noticed haha.

    15. "I don't know, the whole thing struck me because I don't get what the fuck that girl is thinking making statements like that and then getting owned by her little sister. Fucking ruining everything for all of us. Get the fuck out you weak bitch.

      You know why she thinks she's a sociopath? Because she has sex with a lot of guys. She goes and tries to seduce guys she likes. She tried it on me but received no response because she couldn't trigger one.

      Fucking, she makes me sick, honestly. So weak.

      I feel indignation for talking to her, for enabling her. I want to just fucking bash her head in. xd"

      "She went to a beauty contest. She lost and I basked in it."

      HAHAHAHA LMAO You are freakin HILARIOUS Rembrandt!!!!!

      Rembrandt is one of the examples of a true "Sociopath"/"Psychopath" on Sociopathworld.

    16. As much as you might be right Bitch the Uber Empath, fucking none of your business. piss off.

    17. You just basically admitted it when you said .......

      "The reason for which I talked to her in the first place was because while sitting around she told me "I think you're a wolf and you came here and you have to deal with these sheep and you don't like it because you don't want them to know you're a wolf."

      And I was like "WTF? How does she fucking know this stuff? Does she know anything?" "

      The only reason I just said that is because of the conversation were were just having up there about there hardly being any "real" sociopath here, although this place is called Sociopathworld.

      PS- When you put your shit out on a public forum for everybody to read, you shouldnt get so upset whenever people respond. You are right, it is nobodies business, but when you put it all out there on a PUBLIC forum dont bitch and complain when peole put their opinions out there. LOL :)

    18. Oh wow. Haven't been here in a few days and looky at Richard! The boy has some game. Is it being closer to sober or getting to comfort level around here Richie boy?

    19. Shut the fuck up Anon.

    20. LOL! Thank You Anon!!!! Maybe it is a little bit of both! I have stopped drinking the extreme amounts of liquor and only drink beer and wine now and I have quit the weed so Iam definatly closer to being sober. Iam also very comfortable here around all these people, alot of the regulars are very nice and cool.

      I like you Anon, thanks for the compliment ;)

    21. Internet tough guys. Gotta love it.

    22. You are welcome Rich. I actually did mean it as a compliment. Got tired of hearing your boring ass talk about the drugs. Setting a bitch like Rembrant in his place showed a side of you I like. Keep it up.

    23. Agressive, aren't you Anon? Oh babe...

    24. Rich, looks like you've earned yourself another beer.

    25. He's in rehab you bitch

    26. Anon 12:44


    27. I know. I am great, am I not?

    28. Since when do you need an ego boost, huh?

    29. Yeah, guys, you're totally right. No sociopaths around here *whistling*.

      I said that you might be right because:

      "Fucking ruining everything for all of us."

      of this sentence, where I should've said: "Fucking ruining everything for me because I fucking told her shit and I shouldn't have."

      That, in my view would make me also doubt if the guy who wrote that was truly sociopathic.

      Aside from that you're a fucking idiot, no offense.

      I don't see other arguments that would make you believe that I'm imagining stuff and that actually I have feelings deep inside of me. xd

      That's why, please shut the fuck up Rich because it's none of your business to comment on independent discussions. Because of your stupid fucking comment I had to explain this fucking shit so that people wouldn't understand differently.

      Ok ? Thanks :)

    30. God, you're such a stupid whore, anon.

    31. LOL Haven, just telling it like it is, it is not an "independant discussion" if it is on a public internet forum..... LOL Rembrandt is delusional.

      Anon @ 12:44- Thanks! When somebody acts like a dick for no reason to me I will put them in their place! Rembrandt gets NO special treatment from me! LOL! :)

      Anon @ 12:49 :) Iam having my 2nd beer, Thank you ;)

      Rembrandt- Actually, it wasent the ruining it of all of us comment, I didnt even notice that but now that you bring it up that just adds to it even more :)

      This is why I said that.....

      "I think you're a wolf and you came here and you have to deal with these sheep and you don't like it because you don't want them to know you're a wolf."

      SPECIFICAlLY THIS-"And I was like "WTF? How does she fucking know this stuff? Does she know anything?"


    32. LOL I forgot about you Themes! Thank you for the Rich's Game theme :)

      Also Anon @ 12:50, Iam not speciffically in "rehab" iam in an outpatient Methadone maintenance program, regardless though it has helped me alot.

    33. Good for you, idiot. How long will it take before you fall for all that crap again? Once an addict, always an addict, Richard.

    34. Rich, you're a dumb fuck. The fact that you're an alcoholic proves it. What are you trying to kill inside yourself with alcohol? Showing that nice, smiling, senile face around makes you feel welcomed but I would recommend trying to first face the music you drunken stupid shit. You can't handle something within yourself, you are Monica in a more despicable form you idiot.

      The fact that people welcome you here is because they can feel how numb you are and you can't fucking see the way you actually are perceived.

      An old, nice, smiling, drunkard who hasn't done anything useful with his life.

      I know you can't feel a thing. I know I could beat you to a pulp and you would come back after hospitalization to the same habits.

      I know that. But you know it yourself even though you try to ignore it that you're fucking dead. You're a relic. You're no good for anybody. You're lucky yet that you can't see yourself, but I hope you do some day and when you do I hope you remember this and know that I knew that it would happen and that I laughed at you and at how lost you are. :D

    35. "The fact that people welcome you here is because they can feel how numb you are and you can't fucking see the way you actually are perceived"

      Stop projecting your opinions on all of us asshole. I like Rich because he is real. Unlike your fake wanna be ass.

    36. Rembrant
      I have wanted to take your inventory all day, but I bet you are too chicken to hear me out ~

    37. "I like Rich because he is real. Unlike your fake wanna be ass."

      You just like to cuddle in his warm vibe motherfucker. Fucking stop lying to yourself.

    38. "Rembrant
      I have wanted to take your inventory all day, but I bet you are too chicken to hear me out ~"

      Well, you're too chicken to actually speak so shut the fuck up.

    39. No, I am not too afraid. I wanted to ask your permission.

    40. By the way, want to add something here.

      "Internet tough guys"

      There is no problem about saying this sort of stuff to people in real life, it's just that in real life, if you say it, you stop receiving goodwill from people if you get full blown. What people can do to you in real life, they can also do on the internet, it's just that on the internet there are no social standings and so on from which you might decay if you tell people what you feel about them.

    41. "No, I am not too afraid. I wanted to ask your permission."

      Yeah, go ahead, shoot, but do it in a new comment, don't reply here. This is just me and Rich.

    42. No, it's not just you and Rich and you ain't in control mother fucker.

      "What people can do to you in real life, they can also do on the internet,"

      And with statements like that, you prove to be a dumb mother fucker at that. Where are you from fuckface?

    43. Sure. This place is as good as any for venting your frustrations.

    44. If you're from the UK anon, you come to me.

    45. And I am waiting for an answer you idiot(anon)

      What? You think I wouldn't fight you in real life? Why do you think that? I would but think about doing it everywhere, everytime. Wouldn't that kinda ruin your social status?

      So, internet or not, you can say whatever anywhere, it's not about getting beaten that people fear. Broken bones and bruised tissue happen all the time moron. It's about social status. On the internet there is none.

      No fucks given.

    46. No. You wouldn't know what to do with me if I did. And I said you were not in control bitch. Now go tell mommy your time on the computer is up and maybe she'll get you a treat.

    47. LMAO Rembrandt that was funny! Nice ATTEMPT at trying to get me down, too bad it didnt work though :)

      You say Iam Senile and old, yet Iam 24 years old, probably younger than you are!!! LOL That right there just shows you are talking out of your ass.

      You also say Iam "numb" and that I cant feel a thing..... ACTUALLY, that sounds more like you, you are the Sociopath/Psychopath...... The only thing I would have to do to change myself feeling slightly "numb" from the world is to stop using methadone, xanax, and alcohol...... But you can NEVER stop having sociopathy/psychopathy, so you are basically fucked for life, where as I can actually get into a normal unnumbed point if I actually wanted to, you never could :)

      I actually think I feel TOO MUCH when Iam not on methadone, xanax, or drinking, call it weak, call it addiction, call it whatever you want, it is both weakness and addiction, and Iam self aware of that....... I feel vetter and on a more even keel when I am taking methadone, drinking and taking one xanax a day, that may be "sad" to you but what would you know about feeling emotions or not being "numb" yourself? You are a fucking sociopath/psychopath that is probably more dead inside than the most severe addicts and alcoholics there are. Like I said before Addicts have a chance of getting better, you never will...... What is life without love, empathy, and caring for others? NOTHING, it is sociopathy/psychopathy which describes you PERFECTLY!!!!

      You can laugh at me and how lost I am all you nwant, but at least I can be found...... You dont even have the option to be...... That is what is sad, not my addiction issues.......

      Iam way more salf aware than you think, and you are a lot more blind to yourself than you even recognize. Everybody else here can see it but you cannot. That is sociopathy/psychopathy for ya though :(

      Iam a lot better for the people here than you are, I havent seen you do ANYTHING but put people down, critisize them, or try to make them feel bad about themselves...... The sad part about that is you probably have never even noticed that you do that, it is just naturally how you are.......

      Better luck next time RembKANT........

      :) <------ Me smiling at your misery LOL

    48. "What? You think I wouldn't fight you in real life? Why do you think that?"

      Do you ever stop assuming you have a clue. You are all up in this Kool Aid, but you don't even know the flavor.

      And I'm the idiot~

    49. I hope you get your ass beaten tomorrow anon.

    50. That's great, you know, after you've vented, and you've cleared your head, it would be a good idea to head out and solve whatever it is that's causing you all this frustration in the first place.

      Give 'em a piece of your mind, minus high running emotions.

    51. Anon @ 1:35- Thank you very much. I am real, I can admit my faults and weaknesses, I know Iam not a perfect person......

      If you have followed Rembrandts posts being a regular reader or poster here at SW you will notice a pattern, he never adds anything valuable to a conversation, all he does is put people down, critisize them, and try to make them feel bad in order to boost himself up.... What a sad way to live.........

      Anon @ 1:57, EXACTLY!!!! Do you see how delusional and how grandiose Rembrandt is?!?!?! The sad part about it is he sees it as being powerful and better than others. He thinks he can just say it is between me and him and that everybody will just automatically bow down to his commands and listen to him! LOL! Like he is the ruler of SW or something...... I guarantee you he acts the same way IRL, just not as much of a troll as he is here ;)

    52. @rich

      yeah man, totally. what you just said does not bother me the slightest. I hope you get better. totally.


      What do you mean, I don't know the flavour? Course I know it. You on the other hand seem not to. Try going to prison if you're really curious about it.

    53. Sorry, Rich. 1:35 and 1:57 are the same person; ME.

      I have liked you since you first showed up Richie. That's about all you get of ME.

    54. Iam going to go make dinner for my family now, we can finish this later or tommorow Rembrandt, if you wanna keep going :)

      PS- Anon and Monica, rip him a new asshole while Iam gone :) I look forward to reading the comments later! lol

    55. "Try going to prison if you're really curious about it."

      Oh snap! Another convict. I'm sorry Rembrant. I had know idea. You scare me now.
      I'm going to run away and hide under my covers from the big bad scarey convict~

      You fuck. Prison ain't shit. If it was for you then that just proves how much of a weak pussy you really are. Jesus, man, you are one pathetic punk ass bitch.

      And easy to Troll I might add :p

    56. "Sorry, Rich. 1:35 and 1:57 are the same person; ME.

      I have liked you since you first showed up Richie. That's about all you get of ME."

      Yeah, right ...

    57. Rembrandt- I see you have replied already so I might as well post before making dinner. Iam glad what I said didnt bother you in the slightest, because your comments didnt bother me either...... I know we could both probably go back and forth all night but that would just be a waste of time :)

      Anon@ 2:30- Thank you very much. You are very nice and I like you too, I just wish you would get a permanent username so I would always know who you were!!!!

      :) Thank you for the nice comment/compliment :)

      See you all later or tommorow.

    58. "And easy to Troll I might add :p"

      Indeed. Still, you took it all wrong. The fact that you are "supposed" to fear me cause "I went to prison" is in your head. I had no such intention. I was just saying that maybe if you want to understand something about it, you could, just for the sake of the experiment.

  9. Replies
    1. Rembrant's grandma. Sorry, Monica, just teasing, please don't hate me. Just having a frisky day.

    2. Monica's just the sweetest thing, but she's so damn talkie, isn't she? She'd talk a fencepost right out of a field.

    3. LOL Sceli
      You may be right that I am too sensitive!

  10. I enjoy this post. It's a good analogy.

  11. For Rembrant
    I have wanted to say this, for a while, but did not know if you would receive it, so didn't. I feel you really want to connect with people. I think you are a sweet person, but once you make a connection with someone, you blow them off or turn on them because it is too painful to be close to anyone.

  12. I can really feel Rembrandt dissolve. I was talking to an Anon about this and the word "dissolve" really hit me because I can do that, too, and the pain of that sucks so bad. The amorphous self is a terrible feeling and I feel that a lot of Rembrandt's shenanigans is from this.

    1. Yeah, I know about the dissolve thing you're talking about. It doesn't hurt me though. It's the same as all the other stuff. It's like moving my hand.

    2. It does hurt, Rembrandt. It feels horrible.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    1. trolls remind me of those people who laugh at their own bad jokes that they insist on telling. hard to get rid of them too.

    2. Have a need to belittle people? You're no better than they are!

    3. i didn't say i was better than them. i love trolls! :-)

      telling it how it is is not belittling

    4. it's just that it's all one way, all about them. you can't win. if you don't push back they walk all over you. if you push back they instantly wilt. then blame you for it. aggressive passivity who needs it.

      they're okay to play with but best to leave them exactly the way you found them.

    5. trolls are sort of like narcs

    6. they're not even playful tonite. unplayfiul trolls, that's creepy

    7. "
      they're okay to play with but best to leave them exactly the way you found them."

      Perhaps, that is how they feel about you. You get back what you put out there. Narcissists are a bore.

    8. No belittling from Zoe, huh? LMAO

    9. but trolls troll to stir things up. no goals.

      they don't want to leave us the way they found us. and they don't want to put real effort into it. what do they get back?

    10. Sorry......Zoe. I, certainly, don't want to change you. Goodnight.

    11. actually, if you feel belittled that doesn't mean the other person was belittling you. maybe they just shared their opinion? and if the other person was, that doesn't mean you have to feel belittled.

      i don't much care for people who are unable to be up front and speak their minds and who then resent it when others do. spent way too many years catering to that. :-P

      so anyone feeling belittled don't be shy, come on and speak up. let's have it out.

  26. on topic: i always wanted a pet wolf. a white wolf or wolf husky mix. :)

  27. Hate bubbles up in me like oil bubbling from a hole in the ground, a steady stream. It populates like maggots. Maggots are filthy worms that end up in the intestines of dead animals. The populate like a bizarre cartoon character whose animator got so out of control that he couldn't stop until he reached a frenzy. Then, they may have taken him away, or he took a Prozac to make his fucking head stop.

    The hatred is killing me. It rips my body of the ground like a giant tornado. It whips me around like the house in the Wizard of Oz, which was taken up, as if it were a doll house. It was deposited wherever the fuck the tornado wanted. Why? Because it COULD.


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