
Friday, January 4, 2013

Professional sociopath

I lawyer friend of mine sent me this article about how Kevin Dutton claims in his book, "Wisdom of Psychopaths" about professions that psychopaths are particularly well-suited for due to their "Seven Deadly Wins," "ruthlessness, charm, focus, mental toughness, fearlessness, mindfulness and action."

Dutton says some professions attract people with psychopathic tendencies, and lawyers are second on the list. The Post quotes one successful lawyer who spoke to Dutton. “Deep inside me there’s a serial killer lurking somewhere,” the lawyer says. “But I keep him amused with cocaine, Formula One, booty calls, and coruscating cross-examination.” 

Dutton developed his list of the top psychopathic professions through an online survey last year, he told in an interview. “Any situation where you’ve a got a power structure, a hierarchy, the ability to manipulate or wield control over people, you get psychopaths doing very well,” Dutton said.

Formula One, booty calls, and coruscating cross-examination? It's a little hard to take that guy seriously. Here are the other professions:

1) CEO

2) Lawyer

3) Media (TV/radio)

4) Salesperson

5) Surgeon

6) Journalist

7) Police officer

8) Clergyperson

9) Chef

10) Civil servant

I love the "civil servant" one. In fact, it's tempting to think that every civil servant I have had to interact with has some personality disorder or another.


  1. Replies
    1. Theme for Haven on the Break up with tech boy

    2. Theme for "Intimacy Anon"

      Love, Themes

    3. For people who don't know, you click on the name "Themes for SW Regulars" to get the song.

    4. Thank you, Themes.

    5. Says, the fox to the hen.....

    6. ::laughs:: Yep, pretty much. You're the best Themes <3

    7. What does the fox and the hen mean?

    8. I know what it means, in general, just not what it applies to in this here setting

    9. It's not necessarily in this setting here, but for the person specifically.

    10. Thanks, Themes. I know that one form DOL long ago. Do we share a dirty, little vice, Themes??

  2. :) Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!

    I love that pic of the 80's cell phone and the smug smile! LOL!

  3. “Deep inside me there’s a serial killer lurking somewhere,” the lawyer says. “But I keep him amused with cocaine, Formula One, booty calls, and coruscating cross-examination.”

    LOL Hilarious!

  4. 11) Janitor

    12) Wal-Mart greeter

    13) Prison guard

    14) Sports mascot

    15) Circus clown

  5. My spath was a personal trainer. It allowed him to seek out vulnerable people by listening to their personal stories and manipulate them for what he could use. It also gave him the ability to use work as an excuse to hide his alternate lives & sordid details.

    1. Listen to peoples personal stories?

      He must have been pretty desperate to put up with that.

    2. Anon @ 6:16, WHAT?!?!?!? He wasnt doing it on his off-time (or maybe he was?) he was getting payed AND getting the information he needed to totally strip a person of all of their trust, dignity, and faith in humanity.

      Socipaths LOVE getting information out of people to use it against them later or use it to their personal benefit in some way! LOL

  6. I think, therefore I am.

  7. I wanted to tell you what I realized about my fast, I could not have realized it, if I had not been able to come here and be honest about feeling self destructive.

    Well, I had been doing the fast for 5 days and felt wonderful. I felt like I was really nurturing myself with time and care to make pretty teas and flavored waters. It was taking me hours in the kitchen, but they felt peaceful like I was loving myself and taking good care of myself.

    I freaked when I realized that I was loving myself and being good to myself. I felt like I should punish myself for doing that.

    1. WHOA...... That is a weird/paradoxical feeling to have at such a spiritual time.....

      Do you know what made you feel that way Monica?

    2. Thanks for asking, Rich. Yes, I had a paradigm moment, so to speak. I felt so good taking care of myself, especially making things pretty, just because it made me happy in my own heart, not for anyone else. It was all about that it was totally selfish, to take care of myself and it felt so good. I felt so happy and so peaceful. Then, I got afraid because a feeling came over me that I would get hurt and humiliated.

      I went off the fast, but I want to go on, again. I never could have realized this, if I had not been able to come here and say what I did. I could not have said it, anyplace else.

    3. Well Iam glad you feel like you can share and be totally honest here Monica :)

      To me it sounds like you like to help EVERYBODY ELSE, but when you do something to make yourself feel good you feel guilty and bad feelings come up?

      Do you know why that may be?

      Do you think deep down that you feel you dont DESERVE to feel good and be truly happy?

      Dont listen to those thoughts, even from yourself, BECAUSE YOU DO DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND FEEL GOOD!

    4. I will wait and discuss more, as I have more revelations. If not, I am just talking out of my head, which does little good imo

      I am going to start the fast, again, as I really had some other profound revelations, too. Stopping food puts you in a spiritual zone.

    5. I will preface this statement with the clause that my comment is not intended as an "attack" upon you.

      The ongoing conversation you persist in having with various anons and Rich epitomizes what I meant about gnawing at the same old bones. Over the span of a year, I have heard you repeat the same things over and over again, concerning various "epiphanies" you've had, without your behaviours or outlook being impacted one iota. If, as you claim, you were truly making progress, you would not be stuck in the same toxic patterns.

      You still hide behind various pseudonyms and complain about feeling numb. You harbour petty jealousies toward others and blame your hostility on your mother's abuse, thereby mitigating any responsibility for how you react to things. You say that you hate platitudes, yet these make up the bulk of your conversations! You claim to be a social person, but how can that be true if you are here *all the time*?

      How do you find time to work? Are you a psychic who gets paid for individual consultations who sets her own schedule? Do you still tell others that you are here to prepare for "prison ministry"?

      I don't know whether I have ever heard you say something real or authentic here. Of course, your motives are your own business; many people come to SW for entertainment purposes alone. But your claim is that being here provides you with profound psychological help. How can that be true if your behaviours, outlook and reactions remain unchanged? If you refuse to get real to such an extent that you do not even maintain a consistent persona or identity here? Often I suspect that you seriously delude yourself concerning your own personality and levels of truthfulness, and that you might benefit from a hearty dose of authenticity.

      You dont have to answer my questions, they are just meant to provide you with food for thought. I am not interested in engaging you in a sparring match. It is in my nature to be blunt. I wish you all the best.

    6. Edit: I realized I had to clarify something. In terms of consistent identity, I am referring to a single persona who does not decompensate and "split" into various anons and fake pseudonyms when feeling threatened.

    7. "stopping food puts you in a spiritual zone"

      No dear, stopping food puts me in a homicidal zone :b

    8. At first, I thought this was an attack, so I was going to ignore it, as I do with attacks.Then, I realized that you were sincere, so came to answer it.

      The thing is, Alterego, that YOU cannot see me. The blindness is in you, even though I have my flaws and many. You see things in a literal way( and are quite arrogant about it, besides being quite blind, a great deal of the time--just being real, here)

      Alterego, you need to get really honest with yourself, or you will never see me, or anyone. "Seeing" is from the gut, not the head. You are blocked because you refuse to do just what I am doing. Going at my numbness, day in and day out, and making very, very slow progress, but making progress which YOU cannot see because YOU are numb.

      Capiche, cupcake?

    9. Monica, you need to make sure you have some sort of clear broth or milk or soy drink during this fast. Your body needs protein and if you don't have it for days on end it starts to cannibalize your internal organs for the protein it needs to function. That being said, I've no doubt you change your brain chemistry with fasting.

    10. What are you talking about? I "see" only what you project and intimate through your writing, and I am calling you on how you have, quite literally, portrayed yourself here. How convenient that you should think that I am blind to your "progress" because you think I am numb, "just like you". Freakin' LOL

      Just what am I "blind" to, exactly? The true richness of your life, in its multifaceted dimensions? Well no shit, sister! This is a blog, and we reveal only what we choose to.

      That is the crux of my point, really. I can only mirror back to you what you project.

      Anyway, some variation of what I said has oft been repeated to you by virtually all of the regulars.

      I am not "numb", "just like you". I feel certain emotions very powerfully, if fleetingly.

      I am not driven by fear and self-loathing, Monica; projecting your weakness onto me will not lessen yours.

      Look.. You are my sister in Christ. I am not emotionally invested here in the conventional sense. Even in this discourse, I find myself sharpening my sword against you. :) Now that is something I quite enjoy doing, and indulge in from time to time, but I understand that this sort of interaction might *actually* upset you, or hurt your feelings. So it is not my desire to continue.

      We are not the same in terms of what plagues us, Monica, and I don't wish you any will. So I am content to terminate this discussion, and as such, will not be respond to this thread any further.

      Capiche, Ami? ;)

    11. Alterego
      I will say just ONE obnoxious thing you do, just one, as there are dozens. One is that you do not respect the simple boundaries I asked of you, with regard to my personal information. I have made that request to you on many,many occasions, but you have no simple respect that is given between human beings, to abide by a request to honor someone's boundaries.

      I know you are like this in your every day life. You are a dense bull in a china shop. I know that people make requests for privacy, their own needs and wants and you ignore them and barge into closed doors. If you ask your children or other people in your life, they will agree.

      I know this from this ONE thing you keep doing to me.
      I am not one to do gratuitous fighting with people. You have nothing to offer me, of an emotional nature because you are a dense baboon. You have a lot when it comes to Jesus and I read that voraciously, but again you have violated my boundaries, with complete disregard and I am frankly, disgusted by you and probably won't be back to talk to you, again.

    12. Ellicit
      I found the best product on Amazon. I am crazy about it. It is "Perfect Food" by Garden of Life. You cam read the reviews on Amazon. Jordan Rubin started the company. He cured himself of Crohns. He would have died, if he had continued with the traditional M.D's

      All his products are super, super. I just started this product, yesterday and I am crazy about it.

      Thanks for your input, Ellicit. Have you started therapy, yet?

    13. Monica, you shouldn't feel guilty for being good to yourself.
      Don't punish yourself. If your tea fast makes you feel better, go for it!
      Everyone takes time for themselves at some point or another, it is good for you. Don't worry what others think. If it makes you feel better and then thats a good thing.

  8. love that phone is it the new iphone29

  9. i dont understand, what do you people get from this?

    1. You must not have been around for long.

    2. no. what do you get from this?

    3. You need to stick around for a while. It's been in a lull lately. Especially since Monica showed up.

    4. why do you avoid my question?

    5. You just might piss off "How To heal a PD" and he will show up.

    6. What people get from it depends on what you want to get from it.

      I study personality disorders and I'm fascinated in the people with them. This place used to be a fabulous place for me to vent, release my pent up issues, rage, and lash out when I needed to. It was important to me that way. I deeply lament the loss of that actually. Now? It's still occasionally amusing, and I have attachment and abandonment issues so I can't simply leave a place.

    7. I don't understand, Haven. Do you mean that you would feel a sense of loss if you left? Does this relate to SW itself, or the people here?

  10. UKan is the Dr. Ruth of the Forum ~

  11. Journalism... Seems dangerous.

  12. CEO first, why am I not surprised by it?

  13. So is the Comment area officially dead? Has everyone moved soley to the forum?

  14. do you think there are any similarities between sociopaths and how they decorate their homes?

    1. Most people have items with stories, I guess a sociopath home is the same as anyone else's, but the stories behind the items will change depending on the person listening to them.

  15. i dunno, i guess maybe they change it for every new victim.. or perhaps have things in their room that dont have any emotional value.. or the opposite to seem sensitive. i guess the question is rather vague..just wondering cause this guy i am curious about he has all these collectible dolls like hundreds of them and paraphernalia curtains, pillows.. blankets. it seems unconventional and this is someone i was thinking might be a sociopath, like so much of his character reads sociopath to me, but the decoration of his home seems the opposite. . dunno

  16. hes a musician.. so maybe the dolls appeal to is artistic circle of friends.. or collects them out of boredom they are all very organized, i asked him if he bathed them ,but he said no haha. anywhooo, what do yall rooms look like

    1. I collect anything with a good story attached. The problem is that many of the stories would put people off in the extreme, so it becomes necessary to modify the story to suit individual visitors so that they want to come back, answer my calls in the future etc. :)

  17. Death plagues me. I am religious person, dammit. I should have a peaceful look on my face.I should not be afraid of every effing fork in the road. I am a disgrace to all people who call themselves religious. They should put me in the bad room, where religious people who are a disgrace, go.

    When I go out with someone, I sit in the backseat. Well, family. With friends( or acquaintances) I act like a big shot and sit in the front.

  18. I wanted to kill myself, so I could do away her. I am still here, so did not succeed, but that is due to a strong constitution and a heightened sense of hypochondriasis.

    1. Your homicidal rage is what keeps you going, Sofa. Don't shy away from it. Write it out.

  19. Thank you, Ellicit. I will!

  20. CEO, lawyer, cop, all those I get. But does someone want to explain chef? Do they all fantasize about slitting people up when carving roasts, or do they just like having an excuse to yell at people?

    1. Most people I know who have worked in restaurants say that chefs are some of the cruelest, coldest people they know, so they didn't find it surprising when I mentioned this list. Don't know what makes the career attractive, though. Probably the power and perfectionism that comes with it.

  21. Ask celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain about sociopathic chefs.
    He should be a good source.

  22. Expected about everything but chef.


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