
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sociopaths in film: Seven Psychopaths

I saw this film recently. I thought it was pretty funny, not terribly accurate? Probably the most interesting aspect of the film is how the psychopathic characters view the one empath character's alcoholism. They sort of wonder at it -- why might someone be drinking themselves to death. It doesn't make sense to them. And even though they are going around killing people, they express the same or more moral concern about whether or not the alcoholic should be driving drunk. It's a little hilarious because typical empath viewer would obviously think of the murdering as more serious than the drunk driving, but not the psychopath characters.


  1. To all the sociopaths; Always remember, we are not like them. Never allow yourself to be controlled and never bow down.

    1. Unless you get something by it.

    2. i bow a lot specialy in the dojo
      otokani sensei hus

    3. Sure Magnetto, my favourite x-men character ;)

  2. I dread the day i meet someone who doesn't know murder is worse than drunk driving. Its hard to say which one is actually worse without all the data.

    1. What if you kill the drunk driver ? What then ? Which one is worse ?

    2. am I in his car while he is drunk?

    3. Nope, you're on the windshield.

    4. in that case drunk driving is worse

  3. Damn, now I really want to see the film:(

    Lol, I'm like them, alcoholism is strange for me too and I can understand motives of killings in most films/news.

  4. Think I'm gonna change my name to Mozardt xd

  5. Replies
    1. i'm not a monster i'm just ahead of the curve

  6. love that quote i once sad everyone lies and manipulates i'm just better at it

  7. Medusa was at the front desk, texting. She was a poor excuse for a secretary but they kept her own because she knew a few too many skeletons.

    She looked up to see an intelligent face peering down at her. He was smoking a pipe and looking at her in a detached kind of way, as if she were a bug under a microscope.

    He had a well coiffed head of blonde hair with large, discerning brown eyes. He was thin and dressed in a blue wool, Brooks Brothers blazer with a light blue button down shirt and chinos. Altogether, he made a very handsome presentation.

    "I would like directions to Dr Alia's lab, please" he said in a refined voice.

    "What is your name, sir?"

    "I am Post Modern Sociopath"

    1. Of course! Eugenics experiments are carried there too.

    2. Lol. Can you imagine someone actually saying that? "I am postmodern sociopath."

      What now?

    3. Alia will start liking men again I suppose.

    4. OK
      You buttered me up with attention. On to another episode :D

    5. Alia, Thomas( whom everyone thought was ME) and Post were having a talk.

      They would use Love Potion Number 9 at the strategic time and then document what happened.

      This was a scientific experiment, although it would be damn fun to see what Monica would do.

      However, they were all scientists and had to keep up with the scientific method.

      Post was a math whiz, so he would write up the stats for how much of the substance was used in relationship to what happened.

      Alia was am MD and so was Thomas( posing as ME)

      The scientists had it under control. The only problem was what the hell happened when a human took Love Potion Number 9.

      All they had was the dog's account and it still was chained up in the yard.

      However, Monica could try the potion for science.

      They all laughed at that one.

    6. Monica's going to have some fun. One thing though. Wasn't that love potion an electromagnetic device?

    7. Yes, it is an electromagnetic device. It's code name is Love Potion Number 9 :D

    8. So... What substance is Post supposed to measure then?

      And who's going to fall victim to Monica's overwhelming lust? Is it going to be an orgy?

    9. None of the ladies could tell that Thomas was not ME.

      Thomas was an inferior copy of a masterpiece, but most people cannot tell the difference in, either, art or life.

      Hence, Thomas elicited the same responses as ME. Zoe flashed Monica a dirty look because Thomas gave Monica a few minutes worth of extra attention.

      The trio of scientists had decided that Thomas would try to work his charms before they brought in the actual device.

      That way, they would have a statistical baseline from which to begin their scientific work.

      They needed to see where Thomas could get Monica, based on pure charm.

      No one knew how this would transpire. It was crap shoot, in the vernacular.

      However, science and crap shoots make perfect partners.

      The next event on the agenda is Thomas' first appointment with the unsuspecting Dr Monica Moo.

      To be continued.

  8. M.E. You are intelligent. Don't we all agree?

    "Everyone's quick to blame the alien."
    -- Aeschylus 525 BC-456BC

  9. I had a question about the post. Do people on here who feel they are sociopaths/psychopaths have the same reaction to murder as to small offense.

    1. Yes more or less. But I'd say that I'm pretty ignorant in most cases. Poor people in streets, murders, thefts (unless I'm the victim) and so on don't annoy me. But some things that others can stand really irritate me. At times I walk long distances because I hate waiting for a bus and being in it annoys me too and I recently discovered that some add symptoms still haunt me :)

    2. I don't quite get why everyone gets so worked up over murder, manslaughter, and battery. The punishment for such offenses is really inconvenient, but that's the point, I suppose. What they don't realize is that for people like us that it doesn't so much change our objective as it changes our plan to reach it.

    3. Emotional reaction? Yes I would say so.

    4. No reaction to murder, more bothersome when i go to get food and the store is closed during regular open hours.

  10. It was a pretty good flick. It had Tom Waits, Christopher Walken, Woody Harrelson, et cetera. It even had a brief cameo from some of the guys from Boardwalk Empire. I'll probably buy it on Bluray when it comes out. It's one of those films that will probably end up a cult classic.

    1. tom waits was good, but I didn't like the movie. I don't understand how some people find that kind of humor entertaining.

  11. The Xray is of a pregnant alien, right? Spatial Mind should see this. It's clearly a Reptilian.

    1. Yeah, posted at wrong blog entry. I'm a little drunk. Shouldn't really be on SW in this condition.

    2. Btw, saw the movie... I liked it.


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