
Monday, November 26, 2012

Sheeps, wolves, and sheep dogs

This was a sort of interesting (and a little blowhard-y) essay on the role of sheeps, wolves and sheep dogs:

Everyone has been given a gift in life. Some people have a gift for science and some have a flair for art. And warriors have been given the gift of aggression. They would no more misuse this gift than a doctor would misuse his healing arts, but they yearn for the opportunity to use their gift to help others. These people, the ones who have been blessed with the gift of aggression and a love for others, are our sheepdogs. These are our warriors.

We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other, except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep.

I mean nothing negative by calling them sheep. To me it is like the pretty, blue robin’s egg. Inside it is soft and gooey but someday it will grow into something wonderful. But the egg cannot survive without its hard blue shell. Police officers, soldiers and other warriors are like that shell, and someday the civilization they protect will grow into something wonderful. For now, though, they need warriors to protect them from the predators.

“Then there are the wolves,” the old war veteran said, “and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy.” Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

“Then there are sheepdogs,” he went on, “and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.” Or, as a sign in one California law enforcement agency put it, “We intimidate those who intimidate others.”

If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath--a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.

Sheep dogs? Maybe. (Cue the young sociopath want-to-bes asserting that they are wolves raised to be sheepdogs?) I am actually fine with the idea of there being sheepdogs. Generally speaking, it's the sheep dogs that keeps everyone else in ignorance. I have nothing concrete to really base this on, but it seems like sheep are not like deer or other natural prey that are naturally skittish? They get lulled into this false sense of security? Which is actually a pretty great way to run a society, for a lot of reasons.


  1. Replies
    1. The problem with this story is that it's incomplete. It's missing the shepherd. The sheepdog thinks he is special, but in reality, he's no more than a domesticated wolf. By whom? The freaking shepherd. There are no sheepdogs in the wild guarding flocks of sheep. It took a shepherd to train him. The sheep are no more safe being guarded by the sheepdog, then they are out in the wild taking their chances with wolves. Because in reality, the sheep flock will be milked, or eventually killed for meet, by the shepherd. In the wild, only some would get eaten by wolves. The sheepdog gets the pleasure of being taken into the shepherd's house, fed some meat, sheep meat even, but he's no more free or glorious than a wolf, because all he's doing is protecting the shepherd's interest. Thinking he is protecting the sheep, while in reality he is ensuring their imprisonment, and eventual doom. It's just slower, but definitely guaranteed. In this story, who is the real only true and free actor? The wolf. They all die. Sometimes the wolf loses to the sheepdog. Sometimes the sheepdog. Sometimes the sheep get eaten by the wolf, or eventually eaten by the shepherd. And sometimes the wolf or the sheepdog turn against the shepherd as well. But the only one living free through their lives, is the wolf. The problem with sheepdog, is that they don't ever see the shepherd that feeds them bones, sheep meat, cheese and milk and tells them beautiful stories about protecting the sheep, all the while committing a more hideous crime the wolf would commit anyway. The wolf would kill some of sheep if sheeps were free, but others would survive, because they are not all female sheeps. The flock has and always had fucking rams with big freaking horns that protects them. The shepherd will only kill them after he's milked them beyond use and fatten them up for the kill.

      So if you want to be an animal in this story, don't be a sheep, don't be a wolf, don't be a trained dog, be what you are naturally supposed to be as a male. A ram. And ram the shepherd and his dog the first chance you get, because if they hands on you or your family, you can bet your ass you or your herd will never be free.

  2. To say that the average person is kindhearted and without a capacity for violence is extremely ignorant to their true nature. They may be sheep, yes, but they only retain their guise of kindness until something seems unfair or something goes wrong in their little world. They only retain the kindness because they just want to live in harmony, and without conflict, they're looking out for themselves. Of course, this is all unbeknownst to them, they believe themselves to be kindhearted people and when they aren't they just say that "they weren't themselves." And that's how their egos justify their unkind thoughts and actions.

    At the core they are no kinder than any sociopath, they just believe they are kind and act accordingly (until triggered otherwise), their egos just won't let them see reality or it would disrupt their harmonious facade and put them at risk.

    Sociopaths see reality, realizing the harmonious facade is just that. Since they see the truth, and are not tricked by their ego, they must consciously project the facade if they wish to live in harmony (for whatever purpose). Sociopaths are also able to see when other people are projecting a facade and do not truly believe (deludedly, as it would be) themselves kind.

    1. Then that leaves you without any excuse to partake in the little masquerade. Then why would you? Because you enjoy it? That makes you the same, except that it makes you a hypocrite for thinking that you're any better.

    2. Where's the sanity in revealing your a wolf? You cannot feed. You cannot breed. You cannot live. The man on the news, the serial killer, the pedophile, they followed your logic. We enjoy our hypocripsy to a point friend. Deluding others and playing games, ceryainly enjoyable. Like a cat batting yarn. It is a cognotive excercise. Out hypocripsy is our power; it is our hunting strategy. Come now, I'm almost certainly younger and even I manuevered out of that logical pitfall. You let your emotions best you there friend.
      Forgive spelling errors, this is typed on a mobile.

    3. You seem to assume that I'm like you,
      you assume many things.

  3. Anon :42

    that's beautiful

  4. ok sheeps wolves and sheepdogs. now lets just throw a Trex in there for good measure

  5. Hi SW! It's been awhile. I trust everyone is alive and kicking.

    I like this post. I don't possess a lick of affective empathy, but I am equipped with a strong drive to protect and lead. Is there such a thing as a wolf dressed in sheepdog clothing? Or could it be that there are stronger motivations undergirding human behaviour than mere empathy, which is over-rated, to say the least?

    1. I'am a wolf taken in as a pup by the sheperd who ran with the sheepdogs but I'm still wolf.

  6. No. I'll do and say as I please. :P

  7. Dirty Harry would be the perfect example of a sheep dog.

  8. Canis Lupus...

    They are all the same. A dog, wolf, whatever, they are all violent meat eaters. The only difference is the sheep dog has been "bred" for sumbission to the betterment of the sheep. He is feed by his master's hand the same meat he would crave in the wild. Let the order of his master's flock dissolve, let the sheep dog's master no longer give him hand-outs... the sheep-dog will turn back into the basic "canis lupus", which is what the wolf is. It's all about survival.

    1. Border Collies is very close descendent of sheep. That's why they calls us borderlines

      read it and weep, sheep.

    2. *descendent of wolf, dipshit.

  9. Replies
    1. Not sure how you correlate this Theme with me today or my post... seems it's above love, the song that is. If your tie-in was in deed love, I offer you this Themes:

      "'Cause love's such an old-fashioned word
      and love dares you to care for
      The people on the edge of the night
      And love dares you to change our way of
      Caring about ourselves",

      ...a thought

  10. Was not related to the post, Virus. Was just in general.

  11. M.E. walked into Alia's office with his classic insouciance.

    "We have to find another way around this, Alia. I lost my brother. If there was foul play, I will find the culprit and destroy him, but for now, we need to change our methods. I want to offer research money to a person who will volunteer for usage of Love Potion Number 9. That way, it will be above board. We can document the progress in a scientific way. Monica will fuck up a wet dream, so she is out. How about a man this time? Rich? Maybe it will cure his social anxiety."

    They both laughed at that one. They would talk to Rich in a few minutes, but Alia had other things on her mind.

    "ME, do you remember our times in college? Did anyone ever fuck you like I did? Did anyone ever suck the life out of you like I did?"

    ME looked at her with a strange expression, as he unzipped his fly very,very slowly.

    Alia looked at him and he saw her, as if in a time warp. She had the expression of a child, a teen and a woman.

    She had the expression of desire, pain, love and rage.

    Then, it all left and she moved her tongue onto his cock, as if she found Jesus, or some shit.

    1. *Fanning myself theatrically*
      Mercy, you're giving me the vapors!

      You know Sofa, this is not bad at all.
      Good of you to take out all the "Russian humor" and "ha ha" crap. That was old. I mean, she's Russian, she's got Russian humor. We got it.

      Monica fucking up a wet dream - lovely.

      The second part is great, but a girl asking "Did anyone ever suck the life out of you like I did?" is not very conducive to seduction.
      "Suck the life out of" might have sounded sexy in your head, but it means to bring someone down, take all the joy out of life for them. I can just see him thinking "Well now that you mention it, you were pretty clingy and annoying. And I couldn't even smack you around"

      Also, the last sentence: "as if she found Jesus" See, now you were going somewhere good before you had to bring up Jesus. I don't need that mental image when I think of M.E.'s cock getting sucked by Alia.

      And the "or some shit" part. You got lazy there and it killed my buzz. Who the hell says that during a sex scene? You could have provided a better description of the blow job. Put some nice porn in there. You can never have too much porn.

      Overall however, very good.

    2. Thank you so much for these critiques!

    3. My pleasure, Sofa.
      I solemnly swear to ride your ass until there's nothing for my snobbish self to criticize. Or until I get bored.
      You're showing some real promise of making it into a decent story that people can enjoy. Keep going.

    4. Re write of the blow job

      Alia fell to her knees, forgetting that she hated to be obsequious. As if in some otherworldly trance, Alia moved her hands, which were trembling, to touch his cock. She remembered every fucking inch of it, every beautiful millimeter. He was hers now, in this moment and this moment was all we have. Zen speaking.

      When she and ME were lovers, she had even named his cock.She called it Lupit, which was a Russian word for the head of the penis. She doubted she would see it again and here it was in all it's masculine ascendency.

      She directed her tongue in the gentlest of movements. She moved from the base to the top, not touching the head. M.E liked it slow and sensuous, and so did she.

      After each length wise tongue movement, she planted little kisses on the same roadway, as if traffic was winding down a country road on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

      Then, she planted big wet kisses, as M.E moaned and she felt her heart flutter.

      Then, she moved her mouth sideways up the length of the long shaft with greedy wet kisses. She moved her mouth over the tip as if she was tasting most delicious dessert like her chocolate mousse or a Russian treat from her youth.

      She wanted to tell him that she loved him but instead she heard him scream a stifled scream.She thought she heard her name, but could not be sure.

      At that moment, they heard a knock on the door and someone called her name. "Alia!!!!!!!" It was Rich.

      She fell into the rhythm of the dance, as she put more and pressure on her tongue.

    5. The last line was a mistake I forgot to erase lol
      Yes, please ride my ass like a fucking mechanical bull~

    6. Keep writing like that and I just might~

      "Masculine ascendency"? Not very sexy.

      Also, that part where he screamed made me think she started to talk with her mouth full and raked the teeth on poor Lupit ;)
      Just saying.

      I like the last line, but then at least Rich didn't make his appearance as M.E. was just about to bestow a pearl necklace upon her. That would have been even more awkward.

  12. Sometimes, I just fucking hate metaphors.

    1. :) Metaphors may not work perfectly well, indeed.

      Sheepdogs sound like the npd's, ready to show some sheep or a wolf or the master a lesson, as Virus put it really well at 5:06.

      How have you been TNP? Are you working?

    2. It's just the concept of metaphors - the fact that they're even needed to explain something. It's a constant reminder how stupid most people are.

    3. Oh TNP, where's your sense of poetry? Heehee.

    4. Observing the social intricacies of human to human interaction is more meaningful and poetic than watching some dog chase a sheep.

    5. If the sheeps is penned up girls and boys separate, and doggie opens gate, then fornication of sheeps. More sheeps for wolvies . Doggies is like the Raven. No offences to Raven herself.

    6. No Sceli. Sheepdogs run in packs and most NPD compete. Sheepdogs unite.

  13. :) Good Morning SW!!!!!!

    I was a lil late cause I had to see my doctor today :)

    WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!!

    1. Once, I've wondered, what it must be like to put up a little show and pretend.

      But you see, having a spine, I found it quite difficult to put my head up my ass.

      As for a snake, well, they seem quite adept at it, even comfortable going this way all their lives.

      Its quite funny, but few seem to notice.

  14. While M.E. and Alia were otherwise occupied. Monica was looking to hire a handsome, young Norwegian man, Edvard.

    Medusa was useless for any real work. The woman had given up on prodding her. Medusa knew too many of their secrets to get rid of her( and she was vicious when she was vengeful) so they sought to hire her an assistant who would do her work and his own, too.

    The Vikings and the gods had smiled down on Edvard.

    He looked like a Greek god( or Viking god, to be precise)

    Monica pronounced him hired and they shook hands.

    1. Could always use Medusa for trialing out LPN9. That would be funny.
      Besides, isn't someone useless knowing too many secrets the perfect reason to have them whacked?

    2. So this SW soap opera business has recently been brought to my attention. I know you're the author, Monica. Your tendency to press enter after every sentence or so and your repeated use of "woman" as the plural of "woman" make it quite obvious.

      I'd very much appreciate it if you stopped using my pseudonym in your utterly ridiculous, tasteless literary attempts.

    3. This author's identity is unknown other than a SW Regular. If someone does not want to be in this story, which is just for entertainment purposes, please let this author know and he will remove you.

      Alia has died, suddenly~

    4. On the other hand, if someone wants to be included, tell me. I reserve the right to use artistic license with you. Just so you know ~

    5. Raven's Complete Lack of SurpriseNovember 26, 2012 at 12:03 PM

      You can put me back in your story if you like, Monica. I'm curious just how damaged you might make me out to be. Can you give me OCD? Just don't make me suck M.E.'s cock. Chicks with dicks are not my thing. :D

    6. If Raven comes with her account and tells me I can put her in, I I have had ideas I have wanted to use with her.

      Raven was not going to suck ME's cock. She is going to be in a lesbian relationship.

    7. This author's identity is unknown other than a SW Regular. If someone does not want to be in this story, which is just for entertainment purposes, please let this author know and he will remove you.

      Alia has died, suddenly~

      Are you kidding? I was actually turned on by her comment. Don't leave dom!Alia out, it's your story.

    8. You can just give her a name change you know.

    9. Thank you, Raven.

    10. You can just give her a name change you know.

      Lol. Call her Aila.

      And Raven/Monica would be a nice lesbian pair.

    11. Sofa, I don't agree with the reason you created of why I was in therapy, because that's not even a question, that problem will solve itself in time...
      However, if you'll ever write something not porn-oriented, feel free to add me when you see fit. I'll inform you if I will change my mind.

      P.s. anything puppy related will be considered to be an instant contract breaker... :D

    12. And now we see who are the narcs and who are the psychopaths.

    13. There will be no dog named Mee ~

      I loved the Alia character but I respect the SW members, so I won't use anyone who does not want to be in the story.

      Now, I have to go back to the drawing board, but thank you, everyone, for allowing me to write and for reading and commenting!

    14. There are no psychopaths here. Get over yourself.

    15. And now we see who are the baitors and who are the masturbaters.

    16. Shit. Perhaps making her suck cock was a bit too much.

      I'm ery excited that I'm in the story though! And yeah I'm handsome...

    17. Actually, I'm surprised it took her so long, she never seemed to be fond of group activities.

      What's so exiting about that?

    18. I hereby wish upon all who willingly partake in this hideous literary orgy, an excruciating, painfully slow death.


    19. Not even.


    20. I know TNP's literary voice :D

    21. Alia is nice when correct a person not from US.

    22. Evidently not.
      Move along now.

    23. What, Monica isn't from the US? She kept making that woman/women mistake too.

    24. I did not say anything about Monica.

    25. Up From The Sofa is a guy.

    26. If Up From The Sofa is a guy, I'm the pope. It's Monica. Stop playing clueless imbecile. She can never hide her writing style.

    27. Why are you so afraid for people to know it's you?

    28. It's Monica.

      How do you explain Sofa made the 'woman' mistake at least 3 times,and Monica at least 2 times?The links are in Alias post.

    29. Where did Monica use the wrong term? Anyway, so what? It is a common mistake.

    30. Click on the last 2 words of Alias post. Words 'your' and 'repeated' point to posts with that mistake made by Sofa, words 'quite' and 'obvios' point to posts with that mistake made by Monica.

  15. I agree, blowhard-y.

    Sheepdogs - "Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed."

    Only in their fantasy minds. No one walks out unscathed.

    1. That's a great word, "blowhard-y."

  16. Like the album by Pink Floyd "Animals"
    The Pigs, Dogs and Sheep
    The Pigs control the resources and establish soceital rules, the Dogs aspire to be pigs and enforce those rules at the expense of Sheep, and the Sheep pay all the taxes and fight all the wars etc.

    The Sheep (the people, the proletariat=the suckers and the saps) also act as "wolves" themselves enforcing conformity among fellow sheep and ratting to the Dogs if need be.
    Ultimately the sheep act by and large on the conditioning given by the various institutions controlled by the Pigs, which ultimately serves their purpose for thier parasitism.

    Those who truly rise above this to be heroes are eventually crucufied in a dictatorship or ponerized in a "democracy"

    “The Game was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort, if the Champion defeats the meaning…he must lose”

    “Mr. Bartholomew “


    1. Thanks for this, anon 8:34. I loved that album.
      Is there room in this story for shapeshifters or crossbreeds?
      What if you don't fit there at all?

  17. I want to say something about what my pdoc told me.
    She said people like me a very long time ago had different purpose, had different strengths, useful for different things than we need today. I did not prompt her. She offered this up, not to make me feel good. She was musing.

  18. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other, except by accident or under extreme provocation.

    I almost stopped reading right there. I find that hard to believe. I think everyone, deep down, is like me. A selfish animal. If someone gets between me and something I want (like money or a higher position) I will do anything to get rid of them if I can conceive I won't be caught. I wish I was white and this was the time before DNA/Fingerprint evidence. I would go could just murder everyone between me and what I want.

    There's one person who shares my job title. I would prefer there to be none who share it. I'm plotting how to ruin her. My first instinct was to break her legs/break up her marriage. I think that's a bit much though. It's a working project.

  19. "Some people have a gift for science and some have a flair for art. And warriors have been given the gift of aggression. They would no more misuse this gift than a doctor would misuse his healing arts"

    Please, I've been overly gifted in science. If I could use my gift to say, built a space base on the moon and direct a giant laser at the earth to hold it ransom.... I totally would.

    1. No, to change earth because she's pissed off at it.

    2. Because the world is broken and someone has to do something about it. I just want to make it better. And rule it ;)

    3. Haven, what is the first thing you would do?

  20. "This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other, except by accident or under extreme provocation."

    I disagree. Everyone is capable of violence. This is the nature of animals.

    What keeps people from acting on violence a selfish "moral" imperative whereby the individual reaps greater rewards when society functions as a cohesive whole. Having a generally non-violent society means more cooperation and more prosperity for the group.

    Violence and chaos degrades that infrastructure and the probability of living a comfortable life at the status quo is reduced.

  21. I don't like how sociopaths are being demonised by society. It just seems so sad. I accidentally went to a victim site and these people made me laugh. All their "my ex is a fucking nutcase 'cause s/he dumped me and doesn't care about me anymore" stories, all "I was a victim and now I can spot a psychopath a mile away because they obviously act in a same way my ex-total-psychopath used to act" stories are so dumb and hilarious...

  22. Changes happen and Establishment was not immune. Alia left her job, Elicit and the country. ME was promoted to her position on the 5th floor in the lab, which no one had seen except himself and the now resigned Alia.

    A new woman came on as the Resident Sex Therapist. Her name was Dr Raven. They hired another male therapist to balance out the excess estrogen. The new male was Dr Literary Anon. Monica, especially, had her eye on him. It did not take Elicit long to have her eye on Dr Raven.

    All being said, they had a nice set of characters in Establishment B: human characters and as such, lots and lots of drama.

    Stay tuned.

    1. Nicely played.
      Let the Elicit/ Raven lesbian fanfiction begin! Perhaps a dungeon is called for at the Establishment ;)

      I was semi expecting an Alia realizes he'll never love her, tries to blackmail him and ends up in a shallow grave after being used as a test subject type plotline. This is short, but sets the stage well.

      Also, sweet of you to include me too. Just please, please no more talk of diaphragms.

    2. No diaphragms.

      Maybe, I should make you a gynecologist because you know so much about them ~

      Reading it over, I can see how the scream was all wrong. It should have been a moan.

      Masculine Ascendency sounds like a government and Jesus broke the feel of the moment.

      Thank you, Dr.

    3. I'm big on the sexual tension that can build up between two people, drawn out over time. Just my 2 cents...

    4. Do you think woman like the build up of sexual tension more than men do?

  23. Thank you, Raven. I like sexual tension, too, but people keep screaming for meat.

    1. Make them wait a little. Tease them. They'll enjoy it more when you give them the full delivery. It's called seduction. Seduce your audience. Make them feel like they must beg you to give them their meal, instead of letting them order you to give them instant gratification.

      Make it a slow drip of honey on the tongue.

    2. Thank you, Raven. I will have to have the strength to resist giving in when they start throwing eggplant at me.

    3. Could combine the two.

      Slow seduction between Raven and Elicit and something more instantly gratifying between say Monica and Zoe.

      Begging for Raven and Elicit to get together from the romantics and drooling over soft core porn for those who like a little less conversation, a little more action.

      Maybe add some action scenes to keep the boys happy.

    4. Monica and Zoe? Are you kidding me with that combination? Not everything in the story has to be lesbian sex, does it? Monica can team up with a male, can't she? She likes cock. Writing can be hard enough without requesting that the writer only produce materiel about the things they haven't even experienced in real life. You're setting her up for writer's block. :-p

      You want your daily hard on? Let her write from some sexual experience. The lesbian shit can be her experimental. Living vicariously and such.

    5. Lesbian sex between Monica and Zoe? Egads man. As someone that actually enjoys sleeping with women: Ew.

      Just Ew.

    6. Lol!

      I knew that combination would have potential for fun. I like to see things stirred up a bit and I'm already laughing at the reactions.

      Besides, I thought Monica did have sexual experience with women. I for one was not exactly aroused by her description of the Monica/M.E.'s twin shenanigans. Perhaps a lesbian coupling would fare better.

      But, if cock it must be, then I nominate Rich.

    7. ::cringe:: it's so easy to spot the people with absolutely no idea about lesbian couples, or even female needs.

      You do realize by nominating Rich as monicas partner you're just going to get a diatribe of snuggling, cuddles, and waiting for marriage... or until monica works out her issues. So never.

    8. No. Monica does not have any lesbian experience. And I can see what you are doing, and you know that she will bend to what ever pleases you, and any other wet dick in this room. I think she needs learn to please herself through her story. One of the reasons she only puts out small installations as it is, is because her imagination can't cover what she doesn't know from real life.

      I want to get to know HER desires through this story. Let her gradually open them up one by one until she explodes on the screen. By letting her know it's okay to explore what comes most natural to her, instead of telling her to make sure she is pleasing the males in the room... you'll probably get some pretty great results. Better than what you'll get if she has to communicate with desires she doesn't have.

      I want to watch her catch flame.

    9. Oh Raven. Ew.

      Why do we have to focus on Monica and sex at all?

    10. :) I do love to stir.

      That's a good point, Raven. It would be good to see her desires. Her real desires.

      I still have my doubts it will eventuate. I think her narcissism will ultimately prevent her from saying anything she would consider truly shameful.

      I like the small installations. I lack the attention span for reading large walls of text, so it keeps it interesting for me. She has shown potential and I don't believe her imagination is very lacking. The more she writes, the better she gets.

      I do admit that I enjoy the pornographic scenes more than the others. There is some passion there, rather than her simply stating who did what and where and what fantastical weapons may have been used.

      She seemed to enjoy writing about the lesbian couples more than the heterosexual ones, put far more feeling into it, which made it more interesting to me. So it's not just the lesbian sex aspect.

      I encourage her to write action scenes because I want to see if her dark side will come to the fore. There is a lot of darkness in her, but also a lot of fear. I am hoping she will express herself by writing about all the violence she feels like committing. That and it will keep the story from being all about romantic relationships, so the boys be better entertained.

    11. oooh baby baby :-)

    12. Zoe's desires: sleep. and more sleep.

      Zoe's female needs: chocolate, hot blue halter top, personal shopper, did i mentioned sleep?

    13. Zoe, are you simply drunk/sleep deprived and rambling about your desires to appease you inner narcissist? Or are you trying to say that you are Sofa?

    14. all of the above (except for Sofa) and also.. just being an ass.

    15. not bad storytelling sofa :-)

  24. What about men?

    1. Between the soft core porn and action, they should be covered.
      Could always introduce the incomparable Mr Hill into the equation. Soldier and seducer.

    2. I vote for some man on man love in the story too. If you don't keep up with the forum, you should know our Edvard is half black! He has even boasted about appendage size. I'll be bringing popcorn for his episodes. Raven and I shouldn't sully our love by consummating it. I think I should just drool and become psycho devoted to her like real :D

  25. Theme Song for the SW Series "Up From The Sofa"

  26. After reading some lines of Monica's Sofa series I take it her proclamation of her "born again Christianity" is a lie along with the other lies she tells.

    1. Get off the kick that it is Monica. The author said he does not want to be known. Let it be and enjoy the story.

    2. "Get off the kick that is is Monica."

      Sorry, I will decide what I want think, post, read and enjoy. If the truth hurts Monica she will have to deal with it.

    3. If it is Monica and she wants to explore her sexuality, what the fuck is it to you?

    4. And who raddled your cage? My 742 was about her lying.

    5. So fucking what? Talking about it does not make her a fraud. Maybe, she wants to be anonymous.

  27. The moot: Sociopaths experience sex and dominance as enormously more pleasurable than affection. Therefore, they are in relationships to get sex and power, pure and simple.”

    Pros & cons

    1. I like affection because it helps illustrate my power, if I can get a girl to affectionately do exactly what I tell her after building and breaking her for a month I own her for at least another 6. Kinda wish I wasn't leaving in a month because i've had so many girls I could have ruined if I had more time. Actually I talked to an ex two days ago and she confirmed what I expected: girls that date me are broken for a long time after. 8 months so far in her case. I still control her in large part though.

  28. It is Tues Morning at 9 AM at Establishment B. ME walks in. Medusa runs to get him coffee. Two creams and two sugars.

    Monica smiles a toothy smile. Zoe smiles an even toothier one.

    Edvard fetches Monica and Zoe's coffee. Black and black with 2 sugars, respectively. Edvard goes next door to the donut shop and gets a dozen assorted.

    Dr Raven is new. She assesses the situation with a cool eye.

    Dr Literary Anon grabs a donut and a bottle of water he brought from home. He does not drink coffee.

    At 9:15 sharp, the door opens and a striking blond man with perfect posture walks in. He asks Medusa for the office of Dr Monica Moo. His name is Virus and he is applying for the security job. Rich heads the security department and runs it with a loose hand. Rich's job has consisted of checking the premises, playing video games, hitting up hot chicks on the internet and writing manic posts on his fave blog, Sociopathworld.

    Monica hires Virus on the spot and they shake hands.

    Hence, we have our staff at Establishment B:
    Dr Raven
    Dr Elicit
    Dr Haven
    Dr Zoe
    Dr Monica Moo
    Dr Literary Anon

    Dr Franklin F Fomentile Phd
    Dr Eric Fomentile Phd

    Administrative Staff
    Medusa--Head of Administration

    Security Department
    Rich--Head of security

    1. Love everything about it, Sofa. Well done.

    2. Thank you, Literary Anon.

      TNP--don't be so grumpy. Do you want me to put you in? I have full artistic license, though. I do have an idea for you. It will be wild ~

    3. You really do think that the world revolves around you, don't you?

      You are quite mad.

      When did you become so self obsessed and for what reason?

  29. Zoe got a call from her father, Franklin. He wanted them to accept his best friend's son for a work student program. The young man was an advanced placement high school student who wanted to study Psych. Zoe agreed with the condition that the young man would be well behaved and not cause problems. His name was Mee.

    1. Then everyone got AIDS and died.

      The end.

    2. Lol!
      Are somebody's little feelings hurt because he's not in the story. Awww. There, there. Do you want a hug?

    3. I just realised. My sides, oh my sides! This is so very funny. I just realised what's going on.

    4. Oh the pain, the pain.

    5. Ah, how very sad. Is this where you get to feel special? Beautiful? Loved? My sides! The pain.

      Oh, all in vain, in vain.

    6. You just realized that this is a great big narcissism feed, not just entertainment? Are you super duper serial?

    7. By all means, please, continue...
      Enjoy your little show.

      I actually felt a pang of guilt
      for ridiculing this little theatrical the way I did.

      Its something that I am unable to understand.

    8. Everyone needs to feel special. It is a human need.

    9. You have a misconception of love.

  30. This Tues, Establishment B had patients coming and going. Edvard rose to the occasion and greeted everyone warmly. Medusa gave a smile to the occasional sexy guy (usually the UPS driver or postman) Mee took to tailing Edvard, as he felt lost.

    Monica had a new patient at 10 AM. Her name was Bluebird. She arrived in a grey hoodie, with the hood pulled tightly over her head. Her shoulders were slumped, as if self esteem had been a thing of ages past such as the Greco-Roman Empire.

    Bluebird had just had an abortion. Afterwards, her boyfriend had sex with her best friend and room mate in Bluebird's very own bed. Bluebird sobbed her way through the story until the hour was up. Afterwards,she went to the front desk and made an appointment for next Tues at 10 AM. Edvard politely gave her the appointment card as Medusa flirted with the mailman.

    After the workday, the staff was going to have it's weekly Tues Afternoon staff meeting. There were general issues which always arise in a group practice, such as this.

    These meetings could be quite feisty. What was said in the group stayed in the group upon penalty of dismissal or worse.

    1. In the tower of the Queen
      the Joker loses his stage
      As she wields the banner
      of vanity for the wage.

    2. What an interesting character this Bluebird is, Sofa. Wonder what she will end up doing? To herself and to this boyfriend.

      Anon: Mmmm, how lovely.
      That's the real question isn't it? Should the Queen keep the masquerade going and feign ignorance? Or get some blood on the blade? Fun or war?

    3. She should hang herself.

    4. Lol! Where's the fun in that?
      This song makes me think.

      Blood on the blade hurts everyone concerned.
      Masquerade gets ridiculous after a while, leads to resentment, lack of trust and ultimately war.

      What about clearing the air and establishing peace? Wouldn't everyone benefit? A no bullshit ally instead of an enemy would make both more powerful, no?

    5. No bullshit, no bullshit at all.

    6. It is possible to have honest communication. Some people are very paranoid. They suspect things, but have no proof, or might be thinking it's their paranoia playing up, but they can not be sure. So they see a serious threat and refuse to show their cards. Hence the masquerade, resentment, etc.

      But if the other party put at least some of their cards on the table, as a gesture of good faith if you will, they will be more tempted to trust them. Then they can begin the peace process together.

    7. The staff meeting was adjourned. All the principals were in attendance. Everyone was at attention, except Medusa, who was texting, with the sound turned off.

      ME was, impeccably, dressed in a navy cashmere blazer, button down white oxford shirt and chinos. His hair touched his shoulders a la Tom Petty in his youthful days.

      Zoe sat next to him, having claimed that seat, being first to arrive. Raven sat next to Zoe. Raven was dressed as one would expect the resident sex therapist. She had black patent leather boots reaching the top( or almost)of her short black skirt. Her white silk blouse was opened a tasteful four buttons. Amy more would have be tacky. The four bordered it. The men were oogling Raven while the women tried not to notice.

      Literary Anon seemed to have a perennial paperback book bulging from in his suit pocket. He gave the impression that his private world could never be too far from his public one.

      Monica tried to get a glimpse of what he was reading, but she had not been able to do so and did not feel familiar enough to ask.

    8. Nice. Loving the descriptions of M.E. and Raven.

      Also, yeah I do tend to carry paperbacks with me.
      Right now it's Stuart MacBride. He's great if you like believable detective fiction and dark humor.

    9. Elicit dressed in her trademark form fitting attire. She had the body of a gymnast, at a petite 105 pounds. Whatever style of dress, it was always body hugging, so that those who were so inclined could have private moments of fantasy.

      Elicit mourned Alia, but not too much. Life goes on. Elicit never tried to form relationships. They just came to her. It had always been that way and she saw no reason to change it, now.

      Haven was the most stand-offish of the bunch. She had a reserve which was hard to break, but it could be done. You would have to prove worthy of her respect. Zoe and Monica never made it. ME did and of Elicit, she was not sure. Haven wore business suits with little cleavage or leg. Haven's private pleasure was Zoe's father, Franklin. Maybe, that was why she kept her lips zipped.Loose lips sink ships.

    10. I love detective. Ever read Evan Hunter? He is Ed McBain, too

    11. I see a great improvement already. Well done.

    12. You know Sofa, when you started writing, I'm quite sure I was not the only one thinking "what the fuck is this drivel? Is this person drunk? Oh well, at least the porn is decent".

      But the more you write, the better it gets. It's actually becoming something relevant and enjoyable. You continue to pleasantly surprise me.

      Don't get me wrong, I'll still be on your ass like a monkey on a cupcake if you start writing sub par again ;)

      Also, have never read Evan Hunter, but going to give him a go when I'm finished with MacBride. Thanks for the recommendation.


    13. I was humiliated for every thought and every feeling. Once I started developing breasts, I hid them under turtlenecks. I was so afraid of my sexuality.
      This writing lets me venture out and let people know me. Thank you, Raven and LA.

    14. Ah, hilarious, hilarious.

      Oh, I do wonder who it could be, who it could be who would humiliate you for having very human thoughts and feelings?

  31. What is this Queen business?

    1. Just a song someone posted that raised up some interesting questions in my head about life. Pondering out loud, I guess.

  32. i like this post. thanks ME.


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