
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Moral flip flop

This article discusses an interesting study done by Lars Hall of Lund University in Sweden in which he gets people to assert their actual moral opinion, then inadvertently defend the opposite opinion some minutes later:

Researchers asked participants to complete a survey about moral issues. To do so, the participants had to flip over the first page of questions, which was displayed on a clipboard.

But the back of the clipboard had a patch of glue that caught the top layer of the questions. So when the page was flipped back over, an opposite version of the original questions was revealed but the participant's answers remained unchanged.

This meant that the participants' responses were opposite to their originally declared moral positions, the study authors said.

When the researchers discussed the participants' answers with them, they found that many people supported their answers, even though their responses were actually opposite to their original views.

The "participants often constructed coherent and unequivocal arguments supporting the opposite of their original position," suggesting "a dramatic potential for flexibility in our moral attitudes," wrote study leader Lars Hall, of Lund University, and colleagues. 

Interestingly, Hall doesn't suggest that people have actually changed their moral positions, but "Either we would have to conclude that many participants hold no real attitudes about the topics we investigate, or that standard survey scales fail to capture the complexity of the attitudes people actually hold." Still, I think it's hilarious that people can get so worked up over a moral issue, even if (apparently) they're not quite sure what they believe or why.


  1. Yolo, those are nice shoes. Primero

    1. Blade those shoes are just a tad worn out Amigo but with today's economy we gotta stretch those dollars.

  2. Several times a week, ME would walk through the foyer and take the elevator to Dr Alia's 5th floor wing.

    He would say hello to each of the ladies.

    He would look each one in the eyes and say her name, as his eyes glanced down her body.

    Monica spilled coffee on her blouse.

    Zoe's cup overflowed onto her papers. The picture of Dr Franklin F Fomentile looked as if someone left him in a flood

    Medusa, who was frequently stoned, just stared.

    ME appeared not to notice, but when he walked to the elevator, there was a smirk on his face that no one could see.

    1. Is this a story or something? I don't get it.

    2. continuing story

    3. I always picture ME as a woman. Don't spoil her for me, please; female sociopaths are the apex predator and I expect only the best here at SW.

    4. Why the smirk? Maybe because no one else had successfully pulled off what he was doing. A long long time ago, in a pub far far away a man who would one day make history was having a beer with some friends. They were a motley crew, each having decided that there was no place in society for them. Everyone else was too weird, no one understood them and they were just plain sick of trying to fit in. At this dangerous crossroads where many others would go nuts and self destruct out of sheer boredom, these folk decided it was time for a change. No longer would sociopaths scrape and struggle to end the boredom alone. It was time for change. They began brainstorming, and it was actually Melissa who came up with the idea of a planet for sociopaths. Being an extreme narc she didn't like having to share the world with a group of people who held their own opinions. ME just watched and smirked as he heard ideas he had subtly implanted over months being brought up and associated by the others. In his mind he could see every stroke of his brush that formed this conversation and led it where he wanted it. Slowly and with much arguing it was decided that the place would be called Sociopathworld, and that ME would be the sovereign anonymous ruler. It would be a place where everyone is welcome, where you could be a ssssssnake in the grass and still share your opinions. A haven for the green eye medusas and the rembrandts of the world. A place for you, a place for mee. Where ukan ellicit sighs from wet raven haired beauties and share your un-kany views on what it means to be a post modern sociopath. Mindless pleasures abound and many blades can be found where ME wears the crown. All hail SW!

    5. I see. It is a story. I still don't get it.

    6. The ending wording is quite brilliant. ^^

    7. HAHAHA. WTF is this?

    8. LMAO I just read the whole story XD I love this stuff, and Up from the Sofa and / or other anons who contributed. I'll make sure the right people get to read the story, just in case they linger mostly on the forum and miss it. I almost died with laughter. I really hope this story continues and Rich's character won't intervene again XD

    9. And here I thought our readership was above reading smut :D maybe we will have to continue the adventures at the SW research facility

    10. It was only after ME disappeared and Dr. Alia's normal cool rationality returned that she realized her Love Potion #9 device was missing. ME strikes again! She shooed Rich out the door, then prepared to start construction of a new #9 when she realized Zoe was still there and still very naked. Maybe a little break from work was in order...

    11. I love your comments and all the other contributions. It keeps me going or I would stop.

      My story writes itself. I have to wait until it tells me where it wants to go and I don't know until I write it :P

    12. From the time ME was young, he had a magnetism.

      He de-flowerd most of the cheerleaders, although they would not tell, as their football player boyfriends would exact revenge.

      When he got to Harvard pre--med, he had the same success with the Harvard girls.

      After graduating summa cum laude from Harvard, he went to Yale Medical. Here, he met Alia, a fellow student.

      They became lovers, but they remained friends( which was not always the case)

      When Alia needed help with her top secret operation, she knew who she could call.

      ME could keep a secret like no one.

      He had Harvard and Yale connections and he was hot as hell in bed.

      Can you think of a better collaborator, dear reader?

    13. No not really...

    14. The truth of the matter was that after having ME (well technically ME can have you, but not vice versa) Dr. Alia had no interest in other men. She wasn't a full-blown lesbian, she just knew another man could never satisfy her. Women were a different story however. She turned to Zoey with a twinkle in her eye as she pulled a small bag of white powder out of her bra. "Hey Zoey, want to get high?" Zoey was so excited at the prospect of free drugs, she had no qualms about snorting the line Alia laid on the cover of her copy of The Sociopath Next Door. As the scopolamine saturated Zoey's brain and wiped away all of her self-control, the good Dr. prepared to resume her studies...

    15. It's all about the sex isn't it?

    16. Character Theme Songs for "Up From The Sofa"

      Theme for M.E.

      I did not want to sign into my Account

    17. Alia's field was the use of electromagnetic energy in human behavior, particularly sexuality.

      You may think this is far off, dear reader.

      However, the Soviet's have been using electromagnetic energy to influence human behavior for years.

      If Alia could get her device to work, she would make oodles of money, not to mention honor and glory within the intelligence committee.

      She would share the glory( and money) with ME.

      Of course, it was immoral to use this technology on an unsuspecting person. However, money was money.

      Morality could come later when they were yucking it up on the Rivera, drinking martinis.

      For now, they needed a host with which to try out Love Potion Number 9.

      They both looked at each other. Monica?

    18. Love Potion Number 9 had never been tried on a human being. They tried it on Alia's dog who ran down the street trying to mate with every animal in sight.

      If an animal was in the house, the dog howled at the door.

      The dog bit them when they tried to put a leash on it and bring it home.

      It had to be kept in the yard by an electric fence from then on. It's previously docile nature had changed into a permanent aggression.

      They had not tried Love Potion number 9 on any living creature after that, even rats.

    19. i want some clothes!

    20. Thank you Edvard!

      Alia and ME had plans to make. They swore to never tell a soul about about what they were about to do.

      Alia asked ME if he wanted to seal the deal in bed with her.

      He said he wanted to wait until the end of the project.

      Why not give Alia an incentive, he reasoned.

      This time, as ME left the building, he gave Monica a lingering look.

      Zoe noticed and shot Monica the bird with her eyes.

      Monica sighed.

    21. HELL YES!!!!! :) "Up From The Sifa" is AMAZING!!!!!

      Now there are Up from the sofa fans who are loving it as much as I am!

      BRILLIANCE, Sheer brilliance :)

    22. it's a tease. let's get to the action.

    23. Here's to Zoe!

      Alia told ME everything but ME did not return the favor.
      ME had something in common with the Fomentiles---Franklin F and Eric and it was not a Jag. It was a twin brother.
      ME and his brother were identical twins. No one could tell them apart except for the fact that his brother had a small mole on his neck.

      Both were equally successful, in all areas, if you get my drift, reader.

      ME left Alia and headed to his brother's house. No one but his brother knew all his secrets. He would die for his brother and vice -versa.

      They had taken each others tests. They had bedded each others girlfriends and no one had been the wiser.

      He would tell his brother about the project. He would split the money with his brother, but ME wanted something in return.

      His brother, Thomas, had to be the decoy: the mole, if you will.

    24. Zoe :)

      ME explained the project to Thomas. Thomas had already spent the money, as Thomas was more materialistic than his younger brother, and Thomas had gambling debts.

      Thomas was all speed ahead for the project. ME caught him up on the details. Thomas was a quick study. Next week, Thomas was prepared to shape shift into ME.

      It would be easy. He had done it dozens of times with no one being the wiser. This time should be no different.

      Next week, Thomas would work with Dr Alia, just as ME did.

      Then, when Thomas got the lay of the land, he was to set up a weekly therapy appointment with Monica.

      He was to construct a story or tell about his real life. It didn't matter. The therapy was not the point. The seduction was, but Thomas had a little helper.

      In Thomas' pocket would be the electromagnetic device known as Love Potion Number 9.

      The brothers shared a martini on Thomas' porch, overlooking the water.

      Life was good and it was about to get better.

    25. The only thing better than one ME is two MEs ;)
      But I doubt he would need any devices to seduce anyone.

    26. monica, there is one for each of us. :)

    27. LOL Yes
      I get the real one. You get the brother~

    28. okay. then we switch later?

    29. Thomas started Operation Chameleon on Monday.

      He had to sell himself as ME to Alia and the woman of Establishment B.

      Thomas walked in, in the same way ME did, an insouciant stroll. He smiled at Monica and Zoe in such a way as to send them off to the staff room pouring too much coffee into their styrofoam cups.

      Nothing had changed.

      Thomas took the elevator to Alia's wing. She was none the wiser and even offered Thomas another opportunity to celebrate in her bed which Thomas refused, as had ME.

      This was a piece of cake, thought Thomas.

      He made such progress that he decided to set up his first appointment with Dr Monica, for tomorrow.

  3. What if your moral compass needle flows freely? What does that mean?

    1. Why do you pose rhetorical questions ?

    2. It was not rhetorical. What does it mean? See, I have been taught wrong from right by my parnets, grand parnets, preachers, teachers, and everyone. I'm not so sure I get it anymore. I was caught stealing a few days ago. The items were not of major value (less than $50 each), but my getting caught made my parents want to go through my room.

      They found some weed and some other stolen things. My father asked me if I knew these things were wrong and of course I said yes, but I don't know about that. I'm starting to think I don't see things as right and wrong at all. I see advantages and disadvantages. What's up with that?

      And what is a Rembrant? Did you mean the artist?

    3. Uhm, right and wrong exist only to categorize stuff. They think weed is wrong cause that is what they've been thought. They aren't gonna change their view cause they probably are comfortable with the way things go with their current conception of the world.

      You're younger, experimented another world than them and so right and wrong are different for you.

    4. I guess. It wasn't just the weed. Dad even said he smoked pot before, but he said it was a powerful mind altering substance I should not use until I am older if at all. Something about holes in my brain. They were even more upset about me taking things that were not mine. I noticed I lie a lot more than I used too to. Like half the stuff I took I made up tales about where they came from when my parents asked. I remember when I used to tell a lie I would feel bad inside as if I had just cracked the earth. Now I just do it.

    5. so why are you telling us about it ?

    6. I asked a question. You took it as rhetorical. I explained my broken moral compass. You are the only one who will talk to me. But I see where you have a lot going on inside you already and maybe you are not the best person to help me.

  4. Monica, like, if you've been abused and liked it, it's no need to feel ashamed. What you can do now is go to your mom and tell her that you really enjoyed what she did and you want to continue doing it. Fuck moral codes. :)

    1. ^ I like this person

    2. I like that person too ^^ he's not always incredibly boring.

    3. meh. i don't like any of you!

    4. Most of those who have been fiddled enjoyed it, and this makes them feel 'dirty', apparently. Monica has only briefly mentioned what she feels about the things her mom did to her. This was in response to MrsK who reached out to Monica in the hopes of helping her overcome the toxic shame. Unfortunately, MrsK seems to have abandoned the site and Monica :( And so we need someone else to who Monica can continue to unburden herself here and heal. Who among us will step up and help shoulder the burden of shame and abuse with Monica?

  5. At the moment I keep thinking about that girl that I said she was a sociopath. I am not really sure about it thought. It could be that she's just confused.

    You can easily tell if someone is a sociopath based on their behavior pattern. A sociopath doesn't have one. A sociopath does whatever he feels like doing at a certain point in time regardless of society and shit.

    She doesn't do that. I can definitely see a pattern in her behavior.

    I am starting to strongly thing she is a narcissist cause she is really into posing a facade. I have no idea, she's a girl though so it might be different for her.

    Last night I lashed out at her on facebook cause she didn't play my game, or she did and made me the loser cause she probably figured it out.

    Thing is, I really think she got mad about it xd. What she probably doesn't realize is that if she did, she lost. And I don't really know what to think.

    Plus I noticed I influenced her behavior, as if she likes me but apart from that she's not giving me anything strong to grab onto.

    1. Plus I am not sure I like her. The first time I saw her I wasn't interested but it made me think because she seemed loose.

      I feel something about her but I am thinking it's frustration because I can't grab onto anything inside her and pull her towards me. Thing is she thinks that that is me wanting her. xd

  6. What do you mean "grab onto anything inside her"

    1. Not really. I am just trying to help you :P

    2. You already did Monica. Thank you, you are sweet :)

  7. Man I fucking hate narcissists. They're like a slimmer version of a sociopath. It's like they have all of this power and spend it on being liked xd. I mean who does that? How insecure must you be?

    1. Why do you pose rhetorical questions ?

    2. i have a really small dick does that answer your question?

    3. Does that mean you can't reach and suck it?

    4. i knew a guy who claimed he could

    5. rem, they are caricatures of who they want to be. why hate them, unless they get in your way? are there any in your way? they are over-the-top large loud clowns, contrived in every way, they're like very bad actors in an audition, who think they're brilliant. but they're failing at life and don't even know it. :

      so anyway i'm sick and went to this little pizza place earlier tonight. while i was waiting for my pizza slice, kinda bored, lo and behold one walked in! she loudly asked the guy at the counter what pizza he recommended, talking over him.

      i jumped in and offered up my favourite. she threw me a glare, then turned back to the guy. he suggested the same one. ha ha. she barked that the tomatoes would give her indigestion and pointed to one loaded with cheese. when he was busy preparing her pizza slice, she turned and glared at me with her angry-man face. i smiled back all friendly.

      when he asked her if it was to stay or take out, she blared that her driver was waiting. that was too funny. i grabbed my slice and went to sit by the window. outside, there was only a dump truck and another badly dressed middle aged woman with a shiny purse, tottering in cheap heels. she left the pizza slice and they walked off together. i'm betting they split it on the way to the bus stop. :)

  8. A sociopath uses people.

    A narcissist is being used by everybody as a dildo and they enjoy it xd.

    1. "A narcissist is being used by everybody as a dildo and they enjoy it xd."

      "Bullshit." This is a lie and you know it.

    2. It's not a lie cause I don't know it to be wrong. Tell me how it is please... I am trying to understand xd

    3. Hey there guy, you know you are a narcissists do you not Remjob?

    4. I don't get your remark anon.

    5. No might to it. You are. What's it like being a dildo anyway? I would think cool. You get to fuck everybody!

    6. Tell us what you're actually trying to say.

    7. Rembrant

      "What of it?"

      Have no doubt Karma does come - usually, in the form of a dildo. hehe

    8. lol. ok, say I am a narcissist. I still am not the dildo cause I know what I am, I just don't know what you people call it. :D

    9. What do you mean what am I saying? Are you daft and a dick? Ha Ha, you are a "dumb-dick"!

      Was that clear enough for you?

    10. Yeah, totally. You're right, I am sorry. Nevermind it. You are the greatest and I love you. We all do. Sorry. I am indeed deeply sorry. Didn't mean to do anything to hurt you. Please forgive me, I beg you.

    11. Let's just go back to being total strangers please and forget we've ever seen eachother or something

    12. Remjob

      Yeah, go away, normals to not like to talk to liars.

    13. Remjob

      Why are you sorry?

    14. Cause I didn't want to ruin anything and I did. xd

    15. Cause I don't really care about shit and I can be anybody or anything, and that is kind of a burden cause, what do you do when you can do anything ? xd

    16. nothing mostly. You just feel sorry that you can't feel the rain xd

    17. You are sorry because you can do anything be anybody? Your burden is being Superman? I don't understand this.

    18. when i was a kid i had a dream. my dad took me to all of these places to buy me a toy. and i remembered i saw one in a window but couldn't find it. and we went on and browsed through all the stores but we couldn't find that one toy. and i wouldn't settle for another one except that one. we ended up leaving without any toy. and i know that i was sorry about that. i figured that that will be my whole life. nothing. just browsing.

      never able to find that plateau that everybody enjoys. never able to find catharsis xd.

      see american psycho for more info

    19. Sorry, to disagree but that dualistic and grandiose thinking limits your capabilities.

    20. "see american psycho for more info"

      You did not just say that?

    21. at the beginning i started to do everything and be anybody. but that wouldn't calm anything. i always wanted more. and shit.

      the thing is that if we all had all the money in the world, money would be obsolete. money would be just paper.

    22. What was the toy, Remy?

    23. nah, here, i don't get it.

      Sorry, to disagree but that dualistic and grandiose thinking limits your capabilities.

      "see american psycho for more info"

      You did not just say that?

      this i don't understand

    24. i don't remember. i think i just dreamed of it in the actual dream xd

    25. Money is JUST paper. Things own you little man and the more shit you own, the more shit owns you. You seem to want to fill a void with material things and people, classic narc.

    26. ok, what are you trying to fill it with?

    27. Remjob

      I left out a word on my statement of and should have read, "Sorry, to disagree but that dualistic and grandiose thinking and BEHAVIOR limits your capabilities.

    28. does anybody understand this ?

    29. "ok, what are you trying to fill it with?"

      I don't have a void, Rem. I am a complete person who loves themself and is very comfortable with the world around them. You have to change your focus, bud. You are looking in all the wrong areas.

    30. "I don't have a void, Rem. I am a complete person who loves themself and is very comfortable with the world around them. You have to change your focus, bud. You are looking in all the wrong areas."

      that's gotta be so boring xd

    31. Remjob

      Really? There is always confusion with lying. And the first liar doesn't stand a chance.

    32. "Really? There is always confusion with lying. And the first liar doesn't stand a chance."

      what do you mean ?

    33. No young man, this is boring:

      "never able to find that plateau that everybody enjoys. never able to find catharsis"

    34. nope, lying. there's no such thing as a lie for me.

      whatever i say is the complete and absolute truth.

      the problem is whether people will believe it or not.

      I am 17 years old. My mom died when she gave birth to me. I still think my life would've been better if I had her next to me.

      does that sound real ?

    35. Again, Bullshit!

    36. i fucking hate this deconstruction. it's not helping me.

      you did it from the very start.

      uhm, if you don't agree with something or if you think i should change, tell me and i will, just you have to be my puppet from now on.

    37. "Again, Bullshit! "

      does it matter ?

    38. Patrick Bateman is more like a narc than a socio, that's why piles (?) laughed at you :)

      Tell more about your "voids" Rem.

    39. " Yeah, go away, normals to not like to talk to liars". Is the anon who wrote this deaf? I mean like lack of hearing

  9. "No young man, this is boring:

    "never able to find that plateau that everybody enjoys. never able to find catharsis""

    if you think so ...

    1. You do too, that's why your looking for the fucking toy, son. You don't want to be "Blah" anymore than anyne else. "Blah" is boring. What are some things you actually enjoy doing?

    2. messing with people, masturbating and listening to music

    3. Remjob.

      "messing with people, masturbating and listening to music."

      How's that working out for you? Do you really believe you rise above the rest?

    4. above the rest, below the rest, who cares?

      it's not like i give a crap about any of it xd

    5. lol, seems like someone is trying to understand me.

      nah dude, forget it, it's not happening. if you want i can only please the shit out of you but you can't get any satisfaction out of knowing me.

    6. You change your mind very quickly my friend, did you knew that?

      First you write how you were searching for something to be like everyone else, now you don't give a crap xd

    7. Ask me if I care....

  10. can we end this soon please? it's the same thing over and over again and besides the fact that i am bored the hell out of my brains i need to do something.

    or, do you want to know me ?

    1. "or, do you want to know me ?"

      You're hopeless if you are even real. I have lost interest and decided you should terminate yourself, either here or in real life I don't care.

    2. :)) ok good luck and have fun ;)

  11. best song ever. OH MY GOD xd

    i got it from your playlist :D

  12. just couse i don't feel and don't have empathy doesn't mean i don't get off on makeing ppl believe i'm a real human being

    1. If you need other people to validate you as a "real human being", for whatever reason, you are nothing but a muppet. You have failed at the game called life.

    2. if i told you you are beautiful would you hold it against me

    3. i have a job and pay taxes that makes me a muppet

    4. Anon 959

      "just cause I don't feel and don't have empathy doesn't mean I don't get off."

      The truth is "YOU GET OFF", huh. Sounds more sadistic than "just taking care of yourself."

    5. I like vegetables. That makes me a muppet

    6. if you don't pretend to be a human being you are a autist

    7. Anon

      Why don't you address the 10:54 post?

    8. The truth is "YOU GET OFF", huh. Sounds more sadistic than "just taking care of yourself
      my npd is very high
      i'm the dude that makes ppl hold there breath if i'm about to blow my lit

    9. Anon 11:09

      I understand. I thought your 9:59 meant that you were just "trying to cope."

    10. Anon 11:09

      What do you mean by your npd is very high?

    11. i am what i am no more no less
      take it of leave it

    12. i love myself and love making myself look great/smart/funny etc

    13. one second i look like a badass next second i make everyone lol and disarm them

    14. S/he probably referred to the "aggressive narcissism" traits that are a part of pclr psychopathy checklist, do some reading :)

    15. can you tell the diferance between a narc with no empathy and a sociopath
      next to impossible to tell
      one thing that is diferend from me is i'm usualy really calm

    16. Type "narcissistic personality disorder" in Wikipedia.

      In what way are you calm?

  13. the only diferance i see in the narc and socio
    is suply, emotions (sometimes) nature sv injury
    behaviour can be nearly identical

    1. Well there are differences.

      1.) Narcissist is called asshole to the face and more times than sociopath.

      2.) Both provoke attention, however you can feel a difference. Psychopath lives his own life without paying much attention to norms and can get confused when something he did surprises others. Narcissist on the other hand tries to live by norms, be the cherry on the top of societies cake (and usually believes that he's there).

      3.) Both use people for their own goals whichever they might be: people = toys or something that can admire your greatness. I'd say that psychopaths are a bit more social with people.

      4.) Sociopath may pay less attention to his looks, clothes, ect.

      And so on.

    2. imho it's more of a feeling (for the lack of a better word) of someone

    3. Can you elaborate your opinion?

    4. you can sometimes read it from somone's face
      they sometimes mimic micro expressions and keep them unlike normal ppl they only do that really short
      it's in the body language

    5. usualy you know something is a little of
      (i'm a bit excentric so i'm a lot of)
      i use charm to hide it

    6. Interesting, but both parties have it, aren't they?

    7. And how do you act when no one's watching if you create charm?

    8. Mee in reply to the 11:46

      Read the book "People of the Lie," perhaps, you, too, can learn of narcissists traits.

    9. Of course I can! But I'm not sure if I'll get the book :(

      In the meantine, could you analyze my 11:41? I made those conclusions from personal experience with a person that is more like a narc than not and myself.

    10. Mee reply to 1:17

      1. Narcissists are called assholes to their face because they provoke that kind of response. SP do not.

      2. Narcissists tries to live like normals, but of course be better than; it's obvious to everyone.

      3. Sociopath's "just don't give a shit;" quite different than the narcissist.

      4. Sociopaths can be a clothes horse. An example would be John Gotti.

    11. And, yes, sociopaths are more social and acceptable because they have nothing to prove and be very charming and likeable.

    12. So I wasn't wrong, was I? :)

      1. Agree, but why they act like that, it doesn't go well with them wanting to be normal. And that makes them angry too... :/

      3. Yes more or less

      4. Well, I'm not and I haven't seen chats about clothes here, so maybe minority does that while it fits for the majority of narcs, right?

  14. Robert Greene (writer of 48 Laws of Power) is doing an AMA on Reddit. Might be worth checking out.

  15. I wonder where TNP is, not that he is nice to me~

    1. His cancer finally finished him off. :(

    2. TNP is an ass. He's a chronic narcissist who thought he was a psychopath. His brush with his own mortality shocked him out of a lot of his neurotic defenses, and he began to get in touch with his feelings again. He inhabited the forum regularly for a while until the last few days. He was occasionally entertaining. Perhaps he lies mouldering in his bed. Perhaps he has decided to take Tom up on his lunch invitation, and is at this moment lurking in his bushes. Do we care? No.

    3. Elicit, what is the difference between a chronic narcissist, a narcissist, a pathological narcissist and a covert narcissist?

  16. You guys are so negative~

  17. Rem, forgive my ignorance. What's xd?

  18. More curious about RemNovember 15, 2012 at 3:01 PM

    Rem, this was a very profound thing to say:
    "what do you do when you can do anything."

    If you can really do anything, can you prove yourself and the world that you can actually be very glad to have been born and can start the day with the cheer like Rich does, and feel it in your bones without and crutches Rich uses, such as drugs/alcohol/mum?

  19. Thanks for sharing your valuable info. sLIP AND FALL


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