
Friday, October 19, 2012

Sociopaths in literature: Washington Square

“Do you think it is better to be clever than to be good?”

“Good for what?” asked the Doctor. “You are good for nothing unless you are clever.”


  1. Morning SPW

    1. Damn you for being first. I mean, righto! Good job and all that. Yep. Mr. Supportive. Mr. backslapper. That's me.

    2. TNP - Do I detect just the faintest trace of sarcasm dripping from those bared fangs – or just the misguided frustrations of yet another day staring at a white page on a blank screen of that manuscript you’re supposed to working on? ; )

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Clever, TNP. Clever you are.

    5. You know what they say, if you don't have cleverness, you... wait, why does this suddenly seem so familiar?

    6. It's possibly to do with the fact your ass is backwards.

    7. If my ass was backwards, and my ass is symmetrical, how would you know my ass is backwards?

      Have you been studying my ass? o.0

      You must be the lady next door. I'm on to you. I'll poison your iguana, you crusty old cunt!

  2. What's the criteria the author follows to ban comments? Do you have a moral code on this, ME?

    1. I'm not so sure about the criteria for authors on this site – but certainly from my own personal experience when it comes to writing (particularly non-fiction) I try to adhere to the following advice that any writer worth reading should be able to, “disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed”.

    2. Well then. You are in the right place.

    3. Best site on the internet as far as I'm concerned. You're all completely stark-bollocking mad ; )

  3. I've never encountered so much insight, intelligence and cuckooness in my life. People here are mad, they are world leaders? People aren't that smart in real life... What's going on? I sometimes feel that it's a dream and I'm talking to myself, to that point I feel discussions here are meaningful and "clear".

    1. Perhaps you should have your vision checked. The only thing you wrote true was "People here are mad"

    2. Do you really think some regulars here aren't especially bright? Oh yes, you are smarter, that's for sure. But still, don't you think usual fellows in real life give second thoughts on thing the way people here do?

    3. I think most posters here are especially dull. And these posters are in real life. Is this not real?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Awww, M.E.'s flirting with me.

    6. Hello Medusa, I don't think we've spoken in a while. Probably not since I first turned up at this site just over a month ago now. I really appreciated that welcome (you were the first : )

      I hope you're well my dear : )

      I am just writing now because I'm curious, as I am relatively new here. I was under the impression that only the posters themselves could somehow remove their own posts.

      However, am I to believe that there is censorship on SociopathWorld? And if so, what is it that you are trying to post about that's being removed (without, obviously, going into too much detail).

    7. I hate that overbearing attitude more than I can tell. Shut up and learn and accept your faults and then call other people dull. This is not a question of empathy, it's a question of good taste. Like a pretentious really bad film or book or something.

    8. "I hate that overbearing attitude more than I can tell. Shut up and learn and accept your faults and then call other people dull. This is not a question of empathy, it's a question of good taste. Like a pretentious really bad film or book or something"

      Blah, Blah, Blah

      Stupid little sheep

    9. Oh god you pretentious little master of the universe, I could blah blah blah you as well. Please do enlighten me with something not dull, make my day please.

    10. Enlighten you? You are like a pull string toy. I pull your string and you make noise. Enlighten yourself.

    11. Oh yes, when you respond in SW you are a pull string toy. That is this site's cliché. Be sure you are thinking for yourself, buddy.

    12. You know who calls people sheep? Schizophrenic farm-hands. I bet you smell like manure and wasted potential.

    13. Do I make the SW twitter of shame AND get a commendation for being poetic in a span less than twelve hours? That has to be a record or something.

    14. Still nervous about the gas station attendant.

    15. I wonder how many times I've made it to that twitter feed...

      Seriously, do I get a trophy or something? They give kids participation ribbons. I should at least get one of those.

    16. Here's a roll of toilet paper, gimp.

    17. Hey! You know what, that's acceptable. It could have been Depends, and then I'd have to wage war, or something.

    18. Next time may you be so lucky.

  4. :) Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!!!!!!!

    How are you all doing?

    1. Good morning señor Rich la empatía adicional

      I'm doing ok buddy. More importantly - how are you? How's the detox going?

    2. Glad to hear you are okay MP! The detox is going quite well actually, I havent had a drink since I left that Psych hospital....... I have been taking an extra xanax before bed though but today is my last day of doing that because they told me alcohol withdrawal take from 7-10 days so I wanted to be safe, today is day 10 no alcohol, and day 20 of no weed........

      I do still take 110mg's of methadone in the morning and chase it with a 2mg xanax though, that is my usual protocol, I have just addeda xanax at night for these 10 days to make the alcohol withdrawal relativly painless, and for the most part, it has been :)

      Tonight is the last night of me taking an extra xanax at night though, I just wanted to be safe during the 7-10 alcohol WD period ;)

      Thank you for asking buddy!

    3. Rich,

      Good morning to you. To continue... you and your father haven't spoken since you were 14? Why?

    4. Good to hear ol’ boy. Keep it up.

      I followed somewhat your discussion yesterday with Virus. And there were some rather moving words from you about Virus’s military service to your country. It’s good to know you've got people like him covering your back.

      What about you? Once you got clean would you ever consider a career in the armed forces?

    5. Good Job, Rich. You can do it. You got all of us rooting for you, even the hard asses like TNP ~

    6. Virus- Because he is a narcissistic, selfish, asshole of a person. I started working at age 14, and I was so tired by the time I got home that I didnt check my email for a week.

      So my father was living in the Bronx in NYC, and he met a french woman who is a journalist at some jazz club and they met, fell in love, and quickly got married, than he moved off to Paris with her (where I visited him once when I was 11) so he was never in close proximity, we would usually only talk through email/postcards.

      Anywway, I was 14 and working and I opened my email that I hadnt opened for a week because I was very tired by the time I was done with school AND work. In my emails I had a VERY NASTY email written from him, berating me up and down for not answering his email "fast enough"...... Than at the end of the email he wrote something like "If I dont get an apology from you than I never ever want to speak to you again." (yeah he is a crazy narcissistic ass) and to be honest, I had NOTHING to apologize for, and iam not going to apologize if I dont have a reason to, he didnt even know I was working and tired because he was never around........

      So I never apologized, never emailed him back, and we havent spoken since, which is pretty pathetic because after he milked all he could from his french wife (a genuinely nice lady) he one day packed up his bags at her house, where he was living RENT FREE, left no note or anything, and from what I hear, he took off to go live in China. His ex wife made attempts at contacting me and we spoke and I also spoke to his mother, that is why I know what he did, and his ex wife now hates him and I dont blame her, he was always screaming at her for no reason (just like he did to my brother and I)......

      Pretty dumb reason to cut off all contact with your children right? I think he has definate psychopathic traits along with his well defined Narcissism, I think if he were actually HONEST with a soctor, they would diagnose him with NPD, and it fits him PERFECTLY. He is the profile of a narcissistic sociopath.

    7. MP- Yeah Virus is a good guy, very nice and understanding, I like him alot. I do feel protected with people like him watching our countires back for WHATEVER reasons, selfish or not.......

      I dont think I could ever make it in the army, I think it would probably be a great experience for me but to be honest I dont even think I could make it through basic training because I have asthma and running makes my chest tighten up and I start wheezing until I can use my inhaler or my nebulizer machine with some albuterol......

      I dont even think I could pass the physical because of that, but I think the army would be good for me as an overall experience, I just dont know if I could ever go to war, Iam VERY neurotic and the thought of being in a war zone TERRIFIES ME, that is why I have so much respect for people like Virus and his fellow Marines and Army members.

    8. I love Paris and especially Parisian women : )

      But, back on topic, that's a sad story Monsieur Richy Rich.

      However, a part of me can't help but think that maybe you should be the bigger man in the relationship and try get back in contact with him.

    9. I think the pure rejection, like that, sets you up for self medicating.

      You mentioned panic attacks, yesterday.

      I had panic attacks from the time I was very little.

      I had them all through junior high. I used to go into the bathroom and just shake. I had several a day.
      I used to swim a mile a day through college and graduate school. I used to have panic attacks in the middle of the pool.
      It was all the pain, rejection, betrayal, rage and hatred I had inside.

    10. LOL :) Thank you Monica!!!!! Iam trying, I really am! I dont really even have the desire to smoke weed or drink, although I have to admit I do miss the weed, how could I not after smoking daily for like 9-10 years? LOL!But it is for the best that I get my system cleaned of illegal drugs right now because IAM HUNGRY FOR WORK! I want and need a job, and that is the next thing on my to do list.....

      PS- My local dollar store has pregnancy and drug tests and I got one for weed for $1 and tommorow (day 21 with no weed) iam going to self pee test and see if my system is clean yet......... I hear it can take anywhere from 14 days up to 90 days for heavy long term smokers, and I was a heavy long term smoker but I drink ALOT OF WATER, that is all I drink besides gatorade, so my system my flush out sooner than I expect it too........ Iam going to do the test on myself tommorow so I will keep you updated ;)

    11. MP- My dad and I have always fought ever since I was 5 years old and probably even before that...... He tormented me...... and my mother. When I showed my mother the email he wrote to me her first words were "You are better off without him" and I honestly do think Iam better off without him.

      But, even if I had a change of heart and did want to speak to him, I still couldnt, because when he moved from Paris to China he changed his email (my only way of keeping in touch with him) and I spoke to his mother like 6-7 years ago and she said he has basically cut off everybody even in his family, when I talked to her she hadnt spoken to him for at least 2 years and said none of the other family has heard from him either.

      And he cant ever come back to the USA because he has warrants for his arrest and he also has things against him for YEARS of unpaid child support payments.

    12. Monica- That may have something to do with it but in my heart iam glad he is gone, we never got along anyway and he would ALWAYS scream at me......

      I have also had panic attacks since a very young age (middle school and as far back as I can remember) for seemingly no reason at all....... Maybe Iam just hard-wired that way..... My mother told me my father used to also take a bunch of xanax and he is an alcoholic so he probably has some sort of anxirty issue as well...... Maybe it is genetic........

      He shakes for long periods of time even when he dosent drink. He did 6 months in jail when I was young for a probation violation (a psychopathic trait on the list) and even after the 6 months he still had the shakes....... He has them whenever he dosent drink and they dont go away and the same thing happens to me when I quit xanax.

    13. Not a fan of french women. They have chubby little legs when they inevitably let themselves go. I guess some guys are into that... Better than the Spaniards and their fem-staches, I suppose, or the Mediterranean Troll Women from Italy. I say stick with the Brits, they look plain from birth to death.

      No offense to the Brits. That's a compliment. Your corpse will look just as positively neutral and uninspiring as it looked like in life. Well, unless you died violently, or comically. I could see that being inspiring...

    14. Fem-staches are supposed to be Portuguese, leave us alone!

    15. Rich,

      We get our first presentaion of the model for "man" and "woman" from our parents. Since this is the most basic part of who we are it is very important. We can not chose our sex but our sexuality comes from the home first. Without a "good" guide to escort young children in the first say 15 or so years of life you will wonder around looking for the answers and as Monica put it "self medicate" when the confusion becomes too much. The medicine may be drugs or food or sex... but you will find comfort some where.

      Your father is a self serving asshole (kind of like), but his time has gone by for you. Now you have to look deep inside you and grow from there. It seems SW is your guide at the moment (not sure how "good" that is).

      Are you still cool with your mother?

    16. Considering my dad wasn't very 'manly', maybe that explains quite a few things, like my monthly bleeding, bloating, and general irritability towards men, proneness to gossip, and fabulous interior design capabilities.

      Thanks for solving my childhood, Virus. You're a real champ.

    17. I seriously don't think your father caused your monthly bleeding, but him not being very manly may have attributed to your "bitchiness".

    18. What's bitchiness with conspicuous quotes?

    19. You're ass-backwards my friend.

    20. It takes one to have two in the bushel.

  5. There is no moderation anywhere on this site. If you log into an account you get a delete option.

    Come into the forum sometime.

    1. Who me? Naaah - too much of a turkey shoot. It'd have me reaching for my smelling salts and a traditional English cup of tea and a lie down ; )

      I have (and do) observe it from time to time from the relative safety of the comments section here.

      It can make for some hilarious reading. But I think I'll leave it to the seasoned professionals to actually participate in that conversational clusterfuck ; )

      But thanks for the invite all the same. Know that I'm rooting for you from the sidelines ; )

    2. That sure is a lot if winky smiles. If you we're here in person, I might think to slap the creep out of you ;)

    3. And too bad for you that you get to miss out on TNP's stoned accidental poetry rages ;)

    4. Apologies, I have a nervous twitch from the war.

      Damn shrapnel ; )

    5. Oh, and I'm familiar with TNP’s bawdy Baudelaire-esque purple prose alright [no emoticon]

    6. Purple prose? Naw, that's more my style.

    7. Duly noted. Perhaps I meant more that it was colourful prose - shall we say? [yet another emoticon averted - but nervous twitching now manifesting itself by writing superfluous crapola]

    8. Don't curb yourself on my account, unless you really think I have the power to slap you from here.

    9. It's the Gorgon-like psychic cyber-slaps I'm more concerned about ; )

    10. *Greek internet astral slap*

      Did you get that one? How'd it feel?

    11. I'm a self aware narcissist.

    12. Like I had been French-kissed by a Triffid ; )

    13. I'm a self-aware Cancer.

      If you know what that means. Mindless.

    14. If you're referring to astrological star-signs - yeah. Cancer women are cool as fuck. I love 'em and get along with them really well.

      Cancer the crab - yeah? Serial procrastinators, they go about everything sideways like how a crab walks. But if you get to know their ways - they're awesome. Creative, passionate, hyper-intelligent etc etc.

    15. I'm a self-aware narcissist, but I am not a bad person. I have more empathy than anyone else.

    16. Lol, Mindless.

      Might as well just use the creepy smiles.

    17. What? Why? Do you think I'm some kind of 'what's your star-sign baby' sleaze-weasel?

      Not my style Medusa my dear. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

      : )

    18. No, but the flattery is suspect.

    19. Oh, did I neglect to mention that Cancer women can by right proper bitches when they want to be.

      Especially the 'self-aware' ones ; )

      Is that better?

    20. Ah ha, yes indeed! We's got dem claws and exoskeletons.

    21. I'll be sure to keep my shield at the ready, if my limited Greek mythology knowledge serves me well.

      Though, I think I'm now confusing my horoscopes with my Hellenismos ; )

    22. I remember when Ami first showed up, and then I challenged someone to guess my sign. No one did.

      I guess that's me, playing make-believe persona on the interwebz~ So fucking clever. Method acting at its best~

      I'm sticking with my original hypothesis that Erin is a charlatan without skill, cleverness, or 'The Knack'. If you don't have the knack, quite frankly you'll never make it in life~

    23. @TNP Star-sign? I'd be surprised if you had any vital-signs you cold-hearted, mercenary bastard ; )

    24. That's only the second most underhanded attempt to get me to reveal my star sign. The first was an offering to see the nipple of an old regular. Not into the amateur stuff, though. Standards and such~

    25. I dunno, perhaps there’s a unknown astrological constellation of ‘cuntis major’ which you’re on the cusp ; )

    26. Jupiter's Cock! You might be onto something.

    27. Today’s Cuntis Major Horoscope:October 19, 2012 at 7:07 AM

      The Cunt: Cunt’s generally like to do what they want to do whenever they want to do it and today is no exception.

      Expect to be aggravated and annoyed by every other asshole star-sign horoscope-reading gullible fuck-head under the Cunty McCuntnugget constellation. Get pissed and stoned out of your sick and diseased brain and wait for the impending apocalypse so you can then start dishing out some well-deserved cosmic retribution to the intergalactic cock-smokers that were responsible for this abortion we call life, meaning and the universe.

      You also may be pleasantly surprised by finding something you thought you had previously lost.

    28. Holy shit! I just found my long-lost cough drop. Are you getting paid for this? Fucking spot-on.

    29. TNP – I honestly expected more from you. They word those bullshit horoscopes so vaguely and ambiguously – it could apply to anyone.

    30. It was a moment of weakness, brought on by desperation to be understood. Maybe some day someone will figure out my sign :(

    31. Love the horoscope. That Rocks :D

    32. I usually only read them when there is a guy in my life, which tells you how amazing my relationships are.

      There is one lady I read because her forecasts are very long and detailed.

      A few days ago I realized she is the same person as Monica.

    33. She's got that hot grandma thing going on, doesn't she? You could peel that makeup off with a spoon, and feed a starving tribe in Africa.

    34. Monica would probably appreciate her story.

      Yeah she's hot, but she's also a hermit gimp.

    35. Do you ever get this nagging feeling that they're going to figure out medical immortality not long after we die? They need to hurry the fuck up.

    36. You're going before me T... unless I get smacked by a truck soon.

    37. That's the meanest thing anyone has said to me today. Though I haven't seen the gas station attendant yet, but I have a feeling you've clinched this one.

    38. Awww, Total Neurotic Prick... you know its all out of LOVE ;-]

    39. I don't trust you or that square smiled wink. I'm surrounded by liars and manipulators, and they're all out to get my lucky charms.

    40. I am a self professed compulsive liar... and yes, I do want your lucky charms you little leprechaun you.

    41. I was lying, for I too am a compulsive liar! Or am I? Maybe I'm not! Did you think about that? Maybe I'm lying about lying all the time to appear to lie about lying about lying while lying about appearing to lie in a less frequent duration than stipulated by impulse, lyingly.

      And yes, lyingly is a word.

    42. Somebody reboot TNP... the most basic logical paradox has got him in a loop.

    43. Some Virus got in a caused a Blue Screen of Death.

    44. You're ass-backwards my friend.

  6. How can I cure my narcissism? I don't want to be a narcissist anymore.

    1. You are doomed forever. Become a hermit and write poetry on SW.

    2. Is this true? I'm being serious.

    3. Damn you, woman!~ I say one accidentally poetic thing, and you're never going to let me live that down, are you?

    4. You're so vain. You probably think this comment is about you.

    5. Thanks. Now I've got that shitty song stuck in my head. Can I double damn you? I'm going to double damn you, for what that's worth.

    6. Hmm.. double negatives. Yay Jesus, hi!

    7. Well, you are a magnet of sorts!

      HO HO HO! *superior Santa laughter ensues* (Just imagine Santa with a monocle and an ascot) HO HO HO HUM

      Yep. Still haven't run out of weed. It's going to be a long day.

    8. Ha ha, yeah that whole comment is beyond me... ha ha, I just have no idea. But I'm fucking giggling over here so hard I can't be bothered with periods

    9. Sociopath Reuters News DripFeedOctober 19, 2012 at 7:36 AM

      NewsFlash: SociopathWorld regular irregular.

      SociopathWorld Reuters News DripFeed sources speculate Medusa is pregnant.

    10. Ha ha I was waiting for that with bated breath!

      I am not disappointed.

    11. Can I be the first to congratulate you Medusa.

      What are you expecting? A nest of vipers? ; )

    12. Congratulations, Medusa.

      So no, you can't be, Mindless Pleasures. Better luck next time.

    13. Do Gorgons procreate?

    14. I hear you have to paper-bag them.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Arno the Indifferent and has Selective Sight and HearingOctober 19, 2012 at 7:44 AM

      Can I be the FIRST to congratulate you Medusa!!!!


    17. Grab one from Rich as soon as he finishes counting to potato.

    18. SW is wild, today. Must be something in the stars~

    19. LOL

      Forgot about the fuckin' Jim Cobra law.


    20. Verbal diarrhea, EVERYWHERE! Apologies.~

      Speaking of the most detestable of bowel movements, good day to you, Monica.

    21. Cuntis Major is in the orbit of Uranus

  7. You can cure Narcissism but it is long, slow and hard. The answer to it is to accept your true, core self. The root of Narc. is an inflated false self. That has to be pricked as a balloon and the air let out, so to speak.

    Under it is your true self. This may sound easy, but it will, probably, be the hardest thing you ever do.

    1. I feel depressed, and worthless when I don't get the attention I want. I would want to feel happy, without people telling me how pretty I am, how intelligent I am. I don't want it anymore.

    2. Seriously, become a hermit and you won't have to deal with that anymore. You'll get worse once you go out in public after a while, so maybe get your groceries delivered.

    3. It is going to take T-I-M-E. There are no quick fixes. You have to accept that one fact before you can begin healing, my friend.

    4. Here, even now. I am using my narcissism for people to feel sorry for me, and I wasn't realizing it. I don't want to do this anymore.

    5. Apparently you're doomed to continue seeking attention ad infinitum. It's your cross to bear I'm afraid. lol

    6. Why are you spelling the word, time? You're probably one of those retards that tries to get people to answer the phone when leaving a voicemail on someone's cell.

      "Francene! Pick up! It's me, Martha! FRANCENE!"

    7. wanting to is a start.

    8. Oh shut the hell up Zoe didn't you read the OP?

    9. This is the paradoxical thing about Narcissism. You need a healthy level of Narcissism or else you are a doormat.

    10. i rest my case

      and what the hell is OP?

    11. Sounds like something a Narcissist would say.

    12. TNP It's how How-To-Heal communicates their compassion and *healing* abilities. It's a sort of Healer wanna-be technique utilized to translate into soothing and exude kindness. Or some s-h-i-t.

    13. i think the doormat attitude is also narcissism. you'd have to be narcissistic to think you're the absolute worst.

    14. So basically, what you lovely people are saying is that I will always be this way? Doomed with attention seeking issues, self image issues, and end up old and depressed?

    15. cousin of the shit flinging?

    16. So basically, what us lovely people are saying is that you will always be this way. Doomed with attention seeking issues, self image issues, and end up old and depressed.

    17. You are what you are... leopards don't change their spots.

      So... what do you do now?

    18. Colonic. That will clean your Narcissism in a jiffy.

    19. @narc

      you're aware enough to want to change. that's a huge start.

      all the narcs i know/knew think the problem is with everyone else and that if everyone else was fixed they'd be able to see the precious pearl that lies in their midst, that their imperfections keep them from seeing.

    20. why are narcs so whiny? and always sniping?

    21. Medusa and others, i have a question. How come it's considered attention seeking here if someone wants to share personal thoughts like "i don't want to do that anymore" ?

      Is it perceived that a statement like that is a plea for a round of applause? I say that here and I thnk i am asking if others here feel this way or that way. -i don't think it's necessarily a plea for attention, but i do think part of it is asking for some kind of pat on the back. But really,, it's to pat my own back using words in print to people, not just to say it in my head. I like to make a proclamation like Rich does. -That would be narcissistic?

      I think lots of people need pat on the back who aren't narcissists. Can anyone here please give an example of that?

      BTW, I have told other i r l people not to say certain things to themselves about themselves in relation to other people (comparisons/jealousies, whining that they get the short end of the stick because others have privileges and they don't...they are chronic complainers) because it is unattractive to the world and a disservice to their esteem, which makes them yucky. I tell them just tht

      I know I am upset with them because I have hidden feelings similar to theirs which I believe are pathetic, but i keep them hidden for the reason i think it would be pathetic to voice them, and I am not a complainer at all.

      Most people will thank me for saying it. Most people i say it to are the ones who want to be more attractive so they thank me. I mean first they get all angry but then no.

      Seriously, if i didn't give 2 fucks about them I'd never say a word. I don't to the ones I don't like.

      What is the big deal about sharing this stuff here that makes one attention seeking?

      ANd I would like to know what kind of personalities are repulsed by this post.


    22. You're taking this thing much too seriously right now, anon. So color me repulsed.

  8. Replies
    1. I want a theme song for me too. I don't tolerate the fact these people have one designated for them, and I don't.

    2. Themes, I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I will find you, and I will make you listen to good music.

    3. can you post something please?

    4. Remember the "high-five" making you feel old... thanks for the Milkmen, TNP, now I feel a little older...

      But nice one :-p

    5. Ass. Backwards. Hello.

    6. So we're not one foot in the grave? OH, YOU! :D

    7. HELLO TNP

    8. If your name is Francene and you're not from Long Island, we have no future.

    9. TNP


    10. hey not bad - thanks tnp

    11. You're welcome. I'll put this themes schmuck out of work before you know it. Her days of tyranny and Skillit music videos are near an end.

    12. Maybe not. I don't want to contribute any more to this economic crisis by increasing the unemployment rate with another poor soul. =/ Damn my conscience.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Narcissist,
    Themes has to know you before he can give you a song.

    I have graced you with great operatic music from Mozart's Don Giovanni. Are you never pleased~

  10. I realised one thing, Zoe. This place is infested with narcissists and I'm the only one who isn't a narcissist. I am normal.

  11. since we're on the topic sort of, so many musician types here. what's with that?

    1. You know what really grinds my gears? Generalization.

    2. What do you mean, "so many"? Where they at?

    3. you, Erin, M.E. ... okay not hundreds, but still higher than you'd expect...or than i'd expect - better?

      tnp, that was observation not generalization.

    4. If Erin is a musician, I'm a fucking master pianist.

    5. You're ass-backwards my friend.

    6. Have you ever seen a backwards ass?

      Do you even know what you're saying?

      Where were you the evening of October 15th and 8:00 PM?

    7. tnp, there are 7 billion and some people on this planet. i'm sure one or two could be convinced that you're a master pianist. :)

      everyone should play/paint/create something.

    8. i play piano, and want to compose at some point when i have time. it's so funny to see the looks on people's faces when i tell them that - especially the narcissists. they get all frothed up.

      if i said i wanted to paint water colour stills one day, no one would blink. maybe i want to compose the musical equivalent of a bowl of fruit?

      or is that wasting valuable television/boobtube watching time?

    9. why no ass sideways? :(

    10. You should hear my master conceirto number 537, in P flat.


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