
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quote: Temptation

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.

Oscar Wilde


  1. Replies
    1. Eduardo Fernando Pereira Gomes?

    2. Sylvester Stallone? He's a dyslexic spaz.

  2. Now then... this one I love for many selfish reason. But only one occupies my mind right now. Obsession turns everything you read into a justification for getting what you want the most.

    1. I thought of you when I read that quote too.

  3. “Quotes are like my penis, everybody has seen it and they laugh uncontrollably.”

    ~ Oscar Wilde

  4. SociopathWorld On-line Products Proudly Present:October 14, 2012 at 2:01 AM

    CouldIBeASPD App

    This app will translate any squeaky-bum clean post on the SociopathWorld Forum into an instant IQ-depleting steaming pile of incomprehensible brain-deadening bullshit.

    Enter the words, “Good morning SociopathWorld, what’s up?” and it will translate it into: “Alarm ringing. Bells? Could be angels singing? Handel’s ‘Messiah’. Crossroads. Pact with the devil. Pay attention. Bankrupt souls. Withdrawal or deposit gerbils. Hermann? No, Joseph. Who ate my cheesecake? I had a slice of cheesecake on my plate and now it’s gone. Toothpaste.”

    As sophisticated as this new technology is, unfortunately the app’s complex mathematical algorithm is not reversible in order to be able to translate the actual logorrheic verbal diarrhoea that sprays out of the bottomless orifice that passes for a mind called ‘CouldIBeASPD’.

    1. Are you enjoying the attention Molerat?
      CouldIBeASPD may be an idiot, but advertising your own insult is equally pathetic. haha

    2. Come out from your anonymous non-de-plume you gutless cunt

    3. haha you're so funny. CouldIBeAPSD is obviously an idiot. And so am I. Who wins that game of blink? Not humanity that's for sure.

    4. those 2 other anonymous responses aren't mine!!!!
      What's the matter Molerat? Don't you like it when the shoes on the other foot. Or should i say paw? haha

  5. i am convinced i went out with my antisocial narcissist ex because i was giving into impulsive temptation.

    I believe all experiences life has to offer, even when those offerings are largely considered "bad" by the masses, are mysterious and wonderful.

    In Carrie Fisher"s one-woman show (she's bipolar) she jokes about her impulsive and wild experiences, saying if you've got the chance to do the crazy shit she's done (sure she was out of her mind),"Do It!"

    You speak to a wide audience, ME, and I love this quote because it makes me feel good, so thank you.

    1. Don't mind if I do.

    2. You should change your name to Happy Trials.

    3. Anonymous, you take my breath away.

  6. Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!

    Interesting quote, there is definatly some truth to it, I cannot deny that......... But Iam sure that quote has also brought down alot of people as well....... After giving into temptation you might not be able to go back to "normal" life without the thing you were tempted for........ Which in my case at least, is definatly true........

    1. yes. That is why I compared your addiction to drugs like addiction to people the other day. I think I said satanic people because I have this silly notion that attachments represent pain. I am addicted to chemicals but I cannot attach well, and I want love. This is excruciating.

      Do drugs represent love for you?

      There is a funny fake scene written by squirrel of life in the forum between 2 sociopaths and their kid discussing attachments. They explain to their kid that love is just chemicals.

    2. In what way do you mean do drugs represent love to me? Iam in love with my weed and methadone, if you are asking if I would give them up for actual HUMAN love of anybody other than family, I wouldnt count on it (at least getting off the weed, I cant get off the methadone, I just cant.......) so I guess that means chemical love is more "important" than "human" love to me at this moment.......

      If a woman asked me to choose her or methadone, I'd have to find another woman who is okay with me having BOTH.......

    3. Well for one, I think the same part of the brain will light up for both love and some drugs.

      If I am obsessed about a person and have trouble moving on I know I am in my "happy place" except it is not based in reality. This is me trying to relive good feelings in my mind. If I do this too often it feels like I am an addict. This addiction serves as a distraction for the bigger fish I need to to fry, like doing my responsibilities and things that are productive, things *I* can do for longer lasting happiness. The daydreams serve as a substitute.

      So I am curious if you feel the drugs are an escape just like the love chemicals for me.

      "I'd have to find another woman who is okay with me having BOTH....... "

      When I read that I thought such a woman will be hard to find unless you find another user. (I can't remember if you said you planned to go off the methadone.)

      I think it is hard to find a person willing to be dragged down, but Idk, I am addicted to going to bad thoughts and enough people are still loyal and loving towards me, so she may be out there. Lots of people do fall in love with addicts and stick by them.

    4. ALso I would never choose a man over my own compulsions. They would have to accept all of me or get the fuck out.

    5. Yes, the drugs addiction for me is exactly what your love addiction is to you, an excape, a feel better (even temporarily, a "cure all"........

      Methadone dosent bring me down, it doosts my life up, and it isint like I use it illegally, I go to a methadone clinic and get a supervised dose daily...... If a woman cannot deal with me TRYING to better myself than I wouldnt want to be with her anyway most likely.....

      Just like you wouldnt choose a man over your compulsions, I feel the same way for a woman, and one of my compulsions is my use of methadone I guess........

      So basically what Iam trying to say is we are both using the same parts of our brain to achieve pleasure, just by different means...... BUT, whe you TRULY and DEEPLY think about it, we BOTH need something OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES to light that part of our brain up and make us feel good....... Your addiction is love to men, my addiction is my love of methadone....... Both are outside sources of plesure that we cannot get by ourselves, we need other chemicals, and people, to put us in the same place, basically......

      Do you understand what Iam trying to say?

  7. The man with the spatial mind sat in full lotus beneath his resonance pyramid. He chanted and intoned various ascending and descending tones around the Schumann frequency, until it came to pass that he was prepared and ready. Kundalini was rising within him as he stood and marched into the final battle between the sons of man and the sexdroid invaders from beyond our dimensional reality.

  8. I think your life will get totally screwed up if you do this. This may make me sound like I am trying to be a goody two shoes, but I think the value of your life is in it's discipline. Who ever got anyplace by following all his desires? Look at someone who has accomplished something. It was by doing the opposite of following all of his desires.

    I think character is being able to make yourself do what is right, not what you want.
    Moreover, I think that true happiness comes from this. The other would be more of fake happiness like when you eat too much cotton candy. It starts out good, but then makes you sick.

    1. I think character is being able to make yourself do what is right, not what you want.

      Yeah, growing up sucks Monica.

    2. OOPS I meant for this to be here......

      EXACTLY! You are a very wise woman Monica......... People one here (me included) can learn alot from you.......

    3. "He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures."

      Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche

  9. Replies
    1. Theme for the Comments Section VERSUS The Forum

    2. Themes you crack me up.

    3. LOL Themes. Who tops and who bottoms?

    4. The Upstairs is the Comment Section and the downstairs is the Forum~

  10. If you have lived that quote as deeply as i have, you would end up as road weary as i am- and that is true despite my inability to remember or care about consequences. In other words the more you live that quote the less you can. Its a paradox because not living it doesnt work either

    1. yes. What do you do about the paradox??

    2. That most annoying word that is the key to everything- balance. And knowing that no one has everything

  11. EXACTLY! You are a very wise woman Monica......... People one here (me included) can learn alot from you.......

  12. Monica, I was really saddened when I read that you had lost your son. As a parent of two I can almost feel the grief you had felt and still feel.

    What happened to him?

    1. And to endure all these hardships and still come out as optimistic as you are, that's very rare. You're rare.

  13. Thank you for your kind words Anons
    They really uplifted me, today!

    1. Previous anon here, I understand if you do not want to share what happened to your child here,especially here, and I'm not sure if you already have, is it a subject you rarely touch or do you try to face it and become stronger?

    2. I share it, as my life purpose is to give what small help I can to others. On here, one gets many rude remarks and so, I try to be judicious about my life's details, as you can understand.

    3. Monica a few days ago TNP said you lied about your son, and when someone asked you if it was true you said yes of course you lied.

    4. Monica a few days ago TNP said you lied about your son, and when someone asked you if it was true you said yes of course you lied.

      When you bring up something sensitive on here, you are bound to get people being a jerk like this person. I think the good people on here know where I am coming from( and there are a lot of them)

      I am going to ignore from now on.

    5. Your response was that you lied, but it really doesn't matter. You are generous enough and honestly I don't care whether or not you tell the truth. I don't believe Rich is real anymore than I do you are.

    6. :) I will ASSURE YOU Iam real, and I will assure you Monica is JUST AS REAL, as we are friends off of Sociopathworld and talk regularly (almost daily, if not daily)...... She is the same person on here as she is in her real life off of here, and she hasnt lied about anything, everything she says, even about her sons suicide is true........

      She is a good person and I know she thinks iam a good person too :)

      :) I <3 ya Monica!!!!!!!!!

  14. Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.
    William Butler Yeats

    1. Thank you. THat is a good one. What is the "right" spirit? You mean enjoying the moment?

    2. I mean how do people here interpret Yeats' word "right"

    3. You can't just give in to every temptation that comes along. At least not easily. Have to consider the consequences, or you risk fucking up everything. No matter how strong the temptation, it better be worth it in the long run.

    4. I am sorry, you do not need to answer. I am not interested in discussing this anymore.

    5. I need to take More risks, anon347 . Not the tempting kind. The kid where it takes courage.

    6. I know I do too. It takes real courage to go after something that might change your life. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. But how do you get over the fear of losing everything?

    7. When I was involved with the bad man, I imagined losing him. Everyday I focused on when he would leave. I wanted to face this so I could prepare and be strong for this. It worked and I spent very little time in pain over the loss.

      I would like to harness that kind of courage and use it for other things.

    8. but i do not want to do that self fulfilling prophecy again. I have fear so I expect the worst, so I may get the worst. This is a terrible habit and one I have not been able to shake.

    9. That is a little depressing.
      I'm going to try and concentrate on the positive. Fuck the fear. Thanx.

    10. I know. That's why I stopped. I want to fuck the fear too. So far I can do it in my head only. Medusa says I should just put one foot in front of the other and do more and more, not think. And Zoe says to never ever give up. :)

    11. But how do you get over the fear of losing everything?

      If you are buddha, "everything" is minor, and if you are existentialist everything is nothing t all.

      This is cognitive dissonance if one wants things for himself.

  15. Replies
    1. Theme For the Anon who thinks Rich and Monica are not real

    2. Anon who thinks Rich and Monica are not realOctober 14, 2012 at 4:15 PM


    3. LOL @ 4:15!!!!!

      She is new here I guess (Iam thinking) nbbut iam pretty new too........ She will know and see who the good ones are here, and until then be VERY CAREFUL who you trust.

    4. I never noticed it before, but "Dorothy" looks pretty cute in that youtube clip :)

  16. The people here with the cognitive dissonance and the learned helplessness are annoying me. Get a lobotomy, and whatever you do, don't breed. Don't even go see a therapist. DO not pass go ..kill yourselves already, you've been through enough.

    1. Base jumping is the best rush you can imagine. Your life will never be the same and it's not like you have anything to lose. Go try it. And remember- parachutes are for pussies :)

    2. What is cogarive dissonance?


      It's a bitch, but everyone (except the hard ass above) has it to an extent.
      You're welcome.

    4. It is a good link.

  17. I just watched the movie Shame.

    Porn addict brother, borderline sister -very depressing.

    1. Just watched it, too. :)

    2. Did it turn you on to watch the guy fuck those girls?

    3. you mean at the end?

    4. the only scene that really turned me on was with him and the chick that looked like rebecca demornay/naomi watts in the train -the sweet, tasteful, non naked scene.

    5. Did you fap while watching it?

    6. oh yes, I fapped and fapped and fapped. I am raw from fapping.

    7. I hope you didn't waste your cum and swallowed it.

    8. Me, i'm going to ice my area, now. You?

    9. as a matter of fact i did swallow myself and reliably, I was delicious.

    10. Good, I don't like people wasting delicious food. I swallow my cum too, it's quite tasty to be honest. I should put it in a bottle next time until it's full and drink the whole thing.

    11. you must come from the depression era.

    12. you worry about wasting food and you store it for a rainy day.

    13. You're fucking boring Anon 10:08, Anon cum eater was being quite funny.

    14. Oh pardon me.

      *fits of laughter*

      I thought my Depression Era comment was funny. Must be a generational thing.

      wv: Imold

    15. Are you Davidsocio?

    16. Oh you're nikita. Hey how you doing?

    17. I taste my horse's cum after i massage his prostate. It's my only weakness.

    18. It's been a long time since you've posted around here, I kind of missed you.

    19. yeah, who ARE you??

    20. I have missed you, too.

    21. Liar. prove it, Ukan impostor.

    22. Well, I wasn't so happy by your comment when I was having my birthday, you told me to eat shit and die... Why would you say that, Nikita?

    23. Well I have never posted as Nikita, but I can only imagine she said it cuz you have such a way with the ladies, Ukan.

    24. Don't fucking lie to me.

    25. Okay okay don't hit me.


      I am nikita i'm nikita, I'm nikita ok?

    26. You're damn right, you little bitch.

    27. that's my girl. Come here and give me a big sloppy kiss, sweetheart, and I won't do that ever again. I'll never lay another hand on you ever again. My love.. my only love.

      Oh, Nikita Nikita Nikita Nikita.

      N I K I T A!
      I jut kissd girl named N I KI TA!

    28. Shut the fuck up... I found both cum eater, UKan and nikita to be funny, but you 'Ukan' you're another dumbass....

    29. which Ukan? Because I want to be the only dumbass in the house. It's MY HOUSE!

    30. You do it on purpose, don't you? Or maybe you're just a fucking dumbass.

    31. Do what? and which poster are you talking to? and what would the "it" be?

    32. no one here is ukan. He has an account with a picture of a fox or some shit.

    33. He doesn't come on anymore. Monica bit his peepee off in a cock fight.

    34. no that was TNP, and that was no cock fight.

    35. Posters up there ^ Elicit, Monica, and two others which I have no idea.

      Reveal yourselves, all of you.

    36. It was Medusa, you imbeciles.

    37. I am the anon with the false self so may I be excused from revealing?

    38. none of you are excused from revealing except me.

    39. I do not have a name. Please name me and I will be that name and then I will show you which posts are mine. OK?

    40. 10:13 PM is Nikita
      10:51 PM is Elicit
      10:55 PM is Monica
      Cum eater is Uknown
      Person using UKan is cum eater, so unknown
      Person using Ukan is Monica

    41. You are very smart, 11:01

    42. No, Nikita is Haven.

    43. Well no, Nikita is Medusa. Medusa is TNP.

  18. Who are you Anon 10:07?

  19. Does anyone want to admit to being really fucking wasted when they come on to this site?

    1. I am a puritan from america and therefore I do not partake in drugs or cum tasting of any kind.

    2. that is why you have cognitive dissonance.

    3. I know. I want badly to snort the dried cum from my sheets which I have scraped off with my fingernail, or else put it into my dady's pipe so he can smoke it but I do not D a re. It is a sin.


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