
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Big Brother Sociopath: Janelle Pierzina

From a reader's (by now somewhat dated) email:

One of your posts reminded me of a possible sociopath on reality television right now: Janelle Pierzina, who will probably be evicted from Big Brother tomorrow. A few episodes ago, she admitted she didn't cry during labor and doesn't at funerals. I didn't watch her previous seasons religiously (she got 3rd place twice), but she is a ruthless physical competitor and never shows empathy for her enemies in the house. Her competitors have finally figured her out, though--one had a confessional in a recent episode about Janelle's not having feelings being an advantage in the game--sounds like sociopathy to me!

Some good stuff is from 11:00-12:00 in this video.


  1. Just posting this to prevent a certain someone from getting first. You know who you are ;).

    1. and that is no joke(er)

    2. she definitely is a sociopath-she said she never gets sad. all sociopaths are not evil though-they just completely lack the ability to feel for another person. This can help them in certain things.

  2. everyone gets accused of being a sociopath(exept the sociopath he's to smart)

    1. what a narcissistic thing to say

    2. sometimes ppl think i'm a littel autistic
      (do autists have a sens of humor? are charming?)

    3. i remember telling an ex took her a lot of research and about a year befor she got it.
      (b4 that time i didn't know myself what it was called)

    4. (i do like talking to myslef i'm so great)

  3. A sociopath on the tele?

    Imagine that~

    1. they problebe make him into someone likeable someone ppl can relate to (but neurotypicals can't relate so sociopaths that's what makes them outside the box and to wierd to be true hard to spot/identify)

    2. Either I'm more high than previously thought, or that didn't make a whole lot of sense. Then again, there are shadow creatures on my walls...

    3. perading here like a one (wo)man freakshow.
      sex freakshow

    4. i was thinking about dexter

    5. How did you connect today's post with Dexter? Serious WTF

  4. she does have the 10 000 mile stare...

    1. she's EVIL RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. can i get anny (juicy) details on how she mentally physically and financially abuses here bf?

    3. just so i would know what NOT to do ^^

    4. you forgot sexualy

    5. strap ons are not just for girls on girls

    6. LOL... 10,000 mile stare. That's funny...

  5. she's a sore looser

  6. Her picture looks like a drunk driving or public intoxication mugshot!!!!! Maybe that is why she has the thousand yard stare......

    Good Morning Sociopathworld!

  7. SociopathWorld Forum Digested ReadsOctober 3, 2012 at 3:47 AM

    He’s MY Psycho – Slutty trailer trash wonders whether the tattoo of her name on her 41 year old ex-con diagnosed bona fide psychopath means is this love. She considers the drafting of an arrangement between the two ‘stating wat we both want (sexually and otherwise) and wat is expected from eachother [sic]’ One can only imagine what that Magna Carte would look like.

    Violence – hard-hitting (literally) no nonsense kiss & tell confessional. Will MMP return BOD’s cell-phone? We’ll just have to wait and find out.

    Literary Psychopaths – SPW is not just all about the ol’ in out, in out ultra-violence. Or is it?

  8. Replies
    1. ♪Monica & TNP up a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g♪

    2. that's gonne make for one "spacial" kid lol

    3. if it's a boy you sould name him

    4. I've seen Don Giovanni live. So wonderful.

  9. Replies
    1. Aw thanks themes! Still love this song.

      Have you ever considered creating an archive on your blog extension where we can go back and check out all the songs that you've posted for each of us? Different post for different people, event series, etc? Haha, just a thought. I like to organize. I'm weird like that.

    2. Thank you, Haven dear. I feel very special you would even consider that.

      Here is one of my favorites:

    3. Blasts From the Past

      Original Theme for Daniel Birdick

  10. Her name was Cheryl Mondat. Not Monday. That's a day of the week. She's a looker. That's a funny thing to say because she's blind.

    So when she walked into my office that morning, I thought It’d be only polite to open the door so she wouldn’t hurt herself again. And besides, maybe it wasn’t just my detective business that was starting to look up. - I’m Dick Walters – Psychopath Detective.

    People say I’m just some work-shy, bone-idle, know-nothing junkie. I like to think there’s methadone to my madness.

    I keep two magnums in my desk. One's a gun and I keep it loaded. The other's a bottle and it keeps me loaded. I buy all my guns from a bloke called ‘T-Rex’. He's a small arms dealer.

    So I didn’t know which magnum to reach for when Cheryl started telling me she was looking for a woman called Monica. Yes, the same Monica that had been in my office the other day.

    Was I being set up by this infamous Eden woman? Was I the unlucky Pierre in this Ménage à trios? And who was Veronica Von from Boca Raton and why was she parked outside my garage on the corner of Main Street & Vine?

    [To be continued]

    1. This is one talented writer!

    2. Rich wrote that.

    3. I think Mindless Pleasures wrote it.

    4. it is written by the film noir buff. who is it, i wonder ...hmmm ...Kind of dRaMAtiC, idk.

      I like it.

  11. You are a wonderful writer @@@@@@@@

  12. "If I get sad I just change my emotions"


    To be fair, a lot of people don't cry at funerals and stuff like that. I don't and I'm supposed to be the emotional one,yes? Not at funerals. Crying during labor is also more of an experience of pain, not emotion. Of course there are emotions after the fact, but while you are in the final stages of labor, mostly what women are thinking is, GET THIS THING OUT OF ME! Just saying.

    1. I was present at three of my four boys births... cut the cord thing and all, and you are right about the mindset. All T wanted was those little buggers OUT!!!! And I Know she cried when she first saw our oldest... but he was a emergency cesarean; very emotional for her. But I can't remember huge emotional outbreaks after the other three. She was happy, don't get me wrong; just not all bawling like over the first.

    2. And I actually tend to get angry at funerals... all the boo-hooing drives me nuts!

    3. Funerals are self-indulgent. But I guess everyone needs a good wallow every now and again. I just wish I didn't have to stick around and pretend I'm sad and sorry about the passing of someone that is probably better off how they now aren't. Bleh.

      I hate having to pretend to care. That's my main problem. And the rampant weeping doesn't help either.

    4. Right right my little droogies. Welly, welly well.
      I can’t stomach thy fatuous funeral neither. All that boo-hoo-hooing.

      I just like the ol’ milk plus at the Korova bar. Sharpens up the senses for the ol’ ultra-violence. And the ol’ in-out, in-out.

      Oh, and of course the lovely lovely music oh my brothers of Ludwig van

    5. Great Bolshy Yarblockos! Come with Uncle and hear all proper. Hear Angel trumpets and Devil trombones.
      You are invited.

    6. i always cry at dunerals specialy when they read the will and i end up ritch again ^^

    7. dit it is unfortudate I am as dumb as fuck eventho I am soo ritch

    8. Alex, I thought you were dead by now.

    9. I've suffered the tortures of the damned, Sir. Tortures of the damned.

  13. Not exactly a loserOctober 3, 2012 at 9:50 AM

    This post is a bit misleading in terms of the selected picture and the overall success of this socio Janelle on the show. A quick google shows how hot she looks, how she kept returning to the show, and how she won all the fan based awards, and possibly made the most money on the show. She also has had criminal charges against her in the past.

    She sure had a flat effect in the mentioned episode. Maybe that is the reason I fail to envy this woman, very disconnected in a disconnected way, unlike the empaths who may be disconnected in a one-day hope to be connected way.

  14. Very curious how folks attend to funerals of loved onesOctober 3, 2012 at 9:55 AM

    Woud anyone agree that the people who cry the most at funerals are those who are the most scared of their own death? Or, those who want to grab the stage? Or, those who feel they should express the highest sorrow due to association?

    WOuld you feel obliged to cry at your dad's funeral? Mom's? Sibling?

    Have you ever had a negative reaction from someone in the family because you did not cry at another family member's funeral?

    Have you observed any family member act quite weird as s/he prepared for the event during the day of the funeral (as in as if preparing for a wedding with the attention to detail on what they wear, etc.)?

    1. I;m terrified of dying. It's the only thing that truly scares me. So maybe, but not in my case. I never cry at funerals. I'm sure there are some people that do it to grab the stage and basque in the attention raining down on them.

      Mostly I think it's a sense of personal loss. You're not necessarily sad for the deceased, you're sad for yourself, for the loss you're experiencing.

      I've been yelled at by relatives before because I get uncomfortable with everyone expecting me to act a certain way. I've had my mom tell me it's okay to cry. Or people to tell me I should be more sensitive when I want to leave early. That I should be more comforting, etc.

      A heightened attention to detail is actually quite common. It's a natural defense mechanism to shield the mind from such intense grief. If you focus on something else with all your effort, the suffering of loss that you feel is pushed aside for a moment.

    2. is that you demon?
      time for an exorcism

    3. I didn't cry or have any emotional response, other than initial surprise, when my father suddenly died or at the funeral. I was 14 and friends of the family and teachers expressed a lot of concern about that which just puzzled me even more.

    4. I think that the people who cry at funerals most are probably the ones who have lost the most.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Take your personal info out or you will be run down and all your info plastered on here.

    2. Yesssss. Be afraid. Be so very afraid. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. For real! I had to learn that the hard way! lol

    4. damn you ugly linda

    5. buy a freaking bag to pull over your head ffs you are scaring the kids here

    6. think off the poor kids
      you gonna give them nightmares

    7. if you are not a good sociopath the boogeym...
      linda's gonna get you

    8. Daddy, I'm scared. Make her go away.

    9. You guys are so funny.

  16. be afraid be very afraid

    1. I already said that.

    2. who's your daddy?

    3. luke i'm your father

    4. supperfly
      i'm yoour daddy couse i did this to your mama

    5.'s not true. That's impossible.

    6. NooooooOOOOOOOooooo!!!!!!!!!

  17. And Janelle is supposed to be a sociopath why?

    1. Because Y is a crooked letter and Z is no better.

  18. SW has it's share of talented people. This award ceremony will recognize those contributions which go above and beyond our usual high level fare~

    The SW Literary Academy Award Goes to the Author of Dick Walters PD

    Thank you, Sir. May you continue your fine work for your appreciative audience at SW.

  19. Alex and Dick need to get together to drink milk and watch movies...

  20. that mugshot looks awful.

  21. Whose mugshot are we talking about? Janelle Pierzina or the above poster Linda Tremaine?

  22. Hey, obama, who's your daddy? Romney won debate!

  23. ^ Are you serious? Romney looked like he didn't know whether to shit or go blind.

    Plus, he more or less admitted that he'd bulldoze down Sesame Street given the opportunity.

    Contravening Godwin's Law I don't think even Hitler would evict Elmo. [Bert & Ernie might be another story]

    1. Yo Mitt Romney, Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters F & U! #debates #SupportBigBird.'

    2. Give Mitt credit where it's due. He shut down the moderator, and then told him that if elected, he'd cut funding to the place he worked for.

      Cajones the size of the US defense budget.

    3. I hope he does it, too. Shutting down PBS is long overdue.

  24. Haha yeah. Luckily he wears magical underwear to be able to accommodate those cojones.

    1. You ever gonna shoot me that email, Mindless Pleasures?

    2. I don't have your e-mail mate. Let me know how to contact you.

  25. Fuck me. I never knew that. I'm learning new things on this site everyday. Sooo yeah?

    1. E-mail sent

    2. BTW I forgot to say. I have legal contracts that if you want to sign for any writing you send me. [Non-disclosure forms etc]

      Failing that, you have my word as an English gentleman that any writings, ideas, IP will not be plagiarised, on-sold etc.


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