
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sociopathic pig

Unless this pig experiences emotions and used empathy or altruism to decide to save this goat?


  1. Replies
    1. You should be embarrassed at this point, Alter.
      I can see you practicably holding your breath every night, waiting for the new post to go up lol

    2. No she shouldn't, this game's funny. I put my alarm on every morning to get my first.

      Good game, Alter.

  2. Thanks, Extremity♥

  3. that makes me feel all warm and tingling inside ther's hope for the world yet :-)

  4. empaths are traped in there own narrow mind rules and regualtions. And a sociopaths doesn't that's why he gets a head (and in jail)and why he's actualy less judgemental.

    1. empaths compair others to them selfs. sociopaths know they can't campair themselfs to others.

    2. That is the dumbest thing I've read all day. Not just because of the poor grammar, and spelling errors, either.

    3. someone has to represend the low functioning sociopath (we all know and fear on tv)

  5. You're sick... I love it. ;p

  6. Helping in creature in distress is more about a reaction to the extraordinary and less about emotional processing. Dr. Joseph Newman speaks about as much after his extensive interviews with psychopaths.

    1. I second this. Helping in an emergency situation is an impulsive act, responding an opportunity to exercise a kind of power that the helper believes he has.

      Those who drown while trying to save someone else are the ones who misjudge their own powers, possibly narcissists, don't you think?

    2. Take a peak: Reacting

      The whole video is pretty good. Watch it if you have enough time.

    3. fReaKy sUbLimiNaL mESsAgesSeptember 23, 2012 at 7:06 AM


    4. HTFU

      When responding to an individual drowning you have to remember not to get yourself killed. A person who is close to drowning WILL take you down with them... they are FIGHTING for their life! You may have to sit back, tred some water, and watch them pass out so they will stop flailing before you can "save" them. Once they're out, you can do whatever you need to do.

      Just because someone tries to help another person who is drowning and fails miserably doesn't make them a narcissist. It makes them ignorant, inexperienced, and very impulsive.

      I saw on the news where this guy fought off an alligator that was trying to eat his little dog... I would have gotten a new dog.

  7. monica has a narcissist detector, she sees narcissists before everyone else does it's very weird

    1. if you see a name with a heart next to it, written by monica, you know when that person's a narcissist.

      TNP is a narcissist too

    2. Everyone on here is something. Remember that, Anon(s) ~

    3. how do you detect them so quickly? what is so common amongst them?

    4. If I may interject.
      Monica does not detect them consciously, she is attracted to narcissists. It's not just the males either, it's the females too. She may not know this about herself, but, she is attracted to all the qualities about people that she believes she is not. You will hear her talk about arrogance as though she is sworn to loath it; she does not. Arrogance is commonly mistaken for confidence. Not all of what Monica says is the exact opposite of the "truth", and she has her moments of brilliance, and intuition. Still, she has shown time and again through her actions, that a lot of what she says is the opposite of what she means. This may stem from lying to herself for so many years as a form of ego protection, and making herself believe her own lies. (I am not just talking about Monica here but all narcissists)
      One thing you can be sure of is that 9 times out of 10; if she is saturating you in praises, when you first get here, and becomes a sworn disciple, then you are most likely a narcissist. If she insults you and slanders your name; you are most likely not a narcissist, and she cannot accept your "truth" because it clashes with her own "truth".
      This blog has taught me more about the ins and outs of narcissists, than it has about sociopaths, namely because this blog attracts so many narcissists, and is also written by one.
      I was mistaken when thinking that narcissists cannot get along with each other. This blog has taught me that it is more common for non-narcissists to clash with narcissists, than it is for narcissists to clash with each other, because they feed off each other's delusions and grandeur.

      Good morning, Monica. :)

    5. Ok
      Lets talk turkey. Who comes on here? Put them in groups~

    6. I think I may need to clarify my opinion above.
      From this blog, I have learned that codependents (inverted narcissists) are attracted to the classic narcissist and vice versa.

      Here is a link that describes various forms of narcissists, for those who are as curious as I am. :)

    7. Nah, the author is not a narcissist, you got that part wrong at least.

    8. We will agree to disagree on that part then. :)

    9. 1. cerebral -- people who feed their narcissistic needs from their intelligence, academic, or professional achievements. Examples would be evangelists, CEOs, professors, physicians etc.

      LMAO I think I could name a few like that here!!!!

    10. Somatic are worse ~

    11. Ok
      Lets talk turkey. Who comes on here? Put them in groups~

      My group list of the personalities who frequent--
      Narcissists, Borderlines, Aspergers, Schizoids, Bipolars, and neurotic Jew bastards.

      LOL just kidding about the Jews!

    12. Good *rolls eyes*

    13. There are no narcissists that are worse than another, anon 9:51. They are all dysfunctional in the same way, but with different supply needs.

    14. See Anon 9:52, on your list Narcissists are the best because they are first on the list. Top that :D

    15. They are on top of the list because they make up the majority. Nice try lol :)

    16. Actually, real talk now. Narcissists are the least disordered of the spectrum. Your list was a spectrum, even though not each was in the correct order or category except for the narcissist who is the most in touch with reality, compared to the others.

    17. My list was for fun, and was not about a spectrum. I was kidding when I said I listed them as first because they are the majority. The list was just an opinion about the type of people I see participating the most on this blog. Would you say that you are a cerebral narcissist, anon 10:02? :p

    18. No, I am a somatic narcissist.

    19. The somatic narcissist will flaunt his sexual encounters and conquests. He uses women solely for sex. The somatic narcissist is very aware of his physical self and is often a health freak or hypochondriac. He likes the best of everything including cars, luxury vacations, expensive clothes, and jewelry. Believing that these things are an extension of him, the somatic narcissist will strive to get material possessions.

      You must be right about narcissists being the most in touch with reality then. I'm sure everyone would agree that you are the most attractive, and greatest lover in all the world! lol
      But real talk now; I do consider Monica to be the one person here who is the most in touch with reality. ;)

    20. Monica is attracted to anyone who will give her attention. They don't have to be pathological.

    21. Dump on Monica, TNP, when she is nice to you ~

    22. actually, there are sociopathic traits thAt are in fact also typical of many Jews- i married into a Jewish family and Some of them have no empathy or remorse at all, and scoff at do- gooders. I think the neurotic/anxiety thing thAt typifies jews is why they are more typically associated with borderline- however, a borderline that is not in fear is prett close to a psychopath

    23. Leave the Jews alone. Do you think you may be a little crazy with those fucking towel heads on your ass?

  8. I think the real sociopathic pig is the idiot who staged that scene and shot it with his camera.

  9. I told you that I had a duck fly into my screened porch and not be able to get out. Many hours later, another duck flew in through the screen door( which I had left open, hoping the other duck would leave) and led the imprisoned duck, out.

    1. Interesting! Ive had a bird do that but no other birds came to his/her rescue.

      :) Good Morning Monica and SW!

  10. fReaKy sUbLimiNaL mESsAgesSeptember 23, 2012 at 5:33 AM


  11. If you are narcissistic, you are not trying to be a jerk. You had to throw away your core self and try to be perfect to win a Narcissistic parent's love. Hence, you don't have access to your real feelings( or are afraid to show them as you were humiliated for them by being called selfish etc)

    The person is in a prison of trying to be perfect, basically. If not, the person feels he will be shunned, forever. Moreover, he shuns himself when he is not totally perfect.

    If he is not perfect, he can't face himself because he believes he is total worthless garbage.

    It is not something people choose. It is a defense mechanism against the horrible feelings of feeling totally worthless. This hurt so much that the person built a false self, so he could avoid that pain. However, then he is locked in the prison and there is no real person living a real life.

    1. You're intelligent. It's a shame you're fucked up.

    2. Yea, it's a damn shame :P

  12. Office Hours: Psychopathy
    the test think aspies would pass that test 2
    they 2 can do tunnelvision right?

    1. You don't have to be a psychopath for that test, but all psychopaths get the same results from that test.

    2. the animals with words in

  13. Forgive me if I'm missing something, but why would we consider the pig to be sociopathic?

    As a mammal, the pig probably has social instincts, and the capacity for empathy, though possibly not the the extent of humans. Admittedly, we know know exactly what is motivating the pig here. But what indicates that it is sociopathic?

  14. I actually think the pig is a narcissist needing the goats admiration
    ~lovely Monica~

  15. I actually think the pig is a narcissist needing the goats admiration
    ~lovely Monica~

  16. What is the goat in this drama~

  17. Its prolly a duck in goats clothing and he actually knows how to swim hoping the pig will drowned trying to save him cuz the ducks hungry for bacon

  18. Sociopaths don't lie; our truth is just different than ours

    1. That's a pretty blanket statement....Maybe YOU are sociopath that does not lie, but def not across the boards true

  19. I miss Mindless Pleasures.

    Your admirer,

    1. wait, you mean

      Your admirer,

  20. Hello Monica my dear : )

    How are you?


  21. Hey Anonymous - do you want to play a quick, friendly Q&A game?

    1. Sure. I was hiding in the shadows :D

  22. Ok : ) Nothing serious - it's just a bit of fun.

    Basically, I'm going to ask you 5 questions and all you have to do is give a one word answer.

    But, here's the catch - each of your answers has to be a lie. So just make it up. However within 5 questions I have to make you give a truthful answer?

    Capiche? : )

    1. I love games.
      I am a little wooly on the directions, but I should catch on, as we go :D

    2. I got another Anonymous playing, too *sigh*. That shoot was not me, but shoot :)

  23. That's the spirit.

    So, just tell a lie. Make up anything - it's just for fun. Honestly. And be quick. I'm watching the time above each of your comments - so you don't think to hard about hit. goes

    What country do you live in?

  24. What is the capital of Sweden?

  25. Umm (tell a lie - remember)

  26. Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. So you're not lying.

    1. I wasn't sure on that. I thought I could have a truth in there, but do I have to wait until YOU tell me. Sorry

  27. Just name any city in the wortld that's not Stockholm.

  28. What continent is New York City located?

  29. Ummm North American

    1. OOPS I forgot to lie. I am screwing up. :(


  30. Hint - lie (we've discussed this already ; )

    1. Oh dear Thank you for your patience. I get it now :D
      Go on, please.

    2. Please don't go into law, Monica. You'll get all your clients convicted.

  31. I've lost count - how many questions is that?

  32. Have you played this game before?

  33. Congratulations - you're a winner : )

    1. I will be back, Mindless Pleasures. We will think of another game. Maybe, I will this time *sigh*

  34. Haha. Yeah, I'm afraid so. The 1st prize set of steak knives will be sent to your forwarding address

  35. That was Fucking FUNNY!!!!

  36. What is your Astrological Sign, Mindless Pleasures :D

  37. Good Night, Rich :)

  38. To be a sociopath is to be a dark abyss filled with lust. Lust to live. Lust to learn. Lust to see. But not be seen. We will take when no one is looking. We will steal because we are not afraid. The sheep will hide in the meadows. But we will come out to play.


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