
Monday, July 30, 2012

Sociopath or INTJ?

I have mentioned this before, but I sometimes wonder if INTJs aren't all sociopaths.  Or mostly sociopaths.  Or maybe I'm not a sociopath, I'm just an INTJ.  This article (from a reader) discusses some of the differences (allegedly) between the two:

Although INTJs (Myers-Briggs personality Type profile) share some of the same characteristics as the psychopath, the appearance of shallow emotions and an idiosyncratic value system, especially as it applies to sexuality, they are not normally psychopaths. 

Whereas, psychopaths have very sallow emotions, INTJs appear to be unemotional. Actually, they can be hypersensitive on some levels, especially with the few people about whom they care. They are not as responsive to praise or criticism as some of the other personality types. They show the world a veneer of calm self-confidence, which can be mistaken for arrogance (I am being generous here). 

INTJs tend to be introspective, more at home with theories and principles than human relationships. They have an endearing tendency to look at one over their glasses or raise one eyebrow to show disapproval. They make up about one percent of the population. INTJs are quite often highly educated, successful individuals, because they can be unusually intelligent. Though, they are not particularly interested in accumulating wealth. 

She then gives a list that actually makes INTJs seem a lot like sociopaths.  Of course this doesn't mean that sociopaths can't be INTJs...  But that doesn't mean INTJs are sociopaths.  INTJs apparently only seem cold, but really are just cold on the exterior.  Other differences include:

The psychopath will come into contact with the criminal justice system because he or she is impulsive, amoral, opportunistic and irresponsible. INTJs are impulsive under stress. However, they are more likely to shoot themselves in the foot (figuratively speaking, folks) than shoot their maiden aunt to acquire her fortune. Remember, most INTJs are not dazzled by material possessions. Though, I have seen a few who liked their toys. They may quit their job when their feathers are ruffled, without wondering how they will pay the bills. INTJs can also be highly insulted if someone dares question their ideas or principles, because they are convinced of the "rightness" of their beliefs. Yawn. Nonetheless, they probably will not bury their Nemesis in the backyard. It is much more likely that crimes will be committed by psychopaths.

Of course it's possible that INTJs are sociopaths or vice versa:

There is no law that says a psychopath cannot be an INTJ. However, I would be surprised if that were the case. INTJs are normally boringly responsible individuals. Consequently, if you have someone with a spotty employment record, he is probably not an INTJ...start wondering about psychopath. Be cautious, one trait does not a psychopath make. 

Hmm, spotty employment record...

But can you imagine good old Myers and Briggs envisioning this sort of use for their personality distinctions when they made them?  Or Jung, for that matter?  It's become the seemingly legitimate astrology of the masses.

[Like that graph I used for the picture?  Can you imagine working at a place with that many INTJs?  Talk about society of sociopaths, right?  It actually comes from a group of intelligence analysts.]


  1. Replies
    1. INTJ the intuition never sees the light of future only and always past. Their view of rational starts at the effect and seeks the cause. Their introduction and conclusion are backwards. They can not form logical morality as the means justifies the ends with their personality. At the juncture where rules end they have no fucking idea what they are doing and will easily eat your face like a mad cannibal. One must think before one acts to have morals. Thinking can be logical or emotional, acting can be direct(sensing) or indirect(intuition) plug that philosophy into their perspective and viola a sociopath. 1% of population for a reason.

    2. "The psychopath will come into contact with the criminal justice system"

      As the undocumented victim, bystander, police, or otherwise. And manifest this role into future happening.

    3. INTJ's do have a heart. It's just not as well developed as a feelers. Put an INTJ into a relationship with an ESFJ and they always become more soft. Keep them away from ESFP's. They are not good for them. Total opposites you see.

    4. like everyone else it depends if we have a morality compass. Without a grounding in some type of morality where life is valued everyone would have a problem associating with other people. However I can see if INTJ's aren't hinged onto some type of morality realization they could more easily see the benefits of doing anything they want against other personality types.

    5. Seriously? I prefer the term "sociopath." The "psychopath" is used so much in the media and among empaths that one would think you are going to go running around stabbing and maiming without fail. Highly biased article, I would say. And no, I am not a sociopath (I think). I am an INTJ.

    6. Well said, Sherlock. High functioning sociopath wins again.

    7. i'm very sorry but you have not done enough research, intjs don't look to the future? that's not at all correct. they are the number one type to plan their own funeral. go read all the functions and sub-functions. istjs are the ones who look to the past, they are very good at recalling information. while intjs are relentless planners, they often know exactly what they want to do, and how they will do it. where are you pulling this garbage from?

    8. INTJ is considered 'The Mastermind' or 'The Scientist' for a reason, and it's astutely clear you've no real knowledge of the INTJ type. They are constantly looking to the future. With relevance to the past, of course, because how else can one logically consider future endeavors. INTJs are concerned, very much, with the truth. They come across as standoffish to those who are impaired in accurately perceiving truth in all things. This in no way relates to a lack in morals, though is often perceived as such by those who are unable to employ pure logic and rationality. It's not at all surprising that these similarities are raised, but as put in the article, it's the placid stature of the INTJ, enveloped in a need for logical deduction that attributes to this; that is merely the surface, however. Sociopaths and Psychopaths are unduly charming and use this to their advantage to use people...INTJs are often socially awkward, and thus come across as such, when the true Sociopaths and Psychopaths proceed through life unnoticed...the proverbial 'wolf in sheep's clothing' so to speak. INTJs experience a ferocity of emotions, yet emotion is irrelevant to truth and logic, so emotional aspects are suppressed.

    9. INTJ is considered 'The Mastermind' or 'The Scientist' for a reason, and it's astutely clear you've no real knowledge of the INTJ type. They are constantly looking to the future. With relevance to the past, of course, because how else can one logically consider future endeavors. INTJs are concerned, very much, with the truth. They come across as standoffish to those who are impaired in accurately perceiving truth in all things. This in no way relates to a lack in morals, though is often perceived as such by those who are unable to employ pure logic and rationality. It's not at all surprising that these similarities are raised, but as put in the article, it's the placid stature of the INTJ, enveloped in a need for logical deduction that attributes to this; that is merely the surface, however. Sociopaths and Psychopaths are unduly charming and use this to their advantage to use people...INTJs are often socially awkward, and thus come across as such, when the true Sociopaths and Psychopaths proceed through life unnoticed...the proverbial 'wolf in sheep's clothing' so to speak. INTJs experience a ferocity of emotions, yet emotion is irrelevant to truth and logic, so emotional aspects are suppressed.

  2. I am an INTJ naturally and and occasionally an ENTJ. I've only had one job and I quit because I wasn't getting enough out of it. I would kill my maid for her fortune if it was 100% certain I would not get caught. I would do anything for money/toys/power if I couldn't get caught. It's only just my luck that those opportunities don't present themselves often. Otherwise I would get bored with the game and just become a junkie. I'm 20 years old, 21 in 3 months.

    1. It's impossible to be an INTJ and occasionally an ENTJ, go study a bit more before typing yourself so poorly.

    2. Don't take the MBTI archetypes so seriously. People can adopt different profiles at different points in their life. Nobody is 100% I, 100% N, 100% T, and 100% J all the time. The MBTI functions are *preferences*, not ironclad rules.

      So go study a bit more before acting like you know everything.

    3. MBTI is ironclad preferences of balanced rational equations reinforced with word association.

      E- people
      S- pleasure
      F- feelings
      P- order

      ESFP: Known as the performer personality able to emulate all constructs
      INTJ- emptiness of any indulgence of humanity

    4. I beg to differ on some comments on INTJs, specifically this one"It's impossible to be an INTJ and occasionally an ENTJ, go study a bit more before typing yourself so poorly."
      Im very introverted and extremely thinking oriented hell I have plans broken down into specifics 15 chronologically and guess what? I have achieved every bit of them.
      Down to the ENTJ part though. Ive taught myself proximics and how to enter act with those around me. my nonverbal reading does me greatly and my studies on social rhetoric.
      I find most of the time I must cater my verbiage to the crowd at present hand. Especially when it comes to talking about complex investment ideologies.
      If a man to picture me as would help I would recommend most ppl to think of highly practiced and refined yet humble and objective INTJs as a Bruce Wayne. Always isolated in the background probing planning his next move very observant and strong minded. Watching thow social interactions take place and becoming a catalyst for presence when i exchange social interaction. Like in batman, the new, Bruce wayne was very sociable able to flaunt around lavishly often seen as an arrogant rich boy. When the reality is its all a front for the visual perception of society. Best to make other thing your your mindless and outgoing than to be observant and let them know you playing chess.
      When I see how I plan to move nonchalantly around in public I find that I exude confidence and sheer strength in persona. Not my words btw. Its funny how I can play the extrovert part so well but at the end of the day when all is said in done and any social event is through I find myself more than exhausted and always have to recharge my myself through self seclusion and data analysis.

    5. srry for the typo errors my strength has never been in grammar and my fingers cannot keep pace with my mind. Plus i prefer to more precise with quantative methods and mathematics.:) plus grammar is irrelevant to the forum. But I hope I can give other a POV from a true INTJ. WE mean no harm and I don't see myself as a sociopath by any means although being in public does become very very taxing when you pay attention to many small details.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. you would have no moral compass,or you were raised by wolves,you are to young to know what you would do in a dire situation,you are not focused or have been enlightened

    10. As a very happy(lol yalls word) and formerly dangerous (self realization does wonders) sociopath I will say I'm no real danger to society either anymore. But I have been involved in quite a few unscrupulous acts of which would certainly be considered an obvious pattern of anti social behaviour. The reason I am no longer a danger or feal any urge to commit crime(at least the for the sake of doing it) is partially due to the simple knowledge that I now understand the system within me that causes me to feel joy when I do. Thus simply by my very nature I have taken away that systems power over me by just understanding even that part of me is just another fucking system to be understood and pulled on... it takes all the fun out of it. Like drinking after you turn 21. Additionally understanding what I am allows me to focus on the things I know I can change and gives me an unexplainable ease with life about the things I cant... my point is this, as a wolf that has made other bigger wolves piss themselves, even I through my own understanding have come to be at a place of peace and I have to say it's in everyone's best interest for us to educate the society because a individual like myself stabbing about in the dark blind all those years a slave to my impulses caused a lot of damage and all in all with the deck stacked against me like it was... I'm pretty impressed I never murdered 30 people to be honest. It's not hard to imagine. Know thyself, ignorance is dangerous to all.

  3. I'm an intj. I've been an intp on a test or two. But in general I think I judge more than perceive.

    1. Interesting that we didn't click when I posted on the forum. Also an INTJ.

    2. Perhaps I just haven't seen your best side yet. Everyone gets picked apart on entry. We only end up liking people if they can take it and stay.

      Exceptions being people like david when they take it and stay. There's a difference between resilience and worship.

    3. I never really saw the appeal of men being physically aggressive to each other for fun. Likewise, I don't see the appeal in sticking around a forum full of cannibalistic piranhas. I have no grudge, I just don't think I'd gain anything from it.

  4. And by the way... white bars.

  5. Lol. I copied and pasted the bars. Explains why my husband and I work. He's the one creating bodies, I'm just down to help him bury them.

    1. I'm interested to find out why you are your husband work. What kind of dynamic you guys have. I could never marry a violent psychopath. A sociopath, sure, he would GET ME and we could play with each other's social circles and he could be the Basil to my Dorian Gray.

    2. It's enough to select the text in bars and I discovered it the first time they appeared...

    3. Not on my tablet.
      and our dynamic is fun, light, and spontaneous. I'm very accepting of his crazy, without being delusional, and he lends me direction with his ambition and drive. We work quite well.

  6. Alter, I heard your prayers, and I forgive you. It's ok, you can let that guilt go. Feels good, doesn't it? :)

    Kany, do you want to come over to my apartment tonight? Now that Raven's gone, someone has to replace her. She'll always be in my heart, though.

  7. Themes for SW RegularsJuly 30, 2012 at 4:59 AM

    Someone took over Themes but at least you had good Themes approved choices *rolleyes*

    1. I agree, they're magnificent choices, Monica. Anyway, you're fired, I am Themes now and you don't get to make a theme anymore. If you want to make one, ask for my permission.

    2. Themes for Sw RegularsJuly 30, 2012 at 5:23 AM

      LOL Extremity. Why don't you have Extremity's picks? That way, you can have your own personal expression. The fun of it is to find the person, from how you pick them up and then put it out to them. You do your own. I would be interested in seeing what you choose.

  8. I get a different result every time I do it.
    They said I could be whatever I wanted ... So I became a chameleon ~

  9. Sociopaths do not have types. Archetypal analyses do not work on awesome individuals who have no set identity. Human tendency to group things or people into categories is what resulted in the usage of terms like psychopath, sociopath, or whatever might be politically correct to call us freaks. Myers-Briggs tests are politically correct inventories accepted willfully by the naïve mass of people who use the term personality without fully understanding individual differences. Political correctness does not establish reality. People that voluntarily group themselves within distinctions of a myers-briggs style inventory are lazy fucks waiting to be taken advantage of by people like myself who could be in any category at any given moment.

    1. @changed name

      ^^How refreshing it is to read someone say this...But you know how many people get horny for boxes....many times specialty boxes do.

      Though I digress; I have admired the so-called INTJ construction. For whatever reason, it's often seemed to carry some affinity with me & those with whom I better relate.

    2. The only reason I consider the INTJ an admirable concept is because I can pick the people with that particular box over their head out by their mannerisms, and I know full well that I can outsmart them, make them hate themselves because they are outwitted, leave them feeling shitty and alone after I get what I want, and I am confident that they will not come back to interrupt when I find something new I want.

    3. Can you describe the mannerisms? Are these "self aware" INTJs or non? Can you type other personalities and pull their strings?

    4. Agreed with changed name. I score as an INTJ. And as much as I would love to become a label, that is one thing I can't manifest as. Changed name, by targeting INTJ's does this mean you take Myer's Briggs at least somewhat seriously?

      I think there is a certain handicap in knowing you're smart. You stop trying. I hate Myers Briggs for the fact that it tricks you into limiting yourself. You feed it this information, you perceive about yourself.. And then it reflects it back what you want to see. INTJs may not all be Sociopaths. But people who cling to such archetypes could easily be narcissists?

    5. The opportunity presents itself no matter if a person took a test or not. The majority of people accept an identity, while some people ride on the coattails of people who settle for an identity. There are a serious amount of choices, from personality types people choose to the religions and the college majors that take over people's lives. There is seriously no way to deny the mbti is a source. I can pull strings if an identity projects which buttons I need to push.

    6. But you wouldn't, need, Myers Briggs.. You already possess the awareness of different personality traits, why use someone else's theory? Why use the box at all when the goods are there for the taking? Jungian concepts just get in my way.

    7. No, people generally do not identify whatever it is they subscribe to in passing. I wouldn't say I use the theories so much, as rather I am one to use my own theory and then I use my knowledge of the existence of whatever theory to confirm that is something they know about too, and as a result it is something they subscribe to.

    8. Well, yes. Theories are a great way to gauge someones nativity. If you really want a thrill, look at the INTJ forums and fan sites. People eagerly striving to be the poster-child, to demystify the misunderstood. The best is the women coming forward.. OH. That cheeky, "I knew I was special!" kind of garbage.


    9. Damn spell check! Naivety.

    10. "The only reason I consider the INTJ an admirable concept is because I can pick the people with that particular box over their head out by their mannerisms, and I know full well that I can outsmart them, make them hate themselves because they are outwitted, leave them feeling shitty and alone after I get what I want, and I am confident that they will not come back to interrupt when I find something new I want."- changed name

      Just because one might be considered "INTJ" does not necessarily make them more/less a challenge to take advantage & manipulate.(Though, they could be) I do not take for granted the chemistry & recipe can be more complicated than merely that. I take each person/experiment on a case by case basis-as not to screw my own self over by boxing in even more- the already boxed. This way, I may avoid repetition & unnecessary mistakes. I welcome trial & error.
      As far as mannerisms go...I have little if any that are different or stand out. The ones I do use are often changed &/or faked for the sake of convincing another for the situation at hand.
      Really, it's all for the sake of reeling people in & getting a response. It depends & varies whether it's the one the manipulated expected or never even saw coming (that's a way of spicing things up & not always clinging to a firm result. That alone has aided me. You see, when someone is always putting on- it's hard to deduce what really is: ultimately real.

    11. Changed name,
      For you to believe that you can pick an INTJ and outsmart them at your will, you're claiming that you could outsmart people like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Elon Musk.

      You think you can make an INTJ feel crappy about themselves? Haha.. You should know that they're already socially awkward and someone close to them would have already made a remark making them feel crappier than you as a stranger to them would ever manage to! And guess what, they're not gullible to this feeling of "socially rejected".. They must have been rejected a few 100x times already. Yet, they'd see a pattern in those rejections and recognise what their strengths and weaknesses are.

      You seem to be more interested in satiating your ego by making an INTJ look like a fool before you and destroy their sense of self worth. It is this: making someone feel worthless, that sounds like a plan of a psychopath or a sociopath. Work a little backwards and you'd see that they either feel the same about themselves (or were made to feel that way by someone at some point in the past). Therefore, now, the only thing that they need to make themselves feel better is.. a regular drug of: "he or she is more worthless than I am".

      Sure, you might win a battle or two, you won't win if it was really a WAR! Good luck!

  10. Heh. Anytime I've ever taken a Meyers-Briggs test I score INTJ. Definitely not socio.

    1. do you have a set identety haven?
      and if you don't does it bother you?

    2. i love my identetys
      they are ugly as hell
      sexy as hell
      smart as hell
      evil as hell
      good as gold
      manipulative as hell
      and all are bad spellerz

    3. Anytime I've ever taken a Meyers-Briggs test I score INTJ
      you don't have to lie to us haven we are your friends ;)

    4. Heh. You don't know me too well if you think I feel a need to lie here.

      No, I don't have a set identity. I'm whoever I want to be, or happen to be, wherever I'm at.

      Parts of my identity are more consistent than others. Those are the parts that are the ones I think are the "real" me, but they are often subverted or pushed aside when need be.

  11. Sociopaths are not INTJ or any other Myers-Briggs personality. Archetypal analyses do not work for a sociopath because a sociopath has no set identity. Myers-briggs tests are but another politically-correct tool to be used by the naive mass of tools who don't understand individual differences in personality. Political correctness does not establish reality. Human tendency to categorize things and people results in terms like psychopath, sociopath, or whatever is politically correct now to call us freaks. Human tendency to group results in myers-briggs' style inventories. People who willingly group themselves according to myers or briggs are lazy fucks who are undoubtedly taken advantage of super easily by people like me who are everything and whoever, whenever we want to be.

  12. Sociopaths are not INTJ or any other Myers-Briggs personality. Archetypal analyses do not work for a sociopath because a sociopath has no set identity. Myers-briggs tests are but another politically-correct tool to be used by the naive mass of tools who don't understand individual differences in personality. Political correctness does not establish reality. Human tendency to categorize things and people results in terms like psychopath, sociopath, or whatever is politically correct now to call us freaks. Human tendency to group results in myers-briggs' style inventories. People who willingly group themselves according to myers or briggs are lazy fucks who are undoubtedly taken advantage of super easily by people like me who are everything and whoever, whenever we want to be.

    1. Sociopaths could easily fit into one of the MBTI archetypes when you consider their usual behavior. Just because they will act differently when they need to doesn't mean they have absolutely no expression of personality.

    2. Usual behavior can mean a lot of things: usual behavior reported, usual behavior observed, usual behavior recorded meshed with a social desirability bias, usual behavior observed meshed with bias from practitioner; the list goes on..

    3. Usual behavior as in the sum of activities and predilections that one has formed over the course of their life. Obviously with a sociopath any characteristic will be dropped when necessary, but even they have patterns of behavior.

    4. Case study is the closest scientists get to measuring all the activities a person did over a period of time and the predispositions the person has to act those ways (the latter is a stretch of a conclusion from any measure). However, a case study takes an elongated period of time, whereas a so called personality inventory takes less than a day to administer. Give an empathic person the same scrutiny during some point in their life - some point when they're unempathic - like after an ugly breakup. Find a sociopath who lets you get into her mind at some point when she is empathic. See where I am going with this?

  13. i have no dreams
    and so i steal yours
    and make you blelieve them

  14. According to the test my aspie friend is INTJ xD

    1. he's an undercover PSYCHOPATH
      R U N !

    2. No he's not :)

    3. Conclusion: not all sociopaths are INTJ and not all INTJ are sociopaths, just like not all niggers are thieves and not all priests are child molesters!

    4. I was with you until the priest thing. Surely indoctrination is a form of molestation.

    5. What about dead priests? If we ignore their condition, they are a perfect example :)

  15. and tell 'm to register here

    1. I did, he wasn't interested

    2. he does sound as boring as an aspie
      he better be really smart
      and rich ofc

    3. Well I'm not into the same sex relationships, but if you want, I could arrange a meeting.
      He is indeed boring by himself, but can provide lots of fun if you are willing to use him! I created a fb account for him, told the password and informed that I'll write something embarasing every day until he'll start using it himself... now he sometimes checks in and sends me a link to something 'interesting' I pretend to be interested too. Well It's interesting to see what's interesting for him! :D I also made him do the personality test, as well as some psychopath tests :D

    4. i live close to a aspie he's hard as hell to trigger (make laugh)
      dit it but still not sure it's real i really sould talk about how we are difrend and the same (empathy for one)

  16. The last two times I took this the results were interesting. Both times at counseling. Two different head shrinkers. Both times inconclusive as to what I was.

    1. ther there
      you are special
      (i smell a narc)

    2. I did ride a short bus once. My Mommy said it was the bus for special kids, does that count? :o)

    3. only if it was on city parade

  17. and you were wering nothing but a tigre thong and a clown's nose


  18. Often wondered about that test. Anyone have a link for the full test ?


      Try this.

    2. That link I posted earlier I think you have to pay for but it's the real deal. This link has one is free:

    3. If you're hanging in Maldives I believe it. Take the real one and get the feedback then. :op

  19. I think sociopaths would more likely be a ESxP type, due to their lack of impulse control. A true psychopath would probably test as some sort of ENxJ (long range planning, careful, meticulous). The psychopath most likely to get away with murder would be an ENTJ, and as it goes, most CEO's of large corporations are ENTJ's.

    INTJ's are more likely to be diagnosed as autistic or with aspies, due to their introversion and possibly also because of a greater sense of inner morality.

    1. The cognitive functions of ENTJ's are:
      Dominant, extroverted thinking (logical and ambitious)
      Auxiliary, introverted intuition, hightly inteligent, plans far ahead and understands situations/people deeply
      Backup, extroverted sensing, skillful and controlled aggression / threatening behaviour; impulsive, and loves to experience new and exciting things.
      suppressed: introverted feeling

      This still isn't strictly the same as a sociopath mind, because introverted feeling is still fully functioning (even if it is largely subconscious). Also, I don't think ENTJs are especially impulsive, since extroverted sensing is still only in 3rd place; that is more of an ES_P trait.

      Having said that, there was a blog post a while back which discussed the idea that sociopaths don't have strong impulses per say, they just have poor control of impulses of regular strength; perhaps this is unrelated to the position of extroverted sensing in the hierarchy.

    2. I believe psychopaths don't have strong impulses also, it's just that they have to control them more frequently and get exhausted more frequently.

      Willpower is like a tank from what is pointed in new research, they just happen to need to use it more to get through the day.

  20. The underlying theory that personality profiling is based on is actually far deeper than is explained on most websites. Basically a "normal" brain can be thought of as a collection of eight cognitive functions. Of these eight, one becomes dominant during early childhood, and then takes a lead role in organizing the person's psyche. A second cognitive function becomes a sort-of second in command, and it's characteristics will also infuse the person's attitudes and world view. A third cognitive function becomes "back up", it will be strongly present in the personality, but it's role is to support and assist the agenda of the first two - not to impose it's own agenda for the most part. Finally there is the fourth cognitive function, the "inferior" or "suppressed" cognitive function, which is suppressed by the dominant, but may be able to influence the person's behaviour when they are tired/stressed/drunk, or otherwise in an unbalanced state of mind. The remaining four functions are known as shadow functions.

    For an INTJ the hierarchy of cognitive functions, and their effects is:-
    Dominant, introverted intuition, boosts IQ a great deal, makes them insightful and extremely intuitive. They anticipate and plan for events well in advance, and understand situations / people very deeply and profoundly.
    Axillary, extroverted thinking. This makes them organized, ambitious, and logical. They want to get things done, and they value efficiency. They look to external consensus and/or empirical evidence to validate their views on matters of logic.
    Backup, introverted feeling. They are guided by an inner moral compass rather than looking to others to validate their views on mortality.
    Suppressed, extroverted sensing, this is associated with impulsive behaviour and aggression. Since this trait is suppressed it is generally expressed rarely, and clumsily. The INTJ might lose their temper and lose control.

    The profiles of all personality types are written with the assumption that the first two cognitive functions will be well developed, and that the others will hardly be developed at all. In practice people are more complicated than this; various factors in upbringing will often develop that backup and/or sideline the auxiliary for example. As a person grows old the suppressed cognitive function should also mature and become more prominent (and controlled) in the personality.

    I can see why there would be a passing resemblance between INTJs and sociopaths, but underneath the surface the brains are working very differently. For a start the skillful and controlled aggression of sociopaths, and their poor impulse control implies that extroverted sensing is strongly expressed in their personalities; and INTJ is very different here - rarely impulsive. INTJs are generally unable to master the skillful aggression and intimidation strategies common among sociopaths. Also the "feeling" cognitive function (backup in an INTJ mind) is related to empathy and morality; this cognitive function seems to be absent from the mind of a sociopath. An INTJs moral values are largely uninfluenced by those people / culture around them, which may seem sociopathic at a glance, but the INTJ does have values and morality, often very deeply held. The introverted feeling backup allows INTJs to be very secure and emotionally independent, and thus they expect others to be secure and independent too; but that's different from sociopaths, who simply don't care.

    Melissa (an INFJ, and "uber-empath")

    1. Thank you for that.

    2. "INTJs are generally unable to master the skillful aggression and intimidation strategies common among sociopaths."

      It wouldn't be hard, it would be useless but not hard.

  21. Anti-social personality disorder is called a personality disorder, because individuals affected by it do not have the hierarchy of four counterbalanced cognitive functions that make up a "normal" personality. Perhaps ASPD could be thought of as an additional personality (or set of personalities) that exist alongise the standard 16. I would love in discuss this further with sociopaths, as I am very curious about how your cognitive functions are arranged, and which ones you use. You seem to use a lot of extroverted sensing, and introverted intuition. I assume you must also use thinking, but I don't know if it is introverted thinking or extroverted thinking. As far as feeling goes; from what I've read sociopaths seem to make little use of introverted or extroverted feeling, as they are conventionally known. Perhaps you guys use some unusual version of the extroverted feeling cognitive function to charm and manipulate others... but extroverted feeling would usually also cause a person to want to connect with others and to put other people's needs before one's own, and that isn't very sociopathic!

    1. Extroverted feeling could be emulated using extroverted thinking.
      As for my own functions, introverted intuition, extroverted thinking, main ones, the rest no idea.

    2. I think I understand what you mean. Extraverted feeling alone however, as a main function, is a function that allows you to excellently manipulate and charm people, based on their physical and emotional expressions and cues. It's when it's combined with the second function that the first function is given a purpose -- when combined with Ni, a function that looks far into the future, and a suppressed Ti, a function that focuses on factual accuracy and truth, it seems like the perfect concoction for a psychopath.

      ENFJ's are also relentlessly focused on their end goal. Hitler was typed to be an ENFJ.

      Psychopaths would have little to do with Ti in general I think, only insofar as it gives them cannon fodder to bullshit with.

    3. The bottom line is we are antisocial because there is no rhyme or reason to the cognitive functions we use. There is no growth, and there is no maturity of a suppressed cognitive function. Stress and etoh intake only make for an unpredictable outcome just as arbitrary as the cognitive function we employ any other time. Sociopathy, or an antisocial personality for me and any others who live it are just terms for grouping x that society clumsily labels to limit. There is no limit for those skilled with psychopathy. We are whatever we want.

  22. Myers Briggs typology is different than Jung's. They tried to make it simpler, and more practical, but made it worse.
    And it's just another way of labeling and quantifying people.

  23. i'm intj...
    just browsed here a bit. seem to be a few psychopathy types but mostly not - skewed sample admittedly. all you can conclude is that the % psychopaths in the intj group is probably higher than that of other groups.

    been a while since i've browsed spw - when did it become so full of women? heard a good joke today: how do you make a gay guy fuck a woman? shit in her vagina. just thought i'd share. peace out.

  24. Just took this thing and... INTP. Interesting.

  25. I took the Myers-Briggs Personality test in collage. I believe I was an ENFP back then. That was almost 15 years ago. I'm still very much an extrovert but I believe the other traits may be different now. I'm not the same person as I was then. I think being exposed to the world can turn you into a real mother fucker! Just say'n!

    1. I should definitely take it again and see what the results will be. It's long and boring though...ugh!

    2. LOL Anon 6:02

    3. If anyone is interested, here's a little sample test:

      This is what i got: ESFP. The sensory is new. other than that, it's the same. I'm pretty moderate...oh well!

      Extravert(33%) Sensing(38%) Feeling(25%) Perceiving(22)%

      You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%)
      You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (38%)
      You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
      You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)

  26. ME is very brave.

  27. Architecture firms. Clearly.

  28. Well I'm very, very stubborn so i guess I'm not an intj.
    Me you need to go back to the old posting format because this still sucks. I see there is a forum.

    1. Come on the difference is that psychopaths when you get right down to it are evil and are always telling us how they are not, how they are misunderstood, how we are dumb.

      I say talk to the hand.

  29. Well, i am very very stubborn so I can't be intj. I think the real difference between P's and intj's is that psychopaths generally are evil or are inclined in this way and are always trying to convince others that they are not.

    I say talk to the hand.


  30. Sociopathy has nothing to do with personality, it is all about lack of empathy.

    All those tendencies are useless.

  31. First time I took the test, I got ESTP, when I read information about each type, I fit for ENTP. I decided to redo test today and ended up INTJ. Seriously, the test is a lie! Or I am undefinable :D

    1. ha ha xDDD omg o_o ur undefinable

    2. If you understand function theory ENTP is the cooky absentminded professor with some occasional bouts of extroversion. Sometimes they are too crazy to even function. They are the looneys not psychopaths. They have minimal external force for extroverts.

    3. all the tests are flawed. your mbti type has to do with how you process information. any test will only ask about your behavior, and come to a conclusion based on the most likely behavior of a certain type. some people think they are in-between, or fluctuate between types, but nobody really does. if you read the descriptions of all the types, and their processes, and one really describes how you think, it's probably your true type.

  32. No, this doesn't seem correct to me. It's too easy to put it like that, our condition is in fact quite complex.

    Many aspies are INTJs too, for example. And not all sociopaths are INTJs.

    1. Hello, Zhawq. You are quite famous around here. Check out your MELTDOWN story, in the forum's SW Meltdown Hall of Fame thread.

  33. I'm an INFJ and I resonate with some characteristics and thought processes I've read of sociopaths. Interesting.

  34. Sociopaths should be ISTJ not INTJ. Sensing, not intuitive.

    The Myers-Briggs is a cliche in the world of psychology- some comparing it with the zodiac/astrology in terms of its accuracy and usefulness. Was given this test multiple times in school and it was a waste of time.

    Still interesting to think about what personality types tend to be sociopaths.

  35. Sociopaths are ENTP/INTP

    "Poke holes in logic, make it funny, win!"

  36. "I hate Myers Briggs for the fact that it tricks you into limiting yourself. You feed it this information, you perceive about yourself. And then it reflects it back what you want to see." Huh. That sounds familiar. . . .who else does that?

    1. They're a bunch of psychopaths

  37. Isn't there a distinct difference between sociopaths and psychopaths? Psychopaths cannot quite tell the difference between right and wrong. They do not have any concept of social standards or rules. Sociopaths know what is right and what is wrong, but have ASPD, therefore do not feel any guilt or much emotion at all. Please inform me if I am incorrect, but this is what I have been led to believe.

    I am an INTJ. And, yes, I do have some sociopathic tendencies. I believe that everyone has said tendencies to a certain extent. It makes us human. Less emotionally influenced people are always seem to have more, though. An interesting thought.

  38. Well, as an INTJ myselfx I can honestly say that I have found this article to be...half accurate. We INTJs do have emotion. We just hide it. We hide it well. And no, I do not believe that all INTJs are psychopaths. However, INTJs have higher intelligence levels, and with higher IOs comes more pyscholigical issues, I.e. depression, anxiety, etc. So it's not that we are emotionless freaks, we just think very differently. Many people cannot understand that, which I do not blame them for. You might say that we INTJs are outside the box thinkers while all other 15 types are in the box people, thus they cannot wrap their minds around us and put themselves in our shoes. Which is fine. Being an INTJ isn't all fun and games. I'm fact, lacking social skills kind of sucks really. But we are still human, contrary to popular belief. And no, not all INTJs are psychopaths or vice versa.

  39. The guy/girl who posted before me is not an INTJ or to be more accurate: the words chosen during normalcy tend to tip towards INFP. No disrespect and I know it is well meant. I just need to figure out the other 12 personality types to make life easier. I would also press the red button on most of the commentors who are aware of the reason, if it were possible. Analysis of any kind should be directed inwards for improvement and not as a weapon. It's fun for the real sociopaths and psychopaths. Oh, and sociopaths do not necessarily "hide" from anything and thatword itself denotes "fear". Ever read about psychopaths with sociopathic tendencies who mail.tain a large social circle? If you haven't, please refrain from typing crap. Thanks a lot.

  40. MBTI ISTJ == Kiersey INTJ
    That is the sociopath. Do not let them deceive you by attacking Ni with Si. MBTI ISTJ is a fool whom can not see any causality to establish a consequential basis of morality thereby they conform to anything they see an empty minded sociopath.

  41. INTJs cannot be sociopaths because sociopathy is a,"Personality Disorder."
    INTJ= Healthy personality type
    Sociopath= Mentally ill

    1. Technically, everyone has a personality type. Some fluctuate between multiple. Therefore, if what you are saying were true, there would be no such things as sociopaths. Why else would anything be considered a Personality Disorder? It means they have a personality, but a part of it is considered to be messed up. And yes, I'm an INTJ. Possibly a sociopathic narcissist. Or not~

  42. Sociopaths FAR more closely identify as ISTP's than INTJ's.

    1. S rather than N because sociopaths prefer no bullshit solutions, cutting corners, even cheating to a quick solution. They only want the information relevant to their desired outcome. N's however spend their time brooding over the how and why of things. They create a world in theory and abstract "what if" that I can't see a sociopath giving a damn about.

      P rather than J because J's crave order. They like to plan ahead, have clear set goals, like schedules and routines, and need to have plenty of time to analyze situations and explore all the possibilities.

      P's on the other hand dislike being limited. They dislike rules, routine, and monotony. They are spontaneous and impulsive. They don't need a manual, they just get it done.

      The characteristics of the ISTP sound ripped from the psychopathy checklist: coolness under pressure, risk taking, cheating and taking shortcuts, short attention spans, spontaneity, lack of long term goals, low concern for the feelings of others, the list goes on.

  43. You say 'Sociopath or INTJ' in the title, yet in the body paragraphs you refer to, instead of sociopaths, psychopaths. Sociopaths and psychopaths are completely different. ("I am not a psychopath. I am a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." Looks like someone didn't do their research...) :I Just saying!

    ~Female INTJ

    1. There is no difference, only conflict over semantics. Sociopath and psychopath are interchangeable terms that may or may not have different meanings depending on who you ask. Most of the difference in terminology arises from debate of cause for the same disorder.

      Though there are some that would argue that a sociopath is anyone possessing the traits of ASPD, and a psychopath is something greater.

      Likewise, all irrelevant. M.E. wrote her book with sociopath being synonymous with psychopath, as did Robert Hare, Kevin Dutton, and anyone else I feel is educated on the topic.

  44. Interestingly enough, i myself am an INTJ i have a terribly spotty employment history aswell as a terrible relationship history. i have almost no emotions, other than sadness and the occasional anger. most of my life i believed myself to be a sociopath, so i built myself a set of guidelines. I could never list them cause i don't even fully know them myself, none the less i follow them without fail. my anger always in check and never released due to the fear of what may occur. i feel nothing for anyone, not even my own daughter, but god help the man who ever harms her. i'm also empathic and yes i mean empathic and not empathetic. i feel other peoples emotions. i once even heard someones emotion in the form of a word in my mind. which i find quite odd for some one so logical. i've never been to college though i crave knowledge desperately. i know alot about everything. everything new i find, i learn everything i can about it whether it be a skill or trade or person. i watch people to see how they behave and interact. picking apart their thought process. but what does any of this make me? what is my purpose here if i'm never given the chance to do anything great? just to live and die here on this plane of existence leaving no impact at all? i can adapt like no one i've ever known. i'm 100% introvert, almost to the point of despising verbal conversation, yet i can go to work every day and talk to hundreds of people (happily). if someone near me is in severe emotional distress i flip a switch in my mind and i'm suddenly a therapist, an extremely excellent one. i've talked numerous people out of suicide. everywhere i go people are drawn to me, from all walks of life, all personality types. just wanting to be near me, and i'm soo outwardly boring. it makes no sense. my mind is in so many directions all at the same time. i desire to be soo many things all of which are completely possible. but how does one choose just one thing to learn? how do i understand who i am? and why do i always have this overwhelming urge to not be alone?

    1. Hey, Mike. You sound like an INFJ. I would know.

      You see, INFJ's are tricky creatures. We can intuitively read another's emotional state and create the perfect adaptive identity to manipulate another's mood (whether for good or otherwise).

      ^We share that trait with the "sociopath". But we differ in one incredibly counter-intuitive way. We DO feel. In fact we feel more then almost any other type. We just can't intuitively access our own emotions. Thus we tend to assume that we have none even though our own emotional behavior is very present.

      Our cognitive stack makes it so that we tend to use our introverted thinking function to process our own feelings, which also happens to be our least developed function. In my opinion, this leads to the tendency to misjudge your own emotional actions as being mere impulse.

      Essentially, you feel quite a bit, you just can't process your own feelings or call them by name.

    2. I love this board. Where is everybody? Ok, yeah, look. WIth INTJs, you have to be "jumped in". Totally get that. I am an INTJ. I love INTJs.. INTPs treat their brain like a penis that they can't stop wanking. Sick of INTPs.

  45. INTJs really are the worst. They are all bummed out and stubborn and I laughed out loud when I heard that they are supposed to be intelligent. I would say some of the dumbest comments in my adult like have been from INTJ males. "I can do open hear surgery." "I can walk across Spain in 4 days", "I can build a 'certain speck' of house in 6 weeks.'

    No, No, No

    Shut your mouths and go to therapy and do society a favour and get a freaking life you cold-blooded lizards!

    1. You sound like you have some unresolved anger issues.

  46. Being consistently throughout the years "pure INTJ", I really do not care if that makes me a sociopath. However, I cannot dismiss there is a correlation. :-)

  47. I've read the book (this is how I found this site later) out of curiosity and because I have a personality disorder myself, although a different one, and I struggle to reconcile an image of the person drawn so vividly in the book with that of an INTJ.

    First of all, how can someone focused on people be a thinking type? The book suggests a focus on relationships, on social power games, on dominating people's feelings, rather than enjoyment derived from watching said people through a microscope. Even though I know a psychologist who is an INTJ, she is notoriously bad at intuiting people. She uses what she learnt in psychology to categorize them instead of observing them. A sociopath wouldn't do that, right? I thought that were keenly observing, while INTJs are "blind" in that sense, they do not observe people directly, they learn abstract concepts about their behavior and then blindly project these concepts onto people and miss the boat. Sorry INTJs, but that's what I've seen, a desire to group people into boxes rather than an ability to study them directly.

    Then, how can a sociopath be a judging type? A judging type is ultimately someone who feels good only within a routine. I'm a perceiving type, for example, the type who feels trapped in routine and seeks change. I struggle with an idea that such utmost thrill seekers like sociopaths be could be of a judging, thrill-avoidant type.

    That said, there was something in the book already that made me feel strange about its portrayal of a sociopath. Now I can finally put my finger on it: the author is too intelligent. All those classical psychopathic traits, like impulsiveness, irresponsibility, inability to set long-term goals, etc., are about someone who does not think things through. Because when you do think things through, it takes time. Time that impulsive individuals never have, they just act out before thinking kicks in! So you can't be impulsive AND intelligent, these traits are incompatible a tad more than "completely".

    However, the person who writes articles in this journal is definitely a thinker type. I don't know about judging, but a thinker for sure. Which again clashes with a person portrayed in the book. Portrayed, i.e. not necessarily with the person who wrote it.

    Ok, maybe I'm just a limited thinker, like that psychologist who categorizes people from abstract knowledge rather than observation. But here I can't really observe the author, no matter how much I want to, so all that's left to do is point at various perceived incompatibilities and express my feeling of puzzlement. I do believe that the author is an INTJ after reading this journal, though.

    Going beyond MBTI, I really find it strange that a sociopath could be intelligent. Intelligent about people, yes, but intelligent in a classical sense? I don't know about that. To my probably limited mind it sounds impossible, as the classical sociopath charasteristics are incompatible with classical intelligence. I would even say that having some intelligence would be a cure for sociopathy. They'd develop a "stop" button in no time. Could be I'm totally wrong, or could be a different disorder in the book, probably a general not identified disorder, as they say in cases when textbook disorder descriptions don't match the picture.

  48. Continued, as the system complained that I exceeded a character limit:

    Weak sense of self and other stuff derived from it like fluid sexuality, is really not limited to sociopathy, weak sense of self is a hallmark of personality disorders in general. Even I with my different disorder have to rely on other people to give me feedback on how to behave, because I feel like I'm literally a blank slate inside. This is not unusual, from socializing with people diagnosed with other personality disorders I've learnt that. Perhaps it happens because from the beginning we know deep inside that how we react, feel and think is different from how others do it, and there's always a sense of being an alien and passing for someone else than you actually are. Even pretending ultimately doesn't work, it only brings to a forefront that you're an alien, too different and yet everyone is oblivious to that. It's like noone can ever truly see you, even if you wanted to you could never show yourself. If a sense of self needs to be reflected at us by the society in order to be internalized in childhood, as my psychotherapist thinks, then it's no surprise that it can't get properly reflected for people like us who aren't "normal". People's feedback always feels fake, they don't know you're an alien, the society reflects its own "normal" idea of us that feels like a lie. And a lie doesn't stick. And so there's nothing tangible as a self. *shrugs*

    I enjoy the sense of freedom it gives, although the price is inability to connect. You can't connect "nothing" to someone else. You can connect a lie, though, but I don't think that's the same kind of connection that people normally share.

  49. Hi there ME,

    Long time right? Just for fun and perspective. I'm INTJ. Always have been. Every time I've taken this test for the last two decades it's never varied. And well, we both know I'm no socio.

    Lots of love,

  50. Hi there ME,

    Long time right? Just for fun and perspective. I'm INTJ. Always have been. Every time I've taken this test for the last two decades it's never varied. And well, we both know I'm no socio.

    Lots of love,

  51. I am INTJ female.. have huge morals, huge heart, cry softly in movies so no one see's how upset I am... On the same hand.. I don't hug, I don't like showing emotions to real people. I have very few friends and most people annoy the hell out of me.. I am very much a forward thinker since birth. I have developed a few apps, can basically do anything yet I hated school because the teachers and the students bored the hell out of me... I would have many patents if I had been born into money... I plan to write a book.. someday.... If I live through this Sh** the world deals to the rarest types.....
    INTJ's very forward thinking, create a lot, have so much in their minds they seem aloof to others.......... to end this .. sociopaths etc.. I can spot miles away... I clash with these evil fakes and they are like a magnet for me... I see through their BS** and for this.... I call them out and then their idiot bosses... who are also clueless take up for them.... Incompetence is everywhere....... Education.. is good for those that need titles behind their names... to feel important and so on... INTJ's could give a rat's ass about a title... They know how smart they are.! just sayin'... I have always been very private, few friends, made good money while working part time and playing around.. You heard of high school drop outs that are geniuses so there ya go!

    so in the end sociopaths are nuts though the use black widow bs to hide their evil intentions..... on the other hand

    INTJ's are the most caring individual with huge hearts and are misunderstood because people see them as aloof etc

    I am done for now.. hope this helps some understand there is a HUGE difference between INTJ's and anyone else or those that are evil. (though I can admit I was rebellious as a kid because I was bored as he** )
    take it easy


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