
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Seduction 102: Eye contact

When I am trying to seduce someone, there are myriad different adjustments I make in my demeanor and manner of speech, but I actually think the effect of all of those combined pale in comparison to one single behavior--sustained eye contact.  I noticed this a couple years ago.  I was sitting across the table from my target but we were talking about the most banal things--hypoglycemic indexes or something far from love/seduction.  To change it around, I decided to just stop talking so much and instead sustain eye contact.  It worked like a charm.  It felt like I was staring into the target's soul, at least that is what I was told after a steamy midafternoon hook-up.

I was reading this seduction coach's blog: "Your Amygdala Doesn't Want You to Find Love." She references the book Linchpin: Are you Indispensable?" by Seth Godin, writing:

Halfway through the book is a chapter entitled The Resistance. The Resistance is Godin's name for your amygdala, also known as the lizard brain. It's not just a concept, it's a real organ -- it's a couple of squishy things sitting atop your spine. Millions of years ago, your lizard brain was responsible for your survival -- it told you to be afraid of predators, to keep a low profile, to eat when you needed sustenance, to ensure your safety at all costs. Back then, it was useful. Today, it still does those things, but it's utterly antiquated, because our social evolution happens far faster than our physical and neurological evolution. Biologically, we are still programmed to operate as though we are living in a 100-person tribe with lots of sabertooth tigers hiding in the bushes, even though that's not even remotely what our world looks like today.

In the working world, the contributions of our lizard brain manifest themselves in a desire to play it safe, to hide at our desks, to do whatever it takes not to attract the attention of our superiors (the amygdala hates attention, as attention is a threat to safety).

And specifically about eye contact:

[L]et's remember that the amygdala is even afraid of eye contact that gets too intense. Godin describes a zoo in Rotterdam that gives out special glasses to visitors so that the gorillas won't think they're being looked in the eye and freak out. Considering that intense eye contact is one of the defining characteristics of a romantic relationship (in fact, psychologist Arthur Arun describes it as perhaps one of only a few prerequisites for love -- full article here), it's easy to see why we get the impulse to run away. "The amygdala resists looking people in the eye, because doing so is threatening and exposes it to risk," Godin writes. "Eye contact, all by itself, is enough to throw your lizard brain into a tizzy. Imagine how scary it must be to set out to do something that will get you noticed, or perhaps even criticized."

It's scary, but there is something about fear that is so compelling!  BBC Science discusses interesting research on the effect of eye contact on people's perception of intimacy:

New York psychologist, Professor Arthur Arun, has been studying the dynamics of what happens when people fall in love. He has shown that the simple act of staring into each other's eyes has a powerful impact.

He asked two complete strangers to reveal to each other intimate details about their lives. This carried on for an hour and a half. The two strangers were then made to stare into each others eyes without talking for four minutes. Afterwards many of his couples confessed to feeling deeply attracted to their opposite number and two of his subjects even married afterwards.

I believe that sustained eye contact is one of those seduction tricks that is so effective that almost every sociopath seems to use it.   I believe that it is so common, in fact, that it is what people are referencing when they make comments about a sociopath's "lizard stare" or ant other observations or judgments related to a sociopath's eyes.



  2. Romantic love is myth created to sell cars and movies. Historically love was a business deal. There is no record of romantic love prior to mass media. If you look at developing nations, you can see that those born before mass media doesn't believe in romantic love. I always find it pathetic that people chase after love. I liken it to buying loto tickets or religious sacrifice.

    1. You just pulled that out of your ass. Romantic love existed before 'mass media'. What, no one ever fell in love until the Huffington Post decided it was time?

      Romantic love has been a thing since the Middle Ages with the courtiers and chevaliers.

    2. Go read your history

    3. Wtf are you talking about , Wet.....

    4. When men owned women because women didn't make money. That's wht he/she is talking about.

    5. You're talking about marriage, not romantic love.

      There is a difference.

    6. i am talking about Romantic Love. Give me one citation that the average person before 1800s thought about romantic love.

    7. "There is no record of romantic love prior to mass media."
      What was Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet then?

    8. What about the love portrayed in Iliad? Hector and Andromache obviously had the romantic love bug. That was written around 800BC if I'm not mistaken.

    9. Shakespeare was mass media.

    10. citation? well I don't know if this is what you mean...but in my country in fact in my region there is a "love story" an old Myth, dating back around 500+ years, she was woman of the sea, he was the chief of a tribe, they could only be together by night and of course it ends in tragedy, they have their own song and everything...she has a reef named after her, he has a gully....blah blah blah end of's a love story dating back before the 1800's.

      they were called Pania and Karitoki.

    11. Again it was for the average person. Not kings and queens.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. I've heard the claim that there was no notion of romantic love prior to mass media but I have to find fault with that. There was record of elopements to escape from arranged marriages well before the mass media era...
      Also the claim that Shakespeare is mass media is false. Shakespeare is a play. Mass media is the sum of all communication channels available to reach a listener. It is the sum of print, video, audio, radio, and all other assorted channels of communication. You can call Shakespeare media but you most certainly can't refer to it as mass media.

  3. I think I'm in love. My current victim-in-training said one of the most seductive things about me is that when we talk I look at him in the eyes. I didn't know that was a thing. It's just something that came to me.

  4. You HAVE to romance to get into the pants

  5. Have any of you anti-socials been consumed by your own artificial personality? I'm starting to think I have some boderline tendencies. MY current victim, who I'm going through great pains to seduce, requires a very specific set of cues (don't they all?) and I'm starting to worry I'm getting too good at them. Maybe because he's the only one I have at the moment but I'm starting to find myself mulling over those cues, even when he's not present to perform them for.

    Even worse, I'm starting to incorporate his personality automatically. I know you gotta enter their spirit to break them down but I'm scared I'm losing my grip on my own reality. How do I break this problem? Should I continue the seduction, and see just how far the rabbit hole goes (the payoff is good after all)? Or cut my ties, purge my conscious mind of him, put his personality in my pocket and move onto the next one?

    1. Get a completely different alternate target? sort of like brain sorbet .

    2. Go down the rabbit hole. Then tell us what it was like.

    3. Anon820:Lmao. Brain sorbet? I think I will have to find another target, just to keep my sanity. But the one I have buys me drugs so I'm very enamored with him. :)

      Anon918: Will do, good buddy!

    4. I know that feeling when you take other people's personality. I think I have taken at least two dozen people's personalities and made them my own. In the end you'll have an amazing payoff, though. You'll be able to copy previous people's personalities and look way more convincing.

  6. Biologically, love is just fear disguised as attraction.

  7. Eye contact is a sign of intimacy. If you kiss a stranger, in the middle of the street, or you stare at his face intently, for some time, you may well next come to blows with him, since you are invading his private sphere. If you look at your dog in the eye, he will show you submission. If you do the same with a dog that suddenly jumps in front of you, you have a good chance of being attacked. Hypnotism is based upon the fact that the human being likes to submit, to obey, to relinquish his individuality, thus giving birth to the popular belief according to which some wills are stronger than others (belief very popular among the followers of this blog). It’s the same song wherever you go around here: The (supposedly) superior sociopath, charming, manipulative, ruthless, and the (supposedly) inferior empath, willing to be used. If two people are happy to play this game, it’s ok for me, but, frankly, reality looks very different, even from far away.

    1. exactly. sociopath and empath definitions have no direct correlation with domination and submission. an empath who grew up alpha could not easily manipulate when necessary by shaping into beta, whereas a sociopath is supposed to go in and out of shapes.

    2. This was my experience with the psycho police officer, Jose. We scared one another.

    3. Better to be scared than to be bored.

    4. josita: That's very true. With shallow feelings you can choose the part you play.

  8. I'm constantly aware of the packets of time in which I look into another person's eyes, how close those packets are, and how to space them in order to not disturb them. Because of this I often look at the ground/off-center when speaking to people, and I have sometimes gotten the amusing assumption that I am "shy." Most people leave it at that; others try to coax and encourage me to "just look them in the eye--don't be scared!" Of course, when I acquiesce, I'm never the one who ends up being scared.

    I've been told that my stare is both "electrifying and frightening. I feel like I'm being picked-apart, observed, and it doesn't stop, it keeps digging in and digging in, and when I try to reciprocate, when I look back in your eyes--there's nothing. It's like a hole."

    Unfortunately, people do get untoward ideas when I stare at their fascinating eyes. I've had someone literally stutter out a sexual proposition after a particularly long observation on my part. It's like it short-circuits their brain. But it doesn't work on me. I'm simply conscious of the prolonged gaze and it's possible meaning--sexual,platonic,accusing,etc.--and if it goes on too long, I bluntly ask what the intention behind their actions are. This too seems to short-circuit their brains.

    1. That is very interesting. I think I need to consciously look away from others. I do not want them to get ideas I want them. The men start to salivate or something too, then comment on my eyes thinking they will score because it seems I am interested. But I want to stare at everybody.

  9. And I forgot the belief in the magic properties of the look. Like the basilisk look, or the medusa's. Some people actually believe that looks can kill.

    1. My blood curdles at your words, oh Medusa, killer of nations...

    2. Well, I know you are sensitive enough to have two words cause you to have some strange blood platelet condition.

    3. That confirms you have no idea.

    4. And that confirms you have no sense of humor.

    5. I love killing jokes, not killing looks

    6. Are you sure about that, because my gaze is brighter than a thousand suns.

      And very rude and uncivilized.

    7. You take yourself too seriously.

    8. Lol and lol again.

      I guess you missed my reference to your reference.

    9. self enshrining is quite close to self loathing.

    10. I'm pretty sure you are talking to a mirror.

      Perseus done gone and got all confused! Wait, which myth is this? Do I hear an Echo?

    11. Most amusing thing I've read all day.

    12. That whole interchange tickled me.

    13. But Perseo cut Medusa head :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'd like to remind those who keep a minimal portion of common sense here that staring right in the eyes of somebody goes against the basic rules of civility in most countries. Just in case you didn't know.

    1. I should think that if that was true, most people reading would already know that, since most people most likely live in a country of some sort or another.

      However it's not. Not looking someone in the eyes can also go against the basic rules of civility.

    2. The instructions given to people who hold positions in public information desks should not be considered rules of civility.

    3. You shouldn't AVOID looking the other person in the eye, but you shouldn't STARE, either. As I already said, it's a question of common sense.

    4. I should find it very uncivil if you refused to look me in the eye whilst fucking you, civil servant or not.

    5. Farting in the face of someone should make the person very uncomfortable too, I wonder if fart has any magic powers. “I put a spell on you, because you’re mine”

    6. I wouldn't be surprised if you believed in the magic powers of digestive gas.

    7. Of course I do. Especially after reading this yesterday whilst coming down from an unknown substance:

      "I am just coming off of my LSD trip and I need help. During the Trip I started to get severe gas. The reason why I am worried is because I cannot stop it. It is litterally 1 fart after another and I cannot even hold it in.. I have no control. I am 4 hours off the drug and I am still experiencing the non stop farting. Again I cant hold it in. Its like I lost my ass muscle lol.. HELP ME OUT!! Should I go see a doc? Or is this something I can laugh about and eat more cid?

      This is really embaracing but it is weirding me out and I wanted to see if anyone experienced this before. If not I need to go to a doctor."

      "You're relaxing the wrong muscles. Try relaxing your brain and not your sphincter..."

      "Excess gas has been noted as a side effect of LSD by many of my friends, though not quite to this extent... there is no need to seek medical attention, unless your friend believes their life is in danger as a result of the 'farting'"

      Reading that, at the time, was pure magic.

    8. Do you usually take a pee on a person’s front door to show them you’re in love with them? Maybe your personal civility rules advise you so.

    9. No, but I might pee on their face.

    10. I had no doubt about that. You should create a "public club for the physiological relief", and preside over it.

    11. Or a "pubic cubby hole for urinary release".

      Hottest club in town: The Colostomy Bag

    12. I am sure genuine superiority is always accompanied by the expulsion of physiological fluids of different kinds. All geniuses in this world have been remembered for the strong smell they left after they were gone.

    13. Indeed. Better than pheromones.

      There's a reason that NYC is the cultural capital of the world.

    14. Were it not for the global warming thing I would strongly support your smelly initiative.

    15. Just you wait, global warming is all in god's plan, we will evolve to breathe methane and ammonia.

      Brave New World.

    16. Hopefully that'll be long after my time on earth is finished. Not easy to adapt yourself to these brave new forms of politeness.

    17. Who cares about the rules, you can stare as long as you like, no one will put you in jail for it. I love staring at people with sunglasses, because they think that they can look anywhere, so when I look directly in their eyes through the glass, they always get confused and quickly look away, its really satisfying :)
      Jose, stop being such an idiot, Medusa, don't ever change, lol

    18. Dear Ano, you seem to be content with very modest satisfactions. I envy you.

    19. Medusa ¿How many years would it take you to start breathing methane instead of regular plain air, however stinky it can be?

    20. There's a thing called sense of humor, Jose.
      Well I am able to make myself believe that something satisfies me :)

    21. I really don't know, Jose; maybe as long as it takes me to lick to the center of a shit-filled Tootsie Pop?

    22. Maybe you already breath methane on a daily basis and that's the reason for you curious comments.

    23. Maybe you are right. But, "you have no idea."

      I cannot begin to guess the reason for your curious comments.

    24. "maybe as long as it takes me to lick to the center of a shit-filled Tootsie Pop?"

      hahaha! Love it. But do make sure you pass it to Alter when you do. You know how much she likes to keep that "shit faced grin", of hers.

      I never read this guys. You've managed to make him more interesting now. So maybe I'll.... nah... probably not.

    25. I started out trying to be genuinely convivial, but it wasn't working.

      Fucking shamen.

    26. I never thought of wearing sunglasses. I love to stare at others. I know it is unnerving because as a child I annoyed the kids. Kids don't have a problem telling you to "put your eyes back in your sockets"

    27. Medusa, I have peed on many a face.

  12. When I'm in the mood I'll have staring contests with strangers and passerbys. It's interesting to see how long it takes them to look away, or how long it until they start to think I'm some sort of psychopath.

    1. I avoid making eye contact with strangers because as soon as I start making eye contact they start trying to talk to me. And that's rarely ever necessary or desired.

    2. That keeps happening to me too. Weird, I don't really see myself as approachable when I'm not trying to be.

    3. I do that too. Unfortunately, some men get the clever idea that I'm coming on to them. Then if I see them again, they're just going out of their way to be nice.
      One guy did not break stare at all, just kept on looking with a big scowl on his face. This one really didn't like being challenged. Felt like I was staring at a particularly attractive, but aggressive gorilla in a zoo. I gave him a wink and he just melted. Priceless.

    4. I do this all the time. I get off on emasculating inferior men. Although the ones who never break eye contact always come off as less than worthy victims. Maybe I should try winking like green eyes suggests.

  13. Many people understand love as the relation of an inferior to a superior. It’s up to them if they think that is the kind of relationship they can better manage, but it makes the fastest way to inner degradation for both the upper and the lower end of the couple. This is not a moral question. If you feel you are bound to a person who is your inferior, not by mere accident but BECAUSE this person is your inferior, you will immediately and inevitably feel disgust for yourself, because far from being up to your own standards, you are voluntarily underperforming in the important activity of mating. The supposedly inferior half of the couple, on the other hand, will feel satisfied at performance in the mating, but at the same time degraded by the price demanded and even more by the feelings of self loathing of the other half.

    1. What does this have to do with eye contact?

    2. the game of who's-first-to-look-away is a (very stupid) game of superiority. Children play it.

    3. Then why did you have to be so passive-aggressive about it?

    4. You must be unsatisfied with your life, Jose :(

    5. And who said anything about love?

      I said strangers and passerbys.

    6. In fact, there’s something very childish in this game of wordless threatening, like the games ten year old boys play at night, with their flashlights under the face, telling horror stories and scaring each other, in a competition to see who cries first.

    7. What you describe sounds perfectly fun and harmless for all parties. Why are you trying to make it sound evil?

      There's also something very childish about loving the sound of your own voice reverberating off the righteousness of a soapbox, the content of which is only tangentially related to the conversation, but is really just an excuse to go off on their own peacock display of 'wisdom' and 'enlightenment'.

    8. I think you come to this blog to play socios and psychos for a while and then go to the kitchen and eat your cereal and watch your toons.

    9. FACT: Contrary to popular belief, the female peacock is actually indifferent to the males' pompous feather display. It plays no role in sexual attraction and mating.

    10. 7:11, that's nice. Your opinion is very important to me.

    11. Jose @635 this has been my experience with the men I have dated. The ones who have a confidence who respect me on the same level they respect themselves do not send me into anger and survival mode. I have been doing a bunch of reading on the relationship between the narcissist and the borderline. It seems that the power struggle between them starts when she realizes she's with a transparently controlling personality. He wants to own her.

      This is why the challenge. A healthy exchange of power is NOT risky, not INTERESTING enough for either me and idk, maybe simply infuriating for them? I think this is a deterrent for the real intimacy to take place.

      I think for me it is going back to winning against my caretakers. When I feel independent I have no interest in being cared for in this manner.

      I WIN lol.

    12. My question for the narcissist here: Is the borderline infuriating, or does she simply provide an enjoyable challenge? For me, I want to win. I want to play like a cat and a mouse when I discover their nature. Prrrretty sure it is makes me have an upper hand. I enjoy to infuriate, or what seems to me, to infuriate. Then I tell them they are needy fucks. Then they go away bec their masculinity is threatened. I could be wrong. There must be some narcissists here who can either confirm or explain to me what they go through.

    13. Ganor: I know it's far from easy out there but what's to be gained in the power game? What kind of real satisfaction can you derive from proving a jerk is a jerk after all? I honestly do not see it, unless you have a faithful audience ready to applaud you.

    14. There is no satisfaction. It is just the dynamic of my past experience. I want to look at why I have stayed in relationships. I think they were fun because they were interesting on a power level.

      I wonder why I was the way I was. I am making sense of what I became accustomed to in my childhood, and I believe I have/had gotten a kick out of manipulation because it was fun and it pumped up my self esteem as well.

      I read up on how to parent children who are "difficult", and I read on how my parents created me. I like to know the roots of my existence so I can be aware, so can reprogram myself somehow. I think it is possible.

    15. I suppose you may always change your ways, but you need a good reason, I don't know that change can be achieved just for the sake of it.

    16. What I took away from this thread is apparently socios aren't allowed to have cereal or watch cartoons.

    17. Haven: you are the one who really got it, congratulations!

  14. Mɵᴅʊsa has never tired to play me, atleast I don't think so.

  15. If it’s all about seduction, staring dumbly in the face of someone is rather brainless. No competent charmer would even dream of doing such a thing.

    1. Clearly you don't have what it takes to stare in a non-dumb manner.

    2. i worked with a guy who would stare at you when you talked to him like he wanted to impale your eyeballs with his.

    3. LOL I'm sure he had read some self-help book about the importance of eye contact.

    4. maybe. it was like he knew he should do it but wasn't aware of the impact, that it was also a way to communicate. and when you looked deep in his eyes it was as if no one was looking back. he didn't react to your eyes back. the effect was like falling into an abyss. disorienting. like looking into two black holes.

  16. Seducing is about tempting, offering something desirable, an experience, an unheard of possibility. It's not a recruiting exercise, much less a showdown.

    1. And that is why you are clearly so successful at it.

  17. I've never thought that my making eye contact was any kind of seduction. I actually never think about how I keep eye contact, until other people bring it up. I just don't have a problem looking into someones eye while we talk, or while I'm listening to them.

    I've been told by a few, that they can tell I'm a very honest person because I make direct eye contact. :)
    Sometimes I use it to intimidate my clients. If they are starting to annoy me, I turn them to face me, get really close, look directly into their eyes, and tell them they need to just let me do my job.

    You should see the change in their body language, and facial expressions. You would think they saw a ghost.
    I had a friend that used to say she hated how my eyes got when my temper flared up. It scared her. I can't imagine what she saw, but I knew it must have been intense, because she was a bad ass bitch. I didn't think anyone could intimidate her.

    I guess I'll have to pay closer attention to that stare, the next time I'm in the middle of a seduction. Fix it for longer to see if I can tell a difference.

    My eyes are my number one feature after all. I never hear the end of it. maybe I should blow my lips up real fat to see if people still comment on them.

    1. I can relate, Raven.

      if you blow up your lips you will look like a barbie doll porn star. Get the procedure where the stuff is reabsorbed after a while. When I am older I'm fucking doin it

    2. I am a male and I do it too, mostly because I pay most attention to ones face. Other parts are pretty similar in all people, only faces differ (well people can be fat, skiny, etc., but still). Faces reveal most information about a person and eyes are there too.
      If my friend silently points at a chick, saying "look, nice boobs" firstly I observe her face and then look lower.
      I enjoy starring in the eyes, but I adapt my view for a particular conversation. It depends on what I want to gain from that person, sometimes I can quickly say what I want without making an eye contact, get what i want and move away, I can just act cold if I'm not interested, I won't hide it. I can't say that I have many masks, I am one whole person, but I have many different acts.
      p.s. those fake big lips look terrible for me.

    3. The big lips thing was a joke. Really... I was just using them so I could add the word "blow" to my rant.

    4. I know, that was meant to an anon, writing about procedures.

    5. So was mine. :)
      I blow at making myself clear sometimes.

    6. That's ok, sometimes I blow at understanding unnecessary things.

    7. Raven you don't want to go around with duck lips, k? I will recommend you good natural plastic surgery. You should be beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside if you own a beauty parlor.

  18. The leader of a cult will beguile his followers with the “power” of his gaze. But to be a member of a cult you need a certain level of emptiness inside your skull.

    1. How very profound. Do you do renaissance festivals?

    2. Cause I'm sure you'd blow peoples minds with your Yoda-esque wisdom.

    3. Here's a candidate. Now we only need a cult that volunteers to take such a brilliant young, very apt at manual work, I'm sure Anybody? Raven is a beautiful name, by the way.

    4. don't give up, Raven, I'm sure some cult will take care of you, sooner or later. If they don't it won't be because you don't cut the grade

    5. Crowd of idiots is best controled by an idiot.
      Anyway, Jose, had you noticed that its a second day in a row when you write sth, try to defend your opinon and loose, maybe its time too adapt a little bit? Also what's up with cereal you anti-cerealistic bastard?
      Your buddy,

    6. No, jose. I was hoping I could be Your empty headed follower. Will you show me the way? I will hang on your every word, and blow your omnipotent cock with my giant lips.

    7. youu are just one more of the crowd

    8. I know. The crowd that follows you, my lord. Tell me what I must do? Show me how I can please you. I want to learn.
      Life has blown me around like a leaf in the wind. I want to have roots!

    9. Raven is one of THE lowest class people around here, if you can even use the word class with reference to her. She is jealous of anything good, kind or decent such as YOU, Jose.

    10. jose, you know it's not about the mechanics right? a mesmerizing gaze has different shades to it, playful, intense, collaborative. it all depends on the context and the other person. the gaze should be dynamic, explorative and curious about the world outside.

      if you're going to smile, you have to start with the eyes or you risk a ghastly disconnect where the eyes are flat or hostile, and the mouth is left on its own turned up into what comes off as a lurid cheshire cat grin.

    11. lol i just creeped myself out

    12. I keep forgetting to change my stare while smiling, lol
      Btw, Jose now has 2 folowers: Monica and Raven. Inform Mee, then you'll have a harem, Jose, I might visit you then.

    13. Right, Zoe, our eyes play an undeniable big part in face to face communication, but a blank, empty stare that won't move is more a threat than any other thing. No seduction or attraction may come of it, unless in the case of very simple souls.

    14. I mean, eyes can "talk", but if they just pierce you in absence of any sign or change, they stop talking, they become a senseless nuisance.

    15. OMG, I'm so turned on right now. Your soul is speaking to my soul. I need to blow that you will take me under your wing, my lord.

    16. Then you will look like you are very focused on the one you talk too, also you'll appear like a calm, cool guy.

    17. a flat dead stare is a narcissist's calling card.

    18. eyes should propose, provoke, or even play hide and seek, never stare.

    19. Aguess you're right, I know a potential narc and he stares flat most of the time, while my stare is simply cold, my mother once told me that my eyes are very sad (don't know why, but I have a hell of a memory). But somewhy I found narc stare comfortable and people would probably prefer it to mine.

    20. "eyes should propose, provoke, or even play hide and seek, never stare."

      I like that. Can you give me an example of how to do this?

    21. Take a tip from Julia Roberts

    22. Julia Roberts is attractive, though.

    23. She's great. She seems like she'd be a lot of fun.

      So do you meditate, jose? You have this totally at ease demeanor. It's very impressive. I know I come off like I'm on blow, a lot of times, but I just get frisky when I'm being playful. :)

    24. Julia Roberts can use her eyes. That's something you can improve, but you must have something to start with.

    25. Exactly you can't be fug ugly with a shitty personality.

    26. So what do you need to start with?
      Was that a yes or no, to meditation? I've been thinking about trying it. I've heard it can really do wonders in clearing out the clutter from the mind.

      I'm sure you have to practice it regularly, and make it a lifestyle thing. I've always got a million things blowing my mind up, ya know?

    27. Jose is really sticking around for your great charms, Raven lol

    28. Jose, which Julia Roberts' Movie is your favorite?
      Mine is, 'Stepmom'. I highly recommend it, if you haven't.

    29. Lol. Raven, you blew me away with this post... you're too fun.

  19. That's great Monica, I didn't even know it had a defined sex. I figured out it was some kind of... phenomenon.

    1. Teach me jose. You can teoll me to blow to hell, and I will still reach out to you.

    2. Jose
      Don't give Raven ANY information about you where she could harass you in regular life. I am sure you wouldn't but I am just making sure. You don't want that cancer any closer to you than on here.

    3. You are so sexy, jose. Why did I never notice before? You are so calm, and rational. Ahhh me... I may just melt right here. Tell me what to do. My heart feels like it's about to blow up!

    4. Don't worry, Monica, I'm not a shrink.

    5. Raven, take it easy, don't blow it, Jose might think that you are joking.

    6. What do you mean " not a shrink" lol

    7. Only a shrink would come near an entity like Raven.

    8. Entity is the right word, Jose LOL

    9. De Nada, Jose :)

    10. "AnonymousMay 22, 2012 11:30 AM
      Raven, take it easy, don't blow it, Jose might think that you are joking."

      You're right. I'm totally blowing it! He doesn't seem to like to have fun. I'll put my chill back on. Thanks Anonymous.

    11. An ugly crack whore is a great woman of seduction *cough*

    12. So did I blow it with you, jose? I was just trying to have a little fun with you. I really do think you make some good points, and now I'm curious about you. I promise not to be obnoxious anymore.

      Do you study philosophy?

    13. Jose
      Did you see the song Themes left for you?

    14. 12:24 wasn't Mee.
      lets say it's Monica.
      It's time for me to say goodbye for a while and blow away.
      p.s. how can I reach my Blogger acc via phone and how can I put a text instead of "anon", I blow at finding it out myself

    15. The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind.

    16. Hi Monica :)

  20. Hot Chicks for JoseMay 22, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    We are a select group. High, high standards are needed. Only those on the A list apply.

  21. I was hoping to see an intelectual discussion about eye contact, but my expectations were blowed away.

  22. No one is stopping you, Anon. Jump in. Be the mover and shaker of your own life. Don't wait for other people ~

  23. Seduction is about empowering the other with the feeling of things that are possible now but werent only seconds ago.

    1. are they feelings of fun things, jose? :)

    2. well, things that change the perspective, widen the view, deepen the image.

    3. that sounds like work, not fun :(

  24. Everyone would love to be different without changing. That’s seduction. Making them believe that moment has come, and then taking the trip to the end. No merry go rounds, but jumps into the unknown.

  25. What a great idea for a blog. I feel privileged to have found it.

  26. people that need to stare at others to have power are miserable on the inside. no joy no love.

    satan has always loved power/pride and he will be spending eternity in hell fire with all his children.

    God bless :)

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  32. I am a sociopath, yes indeed. Have you sociopath men ever read the book "The Game" about pick up artists? If not, buy it! We are incredible creatures and all the things that they do, we do naturally! I can pick up any girl with eye contact who is not in their PMS time of the month or mate guarding because they are in a relationship. I go through days of girls flipping their hair at me and smiling at me. The most important thing for any sociopath male is to gain self esteem. Most of the time, when someone is a sociopath, it is because someone has messed up your life and you have lost your self confidence. All I know is that at some point it came back strong and I became an alpha male.

  33. ive read the read the game I stare all the time at people I watch them look down or away or what ever some women love it if they attracted to me I look at them the way I do I see them blush give IOS I watch all the cues and bam I either ask for their number tell them ya we must chat soon with a peck on the cheek to create some chemistry so I can get in their pants and if its an night I just go for the kiss I like the thrill of it I don't even have to drink to pull women In fact I pull better when im sober

  34. sociopaths have a insensitivity to dopamine which means we hunger stimulus all the time, that why the more riskier something is the more we get a kick out of it and feel better,and that's why we not overwhelmed by making eye contact with a complete stranger or someone

  35. Medusa -I think you meant sociopath. Anyway. These comments are amusing. Carry on. ��


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