
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Violence in movies

There is something about violence in movies that I find so appealing.  I'm sure part of it is that it is dramatized in all the right ways to thrill rather than cause any anxiety or harm.  I was thinking about that today on the way to work.  I was driving.  I thought, if you take some people seriously about what they say about sociopaths and loving violence and senseless destruction and power over people, then why is it that I don't cross my lane line to collide head-on into the auto approaching me?  Wouldn't that scare people?  That would be some good fun, right?  I would get to scare the other person half to death, maybe there would be some carnage or death, definitely I would make people "jump."  It's odd that sociopaths can manage to get where they're going half the time without giving into that temptation, right?

But it's not a wonder.  Actually, I thought that was a ridiculous thing to believe.  Except perhaps when we're acting on impulse, sociopaths are generally making rational, cost/benefit decisions in which we determine that the cost, e.g. of damaging our car and risking our own life and health, does not exceed the benefit of "making someone jump" in most situations.  And aren't you glad?  Can you imagine a world in which there actually existed a class of people that were not constrained in any way at all?  But of course it makes sense -- how could an existence sans any restraint ever be evolutionary advantageous enough to outweigh the obvious negatives?  I don't know.  Sometimes I wonder how people can believe the odd things they believe about sociopaths.  There's no logic, just myth and fear mongering.  

But it is true I do like violence when it comes cheaply, like in movies.  And I like this supercut.  I wish that it included some clips from Watchmen and Public Enemies, maybe some others that aren't springing to mind.  Favorite violent scenes, anyone?


  1. Most people think negatively of stalkers and stalking but yet they turn on their boxes and do exactly that.

    1. I do not watch that kind of show!!!! I have been stalked by the best. He worked as a guide at hunting lodges. He had always been a control freak. Little did I know... He got laid off at the last sport shop.
      Then the trouble started. He stalked me and I was the prey. I have COPD with asbestos embedded in my lungs. He stalked me in my own home in Walmart..where ever we happened to be. Then he hurt me and threatened me. All I asked was that he did not come into my room without knocking. His reply. I will come in there any time I want to.. I said I am leaving you. He said you move to the camp and at 12 o'clock at knight I will be there kicking the door down. What are the odds of me getting out of here before I get hurt. OL'Lady

    2. As your comment was posted in 2012, and there havn't been any responses, I'm going to say "not likely", as you probably died.

      In a more article-related comment, my favorite violent movie scene would be the "Pencil Trick" from The Dark Knight.

      Favorite violent thing I've seen ever: Today when some senior tripped and jammed a plastic bathroom pass into his forehead. He had a big gash above his eye, and there was a decent-sized puddle of blood on the floor.

  2. Brilliant, M.E. Personally, I love violence too, but only the more seemingly realistic kind. Absolutely loved Tarantino until that monstrosity Kill Bill came out. That and Asian movies with the flying and swordfights -retarded.
    Watched Irreversible a while back. There's a scene where a man beats this nasty piece of garbage to death with a fire extinguisher - damn well near masturbatory material.
    Big fan of Fight Club too. At the risk of sounding like a Pitt fan, Snatch was great too, especially liked the bare-knuckle boxing (I have a real thing for boxing and vale tudo, for obvious reasons).

    I've always believed that empaths just love demonising socios. It makes them feel like we're subhuman monsters and they are nothing like us. The media doesn't help here, since it's only the real dangerous ones that make the front page. After all, it's far more interesting to read about Ted Bundy than it is to read about someone who actually represents the demographic far better, such as M.E, Post or some of the others on here. You know the ones, intelligent, charming, eloquent, seemingly 'normal' ones that most empaths would just love to befriend or date. So the public simply doesn't really know better. Many experts in the field have mainly dealt with violent prisoners who obviously have impulse control and aggression problems, so that's what they expect all socios to be like.

    My husband recently told one of our friends who worked in mental health field for 15 years that I'm a socio. He laughed and said 'that's impossible, she's nice and has never killed anyone'. Where to start with that?

    1. I agree with your sentiments on Kill Bill and that crappy "Crouching Tiger" stuff.

      Paragaph 2 - YES.

    2. I like the kill bill scene where the woman says oh shit you're pregnant and that makes you more dangerous.

    3. Wanna talk about masturbation material? How about that rape scene, huh?

    4. Gives me goosebumps, but it looks like you and me might have slightly different tastes. Lovely movie overall, that Irreversible, has something for everyone ;)

  3. Favourite violent scenes:
    Reservoir Dogs - the ear cutting scene.
    24 - Anything Jack Bauer does can be labelled "awesome".
    There are a few scenes in other shows & films that could be called psychological violence which just as exciting.

    1. Yes, the ear cutting scene. Favorite. Because of the music and the dancing even more than the blood.

    2. love "reservoir dogs!" great movie! the ear cutting scene is also, somewhat, comical if you think about it. though i do have to cover my eyes when he cuts it off. ewwwww....

    3. I do not. I would have been good chief of staff, lol.

  4. Interesting insight into the mind of the sociopath ME.

    1. is it really........i mean, isn't this a no shit kinda deal?

    2. Yup! Pretty much a no-brainer there, Piles. I think it's safe to say that some of the people who come here have only recently crawled out form a cave.

  5. Taken, Solomon Kane, Watchmen, Final Destination (especially 3rd),All "Saw"s, Hanibal Lecter movies and more.

  6. I love violence in film. I make a point to watch the most "uncomfortable" violence I can find. I want to try and see if I can shock myself. So far, the only thing that has shocked me has been my reaction to it.. Anyone else get turned on by violence? ;D

    1. Yes, but I am afraid to admit it.

    2. hello, violence turns me on. at first I was shocked for just the first few seconds, but when something makes you feel that good. you don't stay shocked for long. besides how often to you see a violent film that doesn't mix sex in.

    3. Thank you both for your honesty. Its not something I love admitting. I feel like it crosses a line I can't go back from. I agree APS. There is a lot of stylized violence in film. I would suspect that the hidden reason it turns a sociopath on is the power struggle. Same goes for sex. When I see a vanilla sex scene- I'm bored to tears. I need to see an imbalance of power to stay interested.

    4. The violence in "300" is beautifully stylized and was a huge turn on for me. A few scenes from "Ichi the Killer" also appealed to me, but the brutality was somehow less elegant and... visceral. I liked the sadomasochistic twist, though.

      And I'll admit that I got seriously turned on when Anniken used both light sabres to decapitate the Emperor in Star Wars Episode 6. :)

      I agree with Grey re: power exchange being necessary to sustain my interest. Intimate, vanilla love scenes do nothing for me, but there is no better aphrodisiac than a good sword fight, as far as I'm concernés.

  7. Oh Oh... I shall return with my list. :D

    1. Raven/Franklin/Turk, can you help diagnose me?

    2. Sure, Peebee. I love helping people understand themselves. It's my special gift, or something. Tell me a little about yourself, and please bee specific. You don't have to tell me the parts that hurt you. Just give me a rundown of your history. :)

    3. Ok, but please don't laugh at me Sw.

      I feel like I am an UBER empath. Which I think is the mirror image of a sociopath.Imagine the most pain you can ever feel from the world, and multiply that by 1,000, and you will have me.
      I feel the darkest of any dark, and I am so frozen in that black space.
      I come to SW to help unfreeze my former self, but I am so afraid to feel this worst of all pains. I never leave my house because I am afraid of people seeing me as my frozen form of darkness, and they will judge me.
      I don't trust other empaths because they judge and will never understand my position in life. So I turn to sociopaths because they have extraterrestrial powers of sight, and can hear me telepathically. They SEE who I am where I cannot.
      An uber empath when joined with a sociopath, can transcend earth tones, and bring the world to florescent equality.
      I want to know how I'm able to understand this outer space intelligence. I think only special disorders can do this.

      What am I?

    4. I bet Stavraki just got a raging semi, though.

    5. There now, Peebee. I would never laugh at you. Thank you for being so... what is it... open and shit like that. You have a special quality about you. That certain something that a particular type of person would find... um... tasty.

      I would like to ask you a few question now:

      1. Do you slide up the other side of the pole? You know... mood wise. Do you feel like you are superman for a while?

      2. Do you sometimes believe people are literally reading your dirty thoughts on your forehead, like your porn thoughts are being filmed on your face?

      3. Do you eat your buggers?

    6. Raven you make me feel W-H-O-L-E.

    7. How lovely...

    8. I like the complimentary Raven better than the wild ass, hyper-sexual one.

    9. Oh yeah? Well who needs your judgmental ass then, Anonymous 4:10? I'd rather keep company with those who accept me for all that I am. Not just some tiny portion attached to the flattering of others. Some people are so damn vain!

  8. I would really apreciate it, i am running out of films to watch :)

  9. I think a majority of people's views on many subjects in this world are based more on lavish fantasies rather than solid facts. who in the ordinary world really needs to think now days...why would they when their friend the media and entertainment industry is presenting them with "all they need to know" ;)
    ps I also love a good cheap thrill kill movie.

  10. NoOoOoO
    ther's only one 1st

  11. Reservoir Dogs
    Natural Born Killers
    High Tension
    Snuff 102
    Kill Bill 1&2
    True Romance
    The Passion Of The Christ
    Hard Candy

    1. I, love, that you listed Passion Of The Christ!

    2. It's a bloody good time. They rip him to shreds in very graphic detail. :)

    3. The Passion Of The Christ was one of the best comedies of it's time :D!

      Someone make this a hyperlink, I tried and it didn't work.

    4. Just click 'Raven Rules'

    5. YAY! Gracias mi amor.

      EPIC death scene right there, if you guys don't understand korean or spanish it don't matter, it's all about the death.

    6. Passion of the Christ. Good call. The book was much more violent though.

    7. For serial? Maaaaan, might need to read that.

    8. Yeah, Mel Gibson is interesting. I loved Apocalypto too.

    9. Fake Grey.
      He does not fuck up his comments.

    10. Peebee, I'm not sure if you got the joke or not. The 'book' is the Bible.

    11. I meant commas

    12. Why do Peebee and Piles have the same picture?

    13. Naa. :) I was using them excessively for emphasis. Grammatically incorrect you are right on that.

      However, I'm a girl. ;D

    14. I am quite the user of commas, myself.

    15. Oh fuck yeah! Piles, you're the best Peebee EVER!

    16. LMFAO! Nah Haven, I didn't catch that, I actually thought there was a REAL book. Can we say dense city?

      I have read the bible, pretty good for fiction.

    17. Ha! Pulp Fiction is for preschoolers...

      I love the scene where they stab her in the heart with that giant needle!

    18. Martyrs was pretty fucked up with a twisted message.
      Dream House is about some insane dickhole who goes on a murdering spree just for her dream home.
      I Saw The Devil is a korean movie about a cop who is playing a cat and mouse game with a psychopath who killed his pregnant fiancé. I must say they got the psychopath down pretty well. That is a delicious movie. I came about three times from the first violent scene.

    19. RAVEN! You clever bitch! Is that raven eating the other one?!

    20. Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead..

    21. It's fuck'n official, the e-crush is On!

    22. I put up a gore video on my blog in your honor, Piles. Tell me what you think when you have a chance.


    23. Zoe, absolutely pulp fiction.

      --The brains in the Jackson's jeri curls from the blowing the boys brains out in the car.

      --Jackson spouting the bible when doing a kill. Hilarious.

  12. it takes a lot of sh!t to be the bigest a==holl

    1. You mad bro? LOL

    2. ^^true dat Anon 7:13

    3. Are you calling ME of SW an asshole? Why so hostile?

    4. the person was calling Raven an asshole

    5. How do you know that? Their post is separate from the others.

    6. true. So many questions in this fucking big world but it was probably raven.

    7. You can't know that for sure. They didn't leave the comment under her post, and all she did was post a list of her favorite violent films, like ME asked. If that's being an asshole, then all the people who left a comment on today's blog are assholes.

    8. no one will know for sure *shakes head*

    9. That's very true. We may never know for sure since the moron either doesn't know how to hit 'reply' under the person's post they are commenting on, or they are too chicken shit to specify of whom they speak. So why waste precious time trying to guess? :D

    10. Turk is suck a lil cutie! I love him/her?

    11. hahaha! I said suck instead of such... :D

    12. You are Turk, Raven. He/she has the same sense of dullness that you do.

    13. Aww... You think I'm Turk? That's such a complement! Turk is such a fine individual. Not as fine as M.E. is, but very fine nonetheless.

    14. I think most people can sense dullness. Amirite?

    15. yes, dullness is like a flat tone in the voice. A sensitive person can pick it up, quite easily. Less sensitive people pick up something but do not have a name for it. It feels heavy and people want to run from it, not toward it.

    16. How fascinating. So Raven can sense "dullness" where others cannot? I wonder if I've ever been able to, and never knew it.

    17. That is silly anon 09:43. You don't have to be sensitive to hear a flat tone in someone's voice. You're making it sound like you have to be clairvoyant! LOL

    18. You don't. I didn't mean that.

  13. seeing people as they realy are and excepting them is a verry atactive quality in a sociopath.
    But people can never see mee for what i am except me for who i am.

    1. Who told you sociopaths *accept* people for who they are? You will find more empaths who do that. Sociopaths just don't care who people are. Indifference is not the same as acceptance.

  14. i dont have emotions i have an everlasting itch.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I just watched Pan's Labyrinth, again, last night. That has some delightful violence in it.

  17. I think anger and violence as a turn on, or even as a positively charging emotional set is something that more people feel than they are willing to admit to because it isn't publically acceptable to enjoy being angry.

    However, being angry, thoughts of violence, they amp you up, give you a charge. I've had this conversation with a few neurotypicals. I think it's basical and primal to enjoy these feelings on some level. Society however, has repressed this acknowledgement with disapproval in order to control.

    1. Good insight. It feels like my wires are crossed. Mostly everyone gets the same little thrill that we all pretend not to get. I think the subject is taboo, even with sociopaths. Thats why I brought it up.

    2. And yet, the film industry knows to overlay sex with violent action because it is this "taboo" thrill that sells tickets and drives profits.

    3. I think we are so fucked up as people but we act all nice and perfect. It is a game. Why couldn't I have known prior to this? I made such fucked up mistakes because I believed the lies. I believed what I was told when I should have screamed with my fists. FUCK YOU if you try to lie to me with your BULLSHIT. Fuck you. Fuck you.

    4. Yes. We know that it was you. At least I did.

    5. I've been waiting for you to say something like this for a long time.

      You're only half-asleep now.

    6. It's kind of too bad you need a kick in the teeth to wake you up, Monica. But you know who else is like that?

    7. Am I the only one who is deeply repulsed by Monica?

      I can't figure out what you all find so endearing about her inanity

    8. hahaha! Are you new? You must be if you're asking a question like that... :D

    9. My answer to Anon 8:23 post is Yes, I am, also, repulsed by Monica and only sociopaths would find her
      endearing to the point that they love to play mind games as much as she does.

    10. Hello Raven LOL

    11. Raven why am I not surprised that you are such a two faced person that you will try to be my friend, ostensibly, and then talk crap behind my back. I know you are incapable of trust from your past. You are like a wounded animal. However, there are some sociopaths who have honor and dignity. I have several friends who do, so don't make being a "sociopath" an excuse for being a dick he he

    12. @Raven

      Relatively new, yes. I've been doing what I can to avoid reading her nonsense, but she has been posting more and more frequently lately, and her bullshit is getting harder to ignore.

      I'm not a violent sociopath, but I would cherish the opportunity to carve you into fun little bite-size pieces. You really don't deserve to breathe the same air that I do.

    13. LOL Jealous, petty Raven. Sad

    14. What on earth are you talking about, Monica? Everything posted here is in plain sight for everyone to see. They even show up on the side so that you know when old blogs get posted on. And where are you getting this friendship idea from? You and I have never been friends.

      Why would you suddenly accept the friendship of someone who treats you the way I have anyway? Have you asked yourself that question? Why, every time I am the tiniest bit nice to you, you start thinking we are friends? Are you that desperate for acceptance?

      I'm sure there are people you don't like in this world Monica. Everyone has people they don't like in this world. It doesn't require psychoanalysis to discover the meaning behind that dislike.

      Talk about self important, eh? To think that if someone doesn't like you, there must be something wrong with *them*! hahaha!

    15. If someone doesn't like me, there is clearly something wrong with them.


    16. But that's not entirely true, now is it? It's primarily the weak that are drawn to me. Something about my eyes... they know that I can see them for all of who they are. Indifference or acceptance, it makes very little difference. They'll just settle for someone who shows them the attention they so desperately crave.

      I almost pity them. They're always so broken when they stop being of use to me.

  18. i couldn't watch the video for more than a minute... or maybe it was only ten seconds but felt like a minute? the background sound was too stressy. and i had this sudden urge to smash the laptop - anything to shut it up.

    without the sound it was just boring. :(

  19. I live as a sociopath and I often wonder what it is that kees humansfrom crossing this line that is good and bad. I wonder what stop people from essentially pulling a collumbine. Why do more people NOT do that? It would actually be fairly easy to even find partners to cause mayhem with. But we dont. Or wont. But why? I think it is because of such a stigma. Ones reputation is at stake when you do something like this. And you dont want people to see you that way. And you want freedom to do things you like. And all these different things are sort of subconciosly calcuated togeter and that chooses the outcome of what you do. And it all sort of is revolved around if you can justify the action. And thats how I view modern violence.

    1. I am not a sociopath but I thank God for impulse control and reason.I am very logical, on one side of me. I can pull back and detach. If not, I would have beaten two people to death with a claw hammer. Sometimes I muse about what would happen if I lost my sense of control due to an injury or drugs. I think that is what happened with OJ. At any rate,I cling to my reason and logic as one would cling to a lover. I suppose the sociopath and the empath are the same in this slice of life.

    2. ^Lol....Too, funny!

  20. I've always loved violent movies. I grew up watching the great slasher classics, wondering why they were classified as "horror." It took me a while to realize that normal people aren't rooting for the bad guy (Freddy Krueger is a personal hero). Me, I just liked watching people die in interesting ways.

    My favorite book/movie of all time is Battle Royale, in which 49 9th graders are taken to a deserted island, given weapons, and forced to fight until only one is left alive. You may have heard a similar story from the recent piece-of-shit Hunger Games. I've seen The Hunger Games twice now, and was bored as fuck both times. I feel like I spent the whole movie waiting for something to happen... I just wanted to actually SEE them die, goddammit. Anyways, The Hunger Games is a poorly-written, poorly-constructed rip-off of Battle Royale.

    Did anyone see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? The scene where the serial killer has the protagonist tied up? I got goosebumps. I've always fantasized about such a conversation: where one person knows they are going to be killed by the other and there is nothing to do about it. I've always wondered how I would *feel* in that situation. I definitely hope that's how I die. I long to have a conversation with the man who is going to kill me, knowing I cannot convince them otherwise. You couldn't ask for a more honest conversation.

    I would also like to play the other role, but I do my best to swallow those urges...

  21. I love the the many violent scenes in the 2010 film SUPER. Especially one at the end where someone gets their head caved in.

  22. Violence in movies is dangerous. Not that I don't know why it's attractive. But because it might attract someone to try it in real life. And once you are there, it's a swamp, believe me. "No, no it's not what it seems..."


  23. Ever seen the eight-minute-long, real-time rape scene in the French movie "Irreversible"? And then the goring-of-face-by fire extinguisher in the bar scene? Those scenes stuck with me for awhile.


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