
Monday, April 30, 2012


It's been a while since we've had one of these.  From a reader wondering if she is a sociopath:

I didn't even consider it until a few weeks ago, when I was just taking some personality disorder quiz, rated ridiculously high on antisocial personality disorder, and then proceeded to identify with all of the symptoms listed. This doesn't really alarm me, but I think it should? I don't know. 

See, I wouldn't even think twice on it if it wasn't the answer to the question I've been asking myself for years: namely, the "what the hell is wrong with me" question. I always thought that I was probably crazy, but it wasn't impairing me so it didn't bother me. I use people like toys even when I know intellectually that I shouldn't. I've been astonishingly cruel to people who have offended me in the past, but on the whole, I'm the most charming person I think I've ever met. I don't think I'm seen anywhere besides my house without a smile on hand. Ask any of my friends; I'm a fun kind of person. Except I don't trust my friends. I don't tell them anything remotely personal, but I read them like a book, from body language to facial expressions to verbal cues. They tell me everything and trust me completely. I'm not touched but I feel like I should feel honored or some such thing. If I'm tearing into someone for some reason, I don't feel anything but a vague satisfaction if they're reduced to tears, and later on I don't feel guilty. In the past I've even tried to feel guilty for using people like that's the reason they're in my life, but I can't think of another use for them. If they can't benefit me in some way, why would I want them around? Anyways, all of those attempts at true remorse have failed dismally. I can produce tears at will, muster up enough emotion to put it on my face and watch other people believe me, but it goes away immediately. I can lie so convincingly that sometimes even I don't know if I'm actually telling the truth or not, much less the person I'm lying to. And they flow so naturally, I barely even have to think. I don't discriminate, either - at some point in my life I'm sure I've lied to just about everyone I know. I get bored, also. Insanely bored. I try to find almost any way out of this boredom; it makes me feel like I'm stagnating or something horrific like that. I can just see the rust forming in my brain. Ugh.

What used to bother me is that I'm such a chameleon that I don't even know who I am, or what kind of person I am (aside from charismatic). I have so many masks, they help me ace interviews, make friends wherever I find people, and get authority figures to trust me immediately even when they really, really shouldn't. I've displayed such behavior since I was around five, as far as I recall. Sometimes it feels like I'm not even a real person, just a collection of interchangeable personalities and an unshakeable coldness that seems to form the core of who I am. And I feel like this should upset me greatly, but what I find concerning is that it doesn't. Shouldn't it? When someone asks me if I feel guilty, or if I want to apologize, I always feel like saying, "should I?" They seem to know who I'm supposed to be, but I don't. And I certainly don't trust their judgement. But you seem to have similar occurrences, based on what I've read in your blog. And if anyone would know what exactly is the reason for these little, um, quirks, I figure it would be you, dear sociopath (and that honestly isn't an insult, fyi).

Please assist on this soul-searching quest I find myself on, and inform me if my suspicions are rooted in real evidence or I'm seriously just a lunatic with delusions of sociopathy. If you've read this, thank you for your time. If not, well, I'm sure you're busy and have many things to be attending to, but you couldn't spare a single moment to help a semi-innocent girl with an identity crisis? Where is your humanity? Yes, that was a joke. I'll stop wasting your time.

I thought -- it's always hard to tell from an email whether someone is a sociopath or not, but there is nothing here inconsistent with sociopathy.  And actually she doesn't seem to care what the diagnosis is either way.  I give it a big "maybe."  Thoughts?


  1. all signs point to yes.

    1. Wow, that was the most classic description I ever read. It was all the more powerful because it was not laced with jargon but was a pure emanation from her heart.

    2. @Monica

      Don't you ever get tired of using big words simply to make yourself sound intelligent? You do understand that, as sociopaths, we are especially adept at reading between the lines... right? You sound like a child imitating an adult. You're far out of your league here, honey.

    3. *claps for snake*

    4. Do u feel threatened by somebody else using "big words"? You know there are people out there who can pepper their conversations with words like albeit and it doesn't mean jack, right? Of course u do.

  2. She's just like mee, well there are some differences of course. Is it really so easy to tell if someone has sociopathic tendencies? How most empaths don't realise it, for example teachers should be able to tell :/

    1. nobody can tell.

    2. Well what if your teacher says you play by yourself when things don't go your way? And you look out the window a bunch?

    3. What if she sends you to "speech".

      And you've gone to the principal yourself to say you want to change your class? You just march in and say I've had enough of this shit I want a new atmosphere lol.

    4. Teachers should be able to tell.. Thats funny that you say that. I would get these looks from my teachers once in a while. Kind of like silent horror? And I never knew why. I must have done something that stood out emotionally, or morally. I contrasted. Anyways, I briefly had a guidance counselor in 7th grade, who saw me once and then asked me not to be assigned to her any more.. Our meeting was super short and the first thing she said after an introduction was 'I feel like you're looking into my soul. Do people ever tell you that"
      I was instantly pissed. She made me feel vulnerable. I said I couldn't help it. She got up from the desk and talked to her secretary, who came back and told me I was going to be seen by someone else.
      So! Weather that is me, or my counselor being a fruit-loop. I don't know.

    5. oh boy,. no i ever had a teacher say that about me. I stared at other students though, which caused a few problems.

    6. She was prob just turned on by you, and wanted your cock.

    7. Well what if your teacher says you play by yourself when things don't go your way? And you look out the window a bunch? - Yes they do, yes I do.

      Well I rarely visit "speech" because I am able to act differently near teachers...

      @ Grey, well I haven't noticed any signs from my teachers, but I can't really tell how they feel. Well one my schoolfriend used to tell me that I "shouldn't look at other people like that", that was when I was interested in what they are talking or just paying attention to them. Well no one ever thought that there's something wrong with me, well I knew that I was different, others did it too, but I somehow avoided visits to Principle or guidance counselor. Maybe because I was such a nice boy : )

    8. "speech" is code for school psychologist

    9. Teachers are some of the most ignorant useless people Ihave ever met. Not saying they aren't robots that learned what it is they have to teach over and over and over, but if Dr Hare gets taken often and he IS an expert, what makes you think some yuppy teacher with coffee breath can spot a socio ?

    10. Lol- Anon 5:27- I'm a chick.

    11. I don't think a teacher, or a guidance counselor has the ability to "diagnose" a sociopath. They may have the ability to detect emotional disturbance or other irregularity. I can only make observations about their behavior, not know their precise thoughts. Looking back on it as an adult, I am baffled by her unprofessionalism. What a dramatic thing to do. Especially for a mature woman. Whatever.

      And while I'm on the subject I don't believe I have diagnosis powers either. And without knocking anyone on this site- I don't think Socipaths have those powers either. Having high powered perception is not license to practice medicine. And as everyone here can I'm sure relate- Doctors aren't always the best at diagnosing either. I don't know why people come here to be diagnosed.. This site is a great learning tool, but not for something so all-encompassing.

      We can draw from our own experiences and relate. But those who truly believe that being a Sociopath gives them the insight to diagnose someone based on a blog is either delusional, narcissistic or both.

    12. Don't need 12 years and a Ph.d to know someone is an asshole there.... Doc

    13. Well obviously we are not doctors, but M.E. wrote this blog so we could play them. It's like one would write in handicaps forum, that he feels lack of arm, but isn't sure that his arm is missing, so other handicaps start writting their experiences and ask questions that would help for one to know. And we can relate to thoughts, she (in current situation) wrote. I'd agree with freelance that all signs point to yes, but she could be a borderline.

    14. who could be a borderline?

    15. The one current blog post is about.

  3. That resonates almost 100% with myself. And since I'm left wondering if I am or not, then I wouldn't be able to say if this person is. I guess sociopathy is such a difficult diagnosis to make for a reason.

    I don't particularly care either way, it would just be cool to know.

  4. I consider my father to be a sadistic psychopath. But one thing is irritating: he has very high self control.

    is there a high self control s/p among you who can take away my irritation?

    thank you

    1. Why is it irritating if he has high self control?

    2. Because in articles on psychopathy one read almost every time:

      „Can`t delay gratification“
      „low impulse control“ etc.

    3. Oh. That's funny because when I think if had had kids I would not have been a good role model exactly for these reasons. I think I'd be hypocrite, teaching one thing and doing another.

    4. So what does he do that specifically bothers you??

      Are you trying to give yourself control over your day but you have to wait for him to do his impulsive things before he does his fatherly responsibilities?

      I think people with add have problems with this.

    5. I just want to complete the (true) picture of my father.

  5. this sounds somewhat like me...but I guess I still wonder, because I do not share every "traits"....and me being me...if it doesn't line up perfectly...I wonder why not, what does this mean. for instance if I were to list the traits, then.....

    PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR - Yes/No - not in recent times as no sex drive.
    IRRESPONSIBILITY - yes/No I do pay my bills...well, others give me the cash for them, but they get paid

    Now the ones that don't quite fit:

    JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - No, I kept to myself mainly, was very quiet.
    CRIMINAL VERSATILITY - No/ Yes, I have been a willing partner of a "silent partner" I don't know if it is "safe" here to detail the events. I have "delt" in the past..used as well. Some vandalism.
    GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM - No/ Yes, I am cautious of what I say around people, but when I have something to say I say it with confidence, as I only speak in facts. I am a charmer though, especially with woman.

    So that's me, any input, will be read and replied too.

    1. Hello APS:

      Would you please tell me if you can, to describe what you mean by lack of realistic/long term goals, and how you relate to that trait?

      Thank you.


    2. Hey, APS, so you might be a socio, but not a sadistic one. You know what you shouldn't do in order to avoid problems, however you can do something that others would consider wrong, if they can't punish you for that. You live by your own rules, you are principled, not an idiot. You are a little bit shy because you learned to be one.
      It's interesting that all socios have many things in common but are different too : )

    3. Thank you for taking a peek at my blog, APS.
      I'm happy to share my taste with so many who can appreciate the same.

      Feel free to email me with suggestions, or with your own personal stories/list of favorites. My email is on my profile page.

    4. In reply to Anonymous Apr 30 4:56am Lack of long term goals for me, I idolise a has been many things....I choose something I want....begin working towards it....get bored, move onto the next thing thing...this applies to everything from career goals to "sexual relationships" to anything in between, "nice idea at the time., please." It's just that I get bored with everything....nothing matters enough for me to stick at it...

      For the next Anon at 5:21am I agree it is interesting the commonalities and differences...while there are stereotypes there are grey areas...and thank you I like to think I am not an idiot :)
      can't punish ya if they don't catch ya...but yes, I am good at...self preservation...and I do much prefer being out the "free world" and know what takes that away.
      Can be sadistic, not in connection with sexual activity, but I do enjoy the pain caused by tearing someone down...I seem to save it for certain types you know? I have been referred to is horrific...but isn't that what all empaths say ;)

      And Raven, I enjoyed your blog very much, some real delights there to see.

  6. Dear Mark,
    I consider myself to be a sociopath with a high self control. It is possible to be sadistic socio or psycho with a high self control. But you shouldn't judge someone just because you don't like him. Try to calm your mind and investigate your father as he would be some stranger which you want to diagnose. Also more input would be nice.
    Yours, Mee

    1. Thank you Mee for your answer. I wanted to keep my comment short and clear, that`s why there is little input on my overly nice father. In fact I studied him a lot and did a lot of research. (I think he is a covetous psychopath. Which is the root of his sadism.)

      Do you think it is self control which seperates succesfull (lives a free undetected life) S/P from unsuccesfull (spends time in chail) S/P?

      Yours Mark

    2. Self control is one indicator. Also parents play a very big role as they form ones point of view. Well all one's surroundings matter. Also if a s/p manages to find the right job, he/she is less likely to kill someone or do something like that. For example, let's say that television character Gregory House is a sociopath. In his job he can control others, is rarely bored, feeds his sadism by being around sick people. In this situation he don't have to do stupid things to keep going.
      Ones principles are important as well.

    3. „I consider myself to be a sociopath with a high self control.“

      Does this mean that you lack the typical „impulsivity“ and that you can delay gratification?

    4. Well I am impulsive, but I can resist doing something that will end up badly, however even if I suspest that something can go wrong unless I start acting diffferently I don't change anything, unless I really need to. But I have never crossed the line, atleast the one I drew. So I can say that I control myself at the moment.

    5. But its hard for me to be accurate about myself, because I can only form an opinion about myself based on my previous actions.

    6. Thank you for your honest answers,

      Yours, Mark

  7. " And actually she doesn't seem to care what the diagnosis is either way."

    She certainly will care if she ends up before a court and the prosecution has an assessment stating that diagnosis.

  8. Okay, so half of the rejects that responded to this are narcissists as they didn't even answer her question, they just went on tangents about themselves. I'm sure that helps her lots!

    Female who wrote this, it seems like you care but because caring will take away points from your possibly being one you went the Idon'tcare route. I will say doesn't matter. Whether you are or aren't, if you can function with this personality of yours then it's all good.

    Elicious, most people who are diagnosed as such don't give a damn. The only thing that happens, if anything, is they get a name to their "issues" and they move on being the same person they were before diagnosis. Maturity and age calms this type of personality, not just awareness of the "disorder".

    1. Bullshit. What happens is you get the max possible sentence and it can go against you when you come up for parole. Only an idiot wouldn't care about that.

    2. Then I guess there are lots of idiots. And what kind of "care" are you using in this context? Are you using the emotionally based care in which they feel bad and they think perhaps I shouldn't have done that, or the care as in it is something they have to bring attention towards and make actions that display caring only because they partook?

      If they truly "cared" about any of this then they wouldn't get in a position to get put in prison. Once it's done though, it's done. Caring about it after the fact is pointless. Are you warning her to not go to prison or something? I am missing the point in mentioning hypothetical scenarios.

    3. err yes, you are indeed missing the point.

    4. Okay, so half of the rejects that responded to this are narcissists as they didn't even answer her question, they just went on tangents about themselves. I'm sure that helps her lots!

      That's cuz we ain;t qualified like you (OR THINK WE;RE QUALIFIED) Someone like you always pops up. We all have our roles so quit with the narcissist this and the narcissist that eval.

      People with add naturally go off on tangents and that woman is not in the room with us. If she was, it would be a different story.

      Furthermore still, it's a well-known assumption that ME jots up these little "I have a reader who wrote this" posts frequently, just to get a conversation going. We're assume it most of the time.

      Good day.

    5. Well I care about the label.

    6. So Elicious, instead of just answering my questions you are going to completely disregard the discussion you felt the need to keep up? Just wow. Are you ending this now because you are afraid of where it will end up? I was being my typical self when I said I am missing the point. TRANSLATION: There is no point, AT ALL, to use hypotheticals to backup your statements.

      You can't say that every time they (she) will get the maximum sentence because in specific regions in other countries types of behaviors aren't off enough to warrant an assessment, nor do they always have the resources to order it. And since we are going to throw in hypotheticals, let's say that she (or whoever) did have to go to trial. They fucked up, and they were issued an assessment. What makes you think the sociopath wouldn't fake a different disorder to get a lesser sentence? What if they pretended to have schitzotypal? This disorder is not an uncommon co-morbitity to AsPD. If given that diagnosis they could be up for parole. What makes you think they couldn't just find a way out, and disappear in another country? No matter how many pointless hypothetical scenarios I come up with the original point to my statement was that they won't give a damn, and it does not change the personalty. Whether they were put in prison and fucked up their chances of parole it doesn't change the con artist, criminal, manipulator, and all those other lovely adjectives, underneath. They will immediately find another way to get out of it.

    7. Anon guy after Elicious, we all have our roles? Wtf are you talking about? And I am qualified thank you ^__^! I got my PhD. in Reality. It's a hard degree to get lately.

    8. "Okay, so half of the rejects that responded to this are narcissists as they didn't even answer her question, they just went on tangents about themselves."

      I dont even read the article. I just like commenting and starting someting.

    9. Oren, are you Jamaican?

    10. @ Beaverkins

      lol rantelicious

    11. Holy ravioli! Someone is very touchy. There is someone here who can tell you how that diagnoses ruined her, and her name is Piles the Beaver. She can tell you exactly what having that diagnoses on your record will do. Sounded like she cared very much, too.
      She actually described it quite nicely in the forum, but I can't recall where in the forum.

      Oh wait... it was under David's retarded lie about his own kind-of-sort-of, unofficial diagnoses. Piles totally wrecked him, because it was so obvious he was lying about it. haha! That was funny!

    12. I didn't care until it fucked me over, then I cared very much.

      I just went back to that thread and low and behold, the coward erased his comments. Typical. It's not the same without his contradicting retarded ass commentary :(

    13. I know Piles. I know... :(
      That's why he deletes them in the first place. He can't seem to get that recipe for un-retarded down. So he deletes all his failed attempts.

    14. However, there would be some advantages if I were black. Some cons too, but the pro's would work in my favour.

  9. Oh, come on M.E., I need some feedback too and I wrote you ages ago ;) and I made a huge effort trying not to bother you too much with the what do you think am I a socio or not, but, really, in fact that was my question Be nice and publish something about me or just give me some kind of opinion. Please? Don´t you have a heart? LOL

    1. You can't ask other people to go into your head. If you don't know what is in there how do you think me will know, what, now he has exray vision?

      My friend's kid found a youtube of a kid having fits. He has torettes . H's using his very mild tourettes diagnosis and mimicking a fit from youtube for attention. You can't diagnose yourself. You can sy, yeah I do that i don't do what THAT freak did. Self diagnosing is a very strange thing.

      I went to my psych doc. She said "maybe you're the sociopath"

    2. 912 you are a dick lol.

    3. Why, thank you!

  10. I said GOOD DAY! *slams door*

    1. * stares calmly at the door, goes to car, grabs gasoline from the trunk, walks back to the door, drenches said door with gasoline, lights a match, drops it on door, and walks away. Heads towards back of house and waits with a 12 gauge*

    2. That's a comment boy! Friggin' awesome, I'm Lisbeth you guys!

    3. Yeah right... you're a virgin living in your moms basement playing video games all day fantasizing about having clear skin.

  11. But you can ask, very politely, for some feedback from someone who has been going through some wondering similar to yours in the past, and who seems to lead a reasonably productive and fulfilling existence, can´t you? And of course I was smiling while writing my comment, it was kind of a joke, I know I have no right to expect anything from ME or anyone else that doesn´t even know me. But, you know, it's so refreshing to feel that you can be understood, and of course he can´t read your mind, but he can go "oh yeah, that happens to me too" or "not really, I never see things that way". What on Earth brought all of you here in the first place?

  12. Totally, you care cool. Don't let the sick bastards get you down he he

  13. Anon 9:57
    If you stick around, you will develop a thick skin................................................he he

  14. "They tell me everything and trust me completely."

    Is it that the friends you choose trust you completely or the fact that they trust you completely that chooses them as friends?

    "If they can't benefit me in some way, why would I want them around?"

    Does gullibility and neediness expedite the charming process... maybe?

    "I can lie so convincingly that sometimes even I don't know if I'm actually telling the truth or not, much less the person I'm lying to."

    Because its most likely advantagious to call a self deluded person out on their lies?

    I am a pretty empathetic person and my thoughts on the idea of someone feeling guilty can be summed up with ... who cares? The guilty feeling only arises in presence of other otherwise it is regret. I don't feel guilty about anything I do intentionally because I wouldn't do anything I would feel guilty about. If you would then I think that's more of behavior issue than no remorse.

    When I hear someone say they feel bad about something they did thata they chose to do all I can think that they should feel bad and that's not my problem. Why did you do it, because you like feeling bad? Probably not. A person using guilt against someone else is usually protecting their interests.

    I wonder if its possible that the belief you have about being charming, an amazing liar, chamelion like,... etc have anything to do with you focusing your attention on people who are looking for something and needy. Maybe healthy indiviuals avoid you and or you avoid them because they either cant or wont provide anything to you for your apparently incredible trustworthy friendship.

    1. I am a pretty empathetic person and my thoughts on the idea of someone feeling guilty can be summed up with ... who cares?


    2. "They tell me everything and trust me completely."

      Hey. I want your opinion on this. I'm actually like this reader. I don't know if she has the same answers to your questions. I thought about them today. I am curious. I'm pretty honest with myself about how I'm going to answer you. I really have never thought about this aspect of my personality. The answers are as follows:

      I have a lot of good quality friends with serious, adult problems. They actually do trust me for good advice. They choose me as a friend because I am a very good friend to them. I often get good feelings from being able to be of assistance. I really love to do this for them, to problem solve. This contributes to my well-being. These are people I give up time for because I genuinely care for them. It is mutually beneficial. I will have love for the close ones and they for me. There is nothing sociopathic about this, is there? I mean, I also do very generous things. I'm quite unnerved by emergencies, can act swiftly and rationally in emergencies. I am a reliable source. People will call me in emergencies. They do things for me unsolicited out of the blue, these people who usually don't trust others, these people who are not needy for attention, these people who are very, very smart, even smarter than I. I feel good about myself for these qualities. I am very strong person and they rely on my strength. i do not have trouble sleeping over my friend's problems. I think these are good qualities.

      There is a part of me that feels this is empathy.
      Is this empathy? Serious question for the sociopaths here, and serious questions for the borderlines and serious question for the empaths: Although I may not feel connected to their emotions I am connected to their situation. I don't use. I need these quality for self esteem, I think, but not sure. Maybe? I do not know. I will project sometimes, put myself in their shoes, get eyes behind their problems, and be right about the solutions. Please tell me: Is their something remotely sociopathic with any of the above? I have been this way my whole life. Please ask me further questions because i am unsure. I really am unsure what these qualities represent. I'm serious and do not need approval.

      Even in mental hospital or in dire straights myself, I can be rational with them and take them under a strong wing. I told shrink at mental hospital after an anger meltdown, while still volatile, she is going to make a good shrink. I saw tears in her eyes. I understood this. I didn't have tears in my eyes then, but I have tears in my eyes now. Is there anything remotely sociopathic about this quality and the fact I am aware of this? I honestly do not know and I want to know from others. Is this empathy? Serious question for the sociopaths here, and serious questions for the borderlines and serious question for the empaths: Although I may not feel connected to their emotions, I understand them. I am connected to their situation. I don't use. I need these quality for self esteem, I think, but not sure. Maybe? I do not know. Honestly I do not know. But I get good feelings from this aspect of myself. I will project sometimes, put myself in their shoes, get eyes behind their problems, and be right about the solutions. Please tell me: Is their something remotely sociopathic with any of the above? I have been this way my whole life.

      Please ask me further questions because i am unsure. I really am unsure what these qualities represent. I'm serious and do not need approval.

    3. I think you should stick around and keep talking. I don't know the answer. My guess is that you are numb from trauma and that feels like a sociopath. I have the same thing so I say it from that vantage point.

    4. Trauma from being invisible as a very young person to a person who was a caregiver? So young, so impressionable?

    5. I'm the anon who seemed desperate for feedback a few comment above. This is exactly as I function in my relationships: "Although I may not feel connected to their emotions I am connected to their situation. I don't use. I need these quality for self esteem, I think, but not sure". And this is my question too: is this empathy? My shrink says YES. She insist on the theory that you can never connect with people situations, feelings, be a good listener, without a emotional matureness that has developed itself through feelings as well as rationality. She says that when you are born without empathy it works really a different way: others situations, others in general, just don´t show in the picture. If they show you see them as objects and you have a hard time understanding what they are talking about, why they are telling you about their problems and what you are supposed to say. But I don´t know... this is my shrink, I also feel that I'm missing something. And I also had a hard time as a child, and I have all the qualities valued by society so I tend to have a grandiose sense of self which usually locates me observing others from above, which makes real emotional connections a bit harder. But I don´t know... I hope it helped, I'm in the same situation more or less. Cold bastards, right? Hope we don´t meet in jail one of this days LOL

    6. You don't sound like a cold bastard at all. It sounds like trauma. You got that way i.e. numb for self protection.

    7. Thank you. Yeah, I guess it has something to do with that, in all cases maybe? I have traits of other trauma related disorders (obsessive-compulsive specially) but I think that sociopathy can really interact with these. Not according to the media, traditional idea of a socio, by when you get to talk to others, like in this site, you realize how much more than "if you get depressed you are not a socio" there is to it. Thank you very much for your opinion, anyway :)

    8. Do you have what feels like a "cold spot" inside you.It may be more of a "cold slice" than a cold spot?

    9. Hi Erin :))

    10. Monica, I do certainly feel that I have a cold slice inside me. Absolutely.
      I'm not Erin.

  15. AnonymousApr 29, 2012 07:05 AM
    whose e mail do you want?


    AnonymousApr 29, 2012 07:16 AM
    i want the one who talks about crying and "curing". I want the one who is truly nice, not just trying to have access for a sinister or very selfish end.

    AnonymousApr 29, 2012 07:17 AM
    no forget it, i dont trust any of you

  16. Hi Funny Bit. Welcome Back :)

  17. This is not something ultra technical like cancer. If you can't diagnose it your self, you are a retard.

  18. That was a funny and I was just going to argue with you like a retard. Haaaaaaa

  19. I need help, I keep having homicidal urges when I'm in crowds and they're getting to the point where I'm considering acting on them.

  20. I grew up wondering what was wrong with everyone else, not me. I'd be curious of course, but mostly at their stupidity, or holding themselves back.

    1. This sounds like a driver going in the wrong direction, to him all else was driving in the wrong direction.

    2. There Is something wrong with everyone else, T.
      There is nothing wrong with us, and everything wrong with them. :)

    3. I enjoy how your relation to others is directly connected to yourself.

    4. ^that is narcissism? Serious question.

    5. The Narcissistic Path?


  21. Dr Franklin Fomentile PhdMay 1, 2012 at 5:35 AM

    This is my current analysis of happiness. One must have one's self expression amped up to loud. One must be outrageously oneself. If one was born with pink polka dots, wear yellow pants. If one was born with bright green hair, wear hot pink. Therein, lies happiness.

    1. CEO SociopathworldMay 1, 2012 at 6:47 AM

      I like it, Frank.

    2. Dr. Franklin

      Huh? Can you go a little further with your analysis?

    3. He means if you crazy and you like you, crazy an all, don't lie. You's crazy an you like it! Accept it Don't lie an say "I ain't crazy", or "I don't like me" . If you crazy an you like it make you crazy pretty. Dress it up. Be proud of yourself. Get a matching crazy boyfriend who appreciates your polka dots, put him in a diaper and a leash and parade him down city streets. Hooray!

    4. Love it Mrs Dr F @@@@

    5. Funny Bit, you found your man above.

    6. @Mr. Frank

      Shoudn't you be helping Anon 9:55 instead of the crazy wanna be's?

    7. There is no Anon 9:55

    8. ^Yes, there is a April 30 9:55 PM. Did a different
      date occur to you? Check before you post.......

    9. Mrs Dr F comment is the single funniest comment I have ever heard on SW. Whoever you are, kudos to you, buddy.

    10. ur getting there, monica. Laughing at you you, and not they you, is a blow suck way to perform your self-raping. Thinking your own comment funny, is the self loving one engages in while masturbating their frontal dildo, so they can learn how to vibrate their partners anus. Keep up the good materials.

  22. Who is PMS? Can you guys tell me?

    1. Postmodern Sociopath? Used to have a blog nicely done, with fun theme park adventure ride . Talked about philosophy. He made it fun. He is dry as dry an be one minute and then posts a hilarious raunchy children's book. He probably lurks around. He's only 21. He goes on the forum a bunch.

      Who Knows?

    2. He's a rather amusing mathematician who, for the most part, has issues due to intellect rather than any sort of neurosis.

    3. issues due to boooooooring

  23. Is it bad to be sexually aroused by profoundly disabled people? Sometimes I like to imagine BEING one myself. It even goes beyond sexual and becomes a way of living for me. I am Autistic, by the way.

  24. I'm going to be amazingly blunt. While I love the topic of this conversation, it is all rather pointless. Logically you all feel a sense of remorse in regards to the fact you so much as believe you're a sociopath. Now, I'll admit, this could be remorse coughed up out of fear, or remorse at being strange. I honestly don't know, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say no one here is genuinely Sociopathic. First of all, logically it's impossible to be a sociopath. After all, a Sociopath isn't technically real but rather simply a name given to explain something the majority consider unexplainable.

    On to the topic that is me, I believe I show symptoms of what is "called" A sociopath. I grow bored easily, and i've never met someone so quick to read another. I move home to home, story to story, all connected yet all different. When I lie, I almost consider myself telling the truth. In a sense I change what I perceive as my reality. The whole case of you think and there for you are. I think what I said is real, and there for I can say certainly that it is real. Hell, growing up I even used the deaths of those close to me simply to defend myself, and use them as a scape-goat. Basically saying things like, "My gramdmother just died, I'm sorry if I'm a bit out of it. It's called grieving, it's what people go through in such circumstances". In short, I use everything to advance myself or at least do what I believe will advance myself. Now, I'll admit I feel a sense of regret, but it's a very shallow regret. For example, when I fuck up and get caught cheating on my girl, I'll play be sad. Pretending I'm sorry, and such. And I'll even feel a sense of remorse at cheating, but not because I cheated but rather because I was caught, because the image I work so hard crumpled so easily.

    Now mind you I'm not asking any of the, "Experts" on this matter. I see no purpose behind labeling any of you as an expert when all I've seen are words anyone can write. For all you know every word I've typed so far is false, a fabrication to fit that which I'm trying to achieve. Mind you that's not the case. The point of this last paragraph being simply to state, I believe Beaver whatever, and numerous others, are complete farces.

    1.) What kind of doctor uses the smiley faces as often as he or she does?

    2.) Logically speaking it would make no sense for a doctor to begin a blog or comment posting site like this for no reason. Theoretically it could be that he or she is using us as test pigs, but that's useless without a very detailed background, more then a few words could ever explain.

    3.) People Lie, I know this because I do it. Everyone lies as long as it's beneficial, morals are after all completely fake creations of man that are used only when they fit.

    Anyways, I've work in the morning, if you can call it that. Please pay my post mind, and if you've any questions ask. By the way, Learn some punctuation folks. It's rather degrading of ones based purely on logic, to do anything other then use it.

    ~You're not so dear, and not so friendly Poster

    1. Now the way you expressed that Just feels idk sort of the same way I "feel" I can most of the time if not always tell when I hate something or someone, and the only word strong enough to explain that feeling is hate I constantly have an internal monologue of me saying man I hate when they say that or I hate that, but only when it's something like a person if like I stub my toe or something a lot of the time I personify it and get mad like hit it or something Like "fuck you" or something I also do not care if I swear unless it makes me look less normal Infact if it was socially acceptable I would use swears in every sentence, it goes back to that only " hate " is a descriptive word idea Idk. I feel as tho this whole post of mine may be shot down and it's just a "farce made by my subconscious to continue this feeling of normality sort of like the matrix in a very obscure way. Man for some reason I really do hope it's some form of sociopathy or some rare mental disorder because it would explain some shite.

  25. Oh my goodness, I couldn't get past the first couple paragraphs. Something about not giving up any personal information to 'friends,' but being able to 'read them like a book' --> what a badass we have here, self diagnosed badassery. I think you sound more like a jerk than anything.

  26. Aghh you make me want to fight you! All of you 'sociopaths' want to feel special, you want to feel that you're part of some elite group of people who are all the same. "Ohohoh we're so cool we're all sociopaths, how fun we are. We're unique!" and yet you crave other people like you.

    Isn't the whole thing behind being a sociopath that you go against the social norms? Furthermore, since 'social' refers to interacting with other people, by seeking to find people who are like you (the reason for this site, obviously) you actually have the need for social acceptance... just like every other normal person?

    None of you are special, we're all interchangeable people and not one of us matters - the key to life is creating a world in which you matter.

  27. Also my grandfather just died And I had not really batted an eye I'm not sure if my mind is trying to fabricate sadness be cause I had got emotional but it wasn't very real feeling idk I also say idk when someone asked a hard question because I constantly feel like Idk it's very weird.


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