
Monday, March 12, 2012

Unfit for life

A reader sent me a link to this video.  Under the title "The Bermuda Triangle of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black," a very quirky gentleman criticizes a recent paper/presentation basically advocating again for eugenics with sociopaths as a target of those branches of humanity to force into extinction:

In October of 2009, at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas held at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Dr. Julian Savulescu presented a paper entitled ‘Unfit for Life: Genetically Enhance Humanity or Face Extinction,’ which appears as a couple of videos on Vimeo ( and

Dr. Savulescu is presently a philosophy professor at Oxford University and the Director of Oxford’s Centre for Neuroethics. In his paper Dr. Savulescu argues that we ought ‘to consider’ taking immediate steps to engineer better human beings, human beings who, in his words, are more “Fit,” that is, “wiser and less aggressive.” We ought to consider, he claims, genetically altering human beings in order to weed out those he categorizes as the Unfit, by which he means the psychopaths and terrorists among us, as well as the ‘freeriders, fanatics, criminals, sociopaths, and, finally, the anti-social types.’ He also argues that we humans ought to consider rethinking the idea of liberal democracy, as it facilitates the existence of the Unfit among us. 

Savulescu spends more time basing his conception of who should be considered ‘Fit’ by pointing out who should be considered Unfit—of which he provides countless examples. For instance, in his response to a question after his talk, he approvingly cites the infamous Marshmallow Experiment as an indicator of who should, and who should not be considered Fit. The Marshmallow Experiment was carried out in the US in 1972 by Walter Mischel at Stanford University. A group of four-year-olds were given a marshmallow and then promised another, only if they could wait 20 minutes before eating the first one. Approximately 30% of the children could wait, while the other 70% could not. Mischel’s research team then followed the personality development of each child into adolescence and claimed to demonstrate that those with the ability to wait were better adjusted, more dependable and smarter, that is, socially “fitter,” especially according to their parents.


  1. HA! let them try

  2. Savulescu sounds like a Nazi (Romanian/Austrian combo), an NPD. What is sad is that he is the editor of a well-respected Medical Ethics Journal. He is sitting in a position that should be filled by someone who should protect against Nazi ideas and dreams of controlling human genes.

    Supposedly his research is to eliminate the socially undesirable guys, I truly doubt that. He must be trying to clone himself. He can never go for a child with a woman because his child would never be up to his expectations.

    Do an image search and look at this guy. He is as hot as it gets, his brain must be melting in all that heat.

    1. Yeah he is a romanian but he's a communist not a nazi.

  3. Michael Martin PlunkettMarch 12, 2012 at 5:05 AM

    he forgot the kikes from his list hitler wuld turn in his grave

    1. Without the kikes where would the world be? lol

    2. leave the Jews out of it lol.

    3. ..FUckin JEws :#

    4. If you took away all the famous Jews, the world would dissolve he he

    5. It would also be a lot less annoying of a planet...

    6. well buddy you would have to X out Einstein et al

    7. et al is a fucking lot of et als he he he

  4. Michael Martin PlunkettMarch 12, 2012 at 5:21 AM

    i have been developing dr savulescus ideas further 1st we shuld eliminate about half of the 4 yr olds who fail in the marsmellow test or have physical or mental deformities other 50% during their school yrs only the fittest survive to their adult hood where they work as long as they can be useful to the society

    when they get too old they will be eliminated no point in paying pensions to old geezers they are only leeching off society


  5. The last time I had a bowl of marshmallows in front of me, I waited 5 whole minutes before I ate one, and 1 whole quarter of a second before I shoved the next and the next in my mouth.

    1. FUckin BEepers.

    2. Who would wait twenty minutes for 2 marshmallows, anyway? If they were offering candy bars, maybe. But not marshmallows.

    3. Robots don't eat marshmallows you fucking jerk! Stop lying!

  6. Hahahaha, wow. Was he wearing a top hat, monocle and handlebar mustache? Because that's the only way I can picture a man that would seriously advocate killing children that can't wait for a marshmallow.

  7. what's the correlation of jews aspi and sociopathy?

  8. Evolution means things can evolve with seemingly 'pointless' traits. The thing is, if those traits, whilst pointless, don't STOP breeding and multiplying, then they continue - it's only if they cause the being or plant to die, that it will be bred out. How many people do you know that wear glasses ? imagine if no glasses were made. Those people that can't see shit would die off, and not have kids that need glasses. Fat people the same, those fat genes would die off with out all the medical intervention.

    As it is now, sociopaths and those that use those traits.... will out live others. Just look at the corporate ladder to date.

    1. I understand friction arises from knowledge that their existence has begun to harass most other humans who, by modern standards, are not comparatively as intellectually different to them as the gaps between both kinds begin to diminish.

      Becoming social parasites, their expectations are not much deviated from re-adapting to societal expectations, or be forced out.

  9. This place is nothing but fucking anon's and assholes.

  10. Blast from the past *sigh*
    Theme Song for the Anons

    1. I had missed that one. It's so quiet, isn't it themes?

    2. Themes for SW RegularsMarch 12, 2012 at 5:55 PM

      Lol Sceli
      Yep but don't wish for UKan now

    3. Good question. KEEP it that way he he

  11. The irony here is that the sociopaths scream "This is genocide, like the NAZIS!!!"

    When without the sociopaths, nothing like the NAZIs could ever happen. Normal humans with fully functioning brains will not tolerate that kind of life.

    The day will come, and it may not be soon, when persons with "diminished empathic response" are culled at an early age or better still never born.

    Of course this does not bother any living sociopath (aka lizardbrain) because you will be very old or dead and you are not able to plan for the future or care about anything except the same things any other lower animal cares about: orgasms, food, simple comforts.

    Seriously, real humans don't have anything against you we just know you need to stop existing.
    I think you know that too.

    1. We don't require elimination, provided we may force empathy unto them.

    2. Imp-pathy is a flawed notion that an individual is far more important than they are. Boo hoo your so and so died and now "I" feel this because of my empathy. Without self importance you don't have imp pathetic people because they would not place undo importance on what they percieve as the others emotions (really there own emotions if xyz) and it assumes they know anything in the face of nothing. What is and is and is not the pathetic want to cry about it. While we eat and fuck with no remorse. You can do the same thing with your false self importance and guilt. Oh yeah without the Jews there would be no holocaust, everyone plays there part.

  12. I love sociopaths :) I underestimated my last do I get him back if he is giving the silent treatment

  13. Fuck you! I'm going to eat that marshmellow, and take back the 20 minutes you tried to control me with a fucking marshmellow.

  14. In a libertarian society this would be wrong. But in a socialized economy with an extensive social safety net, this makes sense and people will eventually support it. Why should you pay for some genetic fuck up?

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  16. One thing one should never do is over-analyze oneself. Just BE yourself, don't over-analyze, because then you'll be all fucked up. Analyze others, not yourself. You have to exist as you are, because there is only one you in this world. Don't change. Being yourself is the bravest thing you can be.


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