
Friday, February 10, 2012


From a reader:

  • Ruled by objectivity and rational thought rather than subjective emotion
  • Foundations are ever-shifting, ultimately only an illusion
  • Values order and logic, though the former is unattainable and the latter inconsistent
  • Understands the world only through its own experience
  • Believes that meaning is a human construct
  • May have a reflexive awareness of difference between itself and others, and thinks that it is better
  • Not only the natural world, but also people are objects to be studied and manipulated
  • Values the individual, the self, above all else

(Archaeology and Modernity, Julian Thomas, 2004, Routledge, p. 2-3

Sound familiar?

I’ve recently been considering the possible relationship between sociopathic personalities and the key components of Modernity/the modern mode of thought. It may be possible that we all are just children of our time. Any thoughts?


  1. I like that idea. I'm hesitant to say that we're "children of our time" because of that though, if not just because as far as I know, the general thought process and experience of the sociopath has stayed constant over time. Maybe /they're/ just finally catching up with /us/? It could be ego talking with that, but it seems like they're what's changed.

  2. Very interesting. Being an Aspie, my recent philosophy deals with love's potential over the boundaries of reason.

    That said, the pragmatics of social development may be generational.

    The beat generation, for instance, certainly believed love would conquer power and dealt with the construction of a well-bonded, solid society. History proved them delusional, however. Yet, from an anthropological perspective, at the time, their ideals were only needed.

    If you think about it, they were not as disconnected from reality as it appears now that society has become more pragmatic.

    I constantly try to understand love as the primal human bonding force, and think to man, love equates Universal gravity, for one a most powerful force in the cosmos.

    As I ponder over this, I realize these visions of Utopia might have had a most rational core to them. It may be a matter of perspective.

    In the end notions such as these are reducible to Zeitgeist waves, mere mood swings in the spirit of times.

    Whether reason in its absolute dealings, or profuse emotion and its endless vulnerability, these are only our attempts to set our world in constructive motion.

  3. Makes sense, especially in the context of neoliberal individualisation.

  4. the empath is too weak and the narcissist and psychopath is too tough minded and insensitive. a borderline swings between both ends. nothing is set in stone with the bpd.

    1. Shut up, you cunt. Don't even put narcissists with sociopaths. Narcissists are a lot weaker than empaths. They need others to make them feel good and they're extremely insecure. The right criticism can change a happy narcissist into a depressed fuck. A narcissist who's not appreciated anywhere will stay home, depressed. A sociopath will not give a shit about how he's seen by the entire world, he'll look at himself in the mirror and think he's the best.

    2. But narcs only care about themselves like the sociopath! Isn't that enough to make you respect them? Borderlines deserve scorn because they focus on others, but narcs don't do that.

    3. Narcissists are highly prone to stress and anxiety, they can't relax. Sociopaths feel anxiety infrequently.

    4. 342-Scorn away. I focus on others when they distract me from myself. It's convenient

      When I'm not in a clusterfuck sorting things out, I feel like that modern couch -a clean, simple, elegant, solid individual. And my upholstery is self cleaning.

    5. I enjoy doing things for other people. It gives me a personal satisfaction. Of course, the things I do for other people are things I enjoy doing in the first place. It's one part socializing, one part increasing thier need to rely on me.

    6. Don't act like your care for others is manipulation.

    7. O_o If they rely on me, they're less likely to leave.

    8. Haven, what kind of personality type might feel like they were watching themselves socialize from the POV of an outside lens? Does that ever happen to you?

    9. Sounds like dissociation.

    10. Yes, it's sounds like a dissociative condition.

      Check out: Depersonalization.

      This happens to me fairly often when I'm extremely stressed or under emotional pressure.

    11. It can happen to any personality type. I don't know if there is one that is more inclined to it than another.

      It's a defense mechanism.

    12. @anon It depends to what extent. I can force myself in to thinking that way. People who suppress or have limited inner monologue while interacting often feel that way, too.

  5. i was told a narc socio relationship kinda works (never ending game lol)

    1. I doubt it. Narcissists would annoy the crap out of a sociopath.

    2. Bit off topic - nothing to do with sociopathy as such but what's new.

      There is a book called 'learned optimism' that states major depressives as having a realistic, objective, true view of how the world really works. The optimist or the 'normal' person on the other hand lives in a world of dreams and hopes that are not reality. Yet that false belief lets them accomplish more than they would otherwise be capable should they be able to see 'reality'.

      I call people living in their own fairy tale white picket fence existence who are oblivious to everything as living in their own 'bubble'... their own societal 'bubble' and just like the bubbles in a bath tub they mix with all the other people who are held within their own bubble existence.

      As soon as we pop that bubble they feel total and utter despair. They are not used to living in the world the totally analytical perceptive person is used to living in (yeah yeah yeah, I know there are many forms of psych categories that fall within that realm).

      It's one of the reasons I'm totally prepared for the inevitable collapse of the fiat currency system and thus our way of life. The sheeple on the other hand, not so much.

    3. Many depressives use their cynicism as a defense mechanism. I respect those who can remain happy in these times, as we live in highly pessimistic times.

      As for sociopaths, i think their whole personality construct is a massive bubble. A fantasy land in which they rule supreme. As consequence, they will never have any sort of attachment to anything or feel the sense of real emotional suffering or loss. Everything is just a big game to them and emotional people are funny.

    4. I'm depressed. People suck, the system sucks, weather sucks. The government sucks. It's all really a big cluster fuck, and we are foreced to live within this psycho circus.

    5. does your gf suck?

    6. No, she munches, licks, and fingers me.

      That is a female Fly btw, didn't see the breasts and clit ??

    7. mm hm. Do she d p you?

  6. Anon 1:55 is UKan Lmao

  7. Isn't that chair from Sherlock?

  8. Some people think that being overly distasteful makes them psychopathic. LUK AT MY DEAD BABY PICZ IZ SO CALLUZ!!!!!

    1. Crap, that wasn't supposed to be a reply ^

  9. Themes for SW RegularsFebruary 10, 2012 at 6:18 AM

    "Wake Up People" ---- All New Songs Series

    Theme Song for Medusa

    1. Themes for SW RegularsFebruary 10, 2012 at 8:30 AM

      Wake Up People--All New Song Series

      Theme Song for UKan

    2. Theme Songs for SW RegularsFebruary 10, 2012 at 8:50 AM

      Wake up People--All New Song Series
      Theme Song for Alterego

    3. No no, don't tell me..... You ain't done nothing?

  10. Troll: When a psychopath gets internet.

    1. False. I'm not a troll because I'm a psychopath. I troll because I'm bored. And stupid people give me what I want, so I continue to troll.

    2. What is it that you do want?

  11. where are you monica? i thought you would be here by now and i was looking forward to seeing you. :) would you like to talk on today's subject? i'm game if you are.

  12. Themes for SW RegularsFebruary 10, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    Theme Song for Anon 1

    1. that's a true song. i want to go crazy on monica if she would come here. i want to share my heart with her like she told me.

    2. I'm here, Anon, you can talk to me.

    3. how are you doing today monica? i don't want to chase you away like the others said. so i won't trouble you with my many question as before. if you want to talk to me about whatever you want i will adhere to your rules concerning conduct. :)

    4. If you want to ask questions, it is ok I might, just, not answer! :)

    5. That's a pretty obsessive use of commas, if I might pull a Wheatley and call the grammar police.

    6. ok monica. :) what do you like to entertain yourself with? movies? books? do you like to go to see museums or art shows or music concerts?

    7. I like movies and books :) especially ones with pretty pictures. I like anything where the girl gets the guy. How about you?

    8. i like action movies and i like nascar. i go jet ski racing too. i'm ok with books i guess but inly for study at school. i thought you liked stephen king type books? those kind are not very romantic like you are describing. so you like books that are more romantic type and not horror type books now is that because you like god now?

    9. Well I just thought his books were getting too big and less scary. I like romance because I wish I could be swept away. Im not as numb as I was, but I am not sure, if I can be swept away. It has nothing to do with my love for God.

    10. tell me what your idea of swept away is. so you wish you could be but you don't think you can be? how hard is it to be swept away? tonight i'm going out to play pool and have drinks with my boys. will you come with me monica? :)

    11. "what do you like you entertain yourself with?"

      A vibrant question.

  13. i think half of the population of earth now think they are a "high functioning sociopath"

    1. Half the population of the earth are still unaware that they actually exist! Let alone know what a sociopath is.

  14. i keep my pets very close. i am loyal to few. the vast masses of sheeple will be punished by my extreme logic and reason.

  15. The neurotypical sheeple will feel the pain of my autistic vengeance.

  16. hello from frankfurt franklin

  17. The difference between a sociopath and a narcissist is that the latter is emotionally needy whilst the former isn't.

    That simple.

  18. I'm no sociopath but I can strongly relate to this post. Perhaps a spok era is upon us.

    1. Hm. I think that would be terribly dull and creativity would fall to the wayside =(

    2. Creativity is not dependant on emotion. Art, perhaps, but creativity is not.
      Besides I was being facetious. I'm rare. My temperament is rare. Especially for a woman. Most people are not, and will never be, rational. They have a hard time learning any control over their emotions because they value following their heart and always will. There's a simplicity to it so it gains support through idealism and hope that the easiest way is the best way. Like when people say money changes people. It gives them an excuse not to have to get any.

    3. kany, do you believe child killers/rapists are "monsters/demons" most empathic people tend to throw those terms around and rightly, they may be justified? the sociopath label is no excuse for hideous acts. many people believe the sociopath label is just an excuse for people that are "evil"

    4. Are you asking a question or making a statement?

    5. Really? How surprising.
      I don't believe in good and evil. I believe in balance and productivity. That things happen to people that cause them to do things, and no human is immune to their instincts, or emotions. People are programmed through their life, and when conflicts arise in that programming they make choices based on emotions and what they've learned. It causes both good and bad things to come from people.

    6. Parts of the brain don't function like it should, and are MISSING activity.

      Sorry, what was the excuse again ??

    7. Try that again, but this time make more sense.

    8. I realized you were being facetious. That didn't stop me from envisioning a Spock like world though.

      I could argue that art isn't dependent on emotion either though for many it is. But I don't care that much, so I won't.

      You're not rare Missus. You're just like every other fleshbag on this planet that wants to believe your existence means more than nothing in a huge Universe that doesn't give a shit about any of us.

    9. but they still know right from wrong. the sociopaths right is getting away with things, wrong getting caught because there is no morality present. it's the rationalization that makes the most heinous actions acceptable and it's not like they don't realize what they're doing.

    10. Ha ha Love Haven

    11. the sociopath is simply missing any sense of morality (moral insanity)

    12. Haven you are a straight shooter. I like that!

    13. Another fake Monica lol I am so popular!

    14. Lol. Haven, you're not rare. And I'm not special. That's a fact I don't try to change like everyone else because I'm a rational temperament... Which is rare. Fact.
      And you can only argue that emotional people's art and creativity is dependent on emotion because creativity is expression.

      You're feeling feisty today haven. This could be fun.

    15. Everyone's moral compass breaks down to what theythink they can get away with and whatbenefits them. Especially people who say theirs is not. Ie Christians... And alter.

    16. MK
      You are the, literally, ugliest person I have ever seen, inside and out.

    17. I do what I can.

    18. She's just a narcissist that's figured out how to manipulate her very own sociopath, which is why she thinks she's such a special snowflake. Well, she will until she gets older and not so pretty and he trades her in for a newer model.

    19. She is not pretty now.

    20. Lol. I'm vain but I'm not a narcissist.

    21. Who cares about Monica? This is supposed to be sociopathworld, no victimworld. Just beat it already, you bitch.

    22. Did I say I was rare? I'm completely positive I didn't. I also don't care about that either.

      Having a rational temperament isn't rare once you get above the emotional IQ of retarded. And even those of us that are emotionally labile can have quite the fair amount of rationality. I'm surrounded by the tempermentally rational every single day of my working life.

      "And you can only argue that emotional people's art and creativity is dependent on emotion because creativity is expression. "

      People are inspired by how they feel. By how an event, a scene, a word, a look, a life... moves them. How they respond emotionally too all of those things. The ability to emote allows for a certain kind of inspiration.

    23. If there is a Monica who is not intellectual, soulful, and the picture of refinement, it is not I. *wink"

    24. Monica if you don't have something relevant to say, please seek attention elsewhere.

    25. Haven, someone is putting all these fake Monica's up.

    26. That Monica is not I. If any Monica, is not humble, it is not I.

    27. You are not I, Monica. I am I, and I, am not, YOU. LOL

    28. Themes for Sw RegularsFebruary 10, 2012 at 6:34 PM

      Emergency Intervention Who is Monica?

    29. I am Monica. I was married to a sociopath and I am trying to figure out why the marriage failed.

    30. Did you love him madly?

    31. Did you love him as he's walkin' out the door.

      Haven, making up your own statistical standards doesn't change facts. I'm not special. I'm rare. It's indisputable in many ways. And I never said I cared about it, while we're talking about things we never said. You were the one making a big deal about my alleged special snowflake syndrome. So what makes you think that way.

      Some people are inspired by logic, haven. Just because you like to be insane with emotion does not mean it's how other people have to function. Creativity can exist, and and I would argue more efficiently, in a logical mind. People are not dead if they have no emotions. They're unique, and for being around so many rational personality types you have hard time understanding that. But for those with a dependence on their emotions, it is a difficult mindset to find value in. It eliminates an element of interest youre drawn to in people. You would call people's emotions passion, I think. And sometimes they are. But sometimes they are weaknesses. Sometimes emotions even hinder people's creativity more than they help. You speak of creativity and art as if it is the same for everyone. As if creation only comes from emotional people. What a blank world yours must be.

    32. You are not so rare if you became rational after your husband conditioned you that way. When you first came to sociopath world, you said you were more emotional, and then your husband taught you to be more rational. Are you now saying that you have always been more rational?

    33. emotions are like another sense, like seeing or hearing. they can add depth to what is experienced, but only if you discriminate and discard the extraneous flotsam.

      unfortunately, we're taught by society to be emotional addicts. or maybe hedonists is more accurate? for the most part, we watch films, read, or listen to music for the emotional hit.

      instead of learning to filter what we're feeling we're trained to gorge like a bulimic, then spew what we can on a therapist's couch or some online forum, or some other handy emotional toilet stall.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. M.E. wrote...
    I’ve recently been considering the possible relationship between sociopathic personalities and the key components of Modernity/the modern mode of thought. It may be possible that we all are just children of our time. Any thoughts?

    random variants of a human slave race genetically engineered by reptilian aliens?


  21. frankfurt went out to a middle eastern restaurant. hope is was not a friggin cell.

  22. Wheatley. sweetcheeks. vm. Medusa. Raven. Soulfulpath. TNP. Misanthrope. Daniel Birdick. Postmodern Sociopath. Cosette. Wet. David. Sceli. Jason.

    Did I get everyone this time?

    1. YES You forgot people Frank Franklin

    2. Frank gained 100 pounds and looks like fuck all in a Speedo.

    3. Anyone had liposuction?

    4. yes, I had lipo. it was good, Frank

    5. Yeah well, I suppose some people have lives and engage in more exiting things than read through and post on a bloody forum/blog/whatever every single day.

      That, or they are reading but don't feel the need to spout off so don't say anything until they feel the need to.

  23. EVERYONE STOP POTING TILL ME CHAHNGES THIS TOTALLY FUCKED UP SYSTEM. You know what M fucking E, you're taking liberties right now. I can't even decide if the posters are the same posters i know...i hate it.

    I'm sorrry M ....E, but you're taking the piss right now. This format is not working, and you know it hunny.

    1. scuse the typos. my point still stands.

    2. What the fuck is your problem notme?? This format cannot change who the posters are. The impending doom you are feeling right now, is all upstairs. It is all in your head.

    3. if no one used the reply button it would be just like the old format

  24. I am around, just not long enough each time to get into a meaningful discussion. SOme great posts lately, more brainy than what went around for a while.

    The format is good for those who will review the stuff later, but for those who are in real time discussion the format is about going back and forth if you want to follow all the discussions and not conducive to having fun or trolling. Since I've been playing catch up and reading the material after a day of posting or so, the new format is working well for me.

  25. Did you guys see the socio who adopted his girl friend to filter some money away from his children and got sued by his teen age children while also fighting a murder case for a hit and run? A filthy rich polo club owner.

  26. Hello Everyone. I wanted to give a shout out

  27. When an Aspie writes an objective thought, it always comes through re-formatted by a layer of emotion.

    Emotion is a bonding catalyst, but it is very exploitable. Unlike sociopaths, we don't have a self-referential loophole permanently reinforcing our functional value, so we find it extremely difficult to maintain our perceptions at operative levels, and then see ourselves in a constant need for expression. This principle underpins our opinion feedback cycles, and allows us to see how recursive (sociopathic) cycles work.

    What I fail to understand is why sociopaths attempt to destroy Aspies with such persistence, since in theory our presence does not affect their self-perceived supremacy.

    Initially I understood this as a projection of jealousy or anger, but as I learned they don't possess these emotions, I've come to think it's pure unfounded aggression. Pointless as it seems, this is one of the few holes I haven't been able to understand yet.

    Perhaps it's a selective target of simile counterparts and potential rivals.


    I hate knowing all the answers to my own questions.

    1. we find it extremely difficult to maintain our perceptions at operative levels, and then see ourselves in a constant need for expression. This principle underpins our opinion feedback cycles, and allows us to see how recursive (sociopathic) cycles work.

      I don't understand this. Can you give me an example?

    2. You can imagine sociopathic ego as a loophole feeding itself inwards with great opinions. Next, it projects the resulting pride outwards, and lastly, uses that pride to feed itself back in again.

      This is the sociopath's feedback cycle. It has, however, one problem: sociopathic minds are wired in recursion, and so they are dismissive of external points of view and opinions.

      Aspies aren't wired in this manner. As such, in order to keep our self-perception stable, we find a need for expression and other pursuits from which we gather the resulting feedback -both internal and external-.

      When trying to understand reality, we find it difficult to keep a single point of view, and we are prone to see it from various perspectives. This makes it visibly hard for us to be perceptually or emotionally stable with who we are or what we do -we are incidentally affected by clashing opinions-, but it also allows us to objectively understand recursive phenomena (e.g. sociopath's inner operations).

    3. Aspergers said..
      Perhaps it's a selective target of simile counterparts and potential rivals.

      it's like you're armed with the same weapons but have different training.

  28. I put up a M.I.A and the ones on the list show up. Typical SW.

  29. Hello Caroline. How are you?

  30. Lol MIA List

    Everyone watches this place--24/7. An addiction
    I am fine, Bella. You?

    1. Speak for yourself

    2. Hello. I love you, won't you tell me your name?


    3. MIA You keep enough tabs, big shot

  31. I am fine. I have to get up early tomorrow, so I am going to try to get to bed earlier than usual.


  33. One does not have to be here 24/7 to skim the comments, and see that the more popular posters are dropping off like flies. I am also making it a point to mention some of the ones I really miss.

  34. :This song is for you MIA. For notme :( /and all the posters here today/gone tomorrow.


    1. That's a really sweet song, Good. Thank you so much for sharing that! :)

  36. What do people have for their first grade report card comments?

    1. Wow anon, your teacher thought you were high?

    2. i should probably ask you to walk me over to my one hitter and light up.

  37. Hasn't anyone looked at the teacher's comments on their first grade report card here?

  38. Theme Songs for SW Regulars 2.0February 10, 2012 at 8:50 PM

    Theme Song for UKan

    1. more More MOre MORe MORE MORe MOre More more

    2. are you making fun of me

    3. I cant stop laughing

    4. there's more more MOre MORE

    5. where that came from.

    6. the rabbit hole goesFebruary 12, 2012 at 4:33 PM

      IF you ask nicely :)

  39. Sexcuse me,
    Might u know where I can find a blog 4 rape play? Possess u all 4 being so open an free with one another. Don't be shy to leave a reply, an spank u very much 4 ur attention.

  40. Psychopaths are extremely contemptuous individuals, as they live entirely through egocentric means. A psychopath holds grudges forever. Aspies are not contemptuous, they are more philosophical about things.

  41. binging on munchies

  42. M.E. must be in the kitchen making a sammich

  43. Love them sammiches.

  44. You wanna taste big boy?

  45. goddamn sammich youz fine as all


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