
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Children's primer

I saw this the other day and was reminded of the Lovefraud types.  I especially like how it could be read by a six year old.


  1. mmmm how horny is THAT!

  2. freezing my balls off

  3. Put your balls in my hands. Do you trust me?

    1. no dont but more importandly do you trust me?

  4. we can pay for trust

  5. Wait, this isn't how the courtship process is supposed to work? Also song time:

  6. jezus saves i spend

  7. is prisonguard a good job for a socio?

    1. Any job in law enforcement where you get to "touch" another person is a "good" job.

    2. i hope they can still make the difference between guard and inmate

    3. What difference do you think that would be ?

  8. I like it! Concise, accurate. I do that all the time with friendships.

  9. This looks like it would be a poster for a Gus Van Sant movie.

    Who, by the way, has said that he has an interest in sociopaths.

    I watched Drugstore Cowboy a couple nights ago. One of the best depictions of a sociopath that I've seen yet. The dude who wrote it is back in prison for the rest of his life as of last spring.

    He just couldn't keep from robbing places, even in his 70s.


    Are we CLEAR here?????

    1. He got bored..

      I'll own it. I've gotten bored with others. I looked back on my past after being with him and realized Jesus, I've gotten bored my whole life. How can I fault him? Seriously, EVERYONE is boring when you spend too much time with them but the majority of people won't admit it. And he wanted all of me. Impossible. I'd never allow that and never have unless I was taking a chance, hoping I'd be ok with that situation.

      Honestly, when someone has let go of me? -In the past I've secretly applauded them. I applauded him for getting rid of me. He was an antisocial fucking baby, screaming and yelling all the time. But who the fuck am I to be angry when I take that personality test and I got a little a that too. I do it in my head so what's the difference. I bump into my ex pretty much every month in the street, and it doesn't bother me. We steer clear of one another, but we've actually high fived each other. He used to try to gaslighting me by saying things like: I like you because you're good-natured. And I wonder whether he believed that. I used to believe that. I'm not. I'm a bitchy twat A LOT. Did I tell him that? Fuck no. I sometimes think I was his worst nightmare. Am I delusional for thinking that? I don't know. He's old and has seen it all, I'm thinking.

      Bottom line, you never know someone until you know someone, and he never knew me. I sometimes think I was out with a stupid man. I doubt he is. We're all gonna fuck up at one time or another and he knows that too. He must have thought I was stupid too! Let him.

      In the long run we're all gonna be buried the same way and I'm no more "special" than anyone else.

      And I do thank my lucky stars.

    2. How is saying you are 'good natured' considered gaslighting? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    3. I think anytime a person tells you what you are, they are using the power of suggestion. For example: "You are my knight in shining armor" Some normal sap is going to think "Wow. Gee am I? I never thought of myself that way. And that is so nice that she thinks of me like that." And then they will try to live up to your expectations. It's basic you'll-never-leave-me sales by the power of suggestion. Ukan does it all the time.

      It's a form gaslighting to a person who lacks a consistent sense of self. If you're used to second guessing yourself, though, it doesn't quite work because you go back and forth: AM I good natured? No, yes, who fucking knows, fuck him I'll be who I want today. It did not work on me, but I recognized the sales tactic.

    4. what you said is so true. people do it all the time w/o even realizing it. it's a form of mental manipulation. if you don't get compliment happy, you'll be able to decipher the real from the fake.

    5. And that's where healthy paranoia (thank you, Haven) comes in.

  11. Replies
    1. If you look anything like either of those two chicks Monica.. I'd be all over you like a pack of dawgs on a three legged cat!


    2. Just saw that response, @TCO

    3. Yeah... no. She looks nothing like those two girls.
      She's not very attractive at all. But she'll provide you a nice warm hole to deposit in to... and isn't that all that really matters? :D

    4. LOL Miss beautiful should talk lmao

    5. Raven is jealous because hot men like TCO never flirt with her but they do with Monica.

  12. "Sociopaths are masters of manipulation. So before you give away your love, your money or your life, read this website and the Lovefraud Blog."

    A sucker is born every mintue. It's called natural selection. If your life is all about bling and things, you will be taken. It's like leaving your car parked in a fire route with he 4 way flashes on ****LOOK OVER HERE*****

    1. Yup, he thought I'd be impressed by bling, too. Because he was. He thought I was a gold digger. No, I just don't date men who don't have money. What's wrong with that?

    2. He used to look up in the sky and say: Please let her have a trust fund. I thought it was hiLLLAAArious.

    3. Some people think their problems would be solved by some one other than themselves. Ugh Pulllllease. Live long enough, have had shitty parents, and you don't do believe that. In my opinion, alot of women do this. Grow up.

    4. Who are you talking to bella other than yourself ?

    5. What the fuck do you care? Get a life, busy body

    6. don't do believe that. Ha.

  13. Themes for SW RegularsFebruary 1, 2012 at 5:45 AM

    Event Series
    Theme Song for The Two Maniacs Medusa and Raven

  14. "Touch, Peel and Stand" - Days of New the perfect socio song

  15. .::Joke of the Day:::.

    So a Navy Seal walks into a club....

    1. lol, didn't get it at first. I guess because it is so obvious.

    2. They've lengthened that joke since first I heard it:

      "A seal walks into a club"

  16. Last night, I was hurting. I tried talking to an empath friend. He told me I was doing a great job and was a wonderful person. I tried to tell him my problem was not outer. It was inner. I, finally, managed to run away from him and talk to my g/f, who understood and let me talk. I am afraid of success, not failure. I am afraid to shine, which I am, now. I was, always, hurt when I shone. I had to hide my light, or I was punished.

    1. Your first problem was talking to a guy. Men don't relate the same way women do. No matter how much you wish they would.

    2. I can usually relate, I just don't care enough for it to matter. lol

    3. Haven:
      Unless he's an asexual freak, like Frankfurt or TNP.

    4. The comma density of this post is questionable.

    5. Im so fucking bored with you Monica.


    7. i take offense to be called asexual. frankfurt f is an ascetic.

    8. Then you don't indulge in a bit of socio love, I guess.

    9. does anyone want to join the geek orthodox? they have good pot lucks. frankfurt likes to steal some in napkins.

    10. I love only me, f and Sweetcheeks. In that order.

    11. that was not the real frankfurt f

    12. Leave TNP alone.

      Most men only care if there's something they want from you. Then again, that's just about anyone.

    13. Haven you did not stand up for me?

    14. frankfurt you were here to stand up for yourself. TNP is not here. If you were not here I would stand up for you too.

    15. The general rule is that girls commiserate, while guys try to find solutions.

    16. I agree Medusa. Unless you're me. I have an engineers brain so I want to fix things and find solutions. I imagine it's as annoying when I do it as it is when guys try to do it with me and all I want to do is vent.

    17. i love you haven.

    18. frankfurt would like a little frankfurt woman.

    19. Your first problem was talking to a guy. Men don't relate the same way women do.

      Sigh. Why the constant need to speak in generalizations?

      I have more female friends than male friends purely *because* they can speak to me openly about things their chick friends couldn't deal with or would judge them for it.

      It's about the person. Not the sex. Because 95% of race car drivers are male does that mean women can't race cars (hint: one of the top drag racers is a chick)

    20. Haven I don't have an engineers brain, but I tend to do that too. Then I had a guy tell me "I don't tell you how to run your business, so don't tell me how to run mine." I was like wow, I guess I'll have to let you commiserate without trying to solve your problems.

      Gee ya think you can do the same for me, Guy?

  17. @Haven you do have a point, straight guys, anyway.

    1. Actually, Haven, I met a gay guy whom I really like.

    2. My remark was in reference to the 'straight guys' aspect of your comment.

    3. @ Haven I know what you meant, but I just met the the sweetest gay guy.

    4. And to think. Women call men sexist. Stop hanging around losers if you think the only decent males to speak to are gay..

  18. If you chain them to the bed and bring out the toys he can't get bored or leave.

    1. Looooooool! True, Haven.

    2. i think haven is getting a bit socio...

    3. No, I'm just kinky like that.

  19. I like this format. It stops the trolls. he he

    1. You forgot the best part "He beat the dog shit from you"

    2. How is that a good thing ? as the trolls are the ones that actually occupy this boring place to begin with. Unless UKan having 5 profiles is exciting, along with all the others that pretend to be anons etc.

      The spice is gone. Why be like all the other blog sites, controlled and restrictive. Welcome to Psychopathic Writings people. Take it as its given to you, not how you would like it. After all, you are the one that actually uses it.

    3. My ex used to leave his fat dog's shit --huge shits-- on his "friend's" hotel grounds. I'd pick it up because his "friend" was letting us stay there and that's just disrespectful. I told him he was an idiot plenty. I'd pick up the mountain of big dog feces lol. I thought it was hillllaaaarious.

  20. Medusa, have you seen Citizen Kane? Another great depiction of a psychopath.

    1. Not since film class in high school, although I keep meaning to watch it again.

  21. The place was boring as fuck. Hence, why the trolling began.

    1. ░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄

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    1. Your pedo bear is missing a cock. Is she a female?

  23. perfect relationship

  24. I checked out that Lovefraud site. Boo fuckin' hoo. Exploitation takes two people.
    The image you posted made me cackle. Seriously. Cackle. XD

    1. *delicately lickin KFC off finger tips*
      You got that right, Baby.

    2. Their definition of sociopath is often anyone who dates someone like them.

    3. *takes Sadie's blood pressure*

  25. Anyone notice that when there's no wv things around here change?

    1. Yes. I assume ME turned it off because we were complaining about everything so she thought she'd concede on that one point.

  26. Replies
    1. If you would stop being a cunt for a few seconds and paid attention, you might know. Cunt.

    2. I'm called a "DICK" more than a cunt. If you are going to ad hom... at least do it correctly.

    3. Word verification captcha

  27. i don't know either

  28. I am the perfect example of how others should live their lives. My soul is the oldest soul. My mind is the most open mind. I give very good head.

  29. Yo guys, need to ask you a question if I may. Listen. Is it dumb to get hurt in relationships? I mean, I am normal, not sociopathic, not anything, just normal. And I am not worried about being hurt by sociopaths either. I am asking you if is there a certain number of times of being hurt in different relationships after which you simply don't allow yourself to get hurt anymore. Or should you let yourself be hurt for as often as it could happen just because there might be something real in one of them.

    Answer plz. THanks

    1. K, no rushing in. But I am not even taking normal risks at the moment and I wonder if I should start taking them with the risk of getting hurt. I mean, would I be stupid if didn't create this defensive barrier that lets nothing get by? Should I let myself be available emotionally?

    2. While I was taking a piss yesterday, at college, I noticed some letters scrawled into a cubical door, it said "Burn all women" It's refreshing to know I'm not the only maniac around.

    3. Just take the damn risk. It's not a life or death issue you're talking about. I don't understand trying to protect their feelings from people. Unless you have something hideous about you to hide... don't be such a wimp. What's the worst that could happen?

    4. Got it Raven. It got me thinking. I think that I have something hideous inside of me that is stopping me from being open emotionally. How can I deal with such a thing? Don't all people have an ugly side inside of them?

    5. I don't try to speak for "all people". I can only speak for myself. Are all people secretly killing prostitutes and dumping their bodies in a landfill? Probably not. You see what I'm saying?

    6. Yeah, prolly not that ugly. But I am not that ugly either. So, maybe that shit doesn't apply to me. So can we say that it's safe to take the "ugly part" part out of my equation?

    7. Safe? Look... fear is only useful for keeping you alive. To use it for any other means, is to hold yourself back from life. Do what you want with your ugly insides. Share them, don't share them... just stop using them as an excuse, what ever it is you decide.

      I'm plenty ugly on the inside... but I still dive right in when I see something, or someone I really want.

    8. You think you are such a badass, Raven. You ain't shit LMFAO

    9. You go in, when illusion changes into something real.

    10. I'm only here to capture the light

  30. I just can't like this new layout. It's horrible.

    1. It's better actually cause now we can actually have conversations. Till now it was like a shout contest. Everybody was talking to everybody.

    2. no, its awful in every way. I comment rarely now. ME is irritating the heck out of me with this. Shows she has no respect or consideration for her readers if she doesn't change it back. Which she hasn't. Have you noticed how low the comment totals are recently compared with before? It's made a huge difference. It's a restricting format, doesn't flow...

    3. It got rid of Ukan and that deplorable "wife" of his. Shut up.

    4. 'Everybody was talking to everybody'

      Lol, that was what was good about it...*facepalm*

    5. Er, don't tell me to shut up honey buns...Haha, that's like a challenge to me right there...

    6. Can a chimp be an aspie?February 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM

      The layout has momentarily revived my interest in shark (or is it snark?) fest. Partitions have other benefits (corralling trolls, neighborliness) Which issues a challenge: Who will dominate the comment section?

    7. The format is growing on me, sort of. Though it still sucks hardcore on a touchscreen.

      notme, do you understand that your complaining is probably making ME that much less likely to switch it back?

      1. It's ME's blog, she can do what she wants.

      2. ME is a 'sociopath'. What do you think the quality of ME's "concern for her readers" is?

      3. I doubt that ME appreciates being told what to do. Maybe she thinks that the more you demand, the more it is clear that maybe the format is a good thing, if it's gonna to make you go away.

      4. You are acting like an entitled brat. Complaining is one thing, demanding is another.

      5. The 300+ comments gets old. Also I wonder if maybe she switched it to help because we were all having that 200+ comment problem.

      6. Do you do this to your boyfriends, too?

    8. Lol! Um, yeh i'm a right brat sometimes, the brattiest brat... Oh and you complained for ages about it before too. So, there you go. :P

    9. Sure, I'm the master of complaining, but I'm not demanding anything or attempting to lay on guilt trips.

    10. If ME is a sociopath then she won't feel guilt. Problem solved. I don't lay on guilt trips intentionally.

    11. What's stopping you?

    12. k, how about this, i'll stop complaining Medusa. I'll be sweet as pie. ;)

    13. If you're sweet as pie does that mean I can have a bite of you?

  31. isn"t kicky just another way of saying you are bored with regular (sex)

    1. People like different flavors. Its not about boredom. Its about what butters your biscuit.

    2. It's about finding new and exciting ways of getting off. I can enjoy some missionary position and what not, but I like to spice it up a bit, or, a lot, because why the hell not. There's more than one way to butter that biscuit ;)

    3. Sarah, Pet me and we'll do it doggy style.

    4. @ Haven exactly. Ii love flavors. I think of my sex life as a sundae. I love alot of different toppings. Ultimately, though, its all on top of vanilla ice cream. Lotsa nuts on top lol.

      @ Biscuit down boy.

  32. Where is David?

  33. serving my frozen balls

  34. The image and Love Fraud are both hilarious.


    Lol, haven check this out. Since you're a star wars fan... :D

    1. Hahahah yeah I love that. I've never seen the youtube thing but there's been a lot written on Anakin/Vader being BPD. I think it's hysterical. Especially since I'm a Sith ;)

      Srsly though, I blame the Jedi. If they weren't such douchebags and just gave him a hug every now and again, told him he was doing a good job, he might have felt appreciated. Instead all they did was invalidate his feelings over and over. Jedi Fail.

      Their example of Affective Instability/Splitting: Everything he says is true! It's not splitting. It's the truth haha. You can know someone is a good person and also recognize that they're not treating you as well as they should.

    2. haha awesome! I think this might just get me into star wars finally. You make it sound interesting! :)

    3. Anger Management.... if some I just found out some murderous marauders had tortured my mother for months, I'd fucking kill them too. I'd be fucking pissed.

      Identity Disturbance: The Jedi force you to repress part of who you are, by their order you're not supposed to feel feelings, be completely emotionally controlled, so when you do have emotions and *gasp* fall in love, of course you're going to question yourself!

      The paranoia is totally his fault. Totally out of control there.

      The last identity/abandonment/etc. he was trying to do what was right! Make him stand trial which was actually the Jedi way... and Jedi Master Windu was taking the law into his own hands! Contradiction of Jedi teachings. Jedi Fail.

      Jedi + Hugs = better Padawans. I blame the Jedi.

      I'm not sure if I'm helping Vader's case against being BPD or reinforcing the case against mine, hahaha.

    4. ::laughs:: It's all about perspective. They're not technically the greatest films ever created, but I friggin LOVE them. Especially since i have a pro-bias towards Vader and the Sith.

    5. Boba fett is my guy.

    6. hmm, the jedis seem a right boring and repressive lot. :D I can see where you're coming from...

    7. Good analysis, Haven. The Jedi mirror the worst out of organized religion. The denial of the base self. It makes the dark seem that much more shiny, when they say "hey chill with us and you can have freedoms those assholes deny you and we wont judge you for having urges."

      Of course, the Jedi were all but wiped out, which seems karmic. And then perpetuated through people who weren't denied all of their humanness. They were ultimately able to survive by adapting. Or so I've been told. I had a brother who read all the books and shit. Im just a movie nerd. My brother just told me everything about what he read. That's the thing about moving over and over as kids. Long fucking roadtrips and a chatty brother. Have I mentioned his bpd is far worse than mine?

  36. any rapist/killer who refuses victim empathy therapy in prison is a fool. you go in there and you tell them how much you now realize the error of your ways and how badly you feel for these victims. if he's lucky he gets a quarter off his sentence.

  37. All this interwebbing and social media is exhausting.

    1. go stick on a star wars movie and chillax... :D

      And maybe take a break from blogging...

    2. I'm having wine and the boy is taking me out to dinner =)

    3. Have a good time, Haven :)

  38. Narc ???

    1. That silly bitch should be on Ashlet Madison or one of those sugar baby sites.

  39. When in response to his suggestions I let him know I would not become involved in prostitution in any way and told him I intended to leave, He beat me up physically and the constant mental abuse began. I literally became a prisoner, I was not allowed out of his sight, not even to use the bathroom, where he watched me through a hole in the door. He slept on top of me at night, he listened to my telephone calls with a .45 automatic eight shot pointed at me. I was beaten physically and suffered mental abuse each and every day thereafter. He undermined my ties with other people and forced me to marry him on advice from his lawyer.

    My initiation into prostitution was a gang rape by five men, arranged by Mr. Traynor. It was the turning point in my life. He threatened to shoot me with the pistol if I didn't go through with it. I had never experienced anal sex before and it ripped me apart. They treated me like an inflatable plastic doll, picking me up and moving me here and there. They spread my legs this way and that, shoving their things at me and into me, they were playing musical chairs with parts of my body. I have never been so frightened and disgraced and humiliated in my life. I felt like garbage. I engaged in sex acts for pornography against my will to avoid being killed...The lives of my family were threatened.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. For Medusa

    1. Bookmarked. I'm on a BBC documentary kick, so thank you! After I watch it maybe I can stop speculating :)

    2. before i waste my time watching this, what is it about? Asshole soldiers who go kill random people? Is there a point to this doc beyond the obvious, 'Look what our soldiers go through' tripe???

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This one is better GM ;)

  44. hello crazy comments place

  45. or click my name....cunts!

    1. and I will never be set free
      as long as I'm a ghost that you can see!

  46. so does anyone else miss the word verifications? or just me?


    LoL too true

    1. The fact of the matter is that guys typically put in a lot of energy to get things started with a woman, don't we?

      We have to approach her (tell me that isn't agony...)
      We have to brave the fear of rejection...
      We have to get her number...
      We have to call her up and ask her out...
      We have to make the plans for the date...
      We have to keep escalating things until we can sleep with her...

      No, no, and no. Any bloke worth their salt won't do that shit. Treat woman the same way you would a cat by dangling a piece of string in front of it. God the sort of site you listed is so much of a joke it's pathetic.

      I've never bought a woman anything, except flowers once because I was happy for her finally finishing a degree after years of struggle. I've never asked a chick out and nor will. Why should I? Worked out for me so far.

    2. Fuck yeah. This place might be a majority of neurotic women but love the input from others. It's like the movie "what women want" they don't know what the fuck they want or they wouldn't end up getting fucked over time and time again. Actually the movie even showed in the beginning, when he was a prick, he got the chicks.

    3. That is because you are a cheap fucker and gay, Boxers.

  48. okay the blue lines have to go. purple lines would look better.

  49. He saw you
    He met you
    He wanted you
    He liked you
    He chased you
    He got you
    He had you
    He got bored
    He left

    He came back
    He chased you
    He got you
    He had you
    He got bored
    He left

    He came back
    He got you
    He got bored
    He left

    He came back
    He got boring
    You got bored
    You left


  50. "He saw you, he met you, he wanted you.." bla bla bla..

    My response to that is that this phrase only pertains to those silly cows who consistently go for that type of guy. Wake up. Stop being hypocritical. There are lots of really nice blokes out there that don't get a look in because they are not exciting enough or funny enough or enough.

    Stop the rubbish cliche of "all men are bastards" when you chose to be with those bastards. Simple.

    Sick and tired of the victim bullshit.

    1. There a lots of men who are victim minded, too. They feel cheated because the woman who gives good head isn't the ideal mother for his kids. Really? Well what did you want, a whore AND a nanny? Men are very interested in finding perfection, at least where I live. They want you with all the bells and whistles. That is an impossible standard. They get fooled just as easily by surface bs.

  51. Stupid parents raise stupid kids.


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