
Monday, February 20, 2012


From a reader:

I wanted to send you a response to an excerpt you posted earlier with regard to amphetamine use and its impact on the sociopath mind. As I am sure you are aware, there are neurobiological variances in a sociopath brain when compared to controls. I've written an essay on this myself, focusing on what changes are present, the purpose of the altered areas of the brain, and how to handle forms of agnosia such as this, since I believe that there are huge misunderstandings about the "disorder," even among the psychiatric field.

As I was saying: there are differences, and the sociopath brain does indeed process amphetamines differently than others. When amphetamines were administered to sociopaths during an experiment, they released four times the amount of dopamine as non-sociopaths. To quote my website:

"Joshua Buckholtz, a graduate student in psychology, pronounced to the media that 'a hyper-reactive dopamine reward system may be the foundation for some of the most problematic behaviors associated with psychopathy.' Dopamine (DA) is a catecholamine neurotransmitter commonly associated with enjoyment. It is used in the prediction of success, motivation, and cognition, and released during positive experiences, such as intercourse. Researchers at the Vanderbilt University employed positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) to measure dopamine release and the brain’s reward system. They discovered that both were heightened among those driven by psychopathic personalities. Likewise, people with high levels of psychopathy had almost four times the amount of dopamine released to the amphetamines administered during a scientific test. The obvious conclusion is that psychopaths are driven to pursue reward, but not restrained by apprehension.  

"This information is important, because it provides statistically normal persons a fascinating insight into dealing with psychopaths. Rather than advising them against negative experiences, such as prison, they must encourage positive ones, like freedom. The psychopath is inherently selfish, and if he desires to do what is best for himself, he must stress the importance of setting goals, and avoiding a pattern of reckless indulgence, because it is easy for him to do so, given the absence of reticence or realistic hesitation."

I'm not sure if you have already discovered this information elsewhere, as I have not read all of your posts, but - just in case. Here you go.

(Diagnosed as a sociopath four months ago),


  1. As the official apple polisher of SW, I will reply first. Great article ME

    1. Are you retarded?

    2. Ummmmmmmm...............................NO. Are you?

    3. Hi eden Do you hide until a LEADER comes out he he

    4. All you ever say, every time, is "great article M.E."

      What a useless commentary. I hardly even think you read it at all, as you never have anything to say about it.

  2. Blast from the Past
    Orgasm Series because it fits SO good
    Theme Song for ME

  3. People who can't learn to change self-destructive tendencies because of the part of the brain that gets a thrill, even momentarily, outweighs the possibility of long-term damage?

    This is me. But I don't consider myself a sociopath, unless I am a broken one.

    Are there sociopaths who feel broken or is that another way of saying those types are borderlines?

  4. retaline for everyone

  5. used to take ritaline in my 10's now i tryed some of antwerp's finest (speed) some of the best drugs of europ there couse a lot come in via the harbor.Good stuff you ever do drugs DAVID?

    1. I drink a pot of coffee a day. Speed would throw me into a fudgepacking frenzy-- been there done that. I do need stimulation to get motivated. What about concerta?

    2. You should take a look at Post Modern's sociopath as ubermensch, Dave. You are an "inherently lazy" Jew. I believe it said inherently lazy, though that blog has been deleted. Anyway, no amount of ADD medecine will give your life meaning, Dave.

      Anyone here feel more self-motivated with ADD medication?

    3. Leave the Jews out of it

    4. Curiousity Killed the CatFebruary 20, 2012 at 9:22 AM

      On the other hand, WHAT did Post Modern say?

    5. There was a section on being an ubermensch and that some self-aware sociopaths had the capacity to do great humanitarian things, but they are inherently lazy. That's what I remember, but I may have been seeing what I want to see, rather than what was actually written.

      No matter, the blog was deleted and there aren't any intelligent people around anymore.

    6. There ARE intelligent people, here. Maybe when the idiots leave, people can actually have social intercourse he he

    7. TNP is good! Just flush Ukan down the toilet *Sounds of Flushing* Throw Missus in too

    8. Medusa is good.

    9. I miss notme not on steroids.

    10. I always thought the Missus was crazy Zhawq.

    11. Shut yer face I miss Zhawq.

    12. No, Missus is just a deplorable person. Case closed.

    13. I miss that condescending asshole Res.

    14. I miss Wheadley.

    15. Wheatley sucks.

    16. speed doesnt do much for me just more focus it's nice

    17. "There ARE intelligent people, here. Maybe when the idiots leave, people can actually have social intercourse he he"

      What you don't seem to understand is that you ARE the idiot driving everyone away.

  6. Replies
    1. Is it the non addictive ADD med?

    2. yes and it is addictive (tests have shown long use will kill your endophine receptors)

  7. Yes, I heard Res is good, too. Haven told me :o

  8. Shut up Monica. And you need to learn to reply in the right place.

    1. Who you callin gurl :#


    2. YOU Asswipe LOL Two Anon's going at it

    3. Gurl Where are you? Hiding?

  9. I had been curious about this, I was recently diagnosed a couple months ago and one thing that stood out to me was my days of mdma use. one thing I had always noticed was that it tended to last longer and from my perspective worked better on me than my friends who had taken similar amounts. I'd presume that both chemicals would have a similar reaction being they both use dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. has anyone else that has a similar diagnosis that has any expierience to this effect?

  10. i loathe these overly affectionate emotional women, they make my skin crawl! i prefer my women cold, un-reactionary, heartless (not bitchy) and detached like me, but they are a rare breed.

    1. Just a function or service.
      At some point you have to wonder whats in it for them.

    2. Or maybe not, maybe you never think.

  11. How can one get a sociopath to "respect" them? From not being a follower, rejecting the illusion of morality, preying on others and becoming an evil arrogant prick? FUCK THAT.

    1. sociopaths don't know the meaning of respect.

    2. I think there are some sociopaths who can show respect to others.

    3. sociopaths are moral nihilists by default, you're wrong. empathy is needed for any sort of deep caring response.

    4. I have experienced it.

    5. What does saved have to do with it?

    6. eden are you trying to be a follower, again he he

  12. I was thinking about what Bizy said. Yes, kiddies, a scant few of us care about the subject.

    I was thinking how hard it would be to have to memorize social cues, rather than trust yourself to know how to respond, based on your own feelings.

    That would be so much work and very hard, I think.

    1. I was thinking how hard it would be to have to memorize social cues, rather than trust yourself to know how to respond, based on your own feelings.

      That would be so much work and very hard, I think.

      Monica, in your experience what kind of personalities do that?

      Haven, do you do what Monica describes?

  13. As an empath, this is why i respect the sociopaths. People feel proud breaking the shackles of religion, overcoming addiction or "surviving trauma" whatever that means, but they completely ignore the possibility of giving up on our biggest obstruction, morality.

    My question is, can we convince people to drop morality in similar ways to one giving up an addiction? Or do we need to bring in a higher meaning for it to be executed? I know that sociopaths are amoral by definition "they don't believe there is a right or wrong" but can moral nihilism be thought?

    1. Getting rid of morality once and for all for everyone is an extremely stupid idea.

      Amorality would be of no benefit if everyone was amoral. Then you will be wanting everyone to be moral, because morality will be the new sociopathy.

      Not to mention the human race would die out very quickly without morality as a general behavioral code.

  14. Replies
    1. Frank, sociopaths don't let morality interfere, they are blind to it. It's never "I'm not going to steal or I'm not going to kill or rape because It's "bad" or it might hurt her. It's more like "I'm not going to do that because I don't want to get caught, or go to prison" They have lots of intellect, but they can't fathom the pain of another person, which is extremely logical when you look at it. WHY SHOULD SOMEONE FEEL ANOTHER PERSONS PAIN?

    2. Again the empaths would call this callous, "evil" and monstrous, but those are emotionally charged terms and the spewing of a person in pain.

  15. Anon, that simply isn't true. A sociopath's respect is hard-won, and reserved for those he cannot manipulate, coerce, or outfox, with whom he shares certain affinities. If the person is an emotional wreck, respect is out of the question, though fondness may develop alongside a feeling of tolerant condescension... Until the person becomes tedious, that is. At that point, condescension is likely to degenerate into contempt.

    I cannot speak for anyone else, and I may not be a full-blown sociopath, possessing limited, as opposed to non-existent empathy, and having worked hard to modify the behaviors which come naturally, but I recognize, learn from and seek to emulate my superiors.

    1. ... And apparently, I pressed the wrong "reply" button. :P

    2. Alter, you have empathy which means you have concern for the impact your actions will have on friends and family. We're speaking of full blown "heartless" sociopaths/psychopaths.

    3. hmmmm Jesus can make a sociopath not a sociopath. I wonder if anything else can.

    4. Alter, you have empathy which means you have concern for the impact your actions will have on friends and family."

      Is that so? lol

      Yes, I have concerns about the impact of my behaviors upon the well-being of others: Jesus is my personal moral compass, and I seek to obey His teachings because they are good. But this is not empathy. I do not fully appreciate the effects of my antisocial outbursts upon others. When some hair-trigger incident incites my anger and I do not possess sufficient impulse control to refrain from berating someone, I do not care if I am injuring them in the process. Cues that a person is in distress do not arouse empathy in me; rather, they irritate me, particularly if I am their instigator. I have to consciously remind myself that the person is suffering and try to react appropriately. (This is true of both emotional and physical distress. When someone gets hurt, my knee-jerk reaction is to get annoyed. I have to consciously remind myself to show concern.)

      I want to care and show love because I know it is the right thing to do, but I have never lost a moment of sleep over someone else’s plight- ever.

      I am extremely impulsive, lack self-discipline, and possess a lazy streak the size of Texas. I am fearless and have been an adrenaline-seeker since early childhood. I don’t process pain normally. I have dark predilections (there is significant sex-violence overlap in my brain) and co-morbid issues galore (paraphilias, compulsions, mild substance abuse, ADD) but I feel no shame. My dad is a burnt-out psychopath who spent seven years in prison for aggravated assault, and beat me intermittently as a kid.

      I was diagnosed with ODD as a teen. And ha! I do have poor bladder control. I wet the bed a few a times of year until well into adolescence. It's so glamorous to be a psycho. :P

      Jesus did not make me “not a sociopath”, Anon.

      Jesus is my parachute, and only hope.

    5. That was a wonderful response, Alterego. :)
      I was just thinking about you earlier. I thought I'd take a peak in here before heading off to bed, and here you are!
      Have a good night, love.

    6. Mmhhmm. It's not a wonderful response, Sister Pop-Tart. It's just a reiteration of fact, for me, bouncing off the hollow walls of a sociopath blog. :) I have this pd, or shades of it, and I want to own it now. I feel like I can actually be myself in this box, for real. I still haven't decided whether this is a good or a bad thing.

      I have no idea when I'll just get fed up and move on. The articles are a draw. Yesterday's article was particularly timely for me.

      If you are not kanney (or even if you are): you are right about avoiding the assembly of sinners. But people with aspd have a disorder; we are not all soulless monsters. And I sort of like my tribe. Kinda. -ish.

      If you are not kanney (or even if you are ;), tell me your story. Exactly how did a sociopath burn your ass?

      And it really hasn't been as vile around here lately, has it?

      So perhaps I shouldn't concern myself overmuch. (Not really a problem for me, ha ha ;)

    7. Glad to have you here, Alter. I have some questions for you but can't remember, now lol
      Glad you realize that Sister Christian is a faker, too.

  16. Woa. What's with all the sock puppets?

    1. eden is the only sock puppet and she gave up that idiot sister christian shit

    2. eden was anon 1 and gave up that shit. she is so fucking obvious lmao

  17. my brother is a sociopath and unlike me, he never went through phases which are typical of a teenager. while i was finding myself and immersing in different sub cultures, he remained the same, his sense of self was so solid. i put this down to his self preservation and narcissism, which stopped him from letting his guard down and opening up.

    he did not rebel against our parents as i did. at times, i'd get angry and slam doors, my parents would scream and my brother would sit laughing at the situation, he was most likely thinking how pathetic we looked. he was constantly cool headed and it's why my parents favored him. i was too "emotional"

    1. i'd like to add that anyone who is thinking of outwitting a sociopath should just stop and save yourself tons of hurt. the emotional type is here to care for others, and when you are malicious towards a sociopath, you are entering the sociopaths territory and they have zero mercy, unlike us empathic folk. my brother ridiculed my ideals and said i was pathetic for treating my partners kindly. after years of getting ripped apart, i decided to quit engaging with him. i was wounded for days, whilst he was attacking me out of boredom, it was a game. it was clear i was the loser of the battle.

    2. what is he doing, now?

    3. he lives with my parents lol. he has zero aspirations.. just doesn't give a shit!

    4. might be better than killing yourself with stress he he

    5. true. he asked why i was moving out and i said "it's not good to leech on other people, especially family, or play video games all day while they work for your luxuries" he made up another empty stupid excuse, but the truth is he doesn't care about his parents, which both saddens and angers me. fuck emotion!!

    6. what kinds of relationships does he have with woman?

    7. the same relationships he has with everyone, exploitative relationships. if he will gleefully steal from his family, can you imagine what he will do to his partners?

    8. and i'll add, my parents are not perfect, i'm not sure any parents are, but i can positively tell you that he was never abused, quite the opposite.

    9. interesting haki
      is he super charming to woman?
      was he born this way i.e a sociopath?

    10. well, not really. he doesn't care enough about people to want them to like him. he's the kinda dude who would prefer if people despised him because that way they could never relate to him or be on his level, if you will. i'm the opposite, i need people to like and accept me. he doesn't give a shit.

    11. his self preservation disallows him from showing humility. i think he'd hate for people to say "as arrogant and hardened as he was, at least there was a heart in there" then again it's not like he's hiding his weakness, there simply isn't any there. i know because if he was pretending to be cruel, we'd see some kind acts from him, but we don't get a single one. that shows that he has the complete incapability to empathize.

    12. so was he born like that?

    13. yes. he never changed.

    14. what was he like as a little kid/

    15. uhm.. my parents said i cried constantly and my brother never really cried, but he would throw tantrums when he was denied any material items, which i guess is normal. pain would never allow him to cry because he wanted to leave the impression of strength.

      threats were usless, he found ways around them. maybe somewhat cliche, but he did kill animals for fun and he beat me up frequently as a child and still thinks he has some form of ownership of me. that's the thing, if he thinks you are weak in any way, he will try to control your life. ultimately, he never had a conscience. he was born the person that he is today, a sociopath.

    16. Thank you, that is very interesting however you can't say for sure he didn't suffer trauma in the first or second year of his life. After all I am borderline and developed zero respect for my parent's authority after age five when they began abusing me physically and psychologically. Sometimes I wonder if sociopaths don't see their 'good' sibling and decide early on to take the other role and play the villain. All in all your assessment continues to mention your bro's psychopathy as a defense mechanism to prove he's stronger/smarter/better, which stands starkly against his social positioning leading me to believe he was in fact competitively envious of you and internalized his position as failure in such a way he can defend it as a strength. But as I told my ex to her chagrin, she NEEDS other people to manipulate whereas I can accomplish anything she can all by myself - so who's in a position to control others towards his or her own end? I am. I can start right away, by myself, the direct route, no third party required.

  18. What happened to TCO ?

  19. Blast from the past
    Theme song for Eden/ Anon 1

  20. Do we have any vegan sociopaths on board?

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  32. Psychopathy is a little different than sociopathy, a psychopath has more genetic / organic factors and does not necessarily need to be cultured or have environmental factors, they are more or less born with some sort of disturbance. These are the type that are the closest to (or are) hybrid' demonic entities who are born into the black awakening. They also typically have several gene abnormalties, mutations, or polymorphisms...Psychopathy and Sociopathy both is related to the invididual's narcissism and desire for power over others.

    Generally, from a biochemical perspective, psychopathy is associated with a lower dopamine level on average and resting days, this is why they constantly seek rewards and risky activities...because the levels of neurotransmitters that are normally elevated (glutamate,norepinephrine,dopamine) are generally lower in psychopaths. Psychopaths generally also have altered cortisol responses, and increased excretion of corticosteroids as well as potassium channel disturbances.

    Some violent individuals have very high rates of ExcitoToxicity, whereas others show no relative excito toxicity.

    However one would have to presume, what can it be that one would continue disregarding the laws of society, and manipulating others to gain some sense of their own view of life?

    Insufficiency or lack of sufficiency itself seems to be a common causative trait that leads to amplified aggression or vain narcissism...whereas deviant personalities who are very successful and have stuff going for them usually have more of a biochemical alteration.

    Let's not get this mixed up people and say that "Psychopaths" and "Sociopaths" are crazy, they are not...they are people who view the world in a little less color than "normal individuals" but when they are on a rush they view it with 3x the amount of color. Perpetual hypomania seems to be a common design.

    Charismatic Psychopaths are everywhere in our society; our police force's, big business, big Pharma, big Government,..they are everywhere.

    And they do their job almost too well, which is why the breaking point seems to avoid crashes in stability so often...and nothing really changes up there.

  33. Should also be noted that it isn't actually just the level of dopamine and glutamate that is altered, but fearless criminals tend to have alterations in DAT (Dopamine Transporter) which leads to dopamine being used up too quickly, or being locked in and consequently, dopamine doesn't make it into the area's such as the amygdala or hypothalamus where it would normally stimulate some degree of humanity/emotion.

    Yes, amphetamines cause an extra rush for psychopathic minds..but that isn't because they have high dopamine to start, quite the contrary, their dopamine levels are often in the shitter so the difference would seem almost supraphysiological as they are given something to raise it. This coupled with the illegality and riskiness of using amphetamines, plus w/e other activity they are dealing with at the time may account for extra dopamine release / rush of amphetamine's in these deviant minds.

    It should also be noted that as a general note, amphetamine's have been used by many world leader's and corrupt politician's...because they allow for consistent motivation and help to reinforce the natural grandiosity and the goals of the user in question.

    1. After coming down from taking amphetamines, is the experience the same for a sociopath? If there's any way to even figure this out..

  34. Read about the "Warrior Gene". One of my recent articles relating to this topic. Read the fine print.

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