
Friday, January 27, 2012

SNL Dateline

A reader sent me this very funny portrayal of creepy SNL Dateline parody Keith Morrison: "When I was four years old I saw a birthday clown drown in a pool."

"Tell me, did killing him get your rocks off?"

"No.  You know, I'm not weird like that."

"Not even a little?"

"Ah, what the heck, it got me off a little."


In the same episode, gaslighting, or a copy of the teleplay here for those that cannot watch.


  1. Especially for Erin/Ami:

    Gut Shabbes

  2. Either you fucked up the link to the 2nd video, or you are trying to make some grand point to the forum about 'pets'.

  3. Here is the correct video

    Although I don't see any gaslighting in it except the word 'gaslighting', which was used facetiously anyway.

  4. Boardwalk Empire needs to come back.

  5. Either you fucked up the link to the 2nd video

    Fucked it up alright.

    Can only be viewed if in the US and damned if I'm gonna bugger around with a US proxy server to get to it.

  6. Today's word of the day is conciliate

  7. I love everyone here. The world is wonderful, a lovely place, isn't it? You are all so special.

  8. love you, call yourself special. then you will see us all as worthless and inferior.

  9. Come come now Anon @ 0244. That's just not fitting in with the word of the day.

    Ok sometimes I go overboard with the farcical.

  10. anyone else feel rage when you see someone your better than in every way hog the spotlight?

  11. anyone else feel rage when you see someone your better than in every way hog the spotlight?

    Not me. Let em have it. I like them to have it. Who in their right mind would want the spotlight? If everyone is paying attention to you it makes so many things so much more difficult.

  12. I've been self-harming for about 6 years now. I cut myself, hit myself, burn myself, pull my hair, stab myself, bang my head, and punch inanimate objects. The severity of my injuries has gotten steadily more serious in the past 2 years. From cuts to full on gashes needing stitches [not that I get them stitched up...], to broken knuckles and huge lumps on the back of my head. I've been pushing piercing needles through any part of my skin and pulling it clean through the other side. I'm afraid this may cause permanent damage.
    Anyway, I self-harm for a few different reasons. To punish myself, to escape from whatever overwhelming feelings, and to prove to myself that I'm strong enough to take the pain.
    When I self harm to punish myself, it is usually spur of the moment and automatically, even in public. I'll hit myself over and over until the top of my entire thigh is swollen and/or bruised. I'll often grab a nearby object and use that to hit myself if my fist isn't doing the trick. I hate myself for things I've done in the past, and I hate myself for being so ###$ up.
    When i self-harm to calm down or clear my head, it is ritualistic. I'll cut quick deep and hard over and over until whatever part of my body is completely bloody. I love blood. It makes me genuinely happy and content to see blood gushing out of a fresh cut. Don't know what it is about it. Also, scars are very important to me. I love them like they're my children or something....
    When I'm trying to prove things to myself it gets dangerous. I'll keep pushing my limits until one day I'll reach them. In the past I've gotten someone to beat the $#%^ out of me, you know, just for fun.
    I'm not trying to stop right now. but I am trying to figure out why I do this. Is there something inside my brain that tells me to? Why do I do this while the rest of the world can handle the pain in their lives normally? I often wonder if i have a mental defect.

  13. Do all socios have a god complex?

  14. cutter, you are the epitome of weakness. i'd take a steaming dump on you, but you'd probably like it you pathetic fuck.

  15. It isn't a god complex when you are always right. Just means that you are always right.

  16. All my pets think I'm the shit.

  17. cutter, you are the epitome of weakness.

    Playing devils advocate now but what is weak? Isn't it all subjective to a certain degree?

    some destroy themselves through way of self harm to feel *something*. Anything. Some manipulate and abuse others. Some project what they wished they could feel onto animals by torturing them yet still can't manage to feel. At least when you stick a red hot piece of steel across your arm ya gonna notice an internal response at least.

    Not that difficult to understand as far as I'm concerned.

  18. Cutter seems like someone that's trying to sound like they know what it is to be a self-injurer by being graphic but just misses the point. Hah.

  19. Haven, how about soemone just trying to explain how they feel, and how things are for me?

    Why do people contort themselves to the point of absurdity to try and translate what someone says and twist it into what they would like it to mean.

  20. @UKan

    If tormenting Ami means coming up with some miracle strategy to remove all sympathy for her, I can say that won't ever happen. There will always be gullible saps on here, who want to protect and attempt at guiding her.

    But if you have a more effective strategy I'm not seeing, I'm open to your suggestions.

    As it stands, her shitty Monica/Caroline character, have been M.I.A and I know how much those characters mean to her.
    Now, even if she tries to use them again, she'll just look like an idiot... and she knows it. Or she's be still attempting it.

    The reason she surfaced with those characters and deleted all her Blogger comments in the first place, was out of embarrassment for the fool she made of herself here, and in the forum.

    I'm still learning this shit though. I haven't been playing internet games as long as you and TNP. So if you have ideas, I'd love to hear them.

  21. People actually play games here ? Point ?

  22. @TNP

    They are just fibroid tumors. I'm not even going to have them removed. I found some sites online that have natural remedies to shrinking them.

    I went to send you an email on Tuesday, but when I re-read it... it just sounded like a bunch of manic gibberish.

    I'll try again this weekend.

  23. @Raven

    So don't play the games. Then you don't need to worry about how to win.

    Anyway, passing out on the couch now. Signing off.

  24. @boxer

    There are many benefits to sharpening your gaming skills. Flexing your brain is never a waste.

  25. I have awesome gaming skills. *rotates thumbs*

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Oh no!! Someone was just fired right before my eyes. I want his space heater....

  28. TCO I love you and want to have your babies. Unfortunately I'm going through menopause. I still think we should get married, and just adopt. xoxo

  29. 1) I don't do the married thing, I'm already with who I want to be

    2) Adopt ? Why would anyone want to buy kids *shivers* little fucking poop machines..

    No thanks. But we can still fuck if you like.

  30. That was not the real Monica. And what am I being dragged into this time ?

  31. Theme Songs for SW Regulars "Famous Couples Series"January 27, 2012 at 7:43 AM

    Caroline/Monica to The Chosen One

  32. But we can still fuck if you like.

    Music to my ears,

    It's the "if you like"

  33. I was on a trip for 2 days. What have I been missing?

  34. How would you like to make a baby with me but not get married?

  35. again, it's the 'how would you like"

  36. I want to suck on a thick vainy cock!!!

  37. I have one. Wait, let me get it out of the closet.

  38. Hi Caroline. I have been meaning to ask some questions. I'm glad you're here.

  39. Theme Songs for SW Regulars "Famous Couples Series"January 27, 2012 at 7:54 AM

    Bella to TNP

  40. Cutter.... Because people here play silly games like that. And who in their right fucking mind would come to a sociopath website to try and understand self-harm? There's absolutely no logic there.

  41. Maybe not logical to you, for me I was reading arond this place and noticed a lot of people talking about various PD etc. Why not say my part and see if anyone can relate ? So illogical ? Stop being a robot. Not everyone thinks like you do. Rather than question my intent, why not offer suggestion or help. And if you think its a game, then reply once and leave it at that.

  42. Because Cutter, that would be the logical thing to do ;)

  43. Because Cutter, that would be the logical thing to do ;)

  44. who in their right fucking mind would come to a sociopath website to try and understand self-harm? There's absolutely no logic there.

    I would try to understand it.

  45. cutter, sociopaths are going to mock your self harm, because they don't get what it's about. find a website with more empathic users.

  46. "In the past I've gotten someone to beat the $#%^ out of me, you know, just for fun."

    Cutter, are you a masochist?

  47. + even if they understand it, they still won't care.

  48. Do you actually think that a healing and/or dissociating borderline is going to give a shit about an insensitive sociopath on a website ?

  49. I don't really know what I am. I hurt myself. Masochist ? Maybe I am, dont knwo what that means.

  50. I don't really know what I am. I hurt myself. Masochist ? Maybe I am, dont knwo what that means.

  51. @ Cutter stick around. You will learn what you really need to know, but not how you thought you would.

  52. I can accept that Cutter.

    I can't help you with the 'why you do this'. I've never been able to understand it myself. All I can understand are the justifications for it.

    I'm not sure I would generalize and say that the people in the rest of the world can handle their pain normally, but rather, differnetly.

    I do think there is a mental difference in the ability to do this. Most people are not programmed to tolerate this kind of pain. The desire for it is counterintuitive and the natural reflex of people is to avoid situations where they have injuries inflicted. I had an Ex try to understand this once. He actually tried to make a small cut and he physically could not bring himself to do it. Whatever brain function that inhibits people from doing this, to me, it indicates that those that can SI/SH potentially lack this.

    Then there's the bio-chemical factor. Adrenaline and endorphins are released in times of intense bodily stress which SI/SH is. It's a chemical response that reacts like a drug and can actually become addicting.

    I don't know if that helps.

  53. something is wrong with this blog. Keeps freezing.

  54. However, I do think I'm one of the braver borderlines to venture to this website, unlike Haven who tries endlessly to impress some sociopaths here.

  55. Do you enjoy the pain, physically, or do you do it only for emotional release?

    Do you process pain as pleasure, sexually? How about in other contexts?

  56. Endlessly, venture ?

    I dont use words like that. I'm 14. But nice try faking me.

  57. ::laughs:: You think I try to impess anyone? You're funny. As for you, It just takes me a few minutes to warm up to new people. My initial instincts are to push away new people.

    You think being brave is coming to a site as an anonymous persona on the internet?

  58. Cutter copied and pasted from psychforums, go look. That's what you get for not playing along.

  59. TCO 726
    Overheard at the supermarket checkout, a suburban mom to pain in the ass son:

    "Do you know how much I could get for a white child?"

  60. Oh. You're 14. Ignore my question; it's completely useless. Have you seen a therapist? So you started doing this at about 8?

    Think back to that time in your life. Can you recall the first incident specifically?

  61. Fuck!! I just had a War documentry site block my IP. I guess trolling the comment section was a bad idea.

  62. Haven's very honest about this blog. It mirrors impeccably any generic tribal grouping whatsoever. Humans can't stop being the smelly little apes they are, no matter the technology or setting.

    Hopefully you're still in high school. You'll need it here.

  63. You copy-pasted someone else's screwed up crap? So you're shitting us, then?

  64. I used to punch myself alot. But i don't remember much as like in memories from when I was younger. My doctor gave me pills for depression.

  65. Cutter seems true, to me.

  66. The real cutter took the story from psychforums. Dunno what his/her game is, but It was just dull, so I tried to turn it into something fun like attacking people.

  67. i used to punch myself alot. but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  68. So now that the cat is out of the bag, I will just resume cutting people up. Fucking stanky smelling whores! Eat my pork and beans and corn from my shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and sniff my dank belly button!

  69. I have wanked in many peoples homes. Friends, family, no one is safe! You think I am just going to the washroom, little do they know, I am waking it in the johnny!

  70. I used to tongue punch myself a lot. Since the accident I've flexibility :(

  71. @ Cutter I am a masochist too. Let me help you.

  72. *lost some flexibility

  73. Carolonicanon, wtf? Stop posting under so many monikers and own the stuff you spew. You might as well change your name to captain obvious.

    And from now on, In going to out you each and everytime I notice you.

    Cutter, posting a story about some loony weirdo who likes to beat the shit out of himself is not a particularly effective attack strategy on a sociopath website. :p

    Im starting to understand this place. Gets more interesting with every twist, lol

  74. tco = turkish cum orphanage

  75. I think it is less of an Attack, more of a bored troll doing what trolls do.

  76. "The real cutter took the story from psychforums. Dunno what his/her game is, but It was just dull, so I tried to turn it into something fun like attacking people."

    Yeah. Just shooting his own words back at him. Whadda freak.

  77. Guess Im one to talk. But really, trolls? Can't you make a *minimal* effort to amuse us? If you're gonna waste everyone's time you might as well be entertaining.

  78. @ Alter I am not 10 other people. I am 1 person. I can only be me. You cannot trust these people.

  79. i think haven is hijacking these names.

  80. Aspies may hit themselves. Is that a form of masochism?

  81. I'm what now? Sure. I'm really all the anons ever actually. Didn't I clarify that my dissociative condition is really DID/MPD? Not only have I hijacked all the names, I actually believe I'm all ove those people.

    Or something like that.

  82. @ fake Caroline LMFAO

  83. Haven is fantastic.<33

  84. You mean you are Jane, Haven?

  85. TCO what is your game ? Are you just some stupid Emo goth that has no desire to go to school, and burdens your parents ? How close am I ?

  86. Zwank, don't you have a blog to maintain? I'll bet there are a lot of overweight welfare moms just waiting for the next pearls of wisdom to drip from your keyboard. Don't keep them waiting, you know how impatient fatties get!

    Monicaroline, have you met zhawk? Perhaps you should get to know each other, you sound like the perfect match! Did you know *actually* kills people? Yeah. He's the real deal, puts the rest of us lightweights to shame.

    Vw: Tenessee :)

  87. Good fucking morning SW!

    Another day of As the Sociopathworld Turns. Goodie. :)

    Have to say I dont believe the Monica Caroline comments to be genuine.

    I like the cutter character. Cute.

    Raven, I drank much wine to your good news. I celebrated in other ways as well ;)

  88. Who's Jane? I only know the personality that I'm experiencing in the moment. I think that's how it works.

  89. Alterego I want to try to address what I thought you may have been asking last night. I may be wrong, in that you were not asking this.However, I wanted to give my opinion.

    The flesh is the personality, feelings, emotions and the body. These will never get "right" until we leave them here when we die. So, a Christian can renew his mind and change the best he can, but his flesh can only go far far, when he is on the earth.

    Due to your past and maybe your genes, you have sociopath traits in your flesh. They can change and are, but the most important part is that your spirit is perfect, right now and will be that way, forevermore.

  90. Good morning Sarah! Glad to hear your night was yummy. I had a great day too, yesterday.

  91. The WORST type of pain is poop pain! Its like birth or something.

    GOD Please let me have this poop!

  92. Try a Turkey baster with warm water... and shove it up your ass.

  93. Fuck off Pastor J. I am in too great a mood for that crap. Alter does better when shes just being herself and not trying to have back and forths with deluded christian empaths or trolls. Let us have our girl talk ad bugger off.

    Alter, these christians wanna suck your toes and get all hard when they think about you being healed by That Guy makes you the more precious socio ever.

    Lol oh today is gonna be a good day.

  94. Thanks Erin. I kind of get that, now. Last night, I pretty much accepted that I may well be a sociopath. So I may as well work it.

    Now do me a favor and just post as yourself from now on, if you ever want to re-gain a shred of dignity. The only way *you* can start to get better is to own your shit.

  95. There are these things called glycerine suppositories. It will make you shit. I use them as prep for anal sex :D

  96. Yeah I got my tantric fix yesterday/today so I am bulletproof Ms Alter ;)

    So do you use floggers or are you up to the heavy shit like canes?

  97. every woman who regulars this site is a masochist. if a person likes the company of a sociopath, then they enjoy pain. i see no other reason why the women come here, because the sociopaths do not care about you.

  98. All of the above, hah!

    But to be perfectly honest... Home Depot is a girl's best friend! :D

  99. no woman on this blog can complain about the ladies at lovefraud, because you are way worse. the lovefraud women are sensible to wish to stay away from sociopaths.

  100. Some of the best tools are homemade, mizz tantric. ;)

    Speaking of which, are you into tantric sex for real?

    I have an ex who's into that shite.

    It's gonna a be a right fun day. I can feel it in my psychic cold spot.

  102. because the sociopaths do not care about you.

    That is precisely why some of us come here.

  103. which means the sociopaths will be disgusted by your lack of self worth.

  104. The sociopath, for all his bravado and swagger has his vulnerabilities. As ME says, he has a flexible self. This makes it hard for him to feel out situations, as people feel from the self and it's concomitant empathy.

    The sociopath can bear intense emotions and that allows the empath to unburden, herself, as has been my case.

    However, the empath can give a clarity to the sociopath, too. The empath can understand some things that are lost to the sociopath.

    As such, they are a good marriage, in some ways.

    Greetings from the real Monica :D

  105. I'd hump both the real and fake Monica.

  106. Freaks me right out that so many people think that being a sociopath is something to covet. Ugh.

    Hey! Maybe we should organize a Socio Pride event! :D

    "Welcome to Sociopath Appreciation Day, boys and gurls! To your left, a representative from Kinky Kreations will explain how to effectively sublimate blood lust! Free demonstrations by Real, Certified Socios, featuring a cage full of begging, whimpering victims: the Ladies of Lovefraud!

    (*First come first serve, while supplies last.)

    Free tinfoil hat workshops for children under 5!


  107. I'll be dressed as a Borg drone, and will use an ice pick to jam into the neck during the assimilation process...

  108. As ME says, he has a flexible self. This makes it hard for him to feel out situations"

    Uh, not really "hard". Just go with whatever flow you happen to be in. I think it's pretty easy. But then, I have no socio badge with which to qualify my opinions, so take it with a grain of salt.

    And um, we "bear" the intense emotions of others because we don't feel them? (Unless they are selfish, naturally.) There's not much to bear when the burden slides right off your back.

    Feel free to disagree. I gotta go for a bit ladies and germs.

    Vw: veinomm

    PS: nice try, Erin :)

  109. I have no problems feeling out situations, I'm actually pretty skilled at it. A few decades worth of training ;) I guess that helps.

  110. who is this erin person everyone is so obsessed with ???

  111. Maybe she is a Filipino Lady Boy...

  112. Home Depot lol hear ya.

    Well its not always tantric. Sometimes you just gotta fuck. But yeah, Im all into that shite ;)

    I dont use many props these days. Lol I just imagined Carrot Top with a trunk of bdsm toys.

  113. Oh Sarah! What a terrible mental image that was. Carrot Top? Why!

  114. Raven, Ami is not Caroline. Caroline is stupid, but she isn't retarded. Seriously Ami could not spell anything over five letters and even that was pushing it for her. That's why she would use words like socio or mal narc. She could not spell them because of her learning disability. She also could not formulate cohesive sentences. You would not debate self actualization with Ami, trust me. She would not what it is. She wouldn't even be able to spell it. Even if it was right in front of her face.

    I haven't read enough of monica to know who she is. I just skip her retarded comments out of learned behaviour. Somewhere along the road I decided she was worthless so I do it subconsciously.

    Ami is neutralized. There's nothing to target because it's like saying kill that corpse. She is eliminated. Caroline is not. Focus on the new target. Thinking she is Ami is only going to distract you from getting it done.

  115. Watching the sex addiction ep of South Park. Too funny.

    Sorry for sharing, Haven. That was inconsiderate of me ;) I know its better to keep my insanity to myself.

  116. No, no. I appreciate a good bout of insanity. Some things even nightmares are afraid of. And I'm not talking about socios here.

  117. bill o reilly is the definition of charisma.

  118. O'Reilly is the definition of douchebag. Hes a shameless narcissist.

    Yeah Haven, my dark mind. I actually met Carrot Top once. He asked me if I knew where to buy crack.

  119. Whoo is the new target Ukan?

  120. we endorse arrogance around here sarah. don't hate on o reilly.

  121. Haven, we just watched the Star Wars movie New Hope. It was terrible. Worse acting I've seen in ages. Terrible special effects, terrible storyline, terrible directing. The plot is full of whole and the character have no depth at all. Thought I should let you know.

  122. Themes For SW Regulars 'Event Series"January 27, 2012 at 11:52 AM

    Who is Whom?
    WHO is Ukan? WHO is Erin? WHO is Missus? WHO is Caroline? WHO is Monica?

  123. IMHO, I think tco could be ME. He never says much, always seems so casual about everything. I would even say tco is UKan.

  124. ::laughs:: Awesome Ukan. Technically the movies are totally not great. These movies are like 30 years old. What do you expect? There are some big plot holes but if you haven't watched the full original trilogy yet then you need to wait for them to get filled in. The movies were filmed with the intention that it would be a trilogy, not single films. Characters acquire more depth as the series continues.

    It's an iconic triology.

  125. Tco, are you UKan or ME ?

  126. I thought TCO was ME at the beginning but they are not the same, at all. They have a very different sense about each of them.

  127. Leave TCO out of this! He's cool and comic relief at times. We all know he is not ME or Ukan. Gee wiz.

  128. i got fitted for my geek orthodox clothes. i look tall

  129. Hey Frankfurt. I'm Geek Orthodox too!

    Unless you meant Greek. Thank I'm not that at all.

  130. Track pants and a T-shirt. Fear me!

  131. And....I am not anyone but me. Hang on....

  132. Fuck, shit, cunt, pussy, snot.

    There.... I trolled. :)

  133. The Godfather was old. The acting and storyline in that movie is epic. Storylines haven't got better with time. In fact I would even go so far as to say they have gotten worse recently.

    The plot holes had to do with their reactions to things like his relatives dying. How flat the characters are. How some greedy smuggler all of a sudden comes back to save everyone even though the kid he's saving is a little bitch and the bird is a total cunt. They didn't get along at all through the whole movie, but he stuck around for the money. Made sense. However, they were going on some suicide mission that they were clearly losing and yet this cold hearted smuggler that just made all this money turns around his ship, even though he was on his way to pay his debts and become rich, to save everyone. Give me a break. I haven't seen these movies since I was a lad. I remember some of it. I didn't remember them being this awful. I can't believe adults like it still. Clearly it's a movie written for children

  134. TCO is not Alterego
    TCO = UKan I agree 100%

  135. The days of Farris Bueller, Breakfast club etc... are over. Lots of shit being made today. Same with music.

  136. We laughed out loud through the whole thing.
    Luke is a whiny little baby. The smuggler is flat. They get into a bright and kill two aliens and no one even turns their head. The cheap attempts at suspense are trite and dimwitted, such as the trash compactor and c3po's mike being turned off. There's no excuse for them. All parts within a trilogy should be whole for itto be epic, or even good. As I said last night, star wars are bmovies and George lucas' creative genius is nothing more than a flare for d& do turned to space.

  137. Hans solo is a classic douchebag with a heart of gold. Or something like that. I can see how you'd miss that part though. He also comes back because he hates the fucking Empire and if Leia and Luke fail then the Empire wins and he'd eventually be hunted down anyways.

    Whatever. You don't have to like it. More Star Wars for me then.

  138. @haven frankfurt is geek orthodox. the hats add inches.

  139. Any socios in star wars? Vader is a beeper, i hear.

  140. Vader was once good. Anyone with ZERO redeemable qualities aka socio?

  141. @ Missus ... star wars is {what} turned to space?

    You two are clearly the kind of viewers that just don't get it. It's ok, not everyone does. It's a geek thing.


  142. a classic douchebag with a heart of gold.

    Yeah. Only in the movies. If you have some character in real life selling this story chances are his whole past is a lie.

  143. That is such a cop out. If they showed his heart of gold at all, maybe it wouldn't have been missed. Maybe if the script were well written it wouldn't require one of their cult followers to decipher the plot line.
    I did like it.. As I said, it it was hilarious.

  144. Dungeons and dragons

  145. Has is a socio by the first one.

  146. D&D, really? Don't even bother trying to go there. Star Wars is utterly different. You don't have that kind of geek cred.

  147. Then he comes back to save the boy.

  148. Actually D&D was modeled off of Lord of the Rings.

  149. I'm sorry, but the obsessive levels are the same. It's just a variant in the methods. Space is George lucas' medium for a story that wishes it could be lord of the rings. Or even Harry Potter.

  150. I thought it was modeled after Tolkien's world, not so much the story, but the reality he created which caused him to write them?

    In which case, either way George lucas isn't even close.

  151. The obsessive levels are the same? That's any sports fanatic, or band groupie, or whatever. That kind of obsessive fanaticism is hardly limited to sci-fi and table top gaming.

    George Lucas has nothing on Tolkein. Tolkien was a fucking genius.

  152. TCO is not Alterego, but he's a cute little narcy-narc, so I don't mind the comparison :)

    So. To re-cap. Caroline confessed to being Monica last night (?) and they both use commas inappropriately. Monica and Bible Anon have both mooned over me, and Caroline has argued for theism. Now Erin is Ami, and Ami is Bible Anon, so I suspect they are all the same person. Then again ukan has been here a *lot* longer than me, and he's bright. He may well be right.

    Monica also lolz when she is insulted, just like Caroline. And I've seen Bible Anon do this too.

    Ouuuuu, the plot thickens, lol

    Also, I suspect that Frankfurt and anonyretard ("why is socia so 'insert retarded garbage here'") are the same person. Maybe both played by TCO?

    TCO is not Ukan anymore than he is me. :P

    DaveWatcher, your powers of deducation are about as impressive as your ability to hide successfully ;)

    Also, I suspect Bella and Sceli are the same person.

    This is fun! :D

  153. Excuse me. I forgot to be overly specific. D&D was modeled off of Tolkein's world.

  154. @kanney: YES, I am deliberately very transparent here. And it feels sooo good, lol!! Must be all that pent up narcissistic angst ;)

  155. ::laughs:: I knew what you meant Raven.

  156. "... such as the trash compactor and c3po's mike being turned off. There's no excuse for them."

    LOL!^ Haven't seen it yet.


    9/10 for me.

  158. I <3 Tolkien.:)

    Ok, gtg, I'm neglecting my responsibilities.

    Later sw

    Ps: Sarah, I'm curious. Where do you find the patience for that tantric stuff? Maybe its just the way my ex described it, but I thought it sounded quite boring. What's sex without a healthy dose of adrenaline? Ugh.

  159. Oooh Alter. Sounds like you have quite the dose of kink. I like this side of you.

  160. Ok, last comment for now.

    Carrot-Top pulling out a chest of BDSM toys!


  161. pass some kink frankfurt's way

  162. Its not boring. At least, not the way I do it ;)

  163. @UKan You might have missed the boat on personally enjoying Star Wars, because their cultural significance hasn't impacted your opinion like it does for most. Star Wars is cool when you are a child or it's the 1970s. When I was a kid, eight years old or so, I liked Empire Strikes Back the most.

    I'd probably not mind rewatching them now. I know they won't be nearly as good as child-me perceived them to be. Moon is the last sci-fi film I saw that I liked. It's a quaint series of events.

    The Godfather 1 and 2 are timeless. Once Upon a Time in America (the actual cut) is timeless. Goodfellas is timeless. Casino, A Bronx Tale, Do The Right Thing, and a ton of other films in different genres are great.

    I watch a lot of films when I can spare the attention. Lately I can't. So fucking bored. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

  164. Life is full of complications, frustrations and just bad days.
    But worst of all is when they seem to hit u all at once. Its really stupid how life seems to treat people, is it right to be treated this way or is it a phase that passes? If I where to know this would i still be left on this planet or taken as fast as i found out why it is this way?

  165. feel good vibes, today


  166. Life is full of complications, frustrations and just bad days.

    Life is like a boat in the ocean. If you let waves sink you then you will never experience the reward at the end of the journey. The difference between winners and losers is that the former sees obstacles in life as challenges to be overcome, while the latter sees them as problems that stop them from succeeding. In reality not many have smooth sailing. Even fewer rise above the waves to move forward to their destiny.

  167. "The Godfather was old. The acting and storyline in that movie is epic."

    Amen. Let us bow our head to give thanks.

    I have a music box that plays the theme song from The Godfather.

  168. @Ukan: damn straight.

  169. Sw theme song, according to alterego, he he

    (check out the lyrics, good shite!)

  170. When I was a lad I loved Die Hard. I wanted to be Hans Gruber when I grew up. Alan Rickman is the perfect villian.

  171. I adore Alan Rickman. He's one of my favorite actors. Definitely an amazing villian.

  172. Urg, here's a better version. That was just snippet. Damn I'm loving this song, heard it for the first time today, it really grows on you:

    T.H.E (The Hardest Ever by Will.I.Am, Jennifer Lopez and Mick Jagger.)

    Damn it's catchy! Anyone else hear this yet?

  173. Ah crap, I cant find the actual version anywhere. I've been listening to it all day while I work, lol! Those lyrics are tha bomb.

    (And to think I'm usually a fan of classic rock. :)

    K back to it for me. :p

  174. following the claim on one of the beepers has a sense of entitlement....

    Anonymous said...
    the borderlines should leave. it's a site for sociopaths. we only have one or two websites and there are many borderline forums.

    January 26, 2012 12:41 PM

  175. If everyone but the sociopaths left this place would be practically empty. I don't think anyone should leave.

  176. bugs and spiders, feeding each other

  177. if they did leave, we could have interesting conversations about taboos and deviance, instead of these dull ramblings i could get from any joe schmoe. surely if someone expresses their enjoyment of rape or torture, the beepers will start a war.

  178. Barefoot Bandit

    The video is pretty funny. What a character.


  179. if they did leave, we could have interesting conversations about taboos and deviance, instead of these dull ramblings i could get from any joe schmoe. surely if someone expresses their enjoyment of rape or torture, the beepers will start a war.

    Really? So you let a handful of women stop you from doing what you wanted?

  180. Anon, talk about whatever you want. What's it to you if anyone starts a "war"?

    Or are you sayin' your delicate pansy-ass couldn't take on a couple of pissed off beeps? :)

    /troll feeding.

    Carry on :)

  181. no, but their presence is irritating. ukan, would you actually speak to these people offline? i know i wouldn't.

  182. i came here to speak to arrogant people like me, not some fail at life beeper.


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