
Monday, January 2, 2012

Petty tyrant

From a reader:

When I heard this story on This American Life this past Sunday, I thought of you.  It’s the story of a "petty tyrant" named Steve Raucci. This guy routinely used bombs to keep people in his orbit in line, among many other tactics. He never got around to actually killing anyone though. Small acts of terror, combined with schmoozing the right people in authority was his mo. And it worked too. For decades. Until of course, like all stupid villains, he had to go and spill the beans with a “friend” who was wearing a wire. You may not have time to listen to the entire program (it’s I believe 40 minutes or more). But if you do, you may want to give it a gander. Is this guy a sociopath or just a very motivated manager?


  1. Motivated manager lmao

  2. This guy got worse and worse. How do you explain that? Having a narcissistic injury he lost his ability to stay in control? The thing with his precious favored sec'y, where he transferred her because she innocently announced his physical appearance wasn't her type was pretty interesting.


    I once announced that I knew a fair amt about boxing. My narc ex bf knew I'd had an ex who was a boxer. He made me announce to his family how it came to be that I knew about boxing so he could shun me as a woman who had had previous bfs... who were manly *gasp*. I forgot I wasn't supposed to have had a past. My bad, I should have remembered to have forgotten any experience I'd had with a previous significant other. I call that a pity play.

  3. days are getting longer. relief.

  4. look at what happened to heath ledger. for any normies thinking of adapting a sociopaths mindset, it's a very bad idea...

  5. why would you thnk ledger a sociopath? you think him getting into character and absorbing it was so depressing he hated his new self and offed himself?

  6. I do think that. In fact I also know he was researching sociopathy and discovered he was some where on the spectrum right before his death.

  7. you're a cunt and that's a lie.

  8. I found an article some of you might find interesting. Interesting theory, a fresh approach.

  9. That's ridiculous and unfounded. If he was a sopiopath he wouldn't have offed himself for one

  10. Missus I appreciate your input in to my Personality test. I have come to some realizations. I know that I need to be more solid, inside, before I am really able to be with someone.

  11. Themes for SW Regulars "Event Series"January 2, 2012 at 8:16 AM

    The event of David's bare chest video

  12. He's a narcissist.

  13. Knock knock

    wv: frankishorny

  14. did everybody died?

  15. I listened to it. He does sound very much like sociopath. I couldn't believe how pathetically compliant everyone was.

  16. Are all sociopaths tyrants and bullies when they're managers?

  17. I wonder if this has any correlation . Some of the sociopaths have a beautiful writing style. It is like ice skating, fluid, flowing, and smooth. I wonder if there is a sociopath voice that comes through in writing.

    Hi TNP :)

  18. Monica, why do you pursue TNP when he has made it clear he is not interested in interacting with you? do you know why?

  19. @Zoe

    Because she is a sociopath junkie, and thinks you can win them all over by stroking their egos, or just being cute. That's how she keeps winning most of the empaths, beepers, and narcs.

    I hope she contracts some ghastly disease that rots her slowly from the inside out.

  20. @Anon

    I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes here. You're a bigger fool than you know, if you thought that was the case.

  21. Raven/Eden/Turk/General douche

  22. Eden/Raven you are too stupid to hide under another name.

  23. Are all sociopaths tyrants and bullies when they're managers?

    Can anyone of you smart guys answer me? =P Thanks a lot!

  24. @Anon

    You are too stupid to properly interpret what I just said. I'm not trying to fool anyone.

  25. No. Some sociopaths know that tyranny and bullying doesn't lead to any more power or benefit. It can be tiring unless it's done for fun. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

  26. Hi Everyone. Someone tell me something distracting and emotionless.

  27. I've been think about you Haven. Is that emotional?


  28. Someone tell me something distracting and emotionless.

    Sounds like your dream man

  29. lol

    You seem to be having a very good time in the forum, UKan. Like a kid in a candy store.

  30. The fruit is ripe for the picking. I'm having a blast. It's not like here where everyone is ready and on guard. It's like the old days. Did you see that girl that tortures insects? ha ha ha.

  31. Frank just found out he has a vagina with a really long labia minora, not a penis :(

  32. I am glad you found a place where you are unsupervised by those of us who know you he he

  33. Frank Himself For Real Number OneJanuary 2, 2012 at 2:28 PM

    That imposteur is not Frank. Frankfurt is a normal.

  34. Demon is just another minion from the legions of idiots at the ASPD Psyche forums. When I scoured that place, I found maybe 1 or 2 people that sounded like actual sociopaths. Most are just weirdos, BDSM freaks, or misanthropes who really like their pets.

  35. Yeah. Psych forum girl. Writes books about the people she wishes she could kill? Sounds like a real beast.

  36. And by pets, I mean dogs and cats, maybe the occasional turtle. Not human pets.

  37. ::Laugh:: Wow Ukan. That was actually pretty damn funny.

  38. I'm too compulsive for the forum. There's too much to keep up on, and way too much I don't care about = psychotic waste of my time.

  39. How will I face the ladies knowing I'm not the man I thought I was?

  40. Most of these idiots don't realize that the draw to kill for a sociopathic killer has little to do with the actual death, and a lot more to do with the process and what they get out of it before, during, and sometimes after. Death is more like, the required price. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  41. Three words Frank: Hot Lesbian Action.

    You're welcome.

    wv: chapp

  42. This Frank is beside himself with this talk.PLEASE RESPECT FRANKFURT

  43. I knew there was something very different about my penis. Every time I went down on my father, it was clear his penis was far more superior than mine.

  44. Why can't Frank be a real man? Why can't Frank live the manly dream?

  45. Don't read anything I say. I'm a total waste of time

  46. Themes for SW Regulars "Event Series"January 2, 2012 at 2:46 PM

    Theme Song for the SW Event "Is Frankfurt a Man?"

  47. I took a look at one of her Murder Fiction stories. What a laugh. She doesn't even know how to properly smack someone, let alone kill them.

    What a fucking joke.

  48. Poor Frank.

  49. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 2:50 PM

    Frankfurts theme song

  50. @ TNP maybe she isnt a she, maybe she is some lame old dude pretending, hoping a real killer will take him under his wing. Undercover cyber cop.

    Or maybe she really is some lame emo teenage girl

  51. Now I've noticed a strange smell coming from, you know, down there. What can Frank do to make it smell fresh again?

  52. Public Service Announcement - How to properly smack someone: Ball you hand up into a fist and stop hitting like a girl =P

  53. The forum refuses to load completely, even when I ask nicely. I feel like I'm missing out...

  54. I didn't go to her site. Is it even worth it? I'm just glad she's giving me something to do here, where I don't have to put the work in.

  55. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    Frankfurts Theme ( I tried 3 times and it disappeared. Does someone not want Frankfurt to have his day in court?)

    Frankfurts Theme

  56. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    Frankfurts Theme Song no 2

  57. Themes, why don't you hyperlink?

  58. @Wheat I don't know how.

  59. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    Franks True Theme Song

  60. (a href="URL")Words(/a)

    Just replace ( with < and ) with >

  61. @Wheat I don't understand

  62. Don't worry about it Themes. Just keep doing what you're doing.

  63. Are you avoiding my last e mail to you, Haven? :p
    Got too many boy problems today?

  64. Oh no! I'm not. Lack of boy problems today. Lack of people today. I think I can only deal with 2 days alone. And this is 3.

  65. Most of these idiots don't realize that the draw to kill for a sociopathic killer has little to do with the actual death, and a lot more to do with the process and what they get out of it before, during, and sometimes after. Death is more like, the required price. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    It's the same after a manic blurts jokes. ya laugh ur ass off, people think ur cruel, they feel anally raped when they see you laughing so hard. it's a bitch lol.

  66. Demon's Myspace

  67. Exposed on her first day? A fat Goth? What a fucking surprise.~

  68. I imagine that's how most of them on the forum would look.

  69. Whoa whoa whoa... who the fuck still has a MySpace?

  70. haven you are still having sekshull relations with tech boy?

  71. Oh well Themes. I guess it can't be helped.

    I'm glad you liked Sherlock, TNP, although I'm not sure why I (apparently) value your opinion... :/

  72. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    Eden's Theme Song

  73. Maybe you don't, but are glad that more than one person here enjoys it that you could potentially talk to about it.

  74. OH, You Know seems like zWaq. Walls and walls of aspie text and a personality entirely devoid of wit or humor.

  75. That's probably true, but it's still a kind of "I'm not the only one!"-validation, y'know?

  76. so my narc sibling and I had a heart to heart. a while back she found out her cat had feline aids. she's been medicating her, but still lets her cat outside. I've been telling hr for years that isn't cool, other cats will get infected the way she did. She says 'what do I care, the other cat owners did the same to me.' So I say you think they knew their cat had aids? she says she doesn't know. I say, you know this is the reason you have no friends, don't you? she says yeah, she has known she's inconsiderate for a long time. I say 'it's because you didn't have good friends to tell you the truth the way I'm telling you now.' She says yeah.

  77. sekshul relations LMFAO

  78. Lol, I love Sherlock since I know that part of town like the back of my hand and that's where it's set, obvio. I love martin freeman, who plays watson. The show itself is ridiculously hammy but fuck it. I still watch it. And Moriarty cracks me up. Good actor, way weird. haha. I'm very tempted to see what else he's in. I think I like him. :D

  79. She reminds me of David. Abuse victim with delusions of sociopathy.

  80. Who the fuck would be stupid enough to off themselves? It doesn't give you anything, just dead.

  81. 357
    It isn't hard to become numb and think you might be sociopathic when you've habitually hidden your scars.

    If you've ever thought people were out to get you so much you've put up walls you'd understand.

    It's hard to sift through that bullshit, especially if you gravitate towards abusers.

    You get jaded and want to join their team cause you feel if I can't beat them I might as well join. It certainly is self-delusional and self-destructive.

  82. Suicide is like active passive aggression towards one's self.

  83. I do not think it is stupid to kill oneself. I plan on doing it when the time comes. It is logical to end life on ones own terms. I refuse to deteriorate in some home with half retarded people wiping my ass.

    When I do kill myself it will be calculated and logical, not emo bs. I suffered from suicidal ideation most of my life. Its gone now. I know it will happen someday if life doesnt do me a favor in terms of an accident or an acute fatal illness. Until then, I am enjoying the shit out of now.

  84. @Bella I hear you. Did you take the Personality test? That was a bad wake up call to me, but good. Take it and put your results up. The 55 question Personality Disorder one

  85. Themes for SW Regulars 'Event Series"January 2, 2012 at 4:23 PM

    Theme Song for UKan going up to the Forums

  86. Is passion a bad thing? Is it bad to experience something raw and life altering and expect subsequent experiences to be as good? Is lust and greed and manipulation just other forms of addiction? Is it wrong to put up with a bunch of bs for hours of bliss? Is it better to not ever have the bliss? Be more detached? Go through the motions? Not allow yourself to enjoy anything because it is safer?

  87. I've been a manager before.
    any strong personality in charge is not going to let another strong arm them. You open yourself up to wasted time and paranoia if you determine too many people are out to strong arm you.

  88. Does that bother you, Wheatley?

    notme, I love how weird that Moriarty is. He's clearly got more than a few screws loose.

  89. Raven said...

    "I hope she contracts some ghastly disease that rots her slowly from the inside out."

    Lol, how's yours' working out for you Eden? :P Still plugging away at it for the sake of the children?

  90. hi caroline

    I've taken that very same test 3 times in the past year. It changes depending on my moods. The only thing that's been pretty consistent is the bpd. I don't trust my results because they'll vary on any given day/season.

  91. @419 I'd make the decision when the time comes, too.

  92. without passion you might as well be dead.

  93. Anon four9teen, just off yourself now. All suicide is pathetic, no matter how much "logic" or "rationale" you may put into it. The fact that you were pathetic enough to figure life is too hard that you have too off yourself before your time is due translates to you being a weak fuckin' coward. Take what life throws at you, no matter how difficult, conquer it, then give whatever god you may pray to the middle finger and challenge him to more difficult tests.

    Anon that agreed with him/her/yourself/whateverthehell, you are a fuckin' coward too. Don't kill yourselves though. I figure with you both being as pathetic as you are someone might get irritated and murder you first :D

  94. "Lol, how's yours' working out for you Eden? :P Still plugging away at it for the sake of the children?"

    What would that be?

  95. lol TNP, totally! haha. He's great. I wasn't impressed by the cliffhanger resolution though, maybe cos they made us wait A YEAR AND A FUCKING HALF! talk about anti-climax, jeezzzzzz. still, gonna watch next weeks ep... :D

  96. caroline, this is the way i feel today, right now.

    Paranoid |||||||||| 38% 49%
    Schizoid |||||||||||||| 58% 53%
    Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% 53%
    Antisocial |||||||||||||| 54% 47%
    Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62% 47%
    Histrionic |||||||||| 34% 43%
    Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 62% 41%
    Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 39%
    Dependent |||||||||||| 46% 37%
    Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 46% 40%

    higher on the schizotypal, borderline, and narcissistic.

  97. 447 you may bait me all you like into responding with anything other than "clearly you don't understand what I mean when I say 'when the time comes' " :D

  98. Mine was similar. I had practically no OCD, which is true. I can lie in a mess and not even see it. My BPD, Narc and Dependent were high.
    My histrionic was low. Paranoid and Schizoid and Schizotypal was normal.
    Anti social was low.

  99. Lol. I can't help but find TNP and Raven amusing. They follow Ukan into the forum like little pups. It was better to just watch Ukan terrorise them on his own though lol. It was funny to see them scatter after a few comments from him. They are weak.

  100. Caroline, were you ever different at another time in your life?

    there are those other personality tests that ask you to think back on the way you were as a child.

  101. Oh I think I will kill myself because some random assmunch on the internet told me to. Baaaaaaaah

    Whatever. Go munch on some forum retards.

  102. Squeeze! Chat me lover.

  103. Bella when I was a kid I was very ocd. Totally grew out of it. Histronics are a lot more fun.

  104. Speaking of 'pups' anon 5:10, notice how TNP has slowly morphed into a Mini-Me Ukan? His speech is similar, tries the same tactics, follows him around, and has been picking more fights than usual just so everyone can have a good look.

    I think Medusa had him pegged.

  105. histrionics are very fun. I used to stand in the middle of my sales floor pretending to be strung out on heroin, rocking with spit hanging out of my mouth. I was the LLLLLLLLLLLLLLife of the party.

    aaaaand scene.

  106. Medusa had him pegged as what?

  107. Or yanno, maybe it's just so boring out here today that they wanted to go where it was a bit more amusing.

    You people read way too much into every single action.

  108. TNP is on training wheels, training bra, and wears his balls in a truss.

  109. @Bella Yes, I was different at a younger time in my life, pretty normal and pretty well adjusted.

    What about you?

  110. not ever feeling normal.

    popular on the outside, angry on the inside, depressed, unhappy with myself with bursts of confidence....

    not much has changed.

  111. I had one gift that saved my sanity, such as it is. My grandmother took me under her wing. She was pretty stable. I lived in the same house for my whole life and had a sane extended family. My nuclear family was not sane but very crazy making, but I got away to other people's houses and kept my sanity for quite a while, but I don't like how I am, now, at all.

  112. I have always cultivated relationships with parental figures. Luckily my parents allowed it because they had hated their parents as well. I think they knew they were no good for me deep down. That was my saving grace, that and the fact that I was smart enough to know I was depressed. I practically demanded therapy.

  113. Zoe said: if you cherish your dark little hole, then I’m not sure you can truly cherish the Light, only use it for its cover.

    There is a kernel of truth in this insightful little morsel - albeit an inverted one.

    You cannot use light for cover, for light exposes everything:

    "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." (Eph. 5:13)

    I feed my sin nature every time I indulge it. The Bible calls this being double-minded, and Paul devotes a whole chapter to it- Romans Ch. 7- the crux of which we may find surmised in the following statement:

    “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.”

    To some extent, I believe this is endemic to the human experience- excluding, perhaps, the fully hardened sociopath. The Bible says that repeatedly violating one’s conscience causes it to become seared as with a branding iron. I think this is a fitting analogy; I have a scar from an operation I had as a child and however hard I may pinch the flesh there, it remains numb, for the nerve endings are dead.

    Those who have a conscience feel remorse naturally: God’s Law is written on their hearts.(Freethinkers, replace the above statement with “evolution has moulded our sense of empathy due to the advantageous role it plays in terms of fostering co-operative relationships in social groups, thereby ensuring a greater chance of reproductive success amongst its members. I believe that to be a different way of saying the same thing.)

    Empathy and remorse are co-dependent. If both are impaired in a person from childhood, the affected individual will be more prone to operating in a self-centered, callous manner, thereby further reinforcing the antisocial patterning in his brain, which is morphologically hardwired according to its genetic phenotype and thus, possibly incapacitated by deficiencies such as a hypoactive amygdala and/or damage to the basal ganglia. Add to this the fact that children who inherit these genes are more likely to be reared in conditions that “nurture” sociopathic tendencies, and what you get is a truly vicious cycle: a "generational curse." (I was raised in such conditions; growing up with my father was no freaking cakewalk. Something Ukan once wrote resonated profoundly with me: empaths react to abuse with shame and guilt; sociopaths, with indignation. Damn straight.)

    Perhaps it was easier for me than most to acquire antisocial tendencies: I did not have the “parachute” of a natural conscience to slow my fall. I truly believe that God did for me what I could never have done for myself. Consider me a horse of a different colour.

    Nothing man raised a compelling question that I have been mulling over in my mind for days: how is sociopathy any different from our modern definition of “evil”? Yes, I understand that the concepts of “good and evil” constitute deontic moral contructs according to most ethical paradigms. You may wish to ontologically refute the very existence of these ideas by insisting that they are subjective conjurations of the mind; such is your prerogative, and I have no desire to argue the point. In this comment, I am assuming that good and evil exist as they are defined conventionally by the majority of ideologies, both sacred and secular: helping others and treating them well, etc. constitute “good”, murder, deception, and hateful actions constitute "evil".

    Zoe also touched on this point when she cited the article about the sociopath’s “broken brain”. At what point does blaming a PD for toxic relational styles equate with mitigating personal responsibility? (And, in the case of ASPD, further reinforcing the tendency to rationalize?)

    I doubt whether some of these lines will ever become clear for me. One thing is for sure: I don’t want the prying eyes and poking nose of some shrink in my life, so it’s likely I’ll never find out from a "professional" standpoint.

  114. I sure did follow UKan into the forum. After he announced he was up there (like always)... I thought I'd try to impress him. I would have never found it on my own. I have no sense of self. So I rely on my heroes to guide me in. I'm a lost soul like that. I have to cling to the strong people here so no one can see how very weak I am. :) I hope I'm still welcome here. This mask of strength is really suffocating, and I just can't keep this up the facade anymore.

  115. @ 12-step recovery: Sigh. Not there yet. Thank-you for posting this.

    @Themes: I love my songs... You rock. Now, could we get a theme song for say... Zoe? :)

    @Monica: I have also noticed a similarity in the writing styles of sociopaths (I have perused a few such blogs, not just this one.) For instance, I have heard it implied that M.E and I sound similar when we write. (I assure you that we are not the same person; if I have something to say, I will say it as myself, period.) I am not sure whether this is because we share inherent sociopathic tendencies, or simply a function of a higher verbal intelligence.

  116. I couldn't have said it better myself.~

  117. @Raven that is one of the few honest things I have heard you say, ever.

  118. that was sarcasm carol

  119. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 6:03 PM

    @Alterego Thank you your your kind words. Your posts are fantastic!

    Zoe has a Theme. I will put it on, for you.

  120. @Caroline

    I've always been honest with you. For instance: When ever I say go fuck yourself... I genuinely mean it. :)

  121. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 2, 2012 at 6:05 PM

    Zoes Theme Song

  122. @Raven
    Why not? I am easy :)

  123. @Caroline
    I know, you silly little socio love'n whore. Now show me that pretty little pink thang of yours. I want to show you a trick you have to see first hand to believe.

  124. @ Raven: I had no idea! Poor, poor you. From now on, we should all sit around talking about our feelings as we seek to turn this place into a non-judgmental, supportive forum, filled with love acceptance, and warmth.

    Psyche. ;)

  125. I think by 'easy' you mean 'gullible'. Holy crap.

  126. Alterego, what do you get out of this blog?

    I'm not a sociopath just drawn to it for personal understanding, but it can have negative effects at times.

  127. Caroline, dear...

    At least you bounce back easy.

  128. I am a totally hetero girl.

  129. Your drawn to this blog like a moth to a flame is Tik. Don't lie. You fucking love watching people get tormented.

  130. @Caroline

    No you're not. When it comes to sociopaths (or narcs)... you'll take the first dog (male or female) that sniffs at your cunt. :)

    I can be sweet to you baby girl. I can tell you pretty words and make you feel adoration. Let me show you my sweet side. You know it's there. You pulled it from me once before.

  131. Oh UKan! Do me next. What's my draw here?

  132. You know thats not true Ukan.
    I do enjoy the interaction, like viewing a accident, I can't look away.

    I avoided antisocial people all my life till I had to work in an enviorment that was filled with power plays and found I needed a different attitude which this place has helped with.

  133. @Tik: I seek out and find myself relating to the intelligent posts concerning sociopathic behaviour. It is part of an introspective journey, I suppose, although that sounds a bit pukey and sentifuckingmental to my mind as I write it. But enough about me. :P

    If you are not antisocial, why are you drawn here for personal understanding? Are you seeking to learn what makes a loved one or family member tick? Why does it have negative effects upon you?

  134. @Raven I appreciate the offer of friendship but Caroline is a homosapien, like Frank.

  135. Can we be friends who explore each other, Caroline? Like, friends who sometimes drunk kiss?

  136. Jasons list of actorsJanuary 2, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    Coe-d: Wannabe Ukan
    Caroline: Wannabe Sparklebug
    Monica: Wannabe Ami
    Frank: A mirror of Jasons self image
    Gary, Hank, Larry, Hairy etc: Jasons Franks imaginary friends

  137. I didn't know till about 2 years ago what I was dealing with, felt like I was being gaslighted. I woke up one morning and very clearly heard that it was a sociopath. I don't ever remember hearing the term before. I needed to know how I was going to deal with them.

  138. @Raven I am greatly appreciative of the offer but Caroline would only be lesbo in a jailhouse situation.

  139. LOL Hairy *hitting self laughing so hard*

  140. @Jasons List of Actors


  141. Theme for SW Regulars "Event Series"January 2, 2012 at 6:39 PM

    Theme Song for Raven propositioning Caroline


  142. You know thats not true Ukan.
    I do enjoy the interaction, like viewing a accident, I can't look away.

    You know it is true. You just agreed right after saying so.

  143. Tik, you work with a bunch of sociopaths? Do you work in a jail or in finance or advertising?

  144. i did phrase the badly but i skip over a lot of the shit that goes on and most that I skip is the torturing.


  145. Oh UKan! Do me next. What's my draw here?

    There's no reson any borderline slut would not be drawn to this place haven. All the emotionally unavailable abusive men without the danger of one of them seducing you and destroying your life and sanity. You can just sit back and watch these dominant males and females say things that probably turn you on the more vile they are.

  146. lol Ukan, you really are a bitch on that forum. Enjoy it. Seems you've found your little niche. :)

  147. I have been waiting for this day.

  148. 'There's no reson any borderline slut would not be drawn to this place haven. All the emotionally unavailable abusive men without the danger of one of them seducing you and destroying your life and sanity. You can just sit back and watch these dominant males and females say things that probably turn you on the more vile they are'

    Funny that, of the trillion comments you've ever made here, only one has ever turned me on. Just saying...I'm going to bed.

  149. Theme Songs for SW Regulars "Event Series"January 2, 2012 at 6:52 PM

    Theme for UKan in the Forum

  150. Hm. See that's where you're wrong UKan. From a purely 1-dimensionally portrait of a beeper caricature. There's no point in emotionally unavailable men if there's no danger of attachment. Borderline chicks want the illusion of intimacy without the actual threat of it.

  151. Why does it seem that borderlines are drawn to narcs and socios? Is it because normal guys want nothing to do with them?

  152. They need extreme dominance or they will eat the man for breakfast.

  153. ukan is disgusted with these people on the forums lol i can sense how superior he feels towards these.

  154. Ukan went to play with the children so the adults can talk he he

  155. why does this place attract the biggest winners and the biggest losers? the losers tend to have a skewed definition of sociopaths.

  156. Who are the losers? WHY did I ask? Couldn't help myself? he he

  157. They need extreme dominance or they will eat the man for breakfast.

    with a nice chiante .

  158. I've had girls tell me that before, Caroline. And then 2 hours and a few shots later; they're practically eating my face like a bowl of ice cream.

    I've hear that hunger in your comments here. You want someone dirty, so you won't feel ashamed when your freak-n-the-box jumps out.

  159. It's hard being with someone who's chasing your moods around trying to find out what makes you purr. Eew it's like watching them trip over themselves for you. They have to be the type of guy that says just lemme know when the coast is clear an you're done with that little episode. They have to have an unusually thick skin. I mean they have to give you the same courtesy you'd give them for blowing their top.

    A LOT

  160. innocent normal guyJanuary 2, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    Borderline chicks want the illusion of intimacy without the actual threat of it.


  161. @Raven LOL I got serious work to do on myself that supercedes sex, even the best sex. I need a level of self love and self acceptance that I must strive for and get one inch at a time. I endeavor to do it and am. That is my passion
    <3 I want to die and know who it was that died. That is my dream.

  162. I want to ask about whether people think I am a sociopath or not. This is the first time i have registered on any forums and I have this time because it would be helpful if I can have this question answered. The problem with this is that there are many views on what a sociopath is and I have heard many different views from both Psy.D's and from diagnosed sociopaths.

    I know something is different for then anybody I've met. I long to meet a sociopath/psychopath in real life to talk to them and see what they are like. I am extremely interested in abnormal psychology because I love puzzles but I think some of it stems from that I want to know myself better.

    I have heard that sociopaths (not psychopaths) can love but they just love differently; and the longer i spend on SociopathWorld the more I think I am. The main thing that made me think i wasn't a sociopath was that I loved my girlfriend until just today i read an article by a sociopath on love and how he/she can love but it's just different. Everything this person was saying was exactly like me. The difference between me and what i see from most sociopaths is I was raised in a good home and was taught good morals. Now let me explain this before I hear "Oh! you have morals your not a sociopath!" I have never FELT morality or any kind of moral compass whatsoever. If I wanted to do something that "bad" and i knew/or had very little chance that i wouldnt get caught i would just do it. I KNOW what is right and wrong but I cannot FEEL what is right or wrong.

    I am unable to understand many rules set by society and I don't feel as if i fit in. I am able to fit in very well, if i choose to. I have recently (in the past year) grown tired of social rules as they make it much harder for me to live how I want. I am not as impulsive as what i hear sociopaths are. I truly think many of these things are because of the way i was raised, such as if i killed somebody and was caught then i would go to jail. I don't think I would care once i was in jail and i dont care if i go to jail but i have more freedom if i dont.

    I very much wish to kill somebody and feel their blood and pick them apart piece by piece, the very thought of it excites me very much. There are certain people who i do not wish to die but other than those people i dont care who it is.

    There is only one person i have consistently cared/felt for and that is my current gf, every other girlfriend i have had i have just used as a toy and for gratification. She broke up with once and i became frantic and very angry and sad. Many of these things have given me reason to believe i am not a sociopath but as i read in this forum and on the website we do feel loss and the reasons given (loss of work, loss of a gratifying object) make very much sense to me and how i feel. I do very much believe i love her. On the subject of love from what i have heard from sociopaths is exactly the same as me. I put my girlfriend above me and everything else. I want to literatly take her soul to keep with me. (this all can be found on the FAQ section "Do sociopaths love?" on the SociopathWorld website).

  163. I can help you with that dream if you want, Caroline. Show you who you are just before you die. It would be my great pleasure... I dare say; honor. :)

  164. PART 2

    As for my other personal life I am 18 and have parents still alive and married and two brothers one of which i have attempted to kill on two occasions ending up severely damaged. I feel nothing towards anybody except for brief moments when they are useful to me, again excluding my girlfriend, i feel nothing for any relational ties (e.g. grandparents, parents) aunts and uncles. I believe my parents are actually good parents and have taught me well.

    This may be just me but my fascination with death as an object is very beautiful to me, in fact i think death is the most beautiful thing in the world. I get sad when certain relatives died but it didn't last long, i have had many people in my life die. Blood fascinates me as well, i don't know if its because it signifies pain or death or what. One of my favorite experiences with blood was a time when i was making out with a girl and i bit her lip to where she was bleeding. I loved this so much i wanted to do it again. I love puzzles especially when it involves people( I think this is because humans are earths greatest mystery)and i get extremely excited by other peoples pain. I love messing with people and have been known to be very sadistic. Games involving people are amazing and blood omg i cant tell you how much i want to see blood fill and cover people and it filling the streets where i can rub my hands in it and feel it. I know this is not a characteristic of a sociopath but i dont know.

    I have been this way as long as I can remember and I will know much more next week as I am going in to talk with a diagnosis clinic on request of my girlfriend and my parents.

    What I think a socipath (again not psychopath) is...
    -largely remorseless/guiltless
    -can "feel" given circumstances
    -very machiavellian
    -very fearless
    -disconcern for others ideas and safety
    -emotionally distance
    -grandiose self worth
    -i know i am forgetting more but these are the important ones

    I am all of these as well

  165. I am all of these as well

    Feel free to ask anything I will answer as quickly as possible, I have tried to provide as much information as possible. Tell me what you think if im just fucked up or whatever you think.

  166. @Hi my name is

    It seems that you are afraid to express arrogance, as if you are somehow ashamed of who you are and what you do.

    Why are you looking for acceptance? The other sociopaths that come here, do it to boast, they don't want acceptance. But your story is geared more toward finding understanding, which i don't get. You say you like blood, which has nothing to do with being a psychopath. Psychopaths enjoy power and gratifying their ego, no idea how they would enjoy blood. What "bad" actions have you committed over your life time? If you were a psychopath, you'd have a long history of taking advantage of others and various callous behaviors.

  167. @Raven Thank you. I hope we can be friends. Friends means a lot!! xx

  168. Blood can be a fetish. Psychopaths always have a draw of some kind. Something that makes them feel high. Blood represents something for him. Not like a goth thing. There is power in the blood... as the Christians say.

  169. What could a psychopath get out of blood, seriously? They are trying to sound dark and evil.

  170. What do you think they could get out of blood? What does blood do? It gives us life, yeah? When it covers the streets... what can that mean?

  171. The life is in the blood. Blood is symbolic and actual.

  172. Alterego said...
    Zoe said: if you cherish your dark little hole, then I’m not sure you can truly cherish the Light, only use it for its cover.

    There is a kernel of truth in this insightful little morsel - albeit an inverted one.

    You cannot use light for cover, for light exposes everything:

    apparently not. maybe you need to get to know the dark little hole better instead of burying it?

    do you live in the deep south by any chance?

  173. When did this site get overrun by goths? (Raven and Demon) You think that the broody names will get you respect here, when in fact they make you look pathetic.

    You'd get respect with a normal name. Is that the first thing you think about when you wake up? Today I'm going to make as many people repulsed by me as possible. Your doing an awesome job. You have the impression management skills of a sexually abused autistic child...Oh wait.

  174. Friends mean a great deal to me too. The ones who can accept me for who I am to my core. So why is it so hard for you to accept me, Caroline? Why is it I'm supposed to embrace your neediness, and self loathing... but you can't accept my perversions, and need to express my sadistic nature?

  175. Demon is the ULTIMATE sheep in wolves clothing. It's like the anti psychopath.

  176. @Zoe You are one of the most independent thinkers on this blog, up there with ME. However, you seem to fail to see that people have many levels of being. The Christian has been changed at one level, the spirit. The rest, the soul and the body, needs to be worked out in this life and this world.

  177. The name I go by won't change the way I'm treated here. I could go by Caroline... and still get the same shit from you as I'm getting now. I don't come here for respect or understanding. I come here because it suites me.

    Why don't you get an actual name and try your luck, Anonymous.

  178. @Raven I don't know WHAT you want from a "friend". If it is to treat that person sadistically, I can't play. If there is not mutual respect, I am not interested <3

  179. Now Caroline. No need to get on the defense. Between friends... I just need you to accept that I am sadistic and perverse. Not that I would do those things to you, of course. :)

  180. @Raven OK I can do that :)

  181. Alterego said...
    Zoe also touched on this point when she cited the article about the sociopath’s “broken brain”. At what point does blaming a PD for toxic relational styles equate with mitigating personal responsibility? (And, in the case of ASPD, further reinforcing the tendency to rationalize?)

    i did? i don't remember that article.

    i think the answer to your question depends on how much self-awareness a person has.

    follow your nose!

  182. how to stop verbally abusing others and instead exploit them.

    1. accept that others are inferior and they can't help that fact.

    2. begin to take advantage.

  183. Anonymous said...
    @Zoe You are one of the most independent thinkers on this blog, up there with ME. However, you seem to fail to see that people have many levels of being. The Christian has been changed at one level, the spirit. The rest, the soul and the body, needs to be worked out in this life and this world.

    now that's just tricky anonymous. you flatter my ego then immediately smack it back to size, guaranteeing i will read the rest of your post. unfortunately, you lost me after the word fail. with respect to the many levels of being does the Christian not have a mind?

  184. and yeah i get it.. but true change comes from within and temptation from the outside. not the other way around

  185. Anon 8:52 that sounds like the SW version of the Serenity Prayer.

  186. "Does that bother you, Wheatley?"

    Yeah, it does. I value other people's opinions over my own a lot, even though I feel like I shouldn't.

  187. Well you're young, so you're used to being guided around. It's only natural you'd feel comfortable with other people's opinions, whether or not you agree with them.

  188. @Zoe: Your comment was addressed to daniel birdick, and it was entitled: "my response". It linked to the following article: and I believe it was date/time stamped either January 1, 2012 9:17 AM or January 1, 2012 9:46 AM, but I cannot be sure, because David deletes so many of his posts, lol! My memory is not photographic, but I suspect it was the former. Very insightful and informative article.

    Anyway, it would appear that the comment has been removed, and I am left only to wonder why. Would you care to share your thoughts with me on that subject? :)

    Light indeed exposes everything that it shines onto or into. If there is darkness present, it is because no light has penetrated there. If you are merely pretending to have faith, you can't really use the Light for cover... although you are certainly hiding in full view, lol! You may be fooling others, but you aren't fooling God. I understand what you mean in principle, however: it is entirely possible to claim to know God, yet still walk in complete darkness.

    Perhaps the verse I shared earlier was intended especially for you:

    "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." (Eph. 5:13)

    I am particularly good at following my nose. :)

    Speaking of which, I like your theme song... The moon is in my sun sign- I wonder what the Ghost of Ami Behind Every Bush would think of that?



  189. Hey! My hyperlink didn't work, and I followed Wheatley's instructions to the letter :P

    This was the article:

    @Wheatley: You really are adorable. :)

  190. Wonder which regular alterego is.


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