
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Perfect prey (part 1)

From a reader:

Do you believe that there are empaths who are perfectly suitable partners for sociopaths?

I have been playing cat and mouse with a certain sociopath for four years now. We have gone back and forth between 'love', hate, jealousy, possession and everything in between, and I can't imagine anyone more intellectually or emotionally stimulating. I consider myself to be in love with this person, and know from their inability to get away from me, they reciprocate this to some degree.

I have had others boyfriends (all who I believe are empaths), and I couldn't stand them. I am inextricably proud of 'my sociopath' when they are exerting power over others, and I find it hilarious and thrilling when I know that they are trying to manipulate me also. 

M.E.: It makes sense that there would be certain empaths who value sociopathic traits more than others, such that they would be willing to put up with a lot more of the "negative" traits (or not even see them as negative) than most would.  And it is odd to read some of the comments and see that some people have had multiple interactions with sociopaths over their lifetime--almost like they are a magnet for sociopaths.

But I feel like I should give you some unsolicited advice, just because I just got done emailing someone who pushed her sociopath too far and had him abandon her.  The tricky thing about sociopaths in relationships is that nothing is certain.  You are probably right that your sociopath is intrigued with you, maybe even infatuated.  There is no such thing as "can't live without" in the sociopath's world, though.  They are extremely adaptable and changeable and if you are gone, they really will hardly notice (if notice at all).  That is not to say that they couldn't be a lifelong companion.  But, you would have to be like a plate spinner--constantly going from plate to plate, tending to this need here, being ever so slightly difficult and playful there--to keep things going.  It's a lot of work, and if you're not naturally interested in those sorts of interpersonal machinations, it might wear on you.


  1. Make a post about Neuro-laws. Vote libertarian if you want to live in a few decades.


    What would a sociopath/psychopath have done if he was the fat guy getting kicked by the white shoe guy?Can any of you sociopaths tell me what you'd have done?

  3. I plea the fifth.

  4. More bullshit I see.

  5. @ Post
    I was readings some of your statements, again and wanted to add one point.

    God's language is faith.God created math, logic and reason. Man is made in God's image, so God is the Author of mathematical thought and rational analysis.

    However, His currency is that of faith. One cannot come to God without some pure faith. The Bible is the most logical, cogent book in the world. However, at some point, one must free fall with faith. At some point, man must sky dive and hope the parachute opens. The parachute is faith.

  6. "That is not to say that they couldn't be a lifelong companion"

    if you enjoy being treated as dirt for the rest of your life, then go for it.

  7. How does she know he's a sociopath? Unless diagnosed she can't say that.

  8. "I have had others boyfriends (all who I believe are empaths), and I couldn't stand them. I am inextricably proud of 'my sociopath' when they are exerting power over others, and I find it hilarious and thrilling when I know that they are trying to manipulate me also"

    Does she realize how ridiculously stupid she sounds?

    It amazes me when people are actually WILLING victims..... It's actually pretty sad if are attracted to being treated like crap and manipulated, lied to, and cheated on!!!!

  9. You are attracted to it if that is what love was to you, as a child.

  10. Hey SW. I married a man over 10 years ago. At first he swept me off my feet. When we lived under the same roof I watched him on the phone with his ex wife and mother. He would yell at them loudly and call them a "b". I had never seen this before in my life from anyone's behavior! I worried he would do this to me.

    Soon after, I saw him talking down to me and he ripped me apart in every way (things I liked, believed in and wore). Nothing was good about me. One time my stepson told me that his dad brought him in his room and did the same thing to him. Total verbal and emotional abuse.

    I became depressed. Nothing I did or said was right. He always had this weird glare in his eye. I heard that his ex said that he wanted to be king, that he was "self-righteous", that he would turn everything around to be "your" fault, etc.

    Things turned physical. He kicked me in the chest, stomach, hit my head, pushed me down and attacked me on a bed and I almost went unconscious. He was arrested once. We separated for a week. Stupidly I went back and for six years longer now, my children and I have been miserable. I am afraid to make a step and leave. He tried to throw me out of the house a month ago and make me leave with nothing because he said that I came into this marriage with nothing and that I was leaving with nothing. (no credit cards, money, car, kids, etc) or he was calling the police. He did this all to me in front of the kids.

    I knew I couldn't yell back because he is capable of the worst. He is the meanest, cruelest person I ever met. He thinks because he earns the money that I need to bow down. I work now and have for the past year and a half. Since 2004 he gambled probably a hundred thousand dollars or more of our money, promising each time he'd stop. He saw a stripper at a club behind my back for 10 months and spent over $30,000 on her and sent her flowers twice.

  11. ^^^^
    STOP. stop feeling sorry for yourself. stop looking for sympathy. stop asking for answers that you already know you can answer on your own. you made a dumb decision six years ago. now live with it.


  13. Angela, you do know what you have to do, so start doing it.
    Put as much money away as possible when ever you can and set up support for a place to live else where, far away. Or go to a womans shelter, thats support for your side, take the kids with you and let them help you become independant.

    Your going to get insults and cold advice from this site and a stray compassionate one here and there.

    Take some action now. The womans shelter would only be temporary but if you go to court in the future it will be the piece you need on your side that you need.

  14. @ Raven Take a Xanax and call me in the morning he he

  15. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 7, 2012 at 7:43 AM

    Theme song for Eden/Raven no 4

  16. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 7, 2012 at 7:53 AM

    Theme Song for Daniel Birdick no 4

  17. Angela, thanks for derailing the religious train we've been on. You don't have to be a slave to your choices. Don't be afraid of change. Each day you choose your fate. Make a different choice. Don't stay if you aren't happy.

  18. Wow. I consider myself to be educated, but the notion of a "sociopath" completely escaped me for some reason. I have a brother who is a sociopath and fits the description to a T. He can't hold on to a job, he drinks like a fish and pops lots of pills, and is so charming and glib, but has worked his way through dozens of "friends" and jobs. I have learned never to expect a birthday or Christmas present, but instead, to be shook down for a few thousand dollars during the holidays.

    One of his most annoying traits is to take credit for what others have done and said. For example, if we are having dinner with some people, he will echo a statement I just said, and act like he thought it up. He has taken credit for my ideas, and I have found out that other people he has worked with also complain he takes credit for things he did not do. This is the core of why he finds himself out of work.

    I think this false sense of greatness and the belief that "That's a great idea, I must have thought of it, because I am so bleeping great!" is at the core of sociopathy. Not only do they take credit for good ideas, they shift blame for their screw ups onto other people.

    There's this notion that they are perfect and flawless, and they do anything to persist in this lie. It doesn't matter how small or insignificant the matter -- they will never accept fault and take credit for anything that comes out well, whether they did it or not. It could be something like making a vinaigrette that is 2/3 vinegar and 1/3 oil (that will taste awful, if you don't know cooking, and it's typically the other way around). But instead of saying "Oh, I made a mistake", it will be "Oh, mom won't eat it if it is the other way around with too much oil". So he blames the mistake on an intentional desire to appease mother, who thought it tasted awful too. Just admit it! You made a bad salad dressing because you drank three bottles of wine.

    That's the thing -- even something as minor as salad dressing has to be defended and he cannot take the blame for preparing a bad meal -- the blame has to be shifted. But believe me, it gets far worse than salad dressing! My point is, they don't pick their battles. They have to win everything.

    The funny thing is, it was the TV show South Park that made me realize what a sociopath really is. I always wondered -- do these people know they are like this, or do they just assume they thought of this great idea?

    The South Park episode "Fishsticks" completely covers this and it blew my mind that some silly cartoon had this great insight. Basically, Butters thinks up this joke about fish sticks (say it fast enough and it sounds like the slang for fish genitalia, which is the essence of the joke). The joke becomes a huge world wide phenomenon, and Cartman (who is a sociopath), takes credit for it. They really bring the issue of does he really know he didn't think of it, and is just being sleazy, or is he so sociopathic that he really thinks he thought of it? The answer is the latter. The sociopath does "mental gymnastics" so they convince themselves that they really did originate that clever idea.

  19. That said, they do not seem to do well with therapy. He has had several therapists, and has convinced them that he has severe clinical depression (the "pity me" part of sociopathy). He has been on every anti-depressant and also drinks heavily (20-30 units of alcohol per day) and takes pills like vicodin and oxycontin. These patterns of substance abuse.

    But yes, for a long time, I wondered: do they really know they are lying? I mean, these lies are pretty far out there. The truth is, they don't. Their ego is so huge that they do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they thought of that great idea, or they had the duty of keeping the CEO of one of the largest companies on the planet, "in line", when their rank in the company was near the bottom.

    There are no boundaries for the sociopath. They will screw their own mother out of every cent as long as it means more money for fun. They are beasts and there is nothing you can do but distance yourself. If you try to intervene, you step on the quicksand, and he will manipulate people to make you the bad guy.

    One should wonder, gee, why does this guy go through so many friends? However, my mother is in very heavy denial and she buys the whole "clinical depression" thing, because he mopes around all day in a dark room, more due to a hangover from 20-30 drinks, than clinical depression. Of course, being manipulative, he tells his therapist he is a social drinker. He may even believe this himself! He has now convinced my mother that he is just a "social drinker" and that it is completely normal to drink 20-30 drinks per day. He doesn't admit to that -- he says he drinks at the level of a moderate social drinker. Then there's the gluttony. He's morbidly obese, which I find a common trait amongst sociopaths.

    It is very frustrating to deal with these sociopaths. Their glib charm fools a lot of people, and so many people think I am the creep, because he has manipulated them to think that way.

    The sad thing is, my mother enables this behavior and has shelled out about $70k of her own money during this past bout of joblessness. While she had to postpone vacations and eat meager meals, he was out wining and dining, not working, and basically being a parasite.

    It's more that I would like to see my mom enjoy her golden years and this can't happen when she is being sucked dry by a sociopath. We (me and one of his current friends) tried to get some real help for him. He ended up manipulating it so we were the jerks, and he was the poor victim (pity, once again!). His friend ended up going back to enabling him, and now I am the jerk. I really hate how it works out.

  20. Sounds like a narc.

  21. Not really. He displays a grandiose self, frequent deceiet (including self deceit) a complete lack of any sort of empathy and a parasitic lifestyle. He has no conscience and he's a socio.

  22. "I think this false sense of greatness and the belief that "That's a great idea, I must have thought of it, because I am so bleeping great!" is at the core of sociopathy

    This statement is wrong on a few levels. This is the core of Narcissism not a socio.

  23. believe what you wanna believe but you are wrong. @anon 8:58

  24. prove how i'm wrong? your probably one of the softiepaths that skews definitions.

  25. I'm a love frauder. Not a softiepath at all. You should come to our site where you are welcome.

  26. lololololololooloolol horse joke

  27. One of his most annoying traits is to take credit for what others have done and said. For example, if we are having dinner with some people, he will echo a statement I just said, and act like he thought it up. He has taken credit for my ideas, and I have found out that other people he has worked with also complain he takes credit for things he did not do. This is the core of why he finds himself out of work.

    this is so common that it's an effective way to get difficult people to do what you want. present the information without taking credit, then give them credit for it. if the issue is their ego, they will leap at the opportunity to believe it's their idea.

    narcs, you have to love 'em. :)

  28. socios are EXPERTS at abuse. my socio would wash everything i put my hands on. this was a way to dehumanize me. said i was filthy. ps: he was not ocd!

  29. softiepath = aspie, borderline or empath trying to be a socio.

  30. "I plea the fifth."

    Hmmm, interesting thing for a non-American to say.

  31. lets discuss religion again

    have ya ever read the brick bible thats a very good illustration with pics of lego dudes because the bible is very hard to read loving the book a lot of massacres there:

    this story is 1 of my favorites its called gang rape and dismemberment i especially loved the part where the guy chops up his bitch into 12 peaces and send the peaces all over israel:

    the god is the man lol most hardass sociopath ive ever seen

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. well missus wrote this post of course. funny that just cause they are both here and married she thinks she is different from all the other sad victims floating about.

  34. @david

    you have a haughty posture?

  35. For a person who so belives in progress, she sure does take progress back a good 50 years by taking on the role of wife instead of person even by name and hating on her own gender and hence herself.

    Self hate disguised as arrogance and a consistent "lol" is the saddest sort of self hate I know. to bad she is married to it now.

  36. I was afraid some idiot would think I wrote this. I'm going to stay on the fifth.

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  38. "I very often see people are repulsed by my hautain body language"

    david, this means you are doing it right. they can't relate to arrogance because they are losers.

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  40. Feeling neglected today, David?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I've yet to see it. But it's kind of cute that you should hope. :)

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  44. it's not the superiority, it's the disdainful attitude together with a complete lack of awareness that others see it that makes them repulsive. smooth words, hostile eyes. it's that complete machine like obliviousness that is repulsive.

    obliviousness that's always followed by stupid wonder, when they are called on their behaviour, and a grovelling saccharin friendliness. then right back to the exact same hostility and game playing.

    you can verbally slap them until the end of time and it won't make a difference. they can't see you, only the cheap copy of you that exists in their minds.

  45. David, you can only make assumptions about how others perceive you. You are also assuming that everyone else is as obsessed with status and appearance. You really have no idea if what you say is accurate. It sounds delusional.

  46. i thought you were a sociopath david, not a narc.

    a man with pretty hands is not sexy. you should get a little dirt in your finger nails now and then. :)

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  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Its sad when your life is so lame that you derive joy in the delusion that you can make others feel inferior just with a look. Like I said, you have absolutely no way of knowing why someone looks away. Maybe you are ugly or boring. Or maybe they didnt even notice you to begin with. People dont think as much about you as you think, I think.

  50. David, be prepared for neither socio or psycho. Those arent proper diagnostic terms. Yes, some clinicians use them, but many do not, especially outside of prisons and Dr Hare. Also, your "label" will be dependent on what you present and we all know you want to be more than you are.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. gloom of superiority

    I don't know about the rest, but I love this phrase.

  53. david wants the BEST pd, just as he wants the best of other things in life. this is narcissistic in itself.


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. You really Do have an interesting way with words, Dave. I know... I know... English is not you're first language, right?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I don't know David. I don't know myself so well as every other person on this blog, seems to know me. So you just make it what you want. It's what you do best anyway. :D

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  60. This comment has been removed by the author.


  62. Who is a psychopath here ?

  63. Hello?? Any Dexter types here ? and what type of psychopath are you ?

    I just finished watching all of the Dexter seasons. Its so cool. I just want to join here and chat with psychopaths.

  64. At first I detested living alone post-divorce. Ive grown to love it. Not afraid of being alone was a big step. I am fortunate to be able to afford to. Only way I want a roommate is if we fuck.

  65. Welcome to the nuthouse. If you believe David, most of the folks you talk to are this guy who calls himself UKan. There are other here, but your approach leaves something to be desired, so just prepare yourself for ridicule, SamiAm.

  66. I have read that would be the case. And that is cool. I'm used to it, I'm still in school lol. And my dad is a narcissist. So I get the idea. Is everyone older? I'm in my 20's.

  67. Afraid to be alone. Heh, the thought of someone always being there, is what I can't fathom. How can people put up with the same person for more than a decade? I haven't even made it to half yet.

  68. So maybe not telling me if you are psychopaths, is because you don't care. It doesn't matter telling me. No benefit to it. Right ?

    And I relate to this video

  69. Oh and is cold reading possible online in text ?

  70. We miss you David when you go away.

  71. "Who is a psychopath here ?"

    it seems this place has an alarming number of sociopaths. probably five at the most and countless softios. that's still a big amount for any forum.

  72. But what about psychopaths ?

  73. they are the same thing. aspd is different though.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Oh really ? Ok so who is one here then ? I will write names down so I can follow along.

  76. A chocolate and white wine would be nice :)

  77. For those that see a distinction, a psychopath is the extreme end of the empathy spectrum. Sociopaths are psycho-lite. Antisocial personality disorder is a dignostic label currently in use that is a bit of an umbrella which covers everyone from a common street thug blindly following others to a full blown psychopathic serial killer.

    And yes, it was hell living in monotony for a decade with the same person, Raven. Especially since he spent half in a narcissistic depression. Because I emasculated his fragile ego by not being a total codependent. Thats a beeper for ya.

  78. I'll take the chocolate and pass on the wine.

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  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. psychopathy is more similar to the narcissistic pd than it is to aspd. psychopaths are rarely in difficulty with the law. they commit acts that won't get them caught, such as domineering their family, or colleagues. when a psychopath does commit a crime, it's well thought out rather than impulsive, but they are extremely impulsive too. with money and stuff like that.

  82. Interesting.


    My name is TheChosenONe... and I am a psychopath.


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Whatever, they get caught. Just cuz some of you have this shit on a pedestal that a psychopath is a perfect person doesnt make it true. They fuck up and get caught. Bundy was busted because of his burglary tools. He stole shit all the time. And one doesnt have to be in trouble with the law. Criminal behavior is criminal behavior regardless of if you get in trouble for it.

  85. i am a level 78 high level psychopath.

  86. And now for something, completely different.

    That's from Monty python.

  87. I'm pretty perfect Sarah. Just ask me.

  88. @David... huge munchies... I'd love one.

  89. sarah, speaking of bundy.. i read that he needed to drink every time he stole, to quell his nerves and he'd wear a suit to avoid looking suspect. why is it commonly stated that psychopaths are fearless?

  90. "Because I emasculated his fragile ego by not being a total codependent. Thats a beeper for ya."

    You did stay for a decade though, so... close enough. Missed by a hair I bet.

  91. I've never even lived with a partner for more than 2 years. I haven't had a lover live with me for more than 6 years now. I can't imagine ever letting someone live with me again. I function better without a commitment. The less people I have to manage, the better.

  92. I am a softiepath. My dad was a full blown psycho (socio?) but I am trying to rehabilitate myself. This place is making me better and worse.


  93. socios can feel fear, but it's not deep fear like a normal person experiences.

  94. Im starting to see the beauty in that Raven. I sure as shit am not ready to dive back into a prison cell.

  95. Anon 1256 I think its not as much fearlessness, its just easier, because they only have to overcome societal programming, but not an innate sense of right/wrong. Also, he was smart to employ the disguises and props he used. Authority figures and injured people tend to automatically be trusted.

  96. 12:52

    Bet he really meant that too.

  97. It's nothing like the hysterical kind of fear I've witnessed in others. I love fear, crave it. Makes me feel invigorated and alive. On the few occasions I should have experienced terror, I just went mumb. Its like this dissociative defense mechanism reared its head out of nowhere.

    If I am in control of the situation, my mind associates fear with pleasure. I am an adrenaline junkie.

  98. I am listening to burn by NIN and wearing my "fuck humanity" T shirt. I just told my facebook friends that i worship serial killers.

  99. Goes to The Chosen One

  100. Alterego, I'd like to see you have a blog that way things could be talked about there that aren't on this blog.

    You could post a link.

  101. are boring men attractive ?

  102. @Alter How is this place making you better and worse?

  103. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 7, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    Theme Song for The Chosen One

  104. But, you would have to be like a plate spinner--constantly going from plate to plate, tending to this need here, being ever so slightly difficult and playful there--to keep things going. It's a lot of work, and if you're not naturally interested in those sorts of interpersonal machinations, it might wear on you.

    I thought that sociopaths naturally spin plates for their prey, but once they have their prey figured out, once they know all their buttons, they get bored.

  105. You did stay for a decade though, so... close enough. Missed by a hair I bet.


  106. WHO stayed for a decade? Do you mean at SW? Sorry, can't follow.

  107. LOL Missus you do not have room too judge anyone for that.

  108. You're so right. I have put up with my abusive, belligerent, condescending, evil, malignant, sociopath husband for 2 and a half years now. We're completely in the same boat. I'm miserable, drowning in ssorrows every day, wondering why im here, and how i ccould stopped so low to stay.

  109. Hmm Tik. I don't know about that. I feel I can talk about whatever I want here. If people are bothered, it is their problem.

    I am not talking about BPD, and I am not talking about religion: I am talking about issues related to the sociopathic mindset- and hell of a lot more than the lot of you, at that.

    I know that people are shallow enough to not see beyond the fact that I’m Christian and dismiss everything I have to say on that basis. I know that the other socios here will jump on that because they perceive it as a personal weakness. Ukan is going to do this thang with everyone; I don't feel "spechul".

    Yesterday, I responded to typical antisocial behavior in like fashion, allowing myself to get dragged into an all-too-familiar process by a real juvenile- and an amateur, low-functioning one at that. But observant, incisive comments on the part of two actual socios: Post and TNP, rendered obvious the fact that I was twisting something purportedly precious and significant to me personally, and wielding it as a weapon, thereby reducing it to a carnival act.

    *That* is part of the pathological process that drives sociopaths: we find it very difficult to draw meaningful conclusions about ourselves and others outside a context of hostility. Exposing the insecurities of others is what we do best, because we have had to spend years defending and rationalizing our own. Getting it raw and out there feels good.

    I won’t be bullied just because a few people are irritated that I am diverting attention away from the endless cock-talk and “beeper noise”, as MK coined it: I am far too much like the lot of you for that.

    Woken up, indeed.

  110. Stoop...


    My wonderful husband spoils me every day, compliments me all the ttime, and aspires to mmake me happy. He showers mme with love, effort toward our relationship, and dates and activities to spare. He helps to lift me up when I'm down, and he's a staple in my life. A rock. And my favorite person ever. My best friend.

  111. so llets compare notes, shall we?

  112. Missus, on the tablet, reminds me of some cartoon character duck, who repeats every word twice lmao

  113. "WHO stayed for a decade? Do you mean at SW? Sorry, can't follow."

    Damn straight you can't follow. If you can't figure out that 10 years make a decade, and SW has been around for 4.

  114. Haha. Eden, you're on a roll today.

    I think my tablet-stutter is endearing.

  115. Besides, it makes it so you all know for sure I don't stoop to anonymous statements at any time. And it proves I'm not my husband. Its part of my sociopathworld character. :-)

  116. I can roll joints like a pimp.

  117. Really 228 ?


    What would a sociopath/psychopath have done if he was the fat guy getting kicked by the white shoe guy?Can any of you sociopaths tell me what you'd have done?

  119. Laughter in place of sorrow can be delusional and confusing for others to see.

    But it is a very strong need for some people.

    To make excuses for the cruel and insensitive is also delusional.

  120. Franklin is home. Lets get DOWN

  121. I can't view what is on there, 256.
    Youtube took it down.

  122. My computer was down. How are you doing, from the Big Apple and the town of Gary?

  123. notice the use of "you're" in the English police

    Raven said...
    You really Do have an interesting way with words, Dave. I know... I know... English is not you're first language, right?

    January 7, 2012 11:17 AM

  124. David, pourquoi tu t'occupes tellement de ce que les autres pensent de toi? Cesse de te définir en fonction des autres. Sois qui tu es: la transparence est un outil propice à la croissance.

  125. @Funny Bit
    You beat Wheatley/Aspie/Abigail to the punch ha ha

  126. Yes, it is nice to not give a shit what people think of you. Here you can do it.

  127. David: ta langue maternelle est le français? Si oui, te me réponderas surement. Sinon, je t'avise de prendre mon conseil au plus vite que possible. :)

  128. David is a totally beautiful person, Alter.

  129. I have been thinking some more on what I have termed the antisocial mechanism, for the purposes of brevity (not my strong suit, ha ha!)

    I internalize it. I attack everything I think from as many angles as possible, as brutally as necessary, so as to refine my understanding and strengthen my perspective.

    My husband has asked me why I always play the devil's advocate: it is like a compulsion for me. Now, I think I am beginning to understand.

    When it is directed at the self, it is conducive to growth... most of the time.

  130. Alors, vous avez quelquechose je voudrais d'avoir aussi?

  131. On topic: It’s strange how some people actively seek relationships with sociopaths and knowingly become their victims.

    It’s almost as if their sense of self so void that that they would do anything to feel alive.

  132. @ Yellow YES that is it.

  133. I'm pterty srue Rvean did that on psoprue, aomunynos.

  134. @Anon: of that I have no doubt. There is a part of him that is truly Beautiful. And if his mother tongue truly is French, he will answer my question.

    @David: There we go. Je vois que tu parles français, mais que ce n'est pas ta langue première. Tu démontres par ta grammaire que tu n'as pas une maîtrise suffisante de cette langue pour que ce soit vrai.

    Oui, j'ai quelque chose que tu veux. Je te laisse découvrir quoi par toi-même.

  135. When you come from a household where your actions don't matter, you can be very creative. You can do anything you want and get the same results. There is no consequence. No one is paying attention to you anyway.

  136. @Yellow: perhaps they are addicted to a cathartic process that only we can provide with such brutal candor.

  137. tu es a tease, ne'est-ce pas?

  138. @yellow: When antisocial thought patterns are unmediated by internal contraints or external social constructs, they degenerate rapidly into abuse.

  139. @David: oui, en effet. :) But I am doing it to empower you.

  140. 352
    I think it is much more simple than that.

  141. Anonymous Alterego said...

    @Yellow: perhaps they are addicted to a cathartic process that only we can provide with such brutal candor.

    Yes, but love and abuse are mixed, inextricably, to an abused child. Love is not love if abuse does not come with it. Age does not mitigate this.

  142. Good evening SW. Any interesting news today?

  143. @Anon: True indeed. How many sociopaths do you know who were not abused?

    I am not saying that such individuals do not exist, but they are a rare breed.

  144. Alterego said...
    '@Yellow: perhaps they are addicted to a cathartic process that only we can provide with such brutal candor.'

    I doubt it. There is nothing cathartic about sadistic cruelty.

    And candour, when delivered with an intention to humiliate and manipulate, will usually miss the mark, because it will be too one-sided.

  145. That Casey Anthony video is amazing. She feels nothing the entire time.

  146. 343

    I think I just wanted to know I could do anything if I wanted to. I could use him too. I sat contemplating it for a while. He hated those hours.

    I wanted to know I had the power to make myself happy no matter what kind of an idiot I was with.

    The fact is that I learned I can do anything that I want with anyone. That's the biggest gift he brought me.

  147. Why do you think Anthony is doing that?

  148. Hi Raven =) How are you today darlin'?

  149. Just randy.;) How about you and your sexy self?

  150. Yellow said: I doubt it. There is nothing cathartic about sadistic cruelty.

    Oh, but there is, if you are a sociopath. :) But there I go, being all self-centered again.

    I am saying that perhaps the prey is initially attracted to the frank, brutal approach of the sociopath. There is something irresistible to him about baring his neck to the wolf: it is a masochistic urge that usually arises in an abused empath. But when the wolf is led captive by his base instincts, he will rarely have the restraint to spare his kill. The scent of blood, the bleeding wound, is too intoxicating.

    And candour, when delivered with an intention to humiliate and manipulate, will usually miss the mark.

    Very true. But when it is delivered with the intention to manipulate and empower, the outcome may be quite different.

  151. It's been a day. Drank too much last night. Lonely this night. Wish I was out of my head.

  152. I have to go, but I will respond to you later, Yellow, if you have anything more to add.

  153. Oh for godsakkes bite me already. bite me bite me bite bite purllleeeeeeaaaase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  154. go haven *clap*
    go haven *clap*
    go go go haven *clap*

  155. @Wounded: Show me your neck.

  156. @Haven

    Need a chat-buddy?

  157. @Alter:
    I'll show me mine and you show me yours, too. Ok?

  158. I wouldn't be very good conversation tonight Raven.

  159. No problem. If the weather changes before the night is out... let me know.

  160. I just read your post about progress with tech boy and therapy Haven. You sounded great. What happened since then?

  161. @Haven Sorry you are hurting, Sweetie.

  162. @Alter: Just scanned the recent comments and noticed your question about abuse. To that end, you might be interested to know that I was not abused.

  163. You don't have to answer me, Haven. If you aren't in the mood to talk I understand.

  164. What does a sociopath/psychopath do when he gets mugged by 3 guys? And they ask him to give them his phone and his wallet or they'll kill him?

  165. Did you observe others get abused?

  166. @Anony

    What kind of stupid question is that? He gets mugged.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. Been watching Caprica on Netflix. Interesting how a virtual world unleashes our inner sociopaths.. without real consequences and need for remorse we are all sociopaths. Makes me wonder if it would be easier for me to kill someone after being "trained" on video games. Will my dissociation kick in and training kick in. Will it not feel real? Not that I want to. Pretty sure thats one experience I would like to avoid if at all possible. But still, as our virtual worlds grow more real, will virtual sociopaths have trouble remembering real life etiquette? Like a soldier back home but still ready for combat.

  169. Post have you ever had a psychotic, break, like me?

  170. I just Now realized that there is a toddler holding a blow up doll, in yesterday's post.

  171. Yes Sarah, it will kick in.

  172. @Sarah: Researchers have done brain scans on soldiers and people who play first person shooters, and apparently the same parts of the brain light up in both groups. Curious, eh? I'll see if I can dig up a paper on the subject.

  173. haven yes indeed interesting night ahead-

    we are talking about the religion again!

  174. Did anyone say religion? Just kidding he he

  175. Fortunately mr. stapleton I don't have to stick around. Religious debates got tiresome for me by the time I was about 15.

  176. the samson stories were my favorite as well in the brick bible i had no idea samson was such a badass


  178. No more religious crazy train to Jesusville!

  179. davidsocio01 said...
    " only the cheap copy of you that exists in their minds."

    Some good stuff Zoe. I especially like that part. 'Cheap copy' haha. There could be some truth there, or is this just a theory you invented after you got a haughty look from a narc/socio and had to walk away feeling like an ant? :)


    but i have walked away seething. not from the haughty look itself, but the stupidity it rode in on. i'm getting better at managing that.

    as far as the revulsion, i'm not actually sure where it comes from. if anyone can shed light on that i'd be happy to hear it. it's the narcissists that trigger it, not the sociopaths.

    the difference between the two, david, or how i see it: narcissists are charming at a distance and complete little bitches up close. up close they snipe, never shut up, and grovel like cats in heat when confronted. they always play the same game. ego game. if it will serve their ego, you can actually get a lot of work out of them. they look good too, so can be useful to have a few scattered about at cocktail parties.

    sociopaths are charming to everyone, and can be very fun to hang out with, but if you can get more than five minutes of work out of them it's a miracle. and usually not worth the effort. but they know how to network and are invaluable in this respect.

    i have a theory that narcissists tend to drive automatic and sociopaths stick. i know a huge narcissist though who drives stick, but in stiletto boots so maybe that's not saying much. :)

    and before i forget...i learned yesterday that hobbits are real. if hobbits once existed, why not souls?

  180. @MHM said...

    What kind of stupid question is that? He gets mugged.

    But he doesn't feel fear so why would he be scared of 3 morons asking for his phone?

  181. What the fuck is a phone? What the fuck is a wad of cash? Come on now, people.

  182. I don't drive. If I DID it would be a stick, and I'd put my full hand on it and feel the power of the stick wrapped in leather in my grip. I'd grab that fucking stick and push it forward, then pull it back, and then to the side (into whatever gear that shit is) put my foot on the gas, grab my honey, suck on her bottom lip


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