
Thursday, January 12, 2012


A reader asks:

What do you think the differences are between male and female sociopaths?

Females are known to be more hormonal and emotional than men, especially during a certain time of the month. How do you think this effects sociopathic women?

Also, oral contraceptives, or "the pill", increase women's estrogen and/or progesterone hormonal levels, which may, in return, cause them to be more emotional and can increase their sense of empathy. If a female sociopath is given such hormones, do you think that she could become more emotional and even feel a little empathetic towards others?

My response:

I think gender must have a big role in making us different.  Gender is a big deal for society.  There are a lot of gender roles that sociopaths of both genders who have to confront and adapt to.  Those adaptations would certainly give a unique flavor to the sociopathic style of the individual. Perhaps an even bigger deal is the different brain chemistry that each gender would have.  I know myself that even when I am sick or tired, I am a much different person than when I am not.   Transgender people frequently experience a personality modification as a result of taking different gender hormones.

To get more specifically to your question, though, what do you experience when you have a surge of female hormones?  Are you more emotional?  If you are more emotional, are those emotions legitimate responses?  Or are they something more akin to an emotional hallucination?


I, too, agree that gender plays a big role in regards to behavior. As a woman, I feel that there is a certain level of femininity I must present to others. It appears that we, as women, are expected to be emotional, submissive, and cautious beings. I, however, am not, and have noticed that a lot of times both men and women seem to not know how to respond to this. Thus, I feel forced to act “sweeter” and more “girly” than I actually am in order to blend in.

When I experience a surge of hormones, I feel as though my thinking process becomes very foggy. I normally prefer to handle situations with logic and efficiency, but when I am hormonal, I can’t think straight and believe I’m losing my mind.


  1. In response to the blog post: My emotions rarely change at any time of the month. I can and do experience other emotions at times (though not very often), but when I do, they're very shallow and superficial.
    I'm not on any specific drugs that would change my hormone levels, but I have tried anti-depressants in the past (I was hoping they would help ease the violent, compulsive urges to some degree), but all they really did was make my mind a bit foggy.

  2. Why did M.E. pick up an image with a girl who's got a man's body? I want boobs.

  3. Can a sociopath suffer from self image? If you keep telling them they're fat, ugly, criticize their physical traits, will they go to a surgeon and change it?


  4. but I have tried anti-depressants in the past

    Bingo. Now we are getting somewhere.

    wv scald

  5. UKan -> Can a sociopath suffer from self image? If you keep telling them they're fat, ugly, criticize their physical traits, will they go to a surgeon and change it?

  6. Told you all. She's depressed and tries to make her feel happier by pretending to be a badass pet killer sociopath. I'm gonna say it again, just to be sure she understands. If you want to be happier, don't go around a blog trying to be your abuser. Start doing something productive.

  7. /sigh

    I'm not depressed, idiots. I get that you lot can't read, write, and likely even talk properly, but your retardation is really shining through now.

  8. It seems as if a female sociopath or someone with sociopath-like traits would change with hormonal changes associated with something as hormonally profound as childbirth. However, you think about Casey Anthony's blank stare and you wonder.

  9. There have been women who have killed their children, and they were not sociopaths, Monica. Why do so many people come on here thinking that all killers are sociopaths... or that all sociopaths kill?

    What's more: There have been serial killers who didn't kill their children, spouses, or pets.

    Though there does seem to be this generalized view, that all sociopathic women are abusive to their children...

  10. Hello Raven You seem, relatively, tame but it is early in the day he he

  11. My God Monica. All those poor little commas... And why haven't you introduced your socio gf to SW?

  12. Why did M.E. pick up an image with a girl who's got a man's body?

    That's not a woman it's a very very pretty man by the name of Andrej Pejic. He's pretty well known in the fashion industry.

  13. Does that mean you're in the fashion industry?

  14. Actually I am, but this guy has been in the news a lot over the past year. And I like androgyny of this sort so I pay attention.

  15. Themes For SW Regulars "Event Series"January 12, 2012 at 6:43 AM

    Theme Song for Monica and her Girlfriend

  16. Can a sociopath suffer from self image? If you keep telling them they're fat, ugly, criticize their physical traits, will they go to a surgeon and change it?

    Please, don't ignore me.

  17. Men are supposed to look like men, not "pretty"

  18. "Can a sociopath suffer from self image? If you keep telling them they're fat, ugly, criticize their physical traits, will they go to a surgeon and change it?"

    i don't see why not. everyone wants to look great, sociopath, or empath.

  19. a persons true personality emerges, when they can hide behind something which results in no consequences for their actions.

  20. Gender is not always a solidly defined line.

    Hormone changes and hormonal responses vary depending on the person, not the personality disorder.

    TMI Warning!!! I'm Borderline, know for being super reactive and over-emotional at times.... yeah, "that time of the month", never been any more out of whack than usual. My energy is usually higher and I feel great in fact.

    There are basic differences between men and women. Despite some feminist ideology, men and women are not actually the same. We do have different hormonal and chemical structuring. However emotions, empathy, and the like are not a purely hormonal reaction. There are specific areas of the brain that appear to be structured differently which limit empathy. This isn't going to change no matter what time of the month it is.

  21. sociopaths are emotionally retarded. the walking dead.

  22. When a person has a very empty emotional inside, they then gain pleasure from the external world - Power, looks, wealth and so on. This is the definition of being emotionally shallow.

  23. @Anonymous said...
    When a person has a very empty emotional inside, they then gain pleasure from the external world - Power, looks, wealth and so on. This is the definition of being emotionally shallow.

    I gain pleasure from sex, thrill, fear, food, a hot shower and don't care about expensive clothes, cars, etc. So not always.

  24. Well said, Haven. Hormonal change will not cure lack of empathy.

  25. Extremity
    You are missing the point. Wal-Mart or Brooks Brothers does not change the central point lol

  26. I never used to have emotional issues like this until i met myhusband. I used to be more in control of my mental states. Now I tend to have more emotional responses with my husband, and stronger ones. It's been interesting watching myself turn into such a girl.

  27. I started having stronger emotions after I gave birth to my first. I was much more apathetic before motherhood. But nothing else changed, and that has made the nurturing process a challenge for me. I have to make a lot more mental lists of To-Do, when it comes to how I act with my kids. There is a strong sense of duty and protectiveness there. But when they are not in my presence; like when my eldest goes away for the summer... it's almost like she never was.

  28. How are you today, dear?

  29. M.E. I get the same way when I am sick or tired. Besides being sick I really hate the difference.

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  31. @Demon

    I find it very suspicious that a doctor would prescribe you antidepressants, to help alleviate the symptoms you describe. One of the first things I learned from my past psychiatrists, is they would never prescribe me antidepressants because they tend amplify mania and aggression.

    In the early 90's when I was first institutionalized, they were still unaware of that... and so they prescribed me something, to see what it would do for my detachment from emotions concerning past abuse. 2 weeks later they were having to strap me to a bed, to keep me from attacking everyone in sight.

    It started out with uncontrollable laughing fits, that made me feel like I would pass the fuck out from lack of oxygen. I would laugh for sometimes as long as 30 minutes, no matter what was going on. Then I became extremely violent. I told my doctor I thought I was having some weird reaction to the antidepressants, but he wouldn't take me off them.

    Until I attacked a nurse... and nearly cracked her skull open.
    He took me off them REAL quit after that.

    I also had a strange reaction to acupuncture. When I was 27, I started bartering with a client who was an acupuncturist. I was curious about it. Wanted to see if it would help my allergies. For 2 months I would leave her office feeling homicidal as fuck. I had this overwhelming urge to crush everything in my path, and my sadist tendencies were turned way up! That was a rush for sure... but I knew it would get me in real trouble, so I quit going.

    I've clearly had too much coffee now.

  32. @Raven You were having those extreme reactions because you had to push down so many emotions. When they come out, you need to be prepared for a great tidal wave.

  33. Go fuck yourself, Caroline. :)

  34. @ Raven Oops, I forgot. Someone has to treat you like garbage for you to be nice ;)

  35. That's fucking bullshit and you know it. There are people here that have always treated me with genuine respect, and have been lovely to me in every way. Haven happens to be one of them. And I have never been mean to her.

  36. @Raven I do have to concede that point :)

  37. Raven, dont be surprised. SSRIs are over prescribed because PCPs hand em out like candy. They really should only be prescribed by psychiatrists who know wtf they are doing, but that is not the case.

    Demon, the reason people know you are depressed and you cant pull one over on any of us is that you are fat. Fat people are fat because they arent happy. If you had the grotesque self love of a sociopath, you would never allow yourself to look as you do. Its not a judgement call, it is just logic. You are a sheep in wolves clothing. But I thank you because it really gives me some serious perspective about how awesome my life really is, so brava!

    Monica, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

  38. @Caroline

    I also don't rate people using the value system you do.
    I rate people based on strengths and weaknesses.

    If see a lot of strength in you... like you or not, I will probably still have some measure of respect.

  39. Haven is one of the rare ones on here who does not attack, gratuitously.

  40. Oh oops not Monica, Caroline. I get them confused too.

    And Raven, I dont think she was trying to be snarky. There may be a certain amount of truth to it. If you've been blunting yourself subconsciously repressing all the really nasty stuff (successfully not being as evil as you could be) and the drugs unlocked it... well that may be the case. As a manic, your brain chem may be flipped like those with ADD. Do stimulants calm you?

  41. I'm nice to a lot of people on here, Caroline. So please explain to me where you get your theory about me needing to be treated like garbage?

  42. @Sarah

    I wasn't shooting at Caroline's theory on repression... just Caroline. :p

  43. @ Sarah I was NOT trying to be snarky. It is simply a matter of what happens when we are forced to repress things. There is no personal attack or personal anything. It is a simple fact.

    @ Raven
    That is very weird to me, to judge people based on weak or strong. I value people based on character. As such, I could never "follow" someone, such as Ukan, even though some people, here, seem to follow him as blind followers.

    I value strength, but a different form than you do, Raven.

  44. @ Raven I will later. I have some things to do, now :)

  45. @Raven ... xoxox

    SSRIs may have a detrimental effect on bipolar because it's supposed to be a mood elevator. Which logically would increase the effects of a manic episode. That's why most psychs prescribe anti-psychotics or atypical anti-psychotics which are mood stabilizers (read: zombie creators).

    My psych keeps trying to put me on anti-psychs for my anger issues and ambivalence (yes, they try to treat ambivalence). I'm baseline depressive though, so 'stabilizing' my mood pretty much just means I'm going to be depressed but flat all the time. No thanks! I like my SNRI. Energy + Up = a better Haven =)


    Oxytocin receptor type G vs type A. It will be interesting to see further research into type A. Oxytocin works on the amygdala, which tends to be underactive in socio brains and overactive in borderlines.

    Just thought I would share, in keeping with the post topic.

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  49. "That is very weird to me, to judge people based on weak or strong."

    It's not weird if you look at it from the perspective of survival strategy. I don't value what you do because we are not the same kind. I don't need the things you need. I get what I need primarily from myself.

    But if it's a matter of keeping people around that increase my success rate, strength in other people counts for a lot to me.

    I don't have to like them to keep them around, if I see them as useful. The woman who works for me on Fridays, for instance: She is so ignorant in that small town kind of way. Very narrow minded, two faced, and a hypocrite to boot... but those things don't bother me cuz I don't take that shit personal. It's her life... her problem. She is a hard worker though, and the work she produces keeps the clients butts in her chair.

    I value that, and get along with her splendidly. Hell.. she may not even like me. But she sure does respect me regardless.

  50. @David

    If you were an expert on personality disorders, you wouldn't be needing to get diagnosed by a professional to be so sure of what you are.

    Chemicals (Like medication) effect the chemistry of the brain. You're an idiot if you think they can't increase the stability of the emotions in a sociopath... like any other human being on this planet.

    Being a sociopath does not block the body and brains responses to internal change. That's like saying a sociopath's hair won't fall out if they take chemo.

  51. @Raven I understand the work thing, perfectly. I could be like that, in a similar instance. How does the weak/ strong thing work in personal relationships?

  52. that's *instability

  53. Interesting, Haven. I would like to see more research on production and receptors.

    I have to disagree with that article, though. In my personal experience, I am more loving and empathetic to the world in general when I am high on oxytocin. Like you, yesterday after an afternoon of yumminess. Although I guess the research is saying if we were in a different mindset (not yummy sex) when we had the oxy flood, it will intensify it, but it doesnt happen that way. So its kinda silly. Those conditions are silly.

    Thank you for the link, though! I think they are looking at it all wrong. They need a beeper on their research team.

  54. @Sarah... mmm yummy.

    I agree though. I find one of the problems researchers have is they're too divorced from what they're studying. I know this is supposed to have an objective advantage but at the same time they are not necessarily equipped to properly interpret what their subjects are actually experiencing.

  55. Ive never had a kid or breastfed, and I doubt I will, but I have no doubt it would be pretty powerful for me. Oxy hits me hard. Its probably why I kinda freak out, because the biochemical attachment competely contradicts my fear of intimacy. Hardwire brain function vs psychological conditioning. The whole trust issue was the best part of that article. They need to delve into that. The oxy releases and it temporarily breaks down those issues, but in the past Ive suffered from terrible rebound distrust. Not so bad now, though. Ive been working on meeting the two polarities somewhere in the middle. Its the old black/white thing. Getting out of dualityland.

  56. As far as female socios, though, I would imagine they are receptor type A and oxy doesnt have the same effect on them that it does on us. Maybe thats a fundamental dividing line between a beeper with antisocial tendencies and a sociopath.

  57. i don't get highs, or lows. it feels as if my emotions are extremely dull, even non existent. if i seen a person get stabbed to death before my eyes, it wouldn't shock me, or influence any reaction. i'd probably laugh. i'm quick to anger if i'm insulted or underestimated, because i feel superior to people, but i do not over react in a dramatic sense.

    i can keep my cool in the heat of battle and make a joke out of the worst circumstance.

  58. Uh oh ladies I think our convo got a little too nerdy for the shortbus peeps ;)

  59. @ Raven This is my 2 cents, since you asked. Missus has attacked every woman on him except for me, other than calling me compliant, which is not much.

    Every woman has not accepted that attack except you. She has attacked Medusa, Haven, notme, Sarah, Sweetcheeks and Monica. No one has accepted it and still sucked up to her, but you.

  60. you'd better quit with those snide remarks, if you know what's good for you.

  61. Uh oh Sarah, can't be having that now. This'll shake that up ;)

    Wacha gonna do about it

  62. "How does the weak/ strong thing work in personal relationships?"

    I don't keep weak personalities around me for long. They can provide some measure of amusement, and the self destructive types are fun to party with on occasion. But long term there they tend to be too much maintenance, damage control, and I don't see them as either adding to my quality of life, or helping to keep me productive.

    So I cut them loose, and move on.

  63. i'll buy a beer for the person who shoots sarah.

  64. You think eden sucks up to me? And you dontexist. I havent bothered to attack you. And raven did stand up to me, and thefact that she gets aong with me isn't out of weakness, as yours is, but out of her strength and confidence, and general unphasability. Medusa is still sensitive about aspects of herself so she gets passive agressive and develops emotional responses to attacks. Thats how i understand her now, because she gets out of character. The men in here are typically similar in that they don't respond to attacks or won't. Men are typically conditioned for fortitude by being more generally tested and rounded by social norms.

  65. Except for vm and chosen. They have ego issues i plan to bring out when they get interesting enough to do so.

  66. i don't get highs, or lows. it feels as if my emotions are extremely dull, even non existent. if i seen a person get stabbed to death before my eyes, it wouldn't shock me, or influence any reaction. i'd probably laugh. i'm quick to anger if i'm insulted or underestimated, because i feel superior to people, but i do not over react in a dramatic sense.

    Anon eleven forty-4's comment has to be a joke. That whole comment is just ironic.

    David, your comment confused the hell out of me, so could you answer this, why do you abuse if it isn't because you suffer from a personal problem? Wouldn't getting abusive because someone insulted you be from self esteem issues?

    What is Caroline even going on about?

  67. "Missus has attacked every woman on him except for me, other than calling me compliant, which is not much.

    Every woman has not accepted that attack except you. She has attacked Medusa, Haven, notme, Sarah, Sweetcheeks and Monica. No one has accepted it and still sucked up to her, but you."

    First of all let's agree that you either take everything that happens here at face value, or the other extreme: you think there is some deeper hidden meaning behind everything.

    I don't.

    I don't suck up to Mk, and what she was doing was playing an angle on me. She wanted information from me she didn't think she would get freely. And she was right. I don't talk to you about my personal life very freely because I have no respect for you, and because I know you're just trying to pull information so you can twist it in your little happytard brain, to mean whatever suites you depending on how you feel about me at the moment.

    Mk's approach may have seemed harsh to you... but I could see where she was going with it... which made it fun for me to give her what she wanted.

    You don't understand the game because you're not capable of such perceptions. They can't penetrate your romantic little head.

    I enjoyed my exchange with Mk. We both knew what was up... and we both got what we wanted.

    The problem with you is you trust kind words too well. But what is they say? You can catch more flies with honey. And baby girl, that just says it all really. You are easy prey because you go for the honey every time.

  68. @piles

    why do you think i am joking? i assure you i'm not.

  69. You have to be anon, you seriously have to be joking. I laughed. Every sentence was a contradiction. Did you do that on purpose to be clever? It was. Thanks for that :D!

    wv: write

  70. rofl. nah. explain where the contradictions are? i promise it wasn't on purpose. i'm fucking serious lol.

  71. "i'm fucking serious lol."


  72. Lol Piles, thats what I meant about the shortbus ;)

    I didnt get to see the vid, Raven. Not available on mobile :(

    Caroline, I think what Raven is getting at is like what I said before. If I believe the good people say about me, I have to believe the bad. Or words can just be words, often projections of they who use the words. At the end of the day, it is your perspective on yourself that matters. MK is actually trying to teach you this lesson by fucking with you.

    I dont care what they say about me. I can be a spoiled little bitch. I know this not because they tell me, but because every day I am more self aware and honest with myself. Just dont worry so much lol.

  73. Honestly, i try not to waste time on the monica/caroline, but i guess in general that is my goal. And i learn oodles about myself as an added bonus and an after thought.

  74. MK yup. Its why I like you. Shhhhh dont tell anyone.

  75. "Random abuse, verbally or physically are obviously signs of weakness. It's opression of low self esteem."


  76. When Missus talks about people, it is like they are objects for her personal use/enjoyment. I never quite understood this sociopath trait, but she exemplifies it.

  77. Hahaha. It's so true... But they are, caroline.

  78. You proved my point anon, thanks. Be happy, I gave you too much credit by stating you were clever.

    MK seems normal to me. She is a tool in my eyes, but I think it is working out for her, so more power to her.

    Sarah, you remind me of a sarah that frequented the hippy docs forum. That's why I asked that question of whether you knew of Robert Saltzman.

  79. @ Missus I am glad I saw this trait, as I never understood it, before.

  80. piles, you will be working for me one day, you stupid peasant.

  81. y dos nigger so blak?

  82. Its funny, because even when my aspirations were to be amiable i always saw people as a form of amusement. The things they do don't elicit emotion or sympathy so much as curiosity and intrigue... Though now, much less intrigues and interests me than when i was younger.

  83. you cannot fathom my arrogance. i'll make you feel invisible.

  84. Missus May I ask you some questions about your life. I promise I will not be contentious.

  85. howdy wheatley! how's my little bitch doing? did i scare you last time?

  86. Hi Jon! :) You didn't actually. In fact, I asked you yesterday why you stopped stealing mobile phones, but you never answered me... :( Why not do that now?


  87. Missus May I ask you some questions about your life. I promise I will not be contentious.

    Just let the grown women talk and shut the fuck up please, Caroline. You remind me of Ami. Even I'm closed mouthed and open eared on this topic. Just shutup and listen and stop sounding like a retard.

  88. Helloooooo, Jon? I didn't scare you away, did I?

  89. "I find it very suspicious that a doctor would prescribe you antidepressants, to help alleviate the symptoms you describe."

    I said I tried anti-depressants, I didn't say they were mine. /sigh
    You people do love to jump to conclusions, don't you. And just so you know, I only tried them a few times to see what effect they would have on me.

    "Demon, the reason people know you are depressed and you cant pull one over on any of us is that you are fat."

    Is that so...
    I had no idea that 5'5" and 143 pounds made me such a huge, disgusting mess. I'll try real hard to make it through my door to let my doctor know that strangers online know more about me than he does.

  90. it went awry last time. during the time i was robbing the dude, his buddies came from nowhere and jumped me. five of these guys were standing on my head. to cut a long story short, i appealed to their humanity and said i was only robbing the friend, because i needed money for food, because my parents had disowned me. they bought it and i walked off lols.

  91. And you're telling us this because...?

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  93. Oh Jesus, you're really bad at pattern-recognition, aren't you DD? I asked him you idiot.

  94. UKan if she doesn't want to answer, she can say so, herself, I would think.

  95. Is that so...
    I had no idea that 5'5" and 143 pounds made me such a huge, disgusting mess. I'll try real hard to make it through my door to let my doctor know that strangers online know more about me than he does.

  96. "Can a sociopath suffer from self image? If you keep telling them they're fat, ugly, criticize their physical traits, will they go to a surgeon and change it?"

    No, because that would require caring what other people think of them. Especially when the people throwing the insults are likely fatter and uglier than the sociopath they're trying so desperately to insult.

  97. sociopaths are overly concerned of what others think. that's why were exceptional at making good impressions. you wouldn't know though.

  98. "I asked him you idiot."

    Go stick your head back up your ass again. I wasn't even talking to you, dumbshit.


  99. UKan if she doesn't want to answer, she can say so, herself, I would think.

    It's not that, Caroline. I was following the thread and I thought the conversations turns were interesting. Even with the borderlines. I like seeing how crazy women work. Even my wife is pretty crazy. You, however, are repetitive and annoying. You ask the same question and say the same things day in and day out. You try to subvert the conversation to being about something retarded and having to do with you. You don't get what's going on 90% of the time. It's tedious.

  100. "sociopaths are overly concerned of what others think."

    Where did you hear that load of bullshit?
    You're confusing sociopaths with narcissists. It's narcs who are all up on self-image. Sociopaths only care about blending in to society.

  101. I'm not fat. I'm just big boned.

  102. They reason sociopaths care about blending into society (and I'm talking about society offline, not on) is so they don't get recognized as a sociopath. It benefits ones survival more to 'fit in' to society than to stand out from it.

  103. So now you are a sociopath again Demon?

  104. @Ukan I was doing the opposite of subverting it to me. I was directing it to her.

  105. That's why I blend in the crowd so well. Nobody sees me coming.

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  107. "So now you are a sociopath again Demon?"

    Yes, I am a sociopath, UKan. It's the psychopath label I don't accept.

  108. They hear you before they see you.

  109. I didn't say because you were screwed, I said because you were insulted. Unless you happen to believe the insult the person threw at you there is no need to go out of your way to correct them. Who cares. That's why I figured it was from self esteem issues because if you had high self esteem and confident in yourself you would not give the aggressor what they want by giving them a reaction to their insults.

    Demon, I am talking to you too.

    And you did not respond to my first comment David. Why do you abuse if it isn't from a personal problem?

  110. Truth be told though, none of the labels mean an ounce of shit at the end of the day. It's the personality traits that matter.

  111. I went to the government and told them I had all the traits of anti social personality disorder and took the PCL-R voluntarily and scored a 29. Ha ha ha. Little do they know....I'm really a psychopath /wink

  112. "if you had high self esteem and confident in yourself you would not give the aggressor what they want by giving them a reaction to their insults"

    complete bull! the bigger your ego, means you get offended easier. people like codependents and borderlines will let you insult them without reacting, because they have no self worth, but an ego driven person wouldn't allow it. if you ignore a bully, they'll get worse to find a reaction in you. you must be as ruthless as the bully if you want them to leave you alone. saying things like "strong people walk away" is just sentimental crap that will continue your misery.

  113. "Unless you happen to believe the insult the person threw at you there is no need to go out of your way to correct them."

    If you correct someone, it is generally because they are wrong. Not because you believe them...

  114. look at these victims who say "turn the other cheek" most of them ultimately kill themselves.

  115. "There's no difference between the bottles of wine and people for me, they're nice consumption articles and once used you throw them away ..."

    I completely agree with this (except that I don't drink wine. I prefer Jack Daniels or Johnny Walker). People are worthless, insignificant objects unless you can use them for some reason.


  116. Yes, I am a sociopath, UKan. It's the psychopath label I don't accept.

    You just said yesterday that you were not. In fact you have been saying that the last few days. Does your therapist change your diagnosis with you or do you just change as you feel with the day?

  117. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    look at these victims who say "turn the other cheek" most of them ultimately kill themselves.


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  120. "the bigger your ego, means you get offended easier. people like codependents and borderlines will let you insult them without reacting, because they have no self worth, but an ego driven person wouldn't allow it. if you ignore a bully, they'll get worse to find a reaction in you. you must be as ruthless as the bully if you want them to leave you alone. saying things like "strong people walk away" is just sentimental crap that will continue your misery."

    /wholeheartedly agree


  121. There's no difference between the bottles of wine and people for me, they're nice consumption articles and once used you throw them away ...


    There's no difference between the bottles of wine and prostitutes for me, they're nice consumption articles and once used you throw them away ...

    You are speaking about what people do with you david. You are deluding yourself if you think prostituting is using people. You provide a service. You are like those drive thru carwashes.


  122. Their patrion ended up nailed on a cross screaming for his daddy.

    Says the guy who hid in the closet from bullies his entire childhood.

    Jesus, I'm out. I don't want to spend the day exchanging with these delusional idiots. Hopefully the topic will rubberband. I'm going to learn about day trading today.

  123. "You just said yesterday that you were not. In fact you have been saying that the last few days"

    I said that I disagree with my psychologists claim that AsPD, Sociopathy and Psychopathy are synonymous. The fact that I have psychopathic traits and not just AsPD is the reason I am a sociopath and not just an Antisocial. The psychopathy label should be primarily reserved for those who have actually been tested for psychopathy (brain scanned and all).
    Like I said earlier anyway, none of the labels mean jack shit at the end of the day anyway, because it's the traits that make us who we are, not the labels. No single label can be placed into a neat little box.

  124. A true Christian, of which they are rare, will be the strongest man in the room, not the weakest. Jesus hung on the cross as a conscious choice. He could have destroyed every person who put Him there a million times over. His death was the ultimate show of strength, not weakness.

  125. you don't hide away like a bitch. you columbine those fuckers.

  126. Missus Kanney has not attacked me, and I know that I have contributed some substantive posts. I probably just don't interest her at the moment. I probably would not make a very amusing target, because I don't rile up easily and I could effortlessly defend myself against her attacks, so what would be the point? I am unphased by verbal assaults because I don't take any of this seriously, although I certainly enjoy participating in the clever banter from time to time. :)

    I am not coming here for psychoanalysis, just to mirror myself against a group of people who are similar to me in some respects- and it has really helped me to understand myself. Two weeks here has been more valuable to me that 6 months of therapy. I don't need a shrink to explain my inner motivations and subconscious drives; I am prescient and introspective enough to accomplish this without requiring external validation.

    That said, Caroline, there is something undeniably attractive about the expression of vulnerability to the sociopathic mindset. Even I recognize and am drawn to it- and I am just a sociolite. ;)

  127. christ nailed on the cross is manipulation written to justify that empathic qualities are somehow "strengths"

  128. Being tortured to death and humiliated by being nailed to a cross in public is a strength. I could have killed them all....but I didn't....Because Im strong....

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. "christ nailed on the cross is manipulation written to justify that empathic qualities are somehow "strengths""


  131. if it weren't for religion, what would keep people in line? if you were a leader, you'd have to create it also.

    so stop giving criticism to religion and calling yourself a sociopath, because sociopaths realize that religion is a necessary lie.

  132. @Bible Anon: what you said regarding the re-birth at the level of the Spirit really helped me, btw. It has helped me to accept this part of myself and to cease questioning my salvation. You and I both know that we are not the same person. I find it interesting that by "coincidence", we are both here.

    I said this place helps and hinders me. It assists me because it has allowed me to understand myself a whole lot more: I now recognize *why* my empathy is blunted. While it does not excuse antisocial behaviour on my part, it has truly empowered me to realize that these traits are hardwired. I now understand the significant chasm that exists between my thinking patterns and what my faith teaches, and it has helped me to start bridging the gap. Exerting control over them is now much easier.

    It hinders me because it is very easy to succumb to my natural antisocial tendencies here.

    This is how I believe God empowers me. He reveals to me, through circumstances and prayer, what I need to understand about myself in order to grow, and change in the ways I need to change. Except that I don't seek motivation from Tony Robbins, I look to the teachings of Jesus Christ instead.

    To each their own path.

  133. Anon said: Being tortured to death and humiliated by being nailed to a cross in public is a strength. I could have killed them all....but I didn't....Because Im strong....

    You just don't understand the true nature of real strength, anon. What demonstrates greater strength, successfully resisting your base, cruel impulses, or succumbing to them? Which is more difficult? Which requires more strength of character?

    You think Jesus WANTED to be nailed to that cross? Hah!

    I suggest you actually *read* what you so easily spew opinions about.

    But don't listen to me, I'm just a delusional ninny :)

  134. notice how religion is far more hardcore in poverty ridden schools and institutions. it's forced down you. i'd imagine in yale, that it's explained to the future leaders of our world, how religion is basically a lie used to control the masses and the lie must be kept alive.

  135. Power that is unmoderated by self-control amounts to blind tyranny. What's admirable about that?

  136. @Alter, dear, the ONLY thing that changes at Salvation is that the spirit of the man changes. However, a man cannot feel the change. Man cannot feel his spirit. He has to look in the Bible to see what happened to him. It is not palpable to the person.
    Many Bible teachers do not understand that man is a spirit, soul and body, according to the Bible.
    Hence, people get discouraged as to why they are not "better", such as you seem to be expressing a sense of discouragement, if I am hearing, correctly. The soul/personality/feelings etc stay the same. They can only be changed by renewing the mind through studying the Bible. However, it will, always, be some level of a struggle while we are on the earth. It is, probably, worse when we had a hard childhood but God understands and does not demand perfection, or anything close. We do that, to ourselves.

  137. Indulging in self-indulgent temper tantrums of epic proportions does not equate with "strength" on any level. To think otherwise is just, well, stupid.

    To change the subject, I watched the first episode of Dexter last night on Netflix. I had heard so many good things about it...

    Bwahahahahaaaa! What a frickin' robo-cheeze ball. Piffle.

    What a disappointment.

  138. Anyone seen August Underground?

  139. Bible Anon: On the contrary, I feel more empowered and encouraged than ever, and your comments really helped :)

  140. @ Alter I cannot say what your presence on here has meant to me. I see Jesus in your changes. I can see and touch Him through you.

  141. full movie --

  142. @BibleAnon: Thanks. That means more to me than you can possibly know. The feeling is mutual. :)


  143. You just don't understand the true nature of real strength, anon. What demonstrates greater strength, successfully resisting your base, cruel impulses, or succumbing to them? Which is more difficult? Which requires more strength of character?

    Well, lets look at the end result. He died poor and the Romans that crucified him later used him to further their empire. In fact after the Roman's used him, a whole line of other evil empires that crushed the weak used him to pacify billions. Jesus was nothing but a puppet. He didn't accomplish peace, he just added another banner to the war. He couldn't kill anyone or do anything because he was just some homeless guru spreading a radical message and a pacifist to boot. He was helpless. He didn't have magical powers that could wipe out the romans. You are an idiot if you believe that. He got tortured and nailed to a post. That's the bottom line. Probably the weakest god in history if you ask me.

  144. are all borderlines sex addicts? i know that narcissists and sociopaths can refrain from sex for years.

  145. @ Anon 2:34
    You are seeing with physical eyes. Jesus came for a spiritual purpose. The physical "route" was the one that accomplished His spiritual goal. Jesus could have killed everyone who nailed him to that cross like they were ants. He loved man so much He let His Own creatures murder him so man from THAT time on, could come to God.

  146. @Anon: That is only because you don't believe that Jesus was resurrected. He defeated DEATH itself; that is the key. And He did so in a very counterintuitive manner, because what the world recognizes as strength and power is truly a manifestation of abject weakness.

    He didn't say He came to bring peace, but the sword. If you had actually *read* the Bible as opposed to regurgitating conspiratorial platitudes, you would know that.

    I don't care if my faith is irrational; it is informed. All belief systems are unprovable, including many of the most advanced concepts in science, in the realm of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. I am not a young earth creationist bozo.

    He has changed my life when nothing else could. Applying His teachings has made me a better person in countless ways. "You will know a tree by the fruit it bears" Jesus said, and that is sufficient for me. :)

  147. "because what the world recognizes as strength and power is truly a manifestation of abject weakness"

    does this mean sociopaths are the weakest people in our world?

  148. I honor every question, here. The man with the most passionate hate toward Jesus wants to find Him the most.

  149. Jesus didn't come to defeat the Romans, silly, He came to show us how to defeat the sin that lurks inside us all- which leads to death. He took the punishment that was due to us, because we are are helpless vis-a-vis the evil compulsions which reside at our collective core.

    God demands only one thing of us, and that is faith. You either have it, or you don't. The choice will always be yours.

    "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18)

  150. I'm indifferent to Jesus and religion, they never cross my mind. However I agree with you Bella. I think most atheists have unresolved issues.

  151. The Book of Revelation says that God would rather have passionate hate than indifference. Indifference makes Him want to throw up.

  152. I miss the cock anons and loathe the religious speeches....

  153. Indifference is worse than hate.

  154. @Anon: Not really. We all have our respective struggles. Having a PD simply amps up the volume in certain areas.

    But yes, sociopathic traits are a measure of weakness, if they are improperly channeled. On the opposite side of the coin, they can also be a springboard to great strength.

    For example, I function well in a leadership capacity, because I can make firm decisions quickly, without becoming unduly influenced by excessive emotionality. I can be very courageous, because I am not paralyzed or incapacitated by fear. Etc.

  155. sums up victims -- shoot myself to love you, if i loved myself i'd shoot you.

  156. @CockAnon: Then go masturbate in a closet, or lurk somewhere that caters to your brainless head... You know, the one you have trouble keeping in your pants. ;)

  157. David you failed at step 1 of day trading which is to NEVER trade actual money when you are a beginner. There is free online software that is hooked in real time where you can trade fake money. It's called a demo. Ultimately if I made my choices in life based on your decisions and your failures I would be in a park looking for a cock to suck or faking being crazy to the government to keep a roof over my head. Fortunatley I stay positive and keep my ears perked for any business opportunity that I can jump on and that's why I'm successful.

    By the way collecting debt was not a disappointment. It was more of an adventure than I could've possibly imagined. I got to verbally abuse people all day long and got raided by law enforcement without getting any charges for once. It was exciting and I wanted to keep going but they thought I was an informant since I was new.

  158. Shut Up Horses Ass Ukan

  159. Why do people do it if it's basically a gamble? Is there skilled required? Can you be good at it?


  160. Jesus could have killed everyone who nailed him to that cross like they were ants.

    Bollocks, he was powerless against the romans. Him and his little cult. That's pathetic to even suggest such rubbish. If he is a god he doesn't have to do anything for humans. If he wants to forgive all he has to do is decide to forgive. He doesn't have to send his son, because god can do fucking anything. The bible doesn't make sense at all. I have read it several times in prison. It's bollocks and the people who believe it are retarded. If jesus could have decimated the romans in a blink he would have done it. That's like some bloke getting his ass kicked by you and as he is lying on the ground gurgling blood he is babbling excuses on why he lost:
    "Blimey, if you hadn't sucker punched me I would have hit you with that straight."

    Who fucking cares. His end result was that he got posted up on a cross and everyone laughed at him. He was a pathetic site to behold. What anon said was right. There was never such a weak god in history. His message was and is still being used to do exactly the opposite of what he said. So after he was tacked up there and killed they just hijacked his name and changed his message. Ultimately he failed.

  161. David said:"Their patrion ended up nailed on a cross screaming for his daddy."

    Actually, no. If you were more familiar with what you criticize and reject, you would understand that Jesus, in His dying breath, recited the opening verse to Psalm 22. You know, the one that was written hundreds of years before His birth, which very accurately and succinctly described the manner in which He would die. Here are some excerpts:

    All who see me mock me;
    they hurl insults, shaking their heads.
    8 “He trusts in the LORD,” they say,
    “let the LORD rescue him.
    Let him deliver him,
    since he delights in him.” (Psalm 22: 7-8)

    "I am poured out like water,
    and all my bones are out of joint.
    My heart has turned to wax;
    it has melted within me.
    15 My mouth is dried up like a potsherd,
    and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;
    you lay me in the dust of death.

    16 Dogs surround me,
    a pack of villains encircles me;
    they pierce[e] my hands and my feet.
    17 All my bones are on display;
    people stare and gloat over me.
    18 They divide my clothes among them
    and cast lots for my garment.

    19 But you, LORD, do not be far from me.
    You are my strength; come quickly to help me.
    20 Deliver me from the sword,
    my precious life from the power of the dogs

    But of course, those specific prophecies (which I have included in boldface), and several more that are equally detailed and accurate, are in the Bible by mere coincidence, even though we KNOW they were written hundreds of years before His birth. What do you suppose the statistical probability of that is, Hmmm?

    Biblical manuscripts are the most extensively studied documents from all of antiquity. The very best methods have been applied by liberal and conservative scholars to date these ancient manuscript witnesses, including, but not restricted to, carbon-14 dating. The world's best scientists, philologists, historians, textual critics and paleographists have been over the Bible with a fine-toothed comb, and regardless of interperative bias or personal beliefs, all must concede that the Bible is a valuable and uniquely well-preserved compilation of manuscripts.

    Chew on that for awhile, David. :)

  162. @Ukan
    Jesus came to lay down His life. No one TOOK it from Him.


  163. Why do people do it if it's basically a gamble? Is there skilled required? Can you be good at it?

    It's not gambling. It's gambling if you don't know what the fuck you are doing like david. It requires practice and knowledge like any trade. Like any business venture it is also risky. You should never put money you give a toss about into an investment. There are professional day traders out there. There are even more wanna be's who lose a bunch of money and complain about it. I have a lot of liquidity right now so I'm looking into several ways to generate more income. My plan is to come up with three ideas a day and either scratch them off my list as unworkable or use them to create a new venture.

  164. Are sharks condemned to hell for violating the commandment of "though shall not kill"?

  165. Ukan said: If jesus could have decimated the romans in a blink he would have done it.

    Why? Then he would have been no better than all the rest of those despotic bozos, and the course of history would not have changed.

    "Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world."
    You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth..." John 18:36-37a


  166. Jesus came to lay down His life. No one TOOK it from Him.

    Yes the romans took it from him. You are delusional. Even the bible says that. He died from them nailing up on that post and sticking him with a spear. I hate to tell you, but if you die you are not a god. You are mortal.

    The book was written after he was dead not before. It's not a prediction if you say it after the fact. That's just ridiculous.

  167. Like I have said before, I like to hedge my bets. I am no statistician, but I know that the probability of such accurate prophecies being fulfilled by mere coincidence is, as Ukan likes to say, bullocks. :)

  168. Moralistic atheists are hypocrites. How can there be a right and wrong without god?

  169. @Ukan: No, you are wrong about that. There are indeed very specific and accurate prophecies in the Bible that WE KNOW were been written hundreds of years before His birth.

    How would you account for such a coincidence? Do you know more than all the paleontologists, paleographers, and historians who have studied the Bible with a fine-toothed comb?

    Many liberal scholars dismiss these prophecies as coincidence, and that is their choice. I believe in Occam's razor: the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.


  170. Why? Then he would have been no better than all the rest of those despotic bozos, and the course of history would not have changed

    Well, if you claim him to be the god of Abraham then you just committed blasphemy, because he already wiped out civilizations before that. Several times. Not just soldiers. Men, women, children, and even their cattle. In fact the followers of Yahway committed worse attrocities than hitler did. Genocide on mass scale to the point where not one single person from the culture would survive. On top of that the god of Yahway also reigned down fire and brimstone on a city because he thought it was immoral. He also sent a flood to wipe out all of mankind except for a handful of zealots. So I guess your so called god is nothing better than the romans and I would have to agree. They are all just today's empires and tommorrows ashes. Religion is becoming obsolete now more than ever thanks to science.

  171. Dismiss the prophecies as coincidence as you see fit, but don't say that they were written after the fact. We know, by virtue of the discovery of the dead sea scrolls, and the careful study of ancient manuscripts, that this is simply not the case.

  172. When you watch these world war documentaries and look at the seas of corpses, you begin to realize how disposable and meaningless humans are. One dies and eight more are born, big deal.

  173. Ukan said: god of Abraham then you just committed blasphemy, because he already wiped out civilizations before that. Several times. Not just soldiers. Men, women, children, and even their cattle. In fact the followers of Yahway committed worse attrocities than hitler did. Genocide on mass scale to the point where not one single person from the culture would survive.

    The peoples whom God commanded the Jews to displace and eradicate were idol-worshippers who sacrificed their children to Baal.

    Yes, God commanded that the Israelites move in and displace the nations before them. So what? This life is but a vapor! Those children who were decimated were in fact better off, because they were innocent and went straight to God, and were thus spared the likelihood of sinning gravely by repeating the abject wickedness of their forefathers, which included the sacrifice and sexual molestation of children.

    Why does it have to be either-or with some people? God not a freakin pussy, LOL

  174. As for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded with God to spare the city on account of a handful of righteous people. God conceded, but found no one righteous except Lot, and he was commanded by an angel haul ass out of there before shit hit the fan, lol!

    Unless you think the widespread practice of homosexual and pedophilic rape are righteous, what you are saying does not hold water.

    Incidentally, we have unearthed archaeological evidence which proves the destruction of a large city-center in the fertile crescent; ashes and artifacts burned by fire were "mysteriously and coincidentally" found exactly where the Bible says they ought to have been. :)

  175. @ UKan God came to the Earth as a man. God came to the Earth to redeem man by BEING the perfect man. He paid for man's wickedness by making an EXCHANGING Himself FOR man.

  176. Wasn't Lor turned into a salt pillar because he had (or she?) the audacity to look back out of curiosity?


  177. The peoples whom God commanded the Jews to displace and eradicate were idol-worshippers who sacrificed their children to Baal.

    Oh ok. That's not as bad as idol worshipers who spat on him and nailed him to the cross humiliating him in front of the people he supposedly created. You shite on yourself every time you talk you tool. Christians are nothing but gentiles that wanna be jews. At least the jews have a god you could toast to. One that led his people to victory and decimated his enemies. Jesus was just a weak homeless piece of rubbish that was used by every culture to dominate another. His texts have been mutilated like Jesus' pathetic little body.

  178. Yes, Lot's wife was turned in to a pillar of salt. The thing is that God is God. He can make the Rules. You are a flimsy man, as we all are. It is the height of hubris to think you can be your own god. You will fail and your life will fail, not matter what you have or gain.

  179. Not Lot, Lot's wife. She was turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed God's command. And she did not look back out of curiosity, she looked back out of a longing to return.

    Then "righteous Lot" set up camp in a cave, whereupon his daughters got him drunk, so that he might impregnate them. Clearly, they had not learned much, and neither had Lot, though he was given a chance to choose what was right, just as we all are.

    Incidentally, Lot's lineage expired and amounted to nothing.


  180. Those children who were decimated were in fact better off, because they were innocent and went straight to God

    You are born into sin. There was no forgiveness in the time of Abraham. In your religion they went straight to hell. Don't justify genocide after sitting here telling me Jesus would have been no better than the romans if he killed them off.

  181. @Ukan Your problem is that you will not see the story behind the story. You are locked in to a physical explanation for something spiritual.

  182. Ah, sorry 'bout that.

    The forum seems to be kinda dead these days, doesn't it?

  183. @ Ukan No, in Abrahams time, people went in to Paradise or Abrahams Bosom, I think it was, also, called. They could not go in to actual Heaven, until after Jesus died.

    In Old Testament time, people were saved by faith and it was "counted" as the "same" as our Salvation, in this time period.


  184. Not Lot, Lot's wife. She was turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed God's command

    He's so loving that god of yours. Sounds like the type to sacrafice himself doesn't he? Maybe he was bipolar. One millenium he's decimating civilization, drowning humanity, committing genocide, killing children, demanding people to do human sacrafices, raining down fire and brimstone, causing plagues and famines, inflicting his followers with boils to test their faith, and condemning 90% of humanity to hell, and the next he comes down in the form of John Lennon putting flowers in the shields of the roman soldiers while they spit on him and peg him up on a cross in front of the people he created. Do you really believe in this rubbish?

  185. Bible Ami, that's just a cop-out. If you really felt that way, you would have said so immediately instead of trying to defend the story.

  186. Ukan said: Oh ok. That's not as bad as idol worshipers who spat on him and nailed him to the cross humiliating him in front of the people he supposedly created.

    But that is not where the story ends, Ukan.

    At least the jews have a god you could toast to. One that led his people to victory and decimated his enemies. Jesus was just a weak homeless piece of rubbish that was used by every culture to dominate another. His texts have been mutilated like Jesus' pathetic little body.

    Actually, those texts you claim have been mutilated are among the best preserved in history.

    We KNOW that the Scriptures have been transcribed accurately over many generations, because the oldest extant manuscript copies we have match today’s Bible, virtually word for word. Yes, there are grammatical differences and even some inconsequential copyist errors, but NONE of these variants significantly alter the meaning of any of the Bible's verses.

    Consider how 643 ancient copies of Homer’s Iliad have been discovered, yet these copies contain 764 lines of disputed text. Now consider that Julius Caesar, Pliny the Younger, Thucydides and Herodotus all compiled records of historical events, yet only a few copies of their writings remain, and they date to centuries after the original manuscripts were written. Contemporary scholars rarely- if ever- cast aspersions upon these texts: their historical integrity is never called into question.

    On the other hand, 5300 ancient copies of the New Testament remain, and they contain less than 50 lines of disputed text, and the earliest copy dates just 60 years after the original manuscripts were written! The Bible is far more reliable than the writings of ancient Greek and Roman historians, upon which we base our understanding of the history of that era. In fact, the Bible is by far the most historically accurate book in existence.

    You are indeed clever, but you are out of your league wherein this particular subject is concerned. :)


  187. No, in Abrahams time, people went in to Paradise or Abrahams Bosom, I think it was, also, called. They could not go in to actual Heaven, until after Jesus died

    Where is that in the torah?

  188. Ukan you have a lot of anger. You have to let your anger out before you can hear what is being said to you.

  189. The Torah is the 1st 5 books of the Old testament. Paradise is described in the Old Testament.

  190. @Ukan when you anger dispels, you can study, if just to disprove it, but now you don't understand anything.

  191. "You are born into sin. There was no forgiveness in the time of Abraham. In your religion they went straight to hell."

    Says WHO? You? That is not what the Bible teaches.

    One millenium he's decimating civilization, drowning humanity, committing genocide, killing children, demanding people to do human sacrafices, raining down fire and brimstone, causing plagues and famines, inflicting his followers with boils to test their faith, and condemning 90% of humanity to hell"

    In each and every instance in which God commands the eradication of a people, they were given ample warning to repent.

    One millenium he's decimating civilization, drowning humanity, committing genocide, killing children, demanding people to do human sacrafices, raining down fire and brimstone, causing plagues and famines, inflicting his followers with boils to test their faith, and condemning 90% of humanity to hell

    God NEVER demanded human sacrifice; in fact, He mentions that this (then common) practice was abominable in His sight! He also gave Pharaoh many, many chances to repent before allowing the plagues and boils, but Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his own heart and refused to listen to the truth, like so many of us do today.

    And God does not condemn anyone to Hell. We make that choice for ourselves.

    What an interesting conversation, Ukan. Thank you :)

  192. The bible is not the oldest text nor is the Torah. There are plently of ancient religions that predated Yahway, including Baal. In fact on ancient drawing of the ark you can see female godesses standing along side Yahway. In any case the jews don't believe in jesus and it is from their texts you are stealing scriptures from. Some nerve.

    The bible as you know it is not even agreed upon by different sects of christians themselves and the canon was not officialy established until 692 AD. That's close to 700 years after jesus' supposed lifetime. 700 years is a long fucking time. So don't give me that rubbish. There are older religions than yours by far and you can start with the one you stole the old testament from.


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