
Friday, January 20, 2012


A lot of readers have been telling me that I should read the book Blindsight, by Peter Watts--that it is very topical.  I just started reading it.  It's available for free here.  Here is one reader's review:

Author and biologist Peter Watts contributed Blindsight to the body of hard sci-fi fiction in 2006, with the intention of simultaneously exploring and criticising themes of consciousness and the perception of the sociopath as monsterous inhuman. The reason why Watts and Blindsight are of interest here, are the most memorable creations in Blindsight, the flesh-and-blood hominid vampires Homo sapiens vampirensis. Drawing his inspiration from the modern Gothic image of the vampire as a pallid sociopathic human, Watts has created an alternative evolutionary timeline in which modern humans formerly co-existed and interbred with a previously extinct subspecies of ancient hominid predators possessing the biological traits that inspired the folktales about vampires around the world.

Within the Rifters universe, the existence of sociopathy among humans is explained as the re-emergence of this ancient phenotype in exceptional human individuals, and paleogeneticists working with the 'blood of sociopaths' have been able to recreate this ancient, super-powered species that takes on and exaggerates the characteristics of clinical psychopathy. 

Although the vampire Jukka Sarasti is on the one hand presented as a predatory beast, Watts also stresses not the human nature of the vampire, but the vampiric nature of the human crew that makes humns uneasy about vampire – in the Rifters universe, nobody travels past Jupiter without having vampire subroutines inserted into their human DNA in order to allow the 'undead' state. 

"Empathy for sociopaths isn't common," I remarked

"Maybe it should be. We, at least" he waved an arm; some remote-linked sensor cluster across the simulator whirred and torqued reflexively "chose the add-ons. Vampires had to be sociopaths. They're too much like their own prey  a lot of taxonomists don't even consider them a subspecies, you know that? Never diverged far enough for complete reproductive isolation. So maybe they're more syndrome than race. Just a bunch of obligate cannibals with a consistent set of deformities." 

"And how does that make" 

"If the only thing you can eat is your own kind, empathy is gonna be the first thing that goes. Psychopathy's no disorder in those shoes, eh? Just a survival strategy. But they still make our skin crawl, so wechain 'em up." 

Although Jukka Sarasti remains a brooding presence on board the Theseus, throughout Blindsight the author uses his human characters to describe Jukka's behaiour and thoughts in an atypically sympathetic way for fiction. 

"Anyway, I just think he'scut off." A nervous tic tugged at the corner of Szpindel's mouth. "Lone wolf, nothing but sheep for company. Wouldn't you feel lonely?" 

"They don't like company," I reminded him. You didn't put vampires of the same sex together, not unless you were taking bets on a bloodbath. They were solitary hunters and very territorial. With a minimum viable pred-prey ratio of one to ten  and human prey spread so sparsely across the Pleistocene landscape  the biggest threat to their survival had been competition from their own kind. Natural selection had never taught them to play nicely together. 

That didn't cut any ice with Szpindel, though. "Doesn't mean he can't be lonely," he insisted. "Just means he can't fix it."

[...] "You asked about Sarasti. Smart man. Strong Leader. Maybe could spend a little more time with the troops." 

  Vampire doesn't respect his command. Doesn't listen to advice. 

  Hides away half the time. 

  I remembered transient killer whales. "Maybe he's being considerate." He knows he makes us nervous. 

  "I'm sure that's it," Bates said. 

  "Vampire doesn't trust himself."

And finally, Watts dares to shatter what is a taboo nowadays – to question the value of empathy. For anyone interested in unusual fictional portrayals of psychopathic characters, or interesting psychological themes in general, I'm sure you'll find that Blindsight is well worth a look.

"That, too, had slipped out before I could stop itand after that came the flood: "You put so much fucking stock in that. You and your empathy. And maybe I am just some kind of imposter but most people would swear I'd worn their very souls. I don't need that shit, you don't have to feel motives to deduce them, it's better if you can't, it keeps you" 

  "Dispassionate?" Cunningham smiled faintly. "Maybe your empathy's just a comforting lie, you ever think of that? 

Maybe you think you know how the other person feels but you're only feeling yourself, maybe you're even worse than me. Or maybe we're all just guessing. Maybe the only difference is that I don't lie to myself about it."


  1. Who even reads the posts anymore ? It's purely a chat blog for me.

  2. Shhhhhh! Don't everyone type all at once!

  3. I have known 2 sociopaths, well. Each said the same thing,"I don't lie to myself." I, on the other hand am full of lies about myself.

    I am not trying to fool other people. I, just, cannot accept it, myself.

  4. Flies spread disease - keep yours zipped.

  5. The thing with empathy is that it is necessary for compassion. You have to be able to identify with the emotion, not just identify an emotion. Empathy is about allowing others to have their emotional states and not trying to shape and form them to our own liking. Just allowing the person to be. It is not overrated. I dont begin to assume that I know exactly what someone else is feeling. I do have a general notion and in certain circumstances a clear idea and my own memories of similar emotions. My ability to realize how I can make others feel pain that I have felt and desiring not to inflict that is a good thing. I dont want to be a predator. I can control my predatory impulses if I am conscious and actively keep an empathetic mindset. But I am not a socio so I have that option.

  6. ME, you would get better quotes for your twitter if you gave us better topics to discuss.

    How about you crack that shell open and show us inside your mind?

  7. @ Haven I think your therapist is right about the disassociation. It makes sense.

  8. Its all about power.

  9. Caroline, just fyi, its "dissociation". Why do you think it makes sense?

  10. @ Sarah I know I spell it wrong lol
    I will think about the best way to answer and be back

  11. omg guys, you HAVE to watch the last episode in the series of Sherlock! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

  12. Caroline, if you agree with Haven's doctor, then you should already know how to answer Sarah, or how would you know you agree.

  13. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 20, 2012 at 7:57 AM

    Haven in love

  14. ZzzzzZzzzzZzzzzZzzzz

  15. For a bunch of PD socio's, this sure is a fuckin boring blog. Psych forums is WAY more entertaining. So what is it today ? 3 people with 8 profiles ?

  16. I only see 1 profile

  17. Too many nasty woman like Wheatley/Abigal/Aspie, raven and sarah. It is like a bunch of stupid woman in a sewing circle he he

  18. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 20, 2012 at 8:19 AM

    Theme Song for The Chosen One
    voulez vous couchez avec moi

  19. Shadowboxer by Fiona Apple is a good borderline song. So is Criminal. So are most of her songs. Huh maybe shes a beeper.

  20. Why we end up talking about and to beepers on this blog more than socios?

  21. So you are saying that sociopathworld is stitch n bitch, without the stitch? Its not much of that either. Its pretty dead. It really comes down to the fact that the bickering star crossed lovers UKan and David keep this place afloat.

  22. Because socios know better than to come here.

  23. Socio do not know better than to anything. They do what make them feel good.

  24. Actually raven and sarah are so fucking boring that it is a drag to even read

  25. you sound like a bitter old bitch

  26. Melanie -A person who will always get to the point and hates too many details. It wont interest her - AT ALL. Will listen and hear things that you wont even have to say out loud. She naturally understands people and accepts them. Even the weird and different. Has extreamly high ambition and morality but wont force any on anyone else. Loves to flirt. Is Beautiful. Gets lots of attention. Good to bring to any party. Loves cartoon characters and she will ALWAYS be a big kid herself ! Very girly/ good at fashion but will still play video games and play wrestle now and again. Has a million followers. DONT EVER EVER argue with a Melanie. Shes right. YOU'RE wrong. End of story. It doesnt matter if you had a point , she has ten reasons why your one reason doesnt work. AND even if its not logical - comming from HER its the most Intelligent and believable thing you have EVER heard in your life! She is lawyer material. Just shutup. Shes right. Your wrong. Everyones happy. Or at least you will be...shes very loving and forgiving and fun to be around. So DONT waste time argueing! Go to that party or that mall. Where theres a Mel theres a new adventure! Melanie sure knows what shes talking about!
    I love urban dictionary lol
    I am pretty much exactly the paragraph above. I hate wasting my time. Its valuable to me, so please don't waste it. I've been single a long time, by choice because I needed to focus on myself, before I could ever be anything wonderful to someone else. I work hard and I'm very busy, but I'll make time for the right person. If you are still reading this, that's awesome!

    What am I ? Does my PD show at all ??

  27. Sometimes I am.

    Mostly Im cynical with a side of optimistic.

    If you have something worthwhile to say, feel free to speak up, kiddo.

  28. @Mel, you are CLEARLY a Narc.

  29. Not you sarah. the other anonymous.

  30. In case anyone's still interested: I have a Y-chromosome...

  31. X marks the spot... the wet spot.

  32. The word Sociopath is often used as synonymous for Psychopath. Using the two terms in this way works okay for the most part but has considerable limitations, the greatest of which is that it obscures the fact that despite the two groups clearly have many things in common at a superficial social level, there are fundamental differences which sometimes make us as different as night and day... or, to put it more correctly: As different as are the two points in time '1 min. Before Midnight' and '1 min. After Midnight'. The two are very close, yet they're each at the opposite end of the cycle between Night and Day.

    The main difference between our two minorities lies not in our behavior but in our neurological makeup. Sociopaths are not emotionally wired differently from other people in the same way that psychopaths are. Most of all, their emotional neuropsychology is not different from normal people's, and they do not have the flat affect as an build-in condition from before birth which psychopaths have. And this give individuals of the two groups a very different set of motivational factors for behaving the way we do.

  33. A discussion has been going on for a number of years in the psychopathy research community about whether psychopaths are the way we are as a result of our upbringing or are born with a genetic structure that determines our condition. This debate is an extension of another debate called Nature versus Nurture which surrounded the nature of human intelligence, or IQ. It is all about the human condition, about how and why we come to be what we are. And the truth is, of course, that neither nature nor nurture are solely responsible for why psychopaths are psychopaths, it's a combination of both factors. And the same is the case with Sociopathy.

    Yet making the distinction can be useful when we talk about these two often internally extremely different types of people which we call Psychopaths and Sociopaths. And much really does speak for it being sensible in this regard to say that sociopaths are sociopaths mainly as a result of nurture, or upbringing, and that psychopaths are psychopaths mainly as a result of nature or genetics, we are born that way. It's a synthetic distinction, of course, but it is useful even so because knowing if somebody has an inborn flat affect, or if it is an acquired condition, allows us to understand the individual better, and most important of all, it allows the individual person to understand themselves better.

  34. As always, categorizing, grouping, and distinguishing, are tools to understanding and dealing more efficiently with the reality we live in (the limiting effects we see are side effects, they're not the purpose). And this alone is my argument for making the distinction between sociopathy and psychopathy. Apart from my personal interest in and fascination with the human psyche, I truly believe it is not only for the greater good that we understand also the differences within a minority - in this case the minority called the Antisocial - but also for the good of ourselves.

  35. Wonderful info, Anon

  36. @Sarah
    I leave out psychopaths i.e. people who are born with a condition.
    It makes sense that disassociation from mild to severe is what is behind what we call the various PD's.

    Disassociation makes you set apart from yourself, and, hence, others and life.

    The degree to which one has "set apart" quality is the degree to which one has a particular PD along the spectrum, imo.

  37. How many psychopaths Vs Sociopaths are here ?

  38. So then from what, pray tell, do the cluster c personality disordered dissociate themselves? Like for example: from whom or what do you dissociate yourself if you've got OCD?

    And why do you keep saying "in my opinion", instead of "in my experience"? You, being a psych nurse and all, should spend a lot of time around various personality disordered people, shouldn't you?

    Come to think of it: why do you never tell about anything that happens during your, presumably, many hours spent with patients?

    Don't bother answering any of those questions by the way (you weren't going to anyway) because I'm not interested in your answers. I'm just trying to get people to doubt you. And, frankly, your silence is doing a marvelous job helping me.

    Oh look at me: I'm instigating all over the place! :)

  39. How many psychopaths Vs Sociopaths are here ?

  40. If you do not have feelings you are probably a sociopath. There are different types. Narcissitic Personality Disorder is just one type. You should go to youtube and look at videos by Dr. Sam Vankin. He tells the symptoms.

  41. Looks like a, sounds like a, acts like a disorder. It most likely is. If it isn't, does it even matter? The important thing is to get away from whatever is looking, sounding, or acting like a drain on your most treasured resource. The resource of your human spirit. Care for it well and it'll return the favor. Deplete it and it'll return the favor. Live well!

  42. Oh god, another Vaknin acolyte.

  43. I want to jump all over Ashton Kutcher and lick him from head to toe like a doggy.

    And I want some popcorn of the movie 'What happens in Vegas'. This guy is so smooth and hot ...

  44. Don't hate Anon. Your jealousy is showing.

  45. If you are into dumb Brunettes, sure

  46. If you are into dumb Brunettes, sure

  47. Demi and he were a nice couple. I thought that would last.

  48. I'd suck Demi's dick!

  49. How many psychopaths Vs Sociopaths are here ? Is this a touchy subject ?

  50. @Caroline... my Therapist is a pretty smart bird. I'm happy with her.

  51. @Themes ....

    ::laughs:: You kill me. I can't claim to be a fan of the artist, but that's too funny, and pretty true... at least at first ;)


  52. Well Well Well...

    Good things come in three's...

  53. "And finally, Watts dares to shatter what is a taboo nowadays – to question the value of empathy"

    I question the value others place on empathy. Maybe it's because mine is so skewed at times, but I think empathy is a bitch and I wouldn't wish it on most people.

    Caring about someone, trying to understand what they're going through... in order to help them or help them help themselves is one thing, but doesn't necessarily require empathy, just a sympathetic ear.

    Empathy requires that you feel what someone else is feeling. Well I know how I'm feeling. More often than not I feel pretty terrible. The only time I want someone to feel what I'm feeling is when they have personally hurt me and I'm wishing vengence on them. Of course I want someone that has hurt me to hurt as well, but it's not because I desire an empathic connection. It's because I'm pissed off. Otherwise, yes, I would like to have someone that cares listen to me, provide support, but I wouldn't hope that they too experience the pain I'm in. That's a pretty shitty thing to want from someone.

    Hey! I feel like shit! Please put yourself in my shoes and feel like shit with me!

    What kind of friend really wants that of another person? I think the experience of empathy can be rather brutal and mean at times.

    I understand its social function (common sense) but I don't think it's always necessary.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. @Wheatley...

    OCD and OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder) aren't the same thing. They often coexist but having OCD doesn't necessarily mean you have the associated PD.

    Dissociation is a maladaptive coping or defense mechanism. What do you think obsessive compulsive traits are? They're a maladaptive coping mechanism. What do you think these are a result of? Something that has happened in a persons life that they need to break from in order to protect themselves in some way. Part of their mind becomes obessessed with something in a way that takes it off of what the actual problem is stemming from.

    Someone with OCPD most certainly has the potential to be on the dissociative spectrum.

  56. hi Haven. From my experience, empathy is a totally involuntary response, which should, rationally speaking, put to bed any notion that it's a fabricated, intent-filled experience.
    You cannot stop someone from feeling your pain anymore than you can try to get someone to experience your pain. What is more socially encouraged, I think, is sympathy, or the desire to feel for the other person and to affect change. Empathy is more extreme than sympathy. Sympathy engages the rational side more, I think. But either way, it doesn't really matter, because it's out of our hands, what someone feels and when they feel it.

    By the way Gag reflex, what you wrote yesterday about non neurotypicals, was awesome, and true.

  57. OCD OCD OCD. Never heard of it before.

  58. @notme... Oh I agree. You're absolutely right.

    People get so bent out of shape about it though and people's ability to feel it. People place so much emphasis on it that they lose sight of what they really want.... which is really sympathy.

    I don't think empathy can be fabricated or anything like that. But I do think that the emphasis people place on it, as needing so much of it in order to be a decent person, is a little ridiculous.

    I don't need to feel what you're feeling to know that I care about you and try to help you through whatever it is you're going through. People act like not being able to put yourself inside someone else's skin makes you less of a human or something. It simply not possible to always relate to people in a way that is truly empathic, but that doesn't necessarily diminish the fact that a genuine response to that person is still possible.

    and i'm rambling.

  59. I think empathy may be a capability that one has to various degrees, such as one has musical ability to various degrees. I think that having the capacity for empathy does not mean that we ARE empathetic 24/7. We can shut it down and retreat but we still have it.

  60. I actually agree with you on that Caroline.

  61. Well, Haven, I don't pretend to be an authority on anything. I am a seeker, only.

  62. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 20, 2012 at 1:09 PM

    Thank you, Haven.

  63. Hmm. Time to stir up the borderline I think.

  64. Oh, and i would bet on Melanie being young. Nothing more. But I didn't read the whole thing either.
    Empathy is an emotional response, not voluntary but controllable, with any amount of meditations like any other mental state.

  65. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 20, 2012 at 1:41 PM

    Theme song for Missus Kanney---one and only

  66. Let me guess.
    Than I suppose I should do something interesting. Perhaps break into song and dance?

  67. The twitter posts are fun to read. I liked that betta in fish tank analogy. And there was another recently that made me laugh. I like when me fucks with the monica/caroline.

    Speaking of which, did sweetcheeks give up on her identity, and just become the monica caroline or has she just left us?

    It seems deep down we're all sharks in a tank, waiting for someone to fall in. Even the anonymi are getting snappy with all this general decency. It seems everyone likes to watch someone get torn apart. It's the only reason any of us really come here.

  68. And it's why none of the bloodthirsty borderlines can leave.

  69. I remember when this place had a lot more men.

  70. I only recall there being about 5 guys. Dan, Post, Mis, UKan, TNP, even though at times his bitching causes me to second guess the sexuality.

    I thought Eden was a guy, and I recall three chics, Aerianne, Grace, and Medusa. Everyone else I usually forget about, or they cease to be of significance because the commentary is ignant.

  71. Lycan was the best. Miss him :(
    Post Modern is a guy, Piles

  72. Piles
    Is my commentary ignant?

  73. Where in my comment did I state that Post was a chic anon?

  74. What was that Caroline?

  75. ok one more blogger with a dick pitching in...

    books - also "black man" by richard morgan portrays psychopaths in an interesting way, the hero of the story is a genetically created one.

    empathy - i was discussing contagious yawning with someone the other day who commented that i never seemed to be affected... i looked up a bit about it and although there is no universally agreed reason why contagious yawning occurs it seems to require empathy. aspies don't do it either.

  76. Hi Piles
    Just trying to be friendly Urrrgghh

  77. maybe its time for me to come back then

    sorry i knew ya all missed me much but ive had too much fun working in my pig farm in nebraska too busy to come here because those pigs dont slaughter them selves

  78. Why Caroline? Why are you trying to be friendly?

    I don't like your name, and I hate typing it. Your new name is D.B.

  79. *sighs* I bite. Why D.B? Oh I think I just figured it out lol

  80. 'I think empathy may be a capability that one has to various degrees, such as one has musical ability to various degrees. I think that having the capacity for empathy does not mean that we ARE empathetic 24/7. We can shut it down and retreat but we still have it.'

    i also know that empathy is as natural and unconscious as the sociopathic take on situations etc. It's not conscious, it just happens. There's no reason to question it. It just is. And it exists. Too much of it is hard to deal with, like too much LACK of empathy can lead people in trouble too...

  81. 'Empathy is an emotional response, not voluntary but controllable, with any amount of meditations like any other mental state.'

    why spend my time in meditation? To be another Buddha? It's been done. There's more in life to achieve.... I use my empathy as a tool, I don't deny it. I don't see the practical use....Please enlighten me Miss ukan.

  82. "I thought Eden was a guy"

    I'll be taking that as a compliment.

  83. hi notme, btw was wondering... you're from a muslim background aren't you? do your family hassle you about your lifestyle?

    not sure how controllable empathy is with meditation... possible I guess, just as self hypnosis can affect feelings of pain etc. i knew a guy who seemed a bit bpd and he spent 5 years in a buddhist enclave in the mountains. came out just as emotionally unstable.

  84. It is, and points got higher finding out you were a chic.

  85. You're pretty damn cool yourself, Piles.

  86. 'hi notme, btw was wondering... you're from a muslim background aren't you? do your family hassle you about your lifestyle?'

    hi Res, I missed you. I think my family see me as a right out nutcase tbh. So no, they don't hassle me. But my dad tries to get me back on the path of religious rightousness whenever he sees me. I don't know what to do other than to nod away, condescendingly. There seems to be no other way out of it. Ultimatley, i'm gonna have a secular wedding and secular burial written in my will...If he doesn't get the message then, then he'll be seeing a therapist. And i don't give a shit.

  87. 'Empathy is an emotional response, not voluntary but controllable, with any amount of medications like any other mental state.'

    ahhhh that's better.

  88. i take it that although religious you don't have 'honour killing' type nutcases in your family?

    wedding... you got a fiance/bf, or are you just planning ahead just in case? i just got an image in my head of that friends episode where the girls stay in wearing wedding dresses :)

    wouldn't worry about burial - you'll be dead. funerals are for the benefit of the mourning family not you.

  89. socios have an EXTREME lack of empathy.

    cold-hearted -
    callous, detached, frigid, hardhearted, harsh, heartless, indifferent, inhuman, insensitive, stony-hearted, uncaring, unfeeling, unkind, unsympathetic.

  90. in terms of burial Res, I can't help but make a statement...Especially if i feel strongly about something. A part of me just wants me to do what i believe in, and a part of me wants to leave my family feeling 'intact' as the deluded assholes they were...

    but I as much as my own death would mean nothing to me personally, i can guarantee i can cause a big mess, culturally and religiously...
    And I truly don't mind that.

  91. why wait til death - sounds like you'd like to make a statement to your family now.
    i hope you marry a white infidel!

  92. lol as for a wedding, it would depend on the guy...It's hard when you have such a difficult relationship with your parents. But i want a secular wedding, and i'd honestly prefer a private elopment. I can't be dealing with the family logistics. It means little to me. It only means anything to me if i meet those people, and i like them enough to invite them beforehand, not because of the wedding. But in truth, I'd rather a very simple, the groom and couple of witnesses. That's my ideal.

  93. res, are you a socio and why ?

  94. @notme, Haven

    Are borderlines regularly abusive?

  95. One doesn't need to look far to realize that atheism is becoming a trend. Kids think it makes them edgy.

  96. struggle to imagine myself getting married but if i did it would be similar - though strong narc tendencies i wouldn't want a big deal.

    anony - no, but...


  97. I slept over for one night at my parents and this morning she looked like a wreck and said she needed xanax. It probably wasn't my best decision ...

    I guess you take after your mother.

  98. and no, there's no honour killings in my family/culture. I have a feeling you get that shit in the most retarded cultures, say, the southern asians (pakistanis). I don't care if that sounds racist. Perhaps I am. But i'm tired of people thinking that we are all the same. HOWEVER, I know that, say in Saudi Arabia, they can be nuts...But where my dad is from, it's not the same, his country is considered more 'moderate' and it is in a way, so it pisses me off that people talk about honour killings like it applies to my dad's country, when as far as I'm aware, it doesn't. For example, ALL my family are muslim, i am an atheist, and they know it, and they still love me and treat me like they always did. IT'S called life. Sometimes kids don't agree with their parents..
    doesn't mean the parents are going to take revenge in them. They treat me judt the same as they always did, and that's why, in my own complicated way, i still love them, especially my father.

  99. One doesn't need to look far to realize that atheism is becoming a trend. Kids think it makes them edgy.

    or maybe kids these days are less likely to blindly believe what they are told by their parents and are more exposed to other cultures and have access to information.

  100. I'd call myself an atheist too, but I'm hardly passionate about it. Most atheists make a decision to disbelieve god, but from the start I never believed in it. I still used religious ceremonies to gain gifts and I tell people I'm christian, when they ask.

  101. notme check this out. i'm guessing you're not from here :p

  102. I just think it's foolish when atheists try to shove atheism down peoples throats, they are as bad as the religious folk. If you really think that the religious are "sheep" and dumb, then why not capitalize on it?

  103. Why would you want to "wake up" a bunch of people you deem as dumb?


    lol, doofus, shut your silly troll mouth before you get massacred, idiot.

  105. I bet if atheism became mainstream you hipster assholes would turn to out savior.

  106. "why not capitalize on it?"
    actually i think of ways how to quite a lot. i think i have a good way but there is risk i still may be able to reduce further before putting the plan into action.

  107. I respect people who can remain religious amongst the narcissistic trend obsessed atheists.

  108. 'Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim nation, however it does recognize the right to practice five other religions aside from Islam. Atheism, however, is a violation of Indonesian law under the founding principles of the country, and the maximum term for blasphemy is five years.'

    What century is this? Remind me for fucks sake. Oh you can choose any religion you like, how gracious, as long as it doesn't invlove rationality.

  109. 'I respect people who can remain religious amongst the narcissistic trend obsessed atheists.'

    What is narcissistic about people who do not believe in a god?

  110. These days it's cooler to not believe in god. I'm atheist by definition, but I don't go about telling it to every second person I speak with. I'm not that desperate for attention.

  111. frankfurt is religious but he likes to have a good time. is that outlawed or somethin'

  112. 'I respect people who can remain religious amongst the narcissistic trend obsessed atheists'

    this comment alone is proof of your inferior IQ. I regret trying to even humour you. Totally embarressing for the 21st century.

  113. I can't imagine how people can be that passionate about something, so I assume it must be a fad.

  114. It's a bourbon Friday. Makers Mark... straight up. I would like to play doctor. Who has a problem I can help resolve?

  115. I got one for ya'.

    How can I get out of what I think is a form of sexual repression?

  116. I am too lazy to log in, but I will soon.

    Piles the Beaver

  117. Haha! The latest twitter post, really?! Was that in regards to sociopaths?

    Raven, what kind of problems?

  118. I have a general statement here. For any of you who are asking questions, do us the fucking favour of asking yourselves those questions in your own time. Because THAT is when you get your answers. Your answers come from your own experiences in life. Please spare us. I can't take the banal shite that comes out of your mouths. Especially you, Monica. Spare us. Fucking grow, on you OWN. None of us are interested and we ALL have to grow on our own. Night.

  119. "How can I get out of what I think is a form of sexual repression?"

    When I think of repression, I can only think of fear. I think the best way to move past your fears (hang ups) sexually, would be to use a total stranger. What better way to explore that side of you that you're keeping trapped? You owe them nothing, and image doesn't have to be a factor.

    If however, we're talking about low labito... well, I can't help you with that

  120. @ notme This is a blog where we discuss things related to Sociopaths. Check out the name which is Sociopathworld.

  121. A part of growth involves asking questions. Helps with perspective.

  122. And a part of growth is when you know the answers already. Call me arrogant hunny...But I ain't no average fool. I'm just your average genius. ;)

  123. "Raven, what kind of problems?"

    Whatever probs you want to throw my way. I'm a worldly girl.

  124. I'm going to go into rare serious mode.

    I do have some "issues" Raven, but I don't think you'd be able to assist me. I'm actually a lot like you, or at least i can relate greatly to the things you have written here. I relate a lot to UKan, and Misanthrope as well. Whenever I do have an issue, I eventually come up with a solution, or even when I ask, I come to my own answer.

    One "issue" I guess I have now is an interest in a female that I know could destroy me. I'm attracted to her because I am obsessed with myself, and she is like me in the way she manipulates, cons, and generally gets off on playing with people around her for kicks.

    I say she is like me but I think if anything it is more from projecting. I know nothing about her personal life, and I desperately want to get in. The tactics I use to get in for everyone else does not work with her though. It has very slowly, but I am impatient, and it isn't at a fast enough pace. Part of me wants to get inside (literally and figuratively) and combine our darkest desires, but the other part of me wants to fuck her over because she is a threat. I think this female could drop my wall, and expose parts of myself I have never been in contact with. As far as introspect goes for me, I am pretty much clueless until after I see it in someone else.

    I am attracted to the danger she emulates, but overall she is a very safe, almost passive, person. I know the seduction that she has cast over me is my own narcissistic curiosity. She isn't doing much of anything. My mind is saying get gone, but my body and incessant need to taste "danger" is saying get a sample, then engorge.

  125. "I'm just your average genius."

    HAHAHA! I tested genius too, and look how fucking retarded I seem! genius is nothing if you don't have the right game plan.

  126. @Piles

    If you're young still, then I say explore this. But you have to play s different game if you want in. It's called "being fucking blunt as hell". With a chick that no game works on, you have to use the element of surprise.

    She obviously knows the games you play, if it's not working out with her. You have to shock her with the truth. It'll be the least of what she expects. Then she might feel challenged to be as bold... and the real dance begins.

    Go for danger when you're young. You won't regret it. No high can ever top it... and you still have time to simmer down after, if you're still alive when it's over.

  127. Yeah, I'm still pretty young, and this sounds like a great venture.

    I am as blunt in real life as I tend to be here, but for some reason with her I didn't bother. I think I was too paranoid of scaring her off. Subconsciously I figured she was like the others, but she does hint for me to be honest, and I find myself holding back just to deny her what she wants.

  128. Rape worthy anon? Anyone is rape worthy, rape is about domination, not sex. If you mean is she hot enough to rape in a fantasy like way, most definitely. But I think as dominant as I am she fuck me up the ass with a strap-on before I could do anything, which doesn't sound all too bad.

  129. "and I find myself holding back just to deny her what she wants."

    Do this for a little while longer, but for not much longer. You don't want to frustrate her to the point, where she finds someone who won't test her so. Pretend like you're playing with a game on yourself. What step would work on you next?

  130. It's fantasy motivated. Unless you want to relive the act over and over with an ugly person, I'd say ANYONE is not worthy.

  131. The victims become entities in the rapists mind.

  132. Raven, um, you are asking me, or this is rhetorical?

    anon 7eighteen, if I am fucking someone to damage them psychologically I don't give a damn what they look like. Their faces don't matter, their pain does.

  133. "I'm just your average genius."

    I'm just your average mal-adjusted, self medicating, neurotic.

    Guess I'll have to stick with questions.

  134. piles, sadism is only a small part of the rape. it's essentially about "collecting" victims. this is why trophies are often taken, to relive it regularly.

  135. Thanks for the lesson on Rape 101 anon. I'll be sure to keep your sage advice in mind when I'm raping my next victim.

  136. @Piles

    I'm asking you if you see her as an equal. If you so. The game becomes: what would work on myself?

  137. Ah, okay. I wasn't getting it at first. Yes, I do see her as an equal. I know what to do now.

  138. Yeah. If you see her as being a lot like yourself, then you're wasting your time playing games that wouldn't work on you.

  139. Why are socios constantly bored?

  140. Because nothing can fill a bottomless pit.

  141. Great answer Raven! But what does boredom stem from? Do socio's not find anything of interest?

  142. They do. But it can't last. It's fleeting like the seasons.

  143. Thanks a lot for that hun. It seems very simple, this dilemma I labeled an "issue" but I get too caught up in my own thinking at times, and don't see things clearly. Having an outside perspective helps.

    The interest is easy anon. It doesn't take much for the interest to be born, keeping it alive is the actual problem.

  144. Aww, beat me to it :(

    gotta go, need food.

  145. Boredom is rage spread thin.
    Paul Tillich

    How some of the writers I come across get through their books without dying of boredom is beyond me.
    William Gaddis

  146. "An emotional state whereby an individual displays disinterest in the activities or the people around them. Boredom is indicated by fidgeting, tapping the fingers or toes, appearing to have no emotion on the face, supporting the head on the hand and leaning against walls or tables."

  147. "Boredom is rage spread thin.
    Paul Tillich"

    That's fucking sexy. But then it would paint boredom to be something extreme every time. There will always be a rise and fall. Nothing in the emotional world can be measured as absolute anyway. Not even in the logical world, could you measure with accuracy; level of boredom, and from where it stems.

  148. it could be because the socio grossly underestimates people and surroundings "i have seen it all before"

  149. That could be very true. I think most sociopaths will test every limit from very young. What will shock you in the older years, when you've taken every inch, and stretched it to yards or even miles?

  150. agreed. there is a large element of entitlement to boredom.

  151. Are there really people who aren't always bored? I mean half the time I am bored while doing multiple things at the same time. Things that are okay, too, like things I'd want to do if I were forced to do something I didn't.

  152. Absolutely. If you are alive enough, and to the capacity you deem to be real life... open every book. Where are the secrets locked away? You can pick every lock anyway, right?

  153. Liang:

    "They are not having fun.

    I can’t have fun if they don’t.

    If I get them to have fun, then I can have fun with them.

    Getting them to have fun, is not fun. It is hard work.

    I might get fun out of finding out why they’re not.

    I’m not supposed to get fun out of working out why

    they’re not.

    But there is even some fun in pretending to them I’m not

    having fun finding out why they ’re not.

    A little girl comes along and says: let’s have fun.

    But having fun is a waste of time, because it doesn’t

    help to figure out why they’re not having fun."

  154. Multiple things, like a threeway?


  155. I think most sociopaths will test every limit from very young. What will shock you in the older years, when you've taken every inch, and stretched it to yards or even miles?

    Never a truer word spoken.

  156. i kill off my chronic boredom by playing video games, watching porn and eating junk food.

  157. Fuck video games! I crave real action. Don't you? I'll spit blood to do it. Why simulate? Why fantasize? I want reality in all its extremes...

  158. idk, it's finding the motivation where i fall short. even exerting effort seems tiresome and dull to me.

  159. Being sociopathic and being a lazy dullard arent the same thing.

  160. i kill off my chronic boredom by playing video games, watching porn and eating junk food.

    So your normal. Lucky bastard.

    I can't get into video games - to much effort and can't get into em if I try. Watching porn bores me, and I don't have an appetite so junk food doesn't interest me either.

    Can't do what I wanna do as need to stay out of trouble. Result. Perpetual boredom.

  161. "idk, it's finding the motivation where i fall short. even exerting effort seems tiresome and dull to me."

    Ah. You speak of the sea. So when someone or some project comes along, that pushes the waters to their limits... that's where you'll see yourself peak.

    You have to be pushed. You can't just keep kicking at the tides. It's not even precious. It's only human existence.

    Don't go for the paint brush... go for the hacksaw.

  162. maybe, but i am heavily psychopathic.

  163. "Never a truer word spoken."

    Or understood so well.

  164. "maybe, but i am heavily psychopathic."

    Don't waste a gift, I always say.

  165. Don't go for the paint brush... go for the hacksaw.

    go for both and paint the hacksaw

  166. i do have aspirations to get out there and compete. however, i daydream constantly and ultimately i fail at following any sort of plan. my goals shift constantly, because of my disinterest.

  167. "i do have aspirations to get out there and compete. however, i daydream constantly and ultimately i fail at following any sort of plan. my goals shift constantly, because of my disinterest."

    So you'll start a lot of projects you'll fail to see through. Whatever. When you get that fever that beats out the others into dust... you'll have something to ride.

  168. I love bourbon Friday.

  169. I was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. I'm starting Chemotherapy soon. Chances are I won't be very active here while I fight this. I'll try not to be a total stranger. Good luck in all your journeys ahead.


  170. I conquer tasks and then I get bored. The more boredom builds up the crazier I will get when I find a release.

    I was reading in the paper about this guy that got really drunk with his friends. He came out with a rifle and let both of them have it. Can you imagine waking up in a cell the next morning after that black out? Fucking life sentence.

    Makes me nervous about getting out of control. I could have gone out in a blaze of glory on my vacation and I wouldn't have even known what fucking hit me.

    I have such strange luck all the time. I dive bomb into chaos over and over again, yet somehow I manage to keep all me limbs and not get smacked with that life sentence. It seems like things just go my way for no fucking reason but sheer luck.

    What's funny is I'm no master planner either. Everyday is improvising. It's all just up in the air and somehow every piece just falls into place.

    Take for instance I was thinking all this month of how to get a house with my money, being where it came from is not able to be verified. Me and Kanney took me mum and dad out to dinner for her birthday and because my nana died. My father at dinner suggests a scheme to basically launder my money for me out of nowhere. The funny part is he will have no idea that he is doing it for me.

    Last night I was thinking I need to be further removed from things. This bloke that was doing my muscle work when I was pushing into clubs went off to do his own thing around march last year, when the cops shut us down. Today he called and said he is tired of his boss and he wants to work for me again. The problem was he had all these priors so I was afraid of his sentence being harsher if he gets popped. He told me today it doesn't matter since we are in a new province now. I have to think it over, but it is just amazing.

    It's like you just think of things and they happen. Life is fucking miraculous. I hate to quote the bible but there's this part where Jesus says if you have even the faith of a mustard seed you can move a mountain. I believe the human brain has the power to take anything you want and if you focus hard enough you can see the opportunities to get it.

  171. I was wondering when you would let them in on your current situation, TNP.

  172. ukan, have you ever lazed about for huge amounts of time? i get these sorta schizoid periods.


  173. I was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. I'm starting Chemotherapy soon. Chances are I won't be very active here while I fight this.

    I told you to get on those e-cigs, mate. Better give it another go this time.


  174. ukan, have you ever lazed about for huge amounts of time? i get these sorta schizoid periods

    Oh yeah. Most definately. Full throttle and then just indefinite lazyness. I'm in that state now.

  175. I love to be lazy! Oh... lazy as shit to be sure! But when I get that rush.. it's time to move.


    This is a new adventure. Just like I said, I meant it to. All of life should be seen that way. Even into death.

  176. M.E. also does. She says she needs it. I don't think I need it I just run out of things that I'm not bored of and my friends have to forget for a second why hanging out with me is so dangerous.

  177. I'll tell you what, Notable, if you get something terminal you better go out with a bang, mate. I would.

  178. I don't see myself as dangerous.

  179. speaking of death, all of this wasted time doing nothing is going to be hard to deal with, when i'm super old. i have a mindset that i can't do anything, unless i'm perfect, because i feel it's pointless to be average.


  180. I don't see myself as dangerous.

    Right, well at your age you should have already shattered your delusions raven.

  181. Does anyone else need advise? I'm wide open tonight. Liquor, is God's subconscious.


  182. speaking of death, all of this wasted time doing nothing is going to be hard to deal with, when i'm super old. i have a mindset that i can't do anything, unless i'm perfect, because i feel it's pointless to be average.

    You know I thought about that. But if you really look at the people around you have they even done half the shite that you have? I know for me the answer is no. I can die tommorrow and in my lifetime I have done shite that people have only dreamed of. We are on borrowed time mate.

  183. "Right, well at your age you should have already shattered your delusions raven."


    So true. Cheers to that then...


  184. Liquor, is God's subconscious.

    Im on the same page. A little more rum and Im onto the ale. I got to slow down.

  185. agreed. i look at other peoples tragedies to make myself feel better. a kid who lived really close to me was killed in a car crash a few weeks back and it made me feel really good, because any life is better than the position he's in. it's morbid, but it helps rationalize my situation in life and avoid painful truths.

  186. Ask me a question UKan. Then it's my turn. Drunken campfire stories.

  187. Im on the same page.

    I'm a few chapters infront.

  188. Fine. But I won't make any promises like Kanney about just answering anything.

    How did you obtain your business?


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