
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Senseless violence

Usually I don't share things like this, but I am in love with the senseless violence. And the staring.

One thing I noticed recently is that when I get stressed or annoyed, it actually helps to imagine small acts of violence, like sneaking up behind people and slitting their throat. I know everyone else must do this as well. Isn't that odd? That we can find violence so comforting? I wonder what in our evolutionary development prompted that little quirk.


  1. Lol. That was awesome.

  2. I remember seeing those a while ago. Good stuff.

    Democracy is a highly flawed and corruptible system, which makes it pretty much perfect for what I need.

    I'm going to start blogging again, but the blog will be different, as well as the blog title. I'd like to see some ideas.

    If I suspect shenanigans, recounts and executive decisions will be used instead. Oh, and also if the suggestions suck. But I have faith! Faith, Birdick. ;)


  3. Actually, scratch that.

    Cheers anyway!

  4. I was obsessed with violence as a lad. Not many people know that when I was in secondary I set the school on fire and got pinched by the principal. They searched my bag and found drawings I had made of people hanging, burning, being shot, and being decapitated. I have to admit I look back at it now and think maybe I was a little lost. When I was in primary I used to kidnap my brothers teddys and hang them above their doors. I ended up decapitating one of them, impaling him with a knife, and hanging it by its feet on my little brothers door knob.

  5. "it actually helps to imagine small acts of violence"

    Okay, like making people trip or something?

    "like sneaking up behind people and slitting their throat."


    The adverts are hilarious. The panda is so cute, yet so menacing.

    I used to draw elaborate Rube-Goldberg machines, killing as much stick figures in horrible ways as possible. :) I still have some lying around. And I used to tie up my stuffed animals. Which sounds a lot more disturbing then it was...

  6. "They searched my bag and found drawings I had made of people hanging, burning, being shot, and being decapitated."

    I really wish I could say why this is so hilarious in full context, but I did the same thing as a kid, except one of my family members actually took them and put them up around the house. Not to shame me or anything, they just liked them.

  7. "Isn't that odd? That we can find violence so comforting? I wonder what in our evolutionary development prompted that little quirk."

    I don't find it odd at all. The only reason why violence is 'wrong' is because some 'normal' person said so years back. I think it's odd that 'normal' people find violence wrong. Well, I'd like to think that it's odd. But our predecessors have forged this world, limiting us limitless from what us 'humans' can really do.

  8. I always find that imagining anything I feel in as extreme a way I can make it always makes me feeling better. Like when you're frustrated with someone and you feel like yelling, imagining something 100 times worse is the same release. So maybe a fantasy is 1/100 as potent as an action. So maybe that's why violence is considered weak. It requires so little imagination to act on an impulse. And fantasies can be almost more appealing in intrigue alone.

  9. Leaves me feeling better.

  10. Sensless anything is good. Being senseless is enviable. I do things without any point but to vent. It's quite lovely. I'm not violent towards others. Just erratic and destructive at times. Like chucking things out of windows for no reason besides release. Kinda funny. I wonder what country those adds are from. They're middle eastern but can't put my finger on it...

    I was talking to some fellow beepers last night. We shared the same experiences when it came to our temperament, our driving habits and lashing out at people in public. It was humorous. :D

  11. Any thoughts on this?

    It's about a video of a guy feeding a kitten to a Burmese python; if you think stuff like that is offensive I suggest not clicking on it.

  12. "One thing I noticed recently is that when I get stressed or annoyed, it actually helps to imagine small acts of violence."

    I do this constantly. It replaces any feelings of sadness or lack of control with anger and a sense of accomplishment. Anger is a powerful emotion. Anger and violence are ways to exert power and control over situations where power and control might not exist. When I'm feeling out of control, harnessing something that I find comforting helps me mentally regain that control and emotional advantage in a given scenario.

  13. Hey James I'm fiending, bend over and cough

  14. @wheatley

    a friend told me about this. he was genuinely saddened by it. he was like 'it's really awful, isn't it?' i said it was horrible, but really i was amused by what happened the cat.

    about violence --

    i believe all people think about violence, but the conscience inhibits these impulses from becoming actions. when you lack a conscience, thoughts easily spill over into every day actions.

    when i am angry and there is some sort of animal around, i'm going to kick it, or strangle it, because i have nothing stopping me from doing so.

  15. it would be the equivalent of a scenario, in which an old lady is having a heart attack. a normal person would automatically rush to help her, but if it were a person who lacked empathy and compassion - then they could walk right by the woman, completely detached.

    this is because a conscience would reinforce feelings of anxiety and dread, if a normal person didn't help the old lady. they would have to, to ward off their guilty conscience. --

    a socio has no conscience, they have a perverted conscience, which means they gain satisfaction from doing the unspeakable.

  16. A sociopaths violence is driven by fantasy.

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  19. Oh my god, David. You're such a fucking princess.

  20. The most recent fantasy I had was leaving a giant pile of fresh, semi-firm doggie feces on the street. I imagined a little old crotchety lady slipping on said feces, landing on her ass and cursing me. It gave me a rush and made me smile. That's about as violent my fantasies get. There's also poisoning people. I have that one, too. I shake these off as wacky, and I really think lots of p[eople have similar flashes, but I've never asked, of course.

  21. David, find out where she lives and send her death threats. If you hang up withing three minutes, then the call can't be traced.

  22. I've had civil servants get mean. I kill them with kindness and guilt them immediately.

  23. “Murder is not about lust and it's not about violence. It's about possession. When you feel the last breath of life coming out of the woman, you look into her eyes. At the point, it's being God.”
    ― Ted Bundy

  24. If someone tells me I'm annoying them for being slow and inconveniencing them in a store, I give a brief look and say "Don't engage me"

  25. i never get upset, or lose my cool during an argument. i don't take people seriously, everything is a big joke to me.

  26. These aren't violent compared to some of your fantasies but they sure give me a rush and feel like hate unleashed to me. And I'm a very peaceful person.

  27. I've lost my cool a lot, but not lately :)

  28. My thoughts on the kitten thing Wheatley, snakes gotta eat, and those people are morons for wanting to hunt down someone who was feeding it.

    Anon 546, there is something that could stop you, YOURSELF. Just because you claim to have no conscience doesn't mean you get an asshole pass. You should be hurting animals because it is fun, or something to do, not because you are too cowardly to start shit with humans. Go pick a fight if you are angry, they may fight back and you can really let out your frustrations.

    Paragraph after that one: "a socio has no conscience, they have a perverted conscience, which means they gain satisfaction from doing the unspeakable."

    So which is it? They either have one or they don't. You can't just make up some different version of a conscience and hand it over to the sociopaths. And to the second half of that completely fucked up sentence, the proper title is a sadist. Sadists get satisfaction from doing the "unspeakable", which you should not generalize, what is unspeakable to you make be very speakable to others. Sadism isn't only restricted to sociopaths.

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  30. Oh I take people seriously. People can be are amazingly serious about their beefs. Unfortunately you really have to be diplomatic. It's sensible.

  31. UKan, why did you say you must have been a little lost?

    I used to take toys that would be singing for a very long time (Elmo, Baby Bop, an Easter bunny singing "Splish Splash", then bring them to the back yard and set them on fire while they were singing. That shit was hilarious.

  32. IF you're the one who's paying them , yes, David. But I often root for them when their employers are dicks. Serving people HAVE to suck shit up. I think they should be passive aggressive covertly and leave the employer dumbfounded yet not wanting to fire people who employ good "help" should give generously. I hate rude, entitled bosses.

  33. when i'm harassing people at the office, then i imagine people would think i'm losing my cool. i'm not assertive, i'm aggressive. it's really just an act to get my needs met. the victim will feel lousy for the day. i won't. i'm extremely friendly, even sort of shy when my superiors are present.

    i can switch from being a "prick" to friendly, flawlessly.

  34. lol

    Did you say while your toys were sleeping or did you mean while your parents were sleeping?

  35. I am your typical co-dependent ---Urgh.
    I am too guilty to even IMAGINE hurting someone. I must be the sickest person of all lol

  36. David did you see your theme song last night?

  37. I'm sorry you have to work in an office. I only do that on the phone with customer service. I regret it though, because you catch more flies with honey.

  38. Is codepedent a habit of getting something from someone in exchange for giving something?

  39. @david

    in my experience, sociopaths don't act overtly rude. we are usually regarded as well liked and polite to those that know us superficially. i'm probably the most depraved person i know, even compared to hardened criminals, yet i'm very approachable and not intimidating. we take everything for granted and expect things to happen for us automatically, because we are special.

  40. No, you are a wonderful person, Caroline.

  41. Co-dep is a personality disorder. The co-dep is as stuck and locked in a distorted world view as is the sociopath. However, society, itself, is co-dep so it has become normalized, unlike ASPD, which is not normalized.

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  43. Is there something bad about being codependent if everyone is happy? Doesn't codependence keep people together?

    My Dad, who is a handful will always have his gf. They claim to have a codependent relationship. I think it's the only way someone would put up with him, though.. I certainly wouldn't be able to.. I think they're both happy. They do a bunch of complaining, though so idk.

  44. @Bella I take it that was a joke lol

  45. @Bella Other people may love the co-dep, and they do. However, it kills the co-dependent. It is awful.

  46. It's a personality disorder? Huh. Can I get drugs prescribed for it?

  47. Oh. Can you give me an example?

  48. @david

    so am i, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't steal from, or destroy them.

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  50. @Caroline

    you cannot normalize psychopathy, or npd, because unlike say - borderline, histrionic and codependent, sociopaths and narcissists don't "suffer" from their condition. grandiosity, lack of empathy, manipulative. how is this even seen as a disorder? sociopaths will always be bad for society as a whole. that's why it will never be normalized. a sociopath has no desire to be accepted, or loved.

  51. She does claim he is a monster who has a hold on her. Is that what you mean? I thought both were codependents. He complains about her, but I guess he doesn't actually suffer like she does.

    Does the bpd in a relationship with a socio suffer? Or do they both suffer?

  52. @Bella if you go to most shrinks, you can get drugs. They give them like candy.

  53. Every person with a PD suffers because they live in a world of unreality. By the nature of that, they suffer a GREAT deal.

  54. @bella

    it's a very bad combination. not all abusers are sociopaths, but every single sociopath is an abuser. in comparison sociopathic abusers make normal abusers look like wimps.

    i've heard stories of pets being stabbed and shot to intimidate the partner. this is pretty normal with sociopaths. the sociopath will break down the borderline and probably drive her to suicide.

  55. They are bad for society but they don't suffer? I thought they did a bit, from not fitting in and from loneliness. Maybe I still mix up bpd with socio? Or maybe I still mix up narcissism with socio. Are narcissists codependents?

  56. Sociopaths suffer, imo. The suffering may have a different 'flavor" to it, but it is still suffering.

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  58. I don't buy that . I'd never commit suicide. I am bpd lite, or I have narc too. Is that even possible? But then Maybe my ex was histrionic or narc and that's why he didn't get to me as much as a socio would. He was really weird.

  59. sociopaths do not suffer. that's bull crap.

    socios get bored very easy. he may be the kid who falls asleep during class, or manipulates another student into doing something dumb. sociopaths constantly need excitement.

  60. Definition of Horses AssDecember 6, 2011 at 7:38 AM

    You portray yourself as a frustrated primitive germ who should be literally crushed.

    Ukan and Missus LOL

  61. I try not to use people. I imagine they'd sense it and I don't want that.

  62. @david

    i use people as objects. i love the power trip i get from telling my underlings what to do, it makes my day worth living. i don't understand them, nor do i give a shit about their opinion. my way or they get fired.

  63. Actually Caroline, psychopaths do what they do without feeling tortured by guilt. They do not appear to be tormented by feelings of isolation. Why would they? That’s where the anti in anti-social comes in. That’s why society demonizes them. Most psychopaths, in general, do not suffer. Buddha, eat your heart out.

    And no, anon, boredom does not necessarily amount to suffering. It all depends on what you mean by suffering though, doesn’t it? Definitions. They matter.

  64. so do I. I used to fall asleep in class. I manipulate unknowingly.

  65. Daniel,, you're my hero lol

  66. Faith, Birdick. ;)


  67. I must be a recovering narc, lol.

  68. Daniel, I agree 100% that it all depends on definition. I believe the sociopath does not suffer in the same way that other PD's suffer, in terms of acute angst. The suffering may be more in terms of standing outside from others and being aware of that.

    The term "suffering" is not exact to describe it, as you said imo.

  69. My way or they get fired is pretty standard.

  70. Soooo, David: why do you care so much about 'proper' manners?

  71. i think to have the policy of "i only strike those that strike me, and only if their not a woman, an asshole, not my family, or a child etc etc" it limits your potential. Everybody should be a target. you'd make a shitty ceo, if you cared about women and children.

  72. @bella

    not really. people constantly get chances due to compassion. you cross me and bang, your gone.

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  74. 'i use people as objects. i love the power trip i get from telling my underlings what to do, it makes my day worth living. i don't understand them, nor do i give a shit about their opinion. my way or they get fired.'

    I had a boss like you. He made every day a struggle.

  75. @David

    Wtf? Where is that lack of compassion you were harking about?

  76. When a small man who is of no importance is friendly to me I will gladly be friendly back towards him. I strongly despise people like you. All you do is pollute, when I could get away with it I would with much ease shoot a bullet through the head of people like you. -- Mother Theresa

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  78. david, your issues is not with me, it's with the bullies that would victimize you. you see them in me.

    if you can't beat people like me, then join us. it's never too late to sell your soul.

  79. Tsk. My comment disappeared. My question was: David, why do you care so much about 'proper' manners?

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  82. soul·less --

    adjective /ˈsōlˌlis/ 

    Lacking sensitivity or the capacity for deep feeling.
    * - insensitive or unfeeling; as if without a soul

    Lacking or suggesting the lack of human feelings and qualities.
    * - two soulless black eyes were watching her

  83. Wow, that's a helpful answer...

    wv: psyclo (sooooo close...)

  84. wheatley, are you a spath?

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  86. "I'm not the 7y old boy anymore. I wouldn't join you nor would I try to beat you, I would simply kill you."

    Ha. You're not capable of violence.

    What makes you think you're higher than the working class? You're not rich and you're in a service position yourself. In fact you have the lowest possible position in life. How can you even class that thing with the washing up liquid as an "incident"? How can that stay with you for weeks? Is that all it takes to knock you off your pedestal? It's hilarious that such I minor thing can make you shake with anger and still not provoke a response. How could you let some snotty little teenager bring you to that?

  87. im out of coffee fml


  88. UKan, why did you say you must have been a little lost?

    Because violence became my obsession and it cost me years of my life. Everything seemed so right, so I couldn't understand why I kept going in and out of facilities. I felt like they were persecuting me. I didn't figure it out till my last year in prison. Even then I couldn't put the brakes on because I had been going down the hill so fast for so long. I'm still trying to hold the brakes. I've had a few incidents in a year span, but I think I've slowed down a bit.

    I know most people think it seems simple. If you keep getting arrested for violent deeds, it should be easy to see why you are getting jammed. In my mind everything was not only justified, but I projected myself on everyone. Consequently I thought they thought it was ok too, but they were just jamming me up because they wanted to keep me down. I don't know if you understand. Like I said I was lost. Delusional even.

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  91. Mis, The other night I saw some bondage girl on stage getting her vagina electricuted. Made me think of you.

    David how do you keep saying you would kill people if your entire life has been in service to others. Your entire life has been you being beaten and used. Now you are over thirty and you are becoming more violent. Funny because I'm becoming less violent now that my hormones have slowed down. I don't understand how a few people in here are saying that they are all of a sudden taking a turn down the road of random acts of violence now that they are in their thirties. Is this some mid life crisis thing?

  92. @ Trump
    once you are off my list you are off my list, too. I don't think I scratch too many off, but I have. Or I'm unaffected by them. Lots don't know it. It's a lovely feeling. I don't do it often though. Maybe I do but I don't pay attention. Mostly I just steer clear after they cross me but I don't disengage completely. I probably should.

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  94. David

    I think you have a lot of pent up anger. If you were prone to violence, I think you would have already had run ins with people. Maybe you are just at the end of your rope now, who knows.

    You should go at it with someone, video tape it and post it for us :D

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  96. @David I think you need to force yourself to be more social. I know this is easy to say and probably the last thing you want to do, or will do. However, I think the isolation is like a pressure cooker, for you.

  97. David, that's a load of bunk. EveryonE starts off better in life. Then we have to deal with the stuff life hands us, and that's where your successes come in. You failed to deal when you were young. The bullies won. And now you can't even handle it when someones rude to you without wanting to be violent? Did you want to be violent to the bullies? Are you trying to learn still to be man enough to face your problems, or does the label thing still make you comfy... wait.
    David, you need to ffind some accountability and rwponsibility for your life. You made decisions to be what you are, and now you don't like that so your looking for labels and random acts of violence to make you feel differently. Why don't you just change. I hope your therapist helps you realize how weak you are too. You're a coward, David. Own that so you can be better.

  98. I doubt that dave. Violence is something you grow up with. So is learned helplessness. You haven't used violence your entire life. I don't think you have the stomach for it, or the follow through. People don't radically get more violent with age. They get less violent. Its natural.

  99. I think you're pissed off about how life has treated you David. Now you're fantasising about taking revenge on the world like one of those school shooters.

    "Mis, The other night I saw some bondage girl on stage getting her vagina electricuted. Made me think of you."

    Lol. I've always liked that kind of shit. Did you enjoy it?

  100. I think with the exception of those nutcases with passive aggressive crazy angers that turn into serial shooting sprees.

  101. David

    That would make my day! Just remember, no slapping or hair pulling.

  102. 'I doubt that dave. Violence is something you grow up with. So is learned helplessness. You haven't used violence your entire life. I don't think you have the stomach for it, or the follow through. People don't radically get more violent with age. They get less violent. Its natural.'

    actually, most serial killers only begin killing later on in life. their violence stems from feelings of helplessness and fantasies of being powerful and in control.

  103. On the topic of stress relief, I have heard great things about Krav Maga. I have been looking into signing up for the classes for the last year, after hearing about it through friends.

  104. I'm only violent with violent people. I would rather do something to someone in secret and watch it play out to them unknowingly. I have engaged in violent fantasy but its mostly regret based. Like I lost in the real world so I have to win in fantasy. Being violent with non-violent people equates to me as not having enough tools in my toolkit to properly manipulate. Its the quickest way to lose. Or get really hurt.

  105. @David you said you can speak English like a native. I would like to see a video of that.

  106. Missus the point about Learned Helplessness is good. You become conditioned to not doing anything in your own defense and for your own well being because you were thwarted so much. That is how a huge elephant will stay in a small space, such as in a circus act, as IF it were tied, when it could break free and run at any minute.

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  108. Yes, David I think you were very charming.


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  111. I'm a hyper-sympathetic person, yet I still find myself dramatizing wild acts of violence every so often, like a pressure valve. I don't think it's exclusive to sociopaths.

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  113. I don't really ever have violent fantasies. Except in one area.

  114. From an evolutionary standpoint, I think anger was designed to empower us when we are at our most vulnerable.

    The degree to which we feel vulnerable and powerless is the degree to which the anger can be matched. It would be to our advantage, say, that we knew we were capable of slicing throats if our survival were at stake.

    As far as fantasy goes, it seems to be the mind's way of acting out or practicing something that we may not do on a normal basis. But we "test" it, to see if we could actually do it, at least in our mind.

    When I was in a relationship with my sociopath, I was slowly and gradually stripped of all my dignity, my sense of self, my very soul it seemed. I became depressed and lost. I felt weak and helpless in my world. Suicidal, even.

    It wasn't until I began to get angry that I got back in touch with my natural sense of self preservation. It was a remarkable gift of fury and rage. Within the violence, I found a beauty far more captivating than my sociopathic captor.

    I found my power.

  115. French is sexy. Doesn't seem to matter that I can't understand a word of it.

  116. Ah, comedic sociopathy, you slay me...

    I have homicidal thoughts quite often, usually out of anger, but not always. They're pleasant.

    Anyway... I've just recently been banned from LoveFraud for the 30th or so time. During my stay, the more paranoid and hostile of the members accused me of being a "spath from SociopathWorld" enough times to get me interested. I thought I'd come check it out and see what all the fuss was about. Nice place. Very informative.

  117. @Bizy
    YES, you expressed it, perfectly! That is happening to me, now.
    Thank you for saying that. I needed to hear it.

  118. Trouble in paradise, Monica?

  119. Monica,

    I'm glad to have offered you something you needed.

    I wish you luck.

  120. Does LoveFraud really know about SW? Where is SW mentioned on LoveFraud?

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  122. One commenter said... "But Michael,
    neither your charm nor your pity ploys are sincere either! So come on… show us your insincere rage!

    The forum that sometimes sends imposters is sociopathworld. ever heard of it? And please, respond with some rage. I’m holding my breath." I think I asked about SW, and she responded with this. I'm not sure, as Donna deletes all of my posts after banning my account.

    Another commenter said... "It’s unfortunate that anyone would trust a website that is written by self proclaimed spaths…….
    Yeah…..I’ve got my own real world experiences…..I certainly DO NOT need to voluntarily visit a site with douche bags arguing about themselves.
    Don’t post this crap……" A previous poster commented that sociopathworld was very informative, and received this in response.

    I've seen several more, but their Search isn't very good. New members seem to find SW very informative, and old members call those new members "spathy trolls". It's rather amusing. I think they're in love with you.

  123. FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  125. FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 6, 2011 at 1:29 PM

    FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  126. I need a theme song

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  128. Wow Micheal. Not nearly enough people know about tvtropes, but here you're the fourth (I know of).

    This is pretty fucking funny. Eight Ferraris, three Mercedses, a Lamborghini, a Skyline and a Prius. Ouch.

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  130. 'French is sexy. Doesn't seem to matter that I can't understand a word of it'

    I don't find french sexy in itself. I'm more partial to the masculine tones of eastern european languages. BUT, i recently met a lovely french dude, and omg! The sexiest voice ever. I went a little gaga over him. And he was a sweetie, a bit too 'woe is me' for my liking, but still, *shudders with exitement*.

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  132. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning


  133. Oh ccok. Now I'll neevr be albe to tpye ayhtinng crlortcey eevr aigan. Waht wlil I do?

  134. I recorded a video, for you sweetcheeks, my love.

  135. I get what you're saying perfectly UKan. I just got over a few months worth of court dates, and last year was a year of one too many fuck ups plus the introduction to the word sociopath. Being an entitled princess I had no idea how destructive I was until I got away (officially) from the family. Even then it did nothing until I was arrested for assault.

    Thanks for that clarification.

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  137. Frank Hisself FOR REALDecember 6, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    I hate when EVERYONE wants to be Frank. It sucks to be Frank.

    Hi Gary
    Hi Harv
    Hi Hank

  138. Maxwell, drown yourself in a dictionary

  139. Yeah, I know about TVTropes. Hell, I'm addicted to it.

    David, were you addressing me? Who is Erin?

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  141. Postmodern Sociopath introduced me to tvtropes. Great site.

    Pet the Dog is one of my favorites. It's so easy to make yourself look human and normal with one moment of tenderness or kindness to the extent that it makes people question their very view on who you are if it was fouled up before. The sort of hilarious part of this trope is, the more heinous, cruel and deviant you've been, the more dramatic a Pet the Dog moment can affect those around you.

  142. I've visited the blog, but this is the first time I've posted or paid attention to comments. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

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  144. david = massacre waiting to happen. you aren't the serial killer type, david. i think your the kind who'd take out like four people, then off yourself. you'd get an article, and be forgotten within a week.

  145. I have noticed that. It's hysterical. One of my drinking buddies is the sort of ultra-violent psychopath who cares nothing whatsoever for masking his true self. In fact, he revels in the fear people have for him. Excellent at drinking games too. But he has a habit of playing nurse to his girlfriend when she's hurt. He'll carry her around on his back and give her massages and that. Every woman in the room melts, even the ones that should know better. I'm not sure why... And I wonder if it only has that effect on women, or if men fall for it as well...

  146. Why are they petting the kitty? It would be far more shocking if they were microwaving it.

  147. Frank, your lady, was quite the pleasure, to meet.

    Hi Harv
    Hi Gary

  148. But then it wouldn't be Petting the Dog, now, would it? That would be Kick The Dog.

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  150. Petting the dog is boring. I wanna see the dog get injected with bleach and hanged.

  151. I believe you David. You'd probably turn yourself in, if you raped someone lol.

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  153. Hank you can have her. Frank has ladies coming out his behind.

  154. Pet the Dog is tricky for me. The problem is, I'm so used to being superficial that I can't always tell if it's a genuine Pet the Dog moment, or a superficial one sometimes. I know it sounds mad, that you can't tell, but sometimes I don't. Unless we're getting literal on the trope, as I like dogs and cats.

    Seriously though, even the SS is powerless against a cute little kitty mewing. Not that they couldn't or wouldn't do diametrically opposed acts of violence, it's just that the capability for both is always there, and the proclivity towards one more than the other.

  155. "even the SS is powerless against a cute little kitty mewing"

    TNP, are you serious? Something so vulnerable doesn't annoy you?

  156. Frank, Buddy, it must be hard to be you.

  157. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 6, 2011 at 2:45 PM

    ye dont always need to kill the person to make them see the light when i was a little kid i had this neighbor who didnt like me always gave me the bullshit

    the first time i pissed in his mailbox still gave me the bullshit

    the second time i put the fingers on throat puked in the mailbox still gave me bullshit

    the third time i crapped in the mailbox the neigbor said lets make peace forget all in the past never gave me the bullshit again

  158. I guess I'm just an evil bastard.

  159. Hank Frank better be careful because he could pull a horse from his ass.

    :wheres harv?

  160. Ukan's pussy is sooooooooooooo wet right now.

  161. Frank, I will take her, off your hands. Hank needs loving, too.

    wv: chocolate swirl

  162. There's a picture of three SS soldiers playing with a kitten. Did you even click the link?

    Vulnerable only annoys me when it's "totally asking for it".

  163. "I know most people think it seems simple. If you keep getting arrested for violent deeds, it should be easy to see why you are getting jammed. In my mind everything was not only justified, but I projected myself on everyone. Consequently I thought they thought it was ok too, but they were just jamming me up because they wanted to keep me down. I don't know if you understand. Like I said I was lost. Delusional even."

    Congratulations, UKan. Most psychopathic individuals do mellow out in time, not because they really change but because they realize this simple yet undeniable truth. Usually it happens when they hit their 40's.

  164. Hank, you can have her. There are more where she came from with Franks moves.
    Frank got a new song. It is an upgrade from "Why Don't We Do It In the Road?"
    This explains why Frank gets all the ladies.

  165. Franks Song for Hanks InformationDecember 6, 2011 at 3:14 PM

    Frank is the man

  166. dont destroy my innocent mind he he

  167. Eden is a pig, but that is a bit much.

  168. Think so? She would like it

  169. Eden is a pig, but I don't go for dead.


  171. PMS introduced me too. Still not sure wether I should thank him or not. It's a great site, but it's also incredibly suited for procrastinating. And I keep spoiling things...

    @Anon waaaaay up there:

    I don't think so. Jaded + smart covers most of my tendencies and, you know, Occam's razor. :)

  172. @edens theme song

    what's with the little cut out alien beside her arm? O.o

  173. patrick swayze doesnt fear the reaper

  174. feel alive close to death exhilarating

  175. Eden is a pig, but I don't go for dead.

  176. "Cannot load this image"...

    What's on it?

  177. Sweetcheeks is a nasty person but these pictures are gross. Where do you get them?

  178. I wonder if she was alive when her tits got eaten.

  179. Good Evening all. What's the hot topic for the moment?

  180. violence and perversions

  181. Haven, I know you are attracted to Frank. Have you heard his new song?

  182. Violence is good. Perversions are kind of subjective though.

  183. For Haven to Check Out For her Lover FrankDecember 6, 2011 at 4:33 PM

    December 6, 2011 3:11 PM
    Anonymous Franks Song for Hanks Information said...

    Frank is the man

  184. @haven

    do you want a violent theme picture? (it's not a bad thing)


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