
Friday, December 30, 2011

Second opinion

From a reader:
I stumbled across your site while doing some research on my own personality.  I find it fascinating.  I am greatly envious of true sociopaths.  I believe I am on the opposite end of the scale.  A super empath if you will.  I am old now, but for as long as I can remember emotions have brought me nothing but pain.  Long before I ever heard the term sociopath or had any idea what it meant, I longed to be numb.  Life has worn me down to the point where I do not suffer to the extent I did at one time, however, even the vestiges of what I once felt are sufficient to make me miserable.
In my humble opinion most people are like sheep.  They have a deep need to conform, to "fit in".  They will go to great lengths to achieve their goals.   I also feel (there's that nasty four letter word") that they want to be told what to do, despite their vehement insistence to the contrary.   In my opinion socios are just like every other human being, only with the added luxury of doing whatever best benefits them with no emotional baggage.  You all seem highly intelligent, organized thinkers who are of great benefit to society if you so choose.  I think the one emotion you may be capable of is extreme annoyance due to the rampant stupidity with which you are faced each day.  Anyway, thanks for the site.  It is the one place on the web I can go and be assured of some reasonable discourse.


  1. Cheers! To fine Belgian beer. :)

  2. ... Or whatever strikes your fancy. G'night, M.E.

  3. vandalizing the forums ukan?

  4. "Life has worn me down to the point where I do not suffer to the extent I did at one time, however, even the vestiges of what I once felt are sufficient to make me miserable."

    Well that's just hilarious.

    The really pathetic thing here is that you haven't even considered the possibility of actually being happy. Your life is so pointless that becoming numb inside and not having feel anything is all that you wish for. It's actually your own fault that you've wasted your entire life, and every second you've spent wondering why it's all so horrible could of been spent doing something about it.

  5. Yes. This bloke inspired me. The whole lot of them in there are the emotionally numb people. People that have ptsd are also numb. That's from feeling to much trauma. You pawns create your own misery to the point of a complete shutdown.

  6. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:20 AM

    on topic of pawns-

    have ya ever seen the movie leon the professional i just saw it

    that guy didnt seem like a sociopath more like an aspie i found it funny how the boss took all the money he made from hits for "safekeeping" while the guy him self lived in a crappy slum he culd as well be living off welfare checks in the end he was a pedophile too

    the movie was good for laughs

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Empathy often comes at a very high price, few realize it."

    I'd say emotions often come at a very high price, few realize it. I'm still trying to figure out my empathic range, but my emotions have caused me no end of pain and annoyance.

    I don't understand the actually wanting to be numb that this Reader talks about. I was numb, not by choice, but from extreme dissociation, for years. It's tragic and pointless. I would rather live my life and allow the possibility of pain in (which is what I do), than to feel nothing and be little more than a shell.

    I definitely understand, an even empathize, hah, with envying you Socios and the impaired emotional everything. In general I like who I am. I like my personality, I love my interests and my life is pretty good on paper, but all this hyper emotional bullshit is for the birds. If I could keep everything about myself, but turn the emotions down to about a 5 I'd be stoked.

    Then again, I'm coming off a low point. When I'm in love, life is intoxicating. It's a drug induced euphoria, and I'd probably miss that if I had normal emotional responses.

  9. I have wished to be more like a sociopath, often, when the emotional pain gets unbearable. My g/f tells me that my emotions are beautiful; that she will never have the chance to have them. Very poignant.

  10. I just wish you'd go away. Your miserable demeanor just makes me want to trample all over you every time you leave a comment.

  11. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 6:24 AM

    if the reader wants to become emotionally numb there must be something i can do to help him achieve this goal make the dream come true but i dont know

    if he was younger i wuld recommend going to a war in africa or some where lots of trauma there to blunt emotion but sounds like he might be too old no army wuld take him any more

  12. Can we please learn the difference between emotions and empathy? Sociopaths are not emotionally numb. Thanks.

  13. MMP,that would cause PTS more then blunted emotions for who has so much pain from their emotions.

    My niece was in Hati with a medical team when the earthquake hit, she had to come back after a few months to try and recuperate from the trama and lack of sleep then went back to finish the time she had pledged. It didn't numb her emotions it tramtized them.

    Work behind a cash register poster or in a KMart those people always act like they don't give a shit (which they don't)you can catch their attitude of indifference toward others. (Justifiably)

  14. How different is being numb and shut-down from being sociopathic?

  15. one is more like you float by and say hi to he passing chaos, whether it be yours or whoever you're dealing with, and the other is that you want to control every second and manipulate the shit out of you and everyone else.

  16. How would anyone know the difference? I only feel what I know I feel. To someone, that might be numbed compared to what they feel, but to me it isn't numb. It's just what I feel.

    If I felt more things before, and then some part of me was numbed or shut down, then I would have a frame of reference that I didn't have before.

    You're basically asking a question that no one can really answer, because adults don't become sociopaths, and sociopaths don't become numbed to emotions unless they've experienced something to cause a radical shift. I've only heard of one such case, and the person didn't say they were numbed as a whole, they just couldn't handle X emotion anymore and simply ceased to feel it.

  17. I don't mind saying that I believe I became a sociopath, rather than being born one. (Though, occasionally realising how much of a jackass I was as a kid, I sometimes wonder.) I was an extremely sensitive and insecure kid who was desperate to be liked, and to fit in, but was constantly rejected. Twenty years later I'm a loner who's comfortably independent, strong ideals, no remorse, I don't feel.. much of anything but emotions driven by selfishness. I believe that I consciously grew to become who I am today. I think some elements of personality are developed through environment, possibly some are genetic (I don't have any evidence for that,) but you can become what you want to be, and change yourself.

  18. pretty sure with enough trauma you're able to look around and say um no, not today. not gonna feel this or that or care about your blah bla bla either today. Maybe tomorrow if i feel like it. Pretty sure that's what it's like after trauma. it doesn't "feel" smart or manipulative or anything but convenient. I'm sure you can get away with lots of stuff if you feel like it.

  19. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 7:40 AM

    now i finally know what i want to do later in life when i have balding grey hair and mustache i will set up my own tv show it will be called dr. mike i will help people with their problems make them all disappear i have found my true calling

    millions of women will watch me and adore me tears in their eyes panties all wet i will have my own staff to write best selling books in my name i will make millions i will be like a rock star and help people out in the process because im not the bad kid as they said just the opposite

  20. @Mike You are a cutie.

  21. Well, of course it's possible to consciously or unconsciously shut down your emotions and conscience especially in your formative years if things get too much to handle. That is not called sociopathy though, it is something else. Sociopathy is a condition that is pretty much set in early childhood, pseudopsychopathic conditions that have developed later in life get different diagnosis.

  22. "I was an extremely sensitive and insecure kid who was desperate to be liked, and to fit in, but was constantly rejected."

    "Twenty years later I'm a loner who's comfortably independent"

    Doesn't sound like much of a transformation.

  23. I guess I'll never understand people who want to be happy. To me, there are just bad emotions and good emotions, and I don't let them get me down. Why do you keep thinking about the future? Just enjoy the present. Don't think about the past and have regrets, they're completely worthless. Well they help you not do the same mistakes, but that's all they are.

  24. Can we please learn the difference between emotions and empathy? Sociopaths are not emotionally numb. Thanks.

    I realize you're just making a point here, but this is something people constantly confuse. Emotions vs. Empathy = not the same thing. You can have emotions without empathy, but you can not have empathy without emotions. Empathy involves being able to feel for another person. The latest definitions on empathy are twofold. Cognitive and Affective.

    Cognitive Aspect: allows a person to infer the mental states of others. It’s also known as mentalizing, Theory of Mind or social cognition.

    Affective Aspect: inspires an appropriate emotional reaction to another person.

    Most people, even sociopaths (not aspies), have the ability for cognitive emotional recognition. It's that feeling anothers feelings, having an appropriate emotional response to anothers emotional situation in a way that is Other-directed, and not self-directed that is the problem aspect which is often missing.

  25. I shut my emotions down. I hate that numb worse than pain. I am forcing myself to let the emotional pain come up. As I do, the numbness leaves, very gradually.
    I feel, more, like I am the same as everyone else, not set apart and different.

    Hi TNP

  26. Anonymous said...
    Can we please learn the difference between emotions and empathy? Sociopaths are not emotionally numb. Thanks.

    good point. emotions can get in the way of empathy.

  27. Emotions getting in the way of empathy is one of the reasons researchers believe that BPD has limited/impaired empathy.

  28. Who the fuck cares about the Borderline ones? They're weak, and often commit suicide. Are you seriously gonna talk about them like they're strong? They get so depressed about nothing.

  29. @TNP You pay me so much attention that it makes me think you like me.

  30. You would be that stupid.

    What on earth could you have ever done to make me like you? Is it your scent? Your smile? Your physique? Your charm, composure, and intelligence?

    I haven't seen any of those, I'm afraid.

    Is it so hard to believe that you are an insufferable plague upon humanity? A vile, necrotic wound that should have been cauterized and cleaned from flesh of mankind? You delusional, idiotic, gullible, fuckhead. You're a pimple on the face of SW and I'd like nothing more than to squeeze the puss that is you, and let blood wash your smell away.

  31. That may have been a bit dramatic.

    But you get the point.

  32. Haven said...
    Most people, even sociopaths (not aspies), have the ability for cognitive emotional recognition. It's that feeling anothers feelings, having an appropriate emotional response to anothers emotional situation in a way that is Other-directed, and not self-directed that is the problem aspect which is often missing.

    i don't agree with this completely.

    believing that you can feel what another is feeling is the territory of the narcissist. it's also delusional.

    the affective aspect without the cognitive one quite frankly creeps me out more than the other way around. too many people are so mesmerized by their feelings that they don't think, and what thinking they do serves their feelings instead of challenging them.

    and anyway, how can you be empathic to my situation if you're wallowing in my feelings?

  33. i always thought empathy was being able to have great theory of mind.I also think that people gravitate to me because of mine. And I'm like oh no, not again. But then sometimes, very rarely I can't stop looking at a person no matter what I think. This is a very strange habit.

    There's this one very very limited woman in my exercise class and all people ignore her. She likes me because I pay attention to her. No one else can because she's pretty offensive, she interrupts class, and blurts out stuff. She tries to communicate and says some things no one gets. I'll hear and answer her. It's like I've picked up on how she communicates. She's trying to be social but there's a huge disconnect. I've come to be her interpreter. Someone said jokingly uh oh Idk that says a lot about you..ha ha. Yeah it says something. I thought about it for a long time. It isn't that I like this girl, she just interests me because I want to know how she thinks, and what causes her to get away with thinking it's ok to say such inappropriate things. She's racist, she tells people out loud and in front of others she notices they've "gotten fat" She skips words in sentences, speaks like a retarded person. I don't care what she says and I don't tell her off. she doesn't offend me because she's a crazy racist who's borderline idk what, and I'd never want to spend time with her. she's also bitter about society and thinks people are all out to get her. I have whole conversations with her and the other people don't get it that I just like being able to talk to her. I don't know what that is, but it feels voyeuristic. One of you would even say she's a toy. If something bad was happening to her and she burst into tears I'd come to her aid. I don't know if this is because I remember feeling like a freak as a kid, or if it's just that anything odd hypnotizes me. I mean I am pretty bored with people who go around pretending they're something they're not, so I think i like it that this girl doesn't edit herself. I also think her having the emotional range of a child reminds me of how I can be inside my head. Is she a "toy" ? I don't know what to say about that but Id say I have fun with her. Would I want to socialize with her ? Hell fucking no.

  34. "believing that you can feel what another is feeling is the territory of the narcissist. it's also delusional."

    This is what the definition of empathy is; the ability to feel what another his feeling via an appropriate spontaneous emotional response. Narcs don't care about feeling what others feel. They want people to recognize what they feel. They're entirely self-directed. Narcs tend to lack empathy.

    What you say about the affective aspect strikes me as more narcissitic than the previous statement. People do get wrapped up in their own feelings to the exclusion of cognitive progress (I'm no exception though I manage to work through it eventually). This isn't empathy though, it's self-directed emotion.

    "and anyway, how can you be empathic to my situation if you're wallowing in my feelings? "

    I think that /is/ pretty empathic actually. It may not be very productive, but then again, a lot of emotional responses aren't. Empathy doesn't require anything more than an appropriate emotional response.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @TNP I get an awfully big rise out of you.

  37. @TNP Then I touch myself.

  38. @Anon... Theory of Mind is the cognitive aspect required of empathy, but lacking a spontaneous emotional response relating to anothers feelings does not qualify it for actual empathy.

    You talk about her like she is an interesting puzzle or specimen under a microscope. This is curiosity and something else. That you can talk to her where others would avoid her is not empathy unless you also do it 'because you feel bad for her, can /feel/ how lonely she must be', some kind of emotional connection to what she must feel when others shun her.

    Frankly it sounds like you're more interested in your own ability to deal with this woman, and in the reactions of those around you that witness you interacting with her, than you are with who she actually is.

  39. "Even if this site is still around in 10 years from now it will never have another residential drama queen of your caliber around again. You should be rewarded."

    This coming from the guy who makes videos defending himself, has "quit SW forever" what is it, three times now, and has asked for advice on suicide here.

    And the, hm, 100-200 comments you've deleted.

    Yeah, just putting things in perspective here, and I'd say you're a touch act to follow. I'd have to actually be creative to be more dramatic than you.

    And Monica. You're disgusting. You finger yourself to me insulting you? That's about as low as it goes.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. lacking empathy isn't psychopathic, but to capitalize on it and take advantage of others is.

  42. @ TNP That second Monica was not me LOL. It was probably you.

  43. You threw that comment in your "Discard" pile.

    How convenient.

  44. Now you think I want to think of you touching yourself to me? You are one sick puppy, Monica.

  45. TNP Don't be nasty to ladies, Gentleman.

  46. see when people say things like "i lack empathy" "i'm very manipulative" it is no different than a guy saying "i'm really strong" or "i'm a great singer" most of the time their just bullshitting.

  47. @TNP I know I interest you. That is why you are bothering with me.

  48. @TNP I liked your song, yesterday, with your picture.

  49. i have noticed that this site has a mix of the sanest people in our society (sociopaths) sociopaths are sane, but dangerously sane. also in sw we have the insane (extreme empaths and borderlines)

  50. tnp, play along lol.

  51. @TNP How about you don't start and I will stop.

  52. @haven

    i walked past a young girl sitting on the sidewalk, pan handling, last night. it was freezing out. i bought her a coffee and gave her some money. not because i felt what she felt, but because i could imagine how awful it must have been to be sitting out there like that and i felt bad for her. i have no idea actually what she was feeling.

  53. "i bought her a coffee and gave her some money"

    and what good came from that? now you are short of money. i gave a dollar to a hobo once, but i wanted him to tell me how much he appreciated it.

  54. WHO is that second Monica LOL?

  55. LOL I don't know who I am anymore?

  56. i only give money to beggars when lots of people are around. so they'll think i'm the nicest person.

  57. TNP is being the fake Monica.

  58. I donate Africans to the homeless.

  59. This guy is full of shit. That is not empathy. If he was a super empath, he would be spending his free time volunteering. He sounds like a narcissist, crippled by his insecurities. There is nothing special about someone who is so ripped up by their own emotions that they can barely function. That is the ultimate selfishness. How can you be there to soothe or calm people in times of genuine crisis if you are in a ball in a corner? Sounds like he is histrionic to me.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Themes for SW RegularsDecember 30, 2011 at 10:29 AM

    TNP the one and only ---TNP's Theme

  62. "i walked past a young girl sitting on the sidewalk, pan handling, last night. it was freezing out. i bought her a coffee and gave her some money. not because i felt what she felt, but because i could imagine how awful it must have been to be sitting out there like that and i felt bad for her. i have no idea actually what she was feeling."

    You have a cognitive understanding of what she is dealing with. You made socially moral decision based on a logical understanding. I think this was very nice of you.

    That's one thing that bothers me about people screaming about empathy all the time. You can do nice things without empathy. You can do nice things because on some level they just make sense to you to do so.

  63. Why the hell would I impersonate you? You discredit and make a fool of yourself on your own perfectly fine without my help.

  64. I gave a beggar some NON ORGANIC coffee once, you heard me. Pesticides and everything. I'm a monster.

  65. "He sounds like a narcissist, crippled by his insecurities"

    Not really. A path narc would project an image of strength and omnipotence. Basically, perfection. N's can't allow you to see their weaknesses. Same with socio.

  66. "I gave a beggar some NON ORGANIC coffee once, you heard me. Pesticides and everything. I'm a monster."

    Now there's a fucking sociopath if I've ever seen one.~

  67. when you think of it, all parents act psychopathic and lacking in empathy. is there a difference between killing a person over time in comparison to killing a person instantly? nope.

    allowing them in a car as you drive could be considered reckless. giving children artificially modified foods, such as fast food, or candy, is an act lacking in empathy. these foods can cause all sorts of diseases and parents know that, but they'd rather deny it.

  68. That is classic spath rationalization right there.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Its not "a spath rationalization"
    its the truth sheep are sheep because they prefer to be in denial towards what might harm them than to face reality and deal with shit

  71. i have said that socios are dangerously sane.

  72. This idiot is making excuses for his poor behavior. Here's an example.


    Based on anecdotal and survey evidence, John Banja states that the medical field features a disproportionate amount of rationalization invoked in the "covering up" of mistakes (here, medical errors). Common excuses made are:

    * "Why disclose the error? The patient was going to die anyway"
    * "Telling the family about the error will only make them feel worse"
    * "It was the patient's fault. If he wasn't so (obese, sick etc), this error wouldn't have caused so much harm"
    * "Well, we did our best. These things happen"
    * "If we're not totally and absolutely certain the error caused the harm, we don't have to tell."
    * "They're dead anyway, no point in blaming.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. @David ... I never give money to thet homeless. I don't think I'm very nice though.

    It'll help them get through the night. If you're starving on the street you're probably not too worried about long term goal. Though you probably should be. That coffee and a bite to eat {read: booze} is worth a lot from their perspective.

  75. I used to give cigs to weird/interesting looking bums and chat them up for some mostly free entertainment if I had the time.

    I think Pythias said she did too at one time. Haven't seen her in forever around here.

  76. sometimes, i get tired of all the superficial nonsense and have an urge to hang out with some loser social outcast, like a drug addict, hobo, a prostitute, or something. but that act itself is superficial "i'm better than these self centered people, more humane" but then your ego slaps you across the face and tells you, your too good for these social outcasts.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Anonymous said...
    "i bought her a coffee and gave her some money"

    and what good came from that? now you are short of money. i gave a dollar to a hobo once, but i wanted him to tell me how much he appreciated it.

    why? how much would you appreciate it, if the situation were reversed?

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. I'd be a lot more grateful for a steel reserve, and it probably would have cost you less.

  81. There is nothing more narcissistic and selfish than thinking that their emotions are all import, more important than the anguish others around them experience. He is a histrionic narcissist. Not all narcs are the same, despite the preachings of Vaknin. Each person is unique. This particular one is so wrapped up in his own misery that he can barely offer support to others. That is not empathy. That is selfishness. If he had any emotional maturity, he would be able to reign himself in and help others.

    I might have bpd but I can control myself in emergency, life/death situations (and have on many occasions, professionally and through my emergency response training). I have empathy for what the people are going through and because of that, I know the last thing they need is someone falling apart emotionally when they are supposed to be providing help, so I shut down my emotions until after the crisis is over, then fall apart for a bit, maybe. Then I pull myself back together.

    My mother helped me realize, through her histrionics and selfishness, that no one likes someone who cant handle anything. Being so wrapped up in their own bs that they cannot empathize with yours at all, in fact, sometimes they even manage to turn it around so that your pain is all about them too. Talk about selfish. That is not empathy. Empathy is being able to set your ego aside and not have it be all about you for two minutes.

  82. I've known a lot of people that would sit down and bullshit with the homeless every now and again.

    I've never had the ability or desire to do this. I'd feel guilty not doing anything for them and probably end up giving too much. Oddly this wouldn't be because I felt bad for them, it'd be because I'd feel like a bad person for not doing something. On another level I'm also a bit disgusted for letting their lot in life get so bad that they don't have any control anymore. I usually just walk past. Which still makes me feel guilty. There's really no escaping the guilt for me, I might as well hold onto my time and money.

  83. i would probably like to try and accept lower class people, but i can't stand - how they behave, their values. these people are so closed minded. they treat every damn death, no matter who it is, as a great tragedy. i was being truthful, as i said outright that i didn't give a crap about these people who died. i said to a family member, why are you so upset that these people died, what makes them more special than the rest of the billions of other nobodies? they didn't know how to answer. that's what i do, i question things.

  84. @TNP Do you have man friends?

  85. @haven

    as horrible as you think street life is, for some it's better than where they came from. not for you to judge. they don't want your pity, just the damn coffee.

  86. Wow. Total lack of empathy. When someone is mourning, you dont ask them why they should bother. Thats some assholish shit right there. Even if you think it, doesnt your mouth have a filter?

    I remembered thinking that my ex gf has probably pushed her husband into suicide, but I didnt mention it at the funeral. I dont think it requires empathy, as much as common sense. Cause and effect. If you act like a douchebag, people arent going to respond very well. Even if you dont have empathy or very much, hopefully you have a functioning brain. Or you're no smarter than the low class people you look down on. Have some tact. You will find it actually makes people respond better and life a little easier.

    As for homeless, I will help through organizations, otherwise all I will give them is a smoke, a smile, and a kind word.

  87. I TOLD you you did, TNP. Where do you live?

  88. @sarah

    i'm probably sadistic. it's hilarious when they over react.

    for example, there's a story about a woman who was raped and tortured on the news, or something. a family member would be almost to the point of tears, and just to see how they react i'd start laughing at the news story. i guess it's a way of controlling them, but i don't see how it is. i only do it around family members that will tolerate it. if i acted that way to my father, he'd think right away that i was evil, or something. i do it in the presence of dumb family members.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. David lol

    Yeah he sounds like a real rocket surgeon. Bet he enjoyed the fourth grade all three times.

  91. i would guarantee that i'm the best manipulator here.

  92. or at least top 3 :)

  93. @TNP Can you cut some of your hair and mail it to me?

  94. @TNP are you a grown man?

  95. I can do that, Monica, if you tell me your address. I would tell you mine, but I don't want to expose myself to my many enemies.

  96. Anonymous said...
    lacking empathy isn't psychopathic, but to capitalize on it and take advantage of others is.
    December 30, 2011 10:08 AM

    So is sociopathy a way of experiencing other people, an inability to perceive an emotional reality to them, seeing them as objects, or is there an active component of the will involved in the condition? Can there be non-malicious sociopaths, and how would you distinguish them from emotionally inert, but otherwise neurotypical humans? Are there 'passive' socios?

  97. @J

    I don't speak alien.

  98. @TNP Lets just continue to flirt on here like we have been?

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Sure thing, Monica, and don't mind if I yank your braids on occasion. That is my way of flirting. Women love abrasive men.

  101. j, many people come here saying they have blunted empathy and that should be enough for them to be a sociopath. but no empathy is only one of the many traits that forms a sociopath. sociopaths are convinced that they are superior to everyone, they are callous, extremely insensitive and impulsive.

  102. OK, TNP. You looked so good in that picture with your ruffled shirt open and your man chest.

  103. i do not mean superior in the self confident way. no, it's gone way beyond that. it's a pretentious larger than life self worth.

  104. That last Monica was not me. If anyone is off, it is not me. I am sane, give or take.

  105. Sociopaths are usually far more intelligent than non sociopaths.. Is this true?

  106. I guess I ask b/c I know a socio that is everything you described, but has no desire to involve himself with people in any way. They are inferior dirt beneath his feet, but he has no designs on them whatsoever, or interest in controlling, manipulating or inflicting pain. So I'm interested in what separates him from a burnt-out empath.

  107. @J

    That is a very unusual sociopath.

  108. literally everything about a sociopath is manipulation, every word they speak.

    if a socio was followed on camera every day, people would be shocked by the behaviors of the socio. the audience would be thinking of what a two faced sly fucker the socio is.

  109. UKan is destroying people on the forum.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. @Zoe... I don't pity them. When did I say that. I don't feel a need to bother with them either.

    I don't doubt you're right that maybe the street could be better for some. It doesn't really affect me either way.

  112. 'if a socio was followed on camera every day, people would be shocked by the behaviors of the socio. the audience would be thinking of what a two faced sly fucker the socio is'

    haha, so funny. :D

    And TNP, i tell the cats to behave but it doesn't work all the time.

    Lol, i overheard a little boy (about 6) talking to his mum today. He said something about killing himself and his mum was like, 'No don't do that, cos I'll miss you'. He then said, 'Well you can die too and come join me.' LOL. Morbid for a young kid. Hahaha.

  113. You will delete it soon enough anyway, David.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.


  115. Sociopaths are usually far more intelligent than non sociopaths.. Is this true?

    No they are more clever.

  116. I will check back tomorrow and if it's gone I will say "I told you so".

  117. You're just begging for attention now, Dave.

  118. I see David has being refined.

  119. David, your haughty narcissism betrays the truth that you manipulated your responses on your pd profile to get a low narcissism score. My score is higher than yours and I am nowhere near your level of narcissism.

    I do see a correlation between intelligence and pd. My IQ is 140. I would be willing to bet that the people, including UKan and David both, that come here and write more than silly anon questions like "what's your favorite color" and just cut and paste stuff (people like Haven or Medusa or TNP even) are all of decently high intelligence. I'd say that some people are smart to play dumb. I find as a woman, men are intimidated unless I play the hot dumb chick. I try to tone it down. Of course, I cant spend much time around dumb fuckers, either. They bore me. Probably why I am drawn to people with pd's. All pds come with some sort of empathy deficit. I've felt like I had to teach myself empathy like anything else I've learned. It is why I do what I do professionally and on a volunteer basis. Ive desperately wanted to connect with my fellow humans, but most seem like total retards. I get the poster there. Seems like yes, there are dumb pds, but they are overt. Stupid and violent is bad. Smart folks with pd are way /more entertaining.

    Sometimes it just feels like keeping with my own kind. And no matter how I try and learn to be a Stepford gal, I will never be one. I am ok with that. I can be kind and good to those who deserve it, and selfish and manipulative to those who are the same. Its like the joke about pairing up all the schizophrenics in a big city so they can have a real conversation.

  120. Sociopaths are intelligent in ways that count.

    A person could have all the facts and graphs when arguing with a socio, but the smooth sociopath could glibly call him a nerd and easily try assassinate his character and discredit him.

  121. Like empathy, I have taught myself not to internalize name calling. Nor praise. A big step for me was to not seek outside validation at all. A different form of narcissism. Not desperate to get those around me to see me, but seeing myself for myself and not through mirrors. I am conscious now of what I can learn from not being so into myself that I can quiet my mind and see those around me for who they are and not what I want them to be or how I want them to see me. Its easier to spot the predators that way, too. ;)

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Alph Male----The Chosen One
    Lowest Functioning Socio on SW---UKan
    Most Urbane---David

  124. David like I said you manipulated your narcissism score.

    I have amazing posture and enjoy eye contact, so I intimidate people too. It doesnt make me a socio.

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  126. "I literally feel the glow of my own grace and class among the populi"

    How nice for you. Why are you telling us this? Do you think anyone cares about your feelings? Until you actually prove yourself you're just another idiot with delusions of grandeur, and your feelings aren't going to change anyone else's perceptions of you or your place on the food chain.

    "I can look at people - except the ones with a lot of self confidence - and make them shrink with just one look if I want to."

    Oh please.

  127. David,

    I have an ex just like that. There is something very attractive to me about that.

  128. I think you are not as Narc as you seem, superficially, because you are aware of it and can talk about it. A true Narc never,ever would do that. The true Narc keeps his narcissism totally hidden!

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  131. "The true Narc keeps his narcissism totally hidden!"

    No they don't you idiot. Narcissist's are obvious because they feel the need to convince people of their superiority all the time. Why do you think they're always targeted so quickly around here.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Caroline, sounds like you drank the Vaknin narcissism koolaid. Narcissism tends to be a component in many pds. Yes, some people have npd, but often people are not just one pd. That is what that pd test illustrates, although the test itself is weak. PDs manifest themselves differently in different people. Like a socio who believes they were touched by Jesus is going to have some schizotypal tendencies.

    And yes, David has some high narcissism, which is why I think he wasnt answering the questions honestly. Which would be very narcissistic thing to do. Answer the questions so they make you look like you want others to see you. Gotta look good for others. Show them how wonderful you are. Narcissism.

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Sarah Will you look at my test and see what you think? It is a few days back.

  136. @David exactly! The Narcs I know would never, ever be open about it, as David is.

  137. @davidsocio

    there are lots of self aware narcissists, but that doesn't mean they have any desire to change. if you told a psychologist the stuff you say here, he would obviously suspect heavy narc traits in you.

  138. "Gotta look good for others. Show them how wonderful you are. Narcissism."

    That's the whole emphasis of impression management.

  139. I will Caroline, but since you want me to do it for you, I am going to have to be lazy and insist you toss me a link to your results. Let's see how bad you want it lol. ;)

  140. Notice how David's moods are elevated when people recognize his "specialness"

    When faced with criticism he makes angry videos, acts impulsively and ultimately becomes depressed.

  141. "You also feel superior, but you need to bully to get that feeling. It's not my fault that you feel superior but can't act in such way."

    Nope. I bully people for fun or to get things done quickly. I don't feel like I've been put on this planet for some special purpose or as if I have noble blood running through my veins, I feel superior to other people because of the amount of them that I've overtaken and taken control over to get what I want out of life.

    "I can simply throw that back at you."

    No you can't because I'm not UKan, he's not me, TNP is TNP, Medusa is Medusa and so on so on so on. You actually don't know anything about me. Get a grip you lunatic, nobody cares about your crazy conspiricy theories. All you're doing is alienating the few people on this blog who still have(or had) the patience for you. Stop winging and sort your fucking head out tinkerbell.

  142. Oh yeah I am quite aware of impression management.

    I also think that a lot of people here confuse narcissism with npd. One can be narcissistic without being a narc. Stop listening to Vaknin. And he clearly is very narcissistic. I do not know what pd he has because I do not know him, but his narcissistic traits are pretty apparent here.

  143. Sure Sarah, no problem. I will put it on here. Thanks, alot. I will be back later to see what you said.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. I will do it later, Sarah. I can't find it and have to go out.

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  148. Thanks for the shameless self promotion, David. I checked out the Malkovic one where you drink and smoke. It was awesome beyond words. I havent laughed that loud at something on the internet since Mr Hands. I cackled like a fucking witch. Yes you are prettier than Malkovic. The bum on the corner near my house is too. Hell, UKan probably is too. It really doesnt take much.

    Now I know what to watch if I catch myself taking myself too seriously. Thank you. Awesome therapy. Laughter releases endorphins.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Drinking and smoking alone in a dark dank apartment with an expression on your face that makes me think you've just been diagnosed with a bad case of the clap. Nah you look like a happy guy. ~

    Are you prettier than Malkovic? Well it's not really fair for me to say at this point. Have you got any pictures from before your accident?

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. When did you post that Malkovich video? Was it actually just to respond to what I said to you yesterday?

  153. What the fuck is wrong with that davidsocio freak? I'm gonna beat your skinny ass up, we'll see how strong and important you really are.

  154. The video is dated 12/28 with late night time stamp. What did you say about Malkovic, Misanthrope.

  155. He used to have a picture of Matt Damon as Tom Ripley on his account even though he prefers the film with Malkovich. I made fun of him by saying that he may a well of just put up a picture of Malkovich because he's not even as attractive as him, and I guess he dedicated a little video to my comment.

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.


  157. I had personalized stamps made out of the profile picture I'm using now. Not very humble I guess.

    Fucking brilliant. You can't get any better than this when it comes to comedy. You are fucking ridiculously pathetic david. The more I hear of your life the lower you go in my eyes. I thought you couldn't stoop any lower, but everyday is a new day when it comes to your self inflicted humiliation.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. You talk about her like she is an interesting puzzle or specimen under a microscope. This is curiosity and something else. That you can talk to her where others would avoid her is not empathy unless you also do it 'because you feel bad for her, can /feel/ how lonely she must be', some kind of emotional connection to what she must feel when others shun her.

    It's both. I think I identify with her because I didn't like feeling like an outcast when I was a child. We don't have a lot in commom other than that but I think that must be what goes on with me.

    And I do take pride in the fact that she doesn't piss me off like she pisses others off. (This feels like my dirty secret, but she doesn't know this and I don't show it off to others, at least I don't think I do.) But yeah, maybe my narcissistic side likes that she favors me. - I pay attention to her in a way others don't. I'm certainly not delusional about the reason she likes me, though. I don't feel speshul. But I do feel sort of honored and maybe charmed.

    She has never asked me to socialize . She isn't needy. If she was needy I might not be sooo inclined to engage her because I'd feel like she'd want more from me. i have nothing to lose by being friendly.

    Two things are going on. Or maybe three.

    I think I might even admire her or something. Like wow look at her she has no qualms about being a complete wacko in public, and I have to hide my shit and be all anxious and secretive.

    If she was simply a normal asshole without an excuse I might shun her in my head and I doubt I'd engage her unless there was a carrot.


  160. UKan is destroying people on the forum.

    The forum is like the good old days when I first came here. Nobody was ready. It's a fucking massacre. They are all settled in and have put everything out there. Just click a name and it gives you their entire comment history. It's like shooting monkey in a barrel in there.

  161. In my humble opinion most people are like sheep. They have a deep need to conform, to "fit in".

    Funny how most people think that most people are sheep. Especially everyone under 40.

    Sarah is correct about the narcness of the poster. When someone says they are 'very sensitive' or something like it, it usually means they are very sensitive to themselves.

    The ex-junkie ex would be all like, "I have a limited range of emotions but I have a lot of empathy." I wonder if he actually believed it or not, because it made no sense. If he did believe it, he has mistaken his empathy and sensitivity for himself for empathy for others.

    Sociopaths are usually far more intelligent than non sociopaths.. Is this true?

    It's a big brush to paint with, but I think that any pathology that involves a certain detachment. alienation, or isolation (ASPD, SPD, NPD, Disaccosiative Disorder, Major Depression, etc.) has a higher chance in resulting in or is caused by a higher intelligence of an intellectual/cognitive sort. It's easier to see the forest for the trees. Emotional intelligence (as defined by the majority) is generally sacrificed, though.

    Also, the sorts of people who are interested enough to ask questions about themselves and others and end up on a site like this are generally going to be more intelligent, so I wouldn't use the examples here as a proper sample of sociopaths as a whole.

    I guess I ask b/c I know a socio that is everything you described, but has no desire to involve himself with people in any way.

    Are you sure he's not schizoid?

    Pick out a very small part of one of their statements, give it a slightly little twisted turn (not too obvious), rephrase it, and then use it so it looks bigger and descredits them.

    TNP is the master of doing this poorly.

  162. The poster of this blog, who claims to be a "super empath" is NOT a super empath. This sounds like a person suffering from prolonged depression. Super empaths are highly intuitive and ENJOY a full spectrum of emotions, specifically "love" and "joy".

    Furthermore, a "super empath" would be the last of the personality traits to praise a sector of the population which openly thrives on creating determent for others.

    Does the poster of this blog understand what a sociopath is and does? Have you ever watched a sociopath loose their temper? This is not "annoyance" is HATE, ENVY and ANGER, and these ARE emotions.

    Read on this board: they often claim candidly that they ruin their "pets/toys/tools" when they are done. As an empathy, who would envy this trait?

    TO THE POSTER OF THIS BLOG: Please get help for your depression and learn to appreciate what you have. You are going to turn into a bitter, old and lonely person if you continue down this path.

    PS: There are MANY traits that I admire in the sociopaths I know. However, history has proven that left to their own devices, they will eventually implode - UNLESS they learn to ultimately tame their impulses and reign in their self serving whims.

  163. Haven: December 30, 2011 8:07 AM

    EXACTLY, right on.


  164. Medusa, didn't you say your ex junkie was a socio? I would be careful to diagnose anyone struggling with addiction, considering a whole lot of them act without empathy. Addicts usually do lots of internalizing, so they have to numb those tormenting voices somehow. A sociopath will abuse someone else, not themselves, due to externalization of bad emotions. They dump on people, if you will.

  165. Can M.E close the forum? He should do it so they will have no choice, but to come to the comment section.

  166. Anon, he's either a socio or a narc.

    10 years completely clean, so it's not the drugs that made him problematic. If anything it was the other way around for the most part.

  167. David has something called pseudonarcissism. It looks like a narcissism on the surface, but when you go deeper down you find another pd there because the underlying motivation for the behavior is different. And sorry David, but it's not sociopathy either.

  168. That's it, I have made my decision about the grl in my exercise class. She is a joyful person even though she is not likable to the rest. I enjoy her joy and we smile at each other. It feels good to us both and it is just that simple. This analyzing everything down to the nub is insane. you sw for allowing me this opportunity to feel normal about something.

  169. *thank you sw for...

  170. Most junkies are genuinely good people inside, these people are just unfortunate. They have unresolved issues. I've never taken a drug in my life, or smoked and i don't have a pessimistic attitude like most junkies. Yet I would be far more ruthless than any junkie i know.

  171. Most junkies are genuinely good people inside, these people are just unfortunate.

    By that logic, everyone is 'good people inside' and sociopaths are just 'unfortunate'.

    People are what they are, right now, on drugs or not. Fuck what they are 'inside'. That only matters to themselves.

    To think otherwise is to set yourself up as a victim or a martyr.

  172. You're new around here, aren't you.

  173. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:11 PM

    many of ya people need to realize that ya dont need to be a fucking sociopath to enjoy ur fucking life just figure out what works for ya and just live ur life be who ya are enjoy it while it lasts it will end soon enough and then ya will never ever exist again no 2nd chances

  174. that's what I've been thnkin for a looong time mmp. You're a very good little puppy. Can I have you? Are you soft and cuddly or wiry and smelly? Do you have a flat face and slobber and give wet kisses? Are ye the rare bald dog?

  175. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:24 PM

    I'll curl at your feet and lick and lick. I have the attention deformity.

  176. That's nice. My feet really stink hehe.

  177. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:27 PM

    It's cool I got the foot fetish deformity.

  178. Paranoid |||||||||||| 50% 49%
    Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 53%
    Schizotypal |||||||||||| 50% 53%
    Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 47%
    Borderline |||||||||||||| 58% 47%
    Histrionic |||||| 26% 43%
    Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 62% 41%
    Avoidant |||||||||| 34% 39%
    Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 74% 37%
    Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 40%

    For Sarah
    I took it again because I could not find it. It was a little different.

  179. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    very good fake michael ya talk the talk but ya need to work on the ortography haha

  180. @Mike That Mike did not seem like you

  181. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:46 PM

    ortography snortography. is ya from the new england parts, the real Michael Martin?

  182. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:48 PM

    No ya dope from Ireland

  183. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:51 PM

    still not correct haha caroline knows me i write beautifully not crappy like fake michael

  184. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    which fake michael are ye talkin bout

  185. Anyone have any cool online tests ? Like PD test and such ?

    I'm bored.....

  186. show me yere writin, lass.

  187. of course i can just change my name whenever i want every 1 will know who i am but ya will always just be the crappy michael who cant write

  188. @TCO

  189. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 30, 2011 at 5:03 PM

    If I write so good people might think me not daft an i is i is daft daft as ken be with my disorders an such pity me


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