
Monday, November 7, 2011

Quote: Self control

Better to be patient than powerful;
better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

Proverbs 16:32


  1. Better but more difficult to be patient than powerful, ask all the powerful.

    Better but more difficult to have self-control than to conquer a city, ask all the conquerors.

  2. Eden, I now understand better having just read the following that you have indeed lost a significant part of your ability to fear. But, then you could work on self-control (I know it's hard), What is the reward for you to put your picture up here. With all that you've been saying about yourself a psycho could really enjoy choking someone like you. It is almost like you're putting a challenge out there. Get a grip.

    Eden Ralene said...
    You have a crying fetish, or are you planning on choking me?
    November 6, 2011 5:29 PM

  3. Just saw the following, gross. Including here for those who may in the future read only this posting and its comments. They can go back to November 6 2011 posting to see the rest of the lovely~ interaction.

    Alex said...
    Fetish, I guess I do when I look at those eyes.
    You look like your a very bad girl and need some lessons.

    Choke? Baby if you need it.

    But I bet you have a great little tight ass thats just begging for some discipline.
    November 6, 2011 5:35 PM

  4. I have to wonder why ME posted this.

    Thought maybe he wanted a heated debate.

  5. Sceli: What's your damage? You rarely make much sense.

    And regarding the topic, schizophrenia much? Since when would a sociopath prefer patience over power?

    You can't be a sociopath and everything else at the same time.

  6. I am baffled. Another opportunity below for self-control.

    Look at the vicious attack by Eden, and see how submissive Sweet plays just not to lose her. If this is the way sweet is dealing with his husband he sure must be increasing the tempo due to his disgust of weakness. Sweet, you gotta toughen up in assertive ways, not passive aggressive behind the scenes into the bars and SW way.

    If Eden's words came from someone in your world you could simply say
    "I don't like the tone of your words, calm yourself."
    in a firm tone with a stern look and keep doing what you were doing and let the attack hang on thin air.

    Eden Ralene said...
    Not looking out for you Sweet. Just surprises me a bit. I've no need to convince you of anything. Some people are satisfied with whatever bone is thrown their way. Even if it's a plastic one.
    November 6, 2011 8:48 PM

    Sweetcheeks said...

    Of course I was kidding when I said me and Frank went through a lot together. Who doesn't like compliments though? It's not about accepting plastic bones or being satisfied with them. I am just saying I enjoy the compliments.
    November 6, 2011 9:15 PM

  7. Dusa, I never said I am a sociopath. Stay curious, it's good for you.

  8. Interesting thought, today. Power is not always the Ferrari going from 10-100. Power may come in other forms; quieter forms.

  9. Sceli only the first line was directed towards you. Read more carefully, please.

  10. When would a sociopath prefer patience over power, asks Dusa.

    In cases when patience would bring more power, says I (knowing well socio or not, most people can't easily pull that off).

  11. Seems like fixing that misunderstanding would not change my response to you, Dusa. Stay curious.

    Ok, ok, I'll add one more thing now that I understand you better. Stay curious and exercis patience. I love you so.

  12. Dusa, you'd look good as an Arabic woman, covering the hair becomes you (looking at your picture). Would be a real shocker to a man when he first sees the hair, though. lmao...

  13. Seems like fixing that misunderstanding would not change my response to you, Dusa.

    Well, uh, yeah it would because there'd be no reason for you to state you aren't a sociopath.

    In cases when patience would bring more power

    If that's the case then you are still valuing power over patience and miss the whole point.

    Would be a real shocker to a man when he first sees the hair, though.

    Yep, that's my little secret.

  14. showing a little bit of aspie there, so cute. your logic misses the timing component that comes with patience, but pretty good in general, proud of you.

    does the carpet match the drapes, Dusa?

  15. There's a line between keeping yourself out of harms way and outright defying your nature. When you cross that line too much, you pay for it dearly.

    When it comes to bible scripture, there is a lot of hyperbole, melodrama and metaphor. The psychology behind it is incredibly simple and effective. Understanding intent and context is key.

  16. Timing component? Wow, you are really quite good at making stuff up that has nothing to do with anything, in some attempt, I guess, to feel important, confident, omniscient? Like you exist?

    How is it that you are arrogant enough to think your comments are important enough for posterity, as you have stated at 4:33? Why would you think anyone besides you gives a shit about whatever made up specious stuff you are saying about Eden and Sweetcheeks? Why do you even give a shit, anyway?

    Your phoniness is really transparent. You are like some glib wannabe.

    Not quite sure what it is you actually are wanting to be, nor do I think even you even know.

    But it's so cute! Right?

  17. Sceli I was bored last night and I find Eden mischievious.
    She doesn't need to be warned about online play.
    Eden didn't seem to be into it anyway.
    But she still has amazing eyes.

  18. Medusa is jealous that Alex wants Eden and Frank, even though he is an boob, wants sweetcheeks.

  19. A person that notices one person's bad logic/strawmen/pick and choose argument techniques/weak intellect = that person must be an aspie!

    Good to know.

    Classic narc/abuser technique, as well. "Because I fail, you must be the one with the problem!"

    Anon 5:43 yeah you got me I'm jealous, I'm the Flirting Queen here, I love imaginary internet romances and cybertextsexting, especially here, everyone knows that.

  20. UKan Bundelle said...

    Is that the model you were designing last night?

    October 26, 2011 1:23 PM

    The image of said model is called "ingridsiliakus1".

    Meet 'Missus Kanney'.

    And sure: this isn't what I'd call "Conclusive evidence", but I'm willing to (at least) bet a fiver that this is Mrs. UKan.

  21. Ingrid is Dutch and is 56 years old.

    Quite a stretch, dude...

  22. Dusa, you must be bored. Chill. Why so bothered my posts, especially when they are not addressed to you?

    In need of attention much, Dusa? Anyway, tell us about the carpet if you want more attention. Is it curly? Is it popping out of your bikinis, or puffing up your bikinis to a point you look like you may have a dick in there?


  24. I have no problem being patient when I'm set on conquering.
    Just part of the process to gain what I want. The longer it takes to get it the more powerful I am, and the more satisfaction I get from it.


    If the father displayed below-average mental health or depression symptoms, a child's odds of having similar problems increased by 33% and 70%, respectively. The child's odds increased even more -- by as much as 200% -- if the mother had mental-health problems instead.

  26. True. I'm only really this confident about it because the conclusion was drawn so quickly (reference to previous post).

  27. Wheatley, that picture looks like white trash in a home on a Florida lake. Like someone who would steal a basket of food from a grocery store and celebrate this big success over some carton wine.

  28. Enough fun foe today. Please don't hate me because I couldn't stay longer.

  29. @Wheatley
    How do you know this is Ukan's wife?

  30. I doubt anyone can obtain true power without the practice of some patience.

    Or conquer a city without self-control. I'm not talking like medieval viking raids where they're pillaging and plundering tiny villages all willy nilly. If you want to conquer something important you need discipline to achieve that kind of goal.

    And now that I'm seeing this is from Proverbs it explains why it's such a one sided, poorly concluded statement. Ugh. Fuck the bible.

    The bible (esp New Testament) is like bug spray for the morally ambiguous. Sure it smells mildly annoying and makes your skin itch, but when you're wading through the jungles of the amazon, swarmmed with mosquitos, you're still probably going to get eaten by a giant cat.

  31. david may i book you for an hour

  32. Sociopaths tend to gain lots of power in a small space of time, but then blow it all just as quickly. A sociopath can't work their way up a ladder like everyone else. They DEMAND to be placed in high positions because they feel they are special.

  33. @Jeffrey
    Would it be more convenient for you if I first took a laxative before you kill and then rape me?

  34. David, let's say you had have met Jeff at a club. Do you think you would have fell for his charm?

  35. Speaking of self control: Sceli, I see that once again; you come on making some weak remark about the day's post, only to lead into your grand observations of me.
    Perhaps you should practice a little self control yourself, and find a new obsession. Let me help you...

    Who here, would like to be Sceli's new obsession? Anyone?

  36. dahmer only killed blacks. he was a racist.

  37. eden change your fucking pic. you look like a slut.

  38. seceli cares for you eden. open up your eyes.

  39. yes, change that fucking vulnerable crying face broken slut picture.

  40. @anon
    Meeting people at clubs and taking them home is something I've almost never done after the age of 20. It consumes too much time and the whole romantic play doesn't interest me. I almost never visit gay clubs.

    Looking at some of his pictures (without the facial hair) it's not impossible, I'm not into blond guys but he's not bad looking.

  41. am i more of your type david?

  42. gay clubs are great even for straight guys like me. those faggots know how to have a good time.

  43. If it bother's you Anonymous 7:12, thats the best reson to leave it.

  44. Eden you can not touch Sceli in anything that counts. Stfu

  45. Ted you psychopathic douche. I hate you.

  46. "Eden you can not touch Sceli in anything that counts. Stfu"

    On the contrary Anon. Just by being myself, I touch Sceli where it counts, or she wouldn't have so much to say about me all the time.

  47. I always like hearing your opinion Sceli~

  48. Oh look. Everyone's favourite gunsel is back from pretending he was scamming people soo hard, he couldn't even spend five minutes on the internet. How quaint.

    Obviously, I don't 'know' anything. I just drew some conclusion based on, well, almost nothing. It'd be fun if it were true, though.

    Best way to mask the smell of cigarettes, anyone?

  49. Febreeze, Wheatley. That shit works wonders.

  50. Eden, you annoy people. That is why they have something to say to you. It is not jealousy or interest, just annoyance.

  51. "Oh look. Everyone's favourite gunsel is back from pretending he was scamming people soo hard"


  52. Who said anything about jealousy, Anon? You must understand something about Sceli that I don't.

  53. Can I be your new obsession, Eden? You never did play with me like you said you would...

  54. I don't remember saying I would play with anyone. I'm getting old and senile.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Fuck off wheatley, do you really think I care about a teen who has to mask the cigarette smell for her parents.

  57. why are sociopath blogs a magnet for angst filled teenagers?

  58. Wheatley is the only teen, as far as I can see.

  59. Sweetcheeks, sorry I missed your comment last night to MK but I enjoyed it.

    To much ass kissing to someone who makes it up as they go and presents it as absolute truth. Does she really believe her own shit?

    No subtlety to that one, sounds just like her husband.

    I was thinking she sounds just like Dusa with a Ukan layout.


  61. NINKILLER666, then turn on a light.

  62. george bush is a cunt all mass murderers are god

  63. fuck religion. god is a lie.

  64. Everyone is snarky today. Weekend hangover maybe?

  65. Dusa is the name Alex started for Medusa-- sounds like short for a douche bag

  66. Lol, do you even know what 'gunsel' means? And you obviously care enough to let me know you don't. *facepalm*

  67. i can't relate to narcissistic people. i puke when i see a gq magazine

  68. haven can i be your friend. i hate all humans but love animals. animals don't victimize me.

  69. Gee NIN, you sound like just the kind of person I was hoping to attract and befriend here ::eyeroll::

  70. I wouldn't take my beeper rants to seriously Alex, most are purely for entertainment value and nothing more.

  71. we are the 99% you can no stop us

  72. @Haven

    Hey Doll. I had a great weekend... no hangover today. I only drank on Friday night. Today's actually pretty mellow. It's been raining since late last night, and I'm really enjoying it; along with the cool air its brought in with it.

    How was your weekend?


    How long have you been coming to SW? To make such observations of people who frequent here, I'd think you've been around here for some time now.

  73. Medusa is a douche bag. Perfect name, Alex.

  74. my dad wants me to watch football with him. i hate football and religious people. i'd rather listen to radiohead

  75. i am a socio. i am genuinely loyal to people who don't victimize me, but i have no empathy for bullies.

  76. Sweetcheeks, I didn't actually attack you. I was stating facts. You need attention so bad you'll take it from anyone... literally anyone. Because you don't have the self esteem to go out and ear your own sense of self worth so you don't need to hear good things from people who don't know anything about you. The compliments you get from people who know nothing about you shouldn't even feel good. They should immediately raise red flags as to their motives, and your issues. Do you think the compliments frank can give you can really be genuine? Why do they have any value at all to you?can he really be right about who you are? Do you think that your value of those compliments is healthy? Don't you want them from someone like your husband, who when he says them you know he means them. You're afraid of anyone knowing you well enough to give you genuine compliments, because you know youdont do anything to earn them, so you take the fake ones.

  77. Miss K, I am frankly blown away where you get off attacking someone like you did just now? Is there and " I am God" sign on your chest? If you aspire to be a therapist, are you trying to practice your technique, or something?

  78. Sceli, your condescension is laughable. You did say you were a sociopath, even if you don't remember, but you are just a narcissist, as we've all established without your medusa just doesn't like you, I'm sure. That doesn't mean she's wrong.

  79. Lol!
    I'm going to go ahead and let you think im that old and ugly. I think it must be gratifying for you to imagine me that way, and I like having the distractions.

  80. Missus K, I don't care about your opinion or whether or not you were attacking me. I suffer from I don't give a shit syndrome.

  81. i have a black hoodie with an upside down crucifix on it. i roll up the sleeves so people can see my sleeve tatts. their fuckn badass.

  82. It's a shame that Medusa gets a lot of criticism out of the whole bunch...She was the only one that showed genuine empathy to Erin, it seems. Not that it's anyone's job to hold Erins hand. I don't get why Medusa gets it out of everyone.

  83. as i said in that "attack" that wasnt actually an attack. Those are facts. My husband attacks. She got defensive and wrote me at least 3 comments to my one on her need for compliments. If she can't see that's what her issue is, someone should tell her so she can start actually leaving her comfortable devaluing relationship. She's probably been saying that to herself for years to make her able to put up with more of his abusiveness.
    Wouldn't you say, sweet Caroline?

  84. @NIN


  85. That's because you're too afraid to care enough to make something more for yourself. When you start to care, maybe you'll get somewhere...
    And you do care.

  86. Since we are quoting last night

    I don't listen to your advice, because I don't want to be married to a sociopath

    Sweetcheeks, I'm hurt. ~
    Instead you would rather marry a narcissist and have a family with him right? Sounds like you chose a grand path to walk.

    You should listen to Missus because the fact you married the type of person you did shows that the type you do prefer is going to fall in the realm of sociopaths or narcissists. The fact that you soke up compliments from obvious losers like Frank (Who I don't even think is a man let alone a real person at all) shows that you have a very low self esteem. The fact that you have a very low self esteem shows why you are in the marraige you are in now and also why you can't leave. It also shows how you can't see when other's are obviously fucking with you, like Eden when she denegrates you in front of everyone. You like to be humiliated, which show's why you are with the husband you have today.

  87. Regarding the post, I think its facetious... or perhaps an insight into empathic response and control tactics as seen in the bible.
    I do find it to be a convenient proverb for anyone really willing to turn their back to society, seeing as it encourages followers to be incapable of challenging leadership, and to be undesiring of challenging leadership.
    So say you're a sociopath in the catholic church, I find that to be an invaluable proverb.

  88. i got some marilyn manson lyrics incorporated into my sleeve piece. he really helped me out of my struggle with addiction.


  89. I don't get why Medusa gets it out of everyone.

    Medusa, Eden, and my wife get it all the time because they are confidant women. A lot of women have very low self esteem and don't like women who are confidant. Especially damaged ones that are over emotional.

  90. It's called pot stirring Missus K and it is funny to me. I compartmentalize like a motherfucker and that whole conversation has been dead and buried in my head. Just being honest...don't waste your time trying to analyze it.

  91. That's also why Eden Medusa and I get along. I think we respect each other. And I can say I like both Eden and Medusa. And it amuses me how many people hate us.


  92. @Alex

    How long have you been coming to SW? To make such observations of people who frequent here, I'd think you've been around here for some time now.

    Sceli has been here a little over half a year.

    By the way Sceli you did claim you were a sociopath when you first came here. Zwaq (out of all people) shot you down because you said you had panic attacks in confrontations with people at work. He said you were too much of a coward to be one, and I tend to agree. Adversity makes you stronger. Maybe your father shouldn't have spared the rod when it came to you.

  93. How many of you degenerates have tattoos?

  94. That makes sense, thank you. I have noticed the women get it more. As a woman, i'm dissapointed that the other women try to break the other confident women down. I've also noticed the general sleaziness off the male trolls. If they are male that is...

  95. I'm not analyzing, believe me. You're easy. I didnt even read all your comments. And I bet it helps to "compartmentalize" or in other words, suppress how you actually feel and be comfortable in your complacency. That's why you get walked on and why you get no respect. You're too afraid to stand up to anyone with merit. And you sell it to yourself like it's a trait you can value. Would you say your happy, sweet? Do you enjoy you blase existance in content? If you don't like it, you have to see what you're doing to make it. If you're OK with being content for the rest of your life, and looking back in your age with regret for your inability to self actualize, then by all means, continue not caring about what I say... but know that it's only truth.


  96. Miss K, I am frankly blown away where you get off attacking someone like you did just now? Is there and " I am God" sign on your chest? If you aspire to be a therapist, are you trying to practice your technique, or something?

    In real life some people say she is missing a filter between her brain and her mouth. I find her honesty refreshing.

  97. "i got some marilyn manson lyrics incorporated into my sleeve piece. he really helped me out of my struggle with addiction."



  98. How many of you degenerates have tattoos?

    I do. Why?

  99. I am starting to feel special with all this attention Missus. Like I said, save your breath.

  100. Why the hell would you get a tattoo?

  101. Miss K, you do have some really good things to say. I, personally, have taken some of your words to heart and tried to apply them in my life and have done so, with some success. However, you never reveal anything of yourself, yet want to be free to tell others all about their most intimate selves. Something feels wrong about that.


  102. Why the hell would you get a tattoo?

    It closes the chapters. Eventually it will be a biography.

  103. Tattoos are trashy UKan. Get them off!

  104. Taragail is Wheatley

  105. So is not being able to spell corporate when you are playing the role of a professional.

  106. Caroline, can you rephrase that second to last sentence?

  107. I am on medication which makes me incoherent, sometimes. I suffer from depression and my medication can make me act dopey. I would appreciate if people would stop accusing me of being other people.

  108. Not that much of an ace spy if you think i'm Wheatley, mate :P Nice try though.

  109. I thought you were considered to be learning disabled? Couldn't you just blame it on that?
    see sweet? He's retarded and depressed. Sounds like his compliments must mean something. I can see why youve decided to be the only one here to value him and see the good in him. You're so noble!

  110. Miss K, it is hard for me to open up to you OR see others do so, when you, personally, reveal nothing about yourself, in turn. It is an off balance situation and feels that way, to me.

  111. "A lot of women have very low self esteem and don't like women who are confidant. Especially damaged ones that are over emotional."

    So what's TNP's excuse? lol

  112. Wheatley's punctuation is exactly like Taragail :P


  113. Miss K, it is hard for me to open up to you OR see others do so, when you, personally, reveal nothing about yourself, in turn. It is an off balance situation and feels that way, to me.

    Welcome to sociopathworld.

  114. People open themselves up willingly. I don't want them to, they just do. I don't exactly have to try hard to get people on here to talk about themselves. People want to be known when they don't know themselves because it helps them to be given perspective from outsiders. I know, because I used to be very open... now I don't need to be. I have my husband who knows me, I know myself, and i am aspiring to meet my potential. I don't get the same gratification from sharing my intimate secrets on a blog that people searching do. Besides, people don't ask me too many questions. I answer the ones in sync with my motives for being here... which are not to be understood by people I consider unable to help me grow.

  115. I was born learning disabled and suffer from depression. Missus, does that make me worthless to a woman like you?

  116. You have a point, Ukan.

  117. I don't think that you are worthless. I think that you have no value HERE. There's a difference. I'm sure you probably have a job...
    Well, maybe not, if you're depressed.
    Either way, i assume you have value elsewhere.


  118. I was born learning disabled and suffer from depression. Missus, does that make me worthless to a woman like you?

    They should lock him in a boiler room and steal his disability checks like that cunt in the states Linda Weston.

  119. A depressed learning-disabled sociopath? How very quaint. Didn't you say it was the medicines that made you incoherent? Like, literary minutes ago? Tch.

  120. Sweet Cheeks thinks I have value to say Hello to her, every day. Why do you have to try to take that away and make it ugly? It makes me happy that I can make someone smile. Why do you have to make her feel she is stupid because she likes me?

  121. frank was created by sweetcheeks.

  122. Your are fake frank and your character is flat.


  123. frank was created by sweetcheeks.

    I don't know about that.

    However that reminds me, what was with all those characters you created before sweetcheeks? I never understood your point or your explanation for it.

  124. Ukan is going to attack me because I am not smart like he is. I got by with my fists, not my brain. I had to fight for everything. I got respect with my fists. Now, I have no more fight in me. This depression has me so that I don't care about fighting I just want it to go away.

  125. @10:54 Taragail

    I'm flattered that you're going to all the trouble of posing as me..or Wheatley...I forget :P

  126. Keep feasting on the dead horse. It's funny to me.

    I am sorry to say that my self worth does not hinge on this blog, thus allowing me to have a little fun here. No, I am not gripped in fear of what everyone thinks of me. I enjoy the back and forth banter and the posts and Franks little hellos.

    I don't know why that seems to bother you so much.

  127. Does it seem to bother me? I'm unphased. You're the delusional one.
    Today's word of the day is Canny.

  128. Now if you excuse me, I have to go watch Nyan Cat and and cackle uncontrollably while hugging my stuffed animal.

  129. I wasn't attacking you sweetcheaks I was being honest and also asking you a question which you seemed to dodge. I thougt it was weird that you came out and said you were these people and deleted your account and camd back with no explanation .

  130. Sweet said she liked to try on different characters. So, what? Are you trying to make something of it, Ukan?

  131. socios and their equally socio wives... sorry, keep te mask, otherwise no one will ever love or like you, but more importantly will get so much pleasure from kicking your ass the minute they get a chance.


  132. I deleted my account in an attempt to cut myself off of this never ending, chaotic, fighting, fuck fest but what can I say- I am addicted to the drama.

  133. what a team, missus/eden/dusa... ukiriku and the team should fuck till the kookiriku came out....


  134. missus/eden/dusa...and ukiriku...should fuck


  135. Ms., to answer your question from yesterday it was a social event that is aiding in it being a source of income.

    To the "anons" discussing dominance, no shit it isn't always about dominance. It is for me if I want to succeed in this "career" choice. Dominance literally entails what this new deal is about.

    As for degenerates with a tattoo, I guess I am one of those. It was an subconscious narcissistic statement to my habits.

    To add to the topic ( I skimmed), nothing is wrong with confident women, in fact I think we need more. It is very annoying to deal with over dramatic bitches who whine over stupid topics that have little significance enough for it to cause such a fuss. I happen to value what all three have to say, even when it is annoying as shit. They are just "being themselves" and it portrays nothing but a strong sense of self. We all have issues, but they manage to not let their issues turn them into cesspools of misery and depression. If they are that way, thank you for not sharing it.

  136. I thought the timing was convenient, sweetcheeks.

  137. sweet, I told you you care. You can't help being here because you know you need to hear what we have to say. Its only harsh because its honest. So it goes.
    You crave the torture. That's what masochism is. Seeking out pain because you need the adversity and you know it.

  138. " Seeking out pain because you need the adversity and you know it."

    You seem to be doing this by having a relationship with a sociopath. What is the difference between Sweet and you, in this. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing it, but you are, too, is my point.

  139. Missus, you can think whatever you want to think.

    I already admitted I am a chaos and adrenaline junkie and when I get bored, I stir it up. Need I say anything more?

  140. Missus, do you and ukiriku take women into your bed? men? i know a guy who'd love to do ukiriku in the butt. his name is david.

  141. c'mon missus, tell your people if you stick it to ukiriku, how much and how long

  142. are you doing it now? better than showcasing on SW, isn't it? you gotta do this more often, your sexual frustration is making you very aggressive

  143. When have you ever stirred anythig up here? Your characters were so forgettable I don't even remeber their names.

  144. You two make me cry inside. I am so broken I don't know what to do~

    Now, apparently both of your egos are in need of major massaging, so here is my advice:

    Get off the blog and go fuck. Surely, it would be more entertaining than fucking with an insignificant and forgettable person like myself, right?

  145. We have a pretty active sex life sweetcheeks. Unlike your marriage ours isn't dead. Fuckig insignificant people should be familiar to you. After all, when was the last time you fucked your husband?

  146. I'm not in pain. My husband gives me more love than I can handle. I don't look for pain anymore. As i said, people seek to be known so they can tell them who they are. I know who I am now.

  147. That's wonderful for the both of you.

    Are we done now?

  148. ukiriku, easy on an easy target, but seriously, do you realize how pathetic it is that you ad your wife spend your time on this garbage ditch? no life out there for you guys?

    pathetic low lives, you'll become my book characters.

  149. Do you wonder how pathetic it is that you read my words everyday and the thoughts of others in something you describe as a garbage dump? Food for thought but I think you are the one who needs to worry about getting a life.

  150. Nice deflection, numbskull...

  151. I'm going to learn how to make bread pudding.

  152. Mmmm. I love Bread pudding! Send me a recipe.
    I heard it's good with coconut milk, and I always love lots of cinnamon!

  153. Sweetcheeks stands for: inferiority complex, feelings of emptiness and loneliness due to unhappy and regretful life.
    I figured this reading only the last few comments here but now i am interested, what's her (assuming its a female) story?

  154. These 3 monsters had a history of bullying and picking on people younger and smaller than them. They were cowards who felt powerful by hurting people who couldn’t fight back. Jason aspired to torture and kill a bum. Jessie beat up a girl younger than him. Damien was, and still is, an extremely dangerous and disturbed person who was just born evil. He is textbook serial killer. Torturing animals, starting fires, aspiring to shock people by harming others. West Memphis Bogeyman indeed.

    When they got to prison and realized that no one was scared of them and people bigger and stronger than them were not impressed, they wanted out. Obviously.

    Only then did Damien Echols realize that his work that he was so proud of (blowing kisses to the murdered childrens’ parents, showing off HIS child and gloating and sneering at the parents whose children were gone) was not going to get him out of prison. That’s when the poor misunderstood and persecuted Damien emerged. He is a manipulator of the worst kind. The worst kind meaning it worked. People fell for it. I fell for it for years. He is still manipulating people even after he was freed. It’s not good enough for him to lay low and quietly enjoy his freedom. He has to show off and rub it in peoples faces that it worked. Partying it up with rock stars and posting pictures on Facebook? He was born evil. He doesn’t have an evil side, he has an evil whole.

    As for the other 2, maybe they feel remorse or regret, I really don’t know. I believe Jessie does but who gives a damn anyway. His feelings of regret won’t bring those children back.

  155. Can you make me break pudding Missus?

  156. I like mine to have bourbon in the sauce. I'll try a few recipes and see which one suites me most.

  157. echols autobiography --

    states his disgust at obese people.

    damien comes off like he thinks he is way smarter than everyone else.

    damien's tone is unquestionably hateful and vitriolic to anyone in an authoritative role.

    he likes to point out how all the cops are fat and have 70s gay porn moustaches over and over.

    he accuses his parents of being "white trash" and makes it clear that if you are not one of the celebrity friends that he has made since his conviction, then you are some sort of low life.

    has a distinct narcissistic overtone.

  158. Damien Echols killed a Black Great Dane. The dog was already sick and he hit the dog in the back of the head. He pulled the intestines out of the dog and started stomping the dog until blood came out of his mouth. He was going to come back later with battery acid so that he could burn the hair and skin off of the dog's head. He had two cat skulls, a dog skull and a rat skull that I already knew about. He kept these skulls in his bedroom at Jack Echols house in Lakeshore. He was trying to make the eyeballs of the dog he killed pop out when he was stomping. Damien had a camoflouge survival knife to cut the guts out of the dog with.

  159. You got to start somewhere.

  160. Who thinks he is guilty?

  161. Miss K, your marriage seems like it has made you mature in ways that I need to emulate. You seemed to have gotten a harder shell. I have been too giving, if you can say that. We, nurses, can be like that. Nursing attracts "selfless" people, but it is not selfless in a good way. It is in a weak way, really.
    It is trying to be good enough to be OK. That is not good because you never seem to get good enough to be OK. You just keep giving until you burn out.

  162. fucking idiots.Look at me, I am so cool I dont have any feelings towards others.Its cool to be a sociopath blah blah blah. I'd kill all of you if I could.

  163. Sure you would anon. With all those hurt feelings, I'm sure you'd make quite the assassin.


  164. I'd kill all of you if I could.

    You can't so stop crying about it and stop crying about those fucking kids. Nobody cares. Damien Nichols was just some goth trying to get attention. He got the wrong kind of attention. He didn't have the balls to kill a kid let alone three of them. He's was just another stupid teenager who burns candles and chants nonsense to be dramatic. The small town chumps he lived among went hysterical and spread rumors about him. I haven't seen one gothic kid that actually did anything they go on about. They are just a bunch of loner wierdo losers with no balls.

  165. Hi there Eden! ::Kisses:: Glad your weekend was a good one. What kind of trouble did you get up to? My weekend was pretty fab. I had a dinner party that I was cooking for. Had like a bottle and a half of wine. All in all a good night haha.

  166. beepers gonna beep

  167. killin kids bad mmkay?

  168. even if nichols is innocent they should still give him life.

  169. give haven the death penalty. she's slowly killing herself. why not put her out quickly?

  170. Miss K, your marriage seems like it has made you mature in ways that I need to emulate.

    How about starting with not hiding behind a plethora of personas and actually be yourself?

    Can't really get anywhere near where you want when you are ashamed of your own existence.

    Besides, I am convinced that your main goal is to get your sociopath back, and not actually mature in any real way.

    That's why you are practicing these games around here under various names.

    Testing to see if you could be a sociopath, too, in order to relate to him, to say to yourself and him "I'm just like you, see?"

  171. true sociopaths are very rare.

  172. true sociopaths are sick fucks.

  173. hare says one in a hundred. i say one in a million.

  174. why dos socios be paranoid of everything?

  175. why does socios think everyone is a different person?

  176. erin is everywhere

  177. Erin is behind every bush. Where is Waldo has been replaced by Where is Erin?


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