
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mass manipulation (part 3)

From Vice Magazine, Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu about the trade off between having power and giving up power to a "trusted" entity, and how many (most?) would rather give up power than have the responsibility that comes with that power.

It would be foolish to assume that anything is unbiased, that anyone can operate without some conflict of interest. The problem now, as our tools become ever more essential to everyday life, ever more pervasive, and ever more complex, is being able to even detect those biases.

But here’s another conundrum to punch into your question-answering sites: do we even care about this? As long as we’re able to make our cheap phone calls, send our free emails, watch our free videos, and get our free content, why should we bother? Why regulate for “network neutrality” if the system works fine the way it is?

The question is hard to answer because we don’t have a way of calculating how much “free” really costs. And, as Wu argues, as much as we like to talk about freedom, we also really like other things like convenience, speed, and comfort. Our technologies and the companies that make them are really good at providing the latter. It’s not so clear, he says, where the former fits in.


  1. This gook doesn't know shit. When he has the power I have, maybe then I'll listen to him, maybe.

  2. I was incoherent last night. Drink.

    Anyway, I have to add my two cents to this dog cat discussion. I have two cats (does that make me a cat lady?) FYI I would NOT get another cat. It really is like looking after kids. Too much responsibility since i live in an apartment and have to change their litter all the time. Ugh. Annoying.
    My roomie and I call the black one the Don. He never kneads with his paws like the other one, who's needy and affectionate as HELL. He's really just a baby, perhaps, overly-attached to me, but i don't mind. They are awesome, and cute, and fluffy and funny as hell.

    Dogs smell. Dogs poop and don't cover it up. Dogs don't clean themselves. Dogs bark in your face randomly and chase you and are tall enough to smell your crotch (which is just not right).

    I don't mind dogs, but, they strike me as too much work, you have to walk them everyday and i also have no interest in training them. My mother thinks I should train my cats to be better behaved. My answer? They're fucking cats. That's why I got them, cos I don't want to train something, I want them to be mischievous and cat-like. Why? COS CATS ARE AWESOME. :)

  3. Your pleasantries disgust me. They aren't appealing.

  4. I think notme is tnp.

  5. lolwat? wat u all on about? :P

  6. But here’s another conundrum to punch into your question-answering sites: do we even care about this? As long as we’re able to make our cheap phone calls, send our free emails, watch our free videos, and get our free content, why should we bother? Why regulate for “network neutrality” if the system works fine the way it is?

    Good questions. I’m not sure how much fight the West has left in it. It’s one thing to send volunteers over to distant lands to fight for abstract causes. It’s quite another to take up arms yourself and fight for your own independence. They say they care about freedom, but do they really? I doubt it. It’s more like bread and circuses and let them eat cake all over again. Which, I suppose, is business as usual really. As Tim Wu pointed out in the video, democracy is the outlier in human history. The species has spent far more time under one kind of monarchy or the other. As much as the West hates to admit this, it seems like humanity instinctively prefers domination over freedom. It’s easier that way for them.

  7. Frank said...
    This fucking place is going to be the death of me. I just got off my medication. I come here to relax, a little bit, and I see people imitating me.

    November 16, 2011 7:12 PM

  8. Missus Kanney said...
    Cats are dumb.
    And cat people are crazy. ..
    I love my cat she's awesome. I do not love cats.

    November 16, 2011 7:13 PM

  9. Missus Kanney said...

    My dog actually has a lot of class. .. walks around puddles more than my husband does.

    In a lot of ways he's more graceful than my husband.


    He'seven careful when he eats.

    November 16, 2011 7:56 PM

  10. A child reacting to talking about a sexually abusive father:

    "To give you brutal detail; that's fairly sacred to me. Can you understand that? I'm not just giving you a slice of fucking around pie."

    November 17, 2011 6:22 AM

  11. roses are black

    violets are too

    im color blind

    how bout you?

  12. @Funny Bit I am fucking dead serious, here.

  13. stop being a pussy frank and suck it the fuck up

  14. me liked edens daddy rap-y story - HOT

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    stop being a pussy frank and suck it the fuck up

    November 17, 2011 9:29 AM

    Have you ever had depression? I just went off my medicine. I am eating ice cream like crazy. I am putting on weight. This is not funny.

    Hi Gary
    Hi Harv

  16. maybe you and zhwaq can cry together over tubs of ice cream fat people are disgusting frank

  17. if my girlfriend got fat i would tie her to the side of the car and MAKE her run it off

  18. can be depressed when your exhausted from running


  19. my dad used to make my mom run next to the car HAHAHAHAH


  20. If my husband lost his wallet, I'd lock him out of the house and make him sleep with my smelly dog in the doghouse. Then I'd have the jailhouse workers come pick him up all smelly and have them make him shovel dog shit off the road, then at the end of the day have them shoot him up with heroin. For the big finish, I'd have him arrested for loitering outside my house like the stinky broke ass bum he is.

  21. Harv, i'm almost there, hun.

  22. My father is amazing! I loved watching him beat people senseless except it got old visting him in the jailz. He is stocky but he raged like nothing I have ever seen before! Trully a work of God himself. I am his gem, a perfect reflection of Him.

  23. I should know better than to ask for sympathy, here.

    Hello Beautiful Cheeks. I hope you are having a better day than Frank.
    Do you ever binge eat?

  24. Want some of my doughnuts, Frank?
    Hi Harv

  25. I see someone got you going last night, Frank. You have to let things run off your back. Talk to Gary. If he was as high strung as you, Frank, he would be dead ten times over, now.

  26. UKan is Frank. UKan has not been around. Where did he go? Fucking with everyone as Frank. Fuck you, Ukan.

  27. sure he would throw me around but he never paid any attention to my siblings CUZ i was special. it was my legacy to fufill! he told me that i was an angel from GOD himself!

  28. LMAO! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  29. Democracy was probably more of movement funded by rich merchants and ambitious nobles with no hope of social or political advancement. Make the Leader listen to its "people" or get rid of him. Democracy defies the natural order and is a breeding ground for corruption. When the weak and undeserving grab onto power through guile and trickery, what do you think the end result will be?

  30. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't bring someone who is weak home to him HE tears in to them CUZ he knows I can do better!

  31. am I doomed to looking for a female version of my father forever?

  32. always looking for the nowhere people because i am a nowhere person from a nowhere family


  33. i hate weakness but can't sumbit fully to those who are stronger


  34. who the fuck is groomed to seek out drug dealing conmen ME! ITS FUCKED!


  35. About the topic of power. I think that attaining one's personal power is a hallmark of personal development.

    Quite simply, it is a sign of maturity to own what you can. All you can own is your power; your choice of reaction.
    IOW, You can't change what others do to you, only what you do, back.

    Quite frankly, that is a LOT of power, if you will take it, but few do. Hence, I agree with the mans premise.

  36. I had one once, that was everything I could ask for. Dad loved her! But what did that bitch have to do? Went and got her head fucking blown off. WTF really !!!!


  37. Made it to the ripe old age of 23, DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER


  38. My depression is caused by my latent homosexuality, which I had neatly tucked away until my butt-buddies Harv and Gary caused it to resurface.

  39. HERE WE GO AGAIN. That is NOT Frank, as you know him.

  40. I AM DOOMED FRANK, FUCKING DOOMED to a life of getting off on fucking rape stories and watching people get abused.

    get over your shitty little depression issues

  41. no one cares where you stick your cock

  42. Frank 11 isn't the real Frank either; Frank 11,111 is the real Frank. But that homosexuality-thing is true.


  44. I give up. I am going for some double fudge to try to forget you assholes.

  45. when i was a little lass i would tell people that i would marry a rich old man and push him down the stairs

  46. RELAX, Frank. You are going to give yourself a coronary with all that anger combined with ice cream.

  47. Harv, you want a wife? LMFAO

  48. Protect Ip basically proves that the closest thing to a World-government we have are the RIAA and the MPAA. And also that someone who really likes acronyms works for the US government.

    But putting the apathy of the fat, Mickey Mouse-hat wearing, endless re-runs of Oprah and Dr. Phil-watching American masses aside; democracy shouldn't be taken seriously. It's not actually the people that are ruling. It's more like the people being a kind of safety-feature.


  50. @M.E.

    The video you posted in your last message opens automatically when opening the site. Very data consuming and problematic when using a mobile device.

  51. You want the moon Frank, I will give you the moon

  52. Frank, they have a point. Stop whining like a fucking pussy hole. Jeez, a I see why they are calling you gay. I am telling you the truth, Frank. Don't be mad, Dawg.

  53. i guess he would rather keep spoon feeding these bitches shit here and snitch on the one person who can see him


    your choice, hun

  54. I hear you, Harv. No offense taken.

  55. Some people would just rather play with me, Puppet its nothing personal

  56. yeah well fuck you then and your delusional ass

  57. so angry Puppet you have far too much grey matter

  58. Muppet, I don't appreciate cheap shots like that. That was bullshit and you know it

  59. I nominate "I'm not calling you a liar" as the next sociopath song.

  60. My family put men above woman. My brothers were taught to fight and defend themselves. I came from a big Irish Catholic family. Being a powerful person is harder for woman, not all woman, but many.

  61. Frank, I do not, binge eat or cut myself

  62. Frank with Ice Cream Dripping Down His faceNovember 17, 2011 at 1:12 PM

    I ate too much. I can't button my fucking pants.

  63. and just like that, i am laughing again

  64. Beeper Anthem

  65. LOW functioning Sociopath---UKanNovember 17, 2011 at 1:37 PM

    I have not been around because I am embarrassed that I am LF, which is what we Low Functioners call ourselves.

  66. I just noticed: that should be 'literally', instead of 'seriously'.

  67. what the hell is this crappy video that starts running automatically every time I open this page theres no sex violence or even music in it just boring folks talking nerdy stuff apples and whatnot very boring

  68. Hold up, that was, not Frank. Frank was walking, Fluffy

  69. Wha? Is Frank a fluffer?

  70. Why do I get all the imitators? Frank is trying to cure a life long depression.

  71. I adore you, Frank. You are, the only, man for me

  72. This is the ONLY Frank to pay attention to. The others are imposters of the real Frank. I don't see you doing this to anyone else. Why me?

  73. Don't worry, Franklin. They are sociopaths. Remember, Buddy?

  74. Frank, I would luv, to binge eat, with you

  75. Frank, you are being a pussy. Stop complaining about your diet, for God's sake, Frank.

  76. write meeeeeeee back k? i miss my TNP

    Cheers (:

  77. Leave me alone you crazy beeper!

  78. ::looking at sweetcheeks tits::

  79. sorry TNP i don't like your vagina

  80. TNP, we are not an exclusive band of cool guys. Do you want to be friends?

  81. I am a lone wolf, sorry guys. It's scarier that way

  82. I have been fucking crying since I went off my meds. I have been eating like a mother fucker, too. I am afraid I am going to balloon up.

  83. I prefer the company of desperate broads

  84. pick me pick me! ive been drinking

  85. cooome on u know u waannt toooo (:

  86. SHUT UP, Frank. That is why people make fun of you. You blabber your business. If you eat ice cream, you are going to gain.
    Munch on carrot or celery sticks. Now, shut up about your weight and your pants. You bring this abuse on yourself, Frank.

  87. binging on poptarts

    ::nom nom nom::

  88. Don't be so hard on Frank, Harv. He is recovering from a depression, for Gods sake. Have you ever been in a depression, Harv? If you laugh at him, it could happen to you.

  89. I have no self respect *giggle*

  90. ::looking at sweetcheeks legs::

  91. Ok I do have sum *giggle*

  92. Fucccckkkk all of you, k (:

  93. Does anyone want to talk about the article? I feel like the teacher with a class of out of control kids lol

  94. I am angry, no one wants to fuck me!


  95. Sociopath = Way beyond being a scumbag.

  96. I am sure some men want to fuck you, Medusa. Frank would if he lived near you. Frank is from the Chicago area.

  97. eden, that is a much better picture. It was difficult to understand a lot of what you were saying about him. But that makes almost perfect sense now. So with the things he did to you, and others, does he sell it to himself like he's helping you somehow? Is that why your sister almost appreciates what he does? And perhaps why you were so rebellious in being determined not to have opinions he told you to have. Because you couldn't see the benevooence as well? And is that the same sister he dressed as your mother?

  98. pmsl iz crac meself up

  99. i didn't mean to sound offensive, if i came across that way. Its just that you say how you love to write and you tend to have dramatic tales you bring to the blog, so I'm suspicious logically. I don't aim to discredit you, I'm just trying to paint your story more accurately.

    And do you mind if i ask the tone with which you wrote the experience in your diary?

  100. iz masturbat to her stury

  101. fluffy duz u husband rape u

    please tell :D

  102. So Adam, did you change your name to Gary and harv, or just add them to your repetoire?

  103. @MK

    I've never lied about my personal experiences here. Every life story I've told at SW, is 100% the truth. What I dramatize is my personality.

    What I show of my personality here, is much like what I show someone I'm fucking with... but the stories I tell are my reality no matter what.

    You ask so many questions. I wasn't expecting that. Let me just look them over, and take them one at a time.

  104. Il agree with wheatly. Democracy is a ruse, at this point, and is due for e revolution which will come about with china coming in as a superpower. Control will then shift to china and India, and the rest of the world will have internal altercations reworking their systems of governance over the following 100 years. I'm not worried about monarchy. I think faith will be put into a corporate system.

  105. That Anon---Anon 4:05 is TNP----- busted.

  106. I understand your personality. That makes sense. The stories are just dramatic in their own, even if you aren't dramatizing them... they don't even make movies that crazy. So i just have to make sure they make enough sense to be true, I guess.
    Its good that you don't lie about them. Its probably the most helpful to you. Although I can see the emotional dissociation that you have to the stories of your past. And you talk about them not being shocking, but you don't really relate anything else about them emotionally. Have you come to terms with social abhorrance towards you? You seem to embrace it.

  107. "So with the things he did to you, and others, does he sell it to himself like he's helping you somehow?"

    Yes. He believed that he was helping to shape up into perfect, future wives.
    Funny how he ruined me for anyone instead.
    He also gave me some bullshit line after I outed him, about how confusing it was for him when he would get lonely, because we took such good care of him.

  108. How did you out him?
    And do you feel ruined?

  109. "Is that why your sister almost appreciates what he does?"

    My sister admits that she fell in love with him. She wanted to marry him. She had her first orgasm with him.
    I don't know why she didn't see him the way I did. I hated him for everything. When I was saying my bedtime prayers out loud for him to hear (God bless daddy, etc), inside my head I was praying for his death. I told him it didn't feel good for him to touch me the way he did. I was 8. He kept trying to make it feel good for some time after, but got frustrated and gave up. He pursued her for much longer for the reasons listed above.
    Her whole life has been the self loathing she feels for wanting to be with him.

  110. Hold the new questions till I get threw the first ones, please. I get overwhelmed when people start to dig over every response.

  111. He still has no contrition for what he did, to this day?

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. "And is that the same sister he dressed as your mother?"

    No. I have 3 older sisters. The oldest (the one made to wear my mother's clothes), is my half sister. She has a different father, and mine raped her just before he divorced my mom. The second is also has a different father, and the only child my mother wanted. The third is my full blood, and the one I was raised with. She is 13 months older, and the only one I know very well.

  114. Who's gonna make me some Matzo ball soup?

    That's the thing about cats. They can't cook.

  115. ok, its difficult to keep them straight.

  116. You May Be A Narc If...November 17, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    if you prefer to jerk off to porn rather than make love to your girlfriend

    end sex right before your gf is pleased, on purpose. just end it, as in remove her from you then go to the bathroom.. return and go to bed.

    talk about other women's physical traits in front of your gf

    put down your gf's physical traits

    initiate sex while your gf is sleeping.. aka RAPE her

    treat women as though they're interchangable whores!!

  117. Lol. Right?! When my dog learns to cook, il be a happy woman.

  118. You May Be A Narc If...November 17, 2011 at 4:39 PM

    When you hear about women taking rape abuse self defense classes you laugh and claim that only 'weak women' take those classes just to make themselves feel better.

    If you accuse your girlfriend of being "crazy, bipolar, a slut, and an alcoholic."

    If you lie straight to her face.

    If you make her sleep with you when she says no.

    If you push her limits and boundaries farther than she is comfortable with.

    If you tell her that she is the only one you're sleeping with and there are many others.

    If you make degrading comments about women and treat them like sex objects.

    If you call her any horrible names - slut, c*nt,bitch

    If you accuse her of sleeping around when she has nothing to warrant this

    If you are texting another woman on your girlfriends birthday while telling you that you love her

    If you think women are all the same because of your mommy issues.

    and if you're a Narcissist or a Psychopath!

  119. "And do you mind if i ask the tone with which you wrote the experience in your diary?"

    Any journal I've ever kept, or therapy session I've ever been in, has the same tone. It used to frustrate some of my therapists that they couldn't get me to connect emotion to my stories. The sister I grew up with, hates me for it.

  120. "Have you come to terms with social abhorrance towards you? You seem to embrace it."

    Explain. What social abhorrence are you talking about?

  121. "And do you feel ruined?"

    I don't feel ruined. I just see that I can't change after I fought so hard to. So in that respect... I know I'm ruined.

  122. People are typically very open to sexual experiences in the exception that they are socially looked down on. For example, tribal cultures have rituals where the men drink each others semen because its supposed to be their life fluid, and giving it to women is considered almost evil. In most societies that'd be weird, and looked down on, but it was accepted socially by them and therefore thought little of. Your sexual situations with your father put you socially in a position that is not condoned. And thereby you may feel socially abhorred. Your sister has this way more than you because she feels abhorrant for liking it. You may not have the same emotions attached to the situation, but i was asking because its likely.

  123. Okay. Feel free to ask more, but please don't bombard me with so many at once! lol

  124. go on with the abuse and rape oriented details anon

    :D keeps me cummin

  125. jacking off @ eden 425

  126. "Your sexual situations with your father put you socially in a position that is not condoned."

    I guess I never thought about it with regards to how I would be seen from a social standpoint. I never staid anywhere for long enough to feel I belonged to any certain social structure, so with so much detachment; there is just the world outside the window, from your private little hell.

  127. I don't think changing is what you should aim for. It sounds like your indifference is a big tool for you, but i think it hinders your relationships. But is a healthy relationship worth facing some of the things you'd have to feel? And how did you out your dad. Did you already get angry with him? Have you considered killing him.

  128. abuse fix filled o the lows my wanka makes me sink to

  129. i think you never socially attached because you've been placed into a pretty small minority by your father. Society rejects the deviant, but the deviant rejects society, sort of. You're sister is way worse, I'm sure.

  130. "But is a healthy relationship worth facing some of the things you'd have to feel?"

    I don't think facing emotions will change the way I relate to people. the kind of damage I sustained, has shaped my whole world view. I don't really understand what makes a healthy relationship. Even the few examples you might be able to give me from your own life experience, would not compute. I can only see my world through my own experiences.

    "And how did you out your dad"

    I told my mother when I was 13.

    "Did you already get angry with him?"

    I've been angry at my father my whole life. Even before he molested me.

    "Have you considered killing him."

    Yes. I was thrown in an institution at 16 because I was plotting to kill my whole family.
    I still have dreams about killing him. I wouldn't do it to get revenge though... I would do it to get off.

  131. and I don't aim to change anymore.

  132. eden's story is better than Sylvia's below (in terms of selling as a movie). I know she hates me, but it's ok.

    i'd say write it like a screenplay, get the copyrights, and send it out. once a studio is interested and pays for it they'd rewrite it anyways, plus while the script is searching for a studio you can work on turning it into a novel (if you want it to be a novel, that is).

    just make sure you don't sell your novel rights to them, plus include a clause such that if they won't produce a movie within 5 years of screenplay purchase they lose the rights so you can find some other studio after 5 years. they often buy the rights and never turn it into a movie. you'll make more money (hopefully till eternity, with a good contract) once it is a movie.

    step-dad rapes girl, girl runs away.... the movie: Sylvia.
    From a reviewer: "Daddy rapes Sylvia and guess what? Things eventually work out for her because she is an avid reader. All this doesnt come to pass before she hooks up with a South-of-the-border evangelist/pimp, makes her way up the ladder of prostitution until she is a transvestites high-class, call girl, and finally a poetic authoress on the verge of marrying a Hollywood bigshot. Ingeniously sexy George Maharis is the privade dick who figures it all out and eventually falls for our hooker with a heart of gold. If all this sounds lurid and nasty - it isnt. This is trash cinema before they could show you any of the garbage. The casting is great, and so is David Raksins music."

  133. lol someone pretending to be me. I actually found that quite amusing. :P

  134. i'd like to see eden's dad's face as he watches her movie and keeps hearing his name.

    where is he now? was he ever jailed for all of this?

  135. Eden I want to make you cream your panties

  136. off topic:

    “Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.”
    - Joseph Campbell

    (just because i liked it)

  137. "You seem to know a lot about that shit, Sceli. How do you know all of that?"

    "where is he now?"

    Living in some shit shack, with no one to take care of him, and nothing to look forward to besides smoking himself retarded, and eating.

    "was he ever jailed for all of this??"

    The State of New Mexico was going to prosecute him, but before it the case went to trail, my sister bailed... and my therapist, social worker, and the lawyer didn't think I was a strong enough witness, to take the stand alone.

    I resented my sister for that. Come to think of it... I still do.

  138. For him to be such a dick, what kind of life did he have? Did he have really bad abuse or was he born like that?

  139. "Did he have really bad abuse or was he born like that?"

    There is a simple description of his background, on yesterday's post.
    So far as I know; he is the only sexual predator in the family. of course he was much much more than that. Of all things abusive: He outdid his whole family. Including his own sadistic father.

  140. I never really accepted that people could be born that way. I just have done so.

  141. how did you come to that conclusion caroline, his father was sadistic and i am sure that helped shape his behaviors

  142. As a Psych Nurse, I leaned, heavily to nurture being the root of problems. I think I was wrong. Nature can be bad enough to make someone a Ted Bundy, I suppose. No one knows all the answers. These things are unknowable, but nature has more of a part than many Psych people believe, ime.

  143. Why always the 'psyche nurse' intro?

    It never really has anything to do with your comment, nor does it lend any credence to your opinions.

    Same with the flight attendant business. Unnecessary info that sounds like you are always trying to prove something, or convince someone of the reality of your existence.

    Just sayin'.

  144. y is socia so paranoid?

  145. I don't say the Psych Nurse to brag, just to identify. That is all.

  146. I got over Sweetcheeks, Medusa, Frank wants to get to know you, better.

  147. I get asked sometimes why, as a sociopath, I would bother defending a social safety net.

    Simple answer, we all get old and any one of us could be stricken disabled. It effects us, and it effects society, it's worth caring about.

    And so is net neutrality.

  148. How does Frank, overcome depression?

  149. @Medusa

    i'm jealous!

  150. You mightstart by not talking in 3rd person.

  151. Frank likes all the ladies

  152. That Frank is NOT me. Damn this shit.

  153. Frank is only Frank this Frank

  154. Ever seen the movie 'Hard Candy'?

  155. My only girl is Sweet Cheeks. I am sorry, ladies, but Franks love is deep.

  156. Frank already left sweetcheeks, Frank, get with the picture

  157. Relax Frank. Do you have any Valium

  158. Do NOT believe any other Frank. Fuck this shit. I am climbing the walls. Why am I imitated by all these people?

  159. Frank feels, like a new man, ladies

  160. So 7:16 must be what talking in 4th person looks like.

  161. You comma usage makes things interesting. Don't ever try to hide it.

    Frank feels, like a new man, ladies

    Sounds like you are a new man AND ladies. Self-contained threesome, awesome.

  162. He is Franks roomate, Dusa

  163. Medusa is, looking nice, tonight

  164. It is weird how Frank thinks that grown men sleep in twin beds, together. Frank is not homo, but a little strange.

  165. Can I have sweet cheeks, Frank buddy?

  166. Frank may need to go on to other meadows as there are so many Franks that Frank has become a fucking joke.

  167. Little Frankfurt, likes all the ladies.

  168. Frank, I Frank, stay, you go

  169. Not to change the subject, but do you ever think about death?

  170. Sure, Buddy. I see it all the time in my line of work.

  171. Frank feels he is on to the meaning of life beyond fucking, eating and drinking.

  172. Reproduction of your genes DUH

  173. Frank has had enough tits and ass like when you eat the buffet until your pants won't button. Frank wants more like why are we fucking here?

  174. Buddy, whats happening, to you? It is all meaningless, without love.

  175. We are here, same reason birds, dogs and fish are.

  176. Gary, Frank is having a crisis, no shit.

  177. No Gary and Harv, how much fucking can one man do? Frank is not cool like some people, but fucking is like eating a good pizza. Then what?


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