
Friday, October 21, 2011

Facebook stalker

As a public service announcement for people who use this site and have an online trail of personal details, this article discusses a new site that shows what it is like to be the victim of a violent Facebook stalker. Under the title Anti-Social Media: "'Take This Lollipop' Is Your Facebook Profile Through A Psychopath's Eyes":

After allowing the site access to your profile, users click on a blue lollipop which thrusts them into the familiar mise en scene of a horror movie. The camera floats languidly down a dank hallway to the static-punctured strains of a 1950s song about candy shops. In a room at the end of the hall, there’s a man in a sooty undershirt hunched over a computer. He looks like a malnourished Daniel Craig, and he doesn’t seem happy at all. As the mystery man’s dirty fingernails pound against the keys, it becomes clear what’s on the screen: a Facebook profile. Not just any profile, though; it’s the viewer’s very own.

The interactivity is seamless; the stalker’s reflection is clearly visible, glaring off the pictures on the screen. As the creepy erstwhile James Bond scrolls along, becoming increasingly agitated with what he sees, users will recognize their old status updates and messages from friends. The next reveal arrives with shrieking keyboard stabs--the stalker has found the user’s location and is now looking at driving instructions. Slowly he reaches up and starts caressing the profile picture displayed onscreen. As the soundtrack swells ever higher, he turns his head to face the viewer and a fiendish smile spreads across his face.

The stalker is suddenly inside a car, racing down the road. Hyper jump cuts show his tortured screams behind the wheel before cutting back to his intensely focused driving face. The project was directed by Jason Zada out of production company Tool of North America.


  1. First comment!? Ok here goes......cock!!!

  2. let's say your target is an average fifteen year old girl. a person could simply follow these steps to gain access to the targets profile -


    1) find a picture of a mainstream music artist, put it as your display picture.

    2) add smileys to your page and messages, but not too many (:

    3) look at the targets page, if not private. copy two of their favorite artists/bands, but not all. add two of your own.

    the target should be able to relate to you. young girls are shallow, be just as shallow.

  3. I'm going to use that on Edens daughter LMFAO ZOMG (:

  4. That's pretty cute Bella.

  5. Let's say your target is a guy and he owns racing horses. Go to a dude ranch and find a nice horsey to sit on an take a pic o cOh fuck.


  6. Jane do you have a cock?

  7. Teehee

    I can't say that I do.

    I am a fan of the cock though.

  8. Haha you got me Jane. Nothing gets by you. Why do you think I am cute?

  9. Also, how is it that you knew I was lurking before I made my first comment? You psychic or something, Jane?

  10. Don't flatter yourself.

    That comment had nothing to do with the cock comments.

  11. It is I! The cock blogger master!!! Kneel before me!!!

  12. I'm not flattered.
    How come you hiding behind yet a new mask?

  13. Pray, cock blocker master, tell me where all the fine, hard, clean, experienced cocks with no pussy to shelter them may be found?

  14. It's okay Bella. I see that you are really confused today. I know how worked up you get, that must be really hard to live with, eh?

  15. Open your cavern, Hussy. Put me in and let me soak in your murkiness.

  16. How do you abuse your lovers, Bella?

  17. Medusa, why don't you torment Bella under your real identity?

  18. She hides behind different masks because no one trusts the real person she is. Any imformation gotten by using a compassionate mask under a different idenity would not be given to the real person because they are not compassionate.

    And it makes her feel so superior to fool others and amuses her because her real life is empty of people who trust her.

    She repells others in her real life through her attitude of superiority.

    She knows everything and everyone, if she says it it's so and will defend her (opinion) in an attack on the other person personality.

    Why can't you all just see how great I am. So far above you small minded idiots.

  19. Medusa is so much smarter than the average person ~

  20. I do it in my head. I don't tell them they bother me. I hold it in because some of them are needy. I devalue them in my head. Then I make an excuse as to why I don't want to be with them. Or I press on them mentally. I want to get a rise out of them for some reason. I think it is abusive when you can't be fucking nice and just be calm.. Yes, being calm is one way to stop being abusive. I lie. I sit there not liking them and smiling. It is tiring, so I withdraw and don't let them in. i confuse them. I think this can be turned around, though.

  21. "She repells others in her real life through her attitude of superiority."

    No. This is completely false.

    "Why can't you all just see how great I am. So far above you small minded idiots."

    This is also false. If I felt that way, I would have no issue coming out and saying that.

  22. I do half of this myself, I take in everything they say, mocking them in my mind till they feel they can trust me then I calmly spew it back at them when they are all confiding and trusting.

    I am superior to anyone I have ever met.

  23. Your actions speak louder than your words, Medusa.
    That is the fucking most pitiful part. Ain't it a bitch?

  24. Some people can handle the truth. They are the ones who get intimidated by Jane, maybe?

  25. "She knows everything and everyone"

    I wish~

    I prefer solitude the majority of the time.

  26. There are 2 janes now

  27. *can'T handle the truth

  28. The fucking ego is a bitch for everyone, but for Medusa it is her master.

  29. I need me some more ego, man

  30. I wear masks because it is the only thing I know to do.

    I feel like I don't belong because I can't get close so I shut out the world.

  31. No it's not that they can't handle the truth, it's that I blindside them when they trust me the most.

    I tell myself that I prefer solitude so I don't have to spend my time seeing the damage, or suffer the consequences of the trust i broke.

    Oh well they are the weak ones not me. I'm just exercising my right as better then them. I am a superior being to them. I matter and what I think is always right.

  32. Anonymous is right, my actions speak louder then my words.

  33. I use this blog to attack anyone that comes here with a question or problem. Because I hate their weak whining.

    And most of the time their just lying trying to get attention.
    I expose them as shit.

    I am superior to all the weak complaining ones because I can hurt them.

    Why live life outside when I can cause damage to others in here?

  34. Why because I'm a coward, and everyone on the outside sees me and my contempt.

    On here I can make myself as big as I want and face no consequences.

  35. On the war path today I see.

    Trying to make it personal so it hurts, right?

    You should have waited and gotten to know me better because false claims won't hurt me.

  36. My actions speak louder then my words.

    Thats why I hide behind faulse idenities.

    Lies, lies lies. how I love to claim you lie.

  37. SHIT, now I'll have to troll behind a different identity.

    But I have the time and theirs always another sucker who will come here looking for advise to prey on.

    And by the way, one of my favorite tricks on here is to accuse others of doing exactly what I do.

    But I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just smarter.

  38. And you never hide behind false identities~

  39. Jane 10:05
    You have Medusa down to the tee, on that one.

  40. Keep projecting, maybe its healthy for you.

    Lying, preying on the weak GOD it sounds all too familiar!

  41. I don't attack the hurting the momment they appear on here or lure anyone in under faulse concern to use what they say against them.

    Thats the difference.

    By the way my real name is Jane

  42. False concern!?

    When did I do that? I am starting to think that you are attacking the wrong person.

  43. Jane 10:11 Who the fuck are you kidding?

  44. I am tapping out out of sheer confusion.

    You won!

  45. Should I bother reading those?

  46. Don't judge me by your lack of standards Medusa.

    You shut out the world because your so gaurded. Protecting your ego from getting questioned. Invisable assaults that you have created, to say it's them not you.

    Always ready to fight even with they way you look at them. Giving a warning not to mess with you.

    Your weak and a coward because you attack others to fill your need to feel superior. You say their lying like a bullfrog that blows up it's neck to appear intimadating.

    Under it all is insecurity because of the consequences of being a disagreeable hard repelling personality.

  47. Cock blogger master here!!! You don't have to search far for I!!! I will exhilirate every nerve in your body!!!!

  48. Now be an Anon or some other personality, anything but your own and hide.

    You don't have that much courage or solid sence of yourself to be real.


  50. Missus, if you want to see a real sick-o, give Medusa an anal exam.

  51. Jane

    I am not Medusa

    I am Jane

  52. The list of people unworthy of cock are as follows:


    They have all violated the code of cock and are a threat to cock.

  53. Medusa is not going to be happy when she logs on today.

  54. I'm not going to say your lying, I don't have exray vision.

    I honestly hope your not and I would completely apoligize if I am wrong. Because then you would be right, I do not know you.

    But if you are her and lying, same shit different day.

  55. Jane 10:52 You are she.

  56. Missus, I am sorry I insulted you. I had you wrong. Your husband is a punk kid, though.

  57. I am going to be honest with you right now because I didn't come to this sight to be superior or pull one over on you guys. I have a hard time trusting people so I fragment myself into different people. Everything I said is true about me hiding from the world because I feel like I can't connect with people. I am not a mal narc, I am BPD and my name is...

  58. People currently worthy of cock are as follows:

    Tony The Tiger

  59. I wasn't trying to fool anyone, just dropping bread crumbs of myself. I thought you knew. That's why I was confused when you accused me of feeling superior.

  60. Stacey is me too. That's my joke outlet.

  61. Thank you for telling the truth, sweetcheeks.

  62. I have been just like this since I was little when my parents abandoned me. My whole life is fragmented, and as I said before, no one really knows enough about me to put the pieces together.

    I had no malicious intent, it is just what I do. It is a way to let the other parts of me out safely. I thought Bella was mocking me the whole time about it.

  63. Stacey is now removed from the list of worthy cock suckers.

  64. Try to force yourself to show your real sides on here. That will be ab exercise to help get them back.

  65. This is why I don't know intimacy.

  66. @Sweetcheeks

    Are lonely? You seem a little alone in the world....

  67. I am alone, yes, but I am not lonely. I prefer to hibernate for the most part. When I spend time with people, it is brief and I never talk about myself. I don't let most people in my home. I feel like my privacy is invaded.

  68. @Sweetcheeks

    How did you realise you had BPD? I'm curious...

  69. I was diagnosed by a private therapist.

    I do want to clear something up though. I do mimic others under a separate identity not because I get off on it, but I feel if everyone thinks I am someone else, then I can express myself safely.

    All my interactions with Eden and Medusa were unmasked. For some reason I felt safe with them because they didn't need anything from me emotionally unlike most of my girl friends in real life.

  70. Then I apologize.
    You do have major similarities to Medusa but I'm
    Sure your motives and what's inside you are different.

  71. Thank you Jane.

    Actually this is probably really good for me.

    Also, I do not enjoy the spotlight, I am happy to have my narc husband burn himself from standing in it. I prefer to creep in the shadows. I am very introverted.

  72. @Sweet, everyone I have met with BPD feels they are bad, deep inside, like evil. Do you?

  73. Yes and No. Like Bella would say, it can be confusing.

    By social standards, I know I am judged as a bad person. I struggled with that before. Now I know that I didn't have much of a choice and I am becoming ok with who I am. I was given two choices, to either shut down as a child or to do what I had to do to make it by.

    I have deep seeded abandonment issues, but I can not give back emotionally to those I care for to keep them around. So I burn that bridge before they can leave me. The only people I can keep in my life are the ones who need nothing from me emotionally, like my narc husband.

  74. I knew two people with BPD. They had an untrue self image, in that they were very black and white, so if they had any flaw, they thought they are evil.
    They did the same thing to others. The root is the inability to see flaws, in themselves, and to think the flaws are just part of being human.
    Can you relate?

  75. I'm not sure unstable self image comes as a result of black and white thinking though they certainly can be related.

    But any flaw I perceive I definitely consider myself 'bad'.

    "The root is the inability to see flaws, in themselves, and to think the flaws are just part of being human."
    I don't agree with this. We see the flaws, glaringly, and clearly they're a part of being human. That's actually the problem. These flaws can make us not good enough as people. If we're not good en ough, there's no reason others will stay. What it comes down to is an unstable sense of self worth and fear of abandonment.

  76. I can relate to part of that. I do not think I am evil. I used to think I was a terrible person and would put the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have been through lots of therapy though.

    As far as others go, yes, it is very black and white for me. I don't use the terms good and evil, because I don't believe in either. I prefer the terms safer and unsafe. Once someone falls in to my unsafe category, it is like they no longer exist in my life and never did. I call it my switch in my head I pull and there is no going back from that point.

  77. You do sweetcheeks, what you need to do,
    try not to impersonate those that have narc attitudes and attack for no other reason then it makes them feel bigger then they are.

    It's my weakness to attack them back.

    But I see what your doing and that you need it.

  78. We are saying the same thing, Haven. What are normal flaws, the person with BPD feels makes him unworthy, as a whole package.

  79. Yes, sweetcheeks, if you are going to attack, attack someone who deserves it lol

  80. Fair enough. Yes, I'd say that's true, at least for me.

  81. I'm glad I haven't been keeping up.

  82. haven, are you "friends" with any sociopaths? and would you like to have one?

  83. and are you disgusted with sociopaths cruelty and behavior towards others?

  84. I had been emotionally hijacking people or pointing the mirrors at people for so long, I didn't even know my favourite color or food. Someone would ask me something personal and I would have to think fast to redirect the conversation to something else.

  85. I'm not currently 'friends' with a sociopath. If one was interesting enough I'd be interested in what they have to offer.

    I won't deal with being a punching bag though.

  86. "and are you disgusted with sociopaths cruelty and behavior towards others?"

    Depends on the person. Depends on the behavior. But that applies to all people, not just sociopaths.

  87. maybe it's best that your not, haven.

    it's hard having a person like that around, for one they have no loyalty, secondly, you don't know if they are planning something against you!

  88. ::laughs:: You don't need to warn me against socios. I know the spiel.

    I lived with a mal narc for years. I get it.

  89. you are more likely to get some sympathy from a normal person after a cruel act.

    with the sociopath, they'll act like they didn't do any wrong, or even blame the victim of being the aggressor, or deserving it.

  90. oh right, i forgot how tough you were.

  91. I find people fascinating. Frankly I've been just as hurt by people that weren't socios, so why discrimiinate. All people have the potential to be assholes. I give people a chance, I just try harder to keep my eyes open now and don't let the bullshit slide.

  92. @sweetcheeks, in order for you to realize you are OK, you must force yourself to show your true inner feelings and responses, to others.

    You will be terrified, but in time, you will see that you are like everyone else.
    You need to start in a safe place, maybe on- line, rather than real life.

    That way, you will have less to lose.

  93. the whole time i was being abused, my attacker never stopped, or apologized.

    this is the scary thing about a lack of empathy, instead of correcting their actions like the average person, they get worse and worse. did you notice this with the mal n?

  94. Jane

    I will keep that in mind ;)

  95. Yes that was definitely the way things went. Small things lead to bigger things, lead to bigger things.

  96. haven, could he sense when you were intimidated? my abuser would do things like lean over me while i was cooking and say things such as "why are you so nervous" he would clap his hands behind my ear and i'd jolt. he thought that was hilarious. what a freak :(

  97. Anon

    I am okay, I promise. I don't have many deep inner feelings. Maybe way way way down deep, but I detached from those years ago if they were there.

    What I do has kept me alive and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

  98. He does sound like a freak.

    I don't intimidate easily which is why we butted heads so much. Whenever I would call him on his bullshit or refuse to put up with it he would fly into a rage.

    It wasn't until I thought he would leave that I started to get scared.

  99. I am on meds for my violent rage fits and have gone through counselling to tone down my abusive behaviour when my kid was born.

  100. they have no clue what we are feeling, so they do things to get a reaction out of us, like an alien studying us under a microscope. not one tiny bit of conscience.

  101. okay... don't think I'll be getting involved in the split personality weirdness, that is today's thread.

  102. i got back to you in yesterdays'. Sweetcheeks jumped on it and came out.

  103. he is haven! this man is a true sociopath, no empathy at all, not even for his children. he's so slick. when i told my friends about the abuse, they said he wasn't capable of doing those things!

  104. I am a little surprised, I thought there were more BPD's around here...

  105. there's like three sociopaths and twenty borderlines.

  106. I doubt there is that many. BPD's aren't that common. People may identify with some of the symptoms, but I don't see that many here. It's probably like people say they are a socio but they aren't.

  107. And who might those people be?pr

  108. When I put BPD in the search, Socioworld came up.

    That might be a reason so many come here.

    Whatever the reason it's company on the sites down time. Maybe it helps talking about it.

  109. You tell me! LOL I don't see twenty, maybe they are not daily regulars.

    I came here researching my own lack of empathy and selfishness. I typed in lack of empathy and here I am now.

  110. At least something a long those lines.

  111. And I am not a junkie either, but I do smoke weed because it helps tone down my aggression and mania.

  112. Sweetcheeks, were you adopted or just in fostercare?

  113. i don't see a pervasive lack of empathy from you, sweetcheeks.

  114. neither. i lived with my mom, but she was always trying to get rid of me. she threw all my shit out cuz I came home blunted once. she emotionally abandoned me. i was homeless after that.

    my dad always loved me, but he had a very fast lifestyle and could never take care of me. He would pass out and lock me out on accident and the early age of 7 and I had to fend for myself. He would take me to bars and let me run around outside by myself at that age. I learned to con people to get what I needed very young.

  115. my mom tried having me locked up in many institutions and tried sending me out of the country to one of those child working camps.

  116. I also had to learn who was safe and who wasn't because of the atmosphere I was in.

  117. @Missus Kanney

    Eh... no big deal. I need a break.

  118. If I showed any emotion, my mom would call me weak and threaten to get rid of me. I had a boy hurt me once emotionally when I was young and she pinned me to the wall and strangled me. She couldn't be bothered with me.

    I grew up hearing that our home was not my home and I could only live there until I was 18. It was her home and I was just a resident in it.

  119. I have a younger sister that my mom adores. I shut off my emotions very young except severe anger. I would beat up on my sister all the time. If she wanted to watch T.V., I would make her fight me for it physically. Our fights were so bad that we would draw knifes on each other, try to smash pictures ripped off the wall over each others heads, etc.

  120. Now's the time. Sweecheeks will gladly play the role of elevator music.

  121. Alot of it is blocked out in my mind, but I do have a memory of having a knife to my sisters throat in our kitchen threatening my Mother but I can't remember what she had done.

  122. "Alot of it is blocked out in my mind, but I do have a memory of having a knife to my sisters throat in our kitchen threatening my Mother but I can't remember what she had done."

    Every kid does that.

  123. Oh I will shut up if that's what you want, but I figure at this point, I would rather lay it all out there before any more false accusations are made.

    I didn't mean to bore you Missus Kanney with my insignificant life.

  124. True.
    I'm pretty used to this kind of behavior. The sister I grew up with clung to the spotlight with white knuckles. She literally hang on people till they begged her to leave them alone. She sucked the life out of everyone around her, and still couldn't get enough. I just sat quietly, and watched her.

    My mother is the same way. So is my father to some degree. He is the most important person in the room, hands down.

  125. I'm listening Sweetcheeks, block the others out.

  126. I'm surprised Sweets that you have such a sense of humor and admire the fact that you want to be a good mother after all that.

  127. I have to go out for a few hours I'll be back on later.

  128. Oh Eden, you never talk about yourself EVER. You only dominated the threads the last two days with all of your deepest secrets.

    I was answering questions the best I could.

    Don't worry, I am done.

  129. Sweetcheeks, I'm notbeing that mean. I just think its cute. I can tell you need to talk to someone. And its endearing. Please continue.

  130. I would like to hear, Sweetcheeks.

  131. Spare me the shit. It is not about whether you were mean or not.

    I figured I would step out of my comfort zone today on a limb, but I actually prefer not talking about it.

  132. @Sweetcheeks, you tell your story for yourself, to free yourself, not for her, or for me, or for anyone, but so you can let it go.

  133. @sweet

    Dominated the threads? No I haven't. That would mean I came here all day, for two days, talking about myself. I'm not on here till evening/night usually.

    Telling my deepest secrets? I've been answering Kanney's questions, because that's what I said I would do.

    Why are you freaking out? I was just fucking with you, same as Kanney. It was my way of saying I'm happy to give up the stage. You need to get something off your chest? Go for it. You obviously need to more than I do.

  134. Listen, the last two days I was being baited for things that I am not. Bella tried calling me out as a Mal Narc thinking I was Medusa under the name Jane. I admitted that it was me and felt I had some explaining to do. Some people asked some questions so I was responding. In no way was I trying to cling to any spot light and I have nothing I have to get off my chest.

  135. No one said you were taking all the spotlight, Sweet. Relax lol

  136. I am not angry or freaking out, I am just gonna shut up about it for now.

  137. Eden and Sweets, you two are acting like sisters, nothing wrong with that. Both of you were neglected and abused in ways that others can't relate to. You've both have made something of yourselves and are good mothers.

    You both were never allowed to be children, so it's seems hard to relate to one another other then play?

  138. Between Mrs coming, and Mr not being his usual asshole self, this place is damn good.

  139. you mean between misanthrope shutting up and ukan almost shutting up, this place is damn good.

  140. What is confusing? This place has a great feeling to it, now.

  141. I like Mis and UKan.
    I never tire of them.

  142. Mis is fine. He has a lot to say. Ukan has the maturity of a toddler and ruined the whole blog with his stupid behavior.

  143. they're both cocksuckers, i'm also glad that medusa and erin have shut up.

  144. Good Evening good evening. What's new and exciting in here tonight?

    Hi there Eden.

  145. medusa was a jerk. I liked erin.

  146. Eden and me are sisters that made sweet love. We fight and fuck.

  147. Lol, that sounds therapeutic and fun.

  148. Lol, that sounds therapeutic and fun.

  149. Furious sex is one of the best ways to end a good fight in my opinion.

  150. To answer your question Jane, my humor is mirrored. All I am is all just different mirrors pointing in different directions at different people.

  151. I am sorry that I get riled up, sometimes. I have a few drinks and lose my cool and start saying stupid shit. I hope I did not insult you pretty ladies.

  152. Erin is all over this thread, dumbasses. So is Tik.

  153. Ya I've noticed Erin all over today too. Is why I took off for a while.

  154. Medusa, you are obsessed with erin.

  155. Scroll up and see who is obsessed with who.


  156. Here we go, the highness of vomit makes her entrance and pisses to establish her dominance.

  157. Medusa, why do you have such a hard on for erin?

  158. "Furious sex is one of the best ways to end a good fight in my opinion."

    Furious rape is much better.

  159. Why do you hide Medusa when Ukan's wife comes on?

  160. Medusa, you wanted someone to call you on your stuff. Erin had the balls to do it.

  161. Erin erased her posts and left, but you see her behind every person. Why?

  162. I will not deem anyone here worthy of cock until I'm proven otherwise......Get to work!

  163. Eden, I throw my bitch fits. I know you weren't trying to dominate the threads.

    Can we make out now?

  164. you might think i'm crazy, but i don't even care because i can tell what's going on. it's hip to be square.

  165. do socios be paranoid and see strangers behind every bush?

  166. Miss Ukanney

    You wanna make out too?

  167. Erin never left and you know it.

    She never called my stuff, she just projects, which is of no use to me.

    Funny how the missionary brigade has the least amount of integrity here.

    And now I'm avoiding UKan's wife? Really? And why would I do that?

    I've barely been around lately. Other things to do.

  168. Medusa, you said that no one called you on your stuff. When someone did, she became obsessed with that person and see her in every one who comes on SW.
    She is not that important to take up so much space in your brain, Medusa.

  169. Wow, the forum has literally turned into Lovefraud.

    There are seriously people there who are saying that it's a superior website.

  170. Anon, I see her when she shows up. She is so obvious. She talks about 'being real' and she can't even do it herself. So of course I'm going to call her out.

    When someone did, she became obsessed with that person and see her in every one who comes on SW.

    Again, scroll up, see Jane. You've got your subjects switched around.

  171. Erin never called me out.

    UKan did somewhat, Eden did somewhat. TNP tries (and fails).

    She's fighting her own demon in her head which she thinks is me, and instead of talking me directly she talks to me through her mother. Does me no good to take on someone else's neurosis. Erin cannot separate her mind from the rest of the world. A true solipsist.

  172. Medusa, not every person with some of Erin's expressions is Erin.
    You look like you are a fucking jilted lover. Give it a rest, already.

  173. Jane

    You know what is beautiful to me?

    Confusing the hell out of everyone. This mysterious Jane now exists and that is simple beauty.

  174. Medusa, not every person with some of Erin's expressions is Erin.

    Her writing style is unmistakable, even though it's obvious she trying to hide it (and fails at doing so).

    A regular troll.

    Are you seriously trying to tell me that none of these fake names are Erin? Do you have special knowledge as to which ones are her and which ones are not?

    You say I'm obsessed with her, I say you are obsessed with defending her, which is weirder. And under an anon, too.

  175. She must have had truth in what she said or you would be over her, by now.

  176. Your actions speak for themselves.

    Do you seriously think being called a missionary is an insult?
    Or anything else thats your come up with, Lovefraud? Where did you come up with that from today's comments?

    If someone cracked your shell open medusa, what would they find?
    The worms that have eaten away what was left of a child that had any hope of a fullfilling life.

    You make your own reality out of what you don't have and should have been yours. Sitting in your black hole yelling how wrong everyone else is. Does this make you feel strong?

    No it just makes you alone.
    And thats how you want everyone else to feel.

    Pain for pain.

  177. The only one who brings up Erin is you, Medusa.
    She said she was on her blog, if you miss her. If not, shut the fuck up about your obsession with her. No one cares.

  178. Your not a mystery Jane, your just ignored. Nobody cares who you are.

  179. Do you seriously think being called a missionary is an insult?

    Yes. Absolutely.

    Or anything else thats your come up with, Lovefraud? Where did you come up with that from today's comments?

    Can you read? Do you understand the word 'forum'?

    You make your own reality out of what you don't have and should have been yours. Sitting in your black hole yelling how wrong everyone else is.

    And what exactly is it you are doing right now?

  180. two janes at once :drool:

  181. I didn't know we weren't supposed to get along, Medusa. Shall I say something offensive to legitimize your imagined fears to the idiot Jane's?

  182. Maybe Mrs Ukan can get some place with Medusa. Medusa's defenses of deflection and projection are like a fortress.

  183. New entry on the list of people unworthy of cock:

    Ukan's wike.

  184. You must have been trolling the forum Medusa, did you get the reactions you wanted?

    Did you show them how heartless you are.

    Your not a sociopath, just a narc, and since you can't relate you smear.

    It's just a fact that you don't make a difference in anyones life. Your a island of darkness and the only time you have a glimmer is when you make sparks. They fizzle out fast and there nothing but darkness again.

  185. Aww, the missionary brigade is still trying to save me!

    As long as that goal is fulfilled, doesn't matter how much lack of integrity, how many straw men arguments, how much mental instability, and how many ad hominum insults are used to get there. True Christians!

    The ends justify the means! Right? or am I thinking of something else...

    Don't forget to leave a copy of the Watchtower for me at the bus stop.

  186. Medusa, you should give Mrs. Ukan an honest opening in to your life.
    Do you have the gonads, Medusa?

  187. If I'm an idiot, how so? Back up your claim.

  188. that damn victim brigade. always stirring up trouble.


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