
Friday, August 26, 2011

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Someone recommended that I read the book "We Need to Talk About Kevin," but I haven't gotten around to it. But, it's apparently the story of a mother dealing with the fallout of having a sociopathic son who has brought the ire of the community to the family. Luckily they have made a movie based on the book, starring the questionable Tilda Swinton:


  1. Oh look another movie at least the people who watch this crap will get the wrong idea of what psychopathy is

  2. Lol: He's not talking at the appropiate age, stares at his mother and says "die!" while playing video games? He must be a sociopath!

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  5. Hard to say since the blog is hosted in one of the google servers its always better to use a proxy anyway
    Cinema is getting worst by the minute i dont even know how this guys make money with such shitty, predictable, and unoriginal story lines even the special effects of 20 years ago were better than this computerized shit they use now and the actors OMFG cant people do anything right?

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  7. Tilda Swinton is the epitamy of hot adrongony.

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  9. i liked that book

  10. So what about Kevin?

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  12. What are my options?

    I've been married for 26 years ... at first it wasn't really anything but as the years progress ... everything is my fault ... conversation is 0. K. if I can figure out what kind of answer he is looking for ... he has become increasingly physical ... pinning my arms .. to the point of bruises ... pulling my hair ... making me do things that cause me to cry... it only seems to increase his excitement ... sometimes I am really scared because I am afraid that he will break my neck one day

    1. You stayed around for 26 years maybe he's punishing you for being an idiot

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  14. @jane
    Why are you looking for advice here anyway?
    This is "Sociopath world", not "ask for advice about my long term abusive husband world".
    But while you're here I may as well ask: How does he make you do these things that make you cry?
    If he isn't actually beating you then stand up for yourself, and if he does beat you then you'll feel as though you have a "reasonable" excuse to leave him.


  15. making me do things that cause me to cry

    What things?

    Why are you looking for advice here anyway?
    This is "Sociopath world", not "ask for advice about my long term abusive husband world".

    You obviously are new here seth. That's the whole lure of this place for empathetic people.

  16. In fact: one of the reasons this blog exists is to counter-balance the pathetic worship of victimization (also known as 'Lovefraud') that dominates the net when it comes to sociopaths. We should be happy she's reasonable enough to come here (and no, that's not a compliment to you Erin, you should've left already).

  17. @ Jane, do what david said preferably go to the police and getbhim out.

    Don't consider changing him, change yourself into a stronger person.

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  19. You could check it out, but it's just all kinds of irrational demonization and wallowing in self-pity, overlooked by a narcissist who's ego got hurt when her hubby out-clevered her and now she's guided by some paranormal inner-being delusion. Not worth anyone's time.

    Alternately, if you reeeaaally want to go, mentally replace the word 'sociopath' (and variations of that) with 'teletubby'. I can't help but laugh, no mater how much I do that. (and yes, that's originally 2's idea)

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  21. "Oh look another movie at least the people who watch this crap will get the wrong idea of what psychopathy is"
    Do any of you know any movies where people watching it would get the right idea of psychopathy?

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  25. Sophia:

    Solitary Man: Main character

    Sherlock (The new one on BBC)

    The Wire: Detective Mcnulty and most of the Top level dealers

    The Sopranos: Tony Soprano

    Most movies and shows portray psychopaths as criminals, cheaters, and manipulators. I don't blame them since I fit the stereotype.

  26. Grifters is another good one. The mother and the girlfriend

  27. @Erin
    So how is mania differnt, from everyone else on here?

  28. "Do any of you know any movies where people watching it would get the right idea of psychopathy?"

    The Texas chainsaw massacre.

  29. Copycat is another one.


  31. @Sophia

    I would suggest searching the archives for all entries starting with: 'sociopaths in movies/television'


    Make an educated guess, :)

  32. @sophia
    Mania is amaaaaaaaazzzzzziiiiinnnnnggggggg just wait till you meet her/him.S/he acts like s/he dosnt like me... but i know better

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  34. @ UKan
    I am wondering if you chose not to answer my question posted 23rd Aug ..2pm. I appreciate what you do here.....most of the time.

  35. Seems like a lot of digging. What was the question?

  36. This movie isnt even out.

  37. @Ukan. Have you at any time felt contempt for your now wife? If so how did you overcome this? Or is it something you deal with daily. As it has often been stated on here that sociopaths feel contempt for those that seek to understand them. I understand if you do not wish to answer.

  38. "As it has often been stated on here that sociopaths feel contempt for those that seek to understand them. I understand if you do not wish to answer."

    Logical Manipulation Fail.

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  40. No. I feel contempt for idiots who try to romanticize me, because they are so easy to fool. My past relationships women tried to find the good in me, and justified everything I did. When they did that they became like everyone else in my eyes: Another sucker waiting to be played.
    On the opposite end my wife gets a little carried away sometimes in thinking that I am evil. She sees schemes and traps thinking I'm setting her up for humiliation, if I am angry with her. Her paranoia gets me angry. She thinks that if she doesnt see me coming then I will be contemptuous with her, so sometimes she will be on guard till we sit down and talk.
    I am not cruel to her, mostly I am passionate. I take her out on dates two or three times a week, I got the new car she wanted, the house she wanted, and the stuff in it she wanted. I cuddle with her on the couch and watch movies. I keep her out of harms way with my business two hours away from my house. She doesnt have to work and goes to school at her own pace pursuing psychology which is her dream career. She gets plenty of spending money. I spend a lot of time with her and the dogs.
    When I am cruel to her, I say terrible things to her. I attack her with her insecurities and try to say anything that will damage her the most. I have tried to stop because I realized that what I say sticks with her forever.
    I have a way of getting vulnerabilities out of people. It's a cake walk when you are in a relationship because eventually they will tell you. Once I have them I use them like a weapon to bully that person. If I don't get what I want I will twist the situation into it being about one of your weaknesses or insecurities and use it to devalue you until it becomes a ultimatum of you feeling like a piece of rubbish or me getting my way.

  41. @ David
    Yes i would like to believe that what you say is close to the truth ..... but this is a socopath blog..........

  42. Diana you sound crazy


    Since Erin dosn't seem to be around will you answer my question now?

  43. My love is absolute. If you are my friend or lover our relationship will be controlling and possessive. There's nothing either of us can do about it. If you go into a relationship with a sociopath expecting independance you are fooling yourself. I try to give my wife independance but it's difficult considering she gives up power to me so easily and I am already predispositioned to take it.

  44. There are many sides when dealing with a dice, david. That is one.

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  46. I am sure people get the point Tyler (Dave), as a misplaced comma does not change the conclusion. Stop trying to nitpick. Unlike you I have the ability to see myself, because I don't have any delusions of noble intent.

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  49. @David

    Sorry to intervene (not really) but if you have no delusions, why do you/did you feel the need to assert your 'refinement' so much?

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  51. I've stated several times that I'm aware I'm a pompous prick and in the end of the day I know what I'm 'worth' and I have a sad life.

    No david that is something you learned here. You came in a pompous prick. You were humiliated into being who you really are: Worthless.
    There's no contradiction tyler, this is how relationships are. They are complex. There is good and bad. With psychopaths it is either one extreme or the other. You would see it as a contradiction, and it is understandable. I can't expect much understanding in the field of man-women relationships from a homosexual whore who drinks himself to sleep all alone every night. What do you know of relationship when yours are all fake and only last for five minutes. At the end of the night I sleep next to someone who loves me. At the end of the night you get some cash shoved in your mouth. I can see why you would be jealous.

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  54. @Erin

    Well, you have a good imagination, you'll get over it. :P

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  56. Moment of truth:

    the end of the day I know what I'm 'worth' and I have a sad life.

    Back to the lies:

    Knowing that telling I'm a prostitute, people in their narrow way of thinking (even self diagnosed sociopaths) would automatically think that someone being a prostitute and having refined taste would simply not go together

    You are the definition of delusional, dont dare question my sanity when yours is plain to see as non existant. You can't even see how ridiculous you are.

  57. I've known who, what I am and what I'm 'worth' for many many many years

    What? How long have you been a prostitute then? I thought you said it was only a 'temporary depression-something-something' (paraphrased).

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  60. He's known he was worthless all his life why do you think he chose to be a prostitute. He needed someone to pay him to peform sexual acts to feel any kind of worth at all. It makes you wonder who started that behaviour in his childhood.

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  62. david what happened to your refinement? did i get you out of character? threatning my wife? I thought you were not capable of violence, never even got in a fight. My wife would bury you.

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  64. David I know that a prostitute is no job of a gentlemen. The fact that you think you are refined as a male prostitute is delusional. The majority of the world agrees with me.

  65. He's known he was worthless all his life why do you think he chose to be a prostitute. He needed someone to pay him to peform sexual acts to feel any kind of worth at all. It makes you wonder who started that behaviour in his childhood

    I wanted to repeat this tyler because it really sums you up as a person

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  70. @Erin
    So how is mania differnt, from everyone else on here? Diana just went on about how amazing s/he is. do you think s/he has ever felt anything other then mine mine mine love?do you think that s/he'll answer my questions, when they come back?

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  72. David all you suceeded in doing is making yourself look even worse tha before. Admitting feeling lonely. Admitting you are delusional. Admitting you have no self worth. Now you are over there crowing a victory? You really do lie to yourself as often as everyone else dont you? You even lie for the same reason as you do others. To make yourself look better than you actually are.
    So david, was it your father that first gave you a treat to peform a sexual act or was it the nieghbor?

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  74. Sophia your welcome

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  76. @Erin

    Thanks for answering :)

  77. Mania dosnt like questions, I asked her/him some and they got annoyed

  78. Well, that settles it. Sophie and Diana are the same person. tough luck. ;)

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  81. @Erin
    Ok thank you. :)

  82. ahhhhhh. I see the daily dispensary of 'feel the love' is well under way.

  83. Oh crap...the parsnip hasnt died yet.

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  85. Yah people with perfect childhoods and refined upbringings become whores. I can see that. People with perfect childhoods and refined upbringing have no self worth. I can see that too. It all makes sense what you are saying Tyler. ~

    Let me show you another picture. You were devalued as a child and the only time you were shown attention and kindness was when you were molested. You learned that people only value you when they are using you sexually. That is why you feel worthless and why you are a whore David.
    You are so mixed up it's sad really. You drown yourself in alcohol and the truth comes out. You are stupid enough to write it on here. You are alone because you can't show anyone the truth about you, because you are ashamed. Inside you are so sickened by who you are that you have to drink yourself to sleep.
    You lie to yourself daily just so you dont have to face the truth. You chose to role play someone from the high society, when in reality you are a fucking whore. That's the lowest part of society david, anywhere you go. Dont you get it? It's hilarious to watch you sell yourself on it.
    You are a full blown alcholic, but you try to play it off as being a wine connoisseur.
    You claim to be educated yet here you are a prostitute, a job for the desperate. Tell me david why did you become a whore if you had so many opportunities?

  86. So what do you all do for a living? How do you get your money? Im in some deep i think im gonna actually have to start working...

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  88. @erin...

    Unfortunately the smell of shit doesnt seem to have left you.
    May I suggest carbolic soap and sandpaper?

  89. @anon

    I work in the graphics industry in various forms, and the odd spot of entrepreneurship...when situations require it.

    I am currently contemplating selling ice to the Eskimo's.

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  91. @Anon

    Student, living with his parents. :)

  92. lol what do you guys think about dealing drugs? would it be something you would do? the average pay would be 10k every 6 months for 2 years with an investment of 1k after 2 years the pay would increase greatly as i think dominating some areas would be fairly easy

  93. Im a consultant for night clubs

  94. @erin

    While the thought of spouting a truckload of degrading and vile epithets at you does hold a certain appeal, I think I will just continue to smile inanely at my computer screen and politely decline.

  95. Yeah Wheatley easy to figure it out i've been sitting on my ass for 20 years never did a thing i finished school last year i've supposedly been looking for a job for almost a year so now they are pushing me out to work so there's not many options

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  97. @erin

    you can prefer whatever you wish.
    Thats entirely your perogative.

  98. @Anon

    I'm 16 and about to finish/fail my first year of college (depends on how much work I'm going to get done this weekend) so hopefully, I won't have that problem for a looooong time.

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  100. Anon it's not what you think. If you don't grow up in that business you will not make it. Even if you grow up in the business the chances are you won't make it. It's not fast money either. The first several years is rough.
    All the profitable corners you have to take by force and it is not easy because most gangs have loyalty from the youngsters in the area already.
    If you want to sell in clubs the only way to make a decent profit is to get the manager or owner complicity and it takes a very convincing person to do so, and you have to know the right time to ask like when they have just opened up. You also might be walking into someone elses shop that has all the security on their ship. You could walk right into being shook down. If you hit them back, then the police will be all over it and you will have already drawn attention to your fledgling organization.
    That's just a few pitfalls. The longer you are in the game the more you learn, but this game is for keeps. If you make a mistake and are caught you are dead or in prison for several years waiting to start over again.

  101. @erin

    Good to know.
    If that is your preference then I shall endeavour to make as many 'pussy' wisecracks as possible ...and Ive just ordered more peanuts.
    Thank you for caring about me enough to share these life-changing truths.

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  103. @erin

    how do you confuse an idiot?

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  105. @anon

    Ukan has made some good points about the trade.
    It is romanticised in the media far more than what it is actually like.
    You will require these things before you even contemplate your new career.

    1: HUGE balls
    2: A good head for self preservation.
    3: a crew who you KNOW beyond all doubt will back you without flinching.
    4:A cop or two in your pocket or at least a magistrate or two .(optional)
    5: The ability to use a gun, knife or sidecutters without compunction and with dexterity.
    A good business head (or be close to an advisor who has one).
    6: be prepared to do time.

    Of course these things may/may not be completely fanciful. I leave the
    practicalities of interpretation of them to your youthfully exuberant mind.

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  107. I have no intention of being the middle man i have a fair amount of experience in making a few things which are not common around here lsd hash oil and i know who could work for me making some acids, with money comes the power so i have no problem with taking anything by force the main problem is finding someone "trust worthy"
    Thank you very much for your insights

  108. David's right you know; 'fucking whore' is a tautology.

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  110. How do you unglue something that doesn't have any glue in the first place?

  111. @erin

    how do you confuse an idiot?

  112. Oh there you are medusa. I wondered who was throwing my peanuts back at me.

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  114. @Lycan guess im missing 3 & 4
    it is hard to find someone in the field which is not a total stupid fucking junkie, junkies are not reliable
    i think i know now what my first step needs to be thank you

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  116. Thank you Erin for blessing us with your absence.

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  119. I think it would be relatively easy to make some money im not too worried about jail i am paranoid it will help me keep things low

  120. Besides it is exciting

  121. David? When you said 'Freudian analyse' a while ago, that wasn't a typo, was it? Did you mistake a word in your own language for 'analysis'?

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  123. You always say the same thing.

    Which is often me saying something you already said about yourself.

    And by the way I plan to have a big bean burrito from Taco Bell for dinner.

  124. With any luck the light fixture will detach itself from the ceiling and plunge into erins bubble bath, whilst switched on.
    A clever person would throw their washing in while the death thrashing and convulsing is going on.
    Gives a whole new meaning to 'agitation'.

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  128. This video is how Erin plans to save all the sociopaths.

    So simple, why didn't someone think of it before?~

  129. 'It's not about you and your issue'

    No way she'll take that serious.

  130. Oh wow medusa.
    now I GET IT!.
    That video has enlightened me to the whole empathy thing!.
    In fact now, I have a full range of empathic responses and feelings that I never knew existed.

    I know now it would be selfish of me just to throw MY washing in while erins being electrocuted. There are probably MANY housewives who need a helping hand with THEIR washing. And that poor guy I smashed in the face when I was jostling for position in a queue to get the washing powder probably has no home , no car, no ears , no left WONDER he was so angry with me!.

    hahahahaha...that video was even funnier than my comment thanks Medusa.. you rock.. I needed a laugh today.

  131. @medusa

    there are already tons of people out to save us, people love us.

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  133. some of the women over at lovefraud claim that the p was the golden child of the family.

    where any of you p's the golden child of the family?

  134. "OxD- I believe that the xmil may fit the bill for P-by-proxy. She certainly has the enabling of the bad-boy-golden-child addiction down pat. She will lie and sacrifice anything and anyone without a second thought for a son who has been nothing but a source of pain, emotional drain, and bane of her existence since his pre-adolescence. He set fires and hurt animals as a child; lied, cheated, stole, did/sold drugs in his teens, and has been markedly increasing the severity of his crimes ever since. Everything is a “misunderstanding,” and, “He wouldn’t hurt anyone,” and “He’s my SON, I OWE him.”

    What IS with that Golden Child syndrome anyway? It’s actually painful (and infuriating) to watch.

    He was actually labeled anti-social in 1991 (per court documents that surfaced). She was told what she was dealing with- and she’s continued to bail him out and coddle him anyway. Again, it’s painful and nauseating to watch. Her daft husband has no idea their retirement has been hit, and hit hard. She’ll bankrupt them before she denies the pedophile a thing. She lives only to serve him. He, of course, only tolerates her when he wants something. "

  135. "For my family, I think it was patriarchal, old country ethnic behavior. The BOY child… and when he got older, and impossible for anyone to handle, well, by then they’d boxed themselves into a corner. He’d take both of my parents on, physically and verbally, and they were getting too old and weaker than him. He still bullies them, abuses them. I’ve threatened to turn him in to adult protective services…and then THEY turn around and get upset with ME for even suggesting such a thing. Yet they come to me to tell me what he’s done and how sad they are. It’s all so horrible to watch, but I didn’t create it and it’s not my problem to fix.

    Yes, they victimize themselves as you later stated. But they try to drag you into it, I suppose honestly, because they’re both scared and enabling. "

  136. Baby I want to kill you and stuff you in my sock drawer
    I want to dismember you
    Baby I want to tie you up and eat your organs like pasrips.

  137. please someone make erin stop writing msg's

  138. I know now it would be selfish of me just to throw MY washing in while erins being electrocuted.

    Lycan, you are gold today.

  139. @lycans foreplay cigar.

    Killing people means that they will/can no longer be played with /toyed with.

    Dismembering them is messy, time consuming and rather self defeating.

    Tying up?..mmm..ok..that one holds an appeal on certain levels, but eating the organs displays a level of irrationality and compulsion that I dont posess, nor wish to, as I believe escalating ones murderous and violence levels to that stage (dismemberment eating etc)leads the perpetrator to be limited in how they approach sexuality, rationality and interaction with other people.
    I enjoy aspects of my life far too much to limit it by going down that particular path.
    Aint much fun on a jail house floor .
    As someone pointed out rather succinctly yesterday?...Women like 'bad boys'...not 'evil boys'.

  140. :)
    Hey Baby

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  143. This movie looks like total shite!

  144. I was initially going to rip into this trailer, but then I caught a few more on YouTube. Some of the commentary the kid makes is classically sociopathic. I'd like to see the film for the content, not the Big Oooo factor that trailers like to push.

  145. For you, erin:

    I have been on the receiving end of a "mine, mine, mine" relationship. It was short lived, as I don't like feeling like I'm being controlled/confined/smothered.

    I'm also possessive ha, so that's a bit of a problem. right?

    I hide my possessive nature for a couple reasons. 1- I really don't want someone to say they're entitled to be possessive with me right back, and 2- it's unattractive and I don't want them to know I'm insecure.

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  147. Erin, that's a little simplistic. You can always get hurt. This is the risk of being in the world, trying for relationships. You can do your best in life and still end up getting hurt.

  148. borning

    wv: ithortitwasveryborningto

  149. I want to see the new vera farmiga movie about finding god.

  150. I remember seeing an interview with the writer of this book, something Shriver. I found her quite compelling as a person, and she's gay I believe. Not that that means anything but she was an interesting person as a whole.

  151. PBS Series Presents:A Day In the Life Of LycanAugust 27, 2011 at 5:29 AM

    Today you viewer will have an inside look of Lycan at a social gathering approaching a woman.

    Lycan is on the periphery of the room. HE SMELLS IT.

    Lycan sidles up to the object of his interest. He says with cool aplomb "Baby,I smell parsnips"

  152. PBS Series Presents:A Day In the Life Of LycanAugust 27, 2011 at 5:35 AM

    Today you viewer will have an inside look at Lycan at home with his love interest.

    She says,"Lycan what IS that contraption set up by the bathtub. It looks like you are trying to electrocute someone"

    Lycan " Don't worry Baby I am bad not EVIL.

  153. @pbs..lmfao..very good!......actually got me laughing. thank you.

  154. PBS Series Presents:A Day In the Life Of LycanAugust 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM

  155. PBS Series Presents:A Day In the Life Of LycanAugust 27, 2011 at 2:16 PM

    Oh, sorry, wrong link.

  156. No cigar. have never been partial to

  157. UKan:

    "You obviously are new here seth. That's the whole lure of this place for empathetic people."

    Which in turn makes it a good lure for sociopathic people.

    On note of your post at 12:06 comment and some of those after that... Talk about being long winded, eh? ;)

    CAPTCHA: narcfool.

    Okay, it was larcfool. But close, no? xD

  158. PBS Series Presents:A Day In the Life Of LycanAugust 28, 2011 at 9:21 AM

    This program has been discontinued on the grounds that Lycan is behaving.If he turns bad again the program will resume.
    Don't worry we will be back on the air shortly *wink*

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