
Monday, August 22, 2011

Song: Easy to be Hard

This is one of my favorite songs portraying a typical narcissist. I used to watch this when I was young and identify with it. As I was explaining to a reader recently about child sociopaths: "a typical combination is a sociopath child of a narcissistic parent -- I think that's because the sociopathic child quickly learns to resent and distrust the narcissist's histrionic displays of emotion and is forced to fend for himself."


  1. I say, I say, I say, you should post lyrics with the videos.

    Some of us don't always bother to actually watch them.

  2. Lafayette junior? *Cough* stereotype! *cough*

  3. This is interesting because i think my father is a narcissist i've thought about that for a long time just never bothered myself with investigating it

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  6. I love this song, and this movie. Interesting how such a jerk can be found in a movie about hippies. Good choice.

  7. All hippies were jerks. And by jerks I mean narcissistic. Hippies were idealists, the worst kind of narcissist. And yes, I know I am making a sweeping generalization. I’m being hyperbolic and polemical.

    As for the song, I couldn't get past the woman's vocal performance. It's annoying.

  8. Hair is just depressing. As if the world needs more of that we have to add musicals on top.

  9. Funny daniel, my wife and I were talking to some hippies and came to the same conclusion. I can't believe they still exist. There's like a neo hippy movement going on. They basically cloth their parasitic lifestyle in the idealism of anti capitalism. This guy was sponging off his girlfriend and even got her to change to some natural brand of smokes (his brand convienetly so he could just smoke hers) all in the name of anti capitalism. He slept with other women while she stayed faithful ,because she was too attached, in the name of free love. They smoked grass to get closer to god. He lived at her house but he didn't work because he was 'against collaborating with the system'. She was already at the edge of disbelief when we were talking to them. You could tell she was annoyed with him because he would try to rest his head on her and she woukd push him away. He smelled. He kept trying to sit between me and her on the couch but it was pushing against me which annoyed me. Eventually I told him to shove off because there was no room. He tried to take his girl with him but she was too happy having a conversation with us.

  10. narcissism is all about oppression, how could a hippie be a narcissist?

  11. Lyrics to Easy To Be HardAugust 22, 2011 at 8:12 AM

    How can people be so heartless
    How can people be so cruel
    Easy to be hard
    Easy to be cold

    How can people have no feelings
    How can they ignore their friends
    Easy to be proud
    Easy to say no

    And especially people
    Who care about strangers
    Who care about evil
    And social injustice
    Do you only
    Care about the bleeding crowd?
    How about a needing friend?
    I need a friend

    How can people be so heartless
    You know I'm hung up on you
    Easy to give in
    Easy to help out

    And especially people
    Who care about strangers
    Who say they care about social injustice
    Do you only
    Care about the bleeding crowd
    How about a needing friend?
    I need a friend

    How can people have no feelings
    How can they ignore their friends
    Easy to be hard
    Easy to be cold
    Easy to be proud
    Easy to say no

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  13. Erin is hypochondriac, what you had was a depression. lol i win

  14. Anon8:11, narcissism is all about self obsession, to the point that it blinds the narcissist to the reality around him. It isn’t about oppression, unless you mean by that phrase that the narcissist oppresses his awareness of his social environment.

    The hippies sense of their place in the grand historical scheme of things was/is wildly overblown. They and they alone would change the world and they'd do it in the span of one generation. If that isn’t self centered and grandiose, I don’t know what is.

    Ukan’s anecdote is perfectly illustrative of what happens to hippie utopian fantasies in real time. All they see are visions of revolution and their own enlightened status as the progenitors of said social revolution reflected back to them. They fail to notice the complete disconnect between what they preach and claim to believe and their actual lives.

  15. Oh yes. A hippie can be a narcissist.

    Anyone can be a narcissist. I had a Dad my mom would call a hippie out of his ear shot when I was real real young. Stupid woman.

    I taunted my narcissist Dad with "Daddy is a Hippie, Daddy is a Hippie" working desperately for any sort of rise out of him.

    You think he gave a shit? He was actually insulted. Scowled at toddler. (I was talking at 3, my genes being all superior and whatnot)

    Responded as if he was responding to a grown adult. Said "i am not!" like a 5 year old. I think I laughed that I got a rise out of him. Anything would. Extremely self involved person who cared about "society's bleeding" but not his own flesh and blood's.

    I think that's when I began to see how ridiculous adults were, and how "saying the wrong thing" (pulllease) could cause a parent to rock a child's self esteem .

    Stupid Fucks indeed

  16. most people can talk by the age of 3.

  17. 811:
    Narcissism is about projecting your "oppression" onto everyone you meet

  18. Well then I must have been 2 ;)

  19. That anon is Bella, And I jest. I don't actually remember my exact age. I exaggerate for effect. Don't you know that by now?

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  21. Yes. My entire family hides a smirk and irritation when I do something different. They will compliment and smile with one half of their mouth, and the other half is shaped like a baseball glove.

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  23. Shaman was quite a bit of a hippie. Wore more jewelry and fancy clothes that even I and at times reminded me of Fabio. Thought he was "one in a million" because he everyone else was sheep and slaves to New Media or whatnot. Claims to hate "technology" (however vague that is) but then later admits he just doesn't know how to use it. Is a 9/11 Truther because he saw Zeitgeist. Thinks everyone is out to get him, that no one understands his work, that people are putting curses on him and thinks that's why his ex left him. Very self-involved.

  24. hippies stand from freedom. true full blown narcissists, hate happiness and want to destroy others, it's the ego run amok. a narcissist is more likely to be a police officer who likes tormenting hippies for being social outcasts, rather than being a hippie.

  25. the kid who used to beat your ass when you were younger, that's the narcissist.

  26. Sounds like my wifes ex boyfriend I stole her from. He told me he was a shaman, because he said something at some camp fire they were dancing around that was "profound". He also claimed he 'used to be' a big time marijuana dealer (like there's such a thing), and that he was a decendant from a man back in the days who ruled a large illegal syndicate in my country. I laughed at him and told him he was a pathological liar. His girl laughed too. She knew. A few weeks later I was dating her and that loser was off to find someone younger and more gullible to sponge off.

  27. narc = pussy momas boy that got bullied

  28. was he a socio, ukan?

  29. pathological lying isn't a compulsive liar, a pathological liar is a someone that lies, to make themselves look better than they are.

    pathological liar - you see that huge building over there?

    guy - yea.

    pathological liar - my dad owns it.

  30. Hippies are pathetic and a lot of them are narcissists. They think they have the answers to all the problems, but are so privilidged and disconnected they have no clue what the oppressed need. They try to dress up like they're homeless even though they have a trust fund at home and a Maserati in the driveway, just so they can identify and act like they are part of the working/oppressed class. They say they are non conformist, but they dress like each other. They say they accept everyone but talk shit on anyone who is not a hippy for not being on 'their level'. They claim to champion the oppressed but they hate them too. To them poor people are 'violent' and they just 'kill each other' and spread 'negative energy'. I have met a lot of hippies and they are all sacks of shit. Everything they say is hypocritical and outright lies. From their supposed loving acceptance to their anti sexism. They are the most racist, classist, and sexist people I have met, and much worse because they mask it by claiming to be against those things.

  31. the only narc hippie i've seen was charlie manson and he controlled a whole bunch of other hippies.

  32. narcissists are more likely to find success than sociopaths. they have better behavioural controls and are more manipulative than you guys give them credit for.

  33. @Ukan
    I agree with the Hippie thing.

  34. If you call yourself a shaman, with a straight face, you’re either a con artist or another self deluded New Ager/hippie. Or in some weird way both.

    Anon10:06, hippies do stand for happiness: their own. At all costs. They are in love with seeing themselves as the hero of their own story.

    You just gotta love “alternative people”, with their alternative clothes and their alternative jewelry and their alternative religion and their alternative politics. Sometimes, it’s almost adorable to hear them go on and on about sheep and what not, apparently oblivious to the fact that defining themselves as the alternative to the so called bourgeoisie effectively ties them to the sheeple in a vice grip of mutual complacency. So long as the people with actual power stay in power, continue to hoard the wealth and have access to cannon fodder for the occasional war to protect their interests, they don’t give a rat’s ass about the idealist/hippie and his alternative lifestyle. The beat goes on, the same as always.

    And what Ukan said.

  35. Anon10:25 – Perhaps. Until their supply is threatened. Then watch in amazement as their "behavioral control" disappears in a paroxysm of rage.

  36. daniel, a narcissist has a deep fear of intimacy. all the love and bonding which hippies do, would make a narcissist sick to his stomach. a narcissist can't talk about feelings, if that conversation comes up, the narcissist will turn it into a joke or act sarcastic.

  37. I am well aware what a pathological liar is, idiot, and I'm sure the rest of this forum does as well.

    No I don't think he was a sociopath. He believed his lies. He made his own image in his head of greatness and kindness. In reality everyone he knew told me he was a piece of shit. He would take money from people and spend it on coke and give it to all his friends so they thought he was cool. When I met him someone took some money in a deal gone wrong and I offered to recover it for a forty percent split on what was recovered. He told his girl (now my wife) that he didn't want to be indebted to me so it never happened. Of course the money stolen was his girlfriends so he didn't care.
    When I stole his girl he moved far off and sent me threatning texts making claims he used to be in the special operations unit and he would find me. He was actualky kicked out of he military for doing drugs without making it through boot camp. I told him where I but he never came. I recently heard he's dating this 18 year old girl (he is 30). I guess part of him knows he has to find someone younger and more gullible.

  38. yea, a person who believes their own lies, is usually insane, not a sociopath. a sociopath will know full well, that he is duping people with the lies.

  39. 'They are the most racist, classist, and sexist people I have met'

    why do you care so much about those problems? you always seem to get upset when it comes to issues such as racism, pedophellia, domestic violence, sexism, rape, drug abuse...

    why would any of that bother a socio? others here don't seem to care.

  40. If you’re the same Anon that’s been standing up for the beleaguered hippie, then I’m going to start calling you Hippie Wannabe.

    So, Wannabe, it sounds like you have a blinkered vision of the hippie. Like the hippie, you appear to see what you want to see while ignoring actual behavior and its real world impact. Talking about love and bonding and feelings is meaningless without action. I'm sure that any narcissist can talk about his feelings and how all we need is love, blah, blah, blah. In fact, I’m pretty sure he could wax eloquently about it. It would still mean nothing. Haven’t you heard? Talk is cheap.

  41. I am a racist sexist classist abuser, idiot. I don't give two shits about peoples prejudices. I just have to point out peoples hypocricy.

  42. there are more hipster narcs than hippies narcs.

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  44. 'I am a racist sexist classist abuser, idiot. I don't give two shits about peoples prejudices. I just have to point out peoples hypocricy'

    i think you just pointed out your own.

  45. do any of you read lovefraud? some of the comments on there are interesting.

    there is a woman named oxydrover and supposadely she has a psychopath son that murdered a 16 year old girl, over something minor and he has tried to get her murdered from prison.

  46. just letting you all know, cuz there is people out there hell bent on getting you all put away.

  47. I cannot believe you people actually listen to others with personality disorders lol.

  48. i bet you sick fucks make fake myspaces to spy on prepubescent girls.

  49. Therapist... The Rapist yah Im not going

  50. This one's for all the ladies on SW:

  51. girls of sw, who would you rather?

    a normal?

    a socio?

  52. David everything you say is something trying to try prove to everyone here you are living a sophisticated life. In reality you are a dirty whore.

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  55. "people can be so boring, the same small talk over and over again, it's so terrible"

    Yeah that's why we cut it out here. You don't have to update us with your meaningless comments about wine and your parents. Are you French? Your campness is seeping through the text so that would make sense.

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  58. Speak english. I wouldn't learn that fruity language if they paid me.

  59. Yeah French is the one language I am uninterested in.

    So David what do your parents think you do for a living?

  60. david r u psuedeo-posh?

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  62. english is the superior language.

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  65. No he's from new york, aren't you tyler? I repeat myself only because you are repetitive. Everytine you come on here ypu talk about fucking people up the ass for money and what wine you are sipping. You are like my neighbor across the street. We went over to say hello and he couldn't stop going on pointing out how much each item and accessory in his house costs. Its not classy, its tacky. You'll learn that once you are mingling on this level as something other than some rich guys perverted secret.
    Your constant flaunting of your homosexuality tells me you are uncomfortable with it. You are trying to bother people with it so you can trump around calling hem moralists and crowing about how different you are. Do you see straight people constantly talking about sucking dick, eating pussy, or anal sex? Please. You are not different. You are like every other faggot whore I've met. They stand on the corner with mayonaise up their arse waiting to be picked up by a pervert or the police.

  66. No he's from new york, aren't you tyler? I repeat myself only because you are repetitive. Everytine you come on here ypu talk about fucking people up the ass for money and what wine you are sipping. You are like my neighbor across the street. We went over to say hello and he couldn't stop going on pointing out how much each item and accessory in his house costs. Its not classy, its tacky. You'll learn that once you are mingling on this level as something other than some rich guys perverted secret.
    Your constant flaunting of your homosexuality tells me you are uncomfortable with it. You are trying to bother people with it so you can trump around calling hem moralists and crowing about how different you are. Do you see straight people constantly talking about sucking dick, eating pussy, or anal sex? Please. You are not different. You are like every other faggot whore I've met. They stand on the corner with mayonaise up their arse waiting to be picked up by a pervert or the police.


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  69. Fuck you doesn't need to be sophisticated david and french isnt magnificant. It maybe to some psuedo posh (thanks anon) whore from new york who learned it in grade school. Oh did you think nobody could translate that and you could get a little snide giggle with your inside joke? You don't impress me. You are completely delusional.

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  72. I found your twitter tyler. You linked it to the site. It wasn't hard considering you put everything out there. How many psuedo posh homosexual dominant prostitutes that talk like you are on here? I'm not from the states and don't try to act European. My wife is french and speaks it fluently. Your cheap act is a fraud. Maybe you beliebe it, but obviously nobody else does.

  73. "but yes I think homosexuality is inferior (I know this will sound like a contradiction)."

    How fucking stupid are you? You just proved that you are ashamed of your sexuality. If your not gay then why do you fuck men for money? Why do you fuck men for fun off the clock in steam rooms? You feel threatened by the aggressive "macho men". Have you ever even had a woman? Why can't you make a living fucking them? Why can't you do anything else all together for cash if you're so exeptional? You're a fool.

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  76. Negro?

    What planet are you on and what year do you think this is? What's your beef with black people anyway? Your "caucasians only" rule makes you look really really ignorant, either that or a fake.

    Is this part of your pretentiousness, pretending you are from some Hemingway or Joyce era sitting in French coffee shops with outdated ideas to go along with it?

  77. "As you said before, try again"

    I think I said that. Try again.

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  79. "I make people like you shrink with one look at them."

    Yeah the ice cold death stare of the male prostitute who's never been in a fight.

  80. Erin you're obsessed with me. Why do you think that is?

    And now suddenly UKan is your hero, even though he's the same as always. You are just playing games now. Are you trying to act like a sociopath because you think that's what it takes to make you stronger?

    Hatred of me does not help you love yourself more or to find your own self or your own way. Things don't work that way.

    Quit externalizing and projecting stuff onto me that is not there. I know you need a voodoo doll shaped like your mom to stick pins in, but using me as a scapegoat is weak.

    Your problem is internal.

    Worry about yourself, not me.

  81. do you smoke a pipe david?

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  84. i bet he forces himself to listen to classical music.

  85. You don't use violence david, you couldn't make me blink so lets not have fantasies about what would happen in real life if you gave me a 'look'.
    You are obvious and now you want to cover it up? That's why when I put your name on here several days ago you went back and deleted all of your comments? That's why you have Mr. Ripley as your icon, a homosexual con artist from new york who cons his way into the posh life in europe? That's the problem with you narcissists. You really believe the role you are playing is real.

  86. Look at the 'culture' they've produced

    What a dumb statement. What culture? Do you really think there is only one 'black' culture? Are you so sheltered and ignorant that you haven't noticed that you are merely playing into what you've been told?

    The same thing you said could be said about white culture, and I hardly think you would take it well.

    I think you really need to brush up on history and sociology as well. The stereotypical 'black' culture you refer to is partially created by the white man.

    You are making yourself look really unlearned.

  87. Its funny that you admitted to thinking your sexuality is inferior yet you claim your not defensive about it.

  88. david, i agree with you about blacks.

  89. medusa is a narcissist.

  90. Also, since you say 'caucasians only', then what's your problem with Asians and other races that aren't black?

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  92. medusa, do you actually treat other races as equals, to yourself?

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  94. Mr Ripley was a wierdo Tyler. The fact that he is your hero tells me just the kind of muppet you are. The fact you think every 'negro' is the same in every country and that they have silver teeth tells me you are very america-centric. You are not cultured. You are not sophisticated. You live above your means in a lifestyle you can not maintain through any other means than prostitution.
    Erin shutup you cunt.
    Despite my differences with anyone here do you think i would side with you. I don't read your commnets anymore. The only reason I read that one is because medusa said something about it.

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  96. Anon 1:14, yes, why wouldn't I? I'm not dumb enough to think that race has anything to do with how human someone is or is not. Only retards and sheep do that.

    David, you sound just like those girls who calls themselves 'empowered' because they became strippers in order to get themselves through school.

  97. I know a lot of strippers like that^

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  99. petit bourgeois

    Good god, you sound like a first year art student from 1980. Like you are trying to be a hipster, but even less hip.

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  101. Again, David, what do your parents think you do for a living?

    And what is your problem with Asians and other non-black non-caucasians?

  102. You're actually admitting how pathetic you are now Dave. You can't stand yourself can you?

  103. David:

    I hate to break it to you, but beyond the obvious surface distinctions (skin color, facial features and so on) and groupings related to possible disease patterns, "race" as most people understand that term is not a scientifically valid taxonomy. Your thoughts on the subject are the result of faulty social programming. Deprogram thyself man.

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  106. Has nothing to do with being politically correct or egalitarianism. Has to do with not being an idiot.

    If I was into egalitarianism I would think that there are other factors about people that make a lot more sense to concentrate on. Merit, intelligence, skill, etc.

    People who say shit like you just said think they are railing against the system, and say they are against being PC (I'm guessing you say this because you are trying to be unique), when quite the opposite is true.

    In trying to look like a rebel you make yourself into a sheep.

  107. I scrolled up and you answered neither question.

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  111. You know David, it's funny you're so racist because racism is caused by empathy. :)

  112. They think I have 'one' rich guy sponsoring me

    Okay you answered that question. But what parent wouldn't be questioning why a rich guy would want to sponsor you?

    But you still haven't answered my other question.

  113. every intelligent and educated person is a "fake" to erin, especially if it's a female

  114. racism is caused by hatred. are you saying that saddam or hitler were empaths? give me a break.

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  116. actually, i would say racists are more arrogant, than hateful.

  117. It's hilarious that you think UKan is "real".

    Haven't you read any of his many posts where he says explicitly that a lot of what he does and says here is bullshit?

    Open your eyes, no one here is real. It's just text. You are so easily swayed by appearances.

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  119. do you guys think they'll kill gadafi when they find him?

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  121. They won't kill him outright. He will be put on trial, then they'll hang him.

  122. racism is caused by hatred. are you saying that saddam or hitler were empaths?

    Um, Hitler and Saddam most likely didn't give a shit about race. Racism was just a pre-fab notion that they made use of because they knew so many dumb people would go along with it.

    Those dudes were all about power, not race. Stop looking at the surface of things.

    I remember it was either Misanthrope or TNP (or both) that when they first came here they bragged about the hate crimes they committed. They got their asses torn open by the people here.

    Even they admitted it didn't really have anything to do with race.

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  124. I'm not, but they weren't actually racist.

    Is it really that farfetched that the same hormone that causes you to identify with people that are similair to you, also causes you to--at the very least--distrust people who are not? Racism is indeed born out of hatred, but it needs an 'us versus them' mentality first, and for that, you first need to feel like a part of the 'us'.

    There are of course lots of other factors involved, but oxytocin lies at the heart of racism.

  125. For the millionth time, what's your problem with non-white non-blacks? Such as Asians?

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  127. so, do you think saddam gassed the kurdish for the hell of it? rather than because he was a racist? you can't say that hitler wasn't racist, that is idiocy.

  128. @Ukan
    Real is a quality of "being".It is being true to oneself, brave enough to be real, to say who one is, to express what one feels.
    It could be called Authentic.It is not about the content of the person's words.It is about being true to who one REALLY is.
    First,one must know oneself. That is the hardest part.
    That is the part in which most people fail.
    It is rare to find an authentic person.All that means is someone who IS who he is.
    That is it--that simple--nothing more.
    That is what I want and will die trying to get.
    It is my struggle not anyone 's ,mine alone but I want it with all my heart.
    The reason none of you can take me out is that I am not a fake. How can you hurt me if I want to face who I am?
    You can only hurt me if I have a mask that you peel off.
    I have no mask and if I did I want it gone.

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  130. "All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes" – Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

    Hitler is talking about David here, and you other blind anons.

  131. and have you ever seen an asian break into a car like a black did?

  132. are you saying he did it for the lulz? basically?

  133. William lind and pat buchanan call it cultural marxism. Two americans, tyler. Its a common misconception of you americans to call anyhing outside extreme conservitive politics socialist or marxist. Probably because Rupert Murdoch has taken over so much of your media over there that you idiots are brainwashed. In europe your left wing party would be considered conservitive and your right wing conservitives would be considered fascist extremists.

  134. It is not about the content of the person's words.

    Then how can you possibly tell that UKan is "real" or that I am "fake"?

    There is nothing here but words.

  135. Have you ever heard a black person play the violin like asians do?


    And I'm quite sure that if we had a piano-off you'd end up in a fetal position in the corner.

  136. I totally agree with Medusa on this. Hitler didn't actually hate jews. They were easy scapegoats.

    Germany was in deep debts as a result of World War One, had to forfeit territory and inflation was through the roof of God's attic. So Hitler started a campaign against Jews, just to unify Germany as a whole. It worked. Jews were easy scapegoats.

  137. PROTIP: Always tell people you have no money, whether it is at dinner, or when contemplating buying something; this leaves a chance that they will pay and you will get something for free.

  138. There is very clear evidence that he was actually jealous of Jews.

    He wanted to one-up them since he couldn't be one or have their secrets to himself.

  139. That was TNP talking about that black kid he kicked around, Medusa. You're right though. It's not about actual prejudice's or actual beliefs, it's about playing to people's desires and controlling them anyway you can. I make up my beliefs as I go along and sell them to idiots.

  140. it is simply insane to think that hitler had no quarrels with the jews.

  141. WHAT AM I HEARING 'hitler didn't hate jews' YOU'RE AN IDIOT

    Mein Kampf, ch. II, Adolf Hitler.

    The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

    Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

    I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

    Gradually I began to hate them.

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  143. There's a difference between hating Jews and being racist.

    Hate does not necessarily imply superiority.

    Anon 2:00, that excerpt makes his jealousy even more obvious. Thank you for helping me prove my point.

  144. That's just too easy to say he wasn't a racist. Why do you think he gassed 6 million Jews? Because in the Jewish people he saw the übermensch he was longing for.

    Nice way to contradict yourself in such a record period of time. 3 sentences.

    Your last bit is what I already said.

  145. Medusa, you are a fucking idiot, I've never heard a more braindead comment in my whole life

    Do you even know what Racism is defined as (go look it up if you are too retarded to know it off by heart)I won't be replying to you again because off your obvious lack of education.

    first it was hitler didn't hate jews

    and now it's hating a race isn't racist. You are fucking braindead

  146. So Anon, if empathy had nothing to do with it, it was only the sociopath-germans who hated the Jews? You keep saying that Hitler is solely responsible for all those murders, but I doubt he comitted even 0,001% of them himself. He just used people's predisposition for 'trying to belong'.

    Does anyone else think I'm starting to sound a liiiitle bit too nazi? Because I'm starting to think I'm standing up for Hitler too much...

    And no, I'm not a nazi, thankyouverymuch...

  147. you cannot say any leader respects his people if he sends them into war.

  148. Again, hate doesn't always imply superiority.

    More often it implies insecurity. Envy. Lack of a sense of control.


  150. @Medusa
    If I went out my door to a Feminist group of woman who did not shave their legs, hated men and thought they were pseudo intellectuals and Goddesses in some HUGE self delusion there I would find hundreds of YOU.

  151. Saddam on why he gassed the kurdsAugust 22, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    I was bored.

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  153. Meduca you are an idiot, look up the definition of Racism, you're making yourself look retarded.

    Racial equality is a myth. Blacks are a low race with the highest proportion of criminals, the lowest average IQs and the worst job and academic performance.

    ^^Note that this doesn't make me racist as there is more variation inside races than there is between races. However, if I was to beleive that race is the primary determinant of a persons character then that would be racist (not to mention retarded)

  154. i tell the truth, so im racist

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  156. @Medusa said . . .

    "Again, hate doesn't always imply superiority.

    More often it implies insecurity. Envy. Lack of a sense of control"

    BRILLIANT! And the quicker this group of growling apes get this, the quicker the advance in the species.

  157. @Anon 2:08

    I might be a "self-diagnosed psychopath" (your words, not mine, but I have standards. Nazis were stupid for thinking that they were somehow superior because they didn't have to dye their hair to look like scarecrows, and we wouldn't want to be associated with that lot, now would we? And what makes you think I'm a "self-diagnosed psychopath"?

    Kudos for making me laugh at your comment. :D

  158. I knew you were stupid dave, I didn't think you were as stupid as Jason. Mabye you are one and the same.

  159. >'So Anon, if empathy had nothing to do with it, it was only the sociopath-germans who hated the Jews? You keep saying that Hitler is solely responsible for all those murders,'

    I thought I must of missed something after I read this, so I scrolled up and noone (atleast in the last 30 comments) has said what this person is accusing them of saying.

    Congratulation wheatley you win the award for the worst strawman argument in history, either that or you actually beleive someone else said this in which case, you better go back to the psychotic forums

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  161. And yeah, I was reading between the lines, big deal. I shoul've said 'implying' or 'putting it like'. Happy now?

    At least I have some form of identity everyone can direct their hatred at, my dear anon.

  162. @Erin,


    You wrote: "If I went out my door to a Feminist group of woman who did not shave their legs, hated men and thought they were pseudo intellectuals and Goddesses in some HUGE self delusion there I would find hundreds of YOU."

    Erin, you are truly crazy. The one voice in this fucked up dog pile you would be served to listen to is Medusa. She is your self proclaimed finger pointed projected enemy with three fingers pointed inward.

    Looking for attention?

    There someone noticed you :::::::wink:::::::::

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  164. @the previous anonymous

    You are wrong, first Medusa said that hitler wasn't racist, then she said that hating a race isn't racist

    I'm ashamed to have the same name as you

    @David *hi5* any government that values its country should not let africans into it, asians are a far better form of immigrant.

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  167. Medusa is a person who does not exist in any actual"person: form.All of her is contrived.
    So,if she talks about Feminism, that is contrived to make her look like that particular mask.
    If she talks like a pseudo intellectual , that is contrived to make her look like that mask.
    If you feel off the masks there is a scared small person in there.
    IF THAT PERSON EVER SHOWED that would be the real her.
    All the rest are fakes.

  168. "you couldn't even be a well behaving whore in real life."

    I laugh every time you call me scum because it's coming from whore. You make it sound like whoring yourself to strange old men is something to aspire to. You have no ambition and you'll submit to anyone.

  169. Peel off

    But the Freudian slip was true too

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  171. Anon who may or may not be making a blogger account now:

    The initial argument was that empathy doesn't cause racism. Then an Anon proclaimed that Hitler didn't kill people because of empathy. I then tried to point out that that wasn't the point, and that Hitler just used Jews as a scapegoat (did I mention they're easy scapegoats? I did? Good). The (or rather 'an') Anon then said it's preposterous to say that Hitler didn't hate Jews. So I tried to untangle and clear up things a bit by returning to the original argument. So I said that most Germans went along with Hitler because of empathy.

    I realize that it might have been a big leap (and I don't mean that condescending). My thoughts can be all over the place, and sometimes a little hard to follow.

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  173. White people or white thinking people are the most emotionally insecure. That's why they are the only ones who believe in absolute dominance through force or indoctrination. Saying things to sound like they want to teach the world about egalitarianism only make them look even more ridiculous. They are doomed to economic failure because they are inherently lazy, depressed and chronically manipulative. Their success relies disproportionately more on hype and bluster than real production or self ability. Their insights and confidence are so self referencing and dependent on being the center of attention that they don't even see how other races are already laughing at them, waiting for their final impending collapse, to feed off their emotional fat lazy narcissistic culture.

  174. "Europe is paying plenty for their immigration policies of the last decades, just look at what happened in London the last few weeks ..."

    What? Explain.

  175. @David

    Guess who here has a 'profession' that makes more people vomit than thinking about a multi-cultural society does?

    I'll give you a hint: it's you! :)

    Even though, you know, it's physiologically impossoble to vomit because you think about something. ;)

  176. "@Mis
    You're uneducated trash (you even admitted that yourself), you don't even come to my heels, no matter what I do ..."

    Remind me. What it is you've done with your precious education?

  177. You cannot tell the truth from the lies in here Erin. That's what makes you such a fun play toy.

  178. Ok this was me

    Anon: 226, 218, 212, 208, 206, 200

    I might make a blog about being a manipulative asshole in the future

  179. I was also the guy who did the protip

    To be honest at the moment you guys don't seem very socio

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  182. @Nero:

    Ironic how you name yourself after a guy who used living christians as torches at his parties. ;)

    And your protip only makes you look cheap in the long run.

  183. @David

    You can suck dick while you're standing? Are you a midget?

    But seriously, you're right. You're obviously not bothered by stinking of spunk most of the week. I propose we insult your taste in wine next. :P

  184. "Giving lectures, because I like it, I don't make a lot of money out of it."

    Exactly. Other then that you're into whoring.

    "Europe is paying plenty for their immigration policies of the last decades, just look at what happened in London the last few weeks ..."

    Now come on Dave. Explain this to us. Show everyone what a waste of time and money your education was.

    I don't care about your youtube videos

  185. Nero, racism is an emotionally driven and therefore faulty set of beliefs. By definition it is divorced from fact. Racism is very much like religion in that sense. That’s what is being pointed out here. It is a weakness that is easily exploited, as history demonstrates. Repeatedly.

    Using racism to further your own ends is one thing. Actually buying into it however is just plain stupid.

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  187. SW Welcoming CommiteeAugust 22, 2011 at 2:58 PM

    Nero, what a telling name for such transitional times.

  188. Pro tip your advice is for low lives. If you want real money from people you need to know how to throw it around making it seem that expenses are effortless. What kind of con artist are you trying to portray yourself as, when all you can think of is a free meal. You minds well be homeless.

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  190. @Birdick

    This page has studies which show blacks have the highest proportion of criminals

    Here is a page with studies showing that blacks have the lowest IQs (remember that IQ is correlated with many things e.g. job performance)

    Here is one of the blackest areas in america

    The pattern isn't just in America it can be seen all over the world. The so called racists are correct and racial equality is one of the last dogmas in the 21st centuries. Remember that Darwin and Galileo were called racists as well

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  193. UKan your post is irrelevant, I'm 18 and have saved over £1000 in the last year by doing that. Wheatley it only makes you look cheap if you implement it wrong or overuse it.

  194. "Europe is paying plenty for their immigration policies of the last decades, just look at what happened in London the last few weeks ..."

    I'll take it that you can't explain this then.

    Stop with the mindless insults Dave. I'm not even from america and I'm don't tell you anything so that you throw ridiculous shit out there and make yourself look stupid. Keep it up.

  195. @David

    Just trying to fit in with the 'cool' crowd here, and looking down on you seems 'hip'. :p

    Do you actually know what 'spunk' means? If no, that would explain why you didn't respond to my hilarious joke a couple of days ago. Pity...

  196. @Nero

    Your protip said to "always tell people you don't have any money". If that's not over using, then I don't know what is. And yes, I know I'm just nit-picking at a little mistake you made, but you did the same so: :p


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