
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sociopath quote: volunteerism

--volenti non fit injuria

to him who consents, no harm is done


  1. Good thing I never mentioned, being on the wrong side of that snuff fantasy.

  2. volunteerism?

    that sounds very happy.

    If a person doesn't want to be with you anymore, they've essentially quit their volunteer work. -I can respect that.

    one should always want to be with you as a volunteer. It's very genuine.

  3. What a stereotypical, fug pic

  4. Good quote, though obviously not always true.

    I like the pic.

  5. @Erin

    Regarding Jeane Dixon, she predicted that the winner of the election would either die in the office, or be assassinated, but not necessarily in his first term. She also predicted that Nixon would win, and she predicted World War III. Not really an example worth mentioning.

    In fact: the Jeane Dixon Effect is named after her. In essence, the JDE is a form of cherry picking that mediums and psychics use to make their predictions seem a lot more accurate because they ignore bad predictions.

  6. @Wheatley
    Well, honestly I am not here to defend myself or anyone else.
    I try to answer as I see fit when I am asked questions.
    However, I just know me and I am cool with me.So, what can I say Darling :)

  7. *~p s y c h i c k ~*August 28, 2011 at 7:09 AM

    i PREDIC there will be more drivel to come YET...

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  9. She's hit the nail on the head. You should completely ignore her.

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  11. Oh I like this quote very much.
    I have a habit of believing someone has subtly given me their consent based on behavior, and body language.
    They never tell me outright...

    Does that still count?

  12. omg u r really so very lame psychik u r jus reeding cues an making gueses based on probalility cos this place is always full of drivel.. well i will not fall for it!!!!

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  14. Wife abuse, whoa! You are naughty, UKan!

  15. "omg u r really so very lame psychik u r jus reeding cues an making gueses based on probalility cos this place is always full of drivel."

    Don't feed him, then. Ignore the drivel, it works better. Commenting on it only adds to it.

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  17. @Zhawq

    making up for lost time?

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  19. Erin said...
    OK MY time is up.Tell us how YOU knocked your wife across the room, beat up two guys at once and kicked the dogs head.



  20. i love that psychick says more drivel to come and erin knows it directly relates to

    great quote and sexy pic..

  21. hey guys, i am a guy who is looking for a psychopath for a friend. what places should i go to find a psychopath?

  22. bette blu 's ape is at the Police StationAugust 28, 2011 at 10:06 AM

    "Bette this is Detective Ukanalli
    We have your ape here
    I see you have posted signs around your neighborhood for him
    He is currently eyeing all the woman officers
    Do you ever GIVE him any Ma'am? I can't tell you what is emanating from his pants.
    Well, at any rate please come and pick him up.
    I will release him at the door on his own recognosence."

  23. Anon, what makes you think that a sociopath will befriend you? A socio isn't like a borderline, they actually care about who they are seen with.

  24. I mean a sociopath cares about who they are seen with, not a bpd.

  25. thank u and i agree. my old psycho friend would make his borderline girlfriend carry all of the shopping while he walked behind, it was funy a little but i felt soo bad for her...

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  27. bette blu 's ape is at the Police StationAugust 28, 2011 at 10:19 AM

    "Ma'am Blu ---Officer Ukanalli again.
    I wanted to warn you to keep him away from children.
    If anything happens to children in your area YOU will be held responsible .You have been warned Ma'am.
    I suggest a durable leash in the event you have to leave the home.At other times,keep him chained in the back.
    Good Day Ma'am.
    Oh, I am selling tickets to the Policeman's Ball.Care to buy a few?

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  29. hi david, i'm just an average guy like so many here. are u a p?

    "my old psycho friend would make his borderline girlfriend carry all of the shopping while he walked behind"

    this was him on a kind day.

  30. Making a docile woman carry groceries? How deliciously malevolent.~

    I mean seriously.

  31. i wanted to save her, it was very bad..

  32. everything. you shouldn't take advantage of others.

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  34. you shouldn't take advantage of others

    My god, did you ever pick the wrong place to hang out.

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  38. What's the benefit of pleading guilty? Reduced punishment?

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  40. I was asking David, I thought that was pretty self-explanatory.

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  42. @Wheatley
    No problem Amigo

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  44. Thanks (David).

    So, what's with that internet fraud?

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  47. Vulnerability with their own self-esteem makes individuals with narcissistic personality disorder very sensitive to criticism or defeat. Although they may not show it outwardly, criticism may haunt them and leave them feeling humiliated, degraded, hollow, and empty. They may react with disdain, narcissistic rage, or defiant narcissistic personality disorder.

    Narcissists are extremely sensitive to personal criticism and extremely critical of other people. They think they must be seen as perfect or superior or infallible or else they are worthless. There's no middle ground.

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  51. Vaknin said that narcissists love going to court, because they will treat it it's a show.

  52. ^^^ As if it's a show

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  54. Here's a thought: David is a narcissist, but he tells himself that at least he's willing to talk about it in an honest and open way, so he's still better than all of us. Ironic, no? Calling yourself superior because you're willing to 'admit' you're superior.

    This is all conjecture of course, so you don't have to say anything. Just one question: why did you go 'cold turkey'? Did it have something to do with your court case?

  55. And in the category 'examples of why you should always proofread: 'admit you're inferior'

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  58. @Erin: My guess would be histrionic narcissism. :)

  59. @David: With 'cold turkey' I meant deleting your profile and all of your comments.

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  65. But it's true, isn't it? If they let you into their lives, and you destroy them. It's their fault. You didn't put a gun to their head and force them into this, they had to choose you.

  66. @Erin:

    I think the histrionic is pretty obvious; since you've come here you've been the center of attention almost every single day. And it doesn't seem to matter what kind of attention you got, you never just walked away, even when it got really bad.

    The narcissism is more of a long shot. You say you learn these lessons all the time. 'Now I get why my mother acted that way.' etc. But you never seem to actually learn something. As if you're just defending you being here. I think you don't want people to think you revel in the attention you get here.

    But you shouldn't take things people say here completely serious. Least of all things some smart-ass sixteen year old keeps harping on about. :)

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  70. 'You didn't put a gun to their head and force them into this'

    Well, that's how i got my wife to say yes...

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  73. i doubt erin has npd. she doesn't lack empathy, if anything, she has too much.

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  75. Erin only feels for herself, any show of empathy is grossly exaggerated, and unrealistic. she doesn't know how to fake it.

  76. i haven't heard any outrages boasts from her, which is common in narcs.

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  79. 'i haven't heard any outrages boasts from her, which is common in narcs.'

    You must have missed the time when she claimed that her psychic poweres were a 'special gift from god'... and all the times when she's bragged about her so called qualifications.

  80. ...And, when david was sick, erin decided that she was also 'medically intuitive'.

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  82. the thing with narcs though, is that they never have the qualifications they boast of. i'm sure erin is telling the truth.

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  84. narcissists like to be seen as politicians, doctors and lawyers etc they will get lost in these roles.

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  86. Do you guys think the quote is true?

  87. @David
    Thank you for your thoughtful answer sans flying tomatoes .

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  89. @Sophie
    Are you going to be around much couse if you are im going to change my screen name thingy so people dont get confused

  90. @David
    I hear you. Thank you

  91. Wow, they just showed a shed full of burned (like charcoal) corpsed on the BBC. Kinda surprised they can.

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  94. Quit talking about yourself, etc...

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  98. martinlutherking of socipathsAugust 28, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    Erin, I know what you need. It's big. It's black. It's my cock. I think if you choke on it a little, everything will be okay

  99. @David

    The common view on TV seems to be that, while people are themselves responsible for what they're watching, part of the
    responsibility lies with the broadcasters (as opposed to, say, the internet), so TV wants to be a bit less confrontational than corpses like that. But I did fall right in the middle of it, so perhapsnthey issued a warning first.

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  102. I need MLKs big cock now

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  105. Maybe you are "Caucasian only" for practical reasons? Can't deal with big cocks? Cuz your ass is too tight, or there's already something stuck in it?

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  108. Your comment makes no sense at all but LOOK YOU BAITED ME INTO RESPONDING.


  109. Erin I saw your charts stuff and that stuff is so vague it could apply to anyone. Most of that stuff can be gleaned by just paying attention anyway.

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  114. erin i asked you yesterday... what if an anon gave you all the info you needed? then no one would have to worry about giving too much information away

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  120. I thought you weren't here to be liked. Especially by one of the people who you hate the most? The Bore?

    So you won't do anon's chart because the anon has no identity that you can convince to like you?

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  123. @David

    It seems to me that corpses that don't resemble human beings anymore are a lot more confrontational. Everyone can imagine a dead person with, say, their face turned inside out.

    At the essence of this (and this will be a rant, excuse me in advance) lies that people think of people as: two arms, two legs, a head and a body; not as a bunch of conveniently placed chemicals. So when what used to be a person gets reduced to a form in which only their shape is vaguely recognizable as human, it confronts them with what they actually are: a handful of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and calcium.

    You see, to deal with everyday life, people have to normalize and standardize everything. Set boundaries between what's normal and not. And there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Conversations would drag on for hours if you had to specifically define something elementary as a table each time you mentioned one.

    But what is wrong with it is that people get locked up in these definitions. Suddenly, everything must be 'normal', no one stops to think about what things really are, only about what they are considered to be. Take this whole 'global warming' thing. In the average person's mind, the current climate is normal. Summers are always hot. Winters are always cold. There is always ice on the North Pole. The current animal species are normal. They don't stop to consider that, maybe, the world changes constantly. That, if even something as seemingly basic as the location of the continents can change, maybe the climate changes as well. Summer isn't hot because, well, it's summer and it's supposed to be hot during summer. Because hot summers are normal, right?

    On a bigger scale; the first time in history humanity is able to objectively and empirically collect data on the weather and climate everywhere in the world, and it turns out that the climate is not as stagnant as we thought it would be. So, obviously, at the same time we started collecting data, the climate started to change (for the first time in history no less!), because a staggering coincidence like that is far more likely than anything differing from our assumptions about what is normal and what isn't.

    To sum up; the reason humanity traded the geocentric solar system for the heliocentric was not because all the geocentrists changed their mind, but rather because they all died (<a href='>Well, almost all of them</a>) and a new generation accepted the theory, and took over.

    What was I talking about again?

  124. Well fuck. I suck at HTML. I forgot an apostrophe...

  125. @Erin

    I answered the question you asked me in yesterday's blog.

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  127. Concerning cryogenics:

    Right now it is less than useless. If your body temperature gets under 0º celsius, al the water in your body (about 70% of your total weight) crystallizes and expands, rupturing your cell membranes and irreversably damaging your body.

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  130. Yeah, I was born just to be your Karma.

    Yay, solipsism.

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  132. I have no idea why someone would want to be immortal.

  133. Seriously. It's like going around and downloading random shit off of the internet. One day you download a virus and it wipes your computer clean.

    People are too open, too trusting. They let you in. They set up the dominos, you just happen to be the person that pushes the first one down.

    What the fuck can they expect?

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  135. boooooooring

    this is all too nice and pleasant... where are the bastards?

  136. Say anon, what's stopping you from being a bastard yourself?

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  140. plausible explanation

    Did I miss something? Did you write something besides your coma-inducing-batshit-crazy... crazy-theories?

  141. first i'd have to establish myself as a bastard, wheatly, and go beyond petty name calling... fuck face

    i'll leave it to the certified bastards to wreak havoc and shit

  142. You are going with the most convenient and self-serving (and hence outlandish) explanation.

    I'm sure you can come up with 10 reasons that are actually more reasonable and don't require past lives, and instead are based on current reality. No?

    Because you sound like the shaman who thought his relationship failed because of a "curse" instead of taking responsibility for himself and reality.

    I'm not here to say that curses or past lives are not real, but when they are used as an easy way out or as an easy explanation that exists outside of who one is today, in this life, it's obvious and weak, and does not help one get stronger, only to stay the same.

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  146. To him who consents, they deserve everything they get.

    No lust for life, no fight, no struggle? Your weakness and vulnerability doesn't excite me. It bores and angers me. I want to see your squirm, to gasp, to clutch as if in the grips of Death itself. I want to be the last thing you ever see with a smile wide on my face, teeth protruded into a wicked grin.

    Your voluntary defeat insults me, but I will feed nonetheless. The hunger must be sated when it becomes too strong, one way or another.

  147. Anon, 5:22
    read a little more on masochism and intelligence.

    Tell me Erin, what other roles do women have, apart from working in factories or being objects of lust?

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  149. @Erin

    You got your answer. Now I want to know something.

    Why do you cry over your mother? Don't you just want to slit her throat, and piss on her grave?

    How can she mean anything to you?

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  151. @Erin

    See, that's the part I just don't understand. The sister I grew up with feels the same way about our parents, as you do your mother.

    She loves them. She used to tell all her friends I was cold, disturbed, and possessed by the devil, because I didn't feel like she did. She still tells people I'm evil.

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  153. True dat.

    Trick is to stop searching for her and knowing her love isn't the template for the rest of the world.

    Which is what a mother is 'supposed' to be. A proper template, a map to start you off.

    Easier said than done, especially if it's all sub/unconscious.

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  155. So, how would it be if it were all reduced to bare anthropological truths?

    Bill Clinton:
    "Because my supreme position of power entitles me access to the largest selection of the most desirable young women"

    So what are we going on about? Whats with the outrage and harassment complains? Hillary Clinton and Feminism are just menopausal histrionics, whilst feminine desirability (maternal love included) drives the "age-genius" or "age-moron" curve.

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  158. Ubermensch300@hotmail.comAugust 28, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    @Zhawq'Good quote, though obviously not always true.'

    This statement is always true. Consent, harm might be done, but consent was given, so how could any harm be done? As a aphorism that is.

  159. Is masochism stigmatized as a perversion because it is a precursor to some kind of cultural evolution?

    Surprised (or not) no one here cares to explore the underlying power behind the title quote. Conservative lot you are.

  160. Why would you want a psychopath friend?

    Here's an example. You're having a party and you can't afford the venue but your rich psycho friend has a loft-like abode. You tell him you will fill the party with beautiful women/men and lots of business people he/she can use later.

    Free venue. (Even though you know he knows you're trying to use him it's worth a shot. The'll complain about the clean up, and won't EVER let you forget he did something FOR YOU, but he will respect you for the exchange.

    And he may do it again if the exchange paid off for him/her.

    This is based on a true story.

  161. "to him who consents, no harm is done"

    fools rush in where angels fear to tread

  162. My housemate just had a BPD episode.

    Kind of alarming.

  163. Jesus was the ultimate masochist and God was his biggest fan. Everybody had a good vent. Now we have great money making religion so where's the harm?

    Do share the BPD episode. Is it a guy or a girl?

  164. "Jesus was the ultimate masochist"

    I guess that's why so many empaths love/identify with him.

  165. Well, she got suddenly passive-aggressive this afternoon without warning. Not looking me in the eye, responding to me in a weird tone, shit like that.

    So I finally asked her, "Are you angry?"

    She grabbed her cat and held him close and said, "Yes, and I don't want to talk about it!!!" in a rather dramatic tone, before she slammed her door shut, and, I'm sure, began to cuddle with her cats and her many gigantic stuffed animals in the dark.

    I heard her crying from my office.

    I had no idea what the fuck.

    She calmed down an hour later and said she was upset because I left the door unlatched when I went out for a second to put some boxes in the garage, and apparently her cat almost got out. Her cat is like her child, in the cat-lady sense.

    Then she invited me to eat dinner with her and watch a movie. Wall-E.

    She is over 30.

  166. welcome back Gag!

    Lol medusa. That's d'awww worthy.

  167. @Medusa


    Oh wow! That sounds like something straight out of Girl Interrupted

    I love that movie

  168. I very often feel like I'm living in an old-school psychiatric hospital, or a sanitarium. She's like a character out of a movie.

  169. I know people like her. They take everything personally and then beat themselves up for it. Somewhere she doesn't think it's ok to tell you to be careful about the door. It's a whole dramatic number. She feels powerless.

    Things are never easy when you feel the world is out to get you or if you always assume you don't matter.

  170. Don't patronize me you fucking pile of shit. You think that I don't know about masochism? You think I don't see victims every day begging for punishment and death? Why do you think they come to me? For fun and kicks? They want to die. They're scared to, but it's what they truly want. The ultimate pain and sacrifice for the pleasure of ending their life. They flirt and they flirt and they flirt some more, waiting for someone to push them beyond their old limits.

    I despise them and their death wish but it won't stop me from playing in their blood. They're my gift, wrapped with a pretty little bow and put on my doorstop. The fun I have ripping off their wrappings and finding out what's inside -- I'm hungering just thinking of it.

  171. Berliner argues that the masochist “appears in a double light”—as a passive victim of a brutal and traumatic childhood and as an active “troublemaker who entangles himself in actual conflict by which he constantly makes himself victim again. He is sinned against, and sinning”

    This is so very conveniently CONTROLLED isn't it?

  172. 5:22, anon, please tell more of what it means for you to have the power over someone? I want to live vicariously through you and go to sleep dreaming of you taking mine away.

  173. please to tel me i a masochrist

  174. Pweeeeeeeeeeeease to tel me..pweese. Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeaaaaaeeeeeaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze

  175. Ppp p pp pp p p p pu pu

    wter eater water
    Gimme justa sip a sippa watta from ur bottie?

    I wansome watta

  176. C'mon I won't do peepee. Pweeeeeeeeaaaze?

  177. Not till you say it otay to do peeps

  178. me holdie long timey for u

  179. I holding..................

  180. PMS, if you're around, can you read the citation gag posted at 7:49. I know it's not nice to ask you to do my homework, but you are just so good at putting complex academic ideas into words I can understand.

  181. oh for chrissakes.

  182. Gag@10:35 thanks. I understood that.

  183. I thought I was going to faint, you brute

  184. All better now I hope? You've probably had quite a bit to drink...

  185. lol

    To drink? I am high on me, mothafuckaaaaaaar


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