
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sexual sadism (part 2)

Until I met W, I spent my whole life lusting and obsession after various girls. I had huge crushes, where I was willing to devote my life to them, but they didn’t even notice me. I asked S out in high school, but she wasn’t even remotely interested in spending time with me. I didn’t really understand how people ended up hanging out together. The one cunt that did notice me in the Navy was married, and was fucking around on her husband while she was friends with me. I was in love with her, but she was a disgusting piece of shit whore. I should have known better.

I still have no clue how people end up hanging out together. Now I have a job, and everybody I know, I met through work. I don’t meet people outside of work, because I have no idea how people meet each other, or what a normal social script is even supposed to look like. I envy the sociopath, because, they learn that they don’t know, and they learn to mimic these retards living around them. I’ve gone thirty-five years, just thinking I was shy; whereas, even if I was completely uninhibited and extroverted, I wouldn’t have a clue as to how to play this social game.

So, full circle, I’ve been denied proper access to sex and friends my entire life. I don’t even think I really care about friends anymore. I’m over that. Sex still pisses me off though. When I see all of these whores running around, playing the same stupid games, throwing their bodies around to every stupid douche bag that pushes their buttons, it just disgusts me.

First, I want to hurt them. I want to hurt them, because their behaviour is disgusting. I want to hurt them, because they hurt other people. Even if they’re not doing it consciously, it’s in their biological makeup to make stupid decisions, and ruin their life and other people’s life. I want to hurt them beyond anything their mind can imagine. Even prolonged torture, mutilation, and murder isn’t enough. I want to rape their dirty fucking souls.

Second, I want to control them. They go through life wielding this godly power. Sex is one of the core biological reasons we exist, and we have strong biological urges to reproduce. Controlling the world’s sex is like controlling the world’s food. Restricting sex is unacceptable. Lions fight over a mate and then rape the shit out of that bitch. Our society says that it’s unacceptable to make people do things they don’t want to do, but my conscious tells me that her power is unacceptable. I want to tie her down, hold her down, force her, and control her. She’s nothing. She didn’t earn that power that she mistreats. She’s a worthless piece of shit, and needs to be raped and murdered.

Finally, I want to rape her. I not only want to rape her to hurt, degrade, and use her, but I also want to rape her for sex. She’s denied me of access to sex my entire life. There was plenty of opportunity for me to mesh with society, make friends, and date women, but they wouldn’t have it. Instead they spread their legs for other dip shits. And, our “moral code” says when some stupid cunt decides to mate with ten worthless incompetent half-wit retarded shit-brains, we need to respect her rights and her sexuality. Well, fuck her rights. It’s my right to shove my cock up her ass repeatedly until I shoot my cum into her bowels. It’s her right to struggle, but that’s about it. Society can back the fuck off.

So, you think your ten year-old daughter is “innocent.” Not in this world. Unless she’s a complete and utter social reject, she’s part of the problem. Might as well be proactive, and rape the little bitch right now.


  1. I'd love to see a conversation with this guy and Freud. That would be worth the price of admission.

    @Contributor: Grow a pair of balls and do it. Get it out of your system. Stop talking about it and be proactive. And once you have, write back and tell us how it has changed you, for better or worse.

  2. There was plenty of opportunity for me to mesh with society, make friends, and date women, but they wouldn’t have it.

    Did mother and father not let you out?

  3. This guy isn't funny or pathetic, he's dangerous.

    He needs to be locked up.

  4. "I have been denied proper access to friends and sex. Restricting sex is unacceptable." Look at this loser. Friendship and sex aren't rights honeybuns, the fact that you weren't able to get any is because you are eminently unlovable and creepy and you have nobody to blame for that but yourself.

  5. I'd try to see things from this guys point of view but I doubt I could get my head that far up his arse

  6. This guy should join the taliban. He needs to never look at a woman sans burka.

  7. What did he expect to get from posting this?

    Encouragement from the predator's?
    TNP that was not proper but you know that.

    He even hates little girls.

    Twisted fuck needs a straight jacket.

  8. "Twisted fuck needs a straight jacket"

    you realize, that you are on a sociopath website???

  9. I think this guy needs some friends.

  10. i think this man is a narcissist. he talks about wanting to be with these girls, but is still willing to resort to name calling when they refuse him. i get the feeling that he wants something to possess, or to show off and boost his ego, rather than actual love.

  11. "So, you think your ten year-old daughter is “innocent.” Not in this world. Unless she’s a complete and utter social reject, she’s part of the problem. Might as well be proactive, and rape the little bitch right now"


  12. That's really pathetic. In 35 years you've only ever fucked a few prostitutes and your mentally ill wife who only settled for you because she's nuts. Women don't have god like power over you, you give them power by chasing after them. They laugh at you because of how needy and desperate you are. But then you can't just sit back and let them come to you because you're repulsive. Women either find you attractive or they don't. Get the fuck over it already. Go online and find some desperate pig to sleep with. We all know you don't have it in you to hurt anyone. It's not hard, neither is getting laid but people like you cant even get the simple things right.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Women don't have god like power over you, you give them power by chasing after them.


    Quote of the day!

  15. Quote: "It’s my right to shove my cock up her ass repeatedly until I shoot my cum into her bowels. It’s her right to struggle, but that’s about it."

    My Right: Essentially , I have the right to remove the "source." If I were to INDULGE in taking lives/a life I would start with people like this "source."

    My Justification: The simple answer is that it would AMUSE ME. For the extended version stay tuned to our normal broadcast.

    Thought: From my experience NT's are capable of seeing what they perceive is a problem (be it in society, at home, etc.) They may then become emotionally upset about this "problem" and ACT on it by: *drum roll* COMPLAINING! *Yay!* If this "problem" persists and inflicts a sufficient amount of pain, they may start to go further...

    My Point: If this were to be a "Normal" person, this would most likely be emotional release for them that ended there... Or Possibly seconds later ended with a Physical "Release" LOL :) or if your really dumb I'm saying the guy probally masturbated during or shortly after writing this.

    Disclaimer: When I use LOL's, emotiocons (or however the fuck you spell it), or any other similar device It is because most people in the world are too stupid to get things. Even though putting words in quotation marks should be suffiecient.

    Observation: "I envy the sociopath, because, they learn that they don’t know, and they learn to mimic these retards living around them."

    Response: Ah, Delusion. So many things I could say regarding this comment but, alas, I have grown tired of typing about this post.

    Ok: "Temptation has my ear today" ... So just a quick thought, Emotion lead the writer to this "envy" to be a sociopath so that he "fit" in using mimicry. Regarding this post, he may also have benefited, if "mom" had chosen him to be a sociopath, then he wouldn't have cared enough to write this post. Furthermore, I wouldn't have read it, and then been tempted demonstrate my superiority. I could have actually been productive here at work over the last hour. Narcissim. LOL :)

    "And now for something completely different..."

    Interesting fact about me: I prefer to refer to NT's/"Normal People" as "Muggles." Thanks for playing.

    Afterthought: At first I blew off Tik's post saying the writer was dangerous... I still maintain the position of disregard since I don't have enough information to judge the writer or their state of mind. However, the combination of the Tik's comment, this post and this blog in general sparked so more thoughts:

    "Muggles" are capable of being driving to violence by emotion. Maybe sociopaths are part of Mother Nature's ("Mom"'s) Check's and Balance system to be able to remove people who are prone to emotional rage since society has sympathy for such behavor. Dexter comes to mind.

    Some Logic?:
    Society has:
    Sympathy for "heat of the moment" violence. (Normal People)
    No Sympathy for cold and calculated
    violence. (Sociopaths)
    Violence = Violence
    These are true statements. Must be bad logic. If you are having trouble understanding, you might be sociopath. :)

  16. I can't believe you guys actually think this fable is true. This is just some sexually frustrated teen who was rejected by the Prom Queen, the Plain Jane, and the Lucy Goosey. What kind of grown ass man talks about the reject crowd and dancing abilities to score chicks? Laughable.

    He's not going to hurt anyone, tik. He's got no balls. His mother probably took them so he'd stay out of trouble.

    You want advice, kid? Get a personality and a sense of humor. Even if it's a fake one. Jeesh, you're dense as a brick.

    Pro Tip: If you're going to kill yourself, burn your angsty journals and clear your internet history so your parents don't find out you're a weirdo fuck. It's the decent thing to do.

  17. Sad but I've heard men whine about their marraige's and sex in the extreem. Not to the point that their going to rape and kill someone. If their thinking that, they don't say it.

    Not a manly look. When they do you wonder what is wrong with them that their wife doesn't want them to touch them. And then they start coming onto me. They are such a bunch of losers.

    When he said that about the ten year old girl he crossed over into pervert.

    TNP, why not convince him to do us all a favor and kill himself.

  18. tnp said...

    "If you're going to kill yourself, burn your angsty journals and clear your internet history so your parents don't find out you're a weirdo fuck. It's the decent thing to do."

    so that's why you deleted your blog...

  19. Nice try, Fuckass. You'll never find out why. I hope the intrigue has you popping mad.

    Tik, why bother?

  20. i don't care why and i'll never ask, i just felt like being a fuckass to you, that's all.

  21. TNP, because you can.

    Funny how this guy hasn't come on to take credit for this post, maybe he already did do the world a favor He didn't have anything to offer or maybe his wife saved the neighborhood the trouble.

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  23. i agree with you Erin. it could be numbness, creating a lack of body awareness, his own and others'. my first thought when i read yesterday's post was narcissist.

    i'm also wondering if M.E. threw this out as a sort of mental chew toy. it would be interesting to hear from the guy himself, if he exists and is reading this.

    it's like he exists only in his head and the rest is dead meat. nothing gets in. he's got locked-in syndrome of the mind. extreme narcissism.

    if he doesn't understand why other guys get women, it's likely he doesn't pick up any signals they may throw at him to indicate their interest.

    my comment to the guy, if you're reading this: you seem stuck in the past, delving on missed sexual conquests like a school girl who missed out on her prom. i'm guessing you're middle aged, and going through a midlife crisis. time is running out and time is slapping you hard in the face.

    you don't mention whether you have sex with your wife. what's the deal with that? but maybe that's irrelevant when it's really about a missed prom.

    maybe she's troubled because she's married to you?
    maybe she has her own issues and you two are making each other worse, using each other as floatation devices instead of learning to swim in the river of life. okay cheesy anaolgy, but why stay with her?

    what happened to school friends? what are your hobbies? who are your neighbours? do you have drinks with the guys after work? that's how people meet.

    one suggestion i have is get a hobby, something physically challenging that's outside of your comfort zone, and involves some physical contact with others. stick with it until you are good at it. it will create new patterns. something new will enter you mind. you're like a pot of boiling water with the lid firmly shut. your anger toward women is unrealistic and your perception of them unreal.

    is there a part 3?

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  25. Cure by crying? Erin you are either trolling sociopaths or just plain pathetic. Your existance in the world peronally offends me

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. It's impossible to release trauma if you hold on to it and make it forefront in your thoughts. *

    Put those thoughts down as having been their problem and you are better then that.

    Nuture that child with the women you are now. Not everything is your fault.

  28. @Erin, leave this fucking forum. You have nothing to do here.


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  30. Do sociopaths cry ?

  31. Pinned against the wall? Is that what you call you crying over me taunting you with your dead child that committed suicide because you didnt stop your husband molesting him? You are delsuional. Wholeheartedly.

  32. Crying is for healing. Some people from other blogs have said there is no cure for the sociopath. Is that untrue?

    Ukan do you ever cry? Even in private? With your wife ever?

  33. The sense of entitlement that one sees in "men" like this is what fuels my ability to have a guy sleep over, not put out, and then steal money from his wallet while he's taking a piss the next morning without feeling even a fleeting sensation of guilt. He makes himself into an easy target by being desperate, and he makes himself exempt from any surviving sense of a moral code by being pathetic. He hasn't got the subtlety or social grace to get within raping distance of someone.

  34. just because a person cries does not mean they have been "defeated" Anyway you donn't know if erin cried. she prob cries in private from her own mind. She is unaffected by bullies. (clearly)

    Why do you care who pinned whom against a wall. You really live for this? It's like a bad fake wrestling match.

    Troll entertainment "TANIGHT on SW"

  35. Ukan, what do you do when your wife crys?

    What can you give her other then things (material) maybe she would never cry in front of you because she knows you'll never care. Your marraige is new if she doesn't cry in front of you but alone this will someday become hatered toward you. You probly won't care then either.

  36. He is a target I guess.

    OH that's the reason ME posted this!

  37. @Erin
    i think crying is a sign of unfreezing, that you're already on your way.

    but it can be just narcissism, masturbatory, if it's not connected to something real. you can end up getting stuck at the crying stage forever.

    having a physical outlet that's challenging, where you can measure progress, is something real to connect to, a way to replace old patterns and ways of seeing yourself.

  38. maybe she would never cry in front of you because she knows you'll never care.

    This is exactly what happens to me when I was with my ex. I never wanted to give him the satisfaction of seeing my vulnerable spirit, my feminine, soft side.

    How does a sociopath deal with a normal person who has a soft side? If you hate weakness, do you push them far away, far enough away for them to realize they get no emotional support? It's got to be tedious!

  39. How can you measure emotional progress with a physical activity, Zoe? Can you give an example?

  40. Tik you are very skewed. My wife loves me so much she can't stand me leaving. She has everything she wants materially, sexually, and emotionally. She doesn't cry in front of me (except once) or anybody because she has pride. She cried once when we were playfighting and she kicked me in the face on accident. We were drunk. I flashed and smashed your head against the wall till she almost went unconscious. Her crying annoyed me so I called her weak. Later I apolagized. I'm sure you will be all over that tik.
    You need to suck it up and be tough. My girl walked the hard streets with me while I handled business in the days when it was hard. Shes grown to love me for who I am instead of having codependant delsuions. I'm up front with her and she knows what I am.

  41. Honestly, I believe there is great strength in the soft vulnerable side. You get to really see the person. It would be nice to meet a sociopath who could own up to their vulnerabilities.

    Does that even exist? What do you think of this, Ukan?

  42. Your wife is a trained dog.

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  45. Does your wife dissociate, Ukan?

  46. Anon 12:19
    That is a brilliant question!

  47. OMG 1219,
    No one on SW would admit to a soft side. You are dreaming, asking any of these hard souls to admit to weakness or even blind spots.

  48. I spent my life eliminating vulnerbalities. My role as a man is to provide and protect.

  49. Ukan, what were they before you eliminated them. And how did you do it?

  50. That holding it in because of pride only last so long Ukan.

    Pride makes epole walk away without looking back too.

    Tears can come from frustration, pain, anger and joy, you'd be better off knowing about the tears then her having to hide them.

    I don't cry unless something has built up to it, which is almost never. And i wouldn't let the one who caused it know, which would only make me store it till I resented that person enough to do something about it by then it's to late, their done.

  51. Don't protectors need protecting?

  52. I flashed and smashed your head against the wall till she almost went unconscious.

    That was quite the slip.

  53. I don't cry unless something has built up to it, which is almost never. And i wouldn't let the one who caused it know, which would only make me store it till I resented that person enough to do something about it by then it's to late, their done

    this is the case for me, too.

  54. This is women. it's the way we are.

    If forgiving only makes a man or women feel they can do it again or in control, we stop forgiving and you'll never even see the resentment till it's too late.

  55. Being "done" with a person... It happens naturally, for me.
    Being "done" is an organic thing with me. If I have to think about it, I am usually not done.

  56. Really medusa? And what does that slip imply?

  57. @Ukan
    You want to beat Tik

  58. This is women. it's the way we are.

    I know women who cry right away, and their mate will stop doing what bothered them.

  59. It implies that you displace erin with your wife.

  60. Ukan, I take it your wife was a prostitute when you found her?

  61. @Ukan
    You want to beat Tik

    Do you have blood lust, Erin?

  62. Anonymous said...
    How can you measure emotional progress with a physical activity, Zoe? Can you give an example?

    okay as an example.. when i was learning trampoline, emotions that had nothing to do with the trampoline would come out. the instructor took on a parent role. i had to trust him to be there when i attempted the difficult stuff. if it didn't work, or i got hurt, i would feel fear or frustration. or anger at him. if it worked, when i got it, there would be elation.

    sometimes the emotions were way out of proportion. and i could see the patterns repeating. it was a way to examine the emotional patterns within a real context. you could think okay if it doesn't work, i already made progress on other stuff. i don't NEED to feel angry, i need to keep trying.

    you don't even really need to be aware of the process.

    also, the trampoline was about playing as much as learning. the brain learns faster through play. some things you can learn through analysis, but i think you can only learn to feel or experience by experiencing.

    the unfreezing is when you start feeling "fresh" feelings instead of leftovers from the past.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Prostitute? No shes upper class and is teaching me how to adapt to wealth.

  65. Oh that is great example. I have been trying to get back an activity which caused me emotional pain. I stay away because I was embarrassed crying too much.

    I will go back and see if I can explain to the instructor that he will have to tough it out with me.

    That is courageous. Thank you for the inspiration.

  66. @Erin
    fresh crying, i guess :)

    the other aspect is the body numbness, particularly in narcissism. physical activity addresses that in a way talk therapy just can't. you learn that you can move around and the world won't end. that it's safe, that you can have body power, as well as mind power.

    speaking of, i have to run to yoga now!

  67. How weak would she have been Ukan if after you smashed her head she waited till you fell asleep and broke your arms with a bat?

    Maybe she'll think your weak someday when your sleeping decde to give some payback.

  68. Maybe you will die alone

  69. Look at how ruffled you women's feathers get when talking about domestic violence. I have no reason to lie to you that there would be a slip, Medusa, when it comes to being a bastard. I'm no misogynist. I don't beat women or my wife regularly. If I did my wife is strong enough to leave.

    You don't give her enough credit, tik. She's not like you.

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  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I didn't meant to imply that you were a misogynist. I was implying that perhaps people are interchangeable in your head. People have their roles, and that's about it.

    But mostly I was just trying to get you wound up, and it worked pretty well.

  73. People are all paper cut outs with small idiosyncracies. In a sense you are right on how I view people. Its not roles its personalities. Unlike me they are not changing them like an actor in so many costumes.
    I think you know me better than to call that wound up.

  74. Wow. Godlike power?
    You give them too much credit.

    Evolution is survival of the fittest, and you're denied sex because you're not fit. It's not their fault they don't want to have sex with you. It's yours. The most important aspect of human survival, the greatest prerequisite for success, is not intelligence or whatever else you think you've got going for you. It's the ability to socialize, to schmooze, to get people to like you. If you could do that, you'd be drowning in pussy, and that's why the people your dumb ass labels inferior are getting the pussy while you aren't. They're more fit to survive. You're too stupid even to see the benefit of socialization. I sure as fuck wouldn't want a kid as dumb as you are. He'd go nowhere in life, totally fuck up my lineage, no matter how smart he was. Chew on that for a while, and start working on your social skills. You don't have to like the motherfuckers--you only have to make them like you. Always remember that you aren't entitled to shit, it'll help you out, I promise.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Kind of a stupid post.

  77. Interesting information about the kundalini syndrome.

  78. this is sad. with most people, i stop caring about spending time with them as soon as i realize who they really are. most people have such limitations that your pervasion of their entire personality is obstructed by insecurity and cheap facades they use to try and seem more desireable. the only people i've been with long-term, i was proud of. i tend to like people who are too angry or reckless to pretend to be more than they are, which is ironic because i don't have a "personality."
    anyway, being with someone sexually is less awesome if you don't see them as closer to equal in intellegince than other people. sexual sadism is a waste of time. choose someone worthy of yourself. this guy is obviously not a sociopath, his words seem desperate and predominately lonely, but definitely not apathetic.

  79. p.s...stop thinking vaginas are so different from penises. its fucking you up.

  80. with the amount of time ukan spends in here, it's astonishing that he finds time to go out and do gangsta/sociopath shit on the side...

  81. Posts should be renamed to "sexual masochism".
    Some people cant see past their illusions other people cant see past theirs emotions which is sort of fun if we ask who's the blindest?
    The little teen is just pissed at himself he might have anger issues he doesn't seem to be an extrovert either its a great combo he got there if we feed him some shit he might go around killing people now that would be fun

    YO check my rhyme niggas

  83. Ukan said:

    "like an actor in so many costumes"

    you're starting to sound like TNP more and more with each passing day

  84. Shutup you socially inept retard. Go play with some legos.

  85. Someone has to compensate with my self indulgent flowery prose at a lesser frequency of contribution.

    The fact that it's UKan is kinda cute.

    *pinches UKan's cheeks*

    SO ADORABLE! ^_^

  86. lol, moron (ukant)

    sloppy sloppy

  87. LOL! aspie is correct, they're both friggin morons who try to slip poetry jibba jabba into their posts.

    lets C... who are the real sociopaths on this blog? hmmmmmmm, O ya,nobody!

    Ukan = narc who wants to be an S... all he does is big himself up and then say 'O i just played your asses, this is all a game, look how smart i am, respect me.'... lol, stfu ,this is only a blog you narcy narc narc

    TNP = mega narc who wants to be an S, and a sadist, and the king of planet earth, and universally respected, and loved, and adored, and and and and

    Mis = sadist or narc or something else messed up, he doesn't have no conscience, he has an inverted conscience... everything dark and evil and vicious is O so special and is something to aspire to! settle down and raise a family already you sick little maniac... Mis = Mis, that's a disorder in it's own right

    the rest aren't anywhere near

    'Postmodern Sociopath'?!!! WTF is that??!! LOL!

  88. Don't tell me about sloppy when you are busy licking windows you dribbling autistic mess.

    TNP don't come jumping on the band wagon of some retarded girl. You deleted your blog so you can recreate your ruined image, just like when you went back and deleted your comments because you didn't seem bad ass enough you care giving cunt. Like when you stood up for this other bitch in here when I was ragging on her. You couldnt stand it. Your empathy came pouring out for her. You are faking being a piece of shit. How sad is that.
    You are always in here playing Captain Save The Cunt. You are like the poster. Playing the nice guy trying desperately to get laid, but inside seething because in the end they love assholes no matter what shite they say on here. The only people that stand up for you is that idiot jason and this window licking helmet wearing drooling retard who's screwed to her chair so she doesn't scratch her own eyes out.

  89. what does that even mean?


  90. "LOL! aspie is correct, they're both friggin morons who try to slip poetry jibba jabba into their posts...
    lets C... who are the real sociopaths on this blog? hmmmmmmm, O ya,nobody!
    lol, stfu ,this is only a blog you narcy narc narc"

    You should post this on your myspace. At least be of the age where you use tampons before you get onto a site for adults.

  91. Now, Ukan , that's wound up! go soak in the tub and unwind before you bust a blold vessel, screwball, jeez...

  92. It's not meant for you to know. It's meant for him.

  93. but then u wouldn't get to C it, Ukan. :(

  94. Ukan said:

    "Don't tell me about sloppy when you are busy licking windows you dribbling autistic mess."

    That's crazy talk.

  95. I don't think that was TNP ukan.

    I think you just got played.

  96. tnp is a really cool guy cuz he's a really cool guy and he duznt afraid of bullies

  97. How are you going to tell me about crazy? You are barely functional. If it wasn't for computers you would have no friends, and don't deny it. My friend babysits a aspie for a living. His stupid russian father put him in martial arts so that he would calm down from his random "moments". Now it takes three people trained in martial arts to restrain him. My friends job is to literally sit there till the kid has a episode. THey call him excorsist kid.

  98. lol ukan

    it's "exorcist" and use "an" before a vowel

    are you drinking?

  99. He doesn't have a account anymore. He writes from anon accounts.In all reality the only thing gained by playing that is having me insult Not Able. I do that everyday. What a power play window licker.

  100. Well, "con artist is an admirable profession" Ukan, do you really think that anon was tnp? He played you by making you spin off like 5 sentences of more of your usual tnp crap, dumbass.

  101. Not Able removed his blog hoping it would get him some attention.
    Clearly nobody gave a

  102. Spellchecking debates. Sounds up your alley you nerd. I don't know that shit because little scrubs like you did my homework to get a small amount of attention from me. Now your doing my accounting. Funny how things perpetuate when you grow up. How does it feel being a social outcast, less popular than kids you thought you were smarter than.
    Con artists have goals you sucker. Not to make someone trash talk someone they already hate. That is a idiot's goal. You don't get it do you? It's hard to process how people interact when you have no clue how to interact with people.

  103. Con artists are thieving liars, you ignorant, misspelling retard. This is not even about spelling bees or nerds. This is about you being an idiot and it reflecting in your text.

    You are sloppy and you rush. You believe your bullshit.

  104. I just kinda stumbled across this website...?

  105. Well that sums up a hustle doesn't it aspie. Thieving liars. With that in mind I'm sure you can do anything. When you manipulate someone you get them to do something they would not normally do idiot not something they do daily. Getting me to insult Not Able? Wow. That's like me pouring you cereal and you eating it and me saying I'm a con artist. You don't get how manipulation works or why we do it. That's why you think the game is about changing your username and trying to get someone to believe it for no reason like jason. You think con artists are summed up to thievig liars so they will just do anything. You don't watch for motivations because you dont understand them. That's why your sitting here paranoid wondering if its Not Able or not while he's laughing.
    I don't have a education aspie I'm a uneducated convict l. I'm not a scholar I'm a predator. I haven't claimed to be either. I leave all the intellectual shite to you losers. I'm to busy making money by sucking the life from people. Maybe ill purposeley mess up thibgs so that'd it spin up you're little aspie ocd wiz kid temper. I love how mad you guys get when peeple can't do cerebral actions.

  106. Ukan u sound like my mom

  107. Conclusion:
    You are all mad
    this is so sad
    nobody has a face
    40 dukes and no ace
    pathetic little poems
    to kid with you little Muslims
    I am
    You are
    He is
    We all are.
    Scum and a mix of venoms.

  108. Ukan, the poster who posted under TNP wasn't me. It just doesn't seem like him to me based on his writing style. Maybe it was him. I don't know.

    Your post lacks coherence imo and is all over the place. I think you are drunk.

    I hear you though about the predator stuff. People don't understand that. The "i manipulated you and made you do it stuff" is embarassingly silly though.

  109. Stumble back away from this site anon.

    Aspie is a half retarded weirdo who works herself up into a state when somebody insults her playlist or sends her an abusive text message. You remind me of the guy from this post, you have no understanding of anything so you make up your own little world and expect us all to "get it". Nobody cares about spelling and grammer. People here use it against others when they've got nothing else to go on which only reflects that you're a nit picking baby.

  110. Missy miss misanthrope is Ukans little bitch.

    You are a punk.

  111. No you're just pathetic so everyone wants to have a go at you. "Punk" "missy mis". What's wrong with you you little retard? This isn't kingdergarten.

  112. "Stumble back away from this site anon."

    what a bitch thing to say

    unless you are the anon, idiot

  113. This is indeed kindergarten.

    Who are you kidding?

  114. sociopath world:

    a place where faceless strangers come to call eachother names, all day, everyday.

  115. @medusa
    what do you mean?

  116. WOW. What a Romeo Mr. Blog is. I can't believe the women aren't lined up a block or two down.

    The part that turned me on most:

    "It’s my right to shove my cock up her ass repeatedly until I shoot my cum into her bowels."

  117. Kindergarten funny name sounds like a writer, a sick one.
    Children's Garden. Germans really have been pushing on music and writing since Rammstein.
    Nothing is what it seems, that's art, the unexpected.
    You guys should be more catholic.
    Proverbs 3:30: "Strive not with a man without cause..."

  118. That was just embarrassing,

  119. aspie = lil faggit

  120. Mis and Ukan throwing hissy fits, sheesh.

  121. 'Flowery and self indulgent prose'? Not to mention that incredibly awkward initial sentence... Who the fuck talks like that? I'm insulted that you'd think that was me.

    I do like the fact that you made UKan's neck fan flare out like the scared reptilian he is. 'I'm such a badass I don't need no education!' Hilarious.

    Tell us more about your amazing stories of slapping people and attacking them with mops. Those really make my day. One step above Adam's pokemon card stories. At least his were funny.

    A thirty year old sociopath drug pusher comes to brag about how awesome he is and all I got was this shitty anecdote. Can I get a refund? No? Pity.

    I can't wait for the pathetic excuse of a reply that you'll serve me, after all I'm a mega narc and need my attention!

    Your new theme song is 'if only I had a brain'. Lovely movie... You should be honored.

  122. "if i only had a brain"


  123. Like I said it was embarrassing.

  124. sociopath = man child

  125. do you think anyone can be bothered to listen to ur tunes, faggot?

  126. certainly junk like you could listen and comment on it no?

  127. Whats the best way to dispose of a body? No acid.

  128. Eat it. Bones and all.

    Just make sure you chew well, in case anyone is searching through your poo.

  129. Whats the origin of fear? Does it exist simply as a survival tool? But what if someone is so scared they cant think? Why does someone get afraid of something in the first place? Like the fear of the dark why are there so many people afraid of the dark? Dont tell its because people fear what they dont know people dont fear what they dont know they get curious. What is fear?
    How can people overcome these fears?
    Overreacting imagination maybe? Well that may cause the fear at the moment, but i want the roots.

  130. Yeah so i should just cut it up in the tub? I dont think so...

  131. Chemicals and hormones in the body are a lot to do with fear like other emotions its just your body reacting

  132. lady take me
    high upon the hillside

    i could love you

    baby i love you come

  133. Are these song titles?

  134. Never heard of them

  135. Lol ok ill check it out

  136. Love so right

    She came on like the night
    And she held on tight

    And the world was right
    When she made love to me.
    We were free.
    She moved in like a friend

    Started loving me.
    And I thought I'd found the heaven in her eyes.
    But the morning when I woke up

    I was here and she was gone;
    Now I'm hanging on.
    Maybe you can tell me how a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong

    my darling.
    How a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong.
    Where did she go when I need her close to me'
    And the perfect story ended at the start.
    I thought you came forever

    And you came to break my heart.
    Now I'm hanging on
    On the chance that you'll come back to me.
    How a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong;
    my darling

    How a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong

    my darling.
    I could take it in my stride

    Start living for the moment.
    Maybe half the things we sought
    Were never there.
    Simply open up your eyes
    And break it down to size.
    It isn't really fair

    How a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong.
    my darling

    How a love so right
    Can turn out to be so wrong.

  137. Wot other songs r cool?

  138. Listend to it its ok I guess

  139. sociopath = man child

    Totally agree. and dammit, that's all i ever seem to date too, what the hell is wrong with me.

  140. Are these more song titles or are you askin a question lol not sure

  141. "askin a question lol not sure"

    that's because you are an idiot

  142. Haha no jus a little sleep deprived an is barry mantlow dead?

  143. a hot female playing the guitar:


  144. Hahaha funnnnny.NOT. No I'm serious is he?

  145. Most these songs r kinda old

  146. this may be more your speed:


  147. this guy died a few years ago:

    I go crazy


  149. I can take you to the water
    Listen to This

    I think the other guy in Norway was listening to this or he listened to it before he went on his killing spree maybe it wasnt this song somebody told me it was a classical song i dont really know i dont watch the news.
    I respect the guy even thou he believes in a bunch of Hitler bullshit fed lies and fairy tales

  150. Quietly watching the goings on in socio land whilst trying to find something edifying to read...good books are rare these days...hmmm.
    I think this source should be "removed" from general pop.....for no other reason than he is just plain....annoying.
    "removal" can cure many things...and fix many problems....perhaps thats why removal specialists cost so much.

  151. did hai shoot teh island?

  152. What a loser!

    If no one wants or finds you attractive its entirely your fault. Reading this pathetic confession one can assume there is a global conspiracy against him ; ))

  153. Just noticed this guy is Navy. Big fucking surprise there.

  154. Anonymous said...
    Oh that is great example. I have been trying to get back an activity which caused me emotional pain. I stay away because I was embarrassed crying too much.

    I will go back and see if I can explain to the instructor that he will have to tough it out with me.

    never give it up, anon.

  155. Maybe he's just ugly.

  156. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide your husband cuz they raping everybody out here!!

  157. Troll alert.

    This is a level 100% :)

  158. Until this, I used to actually think if there was a place in society for socios that could effectively help them and serve the world in a positive way. Perhaps I'm too open minded, I think way out of the box...If all socios think like this then I was sooooooooo wrong.

  159. If this scumbag ever came near a member of my family and tried to harm them, he would be in for an adventure in pain that would take decades, if ever, to recover from.

    Applying his same logic, I would do what *I* want to him, and it would be his right to resist, but that would be it.


  160. Get a clue. Sociopaths are hard wired and only care about pluses and minuses. This site is devoted to empaths living a Hannibal Lector fantasy. Sorry kiddies...most socios don't want Chianti with your liver. Those ones are specialized and rare. Most of all they are a pain in the ass rspecially if you love them. Do yourself and them a favour. Stop expecting them to feel like you do. They think like a bank. You are either in the black or in the red. The ones who are drawn to you(don't confuse this with commitment) might give you a slight overdraft....but you'll pay interest. Big interest. Socios can be amazing and talented. So stop whining. If you love your socio....enjoy your shitty life. Or leave them. It's really simple.


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