
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Research help

I was recently contacted by Willem H.J. Martens, a psychiatric researcher known to many of you as being the source of some of the most insightfully sympathetic and understanding portrayals of psychopaths in the academic literature. He is author of, among others, "The Hidden Suffering of Psychopaths" and "Emotional Capacities and Sensitivity in Psychopaths." He is writing a book on psychopathy and is soliciting more examples, histories, and illustrative stories ("self-reports") from psychopaths (either diagnosed or self-diagnosed), particularly regarding certain diagnostic criteria. From Dr. Martens:
I am Willem Martens, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and chair of the "W. Kahn Institute of Theoretial Psychiatry and Neuroscience." I have published on psychopathy in many international journals. I am a psychopath myself, which became obvious during my study and work. My PhD trajectory was a horrible road with numerous conflicts. I spoiled three teams of promotors in three universities. But, I graduated on a controversial study on the correlation between remission and maturation in psychopaths (only 14 of 667 cases). This idea was inspired by the life of my brother, a very gifted and charismatic person who did all the things which were forbidden. Suddenly he changed after a series of impressive incidents. My psychopathy and my childhood experiences gave me an advantage during my work for decades with psychopaths in forensic settings, I understood them and they understood me.

I'am writing a book on psychopaths's reflections on their personality features, condition and characteristics. The intention of this book is to form a counterbalance against the existing superficial, incorrect and incomplete theories of and viewpoints on psychopathy and sociopathy. This internet forum provides a huge amount of valuable and revealing information. However, with regard to some topics (diagnostic features of the PCL-R; psychopathy checklist of Hare) I need responses in order to make my book complete and convincing because it must cover all the topics of the PCL-R and related references.

I need more self reports for the following traits. If you are a sociopath and manifest one or more of these traits, please contact me at martens_92 at hotmail dot com.

1. Glibness/Superficial Charm
2. Grandiose Sense of Self worth
3. Need for Stimulation/Proneness to Bored
8. Callous/Lack of Empathy
9. Parasitic Lifestyle
10. Poor Behavioral Controls
12. Early Behavioral Problems
14. Impulsivity
16. Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions
17. Many Short-Term Marital Relationships
18. Juvenile Delinquent
19. Revocation of Conditional Release
20. Criminal Versatility.

Please provide self-reports rather that theoretical visions.
I believe that this is very important work, so I may be updating or reminding you periodically to contact Dr. Martens. I hope that through our extensive collective cooperation, the book will more accurately depict the realities and spectrum of the psychopathic experience.


  1. how do i know that what ever information we provide will not be traced back to us?

  2. "Clear psychopaths (PCL-R scores between 30 and 40) do not necessarily meet all diagnostic features (Hare, 1991), and may show normal emotions. And some psychopaths report that they have normal emotional experiences, while they are unable to show affections (Martens, 1997). This may lead to observations of "shallow" emotions."

    I think i can feel emotions as a model of behavior. But these "emotions" never effect my decision and its always fleeting. I only "feel" them when i am trying to figure out what i am suppose to feel at a particular situation. Once i know how to act in that situation the "feeling" stops. Its like swimming, you have to touch the water to move but the water never enters you.

  3. This is very interesting. I never knew of this view on psychopathy. I can certainly understand it although I am skeptic about filling up a report about myself and sending it to a stranger.

    Dr. Martens, if you pose a direct question you will receive an evasive answer. But I bet you knew that already.

    You should read the comment section and reach conclusions. Or MAKE me tell you what you want to know.

  4. "If you are a sociopath and manifest one or more of these traits, please contact me"

    Don't you actually NEED much more than one either way.

  5. Now that sounds like a worthwhile project.

  6. Kesu, I just saw the discussions you had two days ago on Ukan's location. I just don't know where he claims he lives, or why is this important. But, I'll share what I assume about where he is.

    First some observations:

    No one outside the US really knows how to take a jab on Alabama, you are absolutely right. Exception on this could be sophisticated folks of Europe, and one thing we know about UKan is he is not the sophisticated type.

    No one in South or North America other than US refers to US as America. But, Europe, Asia, Africa do.

    Now some speculations:

    I believe UKan has lived in the US for many many years.

    I will make an even stronger claim. Each time I read something he wrote I felt 'here goes our Florida red neck again."

    Florida loves to take a jab at Alabama (add football reasons here as well), has a lot of low-cost lake front property especially given the times and especially because there are thousands of dirty lakes.

    Hey, what proof we have? None, but do we care? It is fun to speculate when it all fits. An image of a Florida Red Neck with a Thick Neck and psychopathic tendencies fits everything I read from UKan. Including the possibility of good looks.

    UKan, did you catch some cat fish lately?

  7. Wet,

    I finally understood the feelings issue after I read your

    "I think i can feel emotions as a model of behavior. But these "emotions" never effect my decision and its always fleeting. I only "feel" them when i am trying to figure out what i am suppose to feel at a particular situation. Once i know how to act in that situation the "feeling" stops. Its like swimming, you have to touch the water to move but the water never enters you."

    This thought enables me to understand different shades finally, and more importantly my own positioning.

    I have to say I read similar discussions before, but for some reason the way you put it in that paragraph really spoke to me. Maybe it is the water analogy.

    Anyhow, thank you. And, I know I did not need to thank you but I do. No ulterior motives, no sarcasm.

  8. It seems that Hare's rain of inconsistency and error is coming to a close.

    We are going to be the ones writing the PCL-R.

  9. I will weigh in on Ukan.What the hey?
    I agree with Sceli :)

  10. I'am writing a book on psychopaths's reflections on their personality features, condition and characteristics.

    This sounds like an interesting project. Here’s hoping Dr. Martens completes it. I look forward to reading the book.

  11. I agree with Sceli also. UKan doesn't seem at all British from what I gather from his writings.

  12. If this does come out, I'd admit that it will be only the second book on psychopaths and sociopaths that I would have read. Like the article says, most literature on our mindset is woefully biased and inaccurate very much.

  13. @Wet

    "how do i know that what ever information we provide will not be traced back to us?"

    Use a public computer, false name, and create a free new e-mail.


  14. that isn't jason. Jason isn't that smart.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. so why are you sucking his dick.Haha I bet u r a fat virgin to.

  17. Zhwag, this project to perfect for you.

    Everyone else . . . herding cats.

    Yet I believe it would be beneficial to science and to young and struggling fledglings. Just like Brene Brown's work on vulnerability has had such an impact because of its target on authentic strength. This study if focused on self-reflection and self-awareness as a stage of maturation, then it would be of service to many lost and self-destructive sufferers. The history books are filled with prime examples of success in breaking all the rules, coming to realization and transformation. We are all wired for it.

    "Suddenly he changed after a series of impressive incidents." Do I hear coming to terms with own's own soul and its endless questionings?

    Plato instead of prison?

    M.E., Your vision is starting to transcend your expectations. Good show.

  18. Haven

    Its not that simple. Somethings you can search for online and find some news article. For example Ukan's murders etc.

  19. Erin is a plant by a research Anthropologist studying the many faces of intimacy on online sociopathic communities. ;-)

    Does that make us all white mice, with the snarl of a wolf?

  20. Wet, I admire you will to be precautionary, but you can do what other writers do and replace leading facts with fictional facts, all while keeping the real story intact.

    Come on, you do stuff like this all the time when you social engineer over the phone. Enhancing your credibility by giving real information that is hidden behind fiction. It is the same concept.

  21. 'herding cats'


    contentious, but intriguing angle Dr Martens

  22. @Soulfulpath

    Who do you want to be today? :-)

  23. @Soulfulpath

    I would love to see you outrank Erin at her own game.

    :) Characters are soooo fun.

  24. "Zhwag, this project to perfect for you."

    I was thinking he'd like this.

    UKan is probably irish and he's definitely not british. Bloke, wanker, bullocks, calls women birds. You don't get that shit outside of and around the UK unless he's doing a good impression. The reason he hasn't told anyone his nationality is because it's another way to fuck with people. It's making you guys run around in circles and make yourselves look stupid by reaching false conclusions. Even if you reach the right cconclusion you still wont get answer, so its pointless unless you make everyone believe your lie. And it lets him stay a blank canvas so you cant throw anything at him. Like when Kesu admitted he was from the south everyone was having a luagh about that. It's all smokescreens like he said a few days back. It's the same reason I don't give many details. I don't see why you care so much anyways.

  25. @Soul
    I am a real person already
    *stomps foot and raises fists to sky*

  26. @Soul
    Speaking of that .Where do you think my Pluto is :)

  27. @Jason. Yes, but in order to play at that level, one must be sitting all day on one's behind. I much prefer the gym, or yoga and activities with my comrades and children. It's summer, dude! Never been much of a on-line gamer. Carry on. I will watch from my observation post.

  28. Sceli, Ukan lives in Ireland

  29. It might be because nobody cares about your details mis. Even if you slated a blank canvas people would not credit you with anything above 'low-functioning drug dealer'.

    But maybe you are something. You do co-own a redneck pub.

  30. Erin, your Pluto is tied to his doghouse in Goofy's backyard in Disney World.

  31. Wet, I also see value in feedback from you to the writer. He is not after specific acts exactly, but after intangible stuff, thought processes, feelings, etc. You just would need to be careful not to repeat an original thought in another realm and have things tied to you. Like the swimming analogy. If you had not copied that thought from somewhere else, that right there is an excellent marker for who you are.

    Hmmm, it probably would be easy to make a mistake and let out some markers. On a second thought, this is really not a safe game. Plus, against the nature of sociopathy, what is in it for you?

    Heck, prisons are full of such people, why not stick with that, face to face with people already caught? Adds to captured folk's grandiosity and narcissistic supply to keep talking about themselves.

    (And, yes, looks like today is the last day I stay in bed and chatty. Getting definitely better.)

  32. Yeah I'm not a drug dealer. I don't know how many times I have to say this before it penetrates your thick skull. If nobody cared about my details there wouldn't have been so much speculation about what I do.

  33. FYI . . . could that be UKan's wife? She probably thinks he is having an affair. He does spend a lot of time sending messages from his phone which he is quite impassioned about.

  34. Jason

    There goes the non-faction aspect of the book. I hate 99% of all fiction. Basically he wants to sell a bullshit book with fake stories from a group of people who are probably 20% used trash, 50% goth or emo, 25% ASPD (useless trash/losers of society) and 5% P/S.

    I bet most of the emails will be from conduct disorder (trash) teens or emotionally unstable adults (trash).

  35. Ukan is most certainly from one of the black nigger tribes.

    The nigger tribes like Guyana, Trinidad, and Barbados were once under European control, and UKan has argued his ass off about how inferior the white race is.

    You will find bloke and tea there.

  36. @Soul
    Now I have YOU on the Astrological hot seat huh?
    From knowing me here you should be able to figure out my Pluto.It is obvious Darlink :)

  37. Oh God no, I'm not his wife. (funny)

    Just have been on here long enough to know that.

  38. Misanthrope, it is fun to associate an image with people. Has no bearings on anyone's intelligence.

    I've never been to Ireland, but my opinion of Irish folks is they actually worry about serious ideologies and misfortunes, and they drink their sorrow away. So not Florida, so not UKan.

    I stick to my own image of him, adds to the power of how I evaluate what he says. I see a neck getting redder by the minute often. Hehehe...

  39. @Erin I will not tell you your Pluto. The astro hot seat was just too confining. But I will tell you of your secret self.

    You are supportive, loyal yet have found it difficult to find the right mirrors to reflect your own unique nature. You hold grudges like bricks. You give energy to a room and if given a project you would see it to the end. You have a very creative side, yet you put others before you and take not the full time need to develop your art. You are a slave to habit.

  40. @Soul
    That was so wonderful.I need to think on it.Could I get back to you with questions after I do?

    Pluto conjunct the MC--exact :)

  41. Interesting, can you tell me my secret self?

  42. UKan is so asleep. Had he been in Europe he would've been awake now. He worked till late hours yesterday in Florida and he's in deep sleep while mosquitos are partying on his cheeks, but once he wakes up he'll kill a few and get his own blood along with his wife's on his hands. Booooo.....

  43. Ukan is most certainly from one of the black nigger tribes.

    The nigger tribes like Guyana, Trinidad, and Barbados were once under European control, and UKan has argued his ass off about how inferior the white race is.

    You will find bloke and tea there.

  44. "but my opinion of Irish folks is they actually worry about serious ideologies and misfortunes, and they drink their sorrow away."

    Yeah well that's the funny stereotypical image of Irish people. Your basing your opinions on generalisations and I don't think you've ever spent much time outside of US. This is why people think americans are ignorant and retarded. Although I think you might have been taking the piss just a bit.

  45. Ukan is most certainly from one of the black nigger tribes.

    The nigger tribes like Guyana, Trinidad, and Barbados were once under European control, and UKan has argued his ass off about how inferior the white race is.

    You will find bloke and tea there.

  46. Mis, I'll take it as a compliment that I can throw you off as a pure blood, never left town American. I lived in the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, and English is not my first language.

  47. "I lived in the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, and English is not my first language."

    Your travels should have made you wiser.

  48. Jason's Secret Self

    You are a warrior with a conscious. You thrive in conflict yet you will use humor to humble your weak points and those of others. You have a logical mind yet are attracted to creative strategy. You are kind to those you support you. Puzzles intrigue you. You use habit to your benefit and your greatest strength is in your ability to learn. Your weakest point is in your false confidence. Yet together they present a sense of courage which will mature in time into a flexibility of nature.

  49. I know, Mis, that's why I am here. SW, thanks to wise folks like you, is making me so much wiser by way of making me lighter. Give me your address, will send you some Godiva.

  50. @Erin, And no, I will not continue to play with you right now. I am leaving to pursue this very very busy summer work day.

    I am sure someone will engage you regarding your summer readings you have not done because you are on line all day or the most recent film you didn't see because the chat room monster devoured you. Or perhaps you can discuss your website you have not been able to finish because of the battle of the Titans you have been involved in.

    Careful Mercury is in Retrograde.

  51. Ukan is black. Only ghetto blacks refer to a weed cigarrett as an 'L'

  52. Yes, Haven I would love too ;-), yet another day or later. Duty calls.

  53. @Soul
    Have a wonderful day.Thanks for your valuable contributions to all of us if I am say that :)

  54. does anyone remember in which novel a Jack London character calls women 'bird'?

  55. this place doesn't exactly fill me with sympathy for psychopaths...

  56. ^No sympathy for the devil?~

  57. My 'life as a sociopath in a nutshell' wasn't posted on this website, so let me introduce myself here;

    David 34, male. I know that I'm a sociopath since several years, I've read Hare ... I enjoy my life as a sociopath, living on the edge ... I screwed my last partner (male, 35y older than myself) for $800.000. His family found out, I sued him before he did so his legal action would fail, it worked (well done, I know). Btw I'm not sissy, I despise effeminated homosexuals (they are mostly worse than silly women), I even think homosexuality is a weakening factor in most men.

    I'm a high class gigolo and at the same time I sometimes give philosophical lectures (this isn't a joke). I love luxury hotels, wining and dining, cigars, Bach, Nietzsche ...

    So that's my short introcuction to this site. Give me a warm welcoming please ... or any attention will do ...


  58. New character David, SW machos don't care for homosexuals that much, so expect some cock fighting around you. I think you could be very entertaining to have here, and we could learn a trick or two.

    So,sleeping with a saggy ass must be a part of your nutshell. Do you not look down or do you like jingly flesh? I have an obsession about tight buns, if I could only let the worry of saggy butt go I would have had millions by now.

    Any wisdom on how to overcome this barrier?

  59. SW Welcoming CommiteeAugust 4, 2011 at 8:48 AM

    David--- you fit right in get a blogger account and join the devil's circus.

  60. David, did you ever sleep with a man who could remove his teeth out of the way? Did that feel nice and soft?

  61. @David
    Be prepared for a very strange ride.Maybe you are used to strange.That should help :)

  62. lol, this guy comes that says that he just conned someone for 800.000 bucks and Seli asks him about how to keep her silhouette. LMAO

  63. well, funny is good. what are we here for? I am curious, as always.

  64. How did you con him ? :D Now that's a question.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. anon 8:53... oh, goodness, moron, you thought I'm the one with the saggy ass?? No man, it's the 35 year older man David has the appetite for who will for sure have a saggy and I mean very saggy ass.

  67. The trick a gf uses on older men is to not put her contacts on and put vaseline in her nostrils so she can't smell.

    I really am curious what tricks David use, unless of course he likes older men, there are even men who likes dead men for sex.

    making money by way of sex with older men is not difficult, look around, easiest profession really. B ut needs a lot of stomach and I am most curious on how they handle that side of the coin.

  68. sceli:

    To get sucked by someone without teeth is disgusting, I can promise you (so don't try it with your old demented neighbour). To save a million let them pay you (ofcourse I don't know how good looking you are ...). For example I got paid twice today, one was younger and better looking than myself (although that is the exception).

    How I conned him? He was a god fearing christian (don't know if he still is now) so it wasn't that hard.

  69. ok, I believe you. will let that fantasy go... just kidding, lol...

    so, the butt? 70 year old had no saggy butt issues?

  70. Sceli:

    I normally don't fuck old butt unless I know there's at least $5000 to be made (a con fuck). I do it with 0,25mg of xanax, at least 3 glasses of cheap wine, an 50mg of Kamagra.

    The lights must be out and a laptop on the side with porn can be very helpful.

  71. Erin, you've been on here less then 3 weeks. The only advice you could give a new person is not to do anything that resembles you.

  72. I normaly don't fuck old butt unless I know there's at least $5000 to be made (a con fuck).

    I use 0,25mg xanax, at least 3 glasses of cheap wine and 50mg kamagra.

    The lights have to be out/dimmed and a laptop playing a porn movie on the side can be very helpful.

  73. @Anon
    Thank you Anon Darling
    Yes, people JUST stopped riding me so you have a point :)

  74. I divide people into three:

    1. those who are concerned how they will be perceived by others, and
    2. those who are concerned by their own opinions of others.
    3. born or trained to free themselves of assumptions (aspies, lawyers, politicians)

    This classification affects how people interpret what they hear. For example, anon 8:53 must be the first type to interpret what I said at 8:47 the way s/he did. Just saying.... hehehehe

  75. Hello David. You sound like a character. We like characters here. Well, maybe not 'like', but are entertained by.

    Did you do anything fun with your spoils? I don't imagine it would be easy finding a new partner after something like that. But that's the game I guess.

  76. "I divide people into three:...."

    Interesting Sceli. Seems a little limited but I like it. I wonder where I fit. Probably all three dependent on my mood. More 2/3 than 1 though.

  77. Haven,
    I am a natural 2 who is trying to move as much as possible to 3 when interpreting others, and take into consideration how 1's would think when I put anything in writing (for professional reasons, not here in SW).

  78. (made an ID davidsocio01 but have problems posting, does someone delete my posts?)

    to sceli:
    I normaly don't fuck old butt unless I know there's at least $5000 to be made (a con fuck).

    I use 0,25mg xanax, at least 3 glasses of cheap wine and 50mg kamagra.

    The lights have to be out/dimmed and a laptop playing a porn movie on the side can be very helpful.

    to Haven:
    I had steak and dessert in NYC and my cigar in Paris ;-)

    I couldn't say I ever look for a 'partner', I have the best time on my own.

    But the game is fun indeed. Last month a judge 'wired' me money for a date, and I thought I had seen it all.

  79. So aspies do not care what people think of them? I thought they did and Socio's did not?
    I thought aspies were super sensitive about fitting in.

  80. (1) I, unsurprisingly, walk a very black and white line of worrying whether/how people perceive me. Professionally, very much so. Personally, not at all.... until a strong attachment takes over, then it's pure terror.

    (2) I naturally form opinions of people based on how they present themselves, but my nature is so mutable that I often forget that this is not other peoples natural state, so when they switch or change, my previous assumptions slip away seemlessly. People tend to be the epitomy of the previous interacton and only the previous interaction. As a result, I just sort of take people as they are and figure they're going to change.

    (3) Since I can't hold to rigid assumptions of peoples base character I think this comes rather naturally for me. Though please never mistake me for a lawyer or politician!

    All of these things are likely to change on a dime. ::smiles::

  81. I can't post with id or anonymous so I guess I'm somehow blocked here.


  82. Haven, attachment is a good point. When I am strongly attached I start changing and worrying about loss of attachment as well, but mine does not manifest itself in the form of moving from 2 to 1. Instead I seem to develop higher expectations on myself, that I wish I was more (not that I wish the other perceived me as more).

  83. Are messages filtered? for example for the f... word?


  84. @David, I don't belive so. If they were we'd all have been kicked off by now.

    If your message is long (since you're new) it may have gone into the spam filter. ME is usually pretty quick to catch those.

  85. Erin, an aspie with another aspie would be very happy on an island without much thought in how they perceive each other or how hey are perceived by each other. The cause of their stress is the non-aspie crowd trying to control what aspies should be like.

    By the way, the aspie who writes here occasionally and posts videos, I like him so much.

  86. hell fucking no.

    so david why did you delete your twitter account?

  87. i hate kids especially black kids, so im a socio.

  88. I expected at least 30 followers in 3 days ;-) I only had 3

  89. did you enjoy my screwed up life in these 3 days? :-)

  90. @David
    Nothing is filtered here--nada

    Yes I agree on the aspie who posts
    Btw how is your cold :)

  91. Sort of. Using hashtags would of helped you gain followers faster

  92. I still ware a kippah so I can accuse my new neighbours of being antisemites in case they found out I'm a gigolo ;-)

  93. wear a kippah, sorry, to fast

  94. Ha ha I enjoyed that very much

  95. My cold.... Won't keep me home starting this evening. Will get out for a nice drink and dinner.

    Thanks for asking, Erin.

    (hen night remark is soon to hit, lol)

  96. how do socios deal with their cellphones? Do you guys never give your number out? Do you guys block people from calling?

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. 3 cellphone numbers at the moment, I can block people but still get their messages in my voicemail

  99. Really? Interesting. How do you block them?

  100. @sceli
    Enjoy your dinner. After a good con I have my appetizer in the Eifel Tower watching the bellagio fountains, steak in NYC and cigar in Paris ;-)

  101. A vegas boy, eh? A good place to be.

    I've never been. I prefer to gamble with things other than my money.

    I hear it's a wild town, but everyone knows it pizza you come to NYC for ;)

  102. David, I decided to tag along in spirit. I like your choices, include a Ricard pastis in Eifell, an a long island iced tea in Babylon. I'll leave you alone for the cigar, but keep your cigar case..

  103. I don't gamble that much, I like the free drinks and cheap suites. There's always an excuse to come to NY, there's no better city than NYC ;-)

  104. Last night I had sushi, I shouldn't have. WIth the effect of the antibiotics my favorite meal tasted like rubber.

    What are you wearing, David?

  105. @sceli
    It's a very nice humidor. The delivery guy left it at the doorstep without me signing, in the end I made him pay for it ;-)

  106. I knew you'd have a nice one. Spoiled man.

    Tell me, did you ever sing on a choir in a church on Park Ave?

  107. David, before you send your post instead of checking the anonymous at the bottom, click on the name/url, put your name in there and leave the url blank and send...

  108. @sceli
    You wouldn't want to steal from and be haunted by me ;-) I really can hate, although strangely my hate never last that long.

  109. @sceli
    I once sang at St. Bart's on Park Avenue, but that was not in a choir but during a christmas concert :-)

  110. Steal? I don't steal. I assumed you'd be happy to give it to me that late into the night, after all the drinks and fun you had. I'd never let you hate me, except if you wanted me to stay longer and I still left, you could indeed hate me.

    On that note, will go do my hair for the night.

    Welcome on board, David. Nice to have a happy, easy going guy out here. A male notme... I am curious how she will react to you.

  111. Oh I don't know about a male notme. Notme is just notme. Similar aspect of fun though. I approve.

    Until something happens and I don't ;)

  112. why does sociapaths = power hungry faggots?

  113. @Haven

    The best way to steal from the grocery store. Use self-checkout, and pay for one thing and get the other free.

    I paid as little as 1 buck for like 10 bucks worth of chicken. Just make sure nobody is watching.

  114. Um, why are you stealing from a grocery store?

  115. cos he's a little prick.

    why did you think haven would be interested in that, faggot?

  116. I just wanted to see if I could do it efficiently. No need to do it anymore haha. At-least I know what to do if I go broke.

  117. fuck you jason, stupid fag

  118. Since when did chicken got that expensive? lol

  119. It's the giant shit they cook for you.

  120. David, are you gay by default or did you choose to? Do you have sex with women either for fun or just business?

    I just want to know because around here the gay thing is usually part of a bisexual thing happening with sociopaths.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. A TRUE socio will be what you want him to be jason. If the gay fuck is rich heck yeah that socio is going to pound that asshole as long as he gets something in return. It all depends on the situation.

  123. @David

    the Jason without the picture is a fake.

  124. @david

    jason takes the picture of his account when he wants to say something stupid, and the blames it on an imposter. he was exposed ages ago.

  125. I find my sexuality uninteresting, but useful. the only times I have sex for fun is in a steambath so I don't have to see them. If I can fuck an old man with 50mg kamagra I guess I could fuck an old woman with 100mg for the right amount. I haven't tried it yet ...

  126. That is very interesting ,Sir

  127. David Sir
    Could I apply for that job?

  128. You're welcome, enjoy your 'tip' Jason boy

  129. Tip
    Sounds yummy David

  130. oh dear, jason just alienated another person.

  131. Anything after december 2010 isn't me.

  132. Haven, I'd go dancing with David. You?

    David, you should check out what a hotty Haven is... Go to her blog, click on her name.

  133. hottie seems to be the correct spelling...

  134. I don't fuck at first dates but I do give great massages and blowjobs Jason. $500 for 1 1/2 hour at my place. Escort prices on demand ;-)

  135. Interesting youtube clip. Sorry to say I don't strip, and I don't wear t-shirts with letters on it, I shop at Brooks Brothers :-)

  136. Im a American from florida. I like that. What country have I not been from. Heres the list so far:
    1. Britian
    2. Ireland
    3. Canada
    4. Mexico
    5. Columbia
    6. South America in general
    7. United States
    8. Ukraine
    9. Turkey
    10. Middle East
    Americans think that everyone is just like them. It's like a nationwide projection. Nobodies smarter than they are, nobody can stop them, and when someone fucks them like on 9/11 they think it was their own government. They still cant give credit to someone else.
    You, who are trying to figure me out, are fools. Sceli I'm ashamed you roll in the hay with such swine. Jason and Kesu, you are intellectually deformed. Kesu you doesn't know basic terms of , sociology, psychology, geography, culture, or religion. You don't even know where half the places you've accused me of being from are on the map. You've done nothing so far but prove yourselves fools. Kesu you should have a limit of guesses since half of those on the list came from you alone. I can't believe you thought I was british because my name has UK on it. How obvious, ha ha ha.

  137. Davey if I may call you that
    I love you

  138. Ukan is most certainly from one of the black nigger tribes.

    The nigger tribes like Guyana, Trinidad, and Barbados were once under European control, and UKan has argued his ass off about how inferior the white race is.

    You will find bloke and tea there.

  139. UKan, you are a narcissist like Kesu and most everyone else on here says.

    You actually believe that I would waste my time figuring out which country you are from. I don't give a damn about you enough to waste my time doing that.

    You even thought that the fake Jason was me. You are an idiot, and need to die. You will always be my bitch, nothing more.

  140. If one would say 'I love you' I would feel very uncomfortable.
    If one would call me 'Davey' I would feel like killing him.

  141. How about Dave?
    I will show you my tip if you show me yours

  142. You guys just spent half the comments talking about me, jason. What does that tell me.

  143. @Ukan
    Where do you SAY you are from.Oh had a thought for you about yesterday's convo

  144. All that time spent on just ->ME<-. How does that make you feel kesu. Nobody talks about you like that. Not even you.

  145. I never said, Erin.

    Your thoughts are incomplete and foolish. I actually don't want to hear it. Confront your mother about fiddling your vagina or you will fail forever. You already lost your son and you are still asking question. Pathetic. Get yourself sorted out.

  146. 'We' doesn't include me faggot. I was doing everything but talking about you.

  147. out of 152 comments, 12 of them were about you, ukan. what does that tell you, faggot?

    stfu jason, faggot.

  148. "All that time spent on just ->ME-<. How does that make you feel kesu. Nobody talks about you like that. Not even you.

    UKan, attention whore much?

  149. Tells me that you people spend your time examining my words and fantasizing on where I come from or what I look like.

    Here Jason, heres a direct quote from you, so stop lying:
    "I agree with Sceli also. UKan doesn't seem at all British from what I gather from his writings."
    Stop dreaming of me Jason its disgusting.

  150. Davey Cake and Pudding
    You mean the world to me.I want to take that Brooks Brothers suit off one button at a time.

    Make me want you

  151. 152/2 = 76

    you got 12.

    work it out genius.

  152. No, apparently a attention getter. I just know when I come on everyone scampers and hides under anonymous names because they fear me. I notice when I leave these little cockroaches come out of their holes and gossip like a bunch of hens. They have so much against me because I turned on them for being weak. So be it. The truth hurts.

  153. How many were about you anonymous, Work that out. Do I sense envy. You can have the attention, believe me I dont want it.

  154. @UKan

    Wow. I have no words to describe your mediocracy. You are just like my five year old sister. You tell her one thing and she completely zones out and doesn't comprehend anything.

    For the umpteenth time. You are an insignificant piece of shit, and I have other things to do then fantasize about where you come from.

    Also that Jason that made the comment was a clone of my account.
    I am beginning to think you are the one impersonating me.

  155. 'How many were about you anonymous,'

    is that right? (:

  156. UKan you are more like a pile of dog shit in the middle of a clean suede carpet. That's why you get so much attention.

  157. No one hides, they just wait till your done ranting and boasting.

  158. "UKan you are more like a pile of dog shit in the middle of a clean suede carpet. That's why you get so much attention."

    There's the fake Jason. no way the real jason is smart enough to come up with that

  159. Jason all you do is spend time sucking my dick. I was the first arse you licked when you walked in the door. You would worship the ground I walked on if I didnt toss you aside like rubbish. Dont talk to me about narcissism when you were so freely giving me your worship. I rejected you because I dont want your adoration. You are worthless to me. Don't start acting like it was never there now that I rejected you.

  160. "Don't start acting like it was never there now that I rejected you."

    Call me paranoid but that sounds a little bit gay.

  161. When someone says something emotional to me I always feel like I have to solve a puzzle in one second to come up with a reaction. Recognizable for some of you?

  162. @Jason

  163. @UKan

    This is the guy who made an anon name when I first came here and tried to blame it on me, and then got called out by medusa.

    I never worshiped you. Nobody here worships you. Everyone thinks that you are a scumbag, and the only reason people care where you come from is because we all want to laugh at you.

    And out of those 12 comments sucking your dick none of them were from me.

  164. "Don't start acting like it was never there now that I rejected you."

    That's what she said...

  165. Oh really anonymous? So you need a anonymous name to wait? Are you waiting? Because I still see comments. The only difference is there are no names on them. They are still about ->ME<- of course. The only conclusion I can see is that it's someone I keep roasting about all their information they put on here. Someone who's scared. It's only the internet. I cant hurt you.

  166. I am a proud gay black man too.

  167. ukan=extreme faggot

  168. Leaving aside that UKan is a faggot and probably a narcissist, his utmost characteristic is the fact that he is so LAME.

    UKan, if I had to describe you based on your comments, I'd say that you are a 30 year old black dude full of muscles and hair but bald and with a beard dressed up in a ballerina outfit.

  169. no ukan = regular faggot jason, you ultra extra-faggot.

    congrats erin.

    i'm moving you down to ultra-extra faggot

    david added

    david = uber faggot

    it's official

  170. Don't lie Jason or change history. Youve been stepped on so many times in here it's ridiculous. Why do you come here? I'm not your father? Facing me is folly because I use people like you daily. Your toilet paper. I didnt want your worship because you make people look bad cheering for them. That's why I love it when you take sides against me. Even when you do people are smart enough to publicly reject you so they arent attributed to them.
    A friend of a friend recently jumped off a bridge who reminds me of you. He was the kid everyone made fun of. Eventually the punchline was over and everyone got a life but him. Those days of being the accepted reject were over because everyoine got jobs and moved on. He went for a dive. I can see this being you. This is your last bastion of hope.
    You come in here and take abuse daily like a abused puppy. Like Erin. You two love the abuse. You love getting smacked around. You got so used to the abuse jason you cant live without it. Either can Erin.

  171. UKan, where are all those people fantasizing about you?

  172. No im a four foot African living in ireland after moving from florida after i took a trip to turkey.

  173. Look in the mirror jason

  174. @Sceli... I'd totally dance with David haha.

    And thanks ;)

    I used to strip. It was quite an adventure.

  175. I take offense Jason
    I am a proud black gay man.
    I don't act like no pussy as you can tell.
    You would never know I was gay if you was to meet me.
    I look clean.

  176. C'mon guys, UKan is just a big ugly ogre that hates everyone around him because he can't fit in. Let's give him a break.

    UKan, would you like a hug dear?

    It's not your fault your mother didn't love you, go ahead, you can cry.

  177. @UKan

    Your tactics of projection, and your attempts at trying to illicit my emotions is pathetic.

    You really have no clue about my life or emotional state.

  178. "UKan, you are a narcissist like Kesu and most everyone else on here says."

    Do people just forget that grandiose sense of self is a socio trait?

  179. @ David:

    Is it because you're not pleased with who you are? Why do you have to appear something that you are not?

    If you're as proud as you say you are why not make a stand out of it?

    Are you afraid of how people might judge you?

    Don't be a fag in heart David, just in mind.

  180. @Haven

    That's the only trait he seems to demonstrate.

  181. My last relationship cost him $800.000 so calling me an überfaggot is an understatement.
    So I guess this is just the 1000.001th ordinary yelling and screaming forum?

  182. @Ukan
    Jason has a lot going for him Mistah
    You are showing your jealously of a studly man Ukan

  183. Why not? you told them to us didnt you? You said you felt worthless.

    Oh now we are using fortune cookie psychology. Its all the opposite of what it is right? Like the kindergarten teacher told you when jimmy pushed you down the stair? Guess what anonymnous its you in my world, and you are the one who doesnt fit in. If you don't want to see the weak trampled on go cry with the rest of the pathetic women on lovefraud.

  184. Bye kinder garden, it was fun for a couple of hours, tata x

  185. @David
    What a fag...

  186. I guess you people hate gays and blacks.
    Fuck you Motherfuckers

  187. Look it that, erin thinks your studly jason. The thought of your children makes me think there should be forced steralizations for people whos genes are tainted with such mental deformities that you two have. Maybe you can give her a moral shoulder to cry on for when I break her fragile little heart to pieces.

  188. I am gonna report you for language against the Black gay man.
    You ca expect a court order
    Fucking Assholes

  189. @David

    We don't hate the homosexuals, if that's what you mean, nor the black people.

    We hate faggots.

  190. So we already have two Davids using the name 'David' now


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