
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gender and sociopaths

A socio leaning reader writes a little more on being trans and gender identity:

I've been browsing your blog for awhile now, and just yesterday stumbled upon an entry about a transwoman and her experiences as a sociopath, and how the two were related.

This made me think. I am a transman (20 years old and one year into my transition), and have identifyed as a sociopath for years. As time goes by, I can't help but think that my so-called "gender dysphoria" is just something for me to play with for the time being.

I have never felt as if I were one gender or the other. I cannot remember having that painful, consuming feeling that people describe as gender dysphoria. In the frankest possible terms, my transition began the day that I deciced it would be interesting--fun, even--to be a male.

I took to the role quickly and flawlessly, and despite having been an extremely feminine girl (and, for what its worth, a now feminine man) I was able to convince everyone around me that I was always meant to be a male. My parents have even come to recall instances in my childhood to justify this behavior.

Gender transition is a long, tedious process. It takes years. While it does not demand my full attention, it is always convinient for days when I find the boredom unbearable.

Despite never feeling like I had a need to transition, like many of the transgender people I've come into contact with, I have never regretted what I've done. I've sunk about a thousand dollars into this, watched as my face slowly became more masculine, and watched my friends and family struggle to accept this drastic change. And I love it.

I feel like I've created my most flawless persona yet. It's an accomplishment, in my eyes. And why wouldn't it be? I've had to convince dozens of people--even a trained gender-therapist--into believing that I experience a rather intense aversion to my assigned gender.


  1. Good luck with your Clit-Enis.

    Zhawq did a blog entry on Gender a while back that had a pretty good comment section to boot. I'd suggest you give it a look. You can read it here.

  2. I'd recommend less hormones, gentital mutilation and problematic side effects, and more education or use of a spell checker.

  3. Reader, there is more power is retaining a masculine persona in a female sheath. It's a-lot more fun, and you will catch people off-guard.

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  5. It's really not as complicated as you make it out to be in your post David. People are naturally attracted to people who show a minimal range of gender traits from the opposite sex.The ultimate turn-on for a male is a women who likes to take control.

    A transwomen or transman simply creeps people out.

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  7. That was an example used to back up my statement. The point is that acting out roles contrary to an assigned gender role will turn people on. Whether it's taking control or not.

  8. All that trouble cuz you are bored.

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  10. @David
    I grew up in an agnostic family whose God was intellectualism.My family thinks I am ignorant now :)

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  12. @David
    Well,my family worships the intellect,money and prestige.
    I always wanted to know the "meaning" of life from the time I was a little girl.
    Things like parties,guys etc were good but I always wanted to know why we were here.
    I searched everything.You name it.I searched except a few like Mormonism etc
    I never stopped searching until I found what I have now.
    It took me 15 years

  13. Human mind is amazing.

    This former lady reader says she transformed to be a man just because the idea hit her one day out of the boredom, she followed this idea and accomplished a huge success because it needed convincing others.

    So the final stated pride is in

    * being an effective sociopath and controlling others

    as opposed to

    * being able to say 'I was not comfortable in my own skin, something had to change, I thought it was my gender, but looking back it was my boredom, really.'

    I see some issue with not being able to accept her transgender identity.

    I agree with aspie, but also encourage transgenders to push for what they want. I know a little girl who is transgender, will be amazing to see what she'll go through. She is very lucky that her parents are great supporters, and really cool people, along with her older siblings. Everyone loves her with her unusual ways, and she is a beauty.

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  15. Cosette, something does not add up because we tend to think that to take charge is a male trait:

    "People are naturally attracted to people who show a minimal range of gender traits from the opposite sex.The ultimate turn-on for a male is a women who likes to take control."

  16. @David
    Yes I am free to the degree which I am able to receive it.

  17. I read what Wet said at the end yesterday. I now understand why Chinese women are so soft spoken and service oriented towards guys while also wanting to serve the richest they could. It is an amazing adaptation, and also suggests to me that under pressure and injustice (in this case extreme male dominance in the society) successful adaptation of sociopathic traits is the way to go.

    And, Wet, yes I have lived in Asia too, but that passage was from a recent article, not my own observation. What you added there helped me understand the Murdoch wife better, and I sympathize with her now, although I wish she chose a hunk after getting her Yale degree.

    David, were you in Vegas to attend a hackers conference? Are you a computer techy?

  18. @David
    People think the Born Again Christians are stupid sheep.Most are as most people are.
    However,the FEW who truly give their lives to God are free from the constraints of this earth whether that be other people's approval,prestige etc
    I am not there.I am not saying that.However,it is possible .I strive for it although I will never make cuz it is in an ideal and can never be truly attained on the earth.

  19. Erin, typically church and self help books try to heal you by way of forgiving, serving, etc. It is all good, but it is also about making you softer and weaker, especially when you already feel too soft and weak.

    The SW treatment is about first demanding that you gain muscle power and hit back the source of pain, get stronger, not weak.

    After that you can always get back to appearing (or feeling) softer.

    Looks like you did much better last night.

    When you first came here you did say things like there is bad in you that you wanted to recognize. I think there may be some residual conflict in you that strong belongs to evil. It does not, I agree with psychologists who say weak is evil.

    Strong belongs to everybody. Strong is good. Strong is a choice.

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  21. @Sceli
    I had the reverse of what a mother should do.
    I was scared to death to shine. I was humiliated violently for any show of identity or strength.
    I gave up and turned on myself.I got the Stockholm Syndrome in spades.
    It almost killed me.
    I became the opposite of many people here.
    When Ukan talks about what he did to his father ,I did the opposite.
    I became the weak dog.

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  23. Erin, go back and read your 5:41 am note. As you read it do you get emotional? What emotions hit you?

  24. @David
    Awww I don't know German but I would like more confidence and self esteem in this world for sure
    That is why I am here :)

  25. @Sceli
    I have a stomachache .I get them all the time.I practically live with them.
    It is cuz I feel so raw inside.I feel like I am gonna be knifed in the stomach for ANY identity I have.
    I feel like I must cover my stomach at all times.
    I am so afraid to be strong.

  26. sceli, you seem like a thought out person. In western society, who normally takes charge in a male and female relationship? I am not talking about whether it's a gender dependent trait or not, but what is generally accepted as typical.

  27. Erin, there were times I could not take your weakness, and I now think it was because you reminded me someone important in my life. Then some of your issues and ways started explaining why this person acted the way she did. There is such a relief in understanding, putting the dots together, even if it is an illusion that may last only until a piece does not fit.

    I am now SW addicted it looks like. First my cold put me in bed, and now not knowing what I want to do. Go to a mountain top, a Pacific Beach, or an Atlantic beach.

  28. @Sceli
    I knew that intuitively. Most of the time when we fight someone on the outside it is our own issue :)

    This is my current state.My stomach hurts me all the time cuz I feel I have no RIGHT to nourish myself.

    I feel I am bad if I want to care for myself.I feel afraid. I feel selfish but more I feel terror.

  29. @Tik is fighting her own issue of is SHE good enough through me

    *waves Hi Tik*

  30. Ouch, Erin. I was thinking you'd say sadness or anger. INstead you have severe fear, and right very core level, like the last place animals want to expose is their stomach. Damn, so sorry.

    OK, can we do this? Last night I saw the cutest panda cobs rolled on their back totally exposing their stomachs to the care givers, it was the sweetest thing. Can you pretend for a month and open up your core, on your back, totally relaxed, when you first wake up and when you last go to bed? This may sound like a socio game, you don't have to say you will or will not do it. But, do something physical to take you out of a fearful body.

  31. Cosette, are you saying women are controlling the relationships in the western society? I'm confused. If it's which car to take the daughter to school, yes, women are in charge, the unimportant, daily crunch work. Not the financial and strategic decisions such as change of location due to job loss. I am referring to majority, exceptions always exist.

  32. @Sceli
    Your kindness brings tears to my eyes.My poor stomach can barely eat.
    I have it on alert all the time.
    It is like I cannot take one more pain or I will die.
    I live with it hurting .
    Thank you for your kind words.
    That was how I fell so hard for the Socio.He treated me kindly and I lapped it up like a dog with water.
    He saw me with all these wounds and seemed to cherish me.
    I never had that .
    He called me animal names like Sensitive Pooch and Sweet Chimp.It was like my bad things were OK when he looked at me like a magic eraser made them go away.There I was a loved child ,a wanted child, a cherished and special child .
    I felt loved to the core.

  33. Erin, I live alone, yet I prepare a pleasant table for every meal I'll have as if someone else could come in any minute. I pamper myself the way I would want to be pampered. You did not have a mother the way you wished. But, you can start mothering yourself the way you want to as opposed to abusing yourself. Go do groceries, set a nice table, put some champagne in a nice flute. Fresh flowers, all nine yards.

    And the names he called you, they are not flattering, you don't see that? UKan will have a field day with those and you won't think of them as nice anymore, which is not bad actually. Gotta get rid of that ghost out of your life.

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  35. Hmmm

    There were so many like Juicy Hampster, Chicken wing, Pidgeon Breast and Cutie.
    Why were they not flattering
    (V's Hold yourself down)

  36. @David
    That is why I am here.I walked away by a miracle really

    Do I sound weak to you?How?

    (Don't laugh....)
    I have to tell a certain group of people here whom I call V's not to laugh at me David

  37. Sorry, I really am floored laughing, Erin. YOu'll hear from the bitches on those...

    It sounds like you're quite petite. Cutie is the only one in there that is half way decent coming from a man. I'd only let him call me Cutie if he is a very tall and sizable man.

    Juicy Hamster... sounds acceptable if he was busy giving you blow jobs all the time. At least you were receiving some relaxation and gratification.

    WHen was he saying these things? WHile making out?

    I'd say google each of these for the fun of it and see what comes up.

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  39. @Sceli
    Not to take up the whole space but I figured out what is wrong with me in a sentence.
    I feel it is BAD to be strong.

    I can be strong.I have it in me.You have seen that .
    However, I have an internal censor which tells me I am bad and I will hurt or kill someone if I am strong.

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  41. NO, you won't. So what if you do, better than killing yourself.

    See how awful this first one is:

    Pectus carinatum, (L carīnātus, equiv. to carīn(a) keel), also called pigeon chest, is a deformity of the chest characterized by a protrusion of the sternum and ribs. It is the opposite of pectus excavatum.

  42. the things you learn on SW... lol..

    Erin, this is not an attack on you, just learning from the literature that I cannot possibly resist. Did you know what is below. Does he call you that because you entertained him that way? In the absence of intercourse sexual life does get quite interesting, I suppose.

    Chickenwing 2 thumbs up
    The sexual act of using the crook of one's arm to masturbate someone, causing the arm to move up and down, mimicking the chicken dance.
    "Her hands were too cold, and she didn't like like BJ's, so she just chickenwinged him."

  43. @Sceli Pidgeon BREAST

    It is NOT the attention David.It may appear to be but it is not at all.
    It is the cry to be healed like a wounded animal. Help me heal.I am dying.I am trying to heal my stomach which is my strength

  44. OK, just googled juicy hamster. this is beyond hilarious, now curious if someone is pretending to be Erin. Well, I sure learned some vocabulary. David, did you know all these?

  45. @Sceli
    He called me Duckling too
    Does that have an ulterior meaning?

    Well I don't care if you guys laugh. I am what I am .Why lie about it?

    Well he would do Freudian slips when he would ask me to pray for him which he did a lot
    He would say "Please prey for me" :)

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  47. @Sceli
    Stop it with the troll thing.OK?
    We got beyond that. I have all my issues which are out there for you guys to see.I am out there cuz I need help but I am not a troll!

    I don't want to do Vagina slinging in front of David our new member

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I did not say troll, I suspected someone else may have gotten into your account for just that last post.

    I am sorry, Erin, but those were not flattering terms. Truth hurts, I know. But I am not going to hold nack on what I believe is to be the truth.

    About that 'please pray for me.' DO you know that socios actually use that trick to quiet their parents when the parents start giving advice and pointing out their moral weaknesses? A quick acceptance of the charge and a quick come back of please pray for me stop the religious parents in their track, then they laugh at the parent while actual praying.

    Your 'please prey for me' is a cute Freudian slip.

  50. @David
    Thank you.That was heartfelt and I appreciate it a great deal <3

  51. @Sceli
    HE would tell me "Please prey for me"
    HE would write that to me.
    It was a Freudian slip on his part I am quite sure.

  52. @David
    You have a LOT of truth to what you say about people being nice and slamming you.
    I have had that done several times in my short stay here already.
    You are right to expect more if I stay.
    There is no honor among thieves is what you are saying

  53. Look at Tik
    That is what you find in the churches
    You get angry and impassioned and someone tells you you are giving Christians a bad name
    I am here for the time being.

  54. David, that already happened to Erin here. She survived. I think learning socio traits is good education for people no matter what.

    Your post had some learning for me though, such as how you choose to ignore in real life. Do you have any weak family members that it is hard to ignore without a complete break away? How do you deal with those? If you don't have any, how do you suggest I deal with mine? I use the 'pray for me trick' when I get a pathetic advice suggesting what I did was wrong (basically, not serving all their needs belong to that category, whiny needy lovely family members). Any other tricks?

  55. I am not so sure then that he was making a spelling mistake. Hoe could well be toying so openly, Erin.

  56. @David
    You see the Socio and I, the uber empath are mirror images .The uber empath is not good.It is a PD just as the Socio just opposite /mirror image.

    I tried it all in the world.I did it all,the church,social things with good people you name it.
    I ended up with a Socio.
    I need help that empaths cannot give.
    I have been in therapy since I was 12.
    The normal world cannot help me.
    That is why I am here.
    I am the same as you but opposite :)

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  60. Erin, that made no since.; Tik is fighting her own issue, is she good enough through ME.

    Don't compare yourself to me, you don't know me.

    Your charts and your intuition are completely faulty..

    My problem with you is that your all over the place, acting like the ADD child you described yesterday. Acussing people of make believe things, then calling them things like vagina's, turds, white trash, boring and dog poop to name only afew.

    You keep it up when they don't respond, accusing them of what you doing. It's pathetic.

    Don't mention me if you don't want my answer.

  61. @David
    I need some of that anyway not all but a measure

  62. @Tik
    Don't give me any Christian advice.Don't give me ANY advice.I don't want ANYTHING you have.
    Do that and I will never mention you again.

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  64. "You see the Socio and I, the uber empath are mirror images"

    What interesting logic.

  65. Thanks, David. The advice I hear in that is 'enough already, go ahead and do what's in your best interest and let any side effect be their problem. turn the fan, let the shit hit them a bit as opposed to helping them sort out their own shit. Let them lose sleep over you, as opposed to you lose sleep over them.'

    Erin, that's what I preferred hearing. What did you hear? Did you hear something you wanted to come back with a 'don't do that to your parents?" If you did, it really is time to stop that voice.

  66. @Anon
    Uber empath is is Codependency really .It is a real and definite PD.It is no joke.
    It can kill you just as the other PD's can.
    If it does not kill you it makes you live like you are living in a sub zero freezer---grey,no where and no one.

  67. "Uber empath is is Codependency really .It is a real and definite PD"

    Based on what research? What is an "Uber empath"?
    Never heard of it. Are you talking about being psychic?

  68. That is a low-functioning uber-empath, which I'd like to join David and call emopath, Erin.

  69. Yeah, I'm bored, too. I'll go off to the Pacific, have an entertaining Saturday, SW.

  70. @Sceli Do you mean a low functioning uber empath is a codependent?
    What is a high functioning uber empath?

    My voice tells me to be good to my parents .Thet did the best they could.My rage wants to slit both of their throats

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  72. @David
    You see I need some of what you have.I don't want it all.I want to come from where I am-weak as Hell --and get to the middle.
    That is why I am here .

  73. "low-functioning uber-empath"

    This place is retarded.

    TNP in response to your comment yesterday. Dexter displays mor schizoid then sociopathic characteristics. He's not a realistic portrayal of a sociopath in my eyes. He's a schizoid who kills, Which doesn't make much sense anywhere outside of TV land. If he were portrayed realistically as a sociopath viewers wouldn't be able to relate to him.

  74. Do you think Tony Soprano was an accurate portrayal of a Sociopath.
    Forget the last season cuz he changed after he killed Christopher. From that point on he seemed like an obvious sociopath.However, prior to that was he an accurate portrayal of a Sociopath?

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  76. 'If it does not kill you it makes you live like you are living in a sub zero freezer---grey,no where and no one.'

    wow, how did u know? Uber empaths are otherwise known as HSPs.

  77. @not me
    What do you mean "how did I know?"
    I am describing how I feel.
    Is that Hysterical PD do you mean?

    'If it does not kill you it makes you live like you are living in a sub zero freezer---grey,no where and no one.'

    wow, how did u know? Uber empaths are otherwise known as HSPs

  78. Tony soprano is a sociopath. He's a violent criminal, he cheats on his wife, he cheats on his mistresses, he kills and cons friends. He's total motherfucker but he's stil charming and likable. That's what sociopath is really.

    Now who has morals dave? What do you care about a few retarded kids? All you do is project david. You project because I'm not blabbing about myself all day long so you have nothing to go on. I most certainly did abuse those kids for fun believe it or not. It's ridiculous that you, a whore, call me a lowlife. I may not make my money in a decent way like you said but I don't make it on my knees either. There's nothing weak about anger and I can keep it check when it's important. If I fly off on one I don't care. Your to scared to use your anger, you couldn't even find the nerve to stand up to your ex when he semi-raped you every night. Your a bad joke.

  79. HSP

    Means: Highly Sensitive Person

    Don't you know how to use Google, Erin?

    If you find you are highly sensitive, or your child is, you need to begin by knowing the following:

    Your trait is normal. It is found in 15 to 20% of the population--too many to be a disorder, but not enough to be well understood by the majority of those around you.
    It is innate. In fact, biologists have found it to be in most or all animals, from fruit flies and fish to dogs, cats, horses, and primates. This trait reflects a certain type of survival strategy, being observant before acting. The brains of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) actually work a little differently than others'.
    You are more aware than others of subtleties. This is mainly because your brain processes information and reflects on it more deeply. So even if you wear glasses, for example, you see more than others by noticing more.
    You are also more easily overwhelmed. If you notice everything, you are naturally going to be overstimulated when things are too intense, complex, chaotic, or novel for a long time.
    This trait is not a new discovery, but it has been misunderstood. Because HSPs prefer to look before entering new situations, they are often called "shy." But shyness is learned, not innate. In fact, 30% of HSPs are extraverts, although the trait is often mislabeled as introversion. It has also been called inhibitedness, fearfulness, or neuroticism. Some HSPs behave in these ways, but it is not innate to do so and not the basic trait.
    Sensitivity is valued differently in different cultures. In cultures where it is not valued, HSPs tend to have low self-esteem.

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  81. @Anon
    Thank you Darling
    I thought she meant Hysterical PD which I could be accused of having *wink*

  82. Hysterical Personality Disorder


    Histrionic Personality Disorder

    a disorder characterized by dramatic, reactive, and intensely exaggerated behavior, which is typically self-centered. It results in severe disturbance in interpersonal relationships that can lead to psychosomatic disorders, depression, alcoholism, and drug dependency. Symptoms include emotional excitability, such as irrational angry outbursts or tantrums; abnormal craving for activity and excitement; overreaction to minor events; manipulative threats and gestures; egocentricity; inconsiderateness; inconsistency; and continuous demand for reassurance generated by feelings of helplessness and dependency. A person with this disorder is perceived by others as vain, demanding, superficial, self-centered, and self-indulgent. The disorder is more prevalent in women than in men and is treated by various psychotherapies, depending on the individual and the severity of the condition.

    Seems more fitting.

  83. I never mentioned morals when you first brought them up dave. Yeah my family wasn't so well off and my dad beat until I grew out of his control. And then eventually I beat him back. And now I'm doing better then any of my family. I bet you grew up in a in a nice house with a nice family didn't you you trust fund baby? But you still turned out to be a whore. Lol. I use anger to control certain people in my life dave. One part of me is full of rage but I use it to my advantage. Unlike you who lets it eat away your insides.

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  85. @Anon
    I am not right.It is way beyond HSP.
    They are artistic but not whacked.What form of whacked I take I am not sure, maybe a hybrid *wink*

  86. Haha. You just cant use any of this shit against me dave. Do you think I'm embarrassed or ashamed by any of it? No of course not. I wouldn't be telling you if I was. I'm glad I was raised the way I was. I would have turned out as soft as you if I hadn't of been. As I said before you can do what ever you like here. I was never forcing you to talk to me. Have a good one.

  87. Symptoms include emotional excitability, such as irrational angry outbursts or tantrums; abnormal craving for activity and excitement; overreaction to minor events; manipulative threats and gestures; egocentricity; inconsiderateness; inconsistency; and continuous demand for reassurance generated by feelings of helplessness and dependency.

    this sounds like narcissism.

  88. Histrionics are like less confident narcissists.

  89. I think you were accidentally correct in your first assumption.
    I think you're a Hysterical type.
    You fit the mold perfectly. I think, HPD, and narcissism in the form of The Martyr.

    I've been observing this blog for a few days now, and think this matches you best. Any HSP would be more keen on what people mean when they express their opinions, even hidden meaning. Which you seem incapable of.
    Not to offend.

  90. UKan likes you, that's all it mattersAugust 6, 2011 at 9:23 AM

    Misanthrope, who cares, brother. As SW can see your type gets left alone/behind by the intelligent people. You are a dog on a pack with UKan whose job it is to show us how a low life can bark in rage (whether he feels it or not, whether he is ashamed by it or not, who gives a fuck). You are BORING.

  91. @Zoe
    I am trying to figure things out on my own .Most of those shrinks are whacked ass's

    So, I have come to this conclusions.I have some PD.I don't know which one.Does it matter?
    My problem is this.
    I cannot feel.
    I am lost to myself.
    All other issues follow from this.If this changes, I will be emotionally healthy.People make things too complicated.
    The classifications don't matter much.How do they really help you in real life?
    So,you KNOW you are a HPD NPD or BPD.
    If you are not gonna go the medical route --big deal.

  92. Then stop asking what PD this and what PD that, bitch. Go get a super size laxative and insert, you'll feel something then.

  93. That was how I fell so hard for the Socio.He treated me kindly and I lapped it up like a dog with water.
    He saw me with all these wounds and "seemed to cherish me.
    I never had that .
    He called me animal names like Sensitive Pooch and Sweet Chimp.It was like my bad things were OK when he looked at me like a magic eraser made them go away.There I was a loved child ,a wanted child, a cherished and special child .
    I felt loved to the core."

    You're a lying cunt Erin. Where the hell ave you been? I go out and suck Ukan's and TNP's dick, give them my secrets and you go on here and try to con these people. You never wanted a child. At least not with me,you lying cunt.

    Peeps she's been conning you for weeks now.

  94. @Anon
    No offense
    No honest response is an offense.I don't care if honesty hurts.It is like medicine.
    It heals.
    Of course,SW is ridden with people who just want to hurt you for their fun of it--names withheld.
    I am not talking about pseudo honesty here but the real deal as you are trying to do.
    I appreciate it but read my last post.

  95. @Socio Jack et al

  96. I never came here in search of approval. Your opinions on who I am, what I do, my level of intelligence are white noise to me. Same goes in the real world.

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  98. UKan loves you, this I knowAugust 6, 2011 at 9:37 AM

    We know already, men, we don't care. You are BORING.

  99. This is my PD
    I don't say Screw you when people violate me.

  100. the 'intellectual types' are the boring ones

  101. UKan side kick works well for youAugust 6, 2011 at 9:39 AM

    It works best to watch you in action when UKan is around, otherwise, you are SO BORING, Mis.

  102. OK.. finally... intellectuals versus the barking dog and barking bitch pack... true classification of SW

  103. hey faggot, nobody cares about what tards like zwang and pms have to say about their latest theory on blah blah... so stfu

  104. Erin is right. Who cares what her PD is, if she even has one. She sucks this place in like a vortex. She's been repeating the same information over and over for weeks, and only changes the way she portrays herself, when she sees people getting bored with her.
    You guys are beating your heads against a rock and for what? The satisfaction of "helping" an attention whore to thrive, in this community?
    I'm with you Erin. Nothing here is as it seems anyway. They are probably setting you up for something.

  105. Who is the intellectual(s) and who is the barking dog(s)?

  106. S's aren't intellectual, they are primitive.

  107. intellectuals get noticed, look at two David sentences underscored on the Twitter.

    Do you see any UKan, Mis or Erin? You are a barking bitch, an intellectual wanna belike the barking dogs.

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  109. the 'barking dogs' like ukan and mis have far more quotes up on me's twitter page fyi... david is boring

  110. @Joke is on you
    So what BETTER thing was happening before I came?
    People trying to be people's bitch's.
    Was that so fascinating?

  111. @Joke

    You act like your saying something "new and exiting" The fact that she needs attention and has been repeating pretty much the same thing over and over has been commented on more then once already.

  112. @David
    You turned pretty fast.Awww such is life Turd

  113. 'Luckely I have to work the next 2 hours.'

    yes, i'm sure you will be 'working' hard. :D

  114. @David
    Yes Darlink
    Make sure your pants have knee patches. Brooks Brothers has an Alterations Department *wink*

  115. 'Luckily I have to work the next 2 hours.'

    Yes, i'm sure you will be working 'hard'.

  116. @David
    Take the Vaseline out of your ass. Or was that ear? No ,nose?

  117. A person involved in, and with, abstract ideas and theories.
    A person whose profession (e.g. philosophy, literary criticism, sociology, law, political analysis, theoretical science, mathematics, etc.) solely involves the production and dissemination of ideas.[1]
    A person of notable cultural and artistic expertise whose knowledge grants him or her intellectual authority in public discourse.
    A person of high mental calibre and applied mental agility that can inductively or deductively reason from evidence and patterns, with the creativity to "think outside the box".

    You guys seem to have a very narrow view of what an intellectual is. You don't have to be scholarly, or come from money.
    One of the most ignorant ideas I've seen passed around here, is people from poor and abusive families, automatically stupid.
    Any person who thinks in this way, does not fit the definition of an intellectual. Sorry.

  118. @Mania
    Why dont you talk here much? Are you in prison, is that why you dont talk much? when did you first relize you where a sociopath/psychopath? Are you a guy or a girl? What country do you live in? How old are you? Why are you normally so nice to Erin? Do you come here everyday like most of the people with names but just dont comment? Where you abused?have you ever beaten someone up? have you ever been beaten up? How many people have you dated? are you a queer? are you married? do you have kids? If so how many?...

  119. @Mania

    Which is why I find is so irrational that many, including you, keep feeding into it. If you can't learn from repetition, you're fucked!

  120. all 'paths, republicans, and people who desire power, are nothing but packages of principles representing power desiring ideology, delete the packages, and the ideology is deleted.

  121. Mania,
    I think someone here has a crush on you. :D

  122. "One of the most ignorant ideas I've seen passed around here, is people from poor and abusive families, automatically stupid."

    this david guy is a fool, he truly believes that having some money makes him intelligent.

  123. @Joke

    You think I don't know that I'm feeding into it?

    @Anon 10:10

    ... Why are you asking so many questions.

  124. Look
    One of my best friends lives in a trailer park.Many of my friends are well off.Many are in between.
    Intellectual ability as well as everything else is irrespective of class.
    Only a dumb ass wipe like David would think otherwise.
    Maybe he should take the Vaseline out of his eye for 2 seconds so he could see straight.
    Wait-- was it ass?nose? EAR!!!!

  125. @Mania
    Well we know alot more about everyone else then we do of you

  126. Funniest Erin ContradictionsAugust 6, 2011 at 10:39 AM

    Erin said...

    Eden--if I went to the trailer park and looked in every direction--there would be a hundred you's.
    You prolly got pregnant at 13 and work at the 7=11.
    You are such freakin filth.

    Erin said...
    One of my best friends lives in a trailer park .

    Erin said...

    It is pathetic what you guys did to David.

    Erin said...

    It would be a person's worst nightmare that their passions would let them get involved with a whore like you

    I see patters. I must be an intellectual. lol

  127. @Anon 10:35
    Is one of the only ones on here who is not a COMPLETE turd.What else do you need to know?
    What is it your freakin business anyway?
    You can't even have a name so Screw YOU

  128. It's a pattern David. Whenever Misanthrope gets caught neck-deep in his real life issues, he comes on here to try to make other people look stupid. It's his custom form of projection. Like some form of malicious therapy. His girlfriend/fuckbuddy or whoever makes him feel low and pathetic, and he needs to recharge his ego, so he comes here.

    He is a war adonis and he is fun to toy with when you need a nice argument, besides that he is a complete moron.

  129. Diana (formally anon)August 6, 2011 at 10:52 AM

    No need to become a major bitch.

  130. David you are a whore, nothing more. I can't believe you try to come off as sophisticated. You actually buy your own act? Your parents don't. They tried to do what they could to make there son successful and now look at you. You are trash. What does your father think of you, davey. I can think of a few words:
    Here he thought when his son came out he would be strong and carry on the family. He must had beamed with pride. I can only imagine the look on his face when he found out your whoring yourself for dope. His a son is sucking dick for a few lines of chop.
    It must have been priceless to see the old man break. Did he go into tears? Hell, if you were my son I might go into tears. Certainly I wouldn't let you live out your life destroying the family name.
    How far back did you set your family, dave? They climbed and climbed through the ranks only to have you muck up the name so much that it is filth dripping from the lips of those who say it, like the semen dripping from yours.

  131. @ David is a pathetic male whore who should ask for charity money so he has a man size jar of Vaseline available at all times and in all places--car in Dominoes parking lot ,trailer, bus station ,park bench,under the bridge and low rent motel .

    Here is my view of Trailer parks.You can live IN one or one can live IN you. The latter person I mentioned has one IN her.
    No intellectual problems there.You just needed clarification.

  132. @ David is a pathetic male whore who should ask for charity money so he has a man size jar of Vaseline available at all times and in all places--car in Dominoes parking lot ,trailer, bus station ,park bench,under the bridge and low rent motel .

    Here is my view of Trailer parks.You can live IN one or one can live IN you. The latter person I mentioned has one IN her.
    No intellectual problems there.You just needed clarification.

  133. @Diana

    Are you the same person that was going on about me being a psychopath the other day?

  134. That was so good I said it twice

  135. This constant switching from hsp to bitch is quite inriguing, erin..

  136. @David

    When Misanthrope get's his ass handed to him he switches to his UKan account. They are the same people.

  137. David is an idiot. I willingly told him about my poor and abusive background and he decieded that that made him superior. Lol. Its like when jason declares himself the victor or declares me his bitch. I'd laugh if this idiot is jason. You're going to have to do better than that otherwise stay silent. The hit and run tactics here are funny as well. When people say something along the lines of "I'm done with you", type in their little smiley face and then stop responding. As if thats supposed to cripple their opponent.

    Who says I'm neck deep in anything? Only you do you little runt. I dont have to come here for a fight. I can do that in the real word and I do it pretty well. Arguements are just part of the fun here. And my ego never runs out of power.

    "He is a war adonis"

    Even I wouldn't go as far as saying that. Cheers.

  138. @Mania
    Yes but i dont care about that as much anymore. if you answer some of my questions ill leave you alone... pls answer even just like 4 of them.

  139. Funniest Erin ContradictionsAugust 6, 2011 at 10:58 AM


    You contradict yourself daily. Sometimes even within minutes...
    I'm just going to keep 'em coming.

  140. "switches to his UKan account. They are the same people."

    Oh you are stupid aren't you.

  141. @Funniest Erin Contradictions
    I actually have none :)

  142. @Mania
    But I would like it more if you answerd all of them

  143. Now jason is on davids cock. It sure has a lot in common with him, since it is also a whore.

  144. @Diana
    I WILL be a bitch if I am provoked. You should know that by now :)

  145. Misanthrope, blow the steam off your tiny head and listen. If you really were immune to critism here, you wouldn't have felt a need to defend yourself against my arguments, all of which are plausible and accurate.

    You come here to boost your ego. People in real life aren't dumb Mis, maybe you think so but they aren't. When they debate with you they know that you are a sad soul. They aren't part of a community that glorifies you. They think of you as an Idiot, because thats what you are. You only can survive on your street smarts, you are incapable of doing anything legal. You are a mishap, a mistake, and I wish post-natal abortions were legalized on your behalf.

  146. Funniest Erin ContradictionsAugust 6, 2011 at 11:03 AM


    Is that a challenge?

  147. @Funniest Erin Contradictions
    Total challenge with one caveat I can change my mind about people. For example I thought David was decent and it turned out he is a Vaseline toting whore.
    So, I am allowed to misjudge people.Other than that---you got a challenge :)

  148. @Erin
    I wasnt even talking to you and im sure that ManiaAzer can take care of them self

  149. Yah jason, than why come to OUR forums to be abused. There's a reason we are here: its called Sociopathworld. This is where you would come to fuck with people, play games, boast about tormenting people, and manipulate folks. You, your only purpose here is go be toyed with. Like a piece of yarn for the cats. If you didn't idealize us why did you come in here trying to grab our cocks and put them in your mouth. Admit it, you are obsessed with us. You can't leave even with all the abuse hurled at you from every, and I mean EVERY single.person on here. You are not even human, you are just 'it' to me.

  150. @ Anon Mania can take care of self. Yes true but no one needs to answer you.
    Who died and made you the Great Question Guru in the sky?

  151. Are you forgetting that I started these feuds Jason? These is my argument not yours. You come here for a fight. You said it yourself. You said that the only thing that matters is that I'm available to fight here for any reason.

    "People in real life aren't dumb Mis"

    Thats news to me.

    I dont do much debating in real life. It's just that here words are the only weapons available, out there its different.

    "all of which are plausible and accurate."

    No theyre all projection.

  152. Funniest Erin ContradictionsAugust 6, 2011 at 11:15 AM

    Erin said...

    I had the reverse of what a mother should do.
    I was scared to death to shine. I was humiliated violently for any show of identity or strength.
    I gave up and turned on myself.I got the Stockholm Syndrome in spades.
    It almost killed me.
    I became the opposite of many people here.
    When Ukan talks about what he did to his father ,I did the opposite.
    I became the weak dog.

    August 6, 2011 5

    Erin said...

    I never let a group tell me what to do --not in high school,anywhere.
    I never could submit to a group.
    Anyway I either led the group or pulled out.

    August 5, 2011 7:38 PM

  153. UKan, now you are going to switch to your Misanthrope account to back yourself up right?

    You need to protect your ego from someone online. Oh and tell your dad's friend I said hi.I could teach them some new tricks if they ever get bored with the ones they use on you.

    You are also my bitch, and still have yet to snuff your father you dumb wannabe badass cocksucker.

    And your mom.

  154. @Erin
    Shut up you stupid overgrown fat cow, go throw vaginas at yourself you bitch

  155. @ Diana

    Yes I have beaten someone up.

    No I have not been beaten up.

    No I am not married.

    No I don't have kids.

  156. What happened to all your "plausible and accurate" arguments Jason?

  157. @Mania
    ...Your answers didnt say much about you.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. @Diana
    What is your address? David told me he would do you free

  160. @Erin Contradictions
    You win
    That was a short game :)

  161. @Diana

    Yes well, you should have asked better questions.

  162. Funniest Erin ContradictionsAugust 6, 2011 at 11:27 AM


    Hey thanks for being such a good sport about it. I'll just keep posting them as I see them. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

  163. she's a shit flingerAugust 6, 2011 at 11:29 AM

    Every female that comes on here gets venal vomit speed at them by the immature, jealous sick excuse of a christian erin.

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. @Erin

    I'm curious about this last one:
    "Anyway I either led the group or pulled out."

    Does that translate to: If I didn't "get" to lead the group, I pulled out? As in you got your way or it was the highway?

  166. @MisanKan

    "Plausible and accurate". Like others have said, this is a nut house run by the inmates. This place is full of bullshit and lies.

    I think you said that because I got to you, even tho you will lie about it when you use one of your accounts to post.

    Maybe UKan will conveniently come and flush your toilet.

  167. aspie and others
    what are your thoughts on Freud? He didn't do much empirical research but concepts such as transference is hard to deny.

  168. Oh here comes the janitor MisaKan. I bet now you will quickly take a leave of absence until David comes back you dead beat.

  169. This place is nut house for sure. And you're the biggest nutter here. You're paranoid and delusional. Or your trying to fuck with us in which case you've failed. Nobody but you is buying into this shit. you're only making yourself look stupid and thats exactly what I want. Well done

  170. Haha, paranoid and delusional? I love it. This is the person who breathes off his own existence. You are a worthless nobody bloke like the rest of us here, yet you have crowned yourself king in your head.

    You project paranoia and delusions on me because that's how you feel. You make yourself look pathetic and stupid all the time here, it's just that everyone hides behind anons because they value their precious space in this hierarchy.

  171. Ukan

    I hope your blog actually discusses about topics worth discussing about. Fuck psychology and philosophy.

  172. @Shitflinger

    @Erins Cotradictions
    All in good fun

    @Anon about leading the group
    If I did not agree with how the group was run I left

  173. Now your just throwing what I said to you back at me(again). And I already know you're worthless. You dont have to keep saying it.

    Bloke isnt an insult by the way.

  174. @Diana
    You are not declaring war are you?

  175. Yes because you were projecting moron. Damn how stupid are you?

    Of course I would shine the truth in your face.

  176. @Erin

    But you said, "I either led the group or pulled out"
    Which suggests that you only did one of two things in a group.
    So it sounds to me like, if you were not the leader, you didn't want to be there.
    I'm just curious. Not trying to be a pill.

    And it does seem to go against the other persona of: I became the weak dog.

  177. @jason

    why are you such a stupid little asshole?

  178. @Anon 11:53
    I appreciate honest dialogue.Maybe I can relate it to Astrology which helps explain the complex whole that is a person.
    Yes,I got very ,very beaten down by my mother.I lost belief in myself.*I* took on the BAD of her so I could see her as good .I did this at an automatic defense mechanism level in order to survive.
    I am gonna lost this so I don't lose the whole thing

  179. As per Zoe's request...

    Thursday, August 4, 2011
    Summer Fling
    It started with an impulse
    this twisted little attraction
    A desire to pull the mask away
    and exploit his reaction
    who am i
    Is the game we play
    who are you to me?
    He comes here to enslave the weak
    She cums like she's on E
    so many kinds of lovers
    fucking, fighting, faking
    so many ways to be yourself
    broken, biting, or baiting
    It takes away the boredom
    Replaces it with truth
    It ate my face for three whole weeks
    That's SO un-fucking-couth!
    SW you're my Summer Fling
    disturbing and so crass
    but thanks for giving me a public place
    to watch stranger get raped in the ass!

    Posted by Eden Ralene at 10:50 PM

    I've thought about writing a poem for each of my favorite characters here, as I get to know them better. Then I will post and see if you can guess who they be!

  180. @Anon 11:53
    A large part of who I am is a beaten down person.I hate to say it but I must face it.
    Why lie? All healing is in truth.

    However, I have a slice of me which is strong.Astrology would call it my placement of Pluto conjunct/on the MC.
    The MC is any group or the general society.Pluto is feral,primal or instinctual emotions. This is a strong and powerful placement of a leader.
    Putin has this.You see that quiet strength in him. THAT is Pluto conjunct the MC. I am no Putin but I do have that slice of me that is like him.
    I have always had a part of me that could not be a sheep in a group.
    I know it doesn't fit but in the complexities of a person one cannot be black and white cuz there are many grays .
    I did not leave a group in a nasty way.I just said that I could not go along with what people were doing and left .
    The short answer is that I have a slice of strength.

  181. @Erin
    No I promised mania that if they answered 4 questions I would stop talking and they did... :'( (even though i didnt learn much about them) so unless mania says i can talk this will be my last post... ill just watch whats going on.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Talking to it is pointless thrope. It's obviously a complete idiot and you can't really humiliate it more than it already is.

  184. "in the complexities of a person one cannot be black and white cuz there are many grays ."

    I like that.
    Though I see you treat people on here in a black or white manner all the time. I guess that's just another one of your complexities, right? Do and say what I want, but never let others do the same. :)

  185. @David
    Put Vaseline in your MOUTH :)

  186. how much money did you make while you were out sucking balls, david?

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. @Anon
    SW is not the exactly regular world now .Is it?
    One must learn one's own coping mechanisms here.Do you agree Friend?

  189. @Erin

    I do. I am just trying to put puzzles together here. I like trying to figure it all out. Just like you I guess. I ask you more for now, because you reveal the most. It's harder to see what the others are up to.

  190. you are disgusting, david.

  191. No, I would cry if you were my son dave. I have no tears for your father. He himself knows he's failed as a father. Your weak mother, well, she's to apathetic at this point for any more tears. The shame your family must feel must be so great, dave. I notice you mention morals and macho a lot when someone disapproves of your lifestyle: Being a whore. Is that how your father is to you? Masculine and moral. A real mans man. Oh the anguish he must face day to day knowing his son is standing on the corner in a pair of knickers and high heels with mayonaise all up his shit creek. Ha ha ha. You fucking muppet. Quit the act. You have fallen from grace. You may have been sipping on champagne while you were in daddys château, but you are disowned and dishonored now. The ultimate low life. The bottom of the world. Scum of the earth. In every culture you are trodden upon. Whores are preyed on, abused, used, humiliated, raped, murdered, used for depraved fantasies, and tossed in a heap on the street with money shoved in your worthless slut mouth. Save the act of the high class slut. Those are women and they are only in the movies.

  192. This comment has been removed by the author.

  193. @David
    I will set up a Trust fund for you.It will have ALL you need .
    Pants with reinforced knees
    A free Wal Mart card for we know what.....
    A bus ticket for wherever you want to go
    Kentucky Fried chicken that you can eat on the bus
    I will add to the trust as I learn more about you. It is a Revocable Trust-- Darlink


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