
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Women who love sociopaths

In response to the previous post about Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a Slate article about his wife and other women who love socipaths:
Why have Catherine Greig, the girlfriend of mobster Whitey Bulger, and Anne Sinclair, the wife of accused rapist Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stood by their men? I’m going to play amateur psychiatrist and declare both men appear to be sociopaths. There’s not much doubt with Bulger, who is allegedly behind at least 19 murders and even by the standards of professional criminals was considered to be particularly vicious. Granted, Strauss-Kahn, until his recent indictment on rape charges, was a highly successful international bureaucrat possibly on his way to becoming president of France. Yet his wife surely knew about his obsessive, compulsive philandering. Did she never hear word that the Great Seducer sometimes forced himself on the unwilling? She certainly now knows that the night he spent in the Sofitel he propositioned two female employees, who rebuffed him, before his encounter with the maid. If the press leaks are accurate, his defense against the rape charge may be that the sexual encounter with the woman who came to clean his room was consensual. Yet it is Sinclair’s money which is making his defense possible. Given the costs of his luxurious house arrest, his security, his lawyers, his investigators, she could be sinking $1 million a month into trying to clear a husband whose treatment of women is pathological. Sinclair, who has brains, beauty, ambition, and money, stepped aside from her successful career as a journalist to help Strauss-Kahn’s rise. I imagine, now that she is in her 60s, she loathes the idea of a future as an aging single woman, left off the guest list for the best parties. But at what point do you stop defending the indefensible?
What does that even mean? Is there some objective definition of what qualifies behavior as "indefensible"? I mean, if they're into their wayward partners, that's their choice, right?


  1. Women who love sociopaths = Dumb women.

  2. people who love sociopaths ... why not? they are also just human. Even though it might actually take a long while to find their human-ness.

    I havent found it.

    Being in a relationship with a sociopath is a different story. It definitely is their choice.

  3. neo-hitler quote of the day:

    constantly push your upper limits, you never know how high you might go.

  4. I see this book on Amazon when I'm there to link to a book I'm writing about. It's part of an automated 'Suggestions' feature, but whereas such a book could be informative also for someone who's not themselves a "victim" of sociopaths in any way, I've always found there're other books I'd read before I consider buying (or get someone to buy) it.

    And the reason is that I expect it to be full of "logic" based on assumptions like the one you mention: Indefensible.

    Any text based on this way of thinking is useless - more or less, anyway. What can I possibly learn from it? About the victim's behaviors? I'll be more likely to learn about the prejudiced dogmatism of the author! And it's annoying, because the topic is actually interesting.

    No matter how good one is at seduction, manipulation, control and gaslighting, and so on, everybody have certain preferences and techniques they return to - especially in situations where they could learn something from a good book on the subject - because we'll rather do that than loose the whole "project" (which is only natural).

    Indefensible means: To have done something that has society judge/condemn/see you as so corrupted, so completely beyond savior (i.e. you've sold you soul to the devil), that there's no other option left but to reject and condemn you completely. It's a moralistic act, and this way of thinking pervades the whole anti-psychopath and anti-sociopath debate.

    It's very easy to determine if a debate/article/book/group/i.e. is infected by this syndrome:

    They always state as fact that nothing in regard to the sociopathic/psychopathic "abuser" is the victim's fault.

    Statements like:

    It's not your fault! You are not to blame for anything!

    Very common!


    Ps. Guys, I've left a comment for ya at 'The Pleasure of Power', June 27 (I'd have replied sooner but haven't been online much the past many days)!... '^L^,

  5. why r u defending the malicious evil 'paths do?

  6. The  Journalism is largely indefensible,   Yoffe has chosen to lash  DsK's wife  with both sides of a double standard.  First, Ann failed to protect the tribe of womyn from her libidinous spouse.  Next, Ann  is  lashed with the  inverse of that standard, suggesting that as an elderflower she's unsuitable to adorn Kissenger's table.  Seems the journalist, is actually has something against women not sociopaths.

  7. Bella,

    one for you at 'Treatments for borderline personality disorder', Thur. June 30.

  8. Oh, excuse me president Clinton, but have you seen my panties?

  9. all 'paths = malicious evil

  10. i am more interested in reading an article on women who doesn't love sociopaths.

  11. Supposedly we have the capacity to discern from more than polarised or ego-centric views yet we can't, or are too lazy to see useful, or necessary capabilities beyond our self generated need to impose 'Jesus like' personal values on anything originating from a singular human source. Maybe only 'love' can achieve that, but the competition and tricks to imbue or sabotage 'love' has gone beyond brutal so unfortunately for DSK at this point, the only one who 'sees' what the rest fears is his wife.

  12. Can I ask you Socio's a question,please.
    What is the difference between a person who "looks " like a Socio like Casey Anthony and one who does not like Bill Clinton?

  13. casey anthony is hot.

  14. Ted Bundy looked normal in some of his earlier videos. He looked very sociopathic in some of his later ones i.e the blank stare,the hollow expression etc.
    What makes the difference?

  15. you're all soooo stupid and ME is the most stupid person around. Stupid following stupid. This will go somewhere. LMAO

  16. .../( )\......................
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  17. as long as i am alive, i will fight and elevate the universe.

  18. from the following checklist, it seems 90% of 'paths are stupid, who would want to be one?:

    1. Do they have problems sustaining stable relationships, personally and in business?
    2. Do they frequently manipulate others to achieve selfish goals, with no consideration of the effects on those manipulated?
    3. Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face? 
    4. Do they have an air of self-importance, regardless of their true standing in society? 
    5. Have they no apparent sense of remorse, shame or guilt? 
    6. Is their charm superficial, and capable of being switched on to suit immediate ends? 
    7. Are they easily bored and demand constant stimulation? 
    8. Are their displays of human emotion unconvincing? 
    9. Do they enjoy taking risks, and acting on reckless impulse? 
    10. Are they quick to blame others for their mistakes? 
    11. As teenagers, did they resent authority, play truant and/or steal? 
    12. Do they have no qualms about sponging off others? 
    13. Are they quick to lose their temper? 
    14. Are they sexually promiscuous? 
    15. Do they have a belligerent, bullying manner? 
    16. Are they unrealistic about their long-term aims? 
    17. Do they lack any ability to empathise with others? 
    18. Would you regard them as essentially irresponsible?

  19. i don't know much about her so she's probably not, but it's worth considering whether women in that position are socios. she's obv charming, cares little about the morality of infidelity and rape, and is ambitious for power through her husband.

  20. Is it in her best intrest?
    Does a socio stand by all these year's while he aquires power and still stands by him when he losses it?

    My vote is she"s not.

  21. Ok Question

    Are there DEGREES of being a socio?

  22. But I have kept him at arms length cuz I know he IS one.
    I THINK anyone can change with God--only---Jesus only

    I think Son of Sam had a true change. I heard a radio interview with him. He was as normal as I am

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think Erin just wants attention.

  25. No Haven
    I am totally serious.
    I love a Socio.
    But I am very intelligent and not an idiot .

  26. Why an I naive Medusa?

  27. I love a Socio

    Love is a two way street. One way is jusat lust/infatuation.

    But I have kept him at arms length cuz I know he IS one.

    I bet it's more that he's the one keeping you at arms length.

    I THINK anyone can change with God--only---Jesus only

    No need to bring God or Jesus into it, unless by God/Jesus you mean will/desire. And if he's a socio you have a .00000000000000000001% of him wanting to change. And if you are waiting for him to "come around", you are a fool and a voluntary victim.

    Besides, if you are waiting around for/trying to convince someone to change, that is not love, that is selfishness.

    I think Son of Sam had a true change. I heard a radio interview with him. He was as normal as I am

    It is not very hard or uncommon for a socio to appear normal and/or changed and/or born again or whatever. It is their biggest talent. Listen to Bundy's or Dahmer's last interviews.

  28. why does sociapaths think u luv them

  29. why does sociapaths think they r mistakan for pusycats

  30. why does sociapaths make frends right stuff for them

  31. are all 'paths malicious?

  32. why does sociapaths pray on psycho chicks

  33. You guys just don't get it. There's no socio magic charms with any of the persons involved here, Just basic greed and human lust. She wants blackmail money and he wants to have sex. Society needs it's angels and demons, heroes and villians.
    The situation is ripe for exploitation. Almost everybody 'wins' what they expect except the ideas and change represented by the likes of DSK that has the potential to actually change things. Society is clearly BPD and the Media typically fans it up cos it's kind of entertaining in a scripted way.
    If there's any insidious socio slant to this affair, its probably those who are currently in power and opposed to any socialist economic revolution. This affair could arguably be a classic 'gaslighting' strategy crafted, targeting the leadership to bring down any threats to their interests.
    After all, a Socialist Economist with an active and powerful position in international policy making is quite rare in such times. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that there aren't any other intelligent opinions apart from testosterone or narcissistic socio-envy driven ones here.

  34. The other day someone asked if there was someone here who had ever asked someone to tell them they loved them.. I have done this. I have done this, asking the other to lie, to just do me a nice favor and humor me. They refused. I dumped them.

    A woman with low expectations -very very low expectations- who assumes people are all full of shit will be able to put up with a sociopath longer. If neither one of you have left, that's as good as it gets.

  35. Did you have anything to offer in return for their lies?

  36. I didn't think there were lies going on, but I did think that I deserved that one little pity lie..

    I had even told him I knew he didn't feel that way and that I'd be ok with it.

    As far as offering something? Yeah, I was spending time with him, sharing meals, we were laughing, having good sex, enjoying each other's company (I could tell this was true)

    But maybe I just was annoying.

    Recently he contacted me and told me that I was the only person who he had ever let close enough to him. I told him I would help him with his addiction, but he was also looking for romance. He has not grown. He's now looking at a person who he once viewed as low value(me)to lean on?

    I have no reason to want to be involved with him at all. I am a different person. so I changed my mind.

  37. Oh dear! I have conjured myself up to add zing to this ailing corner of the 'net.

    Despite the promising subject matter - malicious fuckers - there is a distinct lack of excitement and thrills.

    Why am I not fizzing over with intrigue at tales of sadistic lulz?

    Bella, be gone - you're a diabolical ditz.

  38. Actually, this is not entirely true. This is not the way that went down at all.

    Oh lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy

  39. I have been called a ditz. But I am not one. Those who know me well know that I am extremely bright. I just sometimes talk too soon.

  40. Bella, you, of all people should know that actions speak louder than words.

    And both of yours tell me that you're a ditz!

    Now skedaddle, please, you feckless dolt - it's high time you made room in this conversation for the poor timid delinquents you've greedily sidelined with your inane babble.

    Go on. Shoo!

  41. I don't know why everyone is so demeaning to the ones that claim to love a socio on Sociopathworld. Their not complaining just trying to find a way to make it work.

    Some even claim that there's no way the person they know is a socio and this is just ignorant.

    There is a spectrum and even though it's called high functioning and low functioning it depends more on what their goal's are and what value something has to them (or not).

    The challenge to conquer can be a high motivater on both sides of the relationship. But that doesn't to anything but a game.

    So depends on whether you like games. In games there's always a winner and a losser. Ans people usually grow out of the game being played and socio's have a shorter attention span, chances are you'll be they losser, Erin.

    But in the end there won't be much to lose if you set limits of what you will give.

  42. FIctionalpath:

    F u Junkhead, the title of the post is "women who love sociopaths". You wanted some incite, i gave you it. Ditz (as you'd like to think I am) or no Ditz, I can tell you why I am able to tolerate the personality better than the average woman. I answered. I know myself. I absolutely know actions speak louder than words. And you call me a ditz for knowing myself and others? Have I complained? Am i crying?

    I don't put up with the shit of a sociopathic personality regularly. I have in the past WHEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES FIT MY NEEDS. I know exactly what those circumstances were. I am no ditz in my own eyes.

    You have my permission to "be gone"

  43. Games and challenges are fun. And the distraction from the norm is refreshing. Sometimes you just have to say that you want to spend time with someone who wants nothing from you. I do not like people who want shit from me I am unwilling to give. And it is unacceptable having to tell the other party "hey fella, i will probably never want to give to you. It will be a chore, but I'll do it anyway."

    You must be a pretty spectacular person if I go out of my way for you. It's a rarity. If I'm not appreciated, you better believe I bolt.

  44. Sometime's to keep your footing you have to be detatched viewing them like a third party.

    Knowing their a socio and excepting the fact with all the limitation's helps.

    But there are some that you just can't co-exist with, when you see that they are trying to destroy get out.

  45. Oh yea, hide all your personal imformation from them.

  46. Meeeooowww booming back at you, Bella!

    Your words dissolve like fluffy clouds of divine nothing, dear – we sociopaths have taught you well :)

    But don't just tease us!

    Do please woo us with the delightful details of how you've path-proofed yourself.

    What's that, you say? You're just slating your beloved because he looked at another girl sideways when you were on a break?

    Uh-oh, I *eat* ditzy people and dip their honey-glazed limbs in whipped cream.

    Tell me, do I still require your permission to be gone?

  47. Yes, I did this with the ex. For a while. When he tried to demean me too many times, I decided yawning was ok. I conveniently left out some personal information from my past--things that had absolutely nothing to do with him whatsoever--to test his strength. He crumbled and took it all like I was trying to hurt him. I wasn't. I just decided it was fine to let it all hang out. After all, he was the one who had been pushing for a heavy relationship right away. Very unrealistic. Did he ask me for an explanation? Did he express dissatisfaction? No. He just dumped me. I was pretty sure that was going to happen. At that point I didn't care about him anymore, though. I just watched it unfold. How long was I going to be able to hide my past from a person who was snooping and datamining all over the place anyway? I figured "fuck him, this whole relationship is just based on owning a fantasy -me." I'm a person with a past and I'm not a fucking saint. He forced my hand, in a way.

  48. Yes, I lied to myself about how much I liked him. Are you happy now? I'm not proud I deceived myself. He had many endearing qualities and I wanted to love him. But he sucked the big wazzu. I got out because he was a joke. Very few people like him, and it's a shame because he has a lot to offer. But maybe I am still lying to myself there. I do know that he mentors a young man 30 years his junior. I think it is lovely of him to do that.

  49. Bella what will you do when he trys to come back?

  50. Why do socio's look for purity in their target's?

  51. ... Go away for a weekend and nothin happened. Sweet. It is going to be a long summer. I think your parents should put all of you children to work. Teach you some work ethic. I know it won't happen though. Your parents failing landed you here and one day you will fail as much as them. Stupid children.

  52. Ah Kesu your concern is sweet.

    And your work ethic is admriable.

    Summer is for having fun and it doesn't matter how old you are.

  53. I hope this summer will be another Son of Sam Summer. Except I hope he targets blithering idiots this time instead of women.

  54. Blithering female idiots?

  55. Why do purity's look for socios in their target's?

  56. New post please.

  57. I would like your opinions on things.That is why I am here.
    I love a socio.
    I have not let him close cuz I am not an idiot but I love him.
    I know God can change anyone if that person is WILLING--most especially.
    You guys will prolly laugh at this.
    I expect that but Jesus died to cure/heal anything that has a name
    Sociopath is a name.
    I am sure you are gonna laugh at me but I am not messing with anyone here.

  58. Thanks Medusa
    Just read your comment
    I assume you are a female
    Are you a sociopath?

  59. Medusa
    WHY do you think it is HE who is keeping me at arms length?

  60. I do not chase him. He comes back stronger with his feelings for me--each time.
    I do not chase. I will not go forward until/unless my heart has a peace.
    If my heart NEVER feels he is safe and NOT a socio,I will NEVER go forward.
    I will not put myself in danger.However,my heart loves him
    It feels what it feels.
    That is the situation.

  61. Bella, are you nip or bait?July 5, 2011 at 11:49 AM

    @medusa, as oddsmaker you are altogether too generous.

    @Bella Despite protest spaths adore idiots. Fashioning a primitive tool, plunging it into the anthill and eating fresh off the stick. Prior to consumption, are the ants seasoned with cayenne & dipped in chocolate? No. Volume and immediacy, summer pleasures.

  62. Erin, he'll cone on stronger but if you give in chances are he'll treat that with coldness or ask something of you that's way beyond decent.

    The Lord can change anyone but thats between him and God.

    Time tells all.

  63. Someone needs to start a blog for those involved with socio's, there's strength in numbers.

    Your discription is to a tee Erin.

  64. @toy it's called lovefraud.

  65. No that's for the ones that have been shitted on. And their soul was sucked out.

  66. @toy how do you suck a soul?

  67. Hopefully the jury will get the real story. They are persecuting this poor man.

  68. Toy
    You got that one right about the people on Love Fraud
    That could have happened to me. I was gonna do something stupid and an outside Force stopped me.
    I am not saying I am any "better" than anyone there.
    However,after the outside Force stopped me, I listen to my heart now and will not violate it.
    My guy is probably one of the dumber ones ,too, cuz he has dropped his mask in front of a lot of people.
    Thank God for dumb :P

  69. How do you suck out a soul?
    E-A -S Y
    Socio's specialize in this.

  70. He sounds just like mine exactly.

    But only dropped his mask to me since he hasn't been around anyone else when we're together.

    Just like a mirror he is what I call him, loves to be called good things and acts better but if he's called something negative he act's that way.

    The consant thought that goes into keeping the relationship is exhausting.

  71. What happened with yours,Toy? Is he gone? Is it over?

  72. ^blithering idiots^

    Kesu, please point Son of Sam II towards Bella, Erin and Toy this summer.

  73. WHY are we idiots Cracked Mirror?

  74. We're still together, it's been over two years.

    I think Son of Sam would be more inclined to join us then you Cracked.

    Erin been rough.

  75. This is why there should be a blog for the ones that love socio's, so we can stop boring their ADD asses.

  76. LOL Toy
    How has the history of your relationship with him gone--in 10 words or less :P

  77. Like trying to keep a pet panther.

  78. They will never love you, they aren't capable. Only what they think they make you do or feel, ohb did I say the f word?

    But they can love the way you make them feel. Powerful and in control of you.

    Can you handle that?

  79. OMG he isn't coming back. O Lord, he thinks I was toying with him. He's a paranoid fuck with a limp dick and he knows it. What can he possibly offer me knowing I don't respect him and never did wholeheartedly? This was his aim, to get me to rely on him as my be all and end all. That was never ever going to happen. I was a challenge. Did I toy with him? I don't know. My guess is a little. IF he ever came back, which is unlikely, I'd try to resist using him and tell him I cannot love him with all my heart.

  80. Cracked, you have the right idea, old boy: pop them in the sights of a serial sniper and put a dignified end to their horrendous wittering.

    Ladies, I couldn't care less about your torturous dilemmas, but it does please me greatly that you wear your 'path conquests like a badge of pride - and a target.

    Son of Sam II will have no problems picking them off!

  81. Casey anthony found NOT GUILTY.

  82. Well, duh. The *absolutist* myth of maternal grace strikes again.

  83. Well Socio's and others ,I am glad I am here :)

  84. Would anyone care to speculate on what Bella, Erin and Toy offer and the relative functionality of their misanthropic partners?

    Bella, Erin, Toy: perhaps you are inclined to further explore your interest in being hosts and your partners' allure?

  85. Did anyone find a novel use for fireworks this past weekend, or is that a stereotype?

  86. [quote] Would anyone care to speculate on what Bella, Erin and Toy offer and the relative functionality of their misanthropic partners?[/quote]

    Bella, Erin, Toy: perhaps you are inclined to further explore your interest in being hosts and your partners' allure

    Yes I am trying to understand your comment .
    OK *I* would like to explore why I love a socio--Yes
    I would like to explore what some of you said about the dance of it, the game with NO end in sight but my lessening as a person.

  87. WHAT is lacking in me that I love a socio?
    Most woman would not .Even with mine--90 % walked away in disgust but a few wanted him. Why? What was it about those few,myself being one

  88. does serial cheating automatically equal sociopath?

    does having a lack of self control with women or obsessing over sex and women like Tiger, Dominque, Arnold and countless other men throughout history classify as pathological?

    does pathological automatically equal sociopath?

    do women who love sociopaths have an element of sociopathy in them too? or at the very least, sociopathic tendencies in order to live with and love a sociopath as if it's nothing?

  89. This is my question to the Socio's
    If you would allow me to go step by step, I would like to ask you how YOU see things,how YOU think.

    You see an attractive woman,one you would be interested in---What do you think?
    IOW--What is your first thought/ thought processes?

  90. I hope she has low self esteem and is willing to put up with my selfishness. I will try to make her dependent on me. i will try to be her ideal mate so she will have a hard time saying goodbye when she realizes it's all about me. After I have infused her with my power cum she'll think twice about leaving me. When she's pissed I'll jack her up again with my love juice. All the bitches love it. Then I'll show her all my cash. If she's a whore she'll want that. In the end, I can say to myself that is all she wanted. I know I'm a selfish prick. I've known it all my life. I just wanna see if I can make this one believe me when I say I love her. Wouldn't that be a fuckin hoot, to get this high fallutin, independent, lovely person who loves herself to feel like shit and put me ahead of herself? Wouldn't that just be a piece of heaven for me? I can just taste that cake.

  91. Stop giving us a bad name so jack. It ain't my fault the bitches be lovin my penis.

    Ok, srsly,
    I saw one girl. She was so fine, And NiCe!! Not like the others who jerked me around. I loved her. But she found someone who treated her better. I did nice things for her, but she thought it didn't come from my heart.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Ther you have it Erin, they play with it till they break it, like little boy's do.

  94. Srsly. Loving a socio is ultimately the same as loving a mal narc. Pointless and hurtful. Either embrace the pain or get the fuck over yourself, develop some self esteem and move on to a better life.

    Also, I'm drunk. Who's drinking tonight?

  95. I never understood all this crap. You are born alone and you will die alone. This is a fact. People can do what ever they want to distract themselves from this. I do not respect anyone who would knowingly date a socio. And god must really love you to have you fall in love with a sociopath. I guess he wanted to show how much he cared.

    God is to a socio as Lucifer is to an empathy

  96. God is a psychopath playing at soap operas.

    Quote me on that.

    Distractions are necessary though. If you have to live all day with only your self, it's a rather lonely place to live.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Fairly certain I existed when I was a stripper. The money was real enough anyways.

  99. Haven

    "Distractions are necessary though. If you have to live all day with only your self, it's a rather lonely place to live."

    I live all life with only my self and yes it is a lonely place to live.

    Btw who sexually abused you as a child?

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I don't deal well with being alone. I envy you.

    No one abused me as a child, sexually or otherwise. I had a happy childhood as far as I know.

    It wasn't until later that I had problems. Which, btw, was after all my problems started.

  102. @Gretyl.... I agree fully with your last sentiment.

    Hoping, wanting someone will be someone they can only pretend to be will only lead to heartache.

    Though it makes me think I shouldn't bother dating as well.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. No Gretyl. I'm BPD. I've had cause to question my ability to empathize properly though. I just don't know any more.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. I'm sure there is a problem. I question things constantly.

    By the gods No. BPD, is not one of the better ones to have. Not by any account. I hate it. I want it gone.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. It does seem to have settled some. In a way that appears preferable on paper but not in real life.

    I am medicated, though possibly not enough. Never enough.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Heh. Along those lines I seem to attract everyone in my immediate vicinity.

    Notable has things to say about BPD and the attraction with socios. I'm inclined to trust his observations, but I've no experience dating one. Though I can understand why his arguments would be valid.

  111. Hmm
    I REALLY appreciate the Socio's POV.
    I think my being a royal mess emotionally was what made me fall for a socio and still CARE.
    However,in my defense,I have not let him close.
    Thank God,I am a VERY logical person. That is my saving grace plus

    I know things.I may love him but I will be damned if I am gonna open my raw neck and have my blood sucked out by a socio.

  112. Thanks Sociojack
    You know you seem like you really care though.
    How does THAT fit with being a socio?

  113. why does sociapaths try to drive cuius peeple away

  114. Curious people are a disgrace to humanity and should be aborted. Just sayin'.

  115. You know Sabian
    A socio is one thing.An ass is another.Just sayin

  116. Anyway
    Who cares about an ass.I was stupid to respond.I will be back tomorrow to continue my quest for info.
    Thanks all who GIVE info not jerks who like to act like a 3 year old idiot baby .
    Go suck your pacifier Idiot

  117. why does sociapaths say words that are nuthing

  118. Oh, and what quest for info would this be, Erin?

  119. Oh for goodness sake, Sabian - is that a whiff of nosiness I detect? Abort!

    As an insatiably curious person I adore scratching beneath the surface. Alas, I don't have x-ray vision (yet.)

    If you wish to live in a world of apathetic dullards by all means work to 'improve' the gene pool.

    Otherwise stop your whining and patch your leaky masks while you're at it.

  120. i have xray vison snoopy i use it on chicks what do u want to use it on

  121. Thank you for your moronic drivel, Snoopy, I shall use it in my paper advocating abortion of all foetuses that show signs of severe inquisitiveness.

  122. Erin, I do care. You seem like a genuine person. Don't let these bitter people try to make you feel lousy. You can always count on me to give it to you straight.

    My women like to know what they'e getting into before they hop on board. I've never had a woman tell me she regretted being involved with me. I always give my women the dignity I promised from the start.

    They don't blame me if they're ever dissatisfied. I'm a package. They know what they buy. And they take me "as is."

  123. Socio Jack you sound yummy.

    How many women do you have?

  124. @sabian, try where there will be many curious people asking you to abort them.

  125. You're welcome, Sabian.

    You know you're not my only puzzle, right?

  126. I have an entire galaxy of women, Toy, but there's always room for another star.

    Tell me, why will I enjoy making you dependent on me, and what sound do you make when you shatter?

  127. Snoopy's Other PuzzleJuly 6, 2011 at 5:42 AM


    WV: fingr

  128. Abort me, baby, you know you want to *yawn*

  129. Thank you Sociojack
    I came on here armored,afraid to let my guard down at all but I DO appreciate your kindness to me in your willingness to share what makes you tick.
    I WANT to understand this man I think I love.

  130. Holy fuck retards, the learning disabled post is thataway >>>

  131. why does sociapaths think u can luv sum1 on a cumputer

  132. I was thinking that maybe I have socio tendencies .
    This gives me peace, really.I have been running from them since I was a child.
    I have an inner sociopath.
    However, I only think them .I do not do them.
    There is a part of me that is very cold.
    I was molested by my mother.I think I broke.

  133. ♥ electric dreams ♥July 6, 2011 at 6:06 AM

    My boyfriend is a computer & he is amazing! Blessed!

  134. why does sociapaths beleeve evrything peeple say

  135. Go ahead and chew snoop.

  136. Can one BE a sociopath but CHOOSE not to hurt others from a moral place?
    I think that is me

  137. Erin, you don't always react the way I expect you to, and quite frankly it pisses me off.

    I'm trying to get under your skin here, so the least you can do is humour me by reacting, and in such a way that gives me at least a *little* more information about how I can best pull your strings.

    I mean, for goodness sake you cold-broken-sociopath-in-denial (see what I did there?), sometimes you're like Fort Knox.

  138. Waaah! *cries and shatters*

    Find your own name .Don't dog me on here like a stupid baby.
    If you want to be a Big F baby,you are doing a great job.
    Hope you feel proud of yourself.

  140. Well Nire
    You can't get under my skin cuz I am HAPPY I finally learned who I am.
    You see--why would you get under my skin.
    I have just found my long lost twin--me

  141. What a wonderful site for sharing love, life, and truth.

    Sort of like Love Fraud, but with a black background and moon (and without the red hearts).

  142. Soulfulpath's voicemailJuly 6, 2011 at 2:50 PM

    I am currently away attending a Robert Bly retreat. If you leave your Handle & Angst at the sound of the roar I will offer you one of my eighteen teats when I return.

  143. why does sociapaths beleeve evrything peeple say

    I have a theory on this.
    IMO it has to do with the paranoia. It becomes too confusing to try to constantly decide whether or not there is truth, and whether someone is trying to play them (socios think people are playing them when they feel vulnerable. my ex was a liar, and always was looking for my lies, most of which were simply not there) He was very thrown when I was evasive. I don't think he handled it well at all. I think it is just easier to put all paranoid blinders on sometimes and just take things at face value so as not to get confused.

  144. Guys
    If my guy is a Socio--will he always be coming back if I am pulling away and then going away when I move close.
    Is it FOREVER thus?

  145. This is my larger point.WHAT is wrong--deep inside-- with the woman who love Socio's.
    What is missing in them?
    There has to be a reason.
    What is the reason DEEP inside the woman?

  146. Could you update the site theme, M.E.? Maybe something red with hearts?

  147. Is it FOREVER thus?

    Oh dear Erin, why so feverish and wan? Get thee to the smelling salts! Quick!

  148. Hi Kong
    Well I yearn for him. Yet, I look and try to see what in ME is broken that I DO yearn for someone like him.
    I go back and forth in this way

  149. why does sociapaths want to be yerned 4

  150. Anon, we sociopaths are the most exquisite creatures ever to walk the earth, and every being was born to worship us with every cell in their body.

    We don't want to be yearned for, we are yearned for, and if you dare not to yearn for us we will annihilate you because we're worth it.

  151. Well
    Been thinking about all this. I love a Socio .
    I must start from there.
    I get more clarity every day on why I do.
    My mother molested me. I am in a unique group of people of which one would never want to belong.
    However,I do .

    My socio, if I could call him that FEELS like my mother more than any other person has.
    He FEELS like her at a cellular level.
    He brings me back to times when I was very young,how I felt.

  152. How I felt was too awful to say. I am struggling to say it here.I know that I may open myself up to sarcastic comments.
    However,I know you will understand the depths of degradation to which a human can go.
    I went there not through my desire to go but because my socio mother took me.
    Hence, I want to share it here where you will understand cuz I think you will

  153. I don't know if I am a socio but I belong with you guys

  154. Oh goodness, Erin!

    Nostalgia tripping with someone who wishes only to hurt you is never a good idea.

    The sociopath I encounter reminds me of a feral pup.

    He's a lot of fun to play with, but like all rabid animals, prone to mad biting - and how regularly he foams at the mouth!

    I recommend more self-flagellation and less starry-eyed sleepwalking for you, dear.

  155. Well I like this site. I have places inside me that are sociopathic that I have not faced.
    How does one face them? With whom?

  156. I think I am a "normal" person with all that entails but I have a slice of something I would call sociopathic.
    I have felt I was "bad" because of this.

  157. I can get in a space that is like an emotional vacumn--airless.
    In it--I am totally cool-no emotions,no conscience,no guilt--pure reason, pure logic,pure detachment.
    I get so keen I can read people's thoughts and minds just from their expressions.
    I am like a pure receiver.

    *I* in turn can se my OWN thoughts totally clearly and this scares me the MOST.

    I am transparent to myself. I see in myself a sea of horror in the feelings and thoughts *I* have--cruel, totally selfish etc

    I could go on but that is all I can say at the moment.
    It feels like I am touching a place I am afraid to go.

    Is the depths of everyone--horrible?

  158. Well I like this site. I have places inside me that are sociopathic that I have not faced. How does one face them? With whom?

    I’ve never experienced anything of the sort, dear, but a dark night of the soul can be delicious on paper.

    I think I am a "normal" person with all that entails but I have a slice of something I would call sociopathic. I have felt I was "bad" because of this.

    Oh come now, we all have a shadow side to indulge, which sounds like your slice of something 'sociopathic' as you say. Some of us do rather 'overindulge' it though.

    I can get in a space that is like an emotional vacumn--airless.
    In it--I am totally cool-no emotions,no conscience,no guilt--pure reason, pure logic,pure detachment.

    My, my, how odd. I can’t relate, as I function not on pure detachment but on pure attachment, however do go on.

    I get so keen I can read people's thoughts and minds just from their expressions. I am like a pure receiver.

    Do teach me, dear, I've always wanted to read people’s thoughts but never believed it possible.

    *I* in turn can se my OWN thoughts totally clearly and this scares me the MOST.

    Can't we all? Why so?

    I am transparent to myself. I see in myself a sea of horror in the feelings and thoughts *I* have--cruel, totally selfish etc I could go on but that is all I can say at the moment. It feels like I am touching a place I am afraid to go. Is the depths of everyone--horrible?

    I know my depths like the back of my hand, and no, my depths aren't horrible. Like most of life, they just are.

  159. Thank you Anon for talking to me.
    Yes, I need a place to talk about these things. I am not sure what the conclusion is.
    In the end whether I am a socio or just afraid of my shadow side --I don't know.

    About reading people's thoughts--I am psychic.
    I was like this from the time I was a child but shut it down out of fear.

  160. I am psychic.

    Oh? Do go on...

  161. She is... I've had a reading from her before. She's very good.

  162. Well Anon
    I do know Pluto so 'Thank you Pluto"
    I am glad to be here.
    Thank you Anon and the others who interact with me.
    I will try to be honest and real. Anything else is a waste of your time .
    I don't want to do that. I want to think of more things I want and need to say and I will be back.

  163. Well Anon
    My sociopathic mother was a therapist.
    She turned all her tolls on me to make me think *I* was crazy.She held me hostage you could say.
    She almost pushed me over the edge in to craziness, I think.
    There was a part of me who had been loved by someone else.
    That part kept my sanity.Plus,I did not trust shrinks :)

  164. What part of the world did you grow up in Erin?

  165. USA Anon

    What about you?

  166. Along the Yellow Brick RoadJuly 8, 2011 at 1:20 PM


    Your writing has characteristics that suggest English is your second language (or that another language was more dominant in your home of origin). Where was your mother from?

    You might find the Anon posting at 2:05 on October 9 interesting. If you have a chance to read that, let me know if it makes sense to you.

  167. Tell us your Mother Tounge psychic friend and we will consider giving  you the secret to life, and everything.

  168. Don't listen to Golem, he lies!

  169. It's perfectly clear, down to the ghetto where she's from.

  170. I'd like to get that a la mode.

  171. Colonel PickeringJuly 8, 2011 at 2:44 PM

    No reason not to give her the precious Henry, she shan't ever understand it.

  172. An anonymous comment from the second post on this site:

    Here is a Message from an Empath, with genuine compassion for YOU - someone who I see is much like my lost Beloved. I really DID learn SO MUCH from someone very much like you - Thank you... I sincerely wish you well on your journey to greater self-understanding and acceptance.

    Sociopaths are the most profound training programs for those with great empathic ability and sharp, clear minds.

    Having been in a close intimate relationship with an S for over two years, I am now able to see what he sees, perceive the world and other people the way he perceives them, and yet I have lost nothing of my ability to feel everything. Not only can I see and comprehend who and what he is as well as the world as he knows it, but I am able to truly experience it and understand his locus of awareness.

    However, although I have been able through my reserves of empathy found a way to enter and transfuse with his world, he will never be able to enter mine. He helped me very much to harness my extra-sensory perception and supernatural radar; he helped me become a stronger and more objective, detached channel - capable of filtering out so much emotional static so that I am now a kind of hybrid - truly the best of both worlds!

    Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now advances a theory that "ego" can be transcended; interestingly enough, my S helped me along that path - the S (unlike the dreaded N) is really without an ego. Unfortunately, he is also without the apparatus that makes transcending the ego an activity of becoming a Master - the ability to feel.

    As an empath who experiences a greater sensory bandwidth than the average human, my S actually helped me break ground into a great liberation from the “sheeple-hood” of the matrix-like programming of self and personality, while retaining an ability to converge and mingle with emotional nuances that will forever elude him.

    His mind can only infer the Platonic Forms beyond the dim shadows cast upon the dull cave wall; I, however, am now able to not only recognize them as he does, but I can transfuse completely with them.

    The true empath has the ability to take all unto themselves and yet, are strong enough retain a center, a core of being capable of great tensions - we are Towers that cannot crumble or fall because we do not oppose anything, we accept everything into ourselves and make it a part of us - our inherent unity of being can incorporate infinite multiplicity - and having now been schooled in the detachment and objectivity of the S. - I am feeling a freedom unknown to ordinary mortals.

    Unfortunately, I could not help him although I tried tirelessly - I could not take him with me on this journey to full actualization of human potential. It is no less tragic to me that he cannot see how ironic the one-sided nature of our relationship really was - the irony being that he served me, yet all along believing I was serving him - yet in truth, there was nothing ever that I could give him - despite how much I desired a reciprocity of true shared identity and being and despite how much he tried to exploit that desire to serve himself.

    There was nothing on his end to transfuse with, no foundation to the iceberg of his soul. As much as he tried, he was incapable of taking anything from me, and only left me great blessings…

    October 9, 2009 2:05 PM

  173. Here is a Message from an Empath, with genuine compassion for YOU - someone who I see is much like my lost Beloved. I really DID learn SO MUCH from someone very much like you - Thank you... I sincerely wish you well on your journey to greater self-understanding and acceptance.

    Sociopaths are the most profound training programs for those with great empathic ability and sharp, clear minds.

    Having been in a close intimate relationship with an S for over two years, I am now able to see what he sees, perceive the world and other people the way he perceives them, and yet I have lost nothing of my ability to feel everything. Not only can I see and comprehend who and what he is as well as the world as he knows it, but I am able to truly experience it and understand his locus of awareness.

    However, although I have been able through my reserves of empathy found a way to enter and transfuse with his world, he will never be able to enter mine. He helped me very much to harness my extra-sensory perception and supernatural radar; he helped me become a stronger and more objective, detached channel - capable of filtering out so much emotional static so that I am now a kind of hybrid - truly the best of both worlds!

    Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now advances a theory that "ego" can be transcended; interestingly enough, my S helped me along that path - the S (unlike the dreaded N) is really without an ego. Unfortunately, he is also without the apparatus that makes transcending the ego an activity of becoming a Master - the ability to feel.

    As an empath who experiences a greater sensory bandwidth than the average human, my S actually helped me break ground into a great liberation from the “sheeple-hood” of the matrix-like programming of self and personality, while retaining an ability to converge and mingle with emotional nuances that will forever elude him.

    His mind can only infer the Platonic Forms beyond the dim shadows cast upon the dull cave wall; I, however, am now able to not only recognize them as he does, but I can transfuse completely with them.

    The true empath has the ability to take all unto themselves and yet, are strong enough retain a center, a core of being capable of great tensions - we are Towers that cannot crumble or fall because we do not oppose anything, we accept everything into ourselves and make it a part of us - our inherent unity of being can incorporate infinite multiplicity - and having now been schooled in the detachment and objectivity of the S. - I am feeling a freedom unknown to ordinary mortals.

    Unfortunately, I could not help him although I tried tirelessly - I could not take him with me on this journey to full actualization of human potential. It is no less tragic to me that he cannot see how ironic the one-sided nature of our relationship really was - the irony being that he served me, yet all along believing I was serving him - yet in truth, there was nothing ever that I could give him - despite how much I desired a reciprocity of true shared identity and being and despite how much he tried to exploit that desire to serve himself.

    There was nothing on his end to transfuse with, no foundation to the iceberg of his soul. As much as he tried, he was incapable of taking anything from me, and only left me great blessings…
    October 9, 2009 2:05 PM

  174. Thank you Friends--I think :)
    Well To the question about my Mother tongue.
    I am learning Spanish .Maybe that is what you heard .
    Well, back to the Socio.
    I have dark things to share if you all will listen

  175. Thank you Anon so much for your answer !

  176. Well I don't know if I am a sociopath. I kind of thing categories are not real.
    They are nice boxes but there for people's comfort and desire for organization.
    People can fall outside of them.
    I think I have a slice of a sociopath in me.
    As I said,I can get very cold and very clear in my thinking.
    I can be like in a deep freeze and just know things in a very keen way.
    I am very ,very perceptive.In that way, I am like a socio.

    This part of me scares me. i can see things with such clarity and things are VERY ugly.
    There is a horribly ugly part of us and that scares me a lot.

    I feel awful just looking at it in me and seeing it in others.
    I suppose this is my problem.
    Maybe,it does not sound bad. isn't
    It feels bad, though.
    This may seem like a dumb post. Maybe,it is. My main problem is I can't stand to see how bad I am and how bad other people are.
    It is like I want to scream.
    I want to scream and never stop.
    What does this sound like to you lol

  177. that's a good girl

    suck it

  178. I get so keen I can read people's thoughts and minds just from their expressions. I am like a pure receiver.

    This is raw and direct sensory input or empathy.   To focus on an expression, and feel that you have been drawn inside to witness to their extraordinary pain and ugliness... then even feel it, in your body? i'll understand if you'd like to pause here and rinse off, it can be like getting served a shit sandwich every time you meet someone. "Really? You expect me to eat that?" Most people don't recognize how transparent they are.

    Think of your perceptive abilities/senses as an aperture that you can adjust (to screen or slow the flow of data).   I have also noticed that being receptive often feels like the heart is leading or opening. You can also lead with your head (intellect) or your stomach (intuition). Or integrate them.

    Might be useful to think of reading people as a tangle of pathways, many of which are gated. Note that you can unlock the gates or keep  them closed. There is usually an intuitive sense of where the 'precious' is and how to get at it.

    I am transparent to myself. I see in myself a sea of horror in the feelings and thoughts *I* have--cruel, totally selfish etc I could go on but that is all I can say at the moment. It feels like I am touching a place I am afraid to go. Is the depths of everyone--horrible?

    Yes and No. Wel all seek survival and  position. There is no reason to flog yourself (that is judge) this basic animal tendency.  Prior to developing a social structure, a connection to others, a soul, we were creatures whose only interest was our own survival and that of our offspring:  A sociopath has little judgement regarding their basic nature and are thus very well adapted to exploit a system comprised of people who deceive themselves (deny their greed and cruelty) while seeking relief from this original sin.

    There could be no 'Good' without the 'horror' you describe.  Shift your focus from the Horror (which is simply survival and opportunism at the base of every creature) towards the higher levels of consciousness where some develop secondary (herd) emotions and others surmount  their base natures through creation (beauty, profit, awareness).

    An interesting thing that happens when you pair Sociopathic/Rational thinking in someone who has other strong perceptual abilities (either empathy, intuition, or raw in a sensory data).  It can create a very broad point of view/awareness. Tends to enhance an ability to read people and see outcomes.  To think about it from an evolutionary perspective, if you were hunted, either your senses would sharpen or you would be destroyed.  

    Who we learn from can be surprising.   Can you read "your" socio?

  179. THANK YOU Anon
    Your post was so helpful.Yes,I can read my socio---very well and very easily.

    People say there is something wrong with me that I laugh at him a lot but the things he does are so funny to me.

  180. Can empaths USUAALY read Socio's. If not,the part of me which IS a socio can read him.
    Yes, I think that is it.
    What do you all think?
    Morons-----don't answer.

  181. Hi Erin, how's the summer mentorship thing going? 

  182. Noam Chomsky's InternJuly 9, 2011 at 10:12 AM

    I am not researching that. 

  183. Actually, we outsource most of our Data Gathering. Erin, do you book travel?

  184. can empaths usually read Socio's

    You do realize you're on a sociopath blog?

    Every socio I know could use a good S. W. O. T. Analysis regarding their skills and game. However they remain camouflaged as most empaths are mired in easily manipulated emotion and not particularly self aware.

    Every joke has in it a kernel of truth or wish. Truth is subjective. In recognizing an artificial construct you can toy with it or swallow.

  185. Meditate on The Garden of Earthly Delights. Where the secrets of life chaotic are revealed.

    (your heart is dark and cavernous)

  186. Well Darling
    I think I can read my socio anyway.
    I see through him,I think.

    I am psychic as I said.Maybe, that is why.
    I don't know but when he does his things,I laugh so hard most of the time
    Is that rare?
    He strikes me as so funny .People tell me what he does is sick and not funny but it makes me laugh.

    What is SWOT?

  187. Well Darling
    I think I can read my socio anyway.
    I see through him,I think.

    I am psychic as I said.Maybe, that is why.
    I don't know but when he does his things,I laugh so hard most of the time
    Is that rare?
    He strikes me as so funny .People tell me what he does is sick and not funny but it makes me laugh.

    What is SWOT?

  188. I wonder if mine knows he is a socio.I just figured it out a month ago. He started calling me horrible names in a public place in front of people we knew.
    However,under it I could hear that he really care cuz he said things like "Tell them you belong to me"

    I have not talked to him since.
    He called me names that were so bad that if he does NOT apologize I will never talk to him again.

    My question is "Does he know he is a socio?
    He used to talk about my empathy with such a worshipful tone.
    I always noticed this prior to all this and it seemed strange cuz I never thought about it.

  189. Well -----I will ask my question again and perhaps someone will answer.
    Does my guy KNOW he is a socio, you think?
    He always commented on how lovely my empathy was.
    I felt like it was a beauty to him like beautiful breasts lol
    When he talked about it,it was as if he caressed it.
    I noticed this cuz it was so different to me.
    Does that indicate he KNOWS he is a sociopath?
    He also used a tiger mating with another one as a profile picture.

    Please---don't mess with me--any of you little pussy faggots.
    I am serious

  190. Little pussy faggotJuly 10, 2011 at 9:15 AM

    Your compartment dear is a vestige of abuse, so textbook I assumed you were joking.

    Why would he not praise what allows him to manipulate you? Pity.

    Best of luck.

  191. Just 'cause he look fancy in a dress don't mean you think he's yo mama. 

  192. Well Pussy faggot
    I am not joking.What is funny about it lol

    Love that Sadie---how right you are!

  193. I lost my last question
    I am gonna ask what makes you guys go crazy.
    Could my guy ever love me or would he use me up and throw me out like yesterdays newspaper after he read all the good parts?

  194. Have not heard from him in 3 weeks. I will not take certain behaviors. I will not be called slurs. I will not be one of many woman.
    I have deal breakers.
    He must apologize for his public mistreatment of me.
    If he does not do any of these things,it will be over.

    I do not have high self esteem at all.
    Someone who had my background does not.
    However,I have done quite a bit with my life .
    I do VALUE it more than being called slurs by a guy who wants more than one woman :P


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