
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Der Hölle Rache

This is such a great vengeance song. Look at her mouth as she maneuvers through the coloratura passages. She is actually mouthing different vowels for what should be the same syllable -- singing different vowels gives different harmonics (singing an ee sound has higher, more piercing harmonics than an ah sound), allowing her, a lone singer without the aid of a microphone, to cut through the orchestra. (For an interesting ends-justify-the-means justification of this distortion, read this). Slight alterations make all the difference to her power and accuracy, and the audience is none the wiser to the illusion. The act of hiding one's skill and effort, of making something contrived seem natural and effortless, is the icing on the cake of any manipulation -- without it the cake is hardly palatable.

Hell's vengeance boils in my heart;
Death and despair blaze around me!
If Sarastro does not feel the pain of death because of you,
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.

Disowned be forever,
Forsaken be forever,
Shattered be forever
All the bonds of nature
If Sarastro does not turn pale [in death] because of you!
Hear, gods of vengeance, hear the mother's oath!


Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
so bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.

Verstoßen sei auf ewig,
verlassen sei auf ewig,
zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig
alle Bande der Natur
wenn nicht durch dich Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört, Rachegötter, hört der Mutter Schwur!


  1. I rarely listen to video postings but I've actually had the priveledge of seeing The Magic Flute in RL as I'm an avid opera lover. The Queen of Night aria is one of my favorite performance pieces.

    When I first heard this I was not entirely convinced that her voice wasn't synthesized (though I know it wasn't) because her vocal ability was so astounding. Her voice was so powerful it didn't sound real. Not seeming to be real doesn't change the effect it has on one though. Which may be the point, hah.

  2. classcal music is for faggots if me was a real sociapath she would play elecric guitar an shred like a demon like me if your reading this venus i am wering fangs

  3. Even Alex liked Classical :P

    Actually, classical is one of the few types of music that I consistently 'enjoy'. There's plenty of good music out there, but you really can't do better than a genre named Classical. I mean, it's called classical for a reason...

  4. Lovely Ludwig VanJune 2, 2011 at 7:28 AM

    *rolls in grave*

  5. @Notable

    To put it in plainspeak.. it's called classical, because it's a collection of the best music from past centuries.

    BTW, if you like instrumental music, one Max Richter makes modern instrumenal music that's .. pretty good in my opinion.

    Then, I like slow cello music, which is probably not your taste.

    Ignore the silly pictures:

  6. I favor metal/gothic music that utilizes orchestral instruments and operatic vocals, especially featuring string instruments like violin and cello.

    The hybrid is intriguing.

  7. i play the same songs daily

  8. Classical as a genre doesn't really mean anything, there are a lot of different periods and styles it encompasses, the 'classical' genre is how people who don't know about music define anything orchestral or operatic. (In my opinion)

    Ah! Haven, I've been wanting to speak to someone who enjoys listening to opera, I always find the singing slightly grating and prefer instruments (especially strings). Curiously though I do love to sing opera. I wonder, could you tell me what attracts you to it so much?

  9. omg shut the fuck up! this is so fucking boring.

  10. @tn… An opera is a play like any other stage show but all vocalizations are sung with an orchestral backing (obviously, haha). Amusingly, it’s the emotion that’s infused into the music that makes it so appealing. You can speak a line in passion or in anger and feel that emotion, but having it sung, the pitch and tone, the weight thrown into the dialogues emotion gives it an even greater depth.

    Many people here have expressed an inability to ‘be moved’ by music. When I listen to any instrumental or musical piece it suffuses my mind in a way that the spoken word does not, engages more sensory experiences at one time. If it’s a piece that I greatly enjoy than it practically transports me to another plane of experience.

    I also tend to like foreign operas because they are in different languages so I don’t get caught up in the words so much as the emotional tone and feel of the piece. There’s something magical about understanding the meaning of a story without ever having understood the language it was written in.

    I suppose then it’s because the musical experience is more immersive.

    Note: It also depends on the opera. Some operas just are not good.

  11. Ah, I see, it is curious that you'd find an opera that you cannot understand the words of more involving but then I suppose words have so many connotations, definitions and synonyms that spring to mind when you hear them that it could put you off or more prevalently, reduce the feelings to mere words which translate much less than music has the ability to?

  12. ::nods:: Words can get in the way sometimes when what is being portrayed is the emotion behind the music. You don't need words to understand some things. When you can understand what is going on shearly by the tone of a piece, it generally means the music is done spectacularly.

  13. *nibbles comments and swims away*

  14. Boring indeed. I listen to the same shit daily to. Probably like 20 songs, all 90s american hip hop. This classical shit Ive never had enough time for. Its as boring as watching two old people fuck, or art.

  15. Haven. I can see that. I have to say I'd think wordless music more emotional than anyones declarations of deep feelings.

  16. I only listen to black metal.

  17. There's nothing more exciting than Tupac talking about killing enemies, fucking bitches, and making money.

  18. ........................./´¯/)
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    fuck the 'paths.

  19. Tupac was such a narc.

  20. "There's nothing more exciting than Tupac talking about killing enemies, fucking bitches, and making money."

    yeah, and these are things you prolly never do, so stfu dum fuck.

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  21. Is this guy a sociopath?

  22. He is a naspie - narc aspie

  23. The irony is you mispelled dumb. I guess the makes you completely retarded.

  24. "The irony is you mispelled dumb. I guess the makes you completely retarded."

    hahaha, you responded, fucker, that PROVES i was stupid fucking IDIOT!!!


  25. There's nothing more exciting than Tupac talking about killing enemies, fucking bitches, and making money.

    I'm a neurotypical, and few things in the world sound sweeter than the idea of setting a claymore trap for someone who behaves like that guy in Tupac's 'rap*'.

    If someone like that dies in a hail of shrapnel, I'd feel nothing but sweet satisfaction. Job well done, one violent fuckwit has achieved oblivion.

    *Retards Attempting Poetry is imo the best backronym for rap music..

  26. there is good music of every genre - there's a lot of good rap and i am also partial to a bit of classical... i've been to a lot, incl a visit to la scala in milan. my favourite classical is brahms' german requiem, but music is all about fitting a mood. i do tend to play music on repeat and this week i've gone back to old school hip hip with J5's quality control - highly recommended.

    am i the only one who thought that eminem film was shit?

  27. notme - if you read this - you gonna set up your blog again? i'd have thought you would have missed it a bit and wistfully recalled its value to you.

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  30. This is why we should never talk about music here. Who gives a fuck about your playlist aspie? Classical is shit and I don't like rap either.

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  33. Ukan watching 2 old people fucking is pretty cool. Anyone catch "Tell me you love me" TV Series -one or 2 seasons. HBO I think. Jane Alexander fucking her man on a chair.

  34. whatz up.....faggots!!!!!

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  35. tired stuff

    i watched that show once... horrible

  36. "this is such a great vengeance song"

    how so?

  37. sure you did, u stupid ass motherfucking son of a bitch, here to you.

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  40. hi Res, nice of you to notice. :)
    Yeh, i do kinda miss it. It looked pretty and had a couple good blogs on there. Oh well. Me be silly.
    I may start another one at some point. Not likely to be soon though.

    I have mixed feelings about opera. I find full opera plays UNBEARABLE. The unnatural style of the vocals makes me want to throw myself off a bridge. I like singing that resembles real voices we hear in everyday life, which is why i like someone like Maria Callas cos her style seemed more human and natural and imperfect.

    I also love some arias, but a whole goddamn play of people singing at each other? goodness no. I also very rarely like musicals of any sort.

  41. what artists do you like notme?

  42. My funeral song

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  44. Personally, I don't mind a spot of opera.

    All that vocal swooping and keening is immensely charming: some might even say entrancing.

    I often use it to create exhilarating peaks in the seduction of my prey, or rather, dear Pat does.

    Such potent fantasy!

  45. Hi JC, I'm sure you look adorable in fangs, but my boyfriend has admitted that he does SOMETIMES use a blemish concealer - so, yeah, he really is a sociopath after all.

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  48. hi aspie :)

    yes, i love grease and i LOVE that song. I just saw one too many godawful musicals in the theatre, but there were some that i really liked, like the lion king, les miserables, mamma mia, etc. it's all about how good the songs are.

    what artists do i like? hm, many. morrisey, kate bush, kol, jeff buckley etc etc etc. can't list them all haha.

  49. thank you.this is a great reminder of why I love cerebral sociopaths like you. I am reminded of me. If there is such a thing as a woman with a capacity to selectively love and feel, empathize and posses a conscience all while fitting into the narcissist mold, then that is me. There should be a category for narcissists that are not really narcissists. Maybe the same could exist for a sociopath that is not really a sociopath too. If a narcissist and a sociopath can feel and therefore then they cant be either of these, then what are they? I am starting to believe more and more that there are those sociop and narcs that dont feel and then there are those that do. Why cant that exist too if many of the other traits do apply to these people as well? Why cant a sociopath or narc continue being how they are all while still being able to feel empathy and other emotions sometimes, once in a while?
    what kind of people then are these? Normal human beings that simply fit in all antisocial p traits except for the emotional/empathy part of it? If the empathy is selective then
    how far could a normal person with these traits be from a narc or sociop?

  50. Anon 10:40pm:

    Could you restate that within the context of the opera? Wherein reason triumphs over obscurantism resulting in an exalted life on earth.

    Perhaps your answer is found here: Gentlemen prove their worth as champions of their betrothed. Tamino representing trial endures celibacy, silence, and the ordeal of fire and Papageno (error)is a awarded a reflection: Papagena.

    Individuals more frequently use archetypes than exemplify them. Is it the rake who stirs you?

  51. very well said.

  52. you are welcome.

  53. 6:19 comment is a lot funnier if you imagine it's a response to something like "only fucking faggots like opera" or something else people like that are likely to write.

  54. I <3 TN. You're a delectable intellect.

    I disagree in this instance. My kick is perry and repost, generally, dumb animals may bark until they're impounded. Why be the god of small things?

    I do hope you'll tell us more about your appetites-- curious about what keeps your booklight on.

  55. Because small things are often the most amusing.
    Feel free to peruse my blog, I think you'll find it most disappointing however.

  56. I'd already looked tn. that's why I found you delectable. Why would you expect I'd be disappointed?

    You are becoming something exceptional and taking passengers on the way (thus you are generous and open). You are also uniquely free and seeking definition (how exquisite). You are growing and being thoughtful about it. I could have no disappointment in that.

    I understand you would find humor in the contrast. In thinking about it, I do revel in the small things. I engaged that anon because she called her self cerebral and then failed to demonstrate the attribute. I have several objections to engaging the inmates who hurl feces... I am perfectly content to let the troll baste in his locked ward, ignored. (In his instance I do think rage could be very easily turned to its locus: inward.)

  57. I understand you would find humor in the contrast.

    Laughter is the sweetest gift from the cruelest.

  58. Notme, one of my associates tried to get an opera singer to flex his foot while singing on a park bench on stage --to get him to appear more like a person, less like a mannequin. He couldn't do it.


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