
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Someone sent me this test called the Pierley/Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnostic. It was quick, fun to take, eerily accurate for me, and gives you a small insight into what it must be like to be crazy. Beyond that, I have no idea what the test is testing or what it is about.


  1. Thoughtful to the extreme, you are often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing your own personal interests. Your world is black and white. You love to work within a logical system, such as language, computer programming, or mathematics. Manipulating a system that can be completely understood is a distinct pleasure to you, because of your confidence in the underlying veracity of your belief system. Because of your appreciation for logic and order, those who speak or think in a sloppy manner are apt to generate more than their share of wrath. Although very amiable, you are not drawn to friendships out of a sense of personal need. You are just as happy by yourself with a good book or puzzle. Because you are so involved with thought, you will on occasion have difficulty dealing with the day-to-day problems of a normal life. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, these are often left until the last possible moment, if at all.

    Sounds pretty right. Everyone share your tests. Why are there no comments today?

  2. coz most people have lives

  3. StillDrinkingCoolAidMay 3, 2011 at 10:02 AM

    "Which are these circles is angry?"

    None oft them...because they're just circles? One is purple-pink, the other white...I mean, I guess the purple pink one because it's redder and red is the traditional colour of anger but...really, which circle is angry? That question just makes no sense! I mean...what the fuck does that even mean!?! :S

  4. First the tint on your screen is wrong. Secondly this test isn't meant to make sense to your consciousness rather it is meant to access your subconscious brain. The most primal parts of you.

  5. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you:

  6. @Kesu I was just about to say that than saw you had it covered....

    My results:
    You are in a perpetual quest to find the new, the exciting. Emotionally volatile, you are known for sudden changes of opinion, of appreciation, and behavior. Following rules and established methods is difficult for you and the difficulties of higher education are usually quite daunting. Knowledge is best gained through an intimate association with the matter at hand. Usually driven by attitudes and desires of the group, you are talented in an established field of endeavor. Emotions come and go without a strong understanding of their causes. They are unexpected guests in an otherwise placid landscape. You live by your own codes of conduct, which can be noble or terrible depending on the individual. Authority is meaningless to you. You hate to be predictable, at all costs. Rarely verbally effusive, you can at times feel as if your feelings are too deep for words. You are very observant, but rarely express these observations to others.

    That's pretty eerie.

  7. Your power comes from an ability to sense how things might be and to proclaim this possibility with a great force and willingness to act. You have a tendency to be romantic, and can be an idealist. This sense of how the world can be is often expressed with self-deprecatory humor. Because of your need to address the immediacy of the moment, you may not think things through to their logical end, relying instead on a feeling for how a situation SHOULD end. You need to be liked and appreciated by others, although your attention often wanders. Sometimes you neglect old friends in favor of a new or exciting acquaintance. Often you will seem to know how to handle a situation without exactly knowing HOW you know this. Your thoughts are often shallow. While in the excitement of the moment you can obsess about a task at hand. If it should become rote and unexciting, however, it can be dropped just as quickly.

  8. Adam you got the exact same one as my aspie friend got. XDDDDDDD Adam is an aspie. EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.

  9. The self deprecatory part is wrong, I very rarely belittle myself, if it's false modesty, then of course I do.

  10. Mine correlates the most sociopathy so far, imo.


    'Because of your need to address the immediacy of the moment, you may not think things through to their logical end'

    'Your thoughts are often shallow'

    'Often you will seem to know how to handle a situation without exactly knowing HOW you know this'

    'While in the excitement of the moment you can obsess about a task at hand. If it should become rote and unexciting, however, it can be dropped just as quickly'

  11. You need to help others and to be thought of as a generous and kind individual. Often you are taken advantage of and regarded as simply part of the scenery. You work best when handling the work yourself; you do not appreciate a managerial role and tend to be uncomfortable in that position. Friendship is important to you, but it is generated on a personal basis, rarely a professional one. Consequently, family life is very important to you, and is often the most important aspect. Because of a strong sense of propriety however, you will sometimes consider the eccentric behavior of your friends and family as a personal affront. Often you find it difficult to speak up about personal anguish or pain, feeling instead that it is something an individual should bear in silence. Tradition is important to you, and you feel a sense of belonging when operating within the constraints of a predictable routine.

    Very accurate. This is why I am a "perfect" mother, am attracted to all forms of the feminine arts and why I get very very angry when people misbehave. And points to I why I choose not to personally self-reflect on this blog.

  12. Soulful, I'm the complete opposite of you. Spiritually deprived and clever.

  13. Always happy in a crowd, you love to converse, to relate, and above all to have fun. You tend to think in a more holistic manner than many others. Like a crow you are attracted to shiny objects, new ideas, playful exciting colors and the thrill of a new personal relationship. You love to talk or gossip. You are highly invested in the reality of day-to-day life. Practicality is far more important than issues of honor or allegiance. You are a creature of the here and now. You are a natural multi-tasker, often switching mid-thought from one duty to another. You have a flair for presenting your personality in your work, and are known as a great storyteller and natural actor. You are very skilled at taking in a barrage of information and distilling what is most important from it. Naturally charming, you are quick to win new friends. Over stimulation is a danger.

    haha, so funny. Most of this is true apart from the practicality over allegiance. But since I'm not above being sly, I do try if it's to my or someone's benefit. :)

    This test is a trick. I bet this is all just random and shows that people are pretty much the same in most areas...

  14. Soulful, a lot of yours comes across even in your posts here.

    It's very interesting test.

  15. Careful folks. M.E. is data mining for his army. I guess I'm in HR as the hand holder, wiping noses, with an occasional hard whip to the arse.

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  17. lol, mine just says I'm an overgrown child. HAHA. I can't argue with that.

    Haven, yours is funny. 'Emotionally volatile' - how did they know?!

  18. not me - We are all just perfect snowflakes in a winter wonderland.

    Haven - You are noble in your volatility.

    Today is going to be fun. ;-)

  19. @Adam. Yeah this test has actually no bearing on any type of diagnosis. It is more like a test for the base line of your personality. Example Souls says that she is very group oriented and tends to enjoy activities that have been long standing(traditional). The social confines of it make it easier and tell her exactly what is expect and warranted. Comparatively she would be a lubricant inside a group. While she isn't about pulling the entire group together she is about making sure that each cog is greased and maintained.

    Adam's says he lives in the moment. He only cares about what is directly in front of him and his concerns about tradition and the group are limited to nonexistent(One doesn't have to be sociopathic to be this). He has a need to be forward and actively sees things not how they are but how they should be.

    All in all these are just standardized answers. I'm surprised no one has posted the one about competitiveness and need of attention yet. I'm curious where mis, tnp, and zhawq will land.

  20. @notme... I know! Crazy right? ::laughs:: Mine is really pretty true. Except I'm rather effusive and I don't mind making my opinions known, surprise... and my general landscape is rarely placid, except maybe from a dissociative standpoint.

    @Soulful, haha if he's datamining for his army my emotional instability is going to make me a Berserker haha. Nobel? I'll take that =)

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  22. I read Adams and it sounded like straight up narc to me. Except of course for the self depricating part and romantic ideals (maybe to himself, hah).

    @notme... I like yours. It makes you sounds super cute and friendly haha. Mine makes me sound rebellious and difficult to handle.

  23. I find Havens interesting. It hit her BPD perfectly.

    Following rules and established methods is difficult for you and the difficulties of higher education are usually quite daunting.

    This says to me that you have an natural affinity to move in your own direction(who doesn't though). Rather you will move even against the current. Not so much in that you have a problem actually following norms but rather you see norms as obstacles in your path. A type of hindrance that doesn't allow you to to freely express all your emotions and feelings in the way that you want. Higher education is only problematic in the sense of it's strict order and structure. It doesn't allow you enough room for your emotions to play out.

    Haven's is very interesting. Mine also fits me like a glove.

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  25. NotablePath will get one similar to Kesu, logic and reason and all that. Notme sounds like the type that would leave nothing hidden and soulfulpath sounds exactly like an inverted narcissist.

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  27. Kesu, that's actually a very good assessment. Amusingly I chose a field of study/occupation that focuses almost exclusively in a realm that is emotionally void, highly structured, where being female is a disadvantage/not the norm, and expressing my true self is completely against the conservative current. I’ve always viewed norms as things that get in my way, stifle who I am, and should be pushed past. What’s more, I want other people to know this too. I purposely choose things that seem contrary to my nature just to show how outmoded a type of thought is. I operate in a way that proves all of these methods of teaching and conservative standards obsolete, and I have. I don’t appreciate being restricted and restrained. The lack of creative/emotional outlets is incredibly stifling for me (at University though I took an inordinate amount of more colorful classes to distract me from the monotony of my major courseload). Fortunately, now, I also have a multitude of extraoccupational hobbies.

  28. Haven are you high?! Stop deleting. lol :D

  29. ::laughs:: I'm more neurotic than usual today. Spelling, grammar, incomplete, improperly expressed thoughts... I can't look at them. They need to go away. Hahaha, I'll try to be less neurotic. Or at least, write my thoughts down in Word first so I can edit and revise them there instead.

  30. i wonder what m.e got.

  31. Gogo Forer effect!

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  33. Adam, You may call me an inverted narc, but I now know your secret romantic and idealist savors everyone of my posts.

    Yes, we should demand M.E. post his/her results. It would say "strives to be a 'behind the scenes' organizer and innovator and desires to save the world through manipulation.

  34. "You reach out to the world and pull in experiences of all forms and kinds. Spontaneous, immediate and active, you have a natural tendency to win, whether this is in the business world or on the freeway. In the right context this can be a positive encouragement to those around you. In the wrong context it can lead to a pathetic display of ego and misplaced pride. You are always on the prowl for clues as to how to win. Usually this behavior is unconscious or playful but the sense of play can rapidly disappear if you are found to be losing in the aforementioned contest. Only those who don’t compete are met with derision. You love to be the center of attention. The moment at hand is always of prime concern. Worries about the future or the past, or abstract discussions of philosophical matters are something for others to concern themselves with. Emotions are fleeting and often used as tactics."

  35. As far the forever effect goes it is a yes and a no. This is meant to be a base line personality test. I can't stress that enough. It doesn't actually talk about your direct personality. More so it talks about the underneath. Like mine talks about a strong need for deep thought. It isn't a direct piece of my personality rather it dictates how I come at things or the underlying thought patterns that make me take a particular route or path. Rather then making extremely quick decisions or flying by the seat of my pants I tend to plan, to weigh, things before I move forward along any path. This is all the foundation upon which we build our personalities. This our structure our framework. The details are what make up our brick and mortar that gives the visible appearance of personalities and the way we interact. This is just the superstructure. However, in saying all this it is only as true as any standardized answer can be and it is meant to be taken as such. The reason I can go into detail about any particular part about a person is because I've read enough of what many of the posters have wrote to make a model of their character. My interpretations of their results are meant to be tailored to them.

  36. Mis got the competitive attention seeker one. I knew it existed.

  37. Alot of it surprisingly accurate but not all of it. I don't take these internet tests too seriously.

  38. And you shouldn't. Now I have to ask some questions about this to you Mis. Honestly, out of all the normal posters you are probably the most hidden as far as your personality. The truth of the matter is you don't reveal much of yourself on here. I'm not sure if this on purpose or just a piece of who you are(I suspect it is the second option). So which pieces of it actually fit and which pieces don't?

  39. Kesu is the sports commentator of the day. And Misanthrope is in the hot seat.

  40. To his credit he's a good commentator.

  41. Seems he doesn't want the hot seat. Can't say I'm surprised. Fits with everything I already know about him.

  42. It is on purpose but mabye its become a peice of who I am. I'm surprised that you're the first person who picked up on it. I say very little but I make it look like I'm saying alot even when I'm telling long winded stories. I cant go into detail about alot of my personal life anyways and you're probably better off not knowing. It's also fun to remain mysterious. I am always looking to win in any way that I can and I love proving people who underestimate me wrong. I'm always looking for new ways to take control of people and extort money and favours from them. For me taking control is winning. I enjoy being the centre of attention but I don't need to be. The freeway thing made me laugh because I always drive like maniac. A few days ago I had a grown man on the verge of tears when he rowed passenger side with me.

  43. I will answer your questions but onl in the way I want to answer them and when I feel like it.

  44. 'Because of your need to address the immediacy of the moment, you may not think things through to their logical end, relying instead on a feeling for how a situation SHOULD end.'

    This is me exactly, I don't understand how some of the sociopaths on here claim to be completely rational. I make the rules up as I go along, lying or twisting reality is an every day occurance. I don't like science and the truth because it is limiting, in my mind I can do anything, science scares the shit out of me.

  45. Mis I think I'm going to shorten your name to rope from now on. I like it more. Also I wouldn't have it any other way rope.

    Do you feel underestimated often? As corny as this comes off the way I see you seeing yourself is as a shadow. No doubt you can be directly confrontational but if I had to guess your preferred method is to blind side people. You'd rather work in the background unknown until the time is right and then usurp them in one glorious act of absolute domination.

    One of the things I've always noticed about sociopaths is that they have this kind of timeless effect to their words. They show no age. Most peoples words give away many things about them specially age. So without direct clues about their age you can't accurately gauge it.

  46. This test made no sense.. The questions didn't make sense and the options were too limited

    For 17 of the 20 questions I didn't know which one to pick.. Is it supposed to be random or are you supposed to know which one to pick?

  47. @Adam lol. I'm the exact opposite. I'm the obsessive truth seeker. I want to know everything. In its entirety. Scientifically in an absolute form. I can twist facts to my benefit. Lies of omission are the easiest lies to pull off.

  48. I got the one adam got. I had to think on some of them. Not sure if I did it right.

    Do they all say near the bottom that you can take a longer test at another place and time?

  49. Yes. BTW told you aspies are adams perfectly. I'm almost absolutely sure that just about every aspie would get it.

  50. Although I got the same as notme

    Always happy in a crowd, you love to converse, to relate, and above all to have fun. You tend to think in a more holistic manner than many others. Like a crow you are attracted to shiny objects, new ideas, playful exciting colors and the thrill of a new personal relationship. You love to talk or gossip. You are highly invested in the reality of day-to-day life. Practicality is far more important than issues of honor or allegiance. You are a creature of the here and now. You are a natural multi-tasker, often switching mid-thought from one duty to another. You have a flair for presenting your personality in your work, and are known as a great storyteller and natural actor. You are very skilled at taking in a barrage of information and distilling what is most important from it. Naturally charming, you are quick to win new friends. Over stimulation is a danger.

  51. "Mis I think I'm going to shorten your name to rope"

    I've got no problem with that.

    I'm not afraid of a fair fight but I prefer fighting dirty. I like to take people by surprise and it's easiest to do that when they think you're their friend. Or by kicking them in the nuts or smashing their heads from behind if we're talking about physical fighting. I haven't disclosed my exact age and I've even mislead you guys on it before. I like to keep you guessing.

    I'm rational when I'm calm but seeing as I'm angry alot of the time it dosn't always work out that way. I don't like when people tell me to be calm either because it feels like they're talking down to me. I remember when this girl a was sleeping with told me that I should go to anger management and I flipped out and dragged her out of the room. People like her should know better. I think my anger builds throughout the day even if nothing sets me off. I'm fine whe things are going my way wich is why the people around me should focus on keeping me happy.

  52. BTW people it is all subconscious. The invisible hand guides you.

  53. I don't have aspergers, I'm a manipulative genius.

  54. The peace loving hippy type people are the ones always piss me off. The ones who talk about equality and freedom for all. I prefer it when people are angry and upset, and I know that people are only capable of changing things when they are angry. If your going to fight for something you have to do it out of hate, not love.

  55. It's possible to be an angry freedom-fighter Mis. Never heard of those?
    Or an angry hippy. haha. You're funny.

    I agree, you need passion to instigate the change that most don't bother with.

  56. Adam said...

    I don't have aspergers, I'm a manipulative genius.

    No one says that an aspie can't be one of those. Thrown in a little narc and it might actually fit you Adam.

  57. I think it's mostly a bunch of bunk, like astrology, but lamer.

  58. aspie, are you a libra or a virgo?

  59. Would any of you mind reaching into the scrabble bag for the meaning of life and everything? It is essentially the same exercise.

    These are Barnum statements. Do borrow some of the bon mots for your own palmistry by all means continue to project.

    I took it 3x to determine if the results are internally consistent by path (save yourselves the trip, they are). I chose more than one path, as always there were those images I could have gone both ways on, and I was curious :-)

    The questions create unspecified arousal (in an empath at least) The imagery is hypnotic. You may well be in a state of greater suggestibility just in time for... the results. Response to visual stimuli likely cluster by perceptual style. Thus the congruence you're finding meaningful.

    My own "eerily accurate' results for your derision:

    You have a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the day to day. You often seem to be living in a higher realm, or to be not-of-this-earth. Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future. You are often not aware of your own feelings. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and because of this are often disappointed. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive inward-turning anger, you are very gentle. You are sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. If your behavior is out of synch with your moral values, a severe psychic disturbance can result. Because connectivity is so important to you, you can become quiet and sulky if you feel that others around do not understand your point of view.

    Though quiet on the outside, you are often the hidden hero; someone who rushes in when needed and then after the emergency is over fades back into the woodwork. Because of this sense of duty and honor, you can also on occasion be rigid in your viewpoint and unyielding in the face of other ways of thinking. Usually cynical and rarely trusting of others, you maintain a small set of intimate friends. These bonds are stronger than most. You are always grounded in the present moment. Your close bonds can also lead to clique-ishness and a tendency to gossip about those who are deemed less worthy. You are an integrative thinker, collecting data from a wide range of sources and applying it to your worldview. You can become overly task-oriented. In stressful situations you often withdraw from the world to seek peace in contemplation. You often seem cold and withdrawn. Often you will withdraw rather than verbalize your discontent.

  60. it's fake/joke, read the article:

  61. I'm a scorpio :P supposably the best sign to have but I don't believe in astrology.

  62. Neither not me... I have the best sign :)

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  64. Alot of the hippies are angry or fucked up in some other way. They don't want to deal with reality so they smoke pot and sit around all day long. Whenever I meet one those really calm, soft spoken people I always think they're hiding something. I think that non violent and peaceful people also think that because they're sitting on the fence nobody is going to mess with them. all they've really done is let their defences down. Everyone on the planet is either an annoyance, a problem or an opportunity. You have to become a problem for other predators otherwise you're an opportunity.

  65. 'Everyone on the planet is either an annoyance, a problem or an opportunity.'

    umm, no, that's just your misanthropy speaking.

  66. aspie, (I like to guess), are you taurus? But you're probably gonna say leo.

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  68. sagittarius?



    oh fuck i dunno.
    i know little about star signs

  69. A friend of mine tried to get me into weed to stop me from rageing, a sychophant of mine. I didn't wear my mask around him, I told him I was thinking about murdering someone to see what it would be like. He was terrified of me. He seen the way I treated my family so he must have felt that he was next. The guy was the most laid back non ego person I've seen but it got him no where, people walked all over him, mostly me. Eventually the retard found out that being outgoing and friendly with everyone isn't productive, a lot of people see it as weakness. Afer a while he start acting as he should have.

  70. ok you're a capricorn. tell me!

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  72. my best friend at school was a capricorn. She was kinda the alpha and i was her beta. But we sometimes switched roles too. We were always getting into trouble together. I always went along with her little schemes cos she was my bff. hahaha, so funny.

  73. I do smoke weed and take other drugs sometimes but I'm no hippy. Please not this star sign bullocks again.

  74. Hey notme, what's your sign?


  75. well, turns out I'm a pisces though i spent my life thinking i was aquarius. I was premature so it makes me firmly a pisces and it fits me very very well.

  76. Heehee, I was actually faux hitting on you but that doesn't translate well haha. But still, interesting. I'm supposedly Aquarius. Friend and I were discussing this the other day. Pretty sure my BPD takes me out of the proper spectrum for this though.

    Regardless. It has amusing coincidences but It really is all bullshit and I have the astrophysics background to back it up.

  77. oh sawwie! haha.

    'It has amusing coincidences but it really is all bullshit'

    lol, i don't doubt it. But i would like to understand how it's all bullshit.

  78. Supposedly it's based on the interaction planetary tidal forces relative to you at your time of birth. Calculating the tidal forces of any large body with respect to a given location is relatively easy if you know the math for it. As it turns out, the tidal forces between you and the doctor/wet nurse/parent/etc that births you are greater than those produced by any planetary alignment because it's mostly dependent on the distance between the two bodies interacting. For planetary/star/satellite interaction the distance between the bodies is so great the tidal effect is negligible.

  79. 'Supposedly it's based on the interaction planetary tidal forces relative to you at your time of birth. Calculating the tidal forces of any large body with respect to a given location is relatively easy if you know the math for it. As it turns out, the tidal forces between you and the doctor/wet nurse/parent/etc that births you are greater than those produced by any planetary alignment because it's mostly dependent on the distance between the two bodies interacting. For planetary/star/satellite interaction the distance between the bodies is so great the tidal effect is negligible.'


  80. Can you guess what my sign is?

  81. @Kesu... Caution: No Trespassing

  82. Try and guess mine.

  83. Um... my argument is against Astrology. Astrology is the anti-Astronomy which is actual science.

    I couldn't guess your sign to save my ass.

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  85. Misanthrope, you are a cancer. hehe
    i don't know. I've given up guessing

  86. kesu you're a libra or a gemini

  87. @Kesu... Caution: No Trespassing


  88. Mis you're a sagitarius or a scorpio.

    That's my last guess. I'm tired of this game.

  89. "Mis... Gemini"

    Lucky guess.

  90. Deductive astrologizing. You talked of showing one part but not others earlier. Duality. Gemini.

    Totally pulling that out of imaginary logic land btw.

  91. hey guys, i was SOOOO gonna say that next.~

    goddamn, i'm losing my random guessing powers :(

  92. An amusing coincidence then.

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  94. Mis, did you ever hand in that handbag? And don't say 'what handbag?'

    You remember, the handbag?

  95. Haha what part of astrology isn't an amusing coincidence? (if it's quasi-accurate)

  96. I think I know what you're talking about. Of course I didn't hand it in. I didn't really need it in the first place but the woman was being a bitch to me. I dumped the credit card and spent all the money on jack daniels and cigarettes. Lol.

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  98. Zhawq is a gemini, I believe.

    Or is belief a delusion and in the case of this crew, a game.

    I thought about retaking the test after a couple glasses of wine. I wonder . . . . .

  99. @Soulful... join me in wine. I plan to retake it without reading the prompts and just pick whichever 'speaks' to me.

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  102. I've never done LSD. Let's do this thing!

    Ooooh, subversive tacts through subliminal psych testing. I'd love to hear the results of your employees taking it haha. You can later tell them it was their performance review =)

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  104. Soulful, Haven:

    Regardless of how you alter your consciousness, this test will still be a HOAX.

    Soulful, testing your employees is manipulative. In this instance you're exploring their unique nature through the lens of a ruse. (Admittedly, Not always a bad place to do it)

    Reflect on this: Transmedia Fiction Awareness= HOAX. M.E. has played a game transparent to aspies and few others.

    From the original URL:

    "Whether you have dissociative disorder or not, you might discover that The Pierley/Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnostic is also a test for transmedia-fiction-awareness created by designer Richard Horton."

  105. u sluts annoy me

  106. fuck IE it's so goddamn slow.

    Haven, i just read your summary about planetary tidal forces. Interesting. Does that mean people who say the moon influences our internal systems is also crap?
    Like our menstrual cycle and stuff?

    I know i sound dumb but i don't care. Just wondering.

  107. i recently talked to this guy who told me he met this witchy woman who taught him how to infiltrate people's dreams. He was serious and told me to think about him before i feel sleep and that he would synchronise with me and try to get into my dream.
    I woke up and told him I didn't dream about him but about my ex.
    He also said that his 'dream persona' is a pirate or something.

    LOL. People are so weird.

  108. lol teddy boy u dnt stand a chance agains me u asshole lol

  109. u psychopathic dooshbag lol

  110. @Spidey... it's just a dumb internet psych test. It's funny and amusing. it's not like it matters in any relevant way.

    @notme... The moon absolutely does have effect oceanic tidal patterns, obviously, and whatnot. Menstrual cycles? eeehhhh, I don't know about that. If it did, every woman on the planet would be on the rag at the same time and there would be week long bunkers for men to hide in as business closed down to wait out the atomic hormone bomb.

    However, women living in close proximity DO influence each others period and if living together long enough will begin to have their cycles at the same time.

    Again, people in close proximity to people have greater personal influence than extraterrestrial bodies.

  111. The test is legit. It's just an add on. Fuck it. Go to grad school.

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  113. @not me, that lucid dream invader is hysterical; a Jungian Jack Sparrow

    @Haven "hide in as business closed down to wait out the atomic hormone bomb" The "Red Tent" is strong medicine.

  114. Demolicious said...
    This test made no sense.. The questions didn't make sense and the options were too limited

    For 17 of the 20 questions I didn't know which one to pick.. Is it supposed to be random or are you supposed to know which one to pick?

    May 3, 2011 2:14 PM

  115. what does this mean?

    'Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future.'

  116. Spidey, I have already stated M.E. is using us as pawns for his own entertainment at times. Its a tactic and its creative. I like to play along. And its fun to be played. And we all learn about ourselves in the process. Engagement, yes?

    Testing for transmedia-fiction-awareness?

    Description: The classic storytelling technique involves putting content into the real world and web as if the story were really happening. But the line between truth and fiction online is blurry -- and getting blurrier all the time -- so not everyone who finds your content will know it's not for real. One person's hoax is another's deeply immersive
    experience. And what one considers a killer practical joke can be a terrifying ordeal to somebody else. So how does a transmedia designer learn to strike the right balance between immersive and responsible?"

    Soooo Spidey, since your test results came out as a 'super hero' what do you feel is the ethical balance.

    And what's your sign? Leo?

  117. my name is bin laden, i am the author of malignant bin laden, bin laden revisited.

  118. I've spent the whole day vegging and on the internet. Oh how healthy.

    Adam, i guess it means the person has a strong imagination coupled with a calculating sort of paranoia. lol. I don't know. Ignore it. Words are silly sometimes. Go throw a frizbee, that's more fun!

    Oh i miss throwing frisbees! ahh, i'll have to do that again soon.
    My brother threw one at my head once and i got scarred from it for a while. But i was teasing him about his hairy armpits so he got pissed at me.

  119. I didn't post that, if you are going to steal my name at least offend me!

  120. Adam said...
    I'm a scorpio :P supposably the best sign to have but I don't believe in astrology.

    May 3, 2011 2:51 PM

  121. wheres my english chica tn? :-/

  122. omg i just had a fantastically brilliant idea! anyone here on skype?

    I only have a mic though. But that's cool, we can still be anon that way.


  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. notme is edgy danger happy girl. Voice seems so intimate and anti-mysterious. Not for me, not me.

  125. I decided to take this test a second time and not try to over-think any of them. That's what I did the first time. So hopefully this reflects closer to my actual sub-conscious:

    "You reach out to the world and pull in experiences of all forms and kinds. Spontaneous, immediate and active, you have a natural tendency to win, whether this is in the business world or on the freeway. In the right context this can be a positive encouragement to those around you. In the wrong context it can lead to a pathetic display of ego and misplaced pride. You are always on the prowl for clues as to how to win. Usually this behavior is unconscious or playful but the sense of play can rapidly disappear if you are found to be losing in the aforementioned contest. Only those who don’t compete are met with derision. You love to be the center of attention. The moment at hand is always of prime concern. Worries about the future or the past, or abstract discussions of philosophical matters are something for others to concern themselves with. Emotions are fleeting and often used as tactics."

    And not too surprisingly, this one fits me really well also. I'm actually inclined to think this one fits me a bit better than my previous one.

  126. I'm not reading any of this.

    And I'm still a genius.

  127. Very fair take on you, Note, and your sign?

    I know . . . but it's today's game. Be a sport.

  128. No sign for you!

  129. Medusa, play.

    Your genius will feel discovered and held in cyber embrace.

  130. I think Note said one time that he was a virgo?

  131. @notme I have a mic and I have ventrillo.

  132. If you can guess my sign and my rising sign, you will get a speshul surprize.

  133. lol. Edgy danger happy girl. I've been annoyingly hyper today. Drank far too much coke which just makes me all giddy and silly with excessive energy. ugh.

    No skypsying Soulful? Ok. I knew it was a long shot. But I talk to a few people on skype so it's kinda normal for me.

  134. I've never revealed my sign at SW.

  135. I thought maybe you did that one time last time everyone fought over what bullshit horoscopes were. Not sure, though.

    You and your goddamn always-trying-to-appear-mysterious game.

  136. hmm, Kesu, ventrillo?
    So, that means we can't talk?
    hmm. I dunno what can be done about that.

  137. It has nothing to do with trying to be mysterious. If I wanted to be mysterious, I would get high as a kite and imitate Soulfulpath.

  138. She does sound stoned a lot.

    wv: grampa (i.e. Notable)

  139. i know Note's but i'm sworn to secrecy

  140. Ohh notme do tell.

    Medusa is throwing genius stones.

    Leo rising . . . or is it Pisces?

  141. It's secret :(

    Only she gets to know :)

  142. Soulful,

    Thanks. Ms. Phillips description of Trans-media fiction expands my limited understanding of the genre.

    I have no ethical imperative. I made an assumption, rather silly, that integrity of source would somehow be relevant. (why here, or elsewhere for that matter?) By all means please continue with the regularly scheduled courtesan intrigue.

    We do all like to see ourselves reflected whether in a pail of water or the lab's one way mirror. Do triangulate your fjords and islets, the coordinates of self knowledge on sand. It is a means of better understanding your own tensile strength. You seem something of an explorer and I have enjoyed your notes from the road.

    I should remember not to pull the curtain back from Oz when everyone needs or wants the wizard. A puppy exposing the mechanics? Probably, a bad habit to be broken.

    Thanks for the invitation to play with the stars. Not in my cosmology or area of engagement.

  143. Medusa throw a genius stone at Note so he will tell his secret.

    "Rainbow Fluorite, also labeled as the Genius Stone
    has the ability to influence the activities that occur on the mental plane of consciousness and amplifies, focuses, expands and creates new pathways for the mind. This allows it to increase abilities of concentration, discernment of truth and clear decision-making. Other properties include bringing order to mental chaos, increasing objectivity, enhancing creativity and curing mental disorders."

    Not me, I will give you one if you tell.

  144. @notme No ventrillo is an VOIP service.

    VOIP= Voice Over IP

    So you can have a great many people connect to a Voip.It takes up minium bandwith and lets you talk via microphone. Also it is a very small program.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. there is too much femininity in here, i think i need to bundy this place up a little

  147. Though quiet on the outside, you are often the hidden hero; someone who rushes in when needed and then after the emergency is over fades back into the woodwork. Because of this sense of duty and honor, you can also on occasion be rigid in your viewpoint and unyielding in the face of other ways of thinking. Usually cynical and rarely trusting of others, you maintain a small set of intimate friends. These bonds are stronger than most. You are always grounded in the present moment. Your close bonds can also lead to clique-ishness and a tendency to gossip about those who are deemed less worthy. You are an integrative thinker, collecting data from a wide range of sources and applying it to your worldview. You can become overly task-oriented. In stressful situations you often withdraw from the world to seek peace in contemplation. You often seem cold and withdrawn. Often you will withdraw rather than verbalize your discontent.

    Any horoscope will sound convincing.

  148. Wet, I feel bad for you that is the least desirable one we got all day, and Haven took it!

  149. Leo rising is CORRECT.

    You get half of a speshul surprise.

  150. Adam,

    Do you actually believe that shapes and colors can tell you about your personality? If it can than you sound like a narc.

  151. Actually, if you paid any attention to the test and tried understand the logical desired result of the test writer/artist, you would see that most of them are not even remotely abstract.

    Shapes, patterns and colors directly correlate to a pattern of exposure through media and education that has a common base with many people.

    How could you NOT see that?

    Ah, I forget, some people have common simple minds.

  152. "Shapes, patterns and colors directly correlate to a pattern of exposure through media and education that has a common base with many people."

    and how does that test a person's personality?

  153. Medusa, Virgo sun or Cancer. Summer baby perhaps?

    Or are you a Spring baby?

  154. Come on internet tough guy tell me your brilliant theories.

    Btw what is your opinion on the sub-conscious mind?

  155. I am finishing a second glass of wine to attempt my second take on this test drunk. This is an science experiment. I am seeking funding and sponsorship.

    Haven where art thou?

    Wet, does it fit? And where does the name Wet emerge from?

  156. Soulful you make more sense when you are drunk.

  157. Jesus fucking Christ, are you serious? Do you want me to give you a play by play?

    Several of the images were what I consider game-common, ie, video games (specifically old school ones) and several were more common sense if you're exploitative.

    The orb surrounded by several small orbs, the line with a weak spot, the glowing box vs the four packed together glowing boxes, they play off your perceptions and how you view things.

    And that's the extent of what I'm going to explain. If that isn't sufficient, your diagnosis of the day is Lost Cause.

  158. hey kesu would have been cool to chat with you. Oh well. i wanna get drunk too...

  159. Drunk response. Holy fuck. Who am I. M.E. I am having an existential crisis.

    Handy in the real world manipulation of objects and events, you are easily enthused by practical projects. You often ignore or conveniently forget rules and boundaries that limit your freedom. This need for freedom extends even to the personal sphere and though you are kind and gentle, you will often be hard to pin down to a monogamous lifestyle. Because you tend to verbalize so seldom, you can be seen as phlegmatic or impassive. In moments of high tension you can often surprise those around you with a lighthearted or humorous remark. Because of your facility with the physical world, you are often engaged in sports that require dexterity, such as motorcycling or hang gliding. You will rarely have time for flights of fancy or unproductive discussion. Constraints on your freedom will be regarded as a personal attack.

  160. It would seem this application doesn't pass the drunk test with Soulfulpath. That, or my assumptions are way off.

  161. Dare you to get drunk and take the test. Or are you too pragmatic.

  162. I'm game. I never drink wine, but for this occasion, I might actually go grab a bottle at the store.

    Ooooo is this bonding? We should totally like, text and chill some time.

  163. Tequila. 3 shots.

    Then dive into those damn dots.

    Bonding does not include words such as "totally like" I like intelligent men.

    Anyone else game?

  164. TheNotablePath

    ... thanks dr TheNotablePath i guess i really am a lost cause. Your understanding of psychology is post-graduate at worst and doctoral at best. How do you live each day with that big brain of yours?

  165. Oh, I hope you aren't too drunk to realize I did that on purpose... Pity.

    Wet. It's difficult. It really is.

    You wouldn't understand.

  166. Soul,

    Extreme boredom feels like being underwater.

  167. WET,
    There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, "Morning, boys, how's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, "What the hell is water?"

    Song for you dear "Totally Underwater".

  168. Thenotablepath,

    No i wouldn't. Who am I to understand your greatness, and brilliance. It must be tiresome to share your wisdom with us mortals. I mean, your parents must be really lucky to have shit out a someone as brilliant as you, sir. Tell me doctor, how does it feel to have accomplished everything? They say that the failing's of the parent are the expectation of the child. It must be a burden being you.

  169. Totally, bro. It's like, an epic journey and shit. Inconceivable, really...

  170. Soul,

    I perfectly understand your confusion. have you ever swam in the ocean?

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  172. I don't like the ocean very much, but I do like tide pools.

    Soulful, I'm on my fifth cup of wine, so I'm getting close. Then again, I've been bombing these, so hopefully I won't be too bombed to take this test in a few minutes...


  173. thenotablepath,

    Were you circumcised as a child?

  174. Note, do you have the guts to dive into those dots drunk or are you too attached to your pedestal?

    Or am I being nonsensical and preposterous?

  175. Soulfulpath, I'm gonna let it all hang out. Not too scared to show my drunken clicking, I just have to wait until I feel too drunk to stand up. That's about right, don't you think?

  176. Wet, you didn't answer your question about your name and its well spring? Or are just sitting at the bottom of the ocean tonight?

    Note, if you pass out. All hope is lost . . . or gained depending on your attachment.

  177. Mmmmmm note that really isn't what the test is about. It is in no way meant to be a cognitive test. The test is actually meant for the disassociated. It's meant to interact with a part of the brain that is less evolved. Actually the least evolved part of your brain. Thus the reason they tell you not to put it in a story.

    Just another reason why being drunk would fuck with a result.

  178. Did anybody notice how the dots pulsated. What the fuck was that all about? It's like they were breathing.

    Living dots.

  179. Kesu, why would being drunk mess with dots which are breathing? Are you going to get wrathful if I write sloppy?

  180. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ou have a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the day to day. You often seem to be living in a higher realm, or to be not-of-this-earth. Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future. You are often not aware of your own feelings. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and because of this are often disappointed. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive inward-turning anger, you are very gentle. You are sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. If your behavior is out of synch with your moral values, a severe psychic disturbance can result. Because connectivity is so important to you, you can become quiet and sulky if you feel that others around do not understand your point of view.

  181. Not only does that not match mu sober persoality, it doesnt match myu drunk onr either


    Hol me soulgul, exrestinial crisis is haperning

  182. LOL it isn't about it messing with the dots but rather about it messing with the way your brain interprets data. Also the flickering is intentional and is just another way for them to send a message to the deep subconscious more or less.

  183. Pr maybe its bullkit. EVER THYTH OF THAT>

  184. For a non-dissociated person it is almost complete bullshit. Most of the things you find true in it will be because of the forer effect. However there are hints of truth in it.

    I have a wacky theory though why it might work on a socio or a beeper. I think it should yield the same results every time for aspies with a degree of error.

  185. Kesu the dots are messing with YOU!

  186. Note, this is getting incestuous. We better be careful of we can end up like Adam and his Aunt as defined in Gabriel García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude.

    Bullshit is a cop out. This is a CRISIS.

    Quick get naked!

  187. lol. More hysterical every moment.

  188. In wearing my boxer brief and a bandanadana does tht count close 2 naked?


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