
Monday, April 18, 2011

IM conversation with a friend

M.E.: there are times when i'm around people that i get the feeling they think i'm a little off

Friend: hah

M.E.: that happened with gay neighbor today when i seemed overly worried about my own self instead of the guy who actually got fired. also today with the subletters.

Friend: yeah. well, it's true you don't always hide your self-interest as well as the rest of us

M.E.: ha. it's why i try to purposefully be generous, though
(1) i know what effect it will have on others
(2) i have the peaceful assurance of knowing that although i can be a leech in many ways, i won't get a bad reputation because i am mysteriously and inexplicably generous in random ways

Friend: hah. yeah. everyone is happy in the end

M.E.: right, i get what i most want and give only those things that i am more than happy to give


  1. Wierd. I had an IM conversation with a friend today that was very similar.

    Spathtic: Sometimes I give stuff to get stuff and sometimes I don't.

    Friend: Holy fuck! You're a freak.

    Spathtic: I know, right?

    I'm curious now. Do all sociopaths use IM?

  2. Your username makes me think you are Pathetic but have dyslexia.

    Perhaps that is the point.

  3. Your friend forgot: (3) You talk about hiding your own self interest in a logical, numbered format.

  4. Your username makes me think you are Pathetic but have dyslexia.

    Wrong, O repulsive one. You're just another angry fat chick hiding behind the illusion of power. Why are you even here? No, no, no wait! Don't tell me. Let me guess. You want me to roll your putrid flab in cocaine so I can aim for your wet spot with my snake?

  5. You talk about you're feelings to you're friends a lot don't you? Lol.

  6. you also forgot:

    (4) i have the intriguing reputation of ruining the inexplicableness of my random generosity by explaining it to the world. ha. would you like to see my powerpoint presentation on it?

  7. why do you care about a bad reputation? isn't that what all sociopaths strive for? notoriety? it isn't like you are Donald trump, you don't need to give to anyone. people will expect more from you when you keep on giving, i give nothing and they never expect anything, i save lots of money. you guys keep changeing what is really compassion, into something you made up.

  8. yeah people think I'm a good guy even though i'm a badass too

    *sometimes i buy people things i really want and then i steal them back from them
    *i only pretend to give money to causes at work by holding up a note and asking loudly if its enough and then rustling the envelope around a bit without putting anything in it
    *when I was little I spat in my crisps so I didn't have to share them now I always offer people crisps and then cough all over them so they say no
    *if I have to give someone a gift I just grab something out of my parent's stuff and wrap it up or tell them I ordered something really awesome but it hasn't arrived or i bought them an orphan who can't write
    *I take cheap beer to parties and offer it around then drink all the good stuff that other people bought
    *I turned up to a picnic with a heap of burnt stuff once and no one asks me to bring a dish any more and I eat lots of neat food for free

    i hope this helps some of you be more badass too

  9. 3 and 4 are pretty funny.

    And yes I'm an obese junkie slut in need of faggot surgery! You read me like a book.

  10. Also, I'm sad that Gary Busey was fired today. He's a sly one, that. Could probably take on all of yous who thinks yous is badass until yous be drooling idiots with no idea what's going on. Now he knows his mindfuckery.

  11. LOL it's me killa

  12. "i give nothing and they never expect anything"

    Very true.

  13. not able gives to charity and adopted three nigger orphans.

  14. I walk out of the room when I get angry as I don't want to hurt my partner, but I'm STILL a fucking callous sociopath, you can do all the good in the world, still doesn't mean you have a conscience, right?

  15. Seems like more effort than is necessary. I do buy stuff randomly for friends if I see something that reminds me of them but I don't go out of my way to be generous. They don't expect it of me though, and occasionally feel bad b/c they can't give something in return. Getting something in return isn't my goal though. Anyways, the point is, friends/coworkers still like me whether or not I give them anything. The psuedo-friendly seems enough.

  16. Medusa, I have a question. Even aside from the compliment you received today, which made me proud of the blog again (finally), I'm at a vast misunderstanding. This is supposed to be a sociopath blog and yet for as brilliant as they ("yous") want appear here they can't help but mock themselves through you EVERY time. Why do you think that is? Is it boredom to the 10th degree and am I supposed to be sympathetic?

    wv: grapic (it's like grape-ish, or something, but of epic proportion)

  17. Projection MachineApril 18, 2011 at 8:31 AM

    Wow, that's grapic man. Just grapic.

  18. Isn't it though? Just be mindful that it's "Grape drink" and not "Grape juice".

  19. Because Madusa is not a sociopath, just a nasty, insulting wannabe blackhole that's whole life has turned out to be a shitstain that can't be washed clean.

    Just look how she say's she can't stand people who question where the ones on here are really sociopaths and she's the one who continually has stated that comment.

    She's sick with self loathing.

  20. Medusa still has a dick.

  21. "Because Madusa is not a sociopath, just a nasty, insulting wannabe blackhole"

    What's the difference?

  22. Medusa is a narcissistic He-male.

    with a dick

  23. Becauses she choose to be what she is......

    Let us know when you get the sex change.. :)

  24. A common misconception is that antisocial personality disorder refers to people who have poor social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead, antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken advantage of. Antisocials tend to lie and steal. Often, they are careless with money and take action without thinking about consequences. They are often agressive and are much more concerned with their own needs than the needs of others.

  25. Lots of you guys seem to overlook a few points about the nature of psychopathy.

    Yeah, I know you say Sociopaths, but you might as well say psychopath. To you it's all the same. So let's just get past that.

    There's a neat little article on my blog today that addresses this issue about female psychopaths and masculinity.

    You can take a look or not. Won't be likely to matter much, since you're here to look badass, not to learn anything new.


    haven't much - uh, haven't anything - to say about today's article. Meant to not post, but got that idea above here when I saw those tedious attacks on the sweet, nurturing gender. Haha!...

  26. If most people you know are aware that you're a sociopath/psychopath, then you're really bad at being one.

    It’s one of the reasons I love the comments on this blog, they make me laugh. Of course, the socios that act stupid are actually a boon to those socios who don’t since if the public thinks every sociopath is someone who constantly commit reckless crimes, with the verbal ability of a 3rd grader and who can’t hold down a job, it means the rest are harder to spot.

  27. they hardly act the same in person anon, the cloak of the internet is perfect for abusers bullies. i'm going to uncheck "conning and manipulative" on you're list lol.

  28. the psychopath is predatory, they find ways to smear and degrade in every situation, they don't look for goodness in others they ALWAYS look for weaknesses.

  29. Some really funny bits at first. then some rather funny. Now boring..

  30. Medusa has phases. I like the bits of her in between her off-the-cuff reactions.

  31. Zhawq you are certainly on a publicity drive. Does it work?

  32. ""Because Madusa is not a sociopath, just a nasty, insulting wannabe blackhole"

    What's the difference?"

    Makes sense to me. Hello kettle this is pot, would you like to tell me something?

    Kind of one of my ongoing points...

    But I know, you're all TOO smart to not overlook such a thing. You're "sociopaths" afterall. I like the other point made too, it makes me believe again that my psychopathy is worth being good at.~

    M.E., you should add a paypal button on the blog here so we can accept money for pretending to be insulted when the "less thans" require it. I would expect the experience to be nothing less than motivational for them.

  33. "Zhawq you are certainly on a publicity drive. Does it work?"

    no obviously not cos hardly anyone reads his shitty blog.

  34. Zhawq's blog is interesting, as is this one. :)

  35. "Zhawq's blog is interesting, as is this one"


  36. That wierdo zhawq is making up stories, he's so stupid about it that it's completely obvious.

  37. Why are you pickin' on Zhawq?

  38. If you want to look for psychopathy, you look at huge businesses and main stream media, distortions, a complete lack of empathy, vicious and with a grandiose ignorance, anyone who is grandiose will be ignorant to lesser peoples views.

  39. "That wierdo zhawq is making up stories, he's so stupid about it that it's completely obvious."

    Learn to spell and punctuate...your comment is a waste of space. :)

  40. play this at my funeral.

  41. Play this at my funeral mother fucker

    I just took on a tiger, and won. Then I killed two park rangers when they started getting in my face about some endangered species shit. Like I give a fuck!

  42. i just robbed a store with a spanish onion faggot!

  43. My body count is higher than that of war and famine.

  44. So a little aside of stupid from me. Going to lunch with coworkers. Driving coworker speeds down the street showing us how his new mods on his car give him more HP. Dog runs out into the road trying to dive head first into the car tire. He swerves away misses dog.
    In unison Me and driver :"DAMN"
    Driver: "I almost hit that dog."
    Me : "You missed!"
    3rd coworker in back pipes up.
    3rd : "Driver sounds happy he missed but you(me) sound disappointed."
    I'm absolutely stunned that he picked up on it. I spend the next 5 to 10 minutes thinking about how I let that slip happen. Luckily driver keeps yapping about something and takes away all attention.

  45. "i just robbed a store with a spanish onion faggot!"

    I'm impressed. That's one of the better boasts I've ever seen here.

    Going off of what Anon said about ASPD: The Antisocial bit is in reference to behavior and emotional capability, not the ability to communicate and 'fit in'. It does however affect those centers too, it's just that most P/S/ASPD types are so used to fitting in that the slip ups become rare by the time adulthood arrives.

  46. this fukin country is fuked lol i can become a dicktaker and rule my country, and make them build status and pain me on walls lol yakno rule it with the iron fist then a fuken lazy nigger can walk into a fuken school and kill some kids and he gets just as much notoriety fukin place is fuked lol

  47. You care to much kesu.

  48. Kesu is an asswipe.

  49. Adam said...
    Moi above.
    April 18, 2011 4:47 PM

  50. Someone will 'pain' you on a wall, and build their own 'status' by doing so, that's for sure.

  51. Lol, i'm beginning to think Adam is making his own 'funny bit' posts.

    Shit, I was gonna say something but i forgot what...

    Oh yeah, it wasn't very good so it's ok.

    Moi here!

  52. notme, that was not Adam. you had picked on the funny bit once when Adam needed to tell that he was the one who posted the statement he forgot to name. this was a very similar case, no?

  53. this is for the narc who showed up the other day and bragged about himself and his business acumen, who then heard that us investors were already out of the country like rats leaving the sinking ship while our narc was still grandiose about himself and the state of his union

    "U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers, have been hiring abroad while cutting back at home, sharpening the debate over globalization's effect on the U.S. economy."

  54. Oh yeah, it's funny I get that. I was just making a whimsical comment.

  55. It was my stalker virtual sis, this is the first time I have posted here today.

  56. psychopaths have no emotions and they're all serial killers.

  57. I have sort of a weird theory. I think Robert Patterson ala Twilight movie series is mental.

    Possibly sociopath, possibly psychopath, possibly one of the two mixed with some schizoid. There is just something very wrong about him and I can't put my finger on it. He is always such a nice and brilliant actor as worded from everyone who has worked with him yet it seems like he is incapable of displaying deep emotions on screen. Maybe he can't in real life either.

    Whether he is acting, or interviewing he always seems awkward and his confidence wavering. Not the type of behavior you would expect from a millionaire beautiful young man with a rich career just starting.

  58. The Grinch who stole Christmas . . . surely a sociopath, he even has the smirk.

    (1), (2), and the added (3) and especially (4)
    "i have the intriguing reputation of ruining the inexplicableness of my random generosity by explaining it to the world."

    I would add . . .

    (5) Expressing inner world, means I can gift the world with my presence. Playing my fan base is the biggest give and take of all.

    Anon above regarding Patterson . . . That is why he was perfectly cast as a vampire, dear. And all those followers swooning to his archetypal charms is entertaining to observe.

  59. "he is incapable of displaying deep emotions on screen"

    that's because he's simply not a very good actor. have you seen "remember me"? that film stole away two hours of my life and i want them back.

  60. I have sort of a weird theory. I think Robert Patterson ala Twilight movie series is mental.

    Really? I think he's just a wooden actor who has all the depth of a puddle, which is why he also fails at the charmingly awkward hipster pose. Faux outcasts are so fucking boring - and taking over the world.

  61. Hipsters are SociopathLites. What they lack in criminality and delinquency they more than make up for in glibness, superficiality, shallowness, boredom, lack of realistic goals, and parasitism.

  62. adam's stalker virtual sisApril 18, 2011 at 7:47 PM

    oh, sweet Adam, you sure lie.

    Adam said...
    It was my stalker virtual sis, this is the first time I have posted here today.

    April 18, 2011 5:20 PM

  63. Hmmmm

    I can see schizoid, but not P/S. He isn't good enough at seeming normal. He's a very private person and seems pretty detached, emotionally. Flat, possibly.

  64. Hipsters are SociopathLites.

    It's called Postmodernism.

    Regarding that Pattison, or whatever his name is, rich, good-looking and famous doesn't mean happy and confident and extroverted. Especially when you have mobs of crazy people following you 24 hours a day and a shit ton of pressure from all sides to be this or that.

  65. Well, I have been diagnosed with several personality disorders, it just depended on what I felt like presenting as that day and which gullible fool was making their bullshit assessment of who they thought I was. I just let them feel superior and turned on my earnestness act which everyone falls for because my baby blues don't lie. It helped me learn so much.

  66. It's called Postmodernism.

    Uh, no, it's called consumerism.

  67. Clearly you don't know what postmodernism even is and just want to argue.

  68. Pot. Kettle. Black.

  69. Consumerism is a big aspect of postmodernism. Which is how I know that you know very little about postmodernism.

    It describes the bigger picture from which the current state of consumerism comes from, and the attitude of those consumers. Hipsters.

  70. mandusa is an obese junkie slut hipster douche who needs faggot surgery stat.

  71. By the way, that comment was the perfect example.

  72. Not quite what I was going for. Oh well. At least they aren't putting my face on t-shirts.

  73. WRONG

    Now go cry over a beaten nag, or something.

  74. Anti-capitalist, contemptuous of traditional morality, and committed to radical egalitarianism.

  75. The egalitarianism is what makes him Lite?

  76. Anti-capitalist, contemptuous of traditional morality, and committed to radical egalitarianism.

    Sure, but only in words, not deeds.

  77. SocioLite hipsters, that is...

  78. Sounds more like left-libertarianism to me.

  79. Add self-ownership and ya got something.

  80. the SocioLite versionApril 18, 2011 at 11:12 PM

    Self-ownership is a hipster's classification of greed.

  81. Fuck um all and let God sort um.


  82. Ah, happy drunk TNP, my favorite version.

  83. Hope is fear in a party dress. It's better to allow this drunken moment.

  84. hope is fear in a party dress.

    lol, i like

  85. if i saw any of you faggots id probably vomit, none of you are as sociopathic as i

  86. vomit protection servicesApril 19, 2011 at 6:27 AM

    It's time for a sociopath contest. And Ukan will be the judge, jury and executioner. No mercy and lots of underhanded self-interest. The results will be rigged.

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