
Monday, April 11, 2011

Arms race

What to do when you encounter another socio? Engage them? Ignore them? Give them a wide berth?

When you meet socios in real life, there's a recognition that can happen. One time I was out with a friend of a friend. He said something about another guy being Jewish and I asked, "How do you know?" He said that when you are a "member of the tribe" like he is, you tend to pick up on other identifying marks in others. I think the same is true of sociopaths. The mask a sociopath wears is directed at the public, not at other sociopaths, so naturally it will not work as well for sociopaths. It would be like hiding behind a wall when your predator primarily uses echolocation or infrared to identify its prey rather than visual sight.

In response to last week's articles on sociopath co-workers, a sociopath reader told me about her own encounters with a sociopathic co-worker, to which I asked her:
Do you think she also has your number? Do you think she will be a problem? I often wonder whether it is better to do an open arms race, so they know they can't initiate any form of aggression without immense retaliation, or whether it is best to secretly stockpile. Which will you take with this co-worker?
She responded:
My co-worker is definitely aware now. It is only a problem in that she has mentioned, "I think so-and-so and I think the same way," many times in different ways, and I am concerned that she will get caught in some shenanigan and people will remember that statement. When it comes to setting up territory or what have you, I am pretty lazy, so unless there is a direct conflict of I want this and she wants that, where she isn't willing to give in, I don't forsee a problem. Also, we have different styles. For example, as people go, she has gotten very close to our manager and director. I, on the other hand, have gotten close to the manager's closest friend, the director's most trusted adviser, and a manager from another work group. This is my preferred practice, as any influence won't look like it came from me and any benefits won't look like a person favoring someone they are closer with. The outside guy is in case something needs to come from outside the team and because he is well-respected in the company by all groups. There are four of us that spend time together on our team, and she picked one and I picked the other. Most importantly, when project assignments came up and she wanted the same as me, she backed right off as soon as I stated my preference.

Given your options, I am a "secretly stockpile" type of person.


  1. Yes, but what is she secretly stockpiling for? She sounds like a boring drama queen preparing to unleash a projection on the world. Oh, wait, except she totally has: zzz-ville.

  2. yr secret stockpile sux

  3. I've only had one instance when working with someone who is a P/S type in a legit work atmosphere that was cooperative, and that's because we only work at the same company, not in the same department.

    If I'm at odds with someone like me, we go through the motions of who will be top dog, and pretty much nothing is off limits. I've been on the winning and losing side of this, and frankly, it's a fight I'd rather not have to deal with. It's exciting while it is happening, but all the collateral damage, all the people you have to step on or backstab, it causes so many problems down the line that even if you win, you don't really win. Not unless you do it damn sneaky, which sometimes isn't a possibility.

    That's how it goes when you are 'equals'. When they are above you, you really need to tread carefully, or seem loyal to almost a fault. Sooner or later though, you will be put in a compromising position.

  4. Working is for suckers, you idiots don't know how to control anything.

  5. I read the following statements from the reader and try to understand the logic here.

    1. "Also, we have different styles. For example, as people go, she has gotten very close to our manager and director. I, on the other hand, have gotten close to the manager's closest friend, the director's most trusted adviser, and a manager from another work group. This is my preferred practice, as any influence won't look like it came from me and any benefits won't look like a person favoring someone they are closer with."


    2. "The outside guy is in case something needs to come from outside the team and because he is well-respected in the company by all groups.

    3. "There are four of us that spend time together on our team, and she picked one and I picked the other.
    Most importantly, when project assignments came up and she wanted the same as me, she backed right off as soon as I stated my preference."

  6. Everything is situational.

    1. I don't care.

    2. I approximate that I should a. taunt b. leave alone c. school. d. get schooled.

    3. I'm too busy with my own plan (rare) to acknowledge as much as when not.

  7. Playing the guru is an effective way to abuse, you can directly and sadistically point out short comings and weaknesess in you're victim, all under a cloak of sincerity. Any form of lashing out from the abused can be easily countered by saying, "I was just looking out for what's best for you" Or "I'm not going to lie to you, i want you to know the harsh reality of the situation", of course this is all bullshit, the abused will feel like a worn down animal after this, but they have nobody to blame.

  8. I think I do something to that effect, a lot. It isn't always intentionally sadistic though, but I do realize its effects. And it doesn't bug me in the least.

  9. It's a very effective form of abuse, it's covert and anyone with an ounce self-beleif can pull it off.

    I especially recommend it for the ones who are fearful of confrontation, I don't mind frightening the whits out of a victim with threats and physical violence, at the same time I realise everyone isn't willing to pull that off.

  10. Notable, I think you are very very narcissistic maybe NPD, maybe, but I don't think you are a psychopath.

  11. i pointed out improvement opportunities all my life thinking i was doing a favor. are you now telling me that i was abusing people? that is pure bullshit, something only the weak, not curious, not interested in improving would think.

    i love it when someone points out something i could do better.

    my thinking is weak and fearful is bound to see evil in everyone. screw that!

    is it the intention of the active person/guru/teacher/whatever the f you call or is it the perception of the recipient that defines the act as abuse or mentoring? Should we then say unless the recipient comes to you with specific advice you are abusing by pointing out improvement directions?

    crap right, crap left...

  12. Flaw-finding is not a Narcissist exclusive trait. And there is a marked difference in how we seem to approach it.

    I don't think I have an ever-constant need to abuse others. Yes, I think most people are stupid and certainly deserve it, but there are way too many people I know to where such a thing would become a chore, and no longer pleasurable.

    But when I do want to do it, I certainly have fun.

    As for my label, I don't know. I am what I am. I know what I'm not, at least. You're welcome to speculate, but you haven't had a dive into my mind, perhaps a toe dipped here or there. Were you to know me as few others ever have, perhaps your tone would shift to a high note, wishing you were right to begin with and content with what you originally ascertained.

  13. Destra, are you as dim-witted as you're name? It looks that way..

    We aren't talking about you, we are talking about victimised people who have been systematically worn down over time. A natural abuser is a chameleon, he abuses in stages, if you try and copy me it won't work.

  14. Violence/abuse and psychopathy go hand in hand, agree or dis-agree?

  15. Adam: Define abuse.

    Relevant to the issue of the day:

    I think it's dependent on the mask you present. As written, there seems to be an assumption that a sociopath must present an image of dominance, to some degree or another.

    It is often more effective to exhibit the traits of the pathetic, as the desire to help is so much stronger than the desire to obey.

    The extra bonus, related to the "what if you meet another socio" situation, is that such a "rival" may be so taken with your performance that he fails to realize you're playing him.

    I find it quite difficult to resist such creatures. They act like a secondary mask, disguising my motives to the rest of our peer group, and their pain (existential or otherwise) is quite exquisite.

    In short, sometimes it's better to feed a rival slow poison than to start a cold war. Mutually assured destruction isn't a very exciting endgame, after all.

  16. adam, thanks for suggesting that you are not talking about me but when you look at say my sibling who has been hearing over and over years of suggestions (same as saying pointing out weaknesses) from his end I could be perceived just abusive as you think of yourself. actually i may in effect may appear more damagingly abusive because when one looks at you one sees a raging adolescent and discredits you but when one looks at me one sees a credible authority figure and gets further squeashed in his weakness.

    you are a mess, quite delusional in your self assessment of your strengths. if only you could hear what they say behind your back, like 'try to clear of his mess, we can't let him end in the dumps.' you are being cared for because you are still young, you'll soon be kicked out of there adam, shape up, get real.

    watch The Devil and Daniel Johnston, that is your best bet scenario for your ending that your family will still give you a room for your fat delusional ass. try some shame, i know it's hard for you, but sit down and just logically accept some shame if not emotionally.

  17. clock keeps ticking, SW

  18. @Postmodern Sociopath.. What?


  20. He's like a black Charlie Sheen in that video.

  21. I'll bet a little Tiger Blood would clear Ali's Parkinson's right up.

  22. Narcissists are the ones who are used and abused, look at Mike Tyson, Ali and Sheen they are surrounded by sharks that see through the narcissists facade, narcissists are the naive ones, they are too self deceiving.

  23. Tyson has a tattoo of Mao, Saddam styled his moustache like his idol Stalin.

  24. Ok. So my dumb ass bulimic eats the last hot pocket and then promptly regurgitates it. Which pisses me off to no end. So all morning I've been telling everyone about how bulimic he is and how we need to have an intervention for him. Which makes me happy because he is embarrassed. So I am feeling a little better. Then I come on here and Adam is acting like a douche bag. I can't wait for Adam to get kicked out on his ass. I wanna see the worm wriggle in the streets. To top it all of though he asks the most retarded ass question.

    Adam said...

    "Violence/abuse and psychopathy go hand in hand, agree or dis-agree?"

    Now I'm not 100% this is Adam seems almost too stupid to be him but o well. Stupidity always sets me off.

  25. dumb ass bulimic roommate*

  26. If you were a psychopath, he would have never pissed you off.

  27. Careful, Kesu. Those hot pockets aren't doing your blood pressure any favors. Wouldn't want that temper to kill you, now would we?~

  28. Haters gonna hate.

  29. Next time you should cover his mouth while he's doing it and force it out his nose. It would probably look like a projectile sausage maker or meat grinder.


  30. Look I there two things that decide what I eat 1 convenience and 2 amount. When I eat I like to have everything I'm going to need for a day in a single meal. I hate taking time to eat. I only eat one meal a day and some days I forget. There have been times when I've forgotten to eat for a day or two then my blood sugar drops and I get hit with a wave of light headedness. I also hate wasting food. That is probably a byproduct of my childhood though.

  31. @note LOL but then he might puke on my hand. I don't want that.

  32. My, my. They are a touchy lot around here all of a sudden.~

  33. I hope you're computer breaks again you corny fuck.

  34. All you SW cowboys need to be bitch slapped today by my Guru. And then placed all together on an island for a version of "Survival"

    Forget workplace games or blogville, an isolated island platform would be the perfect chess board.

    All the comforts and alliances of home dissolved and left to your wits. Anarchy or a new world order?

  35. Coral Reef Orgy ConventionApril 11, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    i am so tempted to call for an SW convention in Central America, think beaches... we would have so much fun...

    we would not openly call it SW, of course, but some fancy name, and advertise locally and internationally also so we can pretend we are one of those clueless participants. but, at least we'd know this is one crwod where P/S percentage is higher.

  36. kesu, my socio friend had no sense of hunger, could easily go long periods like you. but, irregular entry results in irregular exit. he would have two weeks between dumping loaves. how regular are you?

    also, you realize, some animals only eat once a day. you are my beast (off the bubble bath, can you tell?)

  37. @That one you are Sceli right? I owe you that cunt kick to tonguing. I'm regular as hell. Poop twice a day like clockwork. My diet is just horrible. There have been times when my diet have been pristine though. Mainly when I go on health kicks. Usually there is something I want during those times. I can't do something without a purpose. As a child I remember being told to clean this or pick up that and I would refuse unless there was reward and it was equal to the action being asked. If no reward was going to be given I wouldn't do it even under pain of punishment. Even doing homework and school related things fell under this clause. I spent my entire teenage life grounded literally. I just ignored whatever punishment my parent would give out and do as I pleased. Very frustrating to them. I must say though I had a reason for not doing it. Simply they would ask me to do something and then I would ask what I would get and they said they would return the favor but I always countered with when have I ever asked you for anything. Usually this required them to pause to think and they could never come up with anything. I always found ways around that didn't involve them. The more I did, that didn't require their involvement, the more untouchable I became. Eventually it got to the point where they would pay me hourly for any work I did. At age 15 I demanded to be payed a weekly allowance on top of whatever hourly pay I got for past actions that were never paid for. I argued the point until I got it. As far as me being a beast.... Honestly I've always imagined my self as greater then a human but still very primal. So I am a beast just not your beast. No chain shall ever hold me.

  38. I was never punished by my parents for anything, at the same time they never thought me right from wrong nor did I have a healthy male role model but I don't care.

  39. :) yes, sceli. when I said my beast, I meant my favorite beast, not a possessive my. as much as your desire not to be possessed i just as strongly desire not to possess anything. i'd say we both have commitment issues, is suppose.

    twice a day is what is considered ideal. for a lot of people that would mean heavy caffeine supplement.

    amazing how we all are different.

    i am curious who/what gave you the initial idea and the commitment to 'if you ask for something, pay me then' principal. it is totally fair, heck, it took me many years to learn that, but i tell you, i do wish to charge high or i don't touch wrt my contributions to society.

  40. adam, why don't you start thinking how you would have parented someone like you and start applying your own rules on yourself? you gotta be your own parent at some point. we all are. for some of us it's shedding off too much parental control, and for people like you it's putting on some parental (imaginery, worried that you will not follow) control.

  41. I feel like I own my parents, they have never stood a chance against me, they had to get the law involved to have me removed. If I am to tame myself in any way it will be behavioral, I don't want to create a moral code.

  42. I have no commitment issues. When I give something my all I give it my all. I just hate the idea of being trapped. I love my absolute freedom more then anything. My mother was the type of person who would guilt people into everything. Also fairness is a social idyll. So to take away my mothers ammo that worked so well on me when I was very young(At the age of two/three my mother told me if I ever pooped on the floor again, she let me run out without a diaper, that she was going to make me clean it up. When I did I cleaned it up.) I stopped giving them opportunities to hold things over my head. At some point I understood that fair was a relative term that I could use to my advantage. Normal people are very weak to the idea of fair. As long as you can "prove" that is fair they have a hard time resisting even if they know they are somehow getting shafted. I was a very intelligent child.

  43. Good topic, M.E. - I've already written a few lines about how psychopaths generally react when spotting one another. - Like others have stated here, it depends on the situation as well as on preference.

    But it can certainly be an interesting experience if the other person happens to have the same style and preferences as you do. It can form the basis for a most curious encounter indeed.

  44. Adam:

    "I was never punished by my parents for anything, at the same time they never thought me right from wrong nor did I have a healthy male role model but I don't care."

    Smart people, your folks. They saw immediately you're a lost cause. Why spend energy and time on giving guidance to someone who don't have a brain to stash and memorize the material anyway?

    Can you define Abuse?

    No, you cannot! You're not interested in learning, and why should you be? It would be a waste of time. I say: Don't even consider it, man. Just you go out there and have your pseudo-sadistic fun... You know: 'you're victim' ... <-- your words! And ain't that the truth! lol

  45. You are a fool, you have no idea who I am, I'm going to rule this world some day and you are talking to me like that?

  46. Kesu said...
    I have no commitment issues. ... I just hate the idea of being trapped.

  47. Being trapped and being committed are two different things.

  48. Zwang, we all know you are MrBlake, you pasted the Blake comment in a text field beforehand. You can't speak to me, you are a 40 year old nutjob who writes on a psychopath blog.

  49. It was still pretty damn funny.

  50. My dad never gave me any money. If I asked he'd tell me to go fuck myself. He said that he believed in a fair days work for a fair days pay but he hardly worked at all. He was actually half a criminal and a lazy drunk. I remember sitting on the sofa rolling joints for him and my uncle when I was little. I used to steal from his wallet whe he was tanked and he just thought he spent in booze or something. I made all most all of my money from stealing and robbing. On time I did some work for him and he screwd me over on the wage so I started forging checks in his name and then I sold the TV just to piss him off and make some cash. He was pretty strange guy. He took me to visit a brothel thet he frequented once when I was only 15, which was actually pretty cool. One time we got into a fight and then a few days later I started smashing the kitchen up to get his attention and when he came down stairs I punched him in the face a few times. I used to look at my friends families and think how boring they were.

  51. In the workplace, most people behave amorally--sociopath or no sociopath.

    I've been screwed over by just as many self-righteous moralizers than I have been by sociopaths. So at this point, I don't really make a distinction.

    If a person is tolerable, does his or her job well, and isn't a loose cannon, then personal short-comings are overlooked.

    It's tempting to think that sociopaths always rise to the top, but it's not true. At higher levels, most lack the ability to motivate others and don't like the feeling of being boxed-in. In the real working world, the Machiavellian shtick just isn't that effective. That's what secretaries do.

    If more people focused on how to make their boss' job easier and encouraged their coworkers, then they would be much better off and would ensure themselves a fair amount of job security.

    This is coming from someone who bats .670 on the Macdonald triad.

  52. Sociopaths are incredibly ordinary, not extra-ordinary or wierd, people usually say there was nothing unusual about him, maybe he was a little aloof, but he fit in.

  53. "and don't like the feeling of being boxed-in"

    That's why I could never work in an office or behind a desk or whatever. That shit looks like purgatoty.

  54. It took a while for people to teach me that I can't just walk right into a job like that and be the manager.

  55. Mmmmm yes and no. I think it matters on your objective and how accessible it is. I think most of us get so annoyed by the humdrum of office life that any objective we have gets lost to boredom. So most can't work in the office. However, once you get to the level were work is less work and more politics it is exponential more fun and suited to the sociopaths life style.

  56. I could just walk into a job like that and become the manager but it doesn't work like that. If somebody offerd me control over a business I'd take it, but i'm to lazy to work my way up from ground level in a shithole job like that. I think that working hard for a living is for retards, and it's no fun. Money is a barrier between you and what you want. I only care about it because I have too, but there are better and faster ways to make it than working.

  57. That is suggesting that you don't already have a leg up in the company. Like a college degree might give you. Or having a family member in the right position to move you quickly up.

  58. They can all be fabricated.

  59. IF you have the means to fabricate it then you should. That is most apparent.

  60. "I think that working hard for a living is for retards, and it's no fun"

    Agree a hundred percent.

  61. The purpose and meaning of work. . .

    Working with autonomy and creatively with others is an excellent use of power as mastery and is a favored use of talent.

    Small pleasures, even sadistic, gained are fleeting no matter how delicious and lead to boredom, no matter how rationalised.

    Trapped? Perhaps doing and saying the same actions over and over is just another cage.

    Yet, striving to fine tune one's nature, as you savor whatever you claim as prey is far more satisfying of a game.

  62. True but I don't have any of those things. I've thought about making connections with somebody in the business world to see if they could help move me up the ladder, but then I rember how fucking boring that world looks. I don't want to become one those idiots who get up and go to work every morning. I like to imagine a world where all barriers are removed and it's just predators praying on the weak, and fighting each other with no repercussions. Like the wild west only wilder. That's already how I'm living my life in a way, only covertly and dimmed down.

  63. @anon who "..bats .670 on the Macdonald triad"
    Are you Adam? I don't think lighting the fire for your aunt and wetting your bed make you a psychopath.

  64. Mis, looks like you don't have much other choice, right?

    I know brokers who work in no-window offices, eighty hours a week, years in a row in New York. Then they burn out and leave for some deserted island, but by then they can afford to buy the island.

    The later in life this boredom hits the better. It happens for everyone at some point in their lives, socios just get there faster.

  65. We already live in that world. It just isn't openly discussed. People who are in the larger picture powerless always talk about leveling the playing field so that things are simpler. When I see the way I want the world I see legions marching in my name, singing my praises, and deifying me. Anarchy is stupid. It stops progress. There always has to be a top dog. The rest obviously follow suit. The fact that there is duality of dog eat dog and socialized procedures always one to scale the classes. Step on those weaker then you to raise yourself up while clawing at those above you so that you may one day stand atop their shoulders.

  66. I realize I dominate every fucking conversation in every meeting.

    I am like an enthusiastic puppy when it comes to participation, also I know too much about many areas, so have a lot to say, quite opinionated, and don't know how to hold back. If I did it is as if it would be dishonest to knowingly hold back info. I don't know how to manipulate I just ask straight, and actually get just about everything I want done.

    I can't lie much either because I actually think I don't need anything bad enough to bother spending my energy on lying.

    Total opposite of socio in a way, no? But, I actually think I have many socio traits.

    Someone, tell me a mantra/thought to keep in my mind during tomorrow evening's meeting so I do not dominate the meeting.

    Kesu, do you feel like kicking again? And, did you figure out why you felt like kicking the other day? Was that yesterday?

  67. i am gonna have grilled chicken again... fast grilled, a touch blackened, moist inside, crunchy outside, delicious chickennnnnnnn....

  68. I think it was because there was this mocking and self pity tone to your post. Plus I was in a bad mood Saturday. However today I don't feel like kicking you. Instead wanna make babies?

  69. When I'm in a position of authority/dominance I function flawlessly with overwhelming energy, however it's completely sapped when I'm not known or somebody has control over me in some way, I feel powerless, I have hard time figuring out how people work sometimes, I just freeze when I have no aura going into certain situations.

  70. The playing field is more levelled now than in would be in my vision of the world. There are rules and laws set in place to protect the weak. Remove all of that and it would be like blowing up a dam overlooking a town. I like the idea of overy man for himself. Turn the world into one big free for all and see who comes out on top. That's just an idea though. I do what I can with what I've got and I'm always on the look out for new opportunities.

  71. kesu, i'll take the fun but leave the babies. like my tummy flat, abs firm (not stretched or stretch-marked, yikes).

    so no mantra, no tips for the meeting? oh, boy...

  72. The sociopaths wet dream job has already been fulfilled, it's called being the dictator of you're country, surely it doesn't get much better.

  73. Rules are fun though Misanthrope. You make you think in creative ways to get around them and still achieve your objective. Really in life there are no rules just barriers that must be bypassed.

  74. absolutely.. rules are meant to be broken.. make some, break some.. it's the effort the thinking you put into making rules that make your brain larger, it is that figuring out if there can be a simple systematic way to deal with the barriers that make the solutions, the winning, not the rules.

    tick, tock, trick, trock......

  75. @sceli Fine by me. I ride bareback though and I don't pull out.

    @Adam thanks Capt. Obvious. May we have another?

  76. Sceli's mantra:

    I am pure in spirit when I save my ammo for a rainy day.

  77. It's not hard working your way up in a company if you skip the overly bureaucratic ones, and have a "Type A" style drive. I don't consider myself a Type A person, but from the outside, that's how I seem.

    I walk into a room and people notice me, when I lose a day's work my boss and my associates miss me, and when I do more in one day, flawlessly, than what most of the schumks pull off in a week, it's not at all hard to 'stand out'.

    I've only ever been in one 'dead end' job before, and it only lasted a little over a month. It was literally strangled with bureaucracy, the pay was deplorable, and the people were hideous (literally and figuratively) but it's what I needed until I got a real job in the area.

    Office life is only hell if you choose to start it in hell to begin with. Especially in the tech industry where most of the gifted folks are socially inept, it isn't at all hard to gather a flock.

  78. ALIENATED SOCIOPATHS have never developed the ability to love, empathize, or affiliate in real life with another person. Dating and marriage relationships will be very barren and empty. They won't get along with the neighbors. They live in a shell. They have a cold, callous attitude toward human suffering or any social problem in the society they live in. They just don't care because it's outside their range of empathy. Most will believe they are justified in this because they feel they were cheated in some way themselves by society, and a few will be more than happy to rant and rave about it to anyone who listens. They are chronic complainers, and underneath it all, they would like to see nothing better than all of society destroyed.

    now, who does this sound like?

  79. "ALIENATED SOCIOPATHS have never... bla bla bla" Jesus I'm tired of this post. We see it roughly every 3 to 4 days. For future reference anons stfu if you are about to tell us what a sociopath is. I am tired of you copying some random Google search web link that you came across and posting it like it is new or relevant. Say something original you sheep.

  80. kes, please, for the love of god, just be silent. you're so whiney, and please stop, just stop, trying to play the tough guy. you don't get to a say when it come to what I and others post, so don't try to interfere with what you cannot control. i'm not forcing you to read my comments....but thanks anyway. (:

  81. ALIENATED SOCIOPATH: Hey do you have a light?

    JESUS: I am the light. (pulls out a lighter)

    ALIENATED SOCIOPATH: You and I are not much different. (blows smoke rings)

    JESUS: Yes, we do both tend to our "flocks" yet at least I don't chronically complain about my purpose in the food chain.

  82. I can blow smoke rings around all of you.

  83. Right because asking people to stop is how all the tough guys act now a days. STFU you ignorant piece of shit. If you had a shred of uniqueness in you you wouldn't be posting the same fucking thing we see all the time. You are so pathetic and low that you can't even manage to make your own name so you are at least identifiable. Instead you sit behind your anon title and happily disassociate anything that is said to you that you dislike. Grow some balls you small weak pathetic faggot.

  84. wow, kes. calm down before you damage yourself(or your keyboard). I never meant to upset you so deeply. ):

  85. Soulful:

    THANK YOU! That will definitely do, absolutely.

    I very much respect your way with words, your on the spot creations, the stuff you pull out of those curves (of your brain).

  86. THE SAME FUCKING THING: What do you want to do today?

    PATHETIC AND LOW: Sit behind an anon title and blow smoke rings.

    THE SAME FUCKING THING: Wanna go get a beer?

    PATHETIC AND LOW: No, I'm not very good at relationships.

    THE SAME FUCKING THING: It's just a beer.

    PATHETIC AND LOW: I'm kind of emo and touchy today. How about playing Black Ops?

  87. A kid asked a British Airways pilot how come airplanes don't have babies. The pilot said 'son, it's because at British Airways we always pull out on time."

  88. SW Good Fiction with high functioning PDsApril 11, 2011 at 6:20 PM

    Sunday was so slow, where were you all? What fun did you have? Tell us

    1. August
    2. The Girl on the Bridge

  89. @post
    why did you ask me this question?

    Postmodern Sociopath said...

    Also, squeless, are you seeing anyone right now?

    April 10, 2011 9:05 PM

  90. squeless: Why not?

    Also, you ruffle Not Able's feathers in a pleasant way.

  91. :) you meant well. good.

  92. Mmm. Well that was an overly angry read. Do try to relax. Be calm. I'd offer you some chamomile tea but I just bought these cups and you'd probably break them. Well, that and this is the internet.

  93. what r u referring to?

  94. Hey people, I have a question. My ex has BPD, which makes her a bitch to deal with now that she's dating my closest friends, as she gets around with people beautifully, all the while being hyperemotional to me. Which I don't mind. I've devised a plan to get rid of her but can't without losing my friends as collateral. Which I will not do, as my friends are very important to me. What do I do? (I know all her weaknesses, I know all her family weaknesses and I know how to exploit them all...but my friends are in the crosshairs as well...)

    Please, no annoying comments about how weak this is. I'm aware. And her exploiting one of my only weaknesses pisses me off to no end.

  95. So what do I do? Destroy her or slowly ease her away from my friends?

  96. Your friends are important to you?

    Somehow I doubt an NT visiting a sociopath blog to seek advice to get rid of a BPD and retain friends, has a chance in hell.

    Try saying that ten times fast!

  97. Aaron, rise up to the occasion and just be a superhero, so what if she gets under your skin. Better to have someone who can name your "kryponite" then be blinded by delusional ignorance. If she is that problemantic your friends will grow tired of her. And who has the power here? Look at all your precious time you are focusing on her. You are on the war path. And you miss the good times don't you. That's your humanity.

  98. Out of pure curiousity do any of you have a person who you would go out of your way not to hurt?

  99. I don't bother to try to hurt people I care about. I just walk away from them. If I ain't walking and I hurt you, consider it a compliment. I expect to be schooled from the people I respect. I give the same back. Call it abuse, call it what you like. There's timing, and tact, when to be brutally honest, when to step away quietly... They are the challenges for me.

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