
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sociopaths in literature: "The Trojan Prince"

"He wants to tell her all about himself, his future. He feels how fascinating he is to her -- it's as if she were attached to him by some glistening thread, which he can tug this way and that, and she'll turn her head, with its coil of heavy hair, to attend to whatever he shows her. He's aware of his own body, slim and hard beneath the dense cloth of his dark suit. It begins to fascinate him, too, this power that belongs to his looks, to his nature."

--Tessa Hadley


  1. Ah narcissism... beautiful to the self... nauseating to everyone else. But f*** everyone else. It's our own ego that matters :)

  2. Dudes, do you have a PDF version of any books about sociopath?

    Please help!

  3. I hate it when I hear someone joke about the Holocaust. It's just so wrong, Anne Frankly, I won't stand for it.

  4. It begins to fascinate him, too, this power that belongs to his looks, to his nature."

    and to his bullshit..

  5. Did he sociopathed?

  6. It's pretty funny that all some of you see when you read this is narcissism and "bullshit." Is it too hard to believe that someone who loves power could, should they truly have an intoxicating appearance, be fascinated with that power and seek to understand it? There's a lot of overlap between narcissism and sociopathy, but the devil is in the details... the narcissist is fascinated by how awesome he thinks he is, whether it's real or not. The sociopath is fascinated by the power itself, seeks to understand it, and seeks ways to exloit it. Those are afterthoughts to the narcissist. I found this quote very fitting for the blog.

  7. Hitler is at an edge of a cliff with two of his generals and they are arranging jews in certain formations and then they push them off the cliff.

    One of the generals that weren't there to begin with come and ask Hitler:"Mein Fuhrer, what are you doing?"

    And Hitler replies:"Tetris"

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Beauty and power?

    A deadly concoction in the hands of a Machiavellian sociopath. I can't imagine how many lives he has destroyed for his own desires.

    That girl is his pawn. Poor thing.

  10. Until the guy gets old and bloated.

    That is something that beauty is rarely prepared for.

  11. Why such a limited outlook, Medusa?

    There are many ugly people who are quite beautiful. There's just something about the way they walk, talk, and look at the world, that invites admiration. It's the way all of these things come together, the way they compliment their appearance, and vice versa, that transforms them into a living piece of art.

    Take marilyn manson, for example. There's something beautiful about that man, despite how utterly hideous he is. Do you think that's an accident? You can go on thinking that beauty will only get you so far, but if you truly understand it, it can be an asset throughout your entire life.

    Blind faith in your beauty will leave you unprepared, sure. But that's not what this quote is about, now is it?

  12. "Take marilyn manson, for example. There's something beautiful about that man, despite how utterly hideous he is"

    No, just no.

  13. That would be your opinion, Adam.

  14. Reminds me of Dorian Gray.

  15. Whoa. Marilyn Manson is not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. He may be intelligent and charming or whatever, but he treats women like shit and is resentful as all get out.

    I'm talking about people who place all of their power in their physical prowess. It fades. And when it does, what do you have left? Nothing but the same resentfulness that Manson has.

    Most people would find my taste in men (physically speaking) questionable. It's their attitude more than anything that makes them attractive.

    Physical beauty is not prepared for the aging process. Other kinds of beauty are.

  16. Anon 12:15

    You know you're right. But too many beautiful people come to rely on that beauty and when it's gone so are they. I find some people who are ugly to be quite interesting and wonderful. But I don't know many people who can see that part of a person so easily.

    What is this quote really about to you? How she is?

  17. Thankfully you can look great at any age in today's world, that's if you want it hard enough. There are 60 year old's who enter bodybuilding tourneys, they still look great. A slim old guy who dresses well and has a presentable demeanor has just as much of a chance of getting a girl.

  18. I spent some time thinking about Jeff Goldblum yesterday. He's near 60.

    Double-standard, though, that the only female in that age range that the media thinks is hot is Helen Mirren.

    Like she's some sort of alien creature, or mutation.

  19. It's that glistening thread !!!!

  20. mike - this is quite an interesting read.

    there is certainly a difference between attractive and beautiful. there is no point in dating someone who is just beautiful - you don't want to fuck a beach at sunset - there is definitely a lot to be said for personality and chemistry when finding someone attractive.

  21. Medusa, I think we're seeing eye to eye, differences of opinion aside.

    Grace, I don't think I can explain what the quote is about, because honestly, I don't know. But I can explain to you what I see in the words, which is a man who is keenly aware of his attractive presence, but who is just beginning to realize how much influence it affords him. He seems as though he's beginning to recognize the true potential of power that he's always taken for granted, rarely having given it a second thought. He sounds, to me at least, like a man who will be paying more attention to such things.

  22. Only half of that describes me. I have no interest in telling my partners about myself, or my future, unless it's something they ask or is part of a handy anecdote.

    I want to know about them.

  23. How about changing it to;
    he wants to impress her with the power of holding the future itself in him.

  24. I don't know. I think M.E. is telling us he decided to jettison the vacation and have the fling instead.

    I hope she's an even match, M.E. Have fun. :)

  25. Sounds cheesy and self-defeating. That's just setting up disappointment. I couldn't give a fuck about the future most of the time.

  26. Now that we are on the topic on power, has anyone gone through the book "The 48 laws of power", it was suggested by M.E in an earlier blogpost for sociopaths to reach higher levels and gain impulse control, even if they never become powerful.

  27. Don't you ever fake it Note?

  28. 48 Laws of Power is a newfangled The Prince or The Art of War, but with a lot more pages to trudge through.

  29. Why would I read that book? I can guarantee you I already know and utilize whatever is in there, and probably more.

    And no, I don't fake having some grand plan for the future. I tell people I'm capricious and in the moment. I have no interest in being with a lover who can't handle who I am in regards to such.

    Most people will take a little bit of bad as long as their is enough apparent good to go with it.

  30. Notable, are you really stupid enough to allow your arrogance to get in the way of power? You haven't even read the book, yet you are certain that you understand every detail, every little nuance, of what it says, despite the fact that you don't know what it says.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Notable is a textbook example of the narcissist I described above, who is consumed not with power and its inner workings, but with his own presumed superiority. Men like him are prisoners of their own egos, and, as "THREE" so aptly observed, induce nausea in everyone they meet.

    Humor me with a rational response, Notable... what makes you sure enough to guarantee that you already know that which you do not know? I don't expect an answer, of course, because you know as well as I do that your words were moronic, but, if you do care to try, I'll happily read what you have to say.

  31. Notable is a personality usurper, that's his power.

    This time around it was UKan's sentiment that was shoplifted.

  32. Ah Note, so clinical and professional sounding. How I'd love to see the personas you create. If yours are as successful and flawless as you make them sound, there is hope for us all.

  33. Anon, it's like preaching to the quire. It's like telling a professional pianoist to read a book about how to play the piano.

    TNP already practices exploitation, and even gives pointers.

  34. I see, and what do you think of the rationale behind today's choice?

  35. Jason, really? Quire? Choir.

  36. Yeah, if that pianist had convinced himself that he was the best in the world and had nothing new to learn about playing, ever.

    That analogy doesn't work, Jason.

  37. Jason, do you think professional pianists do not read books on music? Do you think there is nothing that even the greatest musician, or in this case manipulator, could not learn from another professional? It's his choice, of course, to limit his opportunities, but again, only pathological arrogance would lead a man to assume that he knows everything. And without knowing what the book contains, that is exactly what he's asserting.

    But, given Medusa's comments, perhaps it's best if I shut my mouth and observe for a while. I think I'll do that.

  38. How about this,

    What if he feels he is fine the way he is now?

  39. That's fine, but that isn't what he said.

  40. I believe in the challenges of probability.

    What if he is more skilled then the author of the book. We really cannot prove it.

  41. Jason isn't wrong.
    In my experience only a certain degree of introspection along with life experience is needed to control innate strengths.

    I presume the book is a How to. I don't need a book to tell me how to love people or see the best in them. Get it?

    There's also another kind of arrogance btw - the assumption that all knowledge is to be found in books and in others.

  42. It is better not to assume anything. But to judge things only when you know about them. However it is sometimes necessary.

  43. I'm glad someones finally noticed. This bloke Not Able came here at first with this mary poppins High Functioning sociopath nerdy shite. After everyone took a big shit on him he's trying the tough guy approach.
    Nobodies fooled. Especially when you use words like 'proper' and 'looksie'. I'm sure in America you sound like a greater fool.

  44. Bored bored bored! And to illustrate this...

  45. To me this quote speaks of a man who has reserved his nurturing instincts for himself, which often translates to a type of seductive heroism on the page, but to wearying self-centredness off it because such people tend to be unaware of other people's needs or uninterested in meeting them.

    It's interesting that this man's statement of his beauty is taken at face value because there are many people who feel this way about themselves who don’t have beauty, which is always grimly fascinating to observe.

    However, I don't doubt that such certainty is attractive to many people who view it as a strength - like physical beauty - that they can try to catch the reflected light from to make up for feelings of being less than.

    Personally, while I find physical beauty as compelling and tantalising as the next person, I've always been aware it can more easily pull us into dangerous shadows, because in the natural world beauty is often a mask for deadliness or a warning of it.

    I imagine that possessing physical beauty is akin to possessing perhaps the greatest of psychological weapons - particularly because most people are curiously blinkered to the fact that physical beauty is indifferent to inner goodness yet tend to equate the two or overlook negative character traits because it makes them feel good to look at it. Oh to be celebrated and elevated just for being :)

  46. I bet I am 10x more bored then you are.

    HAHA I win.

  47. I doubt that. And it hasn't escaped my notice that you are yet to win anything here.

    Sea witch, I'm not sure I've ever been fascinated by physical beauty myself. I prefer people who are intelligent or cunning, however the search for true perfection is futile. Everyone has flaws.

  48. How about this, then.

    Tell me, what is part of the 48 laws of power that a sociopath wouldn't inherently know already? Would it be a long list?

    What pearls of wisdom could be in there about gaining power and exploiting others that I wouldn't already know?

    If my arrogance is nauseating, then step away from my presence where your weak nose and sensibilities can be spared.

  49. Nobody likes ugly people. They did this study where they made a bunch of few month old babies look at photos of people and choose the one that they liked best. Almost all of them went for the more attractive ones. I think that beauty is only skin deep. I don't care about what lies underneath because it doesn't matter, and it's uninteresting.

  50. HAHA at notable, you're not incorporating what is written in the 48 laws of power into your life, regardless of whether you could figure them all out.

  51. Notable, you can't erase your irrational proclamations by asking questions. You have two choices... evade or confront, and there's no need to mask your evasion as confrontation. We're all adults here. I hope. If not, then you have my apologies for putting you in an unfair situation.

  52. Notable can read books with his mind

  53. Wait, wasn't it one of Ukon's aliases that told me that sociopathic skills cannot be learned?

    Why is he insinuating that TNP would be able to learn more from a book?

  54. Do you get easily bored with women Misanthrope?

  55. The only irrational proclamation here is that someone sociopathic wouldn't know how to achieve and exercise power and exploitation, because they didn't read it from a book.


  56. UKan, sits around wearing new era hats, and throwing up phony gang signs on facebook pictures. Don't listen to what he has to say, he is deluded by his gangster image.

  57. Jason said...

    I believe in the challenges of probability.

    What if he is more skilled then the author of the book. We really cannot prove it.

    February 6, 2011 3:59 PM
    Blogger notme said...

    Jason isn't wrong.
    In my experience only a certain degree of introspection along with life experience is needed to control innate strengths.

    I presume the book is a How to. I don't need a book to tell me how to love people or see the best in them. Get it?

    There's also another kind of arrogance btw - the assumption that all knowledge is to be found in books and in others.

    You're both missing the point. Notable declared that he knew everything there is to know about power, by saying he knew everything that the unknown could teach him. Not only is that impossible, but it's self-defeating, as one of the best ways to gain power is through the acquisition of knowledge and control of your own ego. He's making a fool of himself, and you're dragging yourselves down right along with him. Quite curious that you'd do that, actually. Might I ask why you bother?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Fuck off notable, your no one proclaimed that. You said that you know what is in the book without reading it. Just give up for the day

  60. Either way who the hell cares what he wrote. As if it is abnormal on this blog for someone to write something that doesn't make sense or that they didn't mean

  61. I like to cut my toenails coz I prefer to let them grow.

  62. It's funny how the very same person telling everyone to be adults continues to post under anonymous, failing at insulting.

    TNP was right, you are a moron.

  63. My point that your simple mind could not grasp was that one does not need to read a modern book to learn the art of creating, stealing, and wielding power. It's gained through experience and peripheral knowledge. Perhaps this book is some sort of, sociopathic gem, but the reality is that there probably is not many adult sociopaths who would find it useful, as I'd wager most of the contents would be congruent with what they already know.

    You've failed to answer my question, or prove any sort of point. The only thing you've accomplished is throwing your fists in the air, angered by my arrogance, one which you have utterly failed to ground, and only bolster by your weak resolve.

  64. I guess my simple mind cannot grasp as to why you've repeated the same thing in the last three posts. You're not an expert on power notable.

    "I guarantee I already know and utilize everything that is in there" right, I'm sure you do, you are clearly an idiot.

  65. That's certainly one way to learn, yes. Your failing, and the failing of all of your "followers" is that you're restricted to that sort of one-dimensional thinking. Imagine, for a moment, that the world were really so simple that there would only be one way to learn. Imagine how disgusting our society would be if our minds were truly so feeble that we couldn't apply what we read to the knowledge we already have! We might as well gnaw on bones and play fetch all day!

    Notable, it's not that your point didn't hit home. Believe me, it's painted all over your posts. It's that your point is, for lack of a better way of putting it, stupid.

  66. I don't think you are getting it anon.

    Would you need to read a book about the skill of walking? No. You already have mastered it, you have been practicing walking all of your life.

    Can you get better at walking?

    Same thing with power, TNP and other socios manipulate like we walk. They don't need a book on it. They already think in terms of themselves and how to use others.

  67. ^ Stop posting under my name ^

  68. Are you so simple, Jason, as to believe that power is as simple as walking?

  69. Where did you get these ideas from Jason, Wikipedia? a little blog written by a heartbroken woman; or your own imagination? It's cute that you still think of sociopaths that way, but what you just said is akin to saying that because someone already goes to work everyday they can't get better at work. Jason started out as a troll account and I'm starting to think that he still is one.

  70. Jason doesn't have any thoughts or beliefs of his own. If TNP told him tha 1+1=3 he'd believe him.

  71. 'you're dragging yourselves down right along with him. Quite curious that you'd do that, actually. Might I ask why you bother?'

    If i cared enough i'd be curious as to why you're so curious.
    Dragging ourselves down? Really?
    You assume I care what you think.
    I stated my opinion, if you must know. Isn't that self-evident?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Don't take it personally, notme. I haven't made any assumptions about you. I'm just trying to find out who has a mind of their own.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Wait, wouldn't going to work everyday make you better at work?

    He doesn't need to read a book to get better at power or exploitation. He has gotten better without books.

    Also, just because I do not agree with you doesn't mean I am a troll,considering the fact that you post under 5 different anonymous names to back yourself up.

  76. Of course there are multiple ways to learn, you dolt.

    You're so caught up in being right that you can't step away and accept the simple truth that a sociopath naturally specializes in exploitation, manipulation, and power (through a need for control).

    But of course, experts in the field know less than you do, least of all the sociopaths.

    Moron doesn't accurately describe your gross stupidity.

  77. "He doesn't need to read a book to get better at power or exploitation. He has gotten better without books."

    And you know this how?

  78. Because of things he has said.

    For example:

    "Using masks is like first nature to me"


    "If wearing a mask exhausts you then you are not really psychotic"

    Also if you do a simple google search, manipulation is something that a sociopath is good at.

  79. "Also if you do a simple google search, manipulation is something that a sociopath is good at."

    No shit~

  80. But you aren't an expert, Notable. Are you a senator? Are you the president? The emperor of some faraway land? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be wasting your time here, with me.

    You're not an expert, Notable. You're a peon. A dog that presumes himself a master, though he never even leaves the yard. Ironic, don't you think?

    Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, if you went out of your way to supplement your experience that you might be capable of reaching higher than the dog bowl? It's something to think about.

    I'll let you in on a little secret. I have a few natural talents of my own, and while I'm better at what I do than many professionals, there's something to be learned from all of them. I don't stay on top of my game by living in Camelot, as King Arthur, chosen ruler, who has to do nothing but pull a sword from a stone to earn his merit. I may not be able to speak as a sociopath, but I can speak as someone who consistently bests the opposition and has learned a great deal from life. Can you say the same? (of course you can, you can say anything here)

  81. Nowhere will it say in the search that they got good at it through reading a book you imbecile.

  82. I never said we did Jason. I don't give a fuck about this argument. I just see you hanging on TNP's every word and it sickens me. Cant you think for yourself?

  83. It's not hanging on to his every word as much as taking sides

  84. Just ignore him, Misanthrope. He's irrelevant.

  85. No, he's my entertainment for the night. My plans got cancelled.

    Its not so much taking sides as it is clinging on to someone else because your to weak to cut it on your own.

  86. Fair enough. Enjoy, then.

  87. Who wants to be the emperor when you can be the man behind the scenes pulling the real strings of power with as little responsibility or blow-back as possible?

    If anyone needs to read up on wielding real power, it's you.

  88. Hmm weakness?

    If you weren't weak, you would not need to waste any more time on me. I am someone who cannot think for themselves, remember?

    If you were strong you would realize I am not worth your time and not waste anymore time trying to bash someone you don't know, and someone who is laughing at your projection of insecurity.

    I have to go, so you can entertain yourself. I recommend a dating site for you. Or some cam chat.


  89. "I have to go"

    I'm not surprised. We'll talk later.

  90. Actually we won't. I won't be talking to you.

  91. Oh, and is that person you? I think not.

    Listen, you keep coming at this with the same tired old strategy of deflection. Quite frankly, it's getting boring. But give it a few months, and you can bet I'll be back for more.

    Enjoy your night, fido.

  92. Anon. Go get some sleep dear. Trolling hours are over.
    Your insults clothed in concern aren't original here at all.
    And saying I have no mind of my own, is pretty laughable. You need to guage people better. Ooh, go read a How to on it.

  93. I thought you we're going, Jesus! (:

  94. I thought you said you were going.

  95. Who wants to be the emperor when you can be the man behind the scenes pulling the real strings of power with as little responsibility or blow-back as possible?

    Ah, a puppet master at the local children's theater.

  96. "Actually we won't. I won't be talking to you."

    I think I hurt his feelings.

  97. In my department at my corporation, I am. I created my own position and team, and our productivity has quadrupled since I took the reigns while my boss handles the influx of workload drama with our client.

    What are you?

    Just some fairy in tights, all grouchy because his panties are in a bunch.

    The only advantage you have is your tired, dogged approach. You've been constantly deflecting this whole time, evading the point, questions, and doing your best to look right without actually making a point.

    The only thing you've accomplished is letting the last nail of your own coffin be hammered in.

  98. In my department at my corporation, I am. I created my own position and team, and our productivity has quadrupled since I took the reigns while my boss handles the influx of workload drama with our client.


  99. I can't resist... so you're telling me that you're the man behind the scenes, pulling the strings of the emperor of your tiny little department at work? Do you have his salary, too? Regardless, that's very commendable! I'm truly in awe of your skill.

    Also, thanks for the productivity report. I need another increase of 20% by the end of the year. Do it or you're canned.

    (OK, I'm leaving for real this time. I've always had a hard time putting down the controller.)

  100. Jason, enjoy the pricks in this place. There's a few of them as you can see.

  101. Peter Pan, I've gotta say, yours is the best sociopath blog I've seen yet.

  102. I ejoy my sad little life, along with my delusions of grandior. Please stop hurting me with the truth. :(

  103. You haven't done anything Not Able, but talk. I know plenty of narccissists like you. If you knew what was in the 48 laws of power and followed it instinctively you wouldn't have the crowd turning on you every given minute. You don't know how to gain or exercise power. People like you could read a book like that and still have no idea how to implement anything in it.

  104. Welcome back to hell Pete. Missed your sarcasm and shock value.

  105. Law 16. Use absence to increase respect and honor.

    I suggest that you follow this one religiously, Not able.

  106. Hmm. Someone just offered me money and drugs for sex, and while I genuinely considered it. I just don't care about money or drugs that much. What would you do if offered that?

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  110. It's easy for you to pick up your own feces and throw it at those above you, with nothing to show but your own insecurity and contempt. It doesn't change the fact that you have shit all over your hands and running down your legs.

    On the topic of gleaning information for the betterment of skills. Someone who specializes in something can find inspiration and insight from various works to better their skills. They don't pick up the Skill X for Dummies edition.

  111. *shrugs* Sex is bartered for in many ways that don't involve direct financial transactions and prostitution is just another way to make a living *if* it's voluntary between consenting adults.

    I also believe it's universal and unavoidable so should be decriminalised for purposes of protection with regards to reducing the negative consequences of it experienced by people who are exploited by abusers.

    It's outrageous that abuse can't be reported, and, I believe an infringement on human rights. The Dutch policy on prostitution is encouragingly progressive and has also been effective in combating human trafficking.

    Would I have sex for money? I suppose one-night stands are a much more vanilla version, albeit without the financial benefit, and you also get to pick your punters (based on who you imagine your punters to be.)

    If I needed to out of rock-bottom financial desperation and had some sort of assurance against abuse I would but it will never be a career choice - only ever a last choice - for me.

  112. Hmm, it was the lack of being in charge that made me decide against it. Plus being in that kind of anonymous situation, I don't know what I'd do. Too... risky.

  113. I don't care much for drugs, and I have more than enough money, so I don't see them as being motivations to sell my body. What would motivate me, or you? Personally I can't think of something material off the top of my head.

  114. Excitement was what I was hoping for but it doesn't take long to realise even in a public place or under any kind of extreme circumstance it would be mundane. And so continues the search for release from boredom.

  115. I've had a lot of fun with spontaneous sex in public areas, but only with two of my partners who weren't total prudes. Maybe if it was with more people/more habitual it would have become boring...

    The scenario does sound kind of exciting, I admit. But being the sub in the situation doesn't sound terribly attractive.

  116. To Jason and to Notable
    "What pearls of wisdom could the '48 Laws' say about gaining power and exploiting others that I wouldn't already know?"

    Specifically, all of Robert Greene's books cover history and historical figures. The true wisdom of all his books is in the storytelling. Not his storytelling; the wisdom is in the stories of those who have weld power before us. The reader also comes away with an understanding of the timeless nature of how power and seduction curve its tail around our limited human life span and lives beyond us.

    Entertainment is a pleasure. How many films/television shows do we see which convey the same story. Repetition is part entertainment, part learning. Just think of sex.

  117. I told this girl yesterday night that if you like to fuck you minds well get paid for it.

  118. TNP. I think that may have been part of it. If I'm going to be in a rape fantasy I have no desire to be the victim, especially when the other person involved is incapable of committing rape. There's something inherently pathetic about that.

  119. The stories in that book are epic. Con artists, whores, kings, and queens, you can't get a better backround.

  120. Hm, that's a very interesting point, SoulfulPath. I guess when you put it that way, it does make sense/sound intriguing. It's a pity you showed up so late, too! It is one thing, knowing and using a concept. It is another to see it used masterfully.

    Bah, that doesn't sound very fun, tn. I think that's why people like rape/strangling/beating styles of sex, because it's flirting with real danger that could very well, possibly happen. I can only speculate, though. With people I've been with in scenarios like that, I make sure they genuinely are in some state of fear. It makes the sex that much better.

  121. Rape fantasies are about the person being 'raped' feeling they have no choice so that they can act on their desires. Many women have such a fantasy because patriarchal society instills shame in them for wanting sex.

  122. Hmm, people do like to flirt with danger, this evening somebody said to me, knowing that people like us exist makes their life "that little bit more exciting" because I am "unpredictable".
    Unfortunately they are terribly predictable to me.

  123. Is that true, ladies? I admit I've never asked on an intellectual level...

    Do men have common sex fantasies of the violent nature? Do they vary from hetero to bi/gay?

    I admit, I don't know very much in the particular subject.

  124. Women have rape fantasies because the raw primal nature of the impulse. It has nothing to do with patriarchy. It has everything to do with the communal nature of culture and the removal of such culture to express the raw impulse for both the male and the female. Rape in war is a different animal though.

  125. I've never had a rape fantasy soulful. But then I've never had any real specific fantasy either way. Sex is sex, who cares what it's about or who its with.


    Political Satire

  127. Okay guys, we know some of the pros of being a sociopath, but can someone give me the cons?

  128. * Apparent lack of remorse[4] or empathy for others
    * Persistent lying or stealing
    * Cruelty to animals[5]
    * Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
    * A history of childhood conduct disorder
    * Recurring difficulties with the law
    * Promiscuity
    * Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
    * Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
    * Inability to tolerate boredom
    * Poor or abusive relationships
    * Irresponsible work behavior
    * Disregard for safety

    Believe it or not, you don't need any of these traits to be diagnosed a psychopath, the core features of a psychopath are emotional shallowness and a grandiose self worth, so in that case since this blog is named sociopathworld, the majority of you would fit the antisocial personality disorder, true?

  129. Soulful path: Bullshit. Women have no primal impulse to be raped. Its certain women (and men) not all.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Perhaps most of us have some/all of those traits. What's your point?

  132. Uhm Ive barely ever been in trouble with the law, I don't steal or do stupid things like that, I'm almost a model citizen apart from my private life, I'm a domineering bastard once i get settled in.

  133. Lack of remorse - Very true
    Persistent lying/stealing - Lying
    Cruelty to animals - Yes
    Poor behavioral controls - Yes
    Child conduct disorder - Yes
    Difficulties with the law - Never
    Promiscuity - No, sex is degrading
    Abusive relationships - Highly
    Irresponsible work behavior - Yes
    Disregard for safety - For others
    Inability to tolerate boredom - Yes
    Often violent behavior - Definitely
    Violate rights of others - Yes

  134. Point well taken UKan. Generalizations murder the best comments. Rape and pillage my previous post.

  135. With all due respect Adam you spit in your aunts soup. You're pathetic.

  136. Only a sociopath in my fantasiesFebruary 6, 2011 at 11:09 PM

    Soulfulpath, I disagree. Rape fantasies are mostly about one person drawing from the will of another to feel intensely wanted by imagining the perpetrator's feelings towards them as powerful desire – most women aren't thinking about their mindset as a victim in their rape fantasies (fear) they're thinking about the mindset of the hot perpetrator (desire.) Obviously this has NOTHING to do with the reality of or motivations for rape in real life, and doesn't mean they ever want to be raped, but in their fantasies where they're safe, in control, and powerful through their allure it suits them to take a hell of a lot of poetic license and interpret assault as unstoppable desire for them.

  137. This blog has become too intellectual-I'm going to another.
    ugh what a fucking bore you bloggers have become. Who the hell is JASON? What happened to sickjokeguy? Funny Bit was better than this insufferable drivel.

  138. How come Notme? Been to the dentist?

  139. i love tn, i've not been flossing recently and smoking lots.
    I think it's mainly my headache though, which is ok news if that's what it is.

  140. dental professional's asstFebruary 6, 2011 at 11:21 PM

    come to me, notme I have a degree in "dentistry"

  141. Head hurty, too? Roofie in my chair? I am the professional. Trust me

  142. YAYYY!!!! I'm coming! What kind of tools do you have?

  143. Whatever *yawn*

  144. you have been DRInKinG too much .. Hydrate thyself with the power of WATER

  145. Pick and axe. Sledgehammer, chainsaw. The usual

  146. Insufferable Drivel, it's just too much of a turn on for some.

  147. Drivel, don't like that book that ass recommended?

  148. You're bored now. Predictable. Bored is boring. Freak.

  149. Only a Sociopath in my fantasies . . . well stated "poetic license and interpret assault as unstoppable desire for them." Creative license is the only true cure for boredom. "Trojan Prince" fuck me now.

  150. In my humble opinion, getting raped is about letting another take the reigns for a change. A woman who is tired of making all her decisions wants a rape fantasy. A man who both knows her AND is smarter than she can give the best rape.

  151. ukan said:"Many women have such a fantasy because patriarchal society instills shame in them for wanting sex."

    Not in this^ anon's case.

  152. Well, I like the idea because I'm extremely submissive and like to be overpowered, controlled and hurt. Not because society makes me feel guilty about sex, and not because I usually have too much control, since I avoid it.

  153. Don't welcome me back just yet, UKan. My routine started to feel monotonous, and the only thing I can do here aside from insulting people is... well, join in. As much as I'd like to believe I can do that, I can't, and beyond that, I don't have much desire to. I'll settle for guest appearances every now and then.

  154. gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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