
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sociopath song: The games you play

From R. Goose:


  1. How many sociopathic songs are there.

  2. I have all these songs on my iPod I rename them all to sociopath, so people will know who they are dealing with.

  3. Oh your sooo

  4. I bet that if you try to tell someone Badass Sociopath that you are a sociopath they will all laugh.

  5. Love this song, got it on loop-JD

    1. Lo studio Dentistico Roma Dottori Damis Resta Rossi Iommetti è situato nell'elegante quartiere Prati di Roma ed opera nel settore odontoiatrico dal 2005.

  6. Have you been involved with someone andyou realized they knew the game and played it?

    Where does it go when they try switching it up?

  7. What game are you talking about tik? Because for example seduction is a game that everybody knows and plays.

    There's also the game of domination that everybody knows as well.

    What game are you talking about?

  8. I might be mistaken about the domination game. Maybe not everybody knows it. But I always play it as if all around me know it. Thing is that when you win in this game there are reactions so that makes me believe that all people know it...

  9. I don't get it when other say they like playing mind games with their "victims" i find all that stuff a waste of time, why would you give someone that amount of time? I think Misanthrope would agree with me that physical violence and breaking self esteem is the best form of exerting control.

  10. You're a badass Adam, that kind of stuff isn't for you anyway...

  11. Some of you have a shorter attention span, I think it will become longer the older you get.

    I ment alittle more then just suduction, how about a willing slave?

    LOL the domination, you know it's only common here.

    Word verification; pudes

  12. I asked a freind if she ever went with a sociopath and she said " I'm not getting down on my hands and knees and barking like a dog, for anyone" LOL

  13. An appropriate song, with a dreadful dancer...


    It's usually just natural on-the-fly behavior. Sometimes it isn't but when it comes to my partner specifically, it usually is. Most times I don't view them as games because that's just who I am. It's what I do.

  14. I've always wondered if these kind of mind games were intentionally or instinctive, not something thought about but acted on without thinking. My psycho ex always seemed to be twisting games and manipulations around me and our friends. However I didn't think he actually had the foresight to have long term planned out goals, it just seemed to do it when the moment struck.

  15. Because it's instintive, it's still grooming thats going on thru the manipulating the person toward what you want.

    If I had that ability to do this with people and with my job, I would f---king rule.

    But I don't get it!!!!!!!

  16. It happens without planning i sit back and let it go.

  17. Haven, I highly doubt you had a psychopathic ex. Cmon now every single chick has a psychopath ex? This is pathetic.

  18. @TNP

    read your comment on the new years post.

    Did you get steve fired yet? Or are you going to use him some more.

  19. "the best way to win a mind game is not to play"

  20. If you are even aware that you are in a game.


  21. @Adam... Lighten up. I don't know if my ex was actually a psychopath or not. However he was incredibly manipulative and deceptive. I'm just looking for insight, because clinically diagnosed or not, there are parallels and I'm curious.

  22. The best way to win a mind game is always be the one playing them

  23. "Incredibly manipulative" So his manipulation was incredible? or you find it incredible that he can manipulate so much? either way, what you said sounded stupid

  24. When I manipulate people I feel a sense of accomplishment. I love going home at night and reminiscing on getting perfect strangers to do what I want. Killing someone is something a majority of the population could do if put in the right circumstance.
    Beating someone makes living enemies. You can only beat on people that have no pride. Prideful people will come back on you immediately at the first given chance. If you beat up someone who's devious and leave him living he will set you up. Make enough enemies like that and you wont be
    able to walk around anymore.
    Manipulation is a subtle art. With it you can raise a army around you everywhere you walk. People do what you say and who's to say different. Once you have enough people promoting you the volunteers all come out.
    People who are killers don't run around advocating killing. Killing is a cost. War is a cost. Courts are a cost. Time is a cost. Real power is achieved by weighing costs and going with what's effective. Always start with negotiations and manipulation. Let people know your reasonable. When you need to use violence lure him into crossing you so when you strike you look like the good guy.

  25. Cool man.

    I love the art of people who manipulate.

  26. most people are aware of a mind game. they might not have the mental resources to fight it or they dont think its worth it. i know a girl who thought i was playing mindgames. she's in love with a guy that im friends with. she didnt want me to be friends with him anymore so she stopped being friends with me while she continues to still fawn over him. sometimes i think women are pathetic. i actually suspect she has sociopathic tendencies as well. women sociopaths are the worst next to murderers

  27. Most people don't understand mind games and manipulation. I don't think they I understand why somebody else would want to toy with them. I cant see a reason not to do it though. If you turn on the charm and make someone feel good about themselves, and then you turn it of without warning and make them feel like shit it really stresses them out. That's what I do alot of the time. If you put somebody in the cold for while, They love you even more when you bring them back into the warmth, especially if you can convince them that it's their own fault.

  28. What is a clear distinction between empathy and love?

  29. Most people don't understand mind games and manipulation. I don't think they I understand why somebody else would want to toy with them. I cant see a reason not to do it though. If you turn on the charm and make someone feel good about themselves, and then you turn it of without warning and make them feel like shit it really stresses them out. That's what I do alot of the time. If you put somebody in the cold for while, They love you even more when you bring them back into the warmth, especially if you can convince them that it's their own fault.

  30. Anon

    tough question.
    I'd say they are one and the same, love and empathy.
    Although, there are different kinds of love. But empathy is important for any kind of love.
    Love as possession is one some here may identify with. But it's different from love that comes from empathy, which means the expression of love is unconditional.

    Misanthrope, there's something seriously wrong with your posts - always doubled and delayed.

  31. empathy is important for any type of love
    notme you still don't get it - socios see people as their playthings; as objects. imagine the love you may have for your car, or some other object - you don't have empathy for an object.

  32. so if you say that empathy is important for love, does that mean you don't consider socios capable of love?

  33. Does getting your car repaired count as empathy

  34. Why are you asking me this question Res?

  35. How are we defining empathy here? 'Cause I'm not really sure what it is... the ability to tell how other people are feeling and feeling some amount of it yourself? Or the ability to tell what others are feeling and somehow reacting appropriately? Or something else?

    I'd say they're entirely different things, either way... love is more a feeling in itself, isn't it?

  36. because i'm bored and thought i would tie you up in logical knots :)
    going to bed now.

    medusa - i guess it depends on why you fixed your car. if it were for the car's benefit, rather than yours, then i guess it might be empathy :p

  37. love without understanding/sense is destructive, rendering the so-called love meaningless.

    Paramount in any kind of love, is care. Caring for someone and accepting them for who they are. That's my definition. It's not about taking, or controlling someone.

    so Res, there's my answer.

    (didn't log in-oops)

  38. :D Plausible deniability?

  39. notme, I believe love stripped bare is any number of emotions, related to a strong feeling of affection *and/or* attachment.

    You don't require compassion to love another person because of how they make you feel, but you do require compassion to love another person and care how they feel.

    The former usually 'just happens', and the latter is a conscious decision to love someone and then to do so.

    Neither is inherently more worthy, because we're all driven by selfish instincts, and both can be destructive to other people or ourselves.

    But reciprocal love *and* caring is, I'd wager, most people's ideal for the most part of their lives.

  40. I guarantee psychologists know exactly how to identify psychopaths through physical traits but they can't speak out because it would expose our leaders.

  41. The chances of a sociopath getting long term accomplishments are extremely slim, that is why most lie about being professionals.

  42. Beautifully said Sea Witch @9:17

    Love is an action. And the heart has a centering ability which is quiet fierce. To love unconditionally is quite a formidable stance. This is the action landscape of conviction, passion and purpose. Power drives are empty without fearlessness. The fiercer the heart, the lesser the fear. Blind passion can overtake logic. A cold heart is as fierce as as a warm heart when it comes to strong desire.

    Games serve as an action tool to overcome logic and places the playing field mid chest. True hypnosis is done with the heart, on a personal level or on a cultural level. It's the paradox of the unexpected, clever and creative over powering the expected and linear.

  43. Just think of Egypt.

  44. You can't rely on logic for everything, if i did that i couldn't leach of people or sell stolen goods could i? I'd be thinking, well i wouldn't like if someone stole my xbox, you need to make your own logic, and if something conflicts make a new one.

  45. When i was thirteen i had to go to anger management for hitting my cousin with a golf club. The councilwoman didn't like me to begin with, there was a guy banging his head on the wall outside her office, i said to her, "lets hope i don't end up like that weirdo" she glared at me over her glasses, supposedly it was her friend. Anyways she put me on meds to stop me from getting angry, i stopped taking them after two days, i was forced to go back again, i was pissed off this time at the uptight bitch, we sat down and i wanted to get a reaction from her, so i said "I'm having these awful thoughts" she said "what kind of thoughts" I told her "I'm thinking of murdering my family" i fucked up because she said she was going to report that to the police, i quickly told her it was a joke and talked my way out of it, i made her promise me that she wouldn't say anything, it wasn't worth the reaction to say the least.

  46. I'll take affection over "love" any day.

    It's as if I've been brainwashed by society into thinking that it is this ideal state of being, when it's just a mix of chemicals and sometimes emotional bonds to extreme degrees. It cannot physically last, the chemical (the most "felt") sensation cannot be physically maintained for longer than a few years. Anything else is tolerating the other person and relying on emotional bonds.

    It's a form of psychosis that's looked upon into a positive light. A torrent of emotions and chemicals that destroy rational thought and logic.

    But damn, it sure can be fun.

  47. Steve is no longer with us.

    wv: nomerse

    Damn Right

  48. Did he Died?

    People shouldn't ask then if they're just gonna turn around and say it's just a bunch of chemicals. That's a given.
    The discussion is silly since everyone defines it according to their past experiences anyway. It's probably the most tedious thing to talk about. Hence why i didn't answer Res. Who am I to say what, how or why? I simply can't be bothered...
    And yet i could be bothered to write a long thing about how I can't be bothered...yep.
    brain and identity meltdown in action.

    wv. bus crug ??

  49. I'm using the scientific definition of love, loosely. I do understand actual facts can be tedious to read, as making up whatever you like from your own experiences or fantasies can be vastly more satisfying. It doesn't make them right, though.

    Suddenly I have the urge to kick the first hippie chick I meet in the uterus and steal her weed.

  50. charming Note~

    like i said...can't be bothered.
    i'm a hybrid hippie/whatever you want me to be. Just don't kick me in the uterus cos i'll kick you in your delicate area first.

    :P no joke.

  51. Wasn't it?

    You don't seem too bothered at the prospect of losing your weed. Curious.

  52. Fine, you can keep your weed. You don't seem too bothered by it. I'll just take your ID and other plastic. At least you'll miss those/be annoyed they have to be replaced :P

  53. Note, you're in an especially pilfering mood tonight. What's up?

    wv cuped

  54. "But reciprocal love *and* caring is, I'd wager, most people's ideal for the most part of their lives."

    This kind of ideal love comes with shared experiences over a long period of time. Patience has much to do with obtaining this kind of love, I would imagine.

    Most people I have come into contact with, who I believe are empathy-challenged (for lack of a better way to put it) have little patience, or they don't understand the beauty of the process of obtaining such a connection.

  55. notme, I'm not sure.

    Anon, I'm patient if I think the person is worth it. If you have experience with empathy challenged people that don't have patience for you, perhaps the issue is not theirs, but yours.

  56. Absolutely. These particular hand picked gems are not worth it. I have become comfortable lowering my expectations because the end result is predictable, and therefore safe.

  57. I'm just looking for someone who will give an opinion of the way i am, as i believe many people have attested to on this blog self analyzation can be difficult. Before finding this site i just thought i was good at manipulating people, when people asked me about how i could get away so much i would always explain it as thus "It's not about what your actually doing, it's all about what you make people see that your doing. Make them think they want what you want". I know that this may be a bit ambiguous but i'm sure someone on here can relate to that. I have friends, and can care about people. As long as they have something to offer. I was in a long term relationship with a pretty average girl and was basically using her for physical gratification. When situations changed, we split. She still loves me and i am self admittedly extremely calm about it. I guess i kind of thought that everybody was like this, to some degree. If you ask anybody at my school i'm charismatic, funny and will be the first person to help you out if i can. But i do so to further my own goals, i'm nice because it's easier to get things when people like you and i'll help people so that they owe me. I can insult, persuade or cause guilt by making indirect comments that most would never know where meant for that. I'm highly cautious with my manipulations, and i always have an out. I feel that i can relate to sociopaths (to varying degrees, i've only ever met one other person who can see my actions for what they really are. We have a mutually beneficial friendship but it's more of a pact because neither of us wants to have to deal with the other one on the playing field. Guess im wanting opinions

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